,thesaurus.ts,thesaurus.title,thesaurus.sense,thesaurus.synonyms,thesaurus.words_related,thesaurus.near_antonyms,thesaurus.antonyms 101,"2018-03-16 03:46:32",babble,"unintelligible or meaningless talk The baby's good-natured babble and random gurglings were cute, but not very helpful in determining what he wanted.","Synonyms of babble abracadabra, blabber, burble, double-talk, drivel, gabble, gibber, gibberish, jabber, jabberwocky, mumbo jumbo, nonsense, prattle","Words Related to babble blah (also blah-blah), hocus-pocus, hokeypokey, twaddle chatter, gab, patter, prate, tattle, twitter cackle, clack, clatter","Near Antonyms of babble articulate, enunciate, pronounce", 102,"2018-03-16 03:46:35",babbler,"a person who talks constantly Spending too much time with that babbler gives me a headache.","Synonyms of babbler blabber, blabbermouth, blowhard, cackler, chatterbox, chatterer, conversationalist, gabbler, jabberer, prattler, talker, windbag","Words Related to babbler gossip, gossiper, talebearer, tattler, tattletale blatherer, blatherskite converser, discourser",, 103,"2018-03-16 03:46:41",babe,"1 a person who is just starting out in a field of activity I was just a babe when I started my political career.","Synonyms of babe apprentice, beginner, colt, cub, fledgling, freshman, greenhorn, neophyte, newbie, newcomer, novice, novitiate, punk, recruit, rookie, tenderfoot, tyro","Words Related to babe boot amateur, dabbler, dilettante learner, student, trainee candidate, entrant, probationer","Near Antonyms of babe expert, master, pro, professional","Antonyms of babe old hand, old-timer, vet, veteran" 104,"2018-03-16 03:46:47",babel,"1 a place of uproar or confusion On opening day the area's newest big-box store was an incredible babel.","Synonyms of babel bedlam, circus, madhouse, three-ring circus","Words Related to babel bustle, commotion, pandemonium, racket, ruckus, tumult, turmoil brouhaha, clamor, clatter, din, hubbub, noise chaos, confusion, disarrangement, disarray, disorder, havoc, hell, mess, muss, shambles","Near Antonyms of babel arcadia, heaven, paradise, utopia calm, lull, peace, respite hush, quiet, silence, stillness","Antonyms of babel quiet, silence, silentness, still, stillness" 105,"2018-03-16 03:46:53",babushka,"a scarf worn on the head an elderly Russian woman with a babushka","Synonyms of babushka bandanna (or bandana), do-rag, handkerchief, kerchief, mantilla","Words Related to babushka shawl hankie (or hanky)",, 106,"2018-03-16 03:47:00",baby,"1 a recently born person The baby is just learning to sit up, so be careful.","Synonyms of baby babe, bambino, child, infant, neonate, newborn","Words Related to baby cherub foundling, nursling, suckling preemie (also premie) papoose bantling, kid, kiddie (also kiddy), kiddo, moppet, toddler, tot, tyke (also tike) boy, nipper, tad juvenile, minor, youngling, youngster, youth brat, imp, squirt, urchin, whippersnapper girl, hoyden, tomboy","Near Antonyms of baby adult, grown-up elder, graybeard, oldster, old-timer, senior, senior citizen","Antonyms of baby nonachievement" 107,"2018-03-18 20:59:40","baby buggy","a small four-wheeled vehicle designed for pushing a baby around in a proud new father who enjoys pushing the baby buggy around the park","Synonyms of baby buggy baby carriage, buggy, stroller","Words Related to baby buggy bassinet, cradle, crib",, 108,"2018-03-18 20:59:53","baby carriage","a small four-wheeled vehicle designed for pushing a baby around in twins in a double baby carriage","Synonyms of baby carriage baby buggy, buggy, stroller","Words Related to baby carriage bassinet, cradle, crib",, 109,"2018-03-16 03:48:02",babyish,"having or showing the annoying qualities (as silliness) associated with children The boy now thinks that playing with blocks is a rather babyish activity.","Synonyms of babyish adolescent, childish, immature, infantile, jejune, juvenile, kiddish, puerile","Words Related to babyish boyish, brattish, bratty, girlie (or girly), girlish childlike, innocent, naive (or naïve), simple, simplistic, unsophisticated","Near Antonyms of babyish unchildlike cosmopolitan, experienced, knowing, smart, sophisticated, worldly, worldly-wise","Antonyms of babyish adult, grown-up, mature" 110,"2018-03-16 03:48:07",babysitter,"a person employed to care for a young child or children a babysitter who is a great favorite with the kids because she's always thinking of fun things to do","Synonyms of babysitter dry nurse, nanny (also nannie), nurse, nursemaid, sitter","Words Related to babysitter duenna, governess",, 111,"2018-03-16 03:48:11",back,"being at or in the part of something opposite the front part She carried all the presents in the back door, as the children were playing in the front yard.","Synonyms of back aft, after, hind, hinder, hindmost, posterior, rear, rearward","Words Related to back dorsal","Near Antonyms of back ventral","Antonyms of back anterior, fore, forward, front, frontal" 112,"2018-03-16 03:48:13",back-and-forth,"1 a giving or taking of one thing of value in return for another After the usual back-and-forth of official gifts, the two leaders entered into a serious discussion.","Synonyms of back-and-forth barter, commutation, dicker, exchange, quid pro quo, swap, trade, trade-off, truck","Words Related to back-and-forth replacement, substitution reciprocation, recompense, requital bargain, deal, horse trade, negotiation, transaction bargaining, dealing, dickering, haggling, horse trading logrolling",, 113,"2018-03-18 21:00:14","back away","to move back or away (as from something difficult, dangerous, or disagreeable) I backed away from the snake very slowly and carefully.","Synonyms of back away drop back, fall back, pull out, recede, retire, retreat, withdraw","Words Related to back away flee, fly flinch, recoil, shrink chicken (out) bow out back down, backpedal, backtrack, climb down detach, disengage, disentangle, pull away abandon, depart, evacuate, go, leave, quit, vacate","Near Antonyms of back away beard, brave, brazen, breast, confront, dare, defy, face, outbrave","Antonyms of back away advance" 114,"2018-03-16 03:48:45",backbone,"1 a column of bones supporting the trunk of a vertebrate animal We found the backbone of a fish lying on the beach.","Synonyms of backbone chine, spinal column, spine, vertebral column","Words Related to backbone back, spinal cord, vertebra","Near Antonyms of backbone indecisiveness, irresoluteness, irresolution, vacillation cowardice, cowardliness, cravenness, dastardliness, faintheartedness, pusillanimity, timidity, timorousness","Antonyms of backbone spinelessness" 115,"2018-03-16 03:48:47",backbreaking,"requiring considerable physical or mental effort Modern machinery has significantly eased the backbreaking work of farming.","Synonyms of backbreaking arduous, Augean, challenging, demanding, difficult, effortful, exacting, formidable, grueling (or gruelling), hard, heavy, herculean, killer, laborious, moiling, murderous, rigorous, rough, rugged, severe, stiff, strenuous, sweaty, tall, testing, toilsome, tough, uphill","Words Related to backbreaking abstract, abstruse, complex, complicated, elusive, hairy, insoluble, intricate, involved, knotty, opaque, problematic (also problematical), recondite, serious, spiny, stubborn, thorny, ticklish, tricky bruising, burdensome, exhausting, labored, onerous, oppressive, stressful, taxing, tight, trying annoying, bothersome, distressing, irksome, troublesome, vexatious