,,category_1.ts,category_1.title,,thesaurus.ts,thesaurus.title,thesaurus.sense,thesaurus.synonyms,thesaurus.words_related,thesaurus.near_antonyms,thesaurus.antonyms 2478,1,"2018-03-16 03:10:21",a,2478,"2018-03-16 07:48:16",absurd,"1 conceived or made without regard for reason or reality absurd claims of having been abducted by UFO's","Synonyms of absurd bizarre, crazy, fanciful, fantastic (also fantastical), foolish, insane, nonsensical, preposterous, unreal, wild","Words Related to absurd implausible, inconceivable, incredible, unbelievable, unimaginable, unthinkable extravagant, grotesque curious, eccentric, far-out, funny, kinky, kooky (also kookie), odd, outlandish, out-of-the-way, peculiar, quaint, quirky, screwy, strange, wacky (also whacky), way-out, weird farcical, laughable, ludicrous, ridiculous nightmarish dreamlike, surreal","Near Antonyms of absurd brainy, bright, clever, intelligent, smart logical, rational, reasonable, valid well-advised","Antonyms of absurd realistic, reasonable" 2479,1,"2018-03-16 03:10:21",a,2479,"2018-03-16 07:48:20",absurdity,"1 a foolish act or idea the absurdity of putting a squirrel on a leash","Synonyms of absurdity asininity, fatuity, folly, foolery, foppery, idiocy, imbecility, inanity, insanity, lunacy, stupidity","Words Related to absurdity absurdness, craziness, foolishness, inaneness, madness, senselessness, witlessness buffoonery, monkeyshine(s), shenanigan(s), tomfoolery drivel, humbug, nonsense, twaddle blunder, bungle, flub, goof, howler","Near Antonyms of absurdity discretion, forethought, prudence, sagacity, wisdom brainstorm, inspiration","Antonyms of absurdity prudence, sagaciousness, sagacity, sageness, sanity, sapience, sensibleness, soundness, wisdom" 2480,1,"2018-03-16 03:10:21",a,2480,"2018-03-16 07:48:26",abundance,"1 a considerable amount an abundance of flowers for the wedding","Synonyms of abundance barrel, basketful, boatload, bucket, bunch, bundle, bushel, carload, chunk, deal, dozen, fistful, gobs, good deal, heap, hundred, loads, lot, mass, mess, mountain, much, multiplicity, myriad, oodles, pack, passel, peck, pile, plateful, plenitude, plentitude, plenty, pot, profusion, quantity, raft, reams, scads, sight, slew, spate, stack, store, ton, volume, wad, wealth, yard","Words Related to abundance epidemic, plague, rash bonanza, embarrassment, excess, overabundance, overage, overkill, overmuch, oversupply, plethora, redundancy, superabundance, superfluity, surfeit, surplus deluge, flood, overflow army, bevy, cram, crowd, crush, drove, flock, herd, horde, host, legion, mob, multitude, press, score, sea, swarm, throng","Near Antonyms of abundance atom, crumb, dot, fleck, flyspeck, fragment, grain, granule, iota, jot, modicum, molecule, mote, nubbin, particle, ray, scintilla, scrap, shred, tittle, whit smatter, smattering","Antonyms of abundance ace, bit, dab, dram, driblet, glimmer, handful, hint, lick, little, mite, mouthful, nip, ounce, peanuts, pinch, pittance, scruple, shade, shadow, smidgen (also smidgeon), speck, spot, sprinkle, sprinkling, strain, streak, tad, touch, trace" 2481,1,"2018-03-16 03:10:21",a,2481,"2018-03-16 07:48:33",abundant,"1 being more than enough without being excessive volunteers providing abundant help","Synonyms of abundant ample, aplenty, bounteous, bountiful, comfortable, galore, generous, liberal, plenteous, plentiful, plenty","Words Related to abundant extra, supernumerary, surplus abounding, blooming, overflowing, plump, replete, rich, rife, teeming, wealthy adequate, enough, sufficient fat, fecund, fertile, fruitful, luxuriant, prodigal, prolific copious, fulsome, lavish, profuse","Near Antonyms of abundant deficient, inadequate, insufficient, lacking, wanting meager (or meagre), niggardly, stingy skimpy least, minimum light, slight, small barren, infertile, sterile, unfruitful, unproductive","Antonyms of abundant bare, minimal, scant, spare" 2482,1,"2018-03-16 03:10:21",a,2482,"2018-03-16 07:48:37",abuse,"1 harsh insulting language Hometown fans hurled abuse at the visiting team.","Synonyms of abuse fulmination, invective, vitriol, vituperation","Words Related to abuse blasphemy, curse, profanity epithet, insult, put-down, slur expletive, swearword aspersion, bad-mouthing, belittlement, disparagement, revilement, vilification castigation, chastisement, criticism, excoriation, opprobrium, rebuke, reprimand, reproof broadside, diatribe, harangue, polemic, tirade","Near Antonyms of abuse acclaim, applause, commendation, praise compliments, congratulations, endearments, felicitations adulation, blarney, flattery, overpraise, soft soap", 2483,1,"2018-03-16 03:10:21",a,2483,"2018-03-16 07:48:42",abusive,"marked by harsh insulting language He invariably launches abusive attacks against anyone who dares to challenge him.","Synonyms of abusive invective, opprobrious, scurrilous, truculent, vitriolic, vituperative, vituperatory","Words Related to abusive affronting, insulting, offending, offensive, outrageous, outraging coarse, crude, dirty, filthy, foul, foulmouthed, gross, indecent, nasty, obscene, potty-mouthed, vulgar contemptuous, disdainful, scornful defamatory, libelous (or libellous), scandalous, slanderous maligning, traducing, vilifying hateful, malevolent, malicious, spiteful immoderate, intemperate, unbridled, unrestrained","Near Antonyms of abusive moderate, temperate deferential, respectful civil, courteous, gracious, mannerly, polite discreet, judicious, tempered laudatory, praiseful", 2484,1,"2018-03-16 03:10:21",a,2484,"2018-03-16 07:48:49",abut,"to be adjacent to Our land abuts a nature preserve, so we see a lot of wildlife.","Synonyms of abut adjoin, border (on), butt (on or against), flank, fringe, join, march (with), neighbor, skirt, touch, verge (on)","Words Related to abut attach (to), communicate (with), connect (with), link (with) bound, embrace, encircle, enclose (also inclose), fence, line, margin, rim, surround contact, converge, meet",, 2485,1,"2018-03-16 03:10:21",a,2485,"2018-03-16 07:48:54",abutting,"having a border in common The new neighbors promptly erected fences between their property and the abutting properties.","Synonyms of abutting adjacent, adjoining, bordering, conterminous, contiguous, flanking, flush, fringing, joining, juxtaposed, neighboring, skirting, touching, verging","Words Related to abutting approximate, close, closest, immediate, near, nearby, nearest, next-door, nigh attached, communicating, connected, connecting, interconnecting, joined, linked, united bounding, circumjacent, embracing, encircling, enclosing (also inclosing), fencing, rimming, surrounding marginal, peripheral, tangent, tangential ambient, encompassing","Near Antonyms of abutting apart, detached, disconnected, discrete, free-standing, isolate, isolated, removed, separate, single, unattached, unconnected, unlinked away, distant, far, faraway, far-off, farthest, remote discontinuous, noncontinuous broken up, disjoined, dissevered, dissociated, disunited, divided, divorced, parted, ramified, resolved, severed, split, sundered, uncoupled, unyoked","Antonyms of abutting nonadjacent, noncontiguous" 2486,1,"2018-03-16 03:10:21",a,2486,"2018-03-16 07:48:57",abuzz,"marked by much life, movement, or activity The classroom was abuzz with preparations for that evening's open house for the parents.","Synonyms of abuzz alive, animated, astir, brisk, bustling, busy, buzzing, flourishing, happening, hopping, humming, kinetic, lively, rousing, stirring, thriving, vibrant","Words Related to abuzz abounding, crowded, overflowing, populous, swarming, teeming, thronging",,"Antonyms of abuzz asleep, dead, inactive, lifeless, sleepy" 2487,1,"2018-03-16 03:10:21",a,2487,"2018-03-16 07:49:02",abysm,"an immeasurable depth or space a recurrent dream in which he would fall helplessly into a dark and silent abysm","Synonyms of abysm abyss, chasm, deep, gulf, ocean","Words Related to abysm cleft, crevasse, crevice, fissure cavern, hole, hollow, pit breadth, expanse, extent, reach, spread, stretch black hole, emptiness, nothingness, vacancy, vacuum, void",, 2488,1,"2018-03-16 03:10:21",a,2488,"2018-03-16 07:49:07",abysmal,"extending far downward tried to see into the abysmal reaches of the cave","Synonyms of abysmal bottomless, deep, profound","Words Related to abysmal abyssal, unfathomable boundless, endless, immeasurable, inestimable, infinite, limitless, measureless, unlimited, vast","Near Antonyms of abysmal depthless, two-dimensional even, flat, flush, horizontal, level, plane, smooth confined, finite, limited, measured, restricted","Antonyms of abysmal shallow, shoal, skin-deep, superficial, surface" 2489,1,"2018-03-16 03:10:21",a,2489,"2018-03-16 07:49:15",abyss,"an immeasurable depth or space Looking down at the dark ocean from the ship's rail, the cruise passenger felt as though he was staring into an abyss.","Synonyms of abyss abysm, chasm, deep, gulf, ocean","Words Related to abyss cleft, crevasse, crevice, fissure cavern, hole, hollow, pit breadth, expanse, extent, reach, spread, stretch black hole, emptiness, nothingness, vacancy, vacuum, void",, 2490,1,"2018-03-16 03:10:21",a,2490,"2018-03-16 07:49:21",academic,"1 of or relating to schooling or learning especially at an advanced level ""If you spent more time in academic pursuits and less time in social ones, you could easily make good grades,"" the dean told Valerie.","Synonyms of academic educational, intellectual, scholarly, scholastic","Words Related to academic bookish, geeky, nerdish, nerdy, pedantic, professorial, tweedy curricular educative, instructive collegiate, graduate, postgraduate","Near Antonyms of academic extracurricular","Antonyms of academic nonacademic, noneducational, unacademic, unscholarly" 2491,1,"2018-03-16 03:10:21",a,2491,"2018-03-16 07:49:23",academical,"1 of or relating to schooling or learning especially at an advanced level ""If you spent more time in academic pursuits and less time in social ones, you could easily make good grades,"" the dean told Valerie.","Synonyms of academic educational, intellectual, scholarly, scholastic","Words Related to academic bookish, geeky, nerdish, nerdy, pedantic, professorial, tweedy curricular educative, instructive collegiate, graduate, postgraduate","Near Antonyms of academic extracurricular","Antonyms of academic nonacademic, noneducational, unacademic, unscholarly" 2492,1,"2018-03-16 03:10:21",a,2492,"2018-03-16 07:49:29",academy,"a place or establishment for teaching and learning a military academy","Synonyms of academy school, seminary","Words Related to academy boarding school, prep, preparatory school, prep school elementary school, grammar school, high school, junior high school, kindergarten, middle school, primary school, public school, secondary school, senior high school, trade school, training school charter school, magnet school, minischool",, 2493,1,"2018-03-16 03:10:21",a,2493,"2018-03-16 07:49:36",accede,"to give or express one's approval (as to a proposal) The teacher finally acceded to their pleas for more time to complete the project.","Synonyms of accede acquiesce, agree, assent, come round, consent, subscribe","Words Related to accede adopt, embrace, espouse abide, bear (with), endure, stand, suffer, tolerate stomach, swallow, take bow, knuckle under, relent, submit, succumb, yield","Near Antonyms of accede rebuff, refuse, reject, scorn, spurn deny, gainsay","Antonyms of accede dissent" 2494,1,"2018-03-16 03:10:21",a,2494,"2018-03-16 07:49:41",accelerate,"1 to become greater in extent, volume, amount, or number Toy purchases accelerate dramatically during the holiday season.","Synonyms of accelerate accumulate, appreciate, balloon, boom, build up, burgeon (also bourgeon), climb, enlarge, escalate, expand, gain, increase, mount, multiply, mushroom, proliferate, rise, roll up, snowball, spread, swell, wax","Words Related to accelerate jump, rocket, skyrocket, surge heighten, intensify, redouble blow up, bulk, distend, inflate, puff (up) crescendo, crest, peak","Near Antonyms of accelerate delay, encumber, fetter, hamper, hinder, hobble, hold back, hold up, impede, interfere (with), manacle, rein (in), restrain, shackle, tie up, trammel arrest, check, stall, stay, still, stop","Antonyms of accelerate contract, decrease, diminish, dwindle, lessen, recede, wane" 2495,1,"2018-03-16 03:10:21",a,2495,"2018-03-16 07:49:47",accent,"a special notice or importance given to something Although we dutifully carried binoculars on our bird walk, the accent was on recognizing birds by their song.","Synonyms of accent accentuation, emphasis, stress, underscoring, weight","Words Related to accent attention, concentration, focus, spotlight consequence, import, moment, note, significance, value, worth precedence, primacy, priority, top billing consideration, heed, regard","Near Antonyms of accent minimization, underemphasis disregard, indifference","Antonyms of accent de-emphasis" 2496,1,"2018-03-16 03:10:21",a,2496,"2018-03-16 07:49:52",accentuate,"1 to indicate the importance of by centering attention on Let's accentuate the saxophones during this piece by having the sax players stand up.","Synonyms of accentuate accent, emphasize, feature, highlight, illuminate, play up, point (up), press, punctuate, stress","Words Related to accentuate focus, identify, pinpoint, spotlight advertise, boost, plug, promote, publicize overplay","Near Antonyms of accentuate tone (down), underemphasize, understate belittle, discount, disparage, minimize","Antonyms of accentuate de-emphasize, play down" 2497,1,"2018-03-16 03:10:21",a,2497,"2018-03-16 07:49:58",accentuation,"a special notice or importance given to something The school's accentuation on math skills has resulted in its students being among the highest math scorers in the state.","Synonyms of accentuation accent, emphasis, stress, underscoring, weight","Words Related to accentuation attention, concentration, focus, spotlight consequence, import, moment, note, significance, value, worth precedence, primacy, priority, top billing consideration, heed, regard","Near Antonyms of accentuation minimization, underemphasis disregard, indifference","Antonyms of accentuation de-emphasis" 2498,1,"2018-03-16 03:10:21",a,2498,"2018-03-16 07:50:04",accept,"1 to agree to receive whether willingly or reluctantly Some merchants in town will accept Canadian coins.","Synonyms of accept have, take","Words Related to accept accede (to), assent (to), concede (to), confirm, consent (to), OK (or okay), ratify, sanction, warrant acquiesce (to), bow (to), capitulate (to), give in (to), submit (to), succumb (to), surrender (to), yield (to) abide, bear, brook, countenance, endure, shoulder, stand, stick out, stomach, support, sustain, swallow, sweat out, tolerate adopt, embrace, welcome","Near Antonyms of accept dissent (to), object (to), oppose, protest hold off, resist, withstand combat, contest, fight","Antonyms of accept decline, deny, disallow, disapprove, negative, refuse, reject, spurn, turn down, veto" 2499,1,"2018-03-16 03:10:21",a,2499,"2018-03-16 07:50:11",acceptability,"the quality or state of meeting one's needs adequately The acceptability of a broken key or two on a secondhand piano might depend on which keys are broken.","Synonyms of acceptability adequacy, satisfactoriness, sufficiency","Words Related to acceptability bountifulness, copiousness excess, overabundance, oversupply, surfeit, surplus abundance, amplitude, opulence, plenitude, plenteousness, plentifulness, plentitude, plenty","Near Antonyms of acceptability lack, want crunch, dearth, deficit, famine, lack, shortage meagerness, paucity, poorness, poverty, rareness, rarity, scantiness, scantness, scarceness, scarcity, skimpiness necessity, need, privation","Antonyms of acceptability inadequacy, inadequateness, insufficiency, unsatisfactoriness" 2500,1,"2018-03-16 03:10:21",a,2500,"2018-03-16 07:50:17",acceptable,"of a level of quality that meets one's needs or standards They found the accommodations acceptable.","Synonyms of acceptable adequate, all right, decent, fairish, fine, good, OK (or okay), passable, respectable, satisfactory, serviceable, tolerable","Words Related to acceptable agreeable, bearable, endurable, sufferable average, fair, indifferent, mediocre, middling, minimal common, ordinary, run-of-the-mill, run-of-the-mine (or run-of-mine), second-rate, so-so standard, unexceptional appropriate, correct, due, fitting, meet, proper, right, seemly, suitable, useful, worthy gratifying, satisfying","Near Antonyms of acceptable disagreeable, disreputable, improper, indecent, objectionable, unfit, unsuitable, unworthy, useless, wrong bad, cheap, defective, faulty, imperfect, incomplete, lamentable, pitiful, shoddy dissatisfying insufficient, meager (or meagre), mean, miserly, niggardly, poor, scanty, shabby, short, skimpy, spare, stingy insufferable, intolerable, unbearable, unendurable atrocious, execrable, miserable, vile, wretched exceptional, exquisite, extreme, fancy, first-class, high-grade, matchless, maximized, maximum, optimal, optimum, peerless, preeminent, premium, special, supreme, unmatched, unparalleled A1, bang-up, banner, capital, classic, crackerjack, dandy, divine, fabulous, fine, first-rate, grand, great, heavenly, jim-dandy, keen, marvelous (or marvellous), mean, neat, nifty, noble, par excellence, prime, sensational, splendid, stellar, sterling, superb, superior, superlative, supernal, swell, terrific, tip-top, top, top-notch, unsurpassed, wonderful","Antonyms of acceptable deficient, inadequate, insufficient, lacking, unacceptable, unsatisfactory, wanting" 2501,1,"2018-03-16 03:10:21",a,2501,"2018-03-16 07:50:21",acceptably,"in a satisfactory way The previous renters had left the cottage's kitchen acceptably clean.","Synonyms of acceptably adequately, all right, alright, creditably, decently, fine, good, middlingly, nicely, OK (or okay), passably, respectably, satisfactorily, serviceably, so-so, sufficiently, tolerably, well","Words Related to acceptably appropriately, aptly, congruously, correctly, decorously, felicitously, fittingly, happily, meetly, rightly, seemly, suitably gratifyingly, satisfyingly effectively, effectually, efficiently, neatly, tidily","Near Antonyms of acceptably unbearably inappropriately, incorrectly, indecently, unsuitably awfully, deplorably, disastrously, dreadfully, horrendously, horribly, horridly, miserably, terribly","Antonyms of acceptably bad, badly, deficiently, ill, inadequately, insufficiently, intolerably, poorly, unacceptably, unsatisfactorily" 2502,1,"2018-03-16 03:10:21",a,2502,"2018-03-16 07:50:26",access,"1 a sudden experiencing of a physical or mental disorder A sudden access of hay fever was making him feel miserable.","Synonyms of access attack, bout, case, fit, seizure, siege, spell, turn","Words Related to access recurrence, relapse brainstorm, convulsion, pang, paroxysm, spasm, throe agitation, frenzy breakdown, collapse, prostration","Near Antonyms of access arrest, relief, remission","Antonyms of access depart, exit, leave" 2503,1,"2018-03-16 03:10:21",a,2503,"2018-03-16 07:50:30",accessary,"available to supply something extra when needed Most phone services offer accessory features such as call-waiting.","Synonyms of accessory appurtenant, auxiliary, peripheral, supplemental, supplementary","Words Related to accessory backup, makeshift, substitute added, additional, another, further complementary, contributory adjuvant, assistant, assisting, helping, supportive, tributary secondary, subordinate, subservient, subsidiary dispensable, excess, nonessential, superfluous, surplus, unessential","Near Antonyms of accessory basic, fundamental, primary, prime all-important, essential, imperative, indispensable, integral, necessary, needed, needful, required, requisite, vital","Antonyms of accessory chief, main, principal" 2504,1,"2018-03-16 03:10:21",a,2504,"2018-03-16 07:50:34",accessible,"1 being within the financial means of most people a store offering stylish clothes at accessible prices","Synonyms of accessible affordable, popular","Words Related to accessible bargain-basement, budget, cheap, discount, inexpensive, low, low-end, rock-bottom moderate, modest, reasonable","Near Antonyms of accessible costly, dear, expensive, high, high-end, upscale","Antonyms of accessible inaccessible, unattainable, unavailable, unobtainable" 2505,1,"2018-03-16 03:10:21",a,2505,"2018-03-16 07:50:39",accession,"1 something added to an existing supply an exhibit of the museum's latest accessions","Synonyms of accession acquisition","Words Related to accession accomplishment, acquirement, attainment","Near Antonyms of accession discharge, dismissal, ejection, expulsion, ouster, rejection, removal", 2506,1,"2018-03-16 03:10:21",a,2506,"2018-03-16 07:50:40",accessory,"available to supply something extra when needed Most phone services offer accessory features such as call-waiting.","Synonyms of accessory appurtenant, auxiliary, peripheral, supplemental, supplementary","Words Related to accessory backup, makeshift, substitute added, additional, another, further complementary, contributory adjuvant, assistant, assisting, helping, supportive, tributary secondary, subordinate, subservient, subsidiary dispensable, excess, nonessential, superfluous, surplus, unessential","Near Antonyms of accessory basic, fundamental, primary, prime all-important, essential, imperative, indispensable, integral, necessary, needed, needful, required, requisite, vital","Antonyms of accessory chief, main, principal" 2507,1,"2018-03-16 03:10:21",a,2507,"2018-03-16 07:50:46",accident,"1 a chance and usually sudden event bringing loss or injury She was involved in a minor accident on her way home from work.","Synonyms of accident casualty, mischance, mishap","Words Related to accident calamity, cataclysm, catastrophe, deathblow, disaster, tragedy bummer, knock, misadventure, misfortune collision, crack-up, crash, smashup, wreck","Near Antonyms of accident boon, break, fluke, godsend, miracle, strike, windfall fortune, luck, serendipity", 2508,1,"2018-03-16 03:10:21",a,2508,"2018-03-16 07:50:50",accidental,"1 happening by chance Finding the gold was all the more remarkable because its discovery was entirely accidental.","Synonyms of accidental casual, chance, fluky (also flukey), fortuitous, inadvertent, incidental, unintended, unintentional, unplanned, unpremeditated, unwitting","Words Related to accidental coincidental freak, odd aimless, arbitrary, desultory, haphazard, random uncertain, unexpected, unforeseeable, unforeseen coerced, forced, involuntary unconscious, unprompted","Near Antonyms of accidental certain, destined, expected, fixed, foreordained, foreseeable, foreseen, inevitable, predestined, predetermined, predictable, preordained, prescribed, sure conscious, freewill, knowing, unforced, voluntary, volunteer, willful (or wilful)","Antonyms of accidental calculated, deliberate, intended, intentional, planned, premeditated, premeditative, set" 2509,1,"2018-03-16 03:10:21",a,2509,"2018-03-16 07:50:56",acclaim,"public acknowledgment or admiration for an achievement Many people were involved in the search, but the person who actually found the missing girl got all the acclaim.","Synonyms of acclaim accolade, applause, credit, distinction, glory, homage, honor, kudos, laurels, sun","Words Related to acclaim celebrity, fame, renown, repute compliment, encomium, eulogy, panegyric, toast, tribute acclamation, ovation, plaudit, praise, rave, rhapsody citation, commendation, kudo, note, recommendation enshrinement, enthronement, exaltation, glorification","Near Antonyms of acclaim belittle, disparage, put down blame, censure, reprehend, reprobate admonish, chide, criticize, rebuke, reprimand, reproach, reprove castigate, excoriate, keelhaul, lambaste (or lambast), skewer, vilify","Antonyms of acclaim knock, pan, slam" 2510,1,"2018-03-16 03:10:21",a,2510,"2018-03-16 07:50:59",acclamation,"enthusiastic and usually public expression of approval The young piano prodigy has received acclamation from audiences worldwide.","Synonyms of acclamation applause, cheer, cheering, ovation, plaudit(s), rave(s)","Words Related to acclamation clapping bravo, hail, hallelujah, hurrah (also hooray), hosanna, huzzah (or huzza) acclaim, accolade, citation, commendation, compliment, encomium, eulogy, homage, kudo, paean, panegyric, salutation, tribute kudos, praise","Near Antonyms of acclamation boo, hiss, hoot, jeer, raspberry, smirk, sneer, snicker, snigger, snort, whistle gibe (or jibe), put-down, taunt","Antonyms of acclamation booing, hissing" 2511,1,"2018-03-16 03:10:21",a,2511,"2018-03-16 07:51:06",acclimate,"to change (something) so as to make it suitable for a new use or situation never could acclimate himself to a nine-to-five office job","Synonyms of acclimate acclimatize, accommodate, adapt, adjust, condition, conform, doctor, edit, fashion, fit, put, shape, suit, tailor","Words Related to acclimate readapt, readjust customize, gear, match, model, pattern attune, correct, harmonize, square, tune establish, root, settle acquaint, familiarize, orient, orientate equip, prepare, prime, rehearse harden, inure, season, toughen alter, convert, make over, modify, recast, reclaim, recycle, redesign, redevelop, redo, reengineer, refashion, refigure, refit, refocus, reinvent, rejigger, remake, remodel, revamp, revise, rework, transform accustom, condition, habilitate, habituate, naturalize ready, season bend fiddle (with), fine-tune, phase, register, regulate, rig","Near Antonyms of acclimate misadjust", 2512,1,"2018-03-16 03:10:21",a,2512,"2018-03-16 07:51:13",acclimation,"the act or process of changing something to fit a new use or situation a period of acclimation to the region's rising temperatures","Synonyms of acclimation acclimatization, accommodation, adaptation, adaption, adjustment, conformation","Words Related to acclimation readaptation, readjustment attunement, correction, harmonization alteration, conversion, makeover, modification, refit, revision, transformation","Near Antonyms of acclimation maladaptation", 2513,1,"2018-03-16 03:10:21",a,2513,"2018-03-16 07:51:17",acclimatization,"the act or process of changing something to fit a new use or situation The mountain climber's acclimatization to the high altitude took a few days.","Synonyms of acclimatization acclimation, accommodation, adaptation, adaption, adjustment, conformation","Words Related to acclimatization readaptation, readjustment attunement, correction, harmonization alteration, conversion, makeover, modification, refit, revision, transformation","Near Antonyms of acclimatization maladaptation", 2514,1,"2018-03-16 03:10:21",a,2514,"2018-03-16 07:51:20",acclimatize,"to change (something) so as to make it suitable for a new use or situation She had lived through several northern winters before she fully acclimatized her wardrobe.","Synonyms of acclimatize acclimate, accommodate, adapt, adjust, condition, conform, doctor, edit, fashion, fit, put, shape, suit, tailor","Words Related to acclimatize readapt, readjust customize, gear, match, model, pattern attune, correct, harmonize, square, tune establish, root, settle acquaint, familiarize, orient, orientate equip, prepare, prime, rehearse harden, inure, season, toughen alter, convert, make over, modify, recast, reclaim, recycle, redesign, redevelop, redo, reengineer, refashion, refigure, refit, refocus, reinvent, rejigger, remake, remodel, revamp, revise, rework, transform accustom, condition, habilitate, habituate, naturalize ready, season bend fiddle (with), fine-tune, phase, register, regulate, rig","Near Antonyms of acclimatize misadjust", 2515,1,"2018-03-16 03:10:21",a,2515,"2018-03-16 07:51:26",accolade,"1 a formal expression of praise For their exceptional bravery the firefighters received accolades from both local and national officials.","Synonyms of accolade citation, commendation, dithyramb, encomium, eulogy, homage, hymn, paean, panegyric, salutation, tribute","Words Related to accolade award, decoration, dedication, honor, prize acclaim, acclamation, laudation applause, plaudit(s) bravo, hallelujah, kudo approval, cachet, compliment, recommendation","Near Antonyms of accolade censure, condemnation, denunciation, indictment, rebuke, reprimand, reproof admonition, correction, harangue, lecture, sermon", 2516,1,"2018-03-16 03:10:21",a,2516,"2018-03-16 07:51:34",accommodate,"1 to make or have room for The back seat accommodates three people comfortably.","Synonyms of accommodate fit, hold, take","Words Related to accommodate carry, contain, seat enclose (also inclose), encompass, enfold harbor, house","Near Antonyms of accommodate confuse, disarray, disorder, disorganize, disrupt, disturb, skew, upset alienate, estrange","Antonyms of accommodate disharmonize" 2517,1,"2018-03-16 03:10:21",a,2517,"2018-03-16 07:51:49",accommodating,"willing to do a favor an accommodating waiter who readily honored our request to make substitutions in our order","Synonyms of accommodating accommodative, friendly, indulgent, obliging","Words Related to accommodating helpful, solicitous considerate, thoughtful agreeable, amenable, complaisant, gracious lenient, overindulgent, permissive",, 2518,1,"2018-03-16 03:10:21",a,2518,"2018-03-16 07:51:54",accommodation,"1 usually accommodations plural a place to sleep and related amenities for the temporary use of a tourist or traveler a resort offering a wide range of accommodations","Synonyms of accommodation lodging","Words Related to accommodation berth, shelter crash pad","Near Antonyms of accommodation maladaptation","Antonyms of accommodation burden, millstone, weight" 2519,1,"2018-03-16 03:10:21",a,2519,"2018-03-16 07:51:57",accommodations,"1 usually accommodations plural a place to sleep and related amenities for the temporary use of a tourist or traveler a resort offering a wide range of accommodations","Synonyms of accommodation lodging","Words Related to accommodation berth, shelter crash pad","Near Antonyms of accommodation maladaptation","Antonyms of accommodation burden, millstone, weight" 2520,1,"2018-03-16 03:10:21",a,2520,"2018-03-16 07:52:02",accommodative,"willing to do a favor Owing to the efforts of an accommodative desk clerk, we were moved to a quieter section of the hotel.","Synonyms of accommodative accommodating, friendly, indulgent, obliging","Words Related to accommodative helpful, solicitous considerate, thoughtful agreeable, amenable, complaisant, gracious lenient, overindulgent, permissive",, 2521,1,"2018-03-16 03:10:21",a,2521,"2018-03-16 07:52:05",accompaniment,"something that is found along with something else The sound of crickets was the perfect accompaniment to our summer evenings on the porch.","Synonyms of accompaniment attendant, companion, concomitant, corollary","Words Related to accompaniment accessory (also accessary), adjunct, appendage complement, supplement counterpart, fellow, mate consequence, follow-up fixings, trimmings",, 2522,1,"2018-03-16 03:10:21",a,2522,"2018-03-16 07:52:06",accompany,"1 to go along with in order to provide assistance, protection, or companionship Children using the pool must be accompanied by a parent at all times.","Synonyms of accompany attend, chaperone (or chaperon), companion, company, convoy, escort, see, squire","Words Related to accompany walk associate, consort, pal (around), team (up) defend, guard, protect bring, conduct, guide, lead, pilot, steer, usher follow, shadow, tag, tag along, tail hang (around), hover (over)","Near Antonyms of accompany abandon, desert, ditch, dump, forsake", 2523,1,"2018-03-16 03:10:21",a,2523,"2018-03-16 07:52:12",accompanying,"present at the same time and place Call the phone number in the accompanying booklet for more information.","Synonyms of accompanying attendant, attending, coexistent, coexisting, coincident, coincidental, concomitant, concurrent","Words Related to accompanying contemporaneous, contemporary, simultaneous, synchronous associated, collateral, connected, linked, related consequent, resultant, resulting ensuing, following, subsequent accidental, casual, chance, fluky (also flukey), fortuitous, freak, incident, incidental","Near Antonyms of accompanying unassociated, unconnected, unrelated", 2524,1,"2018-03-16 03:10:21",a,2524,"2018-03-16 07:52:17",accomplice,"one associated with another in wrongdoing The thief and his accomplices were eventually caught and brought to justice.","Synonyms of accomplice abettor (also abetter), accessory (also accessary), cohort, confederate","Words Related to accomplice collaborationist, collaborator, informant, informer evidence, state's evidence companion, comrade, crony, henchman, partner conspirator, plotter, traitor gangster, mobster, racketeer",, 2525,1,"2018-03-16 03:10:21",a,2525,"2018-03-16 07:52:23",accomplish,"to carry through (as a process) to completion You've accomplished your assigned task with your usual efficiency.","Synonyms of accomplish achieve, bring off, carry off, carry out, commit, compass, do, execute, follow through (with), fulfill (or fulfil), make, negotiate, perform, perpetrate, prosecute, pull off, put through","Words Related to accomplish bring about, effect, effectuate, implement ace, nail engage (in), practice (also practise) work (at) reduplicate, reenact, repeat actualize, attain, realize complete, end, finish, wind up","Near Antonyms of accomplish fail skimp, slight, slur", 2526,1,"2018-03-16 03:10:21",a,2526,"2018-03-16 07:52:30",accomplished,"1 having or showing a taste for the fine arts and gracious living A year as an exchange student in Europe had transformed her into an accomplished young woman.","Synonyms of accomplished civilized, cultivated, cultured, genteel, polished, refined","Words Related to accomplished cerebral, highbrow, highbrowed, high-toned, intellectual, intellectualist, intellectualistic bourgeois, middlebrow educated, erudite, knowledgeable, learned, literate, scholarly, well-read civil, courteous, mannerly, polite, well-bred cosmopolitan, sophisticated, urbane hypercivilized, overcivilized, oversophisticated","Near Antonyms of accomplished ignorant, illiterate, uneducated, unlettered lowbrow, unintelligent coarse, ill-bred, ill-mannered backwoods, provincial, rustic (also rustical) inelegant, polyester, unsophisticated boorish, churlish, cloddish, clownish, crude, uncouth, vulgar","Antonyms of accomplished barbaric, barbarous, philistine, uncivilized, uncultured, ungenteel, unpolished, unrefined" 2527,1,"2018-03-16 03:10:21",a,2527,"2018-03-16 07:52:34",accomplishment,"1 a successful result brought about by hard work Our biggest accomplishment this week was finishing the living room makeover.","Synonyms of accomplishment achievement, acquirement, attainment, baby, coup, success, triumph","Words Related to accomplishment blockbuster, hit, jackpot, megahit, miracle, smash, winner conquest, gain, victory, win skill deed, feat, performance arrival, completion, consummation, culmination, execution, fruition, fulfillment (or fulfilment), implementation, realization","Near Antonyms of accomplishment botch, mess, muddle, shambles bummer, bust, catastrophe, debacle (also débâcle), disaster, dud, failure, fiasco, fizzle, flop, washout disappointment, letdown, loss, setback","Antonyms of accomplishment nonachievement" 2528,1,"2018-03-16 03:10:21",a,2528,"2018-03-16 07:52:41",accord,"1 a formal agreement between two or more nations or peoples hoped to bring about a peace accord between the warring nations","Synonyms of accord alliance, compact, convention, covenant, pact, treaty","Words Related to accord entente bargain, bond, charter, concord, contract, deal, settlement, understanding","Near Antonyms of accord contrast, discrepancy, disparateness, disparity, dissimilarity, distinction, distinctiveness, distinctness, diverseness, diversity, unlikeness deviance, divergence discord, discordance, dissension (also dissention), dissent, dissidence, disunity, friction, strife variability, variance incompatibility","Antonyms of accord conflict, disagreement, incongruence, incongruity, incongruousness" 2529,1,"2018-03-16 03:10:21",a,2529,"2018-03-16 07:52:44",accordance,"a state of consistency Make sure the fund-raiser is in accordance with the school rules.","Synonyms of accordance accord, agreement, conformance, conformity, congruence, congruency, congruity, consonance, harmony, tune","Words Related to accordance compatibility assimilation, integration oneness, solidarity, togetherness affinity, empathy, sympathy","Near Antonyms of accordance contrast, discrepancy, disparateness, disparity, dissimilarity, distinction, distinctiveness, distinctness, diverseness, diversity, unlikeness deviance, divergence discord, discordance, dissension (also dissention), dissent, dissidence, disunity, friction, strife variability, variance incompatibility","Antonyms of accordance conflict, disagreement, incongruence, incongruity, incongruousness" 2530,1,"2018-03-16 03:10:21",a,2530,"2018-03-16 07:52:51",accordant,"not having or showing any apparent conflict a decision accordant with previous policy regarding unpaid leave","Synonyms of accordant coherent, compatible, concordant, conformable (to), congruent, congruous, consistent, consonant, correspondent (with or to), harmonious, nonconflicting","Words Related to accordant self-consistent appropriate, befitting, felicitous, fit, fitting, meet, proper, right, suitable","Near Antonyms of accordant improper, inapposite, inappropriate, inapt, infelicitous, unsuitable","Antonyms of accordant conflicting, conflictive, incompatible, incongruous, inconsistent, inharmonious, noncompatible" 2531,1,"2018-03-16 03:10:21",a,2531,"2018-03-16 07:52:56",accordingly,"for this or that reason The application deadline was yesterday; accordingly, only applications mailed before midnight can be considered.","Synonyms of accordingly consequently, ergo, hence, so, therefore, thereupon, thus",,, 2532,1,"2018-03-16 03:10:21",a,2532,"2018-03-16 07:53:00",account,"1 a relating of events usually in the order in which they happened Newspaper reporters must strive to provide an accurate account of what happened.","Synonyms of account chronicle, chronology, commentary (usually commentaries), history, narration, narrative, record, report, story","Words Related to account version deposition, documentation, testament, testimonial, testimony, witness annals, blog, diary, journal, log, logbook, memoir anecdote, tale, yarn epic, saga recital, recitation case history, case study","Near Antonyms of account inapplicability, inappropriateness","Antonyms of account uselessness, worthlessness" 2533,1,"2018-03-16 03:10:21",a,2533,"2018-03-18 23:56:20","account (for)","to give the reason for or cause of could not account for the huge difference in price between the two practically identical handbags","Synonyms of account (for) attribute, explain, explain away, rationalize","Words Related to account (for) condone, excuse, forgive, justify absolve, acquit, exculpate, exonerate, vindicate",, 2534,1,"2018-03-16 03:10:21",a,2534,"2018-03-16 07:53:37",accountable,"being the one who must meet an obligation or suffer the consequences for failing to do so The owner was held accountable for his dog's biting of the child.","Synonyms of accountable amenable, answerable, liable, responsible","Words Related to accountable beholden, indebted, obligated, obliged","Near Antonyms of accountable exempt, immune","Antonyms of accountable irresponsible, nonaccountable, unaccountable" 2535,1,"2018-03-16 03:10:21",a,2535,"2018-03-16 07:53:43",accounting,"a statement given to explain a belief or act gave a full accounting of their involvement","Synonyms of accounting account, argument, case, explanation, rationale, reason","Words Related to accounting alibi, apologia, apology, defense, excuse, justification, vindication appeal, plea guise, pretense (or pretence), pretext, rationalization",, 2536,1,"2018-03-16 03:10:21",a,2536,"2018-03-16 07:53:50",accouter,"to provide (someone) with what is needed for a task or activity hikers accoutred with walking sticks, water bottles, trail maps, and compasses","Synonyms of accoutre equip, fit (out), furnish, gird, outfit, provision, rig, supply","Words Related to accoutre stock, store bestow, contribute, donate, give, present apportion, deal (out), dispense, distribute, dole out, hand out, mete (out), parcel (out), portion, prorate allocate, allot, assign arm, fortify, prepare","Near Antonyms of accoutre deprive, dispossess, divest, strip", 2537,1,"2018-03-16 03:10:21",a,2537,"2018-03-16 07:53:54",accouterment,"1 something that is not necessary in itself but adds to the convenience or performance of the main piece of equipment This vacuum cleaner has all of the accoutrements for cleaning furniture as well as floors.","Synonyms of accoutrement accessory (also accessary), adapter (also adaptor), add-on, adjunct, appendage, appliance, attachment, option","Words Related to accoutrement accompaniment, additive, complement, supplement auxiliary, subsidiary amenity, doodad, extra, filler, frill, incidental, luxury, nonessential, nonnecessity appurtenances, bells and whistles, equipment, furnishings, paraphernalia, trappings adornment, decoration, embellishment, enhancement, ornament, trim, trimming","Near Antonyms of accoutrement essential, necessity, requirement, requisite", 2538,1,"2018-03-16 03:10:21",a,2538,"2018-03-16 07:53:55",accouterments,"1 something that is not necessary in itself but adds to the convenience or performance of the main piece of equipment This vacuum cleaner has all of the accoutrements for cleaning furniture as well as floors.","Synonyms of accoutrement accessory (also accessary), adapter (also adaptor), add-on, adjunct, appendage, appliance, attachment, option","Words Related to accoutrement accompaniment, additive, complement, supplement auxiliary, subsidiary amenity, doodad, extra, filler, frill, incidental, luxury, nonessential, nonnecessity appurtenances, bells and whistles, equipment, furnishings, paraphernalia, trappings adornment, decoration, embellishment, enhancement, ornament, trim, trimming","Near Antonyms of accoutrement essential, necessity, requirement, requisite", 2539,1,"2018-03-16 03:10:21",a,2539,"2018-03-16 07:53:59",accoutre,"to provide (someone) with what is needed for a task or activity hikers accoutred with walking sticks, water bottles, trail maps, and compasses","Synonyms of accoutre equip, fit (out), furnish, gird, outfit, provision, rig, supply","Words Related to accoutre stock, store bestow, contribute, donate, give, present apportion, deal (out), dispense, distribute, dole out, hand out, mete (out), parcel (out), portion, prorate allocate, allot, assign arm, fortify, prepare","Near Antonyms of accoutre deprive, dispossess, divest, strip", 2540,1,"2018-03-16 03:10:21",a,2540,"2018-03-16 07:53:59",accoutrement,"1 something that is not necessary in itself but adds to the convenience or performance of the main piece of equipment This vacuum cleaner has all of the accoutrements for cleaning furniture as well as floors.","Synonyms of accoutrement accessory (also accessary), adapter (also adaptor), add-on, adjunct, appendage, appliance, attachment, option","Words Related to accoutrement accompaniment, additive, complement, supplement auxiliary, subsidiary amenity, doodad, extra, filler, frill, incidental, luxury, nonessential, nonnecessity appurtenances, bells and whistles, equipment, furnishings, paraphernalia, trappings adornment, decoration, embellishment, enhancement, ornament, trim, trimming","Near Antonyms of accoutrement essential, necessity, requirement, requisite", 2541,1,"2018-03-16 03:10:21",a,2541,"2018-03-16 07:54:00",accoutrements,"1 something that is not necessary in itself but adds to the convenience or performance of the main piece of equipment This vacuum cleaner has all of the accoutrements for cleaning furniture as well as floors.","Synonyms of accoutrement accessory (also accessary), adapter (also adaptor), add-on, adjunct, appendage, appliance, attachment, option","Words Related to accoutrement accompaniment, additive, complement, supplement auxiliary, subsidiary amenity, doodad, extra, filler, frill, incidental, luxury, nonessential, nonnecessity appurtenances, bells and whistles, equipment, furnishings, paraphernalia, trappings adornment, decoration, embellishment, enhancement, ornament, trim, trimming","Near Antonyms of accoutrement essential, necessity, requirement, requisite", 2542,1,"2018-03-16 03:10:21",a,2542,"2018-03-16 07:54:04",accredit,"1 to explain (something) as being the result of something else The film buff accredits his good choice of movies to reading a reviewer who seldom steers him wrong.","Synonyms of accredit ascribe, attribute, chalk up, credit, impute, lay, put down","Words Related to accredit blame, charge, father (on), impute (to), pin (on) assign, refer associate, attach, connect, link","Near Antonyms of accredit ban, bar, block, constrain, deny, disallow, disbar, discourage, disenfranchise, disfranchise, exclude, hinder, hold back, impede, inhibit, obstruct, prevent, shut out, stop enjoin, forbid, interdict, outlaw, prohibit, proscribe, veto","Antonyms of accredit disqualify" 2543,1,"2018-03-16 03:10:21",a,2543,"2018-03-16 07:54:08",accreditation,"the granting of power to perform various acts or duties the only body empowered with the accreditation of medical schools in the state","Synonyms of accreditation authorization, commission, delegation, empowerment, license (or licence), mandate","Words Related to accreditation commendation, consignment, entrustment facilitation, fostering, promotion commanding, directing, ordering",, 2544,1,"2018-03-16 03:10:21",a,2544,"2018-03-16 07:54:15",accretion,"1 a mass or quantity that has piled up or that has been gathered over a period of time a thick accretion of ice in the freezer","Synonyms of accretion accumulation, assemblage, collection, cumulation, gathering, pileup","Words Related to accretion agglomerate, assortment, conglomerate, conglomeration, hodgepodge, hotchpotch, jumble, medley, mélange, mishmash, mix, mixture, motley, potpourri agglomeration, clutter, hash, heap, litter, mass, pile aggregate, aggregation, sum, totality backlog, cache, fund, hoard, inventory, kitty, nest egg, reserve, stock, stockpile, store, supply","Near Antonyms of accretion deduction, subtraction","Antonyms of accretion abatement, decline, decrease, decrement, depletion, diminishment, diminution, drop-off, fall, falloff, lessening, loss, lowering, reduction, shrinkage, step-down" 2545,1,"2018-03-16 03:10:21",a,2545,"2018-03-16 07:54:21",accrual,"something added (as by growth) I had an accrual of $100 through interest on my savings account last year.","Synonyms of accrual accretion, addendum, addition, augmentation, boost, expansion, gain, increase, increment, more, plus, proliferation, raise, rise, step-up, supplement, uptick","Words Related to accrual accumulation, assemblage, collection, gathering complement accession, appendix, continuation, extension, uptrend, upturn jump, run-up, spike","Near Antonyms of accrual deduction, subtraction","Antonyms of accrual abatement, decline, decrease, decrement, depletion, diminishment, diminution, drop-off, fall, falloff, lessening, loss, lowering, reduction, shrinkage, step-down" 2546,1,"2018-03-16 03:10:21",a,2546,"2018-03-16 07:54:26",accumulate,"1 to become greater in extent, volume, amount, or number The number of orders through the website is really accumulating.","Synonyms of accumulate accelerate, appreciate, balloon, boom, build up, burgeon (also bourgeon), climb, enlarge, escalate, expand, gain, increase, mount, multiply, mushroom, proliferate, rise, roll up, snowball, spread, swell, wax","Words Related to accumulate jump, rocket, skyrocket, surge heighten, intensify, redouble blow up, bulk, distend, inflate, puff (up) crescendo, crest, peak","Near Antonyms of accumulate break up, disband, disintegrate, dissolve, separate, sever, split (up) dismiss, send","Antonyms of accumulate contract, decrease, diminish, dwindle, lessen, recede, wane" 2547,1,"2018-03-16 03:10:21",a,2547,"2018-03-16 07:54:32",accumulating,"the act or process of becoming greater in number the accumulating of newspapers in the basement over the years","Synonyms of accumulating accumulation, addition, increase, multiplication, mushrooming, proliferation","Words Related to accumulating doubling, quadrupling, tripling creep, growth, rise, spread enlargement, escalation, expansion amplification, distension (or distention), inflation accretion, accrual, augmentation, cumulation extension, lengthening boost, gain, hike, increment, rise","Near Antonyms of accumulating abatement, compressing, compression, condensation, condensing, constricting, constriction, contracting, contraction, diminishing, diminishment, diminution, drop, drop-off, fall, falloff, lessening, lowering, reduction, shrinkage, shrinking retrenching, retrenchment, shortening","Antonyms of accumulating decrease" 2548,1,"2018-03-16 03:10:21",a,2548,"2018-03-16 07:54:34",accumulation,"1 a mass or quantity that has piled up or that has been gathered over a period of time a vast accumulation of evidence about the dangers of smoking","Synonyms of accumulation accretion, assemblage, collection, cumulation, gathering, pileup","Words Related to accumulation agglomerate, assortment, conglomerate, conglomeration, hodgepodge, hotchpotch, jumble, medley, mélange, mishmash, mix, mixture, motley, potpourri agglomeration, clutter, hash, heap, litter, mass, pile aggregate, aggregation, sum, totality backlog, cache, fund, hoard, inventory, kitty, nest egg, reserve, stock, stockpile, store, supply","Near Antonyms of accumulation abatement, compressing, compression, condensation, condensing, constricting, constriction, contracting, contraction, diminishing, diminishment, diminution, drop, drop-off, fall, falloff, lessening, lowering, reduction, shrinkage, shrinking retrenching, retrenchment, shortening","Antonyms of accumulation decrease" 2549,1,"2018-03-16 03:10:21",a,2549,"2018-03-16 07:54:40",accumulative,"produced by a series of additions of identical or similar things The accumulative effect of all her worries seriously undermined her health.","Synonyms of accumulative additive, conglomerative, cumulative, incremental","Words Related to accumulative gradual, step-by-step, stepwise increscent, progressive accruable, accrued, aggregated, amassed, built-up, compiled, conglomerated","Near Antonyms of accumulative regressive", 2550,1,"2018-03-16 03:10:21",a,2550,"2018-03-16 07:54:43",accuracy,"the quality or state of being very accurate Obviously, with brain surgery the accuracy of the incision is incredibly important.","Synonyms of accuracy accurateness, closeness, delicacy, exactitude, exactness, fineness, nicety, perfection, preciseness, precision, rigor, rigorousness, ultraprecision, veracity","Words Related to accuracy correctness, fidelity, rightness, strictness, truth definiteness, definitiveness, definitude, determinacy nicety, subtlety care, carefulness, fastidiousness, meticulousness, persnicketiness","Near Antonyms of accuracy approximation, roundness falseness, falsity, incorrectness, wrongness carelessness, guesswork, looseness indefiniteness, vagueness","Antonyms of accuracy coarseness, impreciseness, imprecision, inaccuracy, inexactitude, inexactness, roughness" 2551,1,"2018-03-16 03:10:21",a,2551,"2018-03-16 07:54:49",accurate,"1 being in agreement with the truth or a fact or a standard an accurate count of the number of people coming to the wedding reception","Synonyms of accurate correct, dead-on, exact, good, on-target, precise, proper, right, so, spot-on, true, veracious","Words Related to accurate legitimate, logical, sound, valid errorless, faultless, flawless, impeccable, inerrant, infallible, letter-perfect, perfect rigorous, strict, stringent","Near Antonyms of accurate defective, faulty, flawed, imperfect","Antonyms of accurate false, improper, inaccurate, incorrect, inexact, off, untrue, wrong" 2552,1,"2018-03-16 03:10:21",a,2552,"2018-03-16 07:54:55",accurateness,"the quality or state of being very accurate a local weatherman whose popularity is due to the accurateness of his predictions","Synonyms of accurateness accuracy, closeness, delicacy, exactitude, exactness, fineness, nicety, perfection, preciseness, precision, rigor, rigorousness, ultraprecision, veracity","Words Related to accurateness correctness, fidelity, rightness, strictness, truth definiteness, definitiveness, definitude, determinacy nicety, subtlety care, carefulness, fastidiousness, meticulousness, persnicketiness","Near Antonyms of accurateness approximation, roundness falseness, falsity, incorrectness, wrongness carelessness, guesswork, looseness indefiniteness, vagueness","Antonyms of accurateness coarseness, impreciseness, imprecision, inaccuracy, inexactitude, inexactness, roughness" 2553,1,"2018-03-16 03:10:21",a,2553,"2018-03-16 07:55:00",accursed,"deserving of one's condemnation or displeasure another accursed tax increase","Synonyms of accursed blasted, confounded, cotton-picking, cursed (also curst), cussed, damnable, dang, danged, darn (also durn), darned (also durned), doggone (or doggoned), infernal","Words Related to accursed atrocious, awful, bum, detestable, execrable, lousy, punk, rotten, terrible, wretched abominable, odious, vile contemptible, despicable, miserable, nasty, pitiable, pitiful, scabby, scummy, scurvy, shameful, sorry","Near Antonyms of accursed commendable, creditable, laudable, praiseworthy great, marvelous (or marvellous), wonderful", 2554,1,"2018-03-16 03:10:21",a,2554,"2018-03-16 07:55:01",accurst,"deserving of one's condemnation or displeasure another accursed tax increase","Synonyms of accursed blasted, confounded, cotton-picking, cursed (also curst), cussed, damnable, dang, danged, darn (also durn), darned (also durned), doggone (or doggoned), infernal","Words Related to accursed atrocious, awful, bum, detestable, execrable, lousy, punk, rotten, terrible, wretched abominable, odious, vile contemptible, despicable, miserable, nasty, pitiable, pitiful, scabby, scummy, scurvy, shameful, sorry","Near Antonyms of accursed commendable, creditable, laudable, praiseworthy great, marvelous (or marvellous), wonderful", 2555,1,"2018-03-16 03:10:21",a,2555,"2018-03-16 07:55:06",accuse,"to make a claim of wrongdoing against She was accused of lying on the employment application.","Synonyms of accuse charge, impeach, incriminate, indict","Words Related to accuse blame, call (on), castigate, censure, condemn, criticize, damn, denounce, fault, impugn, reproach, reprobate chide, rebuke, reprove, tax appeal, arraign, book, cite, summon prosecute, sue, try frame, implicate, inculpate, inform (against), name, report recriminate, retaliate","Near Antonyms of accuse advocate, champion, defend excuse, forgive, justify, pardon, remit, shrive","Antonyms of accuse absolve, acquit, clear, exculpate, exonerate, vindicate" 2556,1,"2018-03-16 03:10:21",a,2556,"2018-03-16 07:55:10",accustom,"to impart knowledge of a new thing or situation to the task of accustoming new recruits to shipboard life","Synonyms of accustom acquaint, familiarize, initiate, introduce, orient, orientate","Words Related to accustom habituate, wont apprise, brief, clue (in), fill in, inform educate, enlighten, ground, instruct, school, train, verse expose, present, subject advise, tell, tip (off), warn, wise (up) reacquaint",, 2557,1,"2018-03-16 03:10:21",a,2557,"2018-03-16 07:55:16",accustomed,"being in the habit or custom Josh was not accustomed to eating so late.","Synonyms of accustomed given, habituated, used, wont","Words Related to accustomed apt, inclined, liable, likely, prone hardened, inured experienced, practiced (or practised), seasoned, veteran addicted, hooked","Near Antonyms of accustomed unapt, unlikely averse, disinclined, opposed inexperienced, new, unseasoned disaccustomed, weaned","Antonyms of accustomed unaccustomed, unused, unwonted" 2558,1,"2018-03-16 03:10:21",a,2558,"2018-03-16 07:55:21",ace,"having or showing exceptional knowledge, experience, or skill in a field of endeavor an ace computer programmer","Synonyms of ace accomplished, adept, complete, consummate, crack, crackerjack, educated, experienced, expert, good, great, master, masterful, masterly, practiced (also practised), proficient, skilled, skillful, versed, veteran, virtuoso","Words Related to ace adroit, clever, deft, dexterous (also dextrous), handy, sure-handed gifted, talented polished, refined effective, effectual, efficient, workmanlike able, capable, competent, fit, fitted, qualified educated, knowledgeable, schooled, taught, trained, tutored all-around (also all-round), well-rounded multiskilled, multitalented","Near Antonyms of ace incapable, incompetent, inept, unfit, unfitted, unqualified, weak artless, crude, rude ineffective, ineffectual, inefficient talentless, ungifted, untalented ignorant, unschooled, untaught, untrained, untutored beginning, green, inexperienced, new, raw, unseasoned, untested, untried, would-be primitive, rough, unpolished awkward, clumsy, heavy-handed","Antonyms of ace amateur, amateurish, inexperienced, inexpert, jackleg, unprofessional, unseasoned, unskilled, unskillful" 2559,1,"2018-03-16 03:10:21",a,2559,"2018-03-16 07:55:29",acerbic,"marked by the use of wit that is intended to cause hurt feelings Students whispered a steady stream of acerbic comments as the lecturer droned on.","Synonyms of acerbic acid, acidic, acrid, barbed, biting, caustic, corrosive, cutting, mordant, pungent, sarcastic, sardonic, satiric (or satirical), scalding, scathing, sharp, smart-aleck, smart-alecky, tart","Words Related to acerbic brisk, cross, sharp-tongued, sour, sourish, spiky (also spikey), tartish incisive, keen, poignant, trenchant cynical, dry, ironic (also ironical), wry facetious, flippant, tongue-in-cheek acrimonious, bitter, resentful, vitriolic harsh, rough, severe, stringent abrupt, blunt, brusque (also brusk), concise, crisp, curt, gruff, pithy, snippety, snippy, succinct, terse backhanded, insincere","Near Antonyms of acerbic amusing, droll, merry, playful, sportive, waggish gentle, mild bland good-humored, good-natured diplomatic, polite, smooth, suave, urbane affable, cordial, genial, gracious, hospitable, sociable", 2560,1,"2018-03-16 03:10:21",a,2560,"2018-03-16 07:55:33",acerbity,"a harsh or sharp quality The customer made his displeasure known with more acerbity than was necessary.","Synonyms of acerbity acidity, acidness, acridity, acridness, acrimoniousness, acrimony, acuteness, asperity, bite, bitterness, edge, harshness, keenness, poignance, poignancy, pungency, roughness, sharpness, tartness","Words Related to acerbity ginger, punch, spice, tang raucousness, severeness, severity, shrillness, virulence, vitriol cattiness, maliciousness pointedness, thorniness","Near Antonyms of acerbity gentleness, kindliness","Antonyms of acerbity mildness, softness" 2561,1,"2018-03-16 03:10:21",a,2561,"2018-03-16 07:55:38",ache,"a sharp unpleasant sensation usually felt in some specific part of the body a dull pounding ache in his head","Synonyms of ache pain, pang, prick, shoot, smart, sting, stitch, throe, tingle, twinge","Words Related to ache discomfort, distress, soreness, tenderness affliction, agony, anguish, misery, sufferance, suffering, torment, torture inflammation, sore, swelling damage, detriment, harm, hurt, injury backache, bellyache, charley horse, colic, complaint, earache, gripe, headache, stomachache, toothache","Near Antonyms of ache comfort, ease, easiness", 2562,1,"2018-03-16 03:10:21",a,2562,"2018-03-18 23:58:28","ache (for)","1 to have sympathy for His heart ached for the lost dog.","Synonyms of ache (for) bleed (for), commiserate (with), condole (with), feel (for), pity, sympathize (with), yearn (over)","Words Related to ache (for) care (for) grieve (for), sorrow (for) love empathize (with), identify (with) tolerate, understand","Near Antonyms of ache (for) disregard, ignore, neglect, overlook dislike, hate, scorn", 2563,1,"2018-03-16 03:10:21",a,2563,"2018-03-16 07:56:14",achievable,"capable of being done or carried out I think that retirement at 55 is an achievable goal.","Synonyms of achievable attainable, doable, feasible, possible, practicable, realizable, viable, workable","Words Related to achievable practical, reasonable, sensible contingent, likely, probable acceptable, believable, conceivable, creditable, plausible, thinkable actionable, available, usable (also useable)","Near Antonyms of achievable impractical, unrealistic doubtful, dubious, far-fetched, improbable, unlikely implausible, inconceivable, incredible, unbelievable futile, useless, vain absurd, fantastic (also fantastical), outlandish, preposterous, ridiculous unthinkable","Antonyms of achievable hopeless, impossible, impracticable, infeasible, nonviable, unattainable, undoable, unfeasible, unrealizable, unviable, unworkable" 2564,1,"2018-03-16 03:10:21",a,2564,"2018-03-16 07:56:19",achieve,"1 to obtain (as a goal) through effort finally achieved stardom","Synonyms of achieve attain, bag, chalk up, gain, hit, log, make, notch (up), rack up, ring up, score, win","Words Related to achieve acquire, capture, carry, draw, garner, get, land, make, obtain, procure, realize, secure amount (to), approach, equal, match, measure up (to), meet, rival, tie, touch beat, excel, outdo, surpass, top","Near Antonyms of achieve fall short (of), miss fail (at) lose", 2565,1,"2018-03-16 03:10:21",a,2565,"2018-03-16 07:56:24",achievement,"1 a successful result brought about by hard work This improvement in your time for a 10K road race is quite an achievement!","Synonyms of achievement accomplishment, acquirement, attainment, baby, coup, success, triumph","Words Related to achievement blockbuster, hit, jackpot, megahit, miracle, smash, winner conquest, gain, victory, win skill deed, feat, performance arrival, completion, consummation, culmination, execution, fruition, fulfillment (or fulfilment), implementation, realization","Near Antonyms of achievement botch, mess, muddle, shambles bummer, bust, catastrophe, debacle (also débâcle), disaster, dud, failure, fiasco, fizzle, flop, washout disappointment, letdown, loss, setback","Antonyms of achievement nonachievement" 2566,1,"2018-03-16 03:10:21",a,2566,"2018-03-18 23:58:40","Achilles' heel","a vulnerable point This year, the team's Achilles' heel is pitching.","Synonyms of Achilles' heel back, chink, underbelly","Words Related to Achilles' heel downfall, ruin, undoing",, 2567,1,"2018-03-16 03:10:21",a,2567,"2018-03-16 07:56:58",aching,"1 causing or feeling bodily pain my poor, aching back","Synonyms of aching achy, afflictive, hurting, nasty, painful, sore","Words Related to aching agonizing, excruciating, torturous damaging, deleterious, detrimental, harmful, hurtful, injurious, noxious, pernicious raw, tender bleeding, burning, chafing, cramping, festering itching, nagging, pinching, pricking, prickling, smarting, stinging inflamed (also enflamed), swollen grievous, severe, threatening, wounding","Near Antonyms of aching curative, healing, helping, remedial","Antonyms of aching indolent, painless" 2568,1,"2018-03-16 03:10:21",a,2568,"2018-03-16 07:57:02",achingly,"to a great degree an achingly funny movie","Synonyms of achingly almighty, archly, awful, awfully, badly, beastly, blisteringly, bone, colossally, dang, deadly, desperately, eminently, enormously, especially, ever, exceedingly (also exceeding), extra, extremely, fabulously, fantastically, far, fiercely, filthy, frightfully, full, greatly, heavily, highly, hugely, immensely, incredibly, intensely, jolly, majorly, mightily, mighty, mortally, most, much, particularly, passing, real, really, right, roaring, seriously, severely, so, sore, sorely, spanking, specially, such, super, supremely, surpassingly, terribly, that, thumping, too, uncommonly, vastly, very, vitally, way, whacking, wicked, wildly","Words Related to achingly absolutely, altogether, completely, downright, entirely, flat-out, fully, positively, purely, radically, thoroughly, totally, utterly, wholly deeply, profoundly exceptionally, notably, remarkably considerably, extensively, significantly, substantially appreciably, discernibly, markedly, noticeably, obviously, palpably, plainly, visibly abundantly, plentifully astronomically, grandly, monstrously, monumentally excessively, obscenely, overmuch amazingly, astonishingly, staggeringly","Near Antonyms of achingly meagerly, scantily barely, hardly, just, marginally, minimally, scarcely","Antonyms of achingly little, negligibly, nominally, slightly, somewhat" 2569,1,"2018-03-16 03:10:21",a,2569,"2018-03-16 07:57:08",achy,"causing or feeling bodily pain unable to play in tomorrow's football game because of an achy right knee","Synonyms of achy aching, afflictive, hurting, nasty, painful, sore","Words Related to achy agonizing, excruciating, torturous damaging, deleterious, detrimental, harmful, hurtful, injurious, noxious, pernicious raw, tender bleeding, burning, chafing, cramping, festering itching, nagging, pinching, pricking, prickling, smarting, stinging inflamed (also enflamed), swollen grievous, severe, threatening, wounding","Near Antonyms of achy curative, healing, helping, remedial","Antonyms of achy indolent, painless" 2570,1,"2018-03-16 03:10:21",a,2570,"2018-03-16 07:57:12",acid,"1 causing or characterized by the one of the basic taste sensations that is produced chiefly by acids an acid-tasting medicine","Synonyms of acid acidic, sour, sourish, tart, vinegary","Words Related to acid dry, soured, unsweetened pungent, sharp, tangy, zestful, zesty, zingy astringent, puckery hyperacid","Near Antonyms of acid sweet bland, smooth flat, flavorless, insipid, savorless, tasteless, zestless dilute, thin, watery, weak","Antonyms of acid amiable, good-humored, good-natured, good-tempered" 2571,1,"2018-03-16 03:10:21",a,2571,"2018-03-16 07:57:17",acidic,"1 causing or characterized by the one of the basic taste sensations that is produced chiefly by acids The acidic flavor of lemon goes nicely with broiled fish.","Synonyms of acidic acid, sour, sourish, tart, vinegary","Words Related to acidic dry, soured, unsweetened pungent, sharp, tangy, zestful, zesty, zingy astringent, puckery hyperacid","Near Antonyms of acidic sweet bland, smooth flat, flavorless, insipid, savorless, tasteless, zestless dilute, thin, watery, weak", 2572,1,"2018-03-16 03:10:21",a,2572,"2018-03-16 07:57:24",acidity,"1 a harsh or sharp quality I detected a certain acidity in the way he responded.","Synonyms of acidity acerbity, acidness, acridity, acridness, acrimoniousness, acrimony, acuteness, asperity, bite, bitterness, edge, harshness, keenness, poignance, poignancy, pungency, roughness, sharpness, tartness","Words Related to acidity ginger, punch, spice, tang raucousness, severeness, severity, shrillness, virulence, vitriol cattiness, maliciousness pointedness, thorniness","Near Antonyms of acidity gentleness, kindliness","Antonyms of acidity mildness, softness" 2573,1,"2018-03-16 03:10:21",a,2573,"2018-03-16 07:57:28",acidness,"1 a harsh or sharp quality There's an irritating acidness to the writer's comments on just about everything.","Synonyms of acidness acerbity, acidity, acridity, acridness, acrimoniousness, acrimony, acuteness, asperity, bite, bitterness, edge, harshness, keenness, poignance, poignancy, pungency, roughness, sharpness, tartness","Words Related to acidness ginger, punch, spice, tang raucousness, severeness, severity, shrillness, virulence, vitriol cattiness, maliciousness pointedness, thorniness","Near Antonyms of acidness gentleness, kindliness","Antonyms of acidness mildness, softness" 2574,1,"2018-03-16 03:10:21",a,2574,"2018-03-16 07:57:28",acknowledge,"to accept the truth or existence of (something) usually reluctantly The teen finally had to acknowledge that she'd outgrown her favorite shoes.","Synonyms of acknowledge admit, agree, allow, concede, confess, fess (up), grant, own (up to)","Words Related to acknowledge disburden, unburden, unload affirm, avow, confirm, profess accept, recognize, yield announce, break, broadcast, communicate, declare, disclose, divulge, impart, proclaim, publish, reveal, spill, tell, unveil betray, blab, expose, give away, inform, leak, rat, squeal, talk, tattle, tip (off), warn, wise (up)","Near Antonyms of acknowledge disallow, disavow, disclaim, disown contradict, dispute, gainsay, negate, negative rebut, refute, reject, repudiate conceal, cover (up), hide, obscure, veil kid (oneself)","Antonyms of acknowledge deny" 2575,1,"2018-03-16 03:10:21",a,2575,"2018-03-16 07:57:34",acknowledgement,"1 a formal recognition of an achievement or praiseworthy deed an acknowledgment to the food committee for the delicious refreshments","Synonyms of acknowledgment citation, commendation, mention","Words Related to acknowledgment decoration, medal, ribbon accolade, award, honor, kudo, prize, tribute dedication","Near Antonyms of acknowledgment denial, disallowance, disclaimer, recantation, rejection, renouncement, repudiation","Antonyms of acknowledgment disavowal, nonadmission" 2576,1,"2018-03-16 03:10:21",a,2576,"2018-03-16 07:57:34",acknowledgment,"1 a formal recognition of an achievement or praiseworthy deed an acknowledgment to the food committee for the delicious refreshments","Synonyms of acknowledgment citation, commendation, mention","Words Related to acknowledgment decoration, medal, ribbon accolade, award, honor, kudo, prize, tribute dedication","Near Antonyms of acknowledgment denial, disallowance, disclaimer, recantation, rejection, renouncement, repudiation","Antonyms of acknowledgment disavowal, nonadmission" 2577,1,"2018-03-16 03:10:21",a,2577,"2018-03-16 07:57:38",acme,"1 the highest part or point The acme of their basketball season was their hard-won victory over last year's state champs.","Synonyms of acme apex, apogee, capstone, climax, crescendo, crest, crown, culmination, head, height, high noon, high-water mark, meridian, ne plus ultra, noon, noontime, peak, pinnacle, summit, tip-top, top, zenith","Words Related to acme bloom, blossom, flood tide, flower, glory, heyday, prime cap, ceiling, roof extreme, extremity, tip, vertex high, highlight, highspot","Near Antonyms of acme abyss, base, foot minimum","Antonyms of acme bottom, nadir, rock bottom"