,property.ts,property.address,property.price,property.description, 101,"2017-12-13 02:19:46","ALVEAR AV. al 2000, Provino - Resistencia, Chaco",,"CASA (REGULAR ESTADO DE MANTENIMIENTO - DESOCUPADA 10 AÑOS)- TECHOS DE TEJAS FRANCESAS, PISOS EN LIVING-COMEDOR DE MARMOL.- ARRIBA DE LA COCHERA, 1 DPTO. DOS HABITACIONES CON UN BAÑO.- PEQUEÑO PATIO CON PARRILLA.- UBICACION EN ESQUINA, DONDE COMIENZA EL BARRIO PROVINICAS UNIDADAS, Y DESPUES SIGUE EL BARRIO FOECYT.- >ESTRATEGICA ESQUINA - POR SU UBICACION ES IDEAL PARA DESTINO "" COMERCIAL O PROFESIONAL """"", 102,"2017-12-13 02:19:49","CAMPIAS C. al 600, Villa Pegoraro - Resistencia, Chaco",,"CASA ECONOMICA; UN DORMIT., COMEDOR, COCINA Y BAÑO, TECHO DE LOSA; Y UNA HABITACION TECHO DE CINC, SIN CIELORRASO.- A LA CASA LE FALTA UN MANTENIMIENTO GENERAL.-", 103,"2017-12-13 02:19:51","AMEGHINO F. al 500, Microcentro - Resistencia, Chaco",,"CONFORTABLE VIVIENDA - SOBRE GRAN TERRENO - >EL TAMAÑO TERRENO Y POR SU RELACIÓN DE FRENTE / FONDO 15X40 MTS ES MUY APTO PARA CONSTRUCCIONES EN ALTURA - ZONA NO INUNDABLE - A 50 METROS NUEVA PLAZA ESPAÑA EN ACTUAL REFACCIÓN TOTAL A 400 MTS DE PEATONAL Y SIMILAR DISTANCIA DE LA U.N.N.E. >SE ACEPTA PERMUTA POR,;DEPTOS DE 1 - 2 y 3 AMBIENTES YA CONSTRUIDOS", 104,"2017-12-13 02:19:53","Av. VELEZ SARFIELD al 700, Macrocentro - Resistencia, Chaco",,"CONSULTAR DISPONIBILIDAD DE UNIDADES EDIFICIO RIEVIERE - ES UNA MODERNA TORRE CON ESTRATEGICA UBICACION - MUY CERCA DEL MICRO CENTRO Y RODEADA DE GRANDES ESPACIOS VERDES RECORRIDOS POR UN CURSO DE AGUA > DEPTOS DE 3 AMBIENTES CON 2 ASCENSORES Y 2 NIVELES DE COCHERAS ->30% DE ENTREGA CON FINANCIACION, CONSULTAR!", 105,"2017-12-13 02:19:58","RUTA NICOLAS AVELLANEDA al 100, Monte Alto - Resistencia, Chaco",,"IMPORTANTE FRACCION SOBRE NUEVA AUTOVÍA ENTRE CHACO Y CTES. - A SOLO 200 MTS DE EST. DE SERV. YPF FILIAL A.C.A. Y 1000 MTS. DEL PEAJE PUENTE CHACO CORRIENTES - ZONA DE ALTO TRAFICO VEHICULAR (15.000 POR DIA) - SE PUEDE ANEXAR LINDERA (PARCELA Nº17 SUP.21.746 Mts2) a razon de U$S 10 x mt. VER PLANO 20-173-72 APROBADO POR CATASTRO", 106,"2017-12-13 02:19:58","16 al 100, Macrocentro - Resistencia, Chaco",,">Sorprendente terreno ubicado en una zona excepcional y una vista impresionante del Rio Negro; ademas con frente sobre Ruta nacional Nº 16 Km 19 y flamante autovía Sobre este parcela de 24.700m2 se pueden construir megaproyectos - Hotel tipo Holiday Inn y/o urbanización para residencias ademas de Casas Quintas .- Ponemos a disposición de los interesados proyecto para construcción y de urbanización.- Posee 120m2 de costa sobre el Rio Negro; muy buena altimetría.- A SOLO 2.000 MTS DE LA ROTONDA DONNET Y CRUCE CON RUTA INTERNACIONAL N°11- Bs.As. >Paraguay LINDERO A CLUBES Y VARIOS EMPRENDIMIENTOS PRIVADOS - POSEE UNA CALLE LATERAL ENTRE EL CLUB SMATA - EL INMUEBLE SE ENTREGA TOTALMENTE DESMALEZADO PRESERVANDO LOS ARBOLES MAS IMPORTANTES - **SE ACEPTAN AUTOS DE ALTA GAMA Y/O PROPIEDADES EN RCIA.- CTES- O CAPITAL FEDERAL TAMBIEN SE RECIBEN VACUNOS Y O CAMPO.-TERRENO DE FORMA IRREGULAR (VER PLANO)", 107,"2017-12-13 02:20:00","Av. San Martin Barrranqueraass al 5500, Barranqueras, Chaco",,"COMENTARIOS ADICIONALES SOBRE CADA PARCELA Pc. 9 Sobre Av.San Martín con 105 metros sobre pavimento. Pc. 11 46 metros sobre pavimento y un lateral sobre calle publica. Pc. 12 105 metros sobre pavimento y dos laterales sobre calle publica. Pc. 13 105 metros sobre pavimento un lateral sobre calle publica y servidumbre de paso a San B. del M. Alto. Pc. 16 Con 53 metros sobre pavimento Av. San Martin y un lateral sobre calle publica con forma de triangulo. Pc. 18 505 metros sobre Av. San Martín, lateral sobre calle publica dentro de la defensa con canal que cruza. Pc. 20 56 has únicas## con acc. desde Av. San Martin Bras.- tiene tambien borde sobre Rio Negro que permite salida al Rio Parana x Club Náutico Barranqueras Pc. 39 Con 11 mts de frente sobre colectora Nva. autovía Nicolás Avellaneda y 244 metros linderos de medianera con estacion A.C.A *YPF.prox. rotonda Puente Chaco-Corrientes SE PUEDEN RECIBIR INMUEBLES DE MENOR VALOR Y/O DEPTO EN RCIA -BAIRES CONJUNTO DE PARCELAS MUY IMPORTANTES A POCOS MTS. DE LA ROTONDA DE ACCESO A EL PTE. GRAL. BELGRANO SOBRE AV. SAN MARTIN BARRANQUERAS - CON ILUMINACIÓN DE MERCURIO RECIENTE - SALVO UN PARCELA (LA Nº 20) TODAS PROTEGIDAS POR LAS DEFENSAS DEFINITIVAS (VER PLANO) LISTA DE PRECIO DE PARCELAS EN MANZANA 3 parcela-9-U$S-21.900-Vigente-sup. 7310,62m2/ a 3U$S EL M2 parcela11-U$S-18.305-Vigente-sup. 3661,64m2/ a 5U$S el m2 parcela-12-U$S-26.586-Vigente-sup. 8862,52m2/ a 3U$S el m2 parcela-13-U$S-28.914-Vigente-sup. 9638,47m2/ a 3U$S el m2 LISTA DE PRECIOS MANZANA 4 parcela-18-U$S-214.000-Vigente-sup 71.400m2- us3, el m2 (con 500 mts sobre pavimento) parcela-20-U$S-760.000-Vigente-Sup 56 has. c/acc al Rio Negro -39--Vendida-sup. 9990,5m2/ -37--Vendida-sup. 4364m2/", 108,"2017-12-13 02:20:06","URQUIZA LAS BREÑAS al 3000, Las Breñas, Chaco",,"LOTEO PAFIC - LAS BREÑAS -CHACO - EN LA MEJOR ZONA CON NUEVOS PAVIMENTOS Y ACCESOS A LA CIUDAD -LOTES CON TODOS LOS SERVICIOS - ***POR RESERVAS ** - HACER CONTACTO CON NUESTROS CORRESPONSALES ; EN LAS BREÑAS HÉCTOR GUTIÉRREZ Y DANIEL LUZZI REPORTARSE CON NUESTRAS OFICINAS CON Gte CARLOS LEDESMA LAS MEDIDAS Y SUPERFICIES VARIAN ENTRE 10X30 Y 12,50X25 HACER Lista de precios", 109,"2017-12-13 02:20:07","AV SARMIENTO al 2400, Resistencia, Chaco",,">LOS INVITAMOS A VISITAR NUESTRA PAGINA allí encontraras en la barra superior escrito ""máster plan"" y picando cobre el mismo aparece el plano en donde figuran la superficie total de las parcelas y sus medidas > VIVÍ TRANQUILO, NO AISLADOBalconeando el Rio Negro y sus Lagunas, dentro del casco urbano de Resistencia NACIÓ LA RIBERA ......UNA URBANIZACIÓN NAVEGABLE >Pensa en la posibilidad de trasladarte a pie, en bici, en auto,colectivo o kayak >Pensa en respirar verde, en lugar del gris urbano céntrico > NATURALEZA QUE NO SE COMPRA CON PESOS (AUNQUE LAS PARCELAS SI) >> VER LISTA en Tipo de Operación y PrecioRed Eléctrica Subterránea en toda la urbanización. "">Avenida Principal de Acceso, de Hormigón . "">Todas las calles Internas enripiadas c/cordón cuneta de hormigón (diseño único) ""> Control de acceso las 24 hs. y además, en breve se instalarán 36 cámaras de seguridad en todo el perímetro del barrio, sobre toda la ribera del río FINANCIACIÓN , entregando un 50% la Empresa Prevyl S.A. Ofrece financiaciones de hasta 12 meses con EN PESOS A VALOR DOLAR OFICIAL TIPO VENDEDOR Esta posibilidad surge ante el convencimiento de que la venta de la totalidad de las ultimas 13 parcelas, se invertirá en la ejecución de la estructura del CONDO - HOTEL gerenciado por HOWARD JHONSON >Para, una información más detallada te proponemos llamar al teléfono 3624 423696 o a los Cel. 3624-530623 o 633555 > El precio de los lotes, varia según su ubicación.hay tres TIPOS : Los lotes al río : U$S 216 x m2 Los lotes a lagunas :U$S 196 x m2 Los lotes centrales : U$S 176 x m2 CONSULTAR POR ULTIMAS 13 PARCELAS!!! >La Ribera es un revolucionario proyecto inmobiliario que hoy presentamos a Uds. como una realidad - Ubicado en la zona mas exclusiva y privilegiada donde el Río Negro dibuja un trazado en forma de herradura, Los trabajos realizados han tenido en cuenta las normas más exigentes en cuanto a preservación y mejoramiento del medio ambiente para, de esta manera, posibilitar al hombre, convivir con la naturaleza bajo reglas de mutuo respeto .*Toda la infraestructura de La Ribera fue y se está realizando con recursos propios de la Empresa Prevyl S.A. **EN BREVE //// ; GRAN PRE VENTA DEL APART- CONDO-HOTEL HOWARD JHONSON , *** Y LOCALES , OFICINAS Y COCHERAS EN CENTRO DE COMPRAS *****CONSÚLTENOS en - -", 110,"2017-12-13 02:20:12","RUTA NICOLAS AVELLANEDA al 5000, Monte Alto - Resistencia, Chaco",,"LA PARCELA 39 ES LINDERA A EST. DE SERV . ACA/YPF CON ACCESO DIRECTO AUTOVÍA NIC. AVELLANEDA - ATURA km 5 ***RELLENADO RECIENTEMENTE- *** IMPORTANTE- SE EXTRAJO TIERRA DE LA PARTE POSTERIOR PARA ELEVAR EL NIVEL ACTUAL DE LA PARC 39 - ESTA PERMITIDO POR APA es 1 PARCELA DE MEDIDAS IRREGULARES (VER PLANO) FRENTE SOBRE PAVIMENTO 11ms MEDIANERA CON EL ""A.C.A."" 120ms lateral N-O CONTRA FRENTE 115ms MEDIANERA S-E 75ms", 111,"2017-12-13 02:20:18","25 DE MAYO AV. al 2500, Toba - Resistencia, Chaco",,"EN PLENO TRIANGULO A 30 MTS DE MASCARDI Y RUTA NACIONAL 11 MEDIDAS Y SUPERFICIE IDEALES PARA DEPOSITO LA AV 25 DE MAYO PROLONGACIÓN - PRÓXIMA A PAVIMENTARSE parcela 83 de la Chacra 117", 112,"2017-12-13 02:20:25","Av. Marconi al 700, San Miguel - Resistencia, Chaco",,">A METROS DEL CRUCE DE 2 IMPORTANTES AVENIDAS (MARCONI Y HERNANDARIAS, FRENTE A ESTACION YPF) >CASA REFORMADA CON 3 AMPLIOS AMBIENTES Y 2 PRIVADOS PEQUEÑO JARDIN AL FRENTE MUY BIEN PARQUIZADO >FACILMENTE ADAPTABLE CON DESTINO COMERCIAL >ALQUILADA HASTA 30 DE AGOSTO 2015 EN $5.000 MENSUALES >ACEPTA PERMUTA POR DEPTO DE MENOS VALOR", 113,"2017-12-13 02:20:26","S. DEL ESTERO al 300, Centro - Resistencia, Chaco",,"IMPORTANTE LOCAL CON 2 DEPTOS EN P.A. , CON DOBLE ACCESO POR CALLE NECOCHEA POR EL N° 370 - A SOLO 150 MTS DEL HOTEL AMERIAN Y 350MTS DE PLAZA CENTRAL - *P.B. LOCAL SOBRE S.del ESTERO 9,95x28,36 282Mts. EN PLANTA ALTA;Con ASCENSOR Y ESCALERA 2 DEPTOS - *DEPTO A; 2 dormitorio c/ placard - amplio living - cocina comed. diario y 2baños c/2 A.A., ventiladores de techo etcc. *DEPTO B; ESTE DEPTO TIPO DUPLEX EN CONTRA FRENTE SE COMUNICA INTERNAMENTE CON EL QUINCHO Y COCHERAS y SALIDA POR CALLE NECOCHEA 370 - **posee 2 dorm. (1 en suite con vestidor) gran living - comedor -cocina - SPLIT y 2 A.A. -5 baños (3 en PA y 2 - area de servicio -en PB) con acceso independiente por calle Necochea 374; cochera p/ 2 autos, quincho c/capacidad para 15 personas / AA central, parrilla, piscina, estar, area de vestuario -", 114,"2017-12-13 02:20:27","Av. 9 DE JULIO al 2100, Macrocentro - Resistencia, Chaco",,">SOBRE Av. 9 DE JULIO - FRENTE A LA EX NOBLEX HOY MINISTERIO DE EDUCACIÓN CON 30 Mts DE FRENTE sobre av 9 de julio y calle H.Irigoyen y 100 mts. sobre calle Delfino- LAS 3 CALLES DE ESTÁN PAVIMENTADAS (SOBRE 2a ARTERIA EN IMPORTANCIA DE COMUNICACIÓN ENTRE CIUDADES DE Rcia. & BARRANQUERAS Y CORRIENTES.)POSEE AMPLIAS OFICINAS DE ADMINISTRACIÓN EN PLANTA BAJA > GRAN DEPTO. DE 3 DORMITORIOS CON DEP DE SERVICIO EN Pta.. ALTAINMUEBLE DE MEDIDAS Y CARACTERÍSTICAS ÚNICAS, > PERMITE ADAPTARLO COMO CENTRO COMERCIAL POR SUS 160 MTS DE FRENTE SOBRE LAS 3 CALLES Y DEPARTAMENTOS EN PLANTA ALTA", 115,"2017-12-13 02:20:30","CARLOS PAZ al 900, Villa Juan de Garay - Resistencia, Chaco",,"IDEAL ARA TALLER, ADEMAS EN PLANTA ALTA POSEE COMODIDADES PARA OFICINA Y/O VIVIENDA - ESTE SECTOR DE 110X10 TIENE LOSA DE HORMIGON (VER FOTOS) TIENE 2 ACCESOS", 116,"2017-12-13 02:20:34","BORGATTI PADRE al 1000, Corrientes, Corrientes",,, 117,"2017-12-13 02:20:39","Colombia al 1300, Corrientes, Corrientes",,, 118,"2017-12-13 02:20:42","General Paz y Brasil, Corrientes, Corrientes",,, 119,"2017-12-13 02:20:46","costanera al al 800, Corrientes, Corrientes",,, 120,"2017-12-13 02:20:47","MORENO al 100, Corrientes, Corrientes",,, 121,"2017-12-13 02:20:51","SARMIENTO al 1000, Corrientes, Corrientes",,, 122,"2017-12-13 02:20:58","maipu al 100, Corrientes, Corrientes",,, 123,"2017-12-13 02:20:59","pasaje ortiz al 1400, Corrientes, Corrientes",,, 124,"2017-12-13 02:21:04","Av . Tomas Sta Coloma al 100, Paso de la Patria, Corrientes",,, 125,"2017-12-13 02:21:10","1000 viviendas al 1000, Corrientes, Corrientes",,, 126,"2017-12-13 02:21:15","Poncho Verde al 1900, Corrientes, Corrientes",,, 127,"2017-12-13 02:21:15","25 de mayo al 100, Corrientes, Corrientes",,, 128,"2017-12-13 02:21:20","Pago Largo al 1200, Corrientes, Corrientes",,, 129,"2017-12-13 02:21:20","QUEVEDO al 100, Corrientes, Corrientes",,, 130,"2017-12-13 02:21:27","PELLEGRINI al 2100, Corrientes, Corrientes",,, 131,"2017-12-13 02:21:30","AVENIDA 3 DE ABRIL al 1000, Corrientes, Corrientes",,, 132,"2017-12-13 02:21:33","QUEVEDO al 100, Corrientes, Corrientes",,, 133,"2017-12-13 02:21:36","calle 25 de mayo al 100, Corrientes, Corrientes",,, 134,"2017-12-13 02:21:39","ROCA al 1500, Corrientes, Corrientes",,, 135,"2017-12-13 02:21:41","SAN LORENZO al 1900, Corrientes, Corrientes",,, 136,"2017-12-13 02:21:48","Zona Cabaña Don Julian al 200, Paso de la Patria, Corrientes",,"LOTE EN PASO DE LA PATRIA, A 200 MTS. DEL RÍO. CERCANO A CABAÑA DE DON JULIAN, ZONA DE ALQUILERES TURÍSTICOS. GRAN POTENCIAL Y DESARROLLOS LINDEROS.", 137,"2017-12-13 02:21:53","Santa Barbara Club de Campo, Corrientes, Corrientes",,, 138,"2017-12-13 02:21:58","maipu al 100, Corrientes, Corrientes",,, 139,"2017-12-13 02:21:59","Suipacha y Lamadrid, Corrientes, Corrientes",,, 140,"2017-12-13 02:22:04","RUTA 12 al 100, Corrientes, Corrientes",,, 141,"2017-12-13 02:22:11","Av.Libertad al 7000, Corrientes, Corrientes",,, 142,"2017-12-13 02:22:14","Santa Barbara Club de Campo, Corrientes, Corrientes",,, 143,"2017-12-13 02:22:19","Santa Ana; en el golf club al 100, Corrientes, Corrientes",,"Excelente ubicacion! Una gran oportunidad!", 144,"2017-12-13 02:22:22","Heroes Civiles al 1200, Corrientes, Corrientes",,, 145,"2017-12-13 02:22:26","loreto al 100, Corrientes, Corrientes",,, 146,"2017-12-13 02:22:33","JUNIN al 1600, Corrientes, Corrientes",,"ESPECTACULAR EQUINA A 100 MTS. PLAZA CABRAL Y 200 DE PEATONAL", 147,"2017-12-13 02:22:35","ALMIRANTE BROWN al 3000, Luján de Cuyo, Mendoza",,"CASA CON GRAN PARQUE ""CHACRAS DE CORIA"" DESARROLLADA EN UNA PLANTA (SOLO TIENE UN ESCRITORIO EN PLANTA ALTA) HALL DISTRIBUIDOR TOILETE ESTAR GENERAL LIVING COMEDOR COCINA CON DESAYUNADOR COMEDOR DE DIARIO HABITACIÓN Y BAÑO DE SERVICIO Y LAVADERO TRES DORMITORIOS (UNO EN SUITE) BAÑO GENERAL CON ANTEBAÑO GRAN GALERIA, CON PARQUE JARDIN CON PISCINA CHURRASQUERA CALEFACCIÓN CENTRAL POR RADIADORES", 148,"2017-12-13 02:22:38","HUARPES al 2100, Mendoza, Mendoza",,"Casa tipo chalecito en una planta No tiene retiro desde la calle Living comedor con piso cerámico Cocina comedor sin reciclar Baño general reciclado Dos dormitorios amplios con placares Garage para un auto Patio embaldosado En el fondo departamentito (antigüedad 35 años) constante de ambiente genral, cocinita (a instalar) y baño", 149,"2017-12-13 02:22:44","Casa en Finca Algodón, San Rafael, Mendoza",,"Ubicado dentro de la Finca Algodon Wine Estate, en un terreno de 42 mil metros, a 200 metros de la entrada, se encuentra esta lindísima casa 240 m2 de excelente construcción, donde se refaccionaron todos los pisos, baños y cocina en el año 2010. Son 4 habitaciones y dos baños dobles. La propiedad cuenta también tiene un quincho con parrilla y horno de barro con linda vista a la Sierra Pintada. Tiene una casa de encargado con galpón. Incluidas en las 3.7 hectáreas hay 1 Ha de viñas con los siguientes varietales: Malbec, Cabernet Franc y Merlot. Algodon Wine Estate Viñas del Golf está ubicado a 15 minutos de San Rafael, Mendoza, y a sólo 200 kms del centro de ski Las Leñas, Este mega proyecto agro-turístico único en su especie, ofrece a los amantes del vino y del golf 301 lotes que oscilan entre 2.000 m2 y 5 has. Con una vista inigualable hacia la Cordillera de los Andes, a 800 m sobre el nivel del mar. Algunas de sus ammenities más atractivas son: lodge de nivel internacional y su pileta de natación, restaurant galardonado, cava y bodega boutique, cancha de golf (18 hoyos) canchas de polo y court central de tenis. Propiedad subida desde el sistema inmobiliario Tokko Broker", 150,"2017-12-13 02:22:46","LA PAMPA al 100, Mendoza, Mendoza",,"Importante propiedad desarrollada en dos plantas En planta baja: Recibidor Toilette Gran estar general conestufa hogar Estra comedor de diario Cocina Dependencias de servicio Jardín con gran piscina galería y vestuario de piscina En subsuelo: Doble garaje cubierto en paralelo Sector de máquinas y servicio En Planta alta: Dos dormitorios que comparten un baño general Escritorio con estufa hogar Suite con vestidor", 151,"2017-12-13 02:22:46","BOULEVARD LOS GEMELOS al 100, Mendoza, Mendoza",,"CASA A ESTRENAR, DESARROLLADA EN DOS PLANTAS ESTAR GENERAL TOILETE DE RECEPCIÓN COCINA CON LAVADERO DORMITORIO EN SUITE CON VESTIDOR PATIO JARDÍN COCHERA PLANTA ALTA BAÑO GENERAL DOS DORMITORIOS TERRAZA LA CASA LE ESTAN TERMINANDO LOS DETALLES QUE SE VEN EN LAS FOTOS, VA CON RIEGO POR ASPERSIÓN, CALEFACCIÓN CENTRAL POR RADIADORES Y ESTRUCTURA EN COCHERA", 152,"2017-12-13 02:22:53","GUARDIA VIEJA al 100, Luján de Cuyo, Mendoza",,"CASA DESARROLLADA EN UNA PLANTA ESTAR GENERAL COCINA CON DESAYUNADOR COCHERA PARA DOS AUTOS DOS DORMITORIOS DOS BAÑOS (UNO CON HIDRO Y DUCHA SEPARADA) GRAN JARDÍN CON PISCINA (2.70 METROS DE PROFUNDIDAD CON EQUIPOS) QUINCHO CON CHURRASQUERA Y HABITACIÓN CON BAÑO", 153,"2017-12-13 02:22:54","PEDRO GOYENA al 1000, Godoy Cruz, Mendoza",,"Chalet desarrollado en una planta Estar general Cocina lineal con lavadero Tres dormitorios Baño general Garaje para un vehículo Gran jardín con piscina Depósito de herramientas", 154,"2017-12-13 02:22:58","CAYETANO SILVA al 1400, Godoy Cruz, Mendoza",,"CASA EN UNA PLANTA EXCEPTO UNA HABITACIÓN EN P.A.) estar general, cocina comedor, lavadero, baño completo, tres dormitorios, (uno en suite), baño general , cochera para dos vehículos techado, jardín piscina , quincho con churrasquera. En planta alta: escritorio y terraza. Pueden recibir alguna permuta por departamento por 50 % del valor", 155,"2017-12-13 02:23:00","MARTINEZ DE ROSAS al 700, Centro Provincia, Mendoza",,"Casas desarrolada en dos plantas En planta baja: Retiro al frente Estar general Escritorio Cocina comedor Depèndencias Toilette Garage para un auto Patio jardin En Planta alta; tres dormitorios Baño general Gran terraza", 156,"2017-12-13 02:23:00","Casa proxima al aeropuerto, San Rafael, Mendoza",,"Excelente propiedad sobre un terreno de 2 has a solo 400 mts de la ruta y del Aeropuerto de San Rafael, y a 5 minutos del centro de San Rafael. El terreno cuenta con 100 mts de frente y 200 mts de fondo, perimetrado con álamos y 40 olivos. La casa tiene una superficie de 315 m2 cubiertos y fue construida en el año 2009, se encuentra en excelente estado de conservación, ambientes amplios y tiene todos los servicios (agua, luz y gas natural). La misma cuenta con 3 dormitorios, uno en suite con un gran baño, 3 baños en total, aire acondicionado en todas las habitaciones, cocina, living, sala de estar con estufa hogar, comedor, lavadero y cava en subsuelo. Cuenta con un patio interior cerrado, con galerías, parrilla y horno. Además dentro de la propiedad se encuentran 700 ciruelos plantados en el año 2.009 que cubren alrededor de 1 ha y varios árboles frutales que rodean la casa.   Latitud: -34,5958382006042 . Longitud: -68,4034189581871 Propiedad subida desde el sistema inmobiliario Tokko Broker", 157,"2017-12-13 02:23:07","Lote con costa al Río Atuel, San Rafael, Mendoza",,"Lote de excelente ubicación con 100 mts de costa al Río Atuel. Tiene una superficie de 11.000 m2 (1.1 ha) y acceso al mismo sobre Ruta Provincial 173, km 15.5, por servidumbre de paso. (600 mts de distancia) La distancia de la ruta hace que sea un lugar tranquilo y silencioso, ideal para el descanso. Se encuentra cerca del conocido Solar del Valle Country Club y el Bosque Aéreo EUCA. Cuenta con servicios de agua, tendido eléctrico con transformador en entrada y derecho de riego. Este lote cuenta con un proyecto aprobado para la construcción de 17 cabañas.   Latitud: -34,7788966508648 Longitud: -68,4330117702484 Propiedad subida desde el sistema inmobiliario Tokko Broker", 158,"2017-12-13 02:23:07","RENATO DELLA SANTA al 1300, Godoy Cruz, Mendoza",,"LOTE BALDIO FRENTE : 9,92M CON UN FONDO DE 49,75 M TODOS LOS SERVICOS VALOR POR METRO: U$S 153 IDAL PARA CONSTRUIR DTOS", 159,"2017-12-13 02:23:10","San Rafael, Mendoza",,"Magnífica Finca ubicada en calle de la Palmas, en la localidad de Cuadro de Benegas. Tiene 20 ha, de las cuales 13,700 ha están plantadas con Malbec, 3,300 has con uvas Syrah, una edificación con casa , con habitación para el encargado, galpón, un reservorio de agua de 7.000.000 de litros, sistema de irrigación por goteo a todo el viñedo, sistema de aspersión contra helada a aproximadamente 1/3 de los viñedos, incluyendo ductos, bombas, todo en perfecto estado de funcionamiento. Propiedad subida desde el sistema inmobiliario Tokko Broker", 160,"2017-12-13 02:23:14","NECOCHEA al 1200, Mendoza, Mendoza",,"OFICINA OESTE (CONTRAFRENTE) AMBIENTE PRINCIPAL DIVIDIDO 4X9 NO TIENE BAÑOS PRIVADO (SI TIENEN EN EL EDIFICIO BAÑOS COMPARTIDOS)", 161,"2017-12-13 02:23:17","ALBERTI Y GUIÑAZU al 100, Luján de Cuyo, Mendoza",,"LOCAL ESQUINA ACTUALMENTE ALQUILADO POR UN SUPERMERCADO FRENTE :ALBERTI: 22,20 M. FRENTE GUIÑAZU: 14,65 M. SALÓN COMERCIAL PLANTA LIBRE CON BAÑO Y PRIVADO. OTRO GALPÓN DEPOSITO CON ENTRADA DE VEHÍCULOS.", 162,"2017-12-13 02:23:21","Seeker's End, Nassau, New Providence",,"Seeker’s End is a charming Eastern Road estate property comprising of a two storey, 4 bed, 2.5 bath Main Home, with an additional two storey Guest Cottage, and two separate 3 bed Cottages with their own gated entry. The extensive grounds feature lush native landscaping, a tennis court and club house, a majestic circular driveway, and are fully walled. Seeker’s End has its own generator, split AC units upstairs, and a security/camera system. Seeker’s End is well built, fundamentally sound and simply needs the tender loving care of a new owner to restore it to its original, magnificent state! The Main Home is well laid out, and is steeped in history, class and charm. The light and airy front room leads to a dining room, then a living room, each in its own space yet in line with the open plan trend of today. The kitchen is bordered by a breakfast nook on one side, a utility kitchen on the other, and provides ample space for a modern family. Upstairs, two large north facing bedrooms have gorgeous ocean views and balcony access - the perfect spot for morning coffee or an evening nightcap! The third bedroom is currently split, making a total of four bedrooms, and there are two bathrooms, both Jack and Jill for easy accessibility. The master suite has an additional room, currently an office, which leads out to the ocean view balcony. There is an abundance of storage throughout and Seeker's End will make a great family home with its spacious rooms and well planned layout. The rustic charm and classic elements of Seeker’s End make it a must see. Modern upgrades and some renovation will make this timeless classic a fabulous home. In addition to the two acre grounds, Seeker's End has its own private beach. Located directly across the street, the walled and gated parcel has a sandy beach, perfect for launching your water toys as you explore the crystal clear azure ocean, or great just for chilling and soaking up the sun. The Guest Cottage has a self contained, 2 bedroom Apartment upstairs, while the downstairs is divided into two 1 bed efficiencies, each with its own bathrooms/kitchenettes. The Apartment has authentic wooden floors, and a practical layout – a small but functional kitchen, an open living/dinging area and a Jack and Jill bathroom shared by the two bedrooms, perfect for vacationing guests, extended family or rental tenants. Finally, we have Seeker’s End East and Seeker’s End West, two 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom cottages, sharing a separated gated entry and a generator, making them perfect income producing additions to the estate. Each unit sits on its own lot, giving each occupant their own space and privacy.", 163,"2017-12-13 02:23:21","Westridge Estates, Nassau, New Providence",,"This immaculately maintained 3 bed, 3.5 bath home is located in the well respected neighborhood of Westridge Estates in the Cable Beach area. This fully furnished, 2 storey home sits on a large 15,000 sq ft lot, is packed full of features and is absolutely turnkey. Features include travertine tiling with marble accents throughout, a splendid marble faux fireplace, and high end Michael Amini furnishings. All the wood paneling and doors are Brazilian Hardwood and the kitchen surfaces are granite. The ground floor has a grand entrance foyer with a formal living and dining area which opens on to a covered patio with a free-form pool complete with spa. Also located on the ground floor is an office and full bathroom which could be used as a fourth guest bedroom. Beyond the kitchen is a large laundry area with kitchenette which could double as nanny’s quarters. On the upper floor there are three spacious bedrooms with a lovely master suite complete with Juliet balcony. Other features include, a double garage, fully walled in lot with electric automatic gates, stainless steel gates, zoned air-conditioning, lush landscaping with many fruit trees, alarm system, CCTV security system, and tray ceilings. This is a must see home with fine finishes!", 164,"2017-12-13 02:23:22","Balmoral Townhouse, Nassau, New Providence",,"The Balmoral is the most convenient and established gated residential community located in western New Providence. Just minutes from Baha Mar, Cable Beach, Downtown, and the Airport, these luxury town-homes have been built with style. The Balmoral consists of over 100 town homes and 70 single family home sites. Professionals and families alike enjoy access to first class private club facilities, full time security, swimming pool, tennis courts, gym and gourmet market. With over 1,800 sq. ft. of total living space and 390 sq. ft. of patio space, this boldly unique and fashionable 3 bed, 2.5 bath townhouse has a contemporary modern design and offers an open living concept which is perfect for entertaining and family gatherings.", 165,"2017-12-13 02:23:27","Nassau, New Providence","BSD $1,400,000","With incredible ocean views and situated on over an acre of beautifully landscaped grounds, Tamborina offers modern day conveniences with old world Bahamian charm. Located near the eastern end of New Providence on the picturesque Eastern Road, this 3 bed, 3.5 bathroom residence is immaculately furnished to allow you appreciate the views and the surroundings. The upstairs consists of the master bedroom and bath along with the two guest bedrooms. Additional a expansive balcony provides a marvelous view and cool breeze of the sea. The kitchen is fully equipped with stainless steel appliances and butcher block countertops allowing you to either plan a quiet meal or entertain for a group of friends. The adjacent cottage known as Safi Sana, can either be used as a guest house or income producing property. With a private driveway, this 2 bedroom/3 bathroom cottage has an open plan living / dining room, kitchen and covered patio overlooking the ocean. Special features of this home include three working fireplaces, a 40 kw generator, rainwater tank, maid’s quarters and one car garage at the rear of the home.", 166,"2017-12-13 02:23:31","Paradise Island, New Providence","BSD $3,995,000","Le Caprice is a custom-built Tuscan-style two-story home, is situated on the signature 16th Fairway of the 18-hole Championship Tom Weiskopf designed Ocean Club Golf Course, within the exclusive Ocean Club Estates on Paradise Island. This 4 bedroom home was designed with two, second-floor Master suites, each with en-suite bathrooms and large walk-in closets, and access the expansive upper patio with a bar/entertainment area, plenty of seating, a pool table and tv, helping you enjoy the unobstructed views across immaculate golf fairways to the South. There are also two guest bedrooms, with their own en-suite bathrooms and poolside patio access. Other features of the house include a fitness room with a custom built climbing wall on the second floor and a double car and golf car garage with loft storage space above. The spacious, open-plan living area on the ground floor includes a chef-quality kitchen, opening up to sunny, southern-facing patios, leading to the swimming pool bordered by a beautifully landscaped garden. The adjacent contemporary style, double-volume study/library with spiral stair gives you access to an upper gallery with ocean views and offers a more secluded environment on the first and second floors. As a property owner, you'll receive full access to the Ocean Club Estates private beach club, as well as all of the facilities of Atlantis, Paradise Island and One & Only Club Resort including beaches, Aquaventure waterpark, golf course, spas and fitness facilities.", 167,"2017-12-13 02:23:38","Paradise Island, New Providence","BSD $8,900,000","""La Vista"" is situated on the Ocean Club Golf Course in the exclusive gated community of Ocean Club Estates on Paradise Island and is aptly named for its mesmerizing views of the golf course and the turquoise sea beyond. This well built and meticulously maintained 9,310 square foot luxury home sits on almost an acre of property and consists of 5 bedrooms with ensuite bathrooms, two guest bathrooms, a large and open living and dining room with views over the infinity pool and golf course, a mahogany study, a custom designed gourmet kitchen with a full Sub-zero refrigerator & freezer and Thermador dual Ovens & Hob, a casual family and dining room adjoining the kitchen, an upstairs TV room, and a large gym with spectacular and inspirational views. Other notable features of the home include travertine and mahogany floors, granite counter-tops, 12 ft ceilings, lush tropical landscaping with accent lighting, a poolside Jacuzzi, a spacious outdoor kitchen complete with a Viking Fridge and BBQ, Lumens lighting system, Total Home Control System integrated with audio & visual throughout the house and grounds, an integrated rain water collection and purification system, a three car garage, and a standby generator. Enjoy the beautiful Bahamian weather and the tranquil ocean breezes while relaxing in the sparkling pool and gazing out over the immaculate golf course to the shimmering sea beyond. ""La Vista""...Paradise Found! The discerning residents of Ocean Club Estates enjoy 24 hour security, two tennis courts, the Golf Clubhouse restaurant, and The Beach Club restaurant overlooking an infinity pool on world famous Cabbage Beach. The Ocean Club Estates Membership also includes signing privileges throughout and full use of all facilities at the One and Only Ocean Club Resort and the Atlantis Resort with an optional golf membership at the world-class Tom Weiskopf designed golf course.", 168,"2017-12-13 02:23:42","Paradise Island, New Providence","BSD $7,795,000","Take advantage of this unique opportunity to own one of the best building plots in Ocean Club Estates. Comprised of two acres on the tip of a quiet peninsula, this phenomenal property boasts spectacular seaviews and 800 feet of water frontage. This is the perfect spot to construct a magnificent estate complete with mooring for a large yacht. Ocean Club Estates is a private enclave of luxury homes located at the eastern end of Paradise Island. This gated community features an 18-hole Championship golf course, a golf clubhouse and pro shop, 2 restaurants, tennis courts and a private beach club on one of the most stunning beaches in the world.", 169,"2017-12-13 02:23:45","Paradise Island, New Providence","BSD $6,700,000","One of the few Ocean Club Estate homes for sale on Montague Bay in the prestigious Ocean Club Estates on Paradise Island. This contemporary estate home comes with 100 ft. of riparian rights on the seabed for docking private yachts and watercraft. Nestled securely in an exclusive gated community, the fully enclosed parcel spans 25,500 sq.ft. and features a sparkling swimming pool, a large covered patio, and expansive balconies and porches. Inside the 6,500 sq.ft. home, exquisite detailing and quality finishes flow from top to bottom, including vaulted ceilings with intricate moldings, marble floors and countertops, and fabulous lighting packages. In all, five glorious bedrooms and five and one half baths provide plenty of room for family and friends. Best of all, the turnkey home is very well appointed and ready for immediate occupancy. An open floor plan boasts both formal and casual dining areas, a modern gourmet kitchen with center island, a spacious living room, and an open and airy master suite with picturesque harbor views. Listing courtesy of the Bahamas MLS", 170,"2017-12-13 02:23:49","Nassau, New Providence","BSD $1,500,000","Spacious 4-bed 4-bath single family home with lovely canal views, fully furnished with its own pool, dock and generator. Perfect Sandyport Style with large living and dining area, open kitchen with granite counter tops and stainless steel front appliances.", 171,"2017-12-13 02:23:56","Paradise Island, New Providence","BSD $9,800,000","Villa G, located in the exclusive Ocean Club Estates, is a 18,000 sq. ft. European style 5 bedroom, 7 Bath, 3 story residence exemplifying the art & style of luxury living. Professionally designed interiors are visible throughout with antique furnishings contributing to the ambiance and grandeur. There are spacious verandahs on all 3 levels with spectacular harbor and ocean views. There are 2 Master Suites with his and her custom made closets, and bathrooms. All other bedrooms are en-suite with onyx and marble details along with Hansgrohe fixtures. A bonus area on the lower level will allow the new owner to decide on an additional media room, wine cellar, gym or whatever plan suites their lifestyle. Other features include an entertaining bar, 2 powder rooms and a spacious open plan 3rd floor with bathroom. There is hand inlaid wood and coral stone flooring throughout, custom made windows & doors, a full eat-in kitchen and butler's pantry areas with appliances from Viking, Miele and Subzero, an elevator, fully integrated home audio system, 2 car garage and a standby generator.", 172,"2017-12-13 02:24:00","One Marina @ Palm Cay, Nassau, New Providence",,"ONE Marina @ Palm Cay is the latest offering from the newest marina based community in The Bahamas. Contemporary, spacious and luxurious, these brand new apartments provide gorgeous marina and ocean views in a private and exclusive setting. Finished to the highest standard with Signature European Kitchens, spa showers and baths, hurricane proof doors and windows and an exquisite decor. The coveted second floor units offer up to 2,680 sq ft on two floors, plus over 500 sq ft of patio space and an 850 sq ft 4th floor deck and pool, totaling 4,052 sq. ft. indoor/outdoor space! With three bedrooms, three and a half bathrooms, and an open plan layout, these units are hard to come by! Access all of the amenities of Palm Cay, which include the Marina, swimming pools, the restaurant and beach bar, tennis courts, playground, club house, a planned gymnasium and of course 24 hour security. Located minutes from St. Andrew's School, food stores, shops and more, Palm Cay is located in a great place, on the south eastern coast of New Providence, the closest marina to the fantastic Exuma Cays, making it a boaters' dream.", 173,"2017-12-13 02:24:05","Nassau, New Providence","BSD $35,215","This beautiful office space is located at the most prestigious location on Bay Street, #1 Bay Street. Situated on the 3rd floor of The Centre of Commerce building, it has views of both downtown Bay Street and the British Colonial Hilton grounds. The western portion of the British Colonial property is about to undergo a major transformation including retail stores, residential condominiums, a marina and new state-of-the-art parking facility. The space itself comprises many executive offices, shared work space, board rooms, IT rooms, kitchen and private bathroom. The entrance foyer is very private and exclusive and the interior space is in excellent condition. Possibilities to subdivide exist.", 174,"2017-12-13 02:24:06","Nassau, New Providence","BSD $6,020","This turnkey executive office is centrally located in downtown Nassau at the British Colonial Centre Of Commerce. Located at #1 Bay Street, this premier location has views over Nassau Harbour and Pompey Square and is within walking distance of numerous restaurants and professional centres. The office includes 4 parking spaces and more are available on an an annual rate. Also included in the space is a small kitchen and private bathroom with shower. Available for immediate occupancy.", 175,"2017-12-13 02:24:13","Nassau, New Providence","BSD $6,283","This office is centrally located in downtown Nassau at the British Colonial Centre Of Commerce. Located at #1 Bay Street, this premier location has a view over Nassau Harbour and is within walking distance of numerous restaurants and professional centres. The space itself is comprised of an open office area, file room and/or private office, a kitchenette and private bathroom. The rate includes Common Area Maintenance (CAM) charges and electricity. The western portion of the British Colonial property is about to undergo a major transformation including retail stores, residential condominiums, a marina and new state-of-the-art parking facility.", 176,"2017-12-13 02:24:17","Nassau, New Providence","BSD $6,572","This turnkey office space located in the Historical property of British Colonial offers all of the amenities that an Executive would appreciate. The property has 24 hour security, key access entry, a multi-level parking facility that will be part of an expansion to the property which will include a hotel and residences that makes this one of the most exciting and secure professional locations existing on the Island. The suite consists of a client waiting area, receptionist area, 3 offices, kitchenette and full bathroom. It is operation ready which gives any company the opportunity to start or continue business from Day 1. Light, water and CAM included.", 177,"2017-12-13 02:24:20","Nassau, New Providence","BSD $5,830","Suite 302 is a turnkey office space located in the Historical property of British Colonial offers all of the amenities that an Executive would appreciate. The property has 24 hour security, key access entry, a multi-level parking facility that will be part of an expansion to the property which will include a hotel, marina and residences that makes this one of the most exciting and secure professional locations existing on the Island. The suite consists of a client waiting area/receptionist area, 3 offices, kitchenette and boardroom with ocean views of Western Nassau. It is operation ready which gives any company the opportunity to start or continue business from Day 1. Light, water and CAM included.", 178,"2017-12-13 02:24:25","Blake Road Commercial, Nassau, New Providence","BSD $4,725,000","This commercial development property has incredible potential for multiple business opportunities. In the heart of Western, New Providence, this property has highway access to Blake Road and John F. Kennedy highway. It is in close proximity to high end residential living, the Lynden Pindling International Airport, the beach, shopping, restaurants, Baha Mar, the upcoming IMAX theatre and other commercial zones in the west. Don't miss out on this profitable investment!", 179,"2017-12-13 02:24:29","STELLA MARIS, Stella Maris, Long Island","BSD $402,970","Details :-This two bedroom/2.5 Bathroom home features a rooftop deck with views of the sea to the West and the Atlantic Ocean to the East. It is being sold furnished. Sunset views can be enjoyed from the living area and deck. The property is within walking distance to the resort clubhouse and beachfront pool bar and grill. Features: 1 Car Garage Utility Shed/Storage Large Bahama Room Beautiful large trees on the lot Within walking distance to the Stella Maris Resort clubhouse Each bedroom has ensuite and small patio with views of the garden Spacious kitchen with high end appliances Washer and Dryer The property is located in the residential community of Stella Maris. The Resort features a clubhouse with a restaurant/bar, gift shop and front desk. The airport and marina are just a short drive away. There is also a pool bar and grill on the beach. Deep sea and fly fishing grounds are within easy reach. Lot Size: 17,176 sq. ft. Approximate Dimensions: Under Air: 1100 sq ft Screen Porch 250 Sq ft Roof Deck 200 sq ft Patio 420 sq ft", 180,"2017-12-13 02:24:31","STELLA MARIS, Stella Maris, Long Island","BSD $85,631","Details :-This home features 2 bedrooms and 1 bathroom with a one car garage. The home is built on a sloping hill with the main entrance at street level and the garage below. Open kitchen and living area with some sea views. The home is being sold """"as is"""" and is unfurnished. It does require some repairs and upgrading however, it can be lived in while these are taking place. This home is great for anyone looking for a good price on a fixer upper. There are sea views from the living room area but this could be improved upon. The home features a spacious covered and screened in patio. It is located in the Stella Maris residential community where you have access to other amenities. The airport, marina and clubhouse are just a short drive away. Close to fishing grounds and other activities. Long Island is famous for the Dean's Blue Hole which is a must see while on the island. Asking $85,000.", 181,"2017-12-13 02:24:35","HILL TOP CIRCLE, Stella Maris, Long Island","BSD $599,418","Details :-This large ocean view home is located on one of the highest elevations in the residential community of Stella Maris. It affords panoramic views of the Atlantic Ocean and surrounding hills and homes. The home has a two car garage and basement on the ground level. The Main floor is on the second level which includes two bedrooms/2 bathrooms, kitchen, dining and living area with a very large deck overlooking the ocean. The third level includes 4 bedrooms/3 bathrooms, kitchen, dining and living area and a large hallway leading to a balcony. Each level is independent of the other which makes it a great rental income property or the perfect home for a large family. The property is being sold """"As Is"""" and includes furnishings, many amenities and other accessories. The Stella Maris community features a resort, airport, marina, restaurants, bars and other amenities for it residents and guests. All of these amenities are just a short drive away or within walking distance.", 182,"2017-12-13 02:24:36","2/2, Miley, Long Island","BSD $156,151","Details :-This two bedroom/two bathroom home is partially completed with approximately 50% work remaining. Located in a residential beach community with just a 1-2 minute walk to the beach via the beach access. Close proximity to the Flying Fish Marina, government offices, restaurants, bars and fishing grounds - deep sea and fly fishing. Don't miss out on this opportunity.", 183,"2017-12-13 02:24:42","PETTY'S, Pettys, Long Island","BSD $215,290","Details :-Located in the settlement of Petty's is this quaint single story home which sits on a 1.273 acre lot. Access to the home is on a paved driveway from the main Queen's Highway. The home comprises 1200 square feet with 2 bedrooms and 1 bath, an open plan living, dining and kitchen area, laundry and patio. The home is being sold with some furniture and appliances would be needed. There is potential for further development of the property as the home sits at the front of the large lot. There are several businesses nearby and the Deadman's Cay airport is about 5 miles away.", 184,"2017-12-13 02:24:44","HILL STREET, Clarence Town, Long Island","BSD $35,000","Details :-Situated on the property is a single story incomplete residence comprising 3,000 sq. ft. with a 702 sq. ft. garage, and 360 sq. ft. of open patios. The garage has been divided in half, with one half being used as a small store. The entire structure is approximately 70% complete. It has 4 bedrooms, 2.5 bathrooms, living room, dining room, kitchen, atrium, family room, foyer and laundry.", 185,"2017-12-13 02:24:48","STELLA MARIS, Stella Maris, Long Island","BSD $70,000","Details :-Situated on the property is a single story residence, comprising 793 sq. ft. with a 170 sq. ft. patio and a 208 sq. ft. storage building at the rear of the property. It has 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, kitchen and living room. Construction is of 8"""" CBS exterior walls with an asphalt shingled roof. Windows are the aluminum single hung type.", 186,"2017-12-13 02:24:55","VILLA BELLA LOCHABAR, Lochabar, Long Island","BSD $479,000","Details :-VILLA BELLA is a 1,442 sq. ft. house that sits on an elevated lot that offers panoramic views of famous Lochabar beach Long Island. The community of Lochabar, (approximately 2 miles south of the island's capital and approximately 3.5 miles south of the world famous Dean's Blue Hole), is quiet, cozy and serene. Home owners in this community come from all over the globe and are in love with the solitude, beauty and tranquility of the area and splendid beach that changes colors throughout the day. The villa offers an open concept floor plan that is complimented by cathedral ceilings and large impact windows. The kitchen, with island, is spacious with solid wood cabinetry stainless steel appliances. Each bedroom has an ensuite bath and large closets. This vlla can be yours as a full time residence or a vacation rental investment opportunity.", 187,"2017-12-13 02:24:56","BEACHFRONT HOME - 16ACRES, Miley, Long Island","BSD $1,002,389","Details :-Large 16 Acre oceanfront property with a 2 bedroom/2 Bathroom home. Utilities in place. Home comes partially furnished. Includes GE Washer/dryer, Bosch side by side stainless steel fridge and freezer with ice maker and purified cold water dispenser, Bosch 5 burner gas stove and range with over head microwave vented outside fan stainless steel and a Bosch dishwasher stainless steel. Screened in patio for relaxing and enjoying the ocean breezes and the view. Property includes a small cove area where one will find beautiful shells and also fish from the shoreline. It is also situated on a beautiful long sandy white beach strip perfect for strolls and snorkeling or swimming. This parcel features varying elevations with views of the ocean. Could be used as private home on large estate or developed as a boutique spa/type resort or subdivided. Many options exist for this property. Just a short drive South of Clarence Town where this is a full service marina, gas station, restaurants, shops and government offices.", 188,"2017-12-13 02:24:57","STUDIO COTTAGE, Pinders, Long Island","BSD $230,000","Details :-Turnkey - New construction beach access Studio Cottage on a half-acre parcel. This property features a beautiful handmade rock wall and wooden fence. The cottage is just a short walk or drive to the beachfront where you can enjoy sunbathing and swimming. There is also a boat ramp offering easy entry and exit from the sea. Includes: Full size appliances, pub table dining, plush loveseat, platform queen bed, closet, bathroom with walk in shower, entertainment center and a deck with seating by the front entrance. Washer, dryer and freezer located in the Shed/Laundry room. 2,000 gallon water tank. There is additional room on the lot for the construction of a full size home or extra cottages if desired.", 189,"2017-12-13 02:25:01","QUEENS HIGHWAY, Stella Maris, Long Island","BSD $110,000","Details :-Excellent investment to own an uncompleted commercial building in Scrub Hill Long Island. The building is 30% completed. It is on a 66 feet X 150 feet lot which is excellent for a grocery store, restaurant or travel agency.", 190,"2017-12-13 02:25:07","LONG ISLAND MCKANN'S, McKanns, Long Island","BSD $1,300,000","Details :-This breath-taking beachfront property is on the calm Western side, showing off its shallow greenish-blue crystal clear waters with creeks and mangroves creating ideal flats for fantastic bone fishing. Yachtsmen and sailors, the waterways are very easy to dredge so you can anchor your boat for a shorter journey to your home away from home. Featured amenities are of course bone fishing, boating, snorkelling, lush tropical mature foliage, long peninsulas to gaze at and protection from hurricanes, cay exploring-all in one of the most competitively priced real estate available in Long Island today. Minutes to foodstores, famous Annual Regatta site at Salt Pond, Indian Hole Point, medical clinic, gas station, Stella Maris airport with quick access to Florida via Exuma and many other attractions.....Welcome to real island living! McKanns is ideally located to provide you with the opportunity to take advantage of the exciting transformation underway in Northern Long Island -a rare opportunity you cannot afford to miss! Inclusive of 2-2bed 1bath duplex and a fixer-upper 5bed 2 bath home.", 191,"2017-12-13 02:25:09","LONG ISLAND MCKANN'S, McKanns, Long Island","BSD $299,000","Details :-IN-HOUSE FINANCING AVAILABLE - Very spacious, well maintained and cozy Two - 2bed 1bath furnished open floor plan duplex. Hosting partial oceanview and beach access for all your outdoor pleasure. This very nice income producing property is located in McKann's, just a few steps from Club Washington Restaurant and Bar. Long Island is considered one of the most beautiful islands of The Bahamas with the deepest blue hole in the world called, Dean's Blue Hole. There are many great options where you can either live on one side and rent the other or rent both sides and simply let it pay for itself. Excellent rental history since 2007 to suit your dream investment. Also featuring high ceilings, attractive large tile flooring, ceiling fans with lights and A/C in the bedrooms. The large porch allows partial oceanviews for total relaxation. Ideal location for bone-fishing and free guide snorkelling. A short walk to the gorgeous beach. Minutes to the foodstore, famous Annual Regatta site, clinic, gas station, Stella Maris airport and much more. Welcome to real island living!", 192,"2017-12-13 02:25:11","STELLA MARIS, Stella Maris, Long Island","BSD $18,133","Details :-This property is located in Stella Maris. Very nice settlement in the north of Long Island. Stella Maris Airport, Marina and Resort are closeby. Beautiful beaches are only minutes away for great snorkeling or diving.", 193,"2017-12-13 02:25:14","STELLA MARIS, Stella Maris, Long Island","BSD $18,133","Details :-This lot is located in Stella Maris in the north of Long Island. Stella Maris Resort, Airport and Marina are only minutes away. Beautiful beaches are nearby.", 194,"2017-12-13 02:25:19","STELLA MARIS, Stella Maris, Long Island","BSD $18,133","Details :-This lot is located in Stella Maris. It is close to beautiful beaches and great diving areas. Stella Maris Airport, Resort and Marina are nearby.", 195,"2017-12-13 02:25:20","STELLA MARIS, Stella Maris, Long Island","BSD $20,148","Details :-Lot# 7 is in Stella Maris Subdivision located in the north of Long Island. There is an airport, marina and resort close-by. Many beautiful beaches and great diving in this area.", 196,"2017-12-13 02:25:26","STELLA MARIS, Stella Maris, Long Island","BSD $75,557","Details :-This property is located in the north of Long Island in a settlement called Stella Maris. This property is close to Stella Maris Airport, Stella Maris Resort and the Marina. Beautiful beaches are only minutes away.", 197,"2017-12-13 02:25:26","STELLA MARIS, Stella Maris, Long Island","BSD $20,148","Details :-Lot# 5 is situated in Stella Maris Subdivision, north Long Island. Stella Maris Airport, Marina and Resort are nearby. Many beautiful beaches are only minutes away.", 198,"2017-12-13 02:25:30","STELLA MARIS, Stella Maris, Long Island","BSD $79,586","Details :-Stella Maris Subdivision is located in the north of Long Island. The Stella Maris Airport, Resort and Marina are close by. One can find beautiful beaches nearby and great fishing for your pleasure!", 199,"2017-12-13 02:25:31","SIMMS, LONG ISLAND, Simms, Long Island","BSD $375,000","Details :-This beautiful track of land is located in Simms, Long Island in the southern Bahamas. It is perfect for a family island investment. It has an elevated part that provides an unobstructed view of the Atlantic Ocean. This ocean front property is competitively priced.", 200,"2017-12-13 02:25:31","SALT POND, Salt Pond, Long Island","BSD $100,000","Details :-Salt Pond is a single family lot located on Long Island, one of the beautiful islands of The Bahamas. Perfect investment for a vacation home, in a quiet environment, and a wonderful sea view.",