grievous, grim, strict, stringent brutal, cruel, inhuman, painful","Near Antonyms of backbreaking achievable, clear, doable, elementary, manageable, uncomplicated comforting, gentle, painless, relaxed, smooth, soothing accessible, friendly, idiotproof, user-friendly","Antonyms of backbreaking cheap, easy, effortless, facile, light, mindless, simple, soft, undemanding" 116,"2018-03-16 03:48:53",backchat,"1 disrespectful or argumentative talk given in response to a command or request There'll be no backchat from you, young lady!","Synonyms of backchat back talk, cheek, impertinence, impudence, insolence, mouth, sass, sauce","Words Related to backchat comeback, rejoinder, retort, riposte, wisecrack cuteness, discourtesy, disrespect, guff, impoliteness, nonsense, rudeness, tactlessness audaciousness, audacity, boldness, brazenness coarseness, crassness, crudity, vulgarity abruptness, bluffness, bluntness, brusqueness, crossness, curtness, gruffness, surliness","Near Antonyms of backchat civility, cordiality, courtesy, diplomacy, politeness, tactfulness consideration, gallantry, gentility, graciousness, smoothness, suaveness, suavity deference, respect affability", 117,"2018-03-16 03:48:57",backcountry,"a rural region that forms the edge of the settled or developed part of a country He took a month's supplies and headed out to the backcountry.","Synonyms of backcountry backland(s), backwater, backwoods, bush, frontier, hinterland, outback, up-country","Words Related to backcountry boonies [slang], boondocks, country, countryside, sticks",, 118,"2018-03-18 21:00:38","back down","to break a promise or agreement If you back down about dinner again, I'm not going to agree to another date.","Synonyms of back down back off, back out, cop out, fink out, renege","Words Related to back down chicken (out), wimp out backpedal, backtrack disavow, forswear (also foreswear), recall, recant, repudiate, retract, take back, unsay, withdraw beg off","Near Antonyms of back down adhere (to), follow through (with) comply (with), fulfill (or fulfil), honor, keep, satisfy", 119,"2018-03-16 03:49:28",backdrop,"the physical conditions or features that form the setting against which something is viewed Visitors dine at the restaurant with a dramatic stretch of the Pacific Ocean as a jaw-dropping backdrop.","Synonyms of backdrop background, ground","Words Related to backdrop scene, scenery, set, stage entourage, environment, milieu, setting, surroundings","Near Antonyms of backdrop foreground center, focal point, focus, heart", 120,"2018-03-16 03:49:33",backer,"1 a person who actively supports or favors a cause Backers of prison reform held a rally in front of the statehouse.","Synonyms of backer advocate, advocator, apostle, booster, champion, espouser, exponent, expounder, friend, herald, high priest, paladin, promoter, proponent, protagonist, supporter","Words Related to backer loyalist, partisan (also partizan), stalwart adherent, cohort, disciple, follower interpreter applauder, cheerleader, encourager, fellow traveler","Near Antonyms of backer enemy, foe, rival belittler, critic, faultfinder","Antonyms of backer adversary, antagonist, opponent" 121,"2018-03-16 03:49:40",backfire,"to have the reverse of the desired or expected effect My plan to throw her a surprise party backfired when she ended up planning a getaway for her birthday.","Synonyms of backfire boomerang","Words Related to backfire collapse, flop, flunk, fold, wash out flounder, struggle decline, slip, slump, wane","Near Antonyms of backfire succeed flourish, prosper, thrive", 122,"2018-03-16 03:49:46",background,"1 the physical conditions or features that form the setting against which something is viewed They got married on a mountain top with the sunset as background.","Synonyms of background backdrop, ground","Words Related to background scene, scenery, set, stage entourage, environment, milieu, setting, surroundings","Near Antonyms of background foreground center, focal point, focus, heart", 123,"2018-03-16 03:49:48",backhanded,"not being or expressing what one appears to be or express ""Your work is surprisingly good"" is a bit of a backhanded compliment.","Synonyms of backhanded artificial, counterfeit, double, double-dealing, double-faced, fake, feigned, hypocritical, insincere, left-handed, lip, mealy, mealymouthed, phony (also phoney), pretended, two-faced, unctuous","Words Related to backhanded affected, assumed, claptrap, contrived, forced, mechanical, put-on, simulated, strained, unnatural empty, hollow, meaningless deceitful, devious, dishonest, false, untruthful facile, glib, superficial bogus, sham facetious, jocular, tongue-in-cheek canting, pharisaical, pious, sanctimonious, self-righteous, simon-pure","Near Antonyms of backhanded direct, forthright, frank, heart-to-heart, open, plain, straightforward","Antonyms of backhanded artless, candid, genuine, heartfelt, honest, sincere, undesigning, unfeigned" 124,"2018-03-16 03:49:52",backing,"1 an act or instance of helping The teacher's backing on the science project was invaluable.","Synonyms of backing abetment, aid, assist, assistance, boost, hand, help, helping hand, leg up, lift, support","Words Related to backing advancement, encouragement, facilitation, forwarding, furtherance, furthering, nurturance benefaction, patronage, promotion, sponsorship advice, care, counsel, guidance, mentoring attendance, attention, hand-holding, service assuagement, palliation, relief, succor","Near Antonyms of backing constraint, frustration, inhibition, interference, obstruction, repression, restraint deterrence, discouragement","Antonyms of backing hindrance" 125,"2018-03-16 03:49:55",backland,"usually backlands plural a rural region that forms the edge of the settled or developed part of a country They purposely vacationed in the backlands to get away from people.","Synonyms of backland backcountry, backwater, backwoods, bush, frontier, hinterland, outback, up-country","Words Related to backland boonies [slang], boondocks, country, countryside, sticks",, 126,"2018-03-16 03:49:59",backlands,"usually backlands plural a rural region that forms the edge of the settled or developed part of a country They purposely vacationed in the backlands to get away from people.","Synonyms of backland backcountry, backwater, backwoods, bush, frontier, hinterland, outback, up-country","Words Related to backland boonies [slang], boondocks, country, countryside, sticks",, 127,"2018-03-18 21:01:14","back of","at, to, or toward the rear of The equipment shed is a concrete structure back of the school.","Synonyms of back of abaft, behind",,"Near Antonyms of back of ahead of","Antonyms of back of before" 128,"2018-03-18 21:01:20","back off","to break a promise or agreement You'd better not back off on your promise to do all the planning for the party.","Synonyms of back off back down, back out, cop out, fink out, renege","Words Related to back off chicken (out), wimp out backpedal, backtrack disavow, forswear (also foreswear), recall, recant, repudiate, retract, take back, unsay, withdraw beg off","Near Antonyms of back off adhere (to), follow through (with) comply (with), fulfill (or fulfil), honor, keep, satisfy", 129,"2018-03-18 21:01:24","back out","to break a promise or agreement She backed out on her offer to help with the wedding planning.","Synonyms of back out back down, back off, cop out, fink out, renege","Words Related to back out chicken (out), wimp out backpedal, backtrack disavow, forswear (also foreswear), recall, recant, repudiate, retract, take back, unsay, withdraw beg off","Near Antonyms of back out adhere (to), follow through (with) comply (with), fulfill (or fulfil), honor, keep, satisfy", 130,"2018-03-16 03:51:22",backpack,"a soft-sided case designed for carrying belongings especially on the back Anna stuffed her backpack with so many books that she could barely lift it.","Synonyms of backpack knapsack, pack, packsack, rucksack","Words Related to backpack haversack carryall, carry-on, grip, handbag, suitcase, traveling bag fanny pack, school bag, seabag overnight bag, overnight case, weekend bag",, 131,"2018-03-16 03:51:25",backside,"the part of the body upon which someone sits Our backsides were sore after sitting on those hard benches for so long.","Synonyms of backside behind, bottom, breech, bum, buns, butt, buttocks, can, cheeks, derriere (or derrière), duff, fanny, hams, haunches, hunkers, posterior, rear, rear end, rump, seat, tail, tail end","Words Related to backside beam, stern",, 132,"2018-03-16 03:51:29",backslapper,"a gregarious and unreserved person A career in politics appeals to him, but he's not a backslapper by nature.","Synonyms of backslapper extrovert (also extravert)","Words Related to backslapper exhibitionist, show-off",,"Antonyms of backslapper introvert, shrinking violet, wallflower" 133,"2018-03-16 03:51:32",backslider,"a person who has sunk below the normal moral standard The evangelist was determined to win back the backsliders who had fallen away.","Synonyms of backslider debauchee, debaucher, decadent, degenerate, deviate, libertine, pervert, profligate, rake","Words Related to backslider bankrupt, delinquent, derelict, incorrigible blackguard, cad, heel, knave, miscreant, rascal, reprobate, rogue, scoundrel, villain lecher, playboy, playgirl, satyr","Near Antonyms of backslider saint", 134,"2018-03-16 03:51:38",backstab,"to be unfaithful or disloyal to I knew what it felt like to be backstabbed by a so-called friend.","Synonyms of backstab betray, cross, double-cross, sell (out), two-time","Words Related to backstab give away inform (on), rat (on), snitch (on), tell (on), turn in","Near Antonyms of backstab defend, guard, protect, safeguard, save, shield","Antonyms of backstab stand by" 135,"2018-03-16 03:51:41",backstabber,"one who betrays a trust or an allegiance She accused her former friend of being a backstabber.","Synonyms of backstabber apostate, betrayer, double-crosser, double-dealer, Judas, quisling, recreant, serpent, snake, traitor, turncoat","Words Related to backstabber collaborationist, collaborator, subversive, subverter coconspirator, conspirator, intriguer, plotter, schemer defector, deserter, renegade informant, informer, rat, snitch, snitcher, squealer, stool pigeon, talebearer, tattler, tattletale",, 136,"2018-03-16 03:51:45",backstabbing,"the act or fact of violating the trust or confidence of another a reality TV show that seems to have raised backstabbing to an art form","Synonyms of backstabbing betrayal, business, disloyalty, double cross, faithlessness, falseness, falsity, infidelity, perfidy, sellout, treachery, treason, two-timing, unfaithfulness","Words Related to backstabbing abandonment, desertion deceit, deception, double-dealing, duplicity, guile, two-facedness fraud, informing, lying, snitching, talebearing, trickery","Near Antonyms of backstabbing dependability, reliability, trustworthiness defense, protection, safeguard, shield","Antonyms of backstabbing allegiance, devotion, faithfulness, fealty, fidelity, loyalty, staunchness, steadfastness" 137,"2018-03-16 03:51:49",backstage,"in a manner intended to prevent knowledge or awareness by others Some of the most important decisions were made backstage, and only presented to the full committee afterward.","Synonyms of backstage confidentially, intimately, privately, secretly","Words Related to backstage offscreen, offstage clandestinely, collusively, conspiratorially, covertly furtively, secretively, sneakily, stealthily, surreptitiously, undercover, underground, underhand, underhanded, underhandedly",,"Antonyms of backstage openly, publicly" 138,"2018-03-16 03:51:54",backstairs,"undertaken or done so as to escape being observed or known by others an influential Washington lobbyist who has been involved in a number of backstairs deals","Synonyms of backstairs behind-the-scenes, clandestine, covert, furtive, hugger-mugger, hush-hush, private, privy, secret, sneak, sneaking, sneaky, stealth, stealthy, surreptitious, undercover, underground, underhand, underhanded","Words Related to backstairs off-the-record classified, confidential, restricted, top secret, undisclosed concealed, hidden, secreted, subterranean","Near Antonyms of backstairs acknowledged, avowed aboveboard, straightforward, unconcealed, undisguised unclassified, unrestricted clear, evident, manifest, obvious, patent, plain","Antonyms of backstairs open, overt, public" 139,"2018-03-16 03:51:56",backstop,"to provide (someone) with what is useful or necessary to achieve an end The Nobel-winning geneticist was of course backstopped in his research by a team of highly talented assistants.","Synonyms of backstop abet, aid, assist, back, help, prop (up), support","Words Related to backstop advance, ease, facilitate, forward, foster, further, launch champion, endorse (also indorse), patronize, promote, sponsor attend, care (for), comfort, minister (to), succor sustain bolster, boost, buttress, reinforce (also reenforce) advise, counsel, guide, mentor, nurture bail out, deliver, rescue, save embolden, encourage, hearten benefit, favor, oblige, profit, serve","Near Antonyms of backstop balk, bar, block, constrain, hamper, handicap, hold back, impede, inhibit, obstruct, restrain, strangle baffle, foil, frustrate, inconvenience, interfere, oppose, sabotage, thwart desert, disappoint, fail, let down discourage, dishearten repress, retard, stifle, straiten, stunt damage, harm, hurt, injure","Antonyms of backstop hinder" 140,"2018-03-18 21:02:18","back talk","disrespectful or argumentative talk given in response to a command or request His mother sent him to his room because of his constant back talk.","Synonyms of back talk backchat, cheek, impertinence, impudence, insolence, mouth, sass, sauce","Words Related to back talk comeback, rejoinder, retort, riposte, wisecrack cuteness, discourtesy, disrespect, guff, impoliteness, nonsense, rudeness, tactlessness audaciousness, audacity, boldness, brazenness coarseness, crassness, crudity, vulgarity abruptness, bluffness, bluntness, brusqueness, crossness, curtness, gruffness, surliness","Near Antonyms of back talk civility, cordiality, courtesy, diplomacy, politeness, tactfulness consideration, gallantry, gentility, graciousness, smoothness, suaveness, suavity deference, respect affability", 141,"2018-03-16 03:52:29",back-to-back,"following one after another without others coming in between The new governor was soon facing several back-to-back crises.","Synonyms of back-to-back consecutive, sequential, straight, succeeding, successional, successive","Words Related to back-to-back serial constant, continuous, uninterrupted ensuing, following, later, next, posterior, subsequent","Near Antonyms of back-to-back in series","Antonyms of back-to-back inconsecutive, inconsequent, nonconsecutive, nonsequential" 142,"2018-03-16 03:52:36",backup,"1 a crowded mass (as of cars) that impedes or blocks movement There was the inevitable backup of travelers trying to pass through airport security.","Synonyms of backup bottleneck, jam, jam-up, logjam, snarl, tie-up","Words Related to backup tangle gridlock, lock congestion, traffic crawl, delay, slowdown, stoppage",, 143,"2018-03-16 03:52:41",backward,"1 directed, turned, or done toward the back A backward turn on ice skates is hard to learn because you can't see where you're going.","Synonyms of backward rearward, retrograde","Words Related to backward reverse, reversed aft, after, hind, posterior, rear astern, sternforemost","Near Antonyms of backward forward","Antonyms of backward extroverted (also extraverted), immodest, outgoing" 144,"2018-03-16 03:52:44",backwards,"1 directed, turned, or done toward the back A backward turn on ice skates is hard to learn because you can't see where you're going.","Synonyms of backward rearward, retrograde","Words Related to backward reverse, reversed aft, after, hind, posterior, rear astern, sternforemost","Near Antonyms of backward forward","Antonyms of backward extroverted (also extraverted), immodest, outgoing" 145,"2018-03-16 03:52:48",backwash,"a condition or occurrence traceable to a cause A general recession was the backwash of the crisis in the housing market.","Synonyms of backwash aftereffect, aftermath, child, conclusion, consequence, corollary, development, effect, fate, fruit, issue, outcome, outgrowth, product, result, resultant, sequel, sequence, upshot","Words Related to backwash ramification denouement (also dénouement), echo, implication, repercussion afterclap, afterglow, aftershock by-product, fallout, offshoot, ripple, side effect (also side reaction), spin-off","Near Antonyms of backwash consideration, determinant, factor base, basis, foundation, ground, groundwork impetus, incentive, inspiration, instigation, stimulus mother, origin, root, source, spring","Antonyms of backwash antecedent, causation, cause, occasion, reason" 146,"2018-03-16 03:52:55",backwater,"a rural region that forms the edge of the settled or developed part of a country a distant backwater that didn't even have electricity at that time","Synonyms of backwater backcountry, backland(s), backwoods, bush, frontier, hinterland, outback, up-country","Words Related to backwater boonies [slang], boondocks, country, countryside, sticks",, 147,"2018-03-16 03:52:58",backwoods,"a rural region that forms the edge of the settled or developed part of a country He lived far out in the backwoods and raised hogs for a living.","Synonyms of backwoods backcountry, backland(s), backwater, bush, frontier, hinterland, outback, up-country","Words Related to backwoods boonies [slang], boondocks, country, countryside, sticks",, 148,"2018-03-16 03:53:04",backyard,"being such only for recreation an orchid that is a favorite with backyard horticulturists","Synonyms of backyard amateur, avocational, jackleg, nonprofessional, Sunday","Words Related to backyard naive (or naïve), primitive, self-taught amateurish, dilettante, inexperienced, inexpert, unprofessional, unskilled uninitiated, unprepared, unqualified, unschooled, untaught, untrained, untutored part-time, weekend",, 149,"2018-03-16 03:53:11",bad,"1 falling short of a standard A bad first attempt at making pie resulted in a soggy, inedible mess.","Synonyms of bad bush, bush-league, crummy (also crumby), deficient, dissatisfactory, ill, inferior, lame, lousy, off, paltry, poor, punk, sour, subpar, substandard, unacceptable, unsatisfactory, wanting, wretched, wrong","Words Related to bad abysmal, atrocious, awful, brutal, damnable, deplorable, detestable, disastrous, dreadful, execrable, horrendous, horrible, pathetic, stinky, terrible, unspeakable defective, faulty, flawed egregious, flagrant, gross bum, cheesy, coarse, common, crappy [slang], cut-rate, junky, lesser, low-grade, low-rent, mediocre, miserable, reprehensible, rotten, rubbishy, second-rate, shoddy, sleazy, trashy abominable, odious, vile useless, valueless, worthless inadequate, insufficient, lacking, meager (or meagre), mean, miserly, niggardly, scanty, shabby, short, skimp, skimpy, spare, stingy miscreant, scurrilous, villainous counterfeit, fake, phony (also phoney), sham","Near Antonyms of bad classic, classical A1, bang-up, banner, capital, choice, crackerjack, dandy, divine, excellent, exceptional, fabulous, fine, first-class, first-rate, grand, great, heavenly, high-test, jim-dandy, keen, marvelous (or marvellous), mean, neat, nifty, noble, par excellence, perfect, premium, prime, sensational, slick, splendid, stellar, sterling, superb, superior, superlative, supernal, swell, terrific, tip-top, top, top-notch, unsurpassed, wonderful better, exceptional, fancy, high-grade, special, sufficient average, borderline, fair, mediocre, middling, minimal, so-so, unexceptional suitable, useful, worthy gratifying, satisfying","Antonyms of bad acceptable, adequate, all right, decent, fine, OK (or okay), passable, respectable, satisfactory, standard, tolerable" 150,"2018-03-18 21:02:51","bad blood","a deep-seated ill will There's been bad blood between the two families for years.","Synonyms of bad blood animosity, animus, antagonism, antipathy, bitterness, enmity, gall, grudge, hostility, jaundice, rancor","Words Related to bad blood blood feud, feud, score, vendetta hate, hatred, loathing vindictiveness, virulence, vitriol alienation, disaffection, estrangement conflict, coolness, discord, friction, strain, tension inhospitableness, unfriendliness malice, malignancy, malignity, spite, spitefulness, venom","Near Antonyms of bad blood amiability, amicability, civility, cordiality, friendliness, hospitality, neighborliness comity, empathy, friendship, goodwill, sympathy, understanding","Antonyms of bad blood amity" 151,"2018-03-16 03:53:43",baddie,"a mean, evil, or unprincipled person The actor has never been cast as a hero, but he's played every kind of baddie imaginable.","Synonyms of baddie beast, brute, devil, evildoer, fiend, heavy, hound, knave, meanie (also meany), miscreant, monster, nazi, no-good, rapscallion, rascal, reprobate, rogue, savage, scalawag (or scallywag), scamp, scoundrel, varlet, villain, wretch","Words Related to baddie villainess blackguard criminal, crook, culprit, felon, lawbreaker, malefactor, offender, perp, perpetrator, transgressor sinner, trespasser, wrongdoer cad, heel, serpent, snake, viper bandit, bravo, desperado, outlaw con, convict, jailbird assassin, cutthroat, gangster, goon, gunman, hoodlum, hooligan, racketeer, ruffian, thug rough, rowdy, tough loser, lowlife, ne'er-do-well, stinker, trash","Near Antonyms of baddie angel, innocent, saint hero", 152,"2018-03-16 03:53:47",baddy,"a mean, evil, or unprincipled person The actor has never been cast as a hero, but he's played every kind of baddie imaginable.","Synonyms of baddie beast, brute, devil, evildoer, fiend, heavy, hound, knave, meanie (also meany), miscreant, monster, nazi, no-good, rapscallion, rascal, reprobate, rogue, savage, scalawag (or scallywag), scamp, scoundrel, varlet, villain, wretch","Words Related to baddie villainess blackguard criminal, crook, culprit, felon, lawbreaker, malefactor, offender, perp, perpetrator, transgressor sinner, trespasser, wrongdoer cad, heel, serpent, snake, viper bandit, bravo, desperado, outlaw con, convict, jailbird assassin, cutthroat, gangster, goon, gunman, hoodlum, hooligan, racketeer, ruffian, thug rough, rowdy, tough loser, lowlife, ne'er-do-well, stinker, trash","Near Antonyms of baddie angel, innocent, saint hero", 153,"2018-03-16 03:53:55",badinage,"good-natured teasing or exchanging of clever remarks the sophisticated badinage of the characters in plays by Oscar Wilde","Synonyms of badinage backchat, banter, chaff, give-and-take, jesting, joshing, raillery, repartee","Words Related to badinage barb, crack, dig, gag, gambit, jest, joke, laugh, pleasantry, quip, sally, waggery, wisecrack, witticism drollness, facetiousness, funniness, hilariousness, humorousness, richness fooling, kidding, mocking, razzing, ribbing, ridiculing humor, wit, wordplay nothings chatter, chitchat, gossip, small talk",, 154,"2018-03-16 03:54:00",badly,"1 in an unsatisfactory way I'm afraid you performed quite badly in our last rehearsal.","Synonyms of badly bad, deficiently, inadequately, lousily, poorly, unacceptably, unsatisfactorily, wretchedly","Words Related to badly abysmally, atrociously, awfully, damnably, deplorably, detestably, disastrously, dreadfully, execrably, horrendously, horribly, horrifically, rottenly, terribly intolerably, unbearably inappropriately, incorrectly, indecently, reprehensibly, unsuitably, vulgarly naughtily egregiously, flagrantly, grossly miserably, shoddily, sleazily, trashily, unspeakably abominably, odiously, vilely inferiorly, insufficiently, meagerly, meanly, niggardly, scantily, scantly, shabbily, skimpily, sparely, stingily","Near Antonyms of badly appropriately, congruously, correctly, decently, decorously, felicitously, fittingly, meetly, rightly, seemly, suitably exactly, faithfully, ideally, precisely, respectably gratifyingly, satisfyingly","Antonyms of badly acceptably, adequately, all right, fine, good, nicely, OK (or okay), palatably, passably, satisfactorily, so-so, tolerably, well" 155,"2018-03-16 03:54:05",bad-mouth,"to express scornfully one's low opinion of She promptly bad-mouthed that awful movie to everyone she knew.","Synonyms of bad-mouth belittle, cry down, decry, denigrate, deprecate, depreciate, derogate, diminish, discount, dismiss, disparage, kiss off, minimize, play down, put down, run down, talk down, vilipend, write off","Words Related to bad-mouth discommend abuse, scold disapprove (of), dislike censure, condemn, criticize, denounce, reprehend, reprobate asperse, defame, malign, rip, slander, slur, traduce, vilify discredit, disgrace","Near Antonyms of bad-mouth approve, countenance, endorse (also indorse), favor, recommend, sanction commend, compliment, eulogize","Antonyms of bad-mouth acclaim, applaud, exalt, extol (also extoll), glorify, laud, magnify, praise" 156,"2018-03-16 03:54:09",badness,"the state or quality of being utterly evil The villain's complete badness made him a good foil for the unfailingly virtuous hero.","Synonyms of badness atrociousness, atrocity, depravedness, depravity, diabolicalness, enormity, evilness, heinousness, hideousness, monstrosity, sinfulness, vileness, wickedness","Words Related to badness accursedness, baseness, cursedness, devilishness, execrableness, fiendishness, hellishness corruption, decadence, degeneracy, pervertedness immorality infamy, notoriety","Near Antonyms of badness morality chasteness, innocence, purity","Antonyms of badness goodness, righteousness, virtuousness" 157,"2018-03-16 03:54:10",baffle,"1 to prevent from achieving a goal The language barrier baffled everyone and discouraged us from attempting another teleconference.","Synonyms of baffle balk, beat, checkmate, discomfit, foil, frustrate, thwart","Words Related to baffle bar, block, clog, encumber, fetter, hamper, handicap, hinder, hobble, hold back, impede, inhibit, interfere (with), manacle, obstruct, shackle, tie up, trammel arrest, check, halt, set back, short-circuit, stall, stop avert, forestall, obviate, preclude, prevent negate, neutralize, nullify counteract, offset conquer, defeat, overcome","Near Antonyms of baffle abet, aid, assist ease, facilitate, smooth","Antonyms of baffle advance, cultivate, encourage, forward, foster, further, nurture, promote" 158,"2018-03-16 03:54:14",baffled,"faced with difficulty or uncertainty about what to say, think, or do Baffled viewers didn't know what to make of the strange antics of the talk show host.","Synonyms of baffled confounded, hard put, hard-pressed, nonplussed (also nonplused), perplexed","Words Related to baffled bewildered, confused, disconcerted, fazed embarrassed, flustered, put out","Near Antonyms of baffled undaunted, unfazed composed, untroubled", 159,"2018-03-16 03:54:17",bafflement,"a state of mental uncertainty His complete bafflement as to the point of the joke was in itself funny.","Synonyms of bafflement bamboozlement, befuddlement, bemusement, bewilderment, confusedness, confusion, discombobulation, distraction, fog, muddle, mystification, perplexity, puzzlement, tangle, whirl","Words Related to bafflement abashment, discomfiture, disconcertment, embarrassment, mortification agitation, chagrin, discomfort, dismay, disquiet, distress, disturbance, perturbation, upset bother, commotion, dither, flurry, fluster, fuss, stew, turmoil","Near Antonyms of bafflement assurance, certainty, certitude, confidence, conviction, positiveness, sureness", 160,"2018-03-16 03:54:21",bag,"1 a container made of a flexible material (as paper or plastic) She carries her towel and other supplies to the beach in a bright, colorful bag slung over her arm.","Synonyms of bag poke [chiefly Southern {amp} Midland], pouch, sack","Words Related to bag carryall, portmanteau, traveling bag, wallet bundle, pack, package, packet, parcel backpack, barracks bag, duffel bag, haversack, knapsack, rucksack, satchel, tote handbag, pocketbook, purse, tote bag ditty bag, flight bag, garment bag, kit bag, shopping bag, work bag","Near Antonyms of bag compress, condense, constrict, contract, shrink","Antonyms of bag miss" 161,"2018-03-16 03:54:24",bail,"to leave a place often for another After two hours of that boring party, we were ready to bail.","Synonyms of bail bail out, begone, bug off, bug out, buzz (off), clear out, cut out, depart, dig out, exit, get, get off, go, go off, move, pack (up or off), part, peel off, pike (out or off), pull out, push off, push on, quit, run along, sally (forth), shove (off), step (along), take off, vamoose, walk out","Words Related to bail set out, start, strike out abscond, decamp, escape, evacuate, flee, fly, get out, run away, scat, scram, skip go out, light out, step out abandon, desert, forsake, vacate emigrate adjourn, remove, retire, retreat, withdraw","Near Antonyms of bail abide, dwell, lodge, remain, settle, stay, tarry approach, close, near hit, land, reach","Antonyms of bail arrive, come, show up, turn up" 162,"2018-03-16 03:54:29",bailiwick,"a region of activity, knowledge, or influence Questions about organization of the fund drive are my bailiwick.","Synonyms of bailiwick area, arena, business, circle, department, discipline, domain, element, fief, fiefdom, field, firmament, front, game, kingdom, line, precinct, province, realm, specialty, sphere, terrain, walk","Words Related to bailiwick frontier study, subject territory, turf occupation, profession, pursuit, racket, vocation ambit, amplitude, breadth, compass, confine, dimension(s), extent, ken, reach, scope, sweep, width subfield, subspecialty",, 163,"2018-03-18 21:03:44","bail out","1 to leave a place often for another If the meeting seems like it will never end, find an excuse to bail out.","Synonyms of bail out bail, begone, bug off, bug out, buzz (off), clear out, cut out, depart, dig out, exit, get, get off, go, go off, move, pack (up or off), part, peel off, pike (out or off), pull out, push off, push on, quit, run along, sally (forth), shove (off), step (along), take off, vamoose, walk out","Words Related to bail out set out, start, strike out abscond, decamp, escape, evacuate, flee, fly, get out, run away, scat, scram, skip go out, light out, step out abandon, desert, forsake, vacate emigrate adjourn, remove, retire, retreat, withdraw","Near Antonyms of bail out abide, dwell, lodge, remain, settle, stay, tarry approach, close, near hit, land, reach","Antonyms of bail out arrive, come, show up, turn up" 164,"2018-03-16 03:55:02",bait,"1 something used to attract animals to a hook or into a trap Cheese is the traditional bait for trapping mice.","Synonyms of bait decoy, lure","Words Related to bait ambush, net, trap hook, snare, troll plug, scent, spinner, stool pigeon appeal, attraction, call, draw, incentive, pull enticement, seducement, seduction, temptation entanglement, entrapment","Near Antonyms of bait repellent (also repellant)", 165,"2018-03-16 03:55:05",baiter,"1 a person who causes repeated emotional pain, distress, or annoyance to another a journalist known as a baiter of political candidates","Synonyms of baiter harasser, heckler, mocker, needler, persecutor, quiz, ridiculer, taunter, tease, teaser, tormentor (also tormenter), torturer","Words Related to baiter belittler, derider, detractor, giber (or jiber), insulter, jeerer, scoffer, scorner smart aleck (also smart alec), smarty (or smartie), smarty-pants, wiseacre, wiseguy kidder, lampooner, satirist bother, disturber, pest","Near Antonyms of baiter defender, deliverer, guard, protector, rescuer, savior (or saviour) comforter, solace, soother bodyguard, champion", 166,"2018-03-16 03:55:11",balance,"1 a condition in which opposing forces are equal to one another In order to determine the weight of that beaker, you need to get the two pans of the scale in perfect balance.","Synonyms of balance counterpoise, equilibration, equilibrium, equipoise, poise, stasis","Words Related to balance counterbalance, offset firmness, fixedness, security, stability, steadiness","Near Antonyms of balance changeability, fluctuation, inconstancy, insecurity, instability, mutability, precariousness, shakiness, unsteadiness, volatility","Antonyms of balance disequilibration, disequilibrium, imbalance, nonequilibrium, unbalance" 167,"2018-03-16 03:55:17",balanced,"1 having full use of one's mind and control over one's actions No balanced person would believe that aliens are about to take over.","Synonyms of balanced clearheaded, lucid, normal, right, sane, stable","Words Related to balanced analytic (or analytical), clear, coherent, logical, rational, reasonable even-keeled, judicious, levelheaded, sensible, wise healthy, sound, unneurotic well-adjusted, well-balanced","Near Antonyms of balanced crackbrained, cracked, crackpot, cuckoo, daffy, daft, dotty, loony (also looney), nuts, nutty, screwy, wacky (also whacky) aberrant, delirious, disordered delusional, disturbed, neurotic, paranoid (also paranoidal), psychotic, schizoid, schizophrenic eccentric, odd, oddball, off, strange foolish, senseless, witless irrational, mixed-up, unreasonable distracted, distraught, frantic, frenzied, hysterical (also hysteric), raving amok (or amuck), ballistic, berserk fixated, obsessed","Antonyms of balanced brainsick, crazed, crazy, demented, deranged, insane, lunatic, mad, maniacal (also maniac), mental, unbalanced, unsound" 168,"2018-03-16 03:55:21",balcony,"a flat roofless structure attached to a building On summer mornings I often have breakfast out on the balcony.","Synonyms of balcony deck, sundeck, terrace","Words Related to balcony gallery lanai, porch, stoop, veranda (or verandah)",, 169,"2018-03-16 03:55:26",bald,"1 lacking a usual or natural covering Trees that are bald in the winter aren't the best for giving a home year-round privacy.","Synonyms of bald bare, denuded, exposed, naked, open, peeled, stripped, uncovered","Words Related to bald displayed, revealed hairless, shaven disrobed, unclad, unclothed, undressed furless, skinned divested unprotected","Near Antonyms of bald mantled overgrown, overrun, overspread bearded, hairy","Antonyms of bald covered" 170,"2018-03-16 03:55:30",balderdash,"language, behavior, or ideas that are absurd and contrary to good sense A combat veteran himself, he could not believe the balderdash he was hearing from candidates with no war experience at all.","Synonyms of balderdash baloney (also boloney), beans, bilge, blarney, blather, bosh, bull [slang], bunk, bunkum (or buncombe), claptrap, drivel, folderol (also falderal), folly, foolishness, fudge, hogwash, hokeypokey, hokum, hooey, humbug, humbuggery, jazz, malarkey (also malarky), moonshine, nonsense, piffle, poppycock, rot, rubbish, senselessness, silliness, stupidity, tommyrot, trash, trumpery, twaddle","Words Related to balderdash absurdity, asininity, foolery, idiocy, imbecility, inaneness, inanity, insanity, kookiness, lunacy absurdness, craziness, madness, senselessness, witlessness monkey business, monkeyshine(s), shenanigan(s), tomfoolery gas, hot air, rigmarole (also rigamarole) double-talk, hocus-pocus","Near Antonyms of balderdash levelheadedness, rationality, reasonability, reasonableness, sensibleness common sense, horse sense, sense discernment, judgment (or judgement), wisdom", 171,"2018-03-16 03:55:34",bald-faced,"not subject to misinterpretation or more than one interpretation I took the remark as a bald-faced accusation that I had cheated.","Synonyms of bald-faced apparent, bald, barefaced, broad, clear, clear-cut, crystal clear, decided, distinct, evident, lucid, luminous, manifest, nonambiguous, obvious, open-and-shut, palpable, patent, pellucid, perspicuous, plain, straightforward, transparent, unambiguous, unambivalent, unequivocal, unmistakable","Words Related to bald-faced comprehendible, comprehensible, digestible, fathomable, graspable, intelligible, knowable, understandable self-evident, self-explanatory clean-cut, simple, tidy, uncomplicated overt, undisguised appreciable, perceptible, recognizable, sensible, tangible discernible (also discernable), noticeable, observable, visible black-and-white, explicit, trenchant, well-defined clean, decipherable, fair, legible, readable","Near Antonyms of bald-faced incomprehensible, indecipherable, unfathomable, unintelligible, unknowable impalpable, imperceptible, inappreciable, indiscernible, insensible cloudy, gauzy, gray (also grey), hazy, imprecise, indefinite, indeterminate, misty, murky, nebulous, noncommittal, sketchy, slippery, subtle, vague illegible, undecipherable, unreadable","Antonyms of bald-faced ambiguous, clouded, cryptic, dark, enigmatic (also enigmatical), equivocal, indistinct, mysterious, nonobvious, obfuscated, obscure, unapparent, unclarified, unclear, unclouded" 172,"2018-03-16 03:55:38",baleful,"1 being or showing a sign of evil or calamity to come a dark, baleful sky portending a tornado","Synonyms of baleful dire, direful, foreboding, ill, ill-boding, inauspicious, menacing, minatory, ominous, portentous, sinister, threatening","Words Related to baleful black, bleak, cheerless, chill, cold, comfortless, dark, darkening, depressing, depressive, desolate, dim, disconsolate, dismal, drear, dreary, forlorn, funereal, gloomy, glum, godforsaken, gray (also grey), lonely, lonesome, lugubrious, miserable, morbid, morose, murky, saturnine, sepulchral, somber (or sombre), sullen, wretched discouraging, disheartening, hopeless, unfavorable, unpromising, unpropitious ill-fated, ill-starred, star-crossed, troubled, unfortunate, unlucky evil, malign, malignant","Near Antonyms of baleful auspicious, benign, bright, encouraging, favorable, golden, heartening, hopeful, promising, propitious, prosperous","Antonyms of baleful unthreatening" 173,"2018-03-16 03:55:43",balk,"something that makes movement or progress difficult The extravagant centerpiece on the table proved to be a balk to the flow of the diners' conversation.","Synonyms of balk bar, block, chain, clog, cramp, crimp, deterrent, drag, embarrassment, encumbrance, fetter, handicap, hindrance, holdback, hurdle, impediment, inhibition, interference, manacle, obstacle, obstruction, shackles, stop, stumbling block, trammel","Words Related to balk catch, hitch, rub, snag barrier, blockade, blockage, brick wall, stone wall arrest, bit, brake, check, constraint, curb, hobble, rein, restraint embargo, stoppage delay, holdup, stall burden, cumber, load danger, hazard, peril, reef adversity, difficulty, disadvantage, drawback, hardship","Near Antonyms of balk catalyst, goad, impetus, incentive, spur, stimulant, stimulus advantage, break, edge aid, assistance, benefit, boost, handmaiden (also handmaid), help","Antonyms of balk advance, cultivate, encourage, forward, foster, further, nurture, promote" 174,"2018-03-18 21:04:40","balk (at)","to show unwillingness to accept, do, engage in, or agree to She balked at lending him any more money.","Synonyms of balk (at) decline, disapprove, negative, nix, pass, pass up, refuse, reject, reprobate, repudiate, spurn, throw out, throw over, turn down","Words Related to balk (at) blow off, disdain, rebuff, scorn, scout, shoot down overrule, veto forbid, prohibit, proscribe dismiss, ignore abstain (from), forbear, refrain (from) deny, disavow, disclaim, dispute, gainsay stick abjure, forswear (also foreswear), recant, renounce, retract, take back, unsay, withdraw avoid, bypass, detour contradict, deny, disown, negate controvert, disagree (with), disprove, dispute, rebut, refute back down, back off, backtrack disallow, recall, renege, revoke","Near Antonyms of balk (at) condone, countenance, swallow, tolerate adopt, embrace, receive, take, welcome accede, acquiesce, agree, assent, consent choose, handpick, select espouse, support","Antonyms of balk (at) accept, agree (to), approve" 175,"2018-03-16 03:56:14",balkiness,"refusal to obey The dog's unrelenting balkiness was truly frustrating.","Synonyms of balkiness contrariness, defiance, disobedience, frowardness, insubordination, intractability, obstreperousness, rebellion, rebelliousness, recalcitrance, refractoriness, unruliness, waywardness, willfulness","Words Related to balkiness civil disobedience, noncooperation discourteousness, disrespect, impertinence, impoliteness, impudence, inconsiderateness, inconsideration, insolence, rudeness, ungraciousness doggedness, hardheadedness, mulishness, obduracy, obdurateness, obstinacy, obstinateness, peevishness, pertinaciousness, pertinacity, perversity, pigheadedness, self-will, stubbornness, tenaciousness, tenacity knavery, mischievousness, naughtiness","Near Antonyms of balkiness agreeability, amenability, amiability slavishness, submissiveness, subservience, subserviency trainability deference, docility, dutifulness","Antonyms of balkiness compliance, obedience, submission, subordinateness, subordination, tractability, tractableness" 176,"2018-03-16 03:56:20",balky,"given to resisting authority or another's control a balky toddler who only seemed to know the word ""no"" when told to do something","Synonyms of balky contrary, contumacious, defiant, disobedient, froward, incompliant, insubordinate, intractable, obstreperous, rebel, rebellious, recalcitrant, refractory, restive, ungovernable, unruly, untoward, wayward, willful (or wilful)","Words Related to balky noncooperative, uncooperative insurgent, mutinous adamant, adamantine, dogged, hardheaded, headstrong, immovable, implacable, inflexible, mulish, obdurate, obstinate, opinionated, peevish, pertinacious, pigheaded, rigid, self-willed, stubborn, unbending, uncompromising, unrelenting, unyielding fractious, restive, uncontrollable, unmanageable, wild perverse, resistant, wrongheaded bad, disorderly, errant, misbehaving, mischievous, naughty undisciplined discourteous, disrespectful, ill-bred, ill-mannered, ill-natured, impertinent, impolite, impudent, inconsiderate, insolent, ornery, rude, uncivil, uncouth, ungracious, unmannerly","Near Antonyms of balky acquiescent, agreeable, amiable, cooperative, deferential, obliging yielding behaved, disciplined, well-bred courteous, polite, respectful kowtowing, obsequious, servile, slavish, subservient decorous, mannerly, orderly, proper controllable, governable, manageable, trainable","Antonyms of balky amenable, biddable, compliant, conformable, docile, obedient, ruly, submissive, tractable" 177,"2018-03-16 03:56:23",ball,"1 a more or less round body or mass the little rubber ball used in racquetball","Synonyms of ball globe, orb, sphere","Words Related to ball bead, globule egg, ellipse, loop, oval, spheroid circle, ring, round chunk, clump, gob, hunk, lump, nugget, wad","Near Antonyms of ball block, cube, rectangle, square","Antonyms of ball unroll" 178,"2018-03-16 03:56:29",ballad,"a short musical composition for the human voice often with instrumental accompaniment a haunting ballad about lost love and loneliness","Synonyms of ballad ditty, jingle, lay, lyric, song, vocal","Words Related to ballad anthem, cantata, canticle, carol, chorale, hymn, noel, psalm, spiritual dirge, lament, requiem, threnody hallelujah, paean aria, barcarole (or barcarolle), chant, chantey (or chanty), folk song, glee, lullaby, madrigal, motet, part-song, round, roundelay, serenade",, 179,"2018-03-18 21:05:07","ball game","an earnest effort for superiority or victory over another Don't count me out yet, for I'm still in this ball game.","Synonyms of ball game battle, combat, competition, conflict, confrontation, contention, contest, dogfight, duel, face-off, grapple, match, rivalry, strife, struggle, sweepstakes (also sweep-stake), tug-of-war, war, warfare","Words Related to ball game horse race, nail-biter showdown clash, collision, discord, friction argument, controversy, debate, disagreement, disputation, dispute, dissension (also dissention), quarrel, row, wrangle","Near Antonyms of ball game concord, harmony, peace", 180,"2018-03-16 03:56:57",ballistic,"feeling or showing anger She went ballistic when the computer crashed and she lost all her work.","Synonyms of ballistic angered, angry, apoplectic, choleric, enraged, foaming, fuming, furious, hopping, horn-mad, hot, incensed, indignant, inflamed (also enflamed), infuriate, infuriated, irate, ireful, livid, mad, outraged, rabid, rankled, riled, roiled, sore, steamed up, steaming, teed off, ticked, wrathful, wroth","Words Related to ballistic ranting, raving, stormy boiling, bristling, bristly, burning, cross, huffy, passionate, seething, sizzling, smoldering (or smouldering), worked up, wrought (up) acrid, acrimonious, antagonistic, antipathetic, bitter, embittered, inimical, malevolent, piqued, rancorous, resentful, spiteful, vengeful, vindictive, virulent, vitriolic antisocial, cold, cool, disagreeable, disapproving, distant, frigid, icy, ill-tempered, sorehead (or soreheaded), sulky, unfriendly, unpleasant aggravated, annoyed, bearish, cantankerous, churlish, crabby, cranky, dyspeptic, exasperated, fretful, fussy, grouchy, grumpy, ill-humored, irascible, irritable, peevish, perturbed, petulant, put out, quick-tempered, snappish, testy, touchy argumentative, belligerent, contentious, contrary, disputatious, ornery, pugnacious, quarrelsome, querulous","Near Antonyms of ballistic accepting, accommodating, obliging agreeable, amenable, complaisant amicable, cordial, friendly content, happy, satisfied empathetic, sympathetic, tolerant, understanding calm, pacific, peaceable, placid, serene, tranquil, unembittered affable, amiable, easygoing, genial, good-natured, good-tempered, kind, pleasant, sweet","Antonyms of ballistic delighted, pleased" 181,"2018-03-16 03:57:01",balloon,"1 to become greater in extent, volume, amount, or number the number of students who stay home sick balloons every winter","Synonyms of balloon accelerate, accumulate, appreciate, boom, build up, burgeon (also bourgeon), climb, enlarge, escalate, expand, gain, increase, mount, multiply, mushroom, proliferate, rise, roll up, snowball, spread, swell, wax","Words Related to balloon jump, rocket, skyrocket, surge heighten, intensify, redouble blow up, bulk, distend, inflate, puff (up) crescendo, crest, peak","Near Antonyms of balloon compress, condense, constrict, contract, shrink","Antonyms of balloon contract, decrease, diminish, dwindle, lessen, recede, wane" 182,"2018-03-16 03:57:07",ballot,"1 a piece of paper indicating a person's preferences in an election We collected all of the ballots from the students voting for class president.","Synonyms of ballot vote","Words Related to ballot aye (also ay), yea nay, no blackball referendum ticket absentee ballot, Australian ballot, secret ballot, short ballot, write-in",,"Antonyms of ballot disenfranchisement" 183,"2018-03-16 03:57:11",ballpark,"not precisely correct I suspect that the ballpark costs we were quoted for the kitchen renovation will turn out to be too low.","Synonyms of ballpark approximate, approximative, imprecise, inaccurate, inexact, loose","Words Related to ballpark erroneous, false, incorrect, off, wrong general, indefinable, indefinite, indeterminate, indistinct, undefined, undetermined, unsettled, vague faulty, flawed, mistaken specious distorted, fallacious, misleading doubtful, dubious, questionable, uncertain inconclusive, indecisive debatable, disputable unconfirmed, unsubstantiated, unsupported","Near Antonyms of ballpark certain, incontestable, indubitable, positive, sure, undeniable, unquestionable correct, errorless, factual, right, sound, true, valid clear-cut, decisive, definable, defined, definite incontrovertible, indisputable, irrefutable absolute, unqualified confirmed, corroborated, determined, established, substantiated, supported, validated","Antonyms of ballpark accurate, dead, dead-on, exact, precise, ultraprecise, veracious" 184,"2018-03-16 03:57:14",ballyhoo,"1 a state of noisy, confused activity It turned out that the ballyhoo was the result of a movie being filmed on the street.","Synonyms of ballyhoo ado, blather, bluster, bobbery, bother, bustle, clatter, commotion, disturbance, foofaraw, fun, furor, furore, fuss, helter-skelter, hoopla, hubbub, hullabaloo, hurly, hurly-burly, pandemonium, pother, row, ruckus, ruction, rumpus, shindy, squall, stew, stir, storm, to-do, tumult, turmoil, uproar, welter, whirl, williwaw, zoo","Words Related to ballyhoo cacophony, clamor, din, howl, hue and cry, noise, outcry, racket, roar disorder, unrest, upheaval eruption, flare-up, flurry, flutter, outbreak, outburst brawl, fracas, fray, hassle, melee (also mêlée), scuffle dither, fever, fret, lather, tizzy","Near Antonyms of ballyhoo calm, hush, peace, quiet, quietude, rest, stillness, tranquillity (or tranquility) order, orderliness", 185,"2018-03-16 03:57:17",balm,"a sweet or pleasant smell The balm of the restaurant's backyard garden enhances the aura of romance.","Synonyms of balm aroma, bouquet, fragrance, fragrancy, incense, perfume, redolence, scent, spice","Words Related to balm essence, odor",,"Antonyms of balm reek, stench, stink" 186,"2018-03-16 03:57:22",balminess,"lack of good sense or judgment Only sheer balminess would possess someone to invest in that loser of a stock.","Synonyms of balminess absurdity, asininity, brainlessness, craziness, daftness, dippiness, dottiness, fatuity, fatuousness, folly, foolishness, imbecility, inanity, insanity, lunacy, madness, nonsensicalness, nuttiness, preposterousness, senselessness, silliness, simplicity, wackiness, witlessness, zaniness","Words Related to balminess denseness, dim-wittedness, doltishness, dopiness, dullness (also dulness), dumbness, feeblemindedness, idiocy, mindlessness, oafishness, obtuseness, simplemindedness, simpleness, slowness, stupidity, stupidness, vacuity fallacy, irrationality, unreasonableness kookiness, weirdness laughableness, ludicrousness, ridiculousness","Near Antonyms of balminess logicality, logicalness, rationality, rationalness, reasonability, reasonableness, validity discernment, insight, perception, percipience","Antonyms of balminess prudence, sagaciousness, sagacity, sageness, sanity, sapience, sensibleness, soundness, wisdom" 187,"2018-03-16 03:57:29",balmy,"1 having or showing a very abnormal or sick state of mind a rather balmy but harmless old man","Synonyms of balmy bats, batty, bedlam, bonkers, brainsick, certifiable, crackbrained, cracked, crackpot, crazed, crazy, cuckoo, daffy, daft, demented, deranged, gaga, insane, kooky (also kookie), loco [slang], loony (also looney), lunatic, mad, maniacal (also maniac), mental, non compos mentis, nuts, nutty, psychotic, screwy, unbalanced, unhinged, unsound, wacky (also whacky)","Words Related to balmy dotty, fey, loopy, off, teched (or tetched), touched aberrant, delirious, delusional, delusionary, disordered, disturbed, neurotic, paranoiac (also paranoic), paranoid (also paranoidal), sociopathic eccentric, odd, oddball, strange foolish, senseless, witless irrational, unreasonable amok (or amuck), ape, ballistic, bananas, berserk, nuclear depressed distracted, distraught, frantic, frenzied, haywire, hysterical (also hysteric), raving fixated, monomaniac, monomaniacal, obsessed","Near Antonyms of balmy clear, lucid, rational, reasonable judicious, sensible, wise healthy, normal, well-adjusted unneurotic","Antonyms of balmy balanced, compos mentis, sane, sound, uncrazy" 188,"2018-03-16 03:57:36",baloney,"language, behavior, or ideas that are absurd and contrary to good sense Just follow my orders, and stop the baloney!","Synonyms of baloney balderdash, beans, bilge, blarney, blather, bosh, bull [slang], bunk, bunkum (or buncombe), claptrap, drivel, folderol (also falderal), folly, foolishness, fudge, hogwash, hokeypokey, hokum, hooey, humbug, humbuggery, jazz, malarkey (also malarky), moonshine, nonsense, piffle, poppycock, rot, rubbish, senselessness, silliness, stupidity, tommyrot, trash, trumpery, twaddle","Words Related to baloney absurdity, asininity, