,sentence.ts,sentence.sentence,,word.ts,word.word,word.letter,word.category 207,"2022-09-15 00:20:47","It is a bitter pill to swallow.",96,"2022-06-16 12:25:42","a bitter pill to swallow",A,"a bit depressing ... a blank cheque" 208,"2022-09-15 00:20:47","Talk about a bitter pill to swallow.",96,"2022-06-16 12:25:42","a bitter pill to swallow",A,"a bit depressing ... a blank cheque" 209,"2022-09-15 00:20:47","For the filmmakers, this is undoubtedly a bitter pill to swallow.",96,"2022-06-16 12:25:42","a bitter pill to swallow",A,"a bit depressing ... a blank cheque" 210,"2022-09-15 00:20:47","For his legions of fans, that may be a bitter pill to swallow.",96,"2022-06-16 12:25:42","a bitter pill to swallow",A,"a bit depressing ... a blank cheque" 211,"2022-09-15 00:21:51","Asking the electorate to write a blank cheque is fraudulent - and will not work.",100,"2022-06-16 12:25:42","a blank cheque",A,"a bit depressing ... a blank cheque" 212,"2022-09-15 00:21:51","He gave the army a blank cheque to spend whatever was needed.",100,"2022-06-16 12:25:42","a blank cheque",A,"a bit depressing ... a blank cheque" 213,"2022-09-15 00:21:51","In return, the electorate looks ready to gamble on giving her a blank cheque.",100,"2022-06-16 12:25:42","a blank cheque",A,"a bit depressing ... a blank cheque" 214,"2022-09-15 00:21:51","I have not been able to sign players with a blank cheque.",100,"2022-06-16 12:25:42","a blank cheque",A,"a bit depressing ... a blank cheque" 215,"2022-09-15 00:21:51","But we are not giving them a blank cheque.",100,"2022-06-16 12:25:42","a blank cheque",A,"a bit depressing ... a blank cheque" 216,"2022-09-15 00:21:51","Once such a blank cheque is issued, where does the censorship end?",100,"2022-06-16 12:25:42","a blank cheque",A,"a bit depressing ... a blank cheque" 217,"2022-09-15 00:21:51","Taxpayers will still be writing a blank cheque.",100,"2022-06-16 12:25:42","a blank cheque",A,"a bit depressing ... a blank cheque" 218,"2022-09-15 00:21:51","The amateur planners will be given a blank cheque.",100,"2022-06-16 12:25:42","a blank cheque",A,"a bit depressing ... a blank cheque" 219,"2022-09-15 00:22:04","But she would rather have gone out in a blaze of glory.",101,"2022-06-16 12:25:52","a blaze of glory",A,"a blaze of glory ... a chip on your shoulder" 220,"2022-09-15 00:22:04","He made it clear that he wanted to go out in a blaze of glory and he did.",101,"2022-06-16 12:25:52","a blaze of glory",A,"a blaze of glory ... a chip on your shoulder" 221,"2022-09-15 00:22:04","You probably won't go out in a blaze of glory.",101,"2022-06-16 12:25:52","a blaze of glory",A,"a blaze of glory ... a chip on your shoulder" 222,"2022-09-15 00:22:04","But Blackpool fans were hoping their team would at least go down in a blaze of glory.",101,"2022-06-16 12:25:52","a blaze of glory",A,"a blaze of glory ... a chip on your shoulder" 223,"2022-09-15 00:22:04","I yearn to go out in a blaze of glory.",101,"2022-06-16 12:25:52","a blaze of glory",A,"a blaze of glory ... a chip on your shoulder" 224,"2022-09-15 00:22:11","A bleeding heart in a pink silk shirt, Schumacher muttered to himself disdainfully.",102,"2022-06-16 12:25:52","a bleeding heart",A,"a blaze of glory ... a chip on your shoulder" 225,"2022-09-15 00:22:11","Sails were set under a dazzling crimson sun the superstitious crews on both ships solemnly described as red as a bleeding heart.",102,"2022-06-16 12:25:52","a bleeding heart",A,"a blaze of glory ... a chip on your shoulder" 226,"2022-09-15 00:22:11","These bleeding heart liberals are just as culpable as those who took part.",102,"2022-06-16 12:25:52","a bleeding heart",A,"a blaze of glory ... a chip on your shoulder" 227,"2022-09-15 00:22:50","But there comes a time when such self-interest is a blind alley.",104,"2022-06-16 12:25:52","a blind alley",A,"a blaze of glory ... a chip on your shoulder" 228,"2022-09-15 00:22:50","Of course, when ideology eclipses common sense it leads down a blind alley.",104,"2022-06-16 12:25:52","a blind alley",A,"a blaze of glory ... a chip on your shoulder" 229,"2022-09-15 00:22:50","Such a sordid doctrine is a blind alley.",104,"2022-06-16 12:25:52","a blind alley",A,"a blaze of glory ... a chip on your shoulder" 230,"2022-09-15 00:22:50","The prevailing academic orthodoxy has to be recognised as a blind alley.",104,"2022-06-16 12:25:52","a blind alley",A,"a blaze of glory ... a chip on your shoulder" 231,"2022-09-15 00:22:50","So why not admit that this has been a blind alley?",104,"2022-06-16 12:25:52","a blind alley",A,"a blaze of glory ... a chip on your shoulder" 232,"2022-09-15 00:22:50","He turned one way, then another, and found himself in a blind alley.",104,"2022-06-16 12:25:52","a blind alley",A,"a blaze of glory ... a chip on your shoulder" 233,"2022-09-15 00:22:50","I find myself peering wide-eyed around each corner to see if it's a blind alley or a promising new path.",104,"2022-06-16 12:25:52","a blind alley",A,"a blaze of glory ... a chip on your shoulder" 234,"2022-09-15 00:22:50","The ' five a day' campaign was intended to cut cancer rates, but it's been a blind alley.",104,"2022-06-16 12:25:52","a blind alley",A,"a blaze of glory ... a chip on your shoulder" 235,"2022-09-15 00:23:06","Apps and texts are a blind spot, however.",105,"2022-06-16 12:25:52","a blind spot",A,"a blaze of glory ... a chip on your shoulder" 236,"2022-09-15 00:23:06","His economic analysis had a blind spot - the financial sector.",105,"2022-06-16 12:25:52","a blind spot",A,"a blaze of glory ... a chip on your shoulder" 237,"2022-09-15 00:23:06","Yet on paying tax we appear to have a blind spot.",105,"2022-06-16 12:25:52","a blind spot",A,"a blaze of glory ... a chip on your shoulder" 238,"2022-09-15 00:23:06","There is a blind spot in government about such public data businesses.",105,"2022-06-16 12:25:52","a blind spot",A,"a blaze of glory ... a chip on your shoulder" 239,"2022-09-15 00:23:06","But to you - it is still a blind spot.",105,"2022-06-16 12:25:52","a blind spot",A,"a blaze of glory ... a chip on your shoulder" 240,"2022-09-15 00:23:06","British justice has developed a blind spot for the feelings of victims.",105,"2022-06-16 12:25:52","a blind spot",A,"a blaze of glory ... a chip on your shoulder" 241,"2022-09-15 00:23:06","Isn't it odd how religion is such a blind spot for right-on producers.",105,"2022-06-16 12:25:52","a blind spot",A,"a blaze of glory ... a chip on your shoulder" 242,"2022-09-15 00:23:06","He acknowledges that missing the 1960s left him with a blind spot.",105,"2022-06-16 12:25:52","a blind spot",A,"a blaze of glory ... a chip on your shoulder" 243,"2022-09-15 00:23:38","Others consider it a blot on the landscape that needs to be demolished.",107,"2022-06-16 12:25:52","a blot on the landscape",A,"a blaze of glory ... a chip on your shoulder" 244,"2022-09-15 00:23:38","A blot on the landscape or excellent green energy?",107,"2022-06-16 12:25:52","a blot on the landscape",A,"a blaze of glory ... a chip on your shoulder" 245,"2022-09-15 00:23:38","Are polytunnels a blot on the landscape?",107,"2022-06-16 12:25:52","a blot on the landscape",A,"a blaze of glory ... a chip on your shoulder" 246,"2022-09-15 00:23:38","Now they think it's a blot on the landscape.",107,"2022-06-16 12:25:52","a blot on the landscape",A,"a blaze of glory ... a chip on your shoulder" 247,"2022-09-15 00:23:38","Now you're talking about a blot on the landscape that could disappear overnight without a murmur of lament, at least from me.",107,"2022-06-16 12:25:52","a blot on the landscape",A,"a blaze of glory ... a chip on your shoulder" 248,"2022-09-15 00:23:38","Alongside the historical pedigree and grandiose scale of the building there is a blot on the landscape.",107,"2022-06-16 12:25:52","a blot on the landscape",A,"a blaze of glory ... a chip on your shoulder" 249,"2022-09-15 00:23:38","As well as requiring a new access road, it would be visible from the surrounding hills and be a blot on the landscape.",107,"2022-06-16 12:25:52","a blot on the landscape",A,"a blaze of glory ... a chip on your shoulder" 250,"2022-09-15 00:23:38","Hundreds of neighbours have signed a protest petition branding it a ' monstrosity' and a 'blot on the landscape'.",107,"2022-06-16 12:25:52","a blot on the landscape",A,"a blaze of glory ... a chip on your shoulder" 251,"2022-09-15 00:24:01","It was a 'body blow to the thousands of non-religious head teachers and teachers'.",108,"2022-06-16 12:25:52","a body blow",A,"a blaze of glory ... a chip on your shoulder" 252,"2022-09-15 00:24:01","Commentators described the move as a 'body blow' to savers.",108,"2022-06-16 12:25:52","a body blow",A,"a blaze of glory ... a chip on your shoulder" 253,"2022-09-15 00:24:01","A body blow for player, club and country.",108,"2022-06-16 12:25:52","a body blow",A,"a blaze of glory ... a chip on your shoulder" 254,"2022-09-15 00:24:01","It's outrageous, appalling, a body blow to democracy.",108,"2022-06-16 12:25:52","a body blow",A,"a blaze of glory ... a chip on your shoulder" 255,"2022-09-15 00:24:01","Defence corporate morale, which has been fragile for some time, would take a body blow.",108,"2022-06-16 12:25:52","a body blow",A,"a blaze of glory ... a chip on your shoulder" 256,"2022-09-15 00:24:01","His loss, even for six months, will be a body blow for a firm already feeling the pinch of recession.",108,"2022-06-16 12:25:52","a body blow",A,"a blaze of glory ... a chip on your shoulder" 257,"2022-09-15 00:24:01","The discoveries of scholarship and science that dealt such a body blow to the religion from the 19th century onwards cannot be reversed.",108,"2022-06-16 12:25:52","a body blow",A,"a blaze of glory ... a chip on your shoulder" 258,"2022-09-15 00:24:01","But that in turn will partly depend on the general economic climate of ' confidence', which has taken a 'body blow' from the downgrade.",108,"2022-06-16 12:25:52","a body blow",A,"a blaze of glory ... a chip on your shoulder" 259,"2022-09-15 00:24:01","Their approach could be a body blow to partial, idiosyncratic and subjective literary criticism and to innumerate or illogical scholars.",108,"2022-06-16 12:25:52","a body blow",A,"a blaze of glory ... a chip on your shoulder" 260,"2022-09-15 00:24:01","If that recovery stalls amid shopfloor acrimony, it will be a body blow for the wider economy as it limps out of recession.",108,"2022-06-16 12:25:52","a body blow",A,"a blaze of glory ... a chip on your shoulder" 261,"2022-09-15 00:24:21","It wasn't a feeling that said This is a bolt from the blue.",109,"2022-06-16 12:25:52","a bolt from the blue",A,"a blaze of glory ... a chip on your shoulder" 262,"2022-09-15 00:24:21","It wasn't a look that said This is a bolt from the blue, Mr Hinney.",109,"2022-06-16 12:25:52","a bolt from the blue",A,"a blaze of glory ... a chip on your shoulder" 263,"2022-09-15 00:24:21","Charlie's call this morning had come as a bolt from the blue.",109,"2022-06-16 12:25:52","a bolt from the blue",A,"a blaze of glory ... a chip on your shoulder" 264,"2022-09-15 00:24:50","Anything put clearly in writing is less likely to become a bone of contention.",111,"2022-06-16 12:25:52","a bone of contention",A,"a blaze of glory ... a chip on your shoulder" 265,"2022-09-15 00:24:50","That seems to be the main bone of contention in this childhood classic.",111,"2022-06-16 12:25:52","a bone of contention",A,"a blaze of glory ... a chip on your shoulder" 266,"2022-09-15 00:24:50","The high-pitched wail made by the cars at speed is another bone of contention.",111,"2022-06-16 12:25:52","a bone of contention",A,"a blaze of glory ... a chip on your shoulder" 267,"2022-09-15 00:24:50","Their main bone of contention is the qualification process, which they consider manifestly unfair and skewed against them.",111,"2022-06-16 12:25:52","a bone of contention",A,"a blaze of glory ... a chip on your shoulder" 268,"2022-09-15 00:24:50","This has been a serious bone of contention at home.",111,"2022-06-16 12:25:52","a bone of contention",A,"a blaze of glory ... a chip on your shoulder" 269,"2022-09-15 00:25:09","Africa does not exist as a bottomless pit for aid and charity.",112,"2022-06-16 12:25:52","a bottomless pit v-link PHR, PHR after v",A,"a blaze of glory ... a chip on your shoulder" 270,"2022-09-15 00:25:09","But there is no bottomless pit.",112,"2022-06-16 12:25:52","a bottomless pit v-link PHR, PHR after v",A,"a blaze of glory ... a chip on your shoulder" 271,"2022-09-15 00:25:09","Her needs felt like a bottomless pit.",112,"2022-06-16 12:25:52","a bottomless pit v-link PHR, PHR after v",A,"a blaze of glory ... a chip on your shoulder" 272,"2022-09-15 00:25:09","It is a bottomless pit.",112,"2022-06-16 12:25:52","a bottomless pit v-link PHR, PHR after v",A,"a blaze of glory ... a chip on your shoulder" 273,"2022-09-15 00:25:09","Of course, he is just the pinnacle of an apparently bottomless pit of brilliance.",112,"2022-06-16 12:25:52","a bottomless pit v-link PHR, PHR after v",A,"a blaze of glory ... a chip on your shoulder" 274,"2022-09-15 00:25:09","The Walker money was not a bottomless pit and the fan base was not big enough to sustain a place at the very top.",112,"2022-06-16 12:25:52","a bottomless pit v-link PHR, PHR after v",A,"a blaze of glory ... a chip on your shoulder" 275,"2022-09-15 00:25:09","This is not a bottomless pit of free cash.",112,"2022-06-16 12:25:52","a bottomless pit v-link PHR, PHR after v",A,"a blaze of glory ... a chip on your shoulder" 276,"2022-09-15 00:25:09","We do not have a bottomless pit and paying these costs would take money away from other priorities.",112,"2022-06-16 12:25:52","a bottomless pit v-link PHR, PHR after v",A,"a blaze of glory ... a chip on your shoulder" 277,"2022-09-15 00:25:09","Yes, the overseas budget can be a bottomless pit.",112,"2022-06-16 12:25:52","a bottomless pit v-link PHR, PHR after v",A,"a blaze of glory ... a chip on your shoulder" 278,"2022-09-15 00:25:26","Then he turned and stumbled out to get a breath of fresh air.",113,"2022-06-16 12:25:52","a breath of fresh air",A,"a blaze of glory ... a chip on your shoulder" 279,"2022-09-15 00:25:26","After the stuffy conversation we have at our dinner table this is like a breath of fresh air.",113,"2022-06-16 12:25:52","a breath of fresh air",A,"a blaze of glory ... a chip on your shoulder" 280,"2022-09-15 00:25:26","Ian thought the open spaces would be good for Leanne, a breath of fresh air, that maybe she was just getting claustrophobic in the car.",113,"2022-06-16 12:25:52","a breath of fresh air",A,"a blaze of glory ... a chip on your shoulder" 281,"2022-09-15 00:25:51","Who will prove to be a bright spark?",114,"2022-06-16 12:25:52","a bright spark",A,"a blaze of glory ... a chip on your shoulder" 282,"2022-09-15 00:25:51","Then a bright spark in the row behind recognised him.",114,"2022-06-16 12:25:52","a bright spark",A,"a blaze of glory ... a chip on your shoulder" 283,"2022-09-15 00:25:51","I think you must be a bright spark.",114,"2022-06-16 12:25:52","a bright spark",A,"a blaze of glory ... a chip on your shoulder" 284,"2022-09-15 00:25:51","But he was also a bright spark, voracious reader and knowledge junkie.",114,"2022-06-16 12:25:52","a bright spark",A,"a blaze of glory ... a chip on your shoulder" 285,"2022-09-15 00:25:51","She is simply a joy, a bright spark in dark times.",114,"2022-06-16 12:25:52","a bright spark",A,"a blaze of glory ... a chip on your shoulder" 286,"2022-09-15 00:25:51","This pockmarked place must have seen many a bright spark.",114,"2022-06-16 12:25:52","a bright spark",A,"a blaze of glory ... a chip on your shoulder" 287,"2022-09-15 00:25:51","Women's tennis has lost a bright spark.",114,"2022-06-16 12:25:52","a bright spark",A,"a blaze of glory ... a chip on your shoulder" 288,"2022-09-15 00:25:51","Signing up will take less than a minute, so be a bright spark and show the energy firms that ordinary consumers have the real power.",114,"2022-06-16 12:25:52","a bright spark",A,"a blaze of glory ... a chip on your shoulder" 289,"2022-09-15 00:25:51","Then, in 1494, a bright spark suggested making the ritual go with a bang by adding fireworks to the cart.",114,"2022-06-16 12:25:52","a bright spark",A,"a blaze of glory ... a chip on your shoulder" 290,"2022-09-15 00:25:56","No other sport, surely, can command such a broad church of literature.",115,"2022-06-16 12:25:52","a broad church",A,"a blaze of glory ... a chip on your shoulder" 291,"2022-09-15 00:25:56","Another case for a broad church, perhaps.",115,"2022-06-16 12:25:52","a broad church",A,"a blaze of glory ... a chip on your shoulder" 292,"2022-09-15 00:25:56","The trouble is, the word covers such a broad church.",115,"2022-06-16 12:25:52","a broad church",A,"a blaze of glory ... a chip on your shoulder" 293,"2022-09-15 00:25:56","English football is a broad church, especially at board level.",115,"2022-06-16 12:25:52","a broad church",A,"a blaze of glory ... a chip on your shoulder" 294,"2022-09-15 00:25:56","But, because it's such a broad church, keeping everyone happy is difficult.",115,"2022-06-16 12:25:52","a broad church",A,"a blaze of glory ... a chip on your shoulder" 295,"2022-09-15 00:25:56","It's supposed to be a broad church.",115,"2022-06-16 12:25:52","a broad church",A,"a blaze of glory ... a chip on your shoulder" 296,"2022-09-15 00:25:56","It was, he contended, a broad church, and 'you think like us'.",115,"2022-06-16 12:25:52","a broad church",A,"a blaze of glory ... a chip on your shoulder" 297,"2022-09-15 00:25:56","But the subject is a broad church.",115,"2022-06-16 12:25:52","a broad church",A,"a blaze of glory ... a chip on your shoulder" 298,"2022-09-15 00:26:04","You can't die of a broken heart.",116,"2022-06-16 12:25:52","a broken heart",A,"a blaze of glory ... a chip on your shoulder" 299,"2022-09-15 00:26:04","On seeing a mirror, he dies of a broken heart.",116,"2022-06-16 12:25:52","a broken heart",A,"a blaze of glory ... a chip on your shoulder" 300,"2022-09-15 00:26:04","But the good news is that time really does heal a broken heart.",116,"2022-06-16 12:25:52","a broken heart",A,"a blaze of glory ... a chip on your shoulder" 301,"2022-09-15 00:26:04","It's the financial aspects of splitting up that upset you, not a broken heart.",116,"2022-06-16 12:25:52","a broken heart",A,"a blaze of glory ... a chip on your shoulder" 302,"2022-09-15 00:26:04","Unless, of course, you like the acrid smell of a broken heart.",116,"2022-06-16 12:25:52","a broken heart",A,"a blaze of glory ... a chip on your shoulder" 303,"2022-09-15 00:26:04","The cause of death was said to be a broken heart.",116,"2022-06-16 12:25:52","a broken heart",A,"a blaze of glory ... a chip on your shoulder" 304,"2022-09-15 00:26:04","If not, my leaflet on mending a broken heart will help.",116,"2022-06-16 12:25:52","a broken heart",A,"a blaze of glory ... a chip on your shoulder" 305,"2022-09-15 00:26:04","Those who knew her disagreed; they said she had died of a broken heart.",116,"2022-06-16 12:25:52","a broken heart",A,"a blaze of glory ... a chip on your shoulder" 306,"2022-09-15 00:26:04","Lifelong partners have died of a broken heart shortly after being split up.",116,"2022-06-16 12:25:52","a broken heart",A,"a blaze of glory ... a chip on your shoulder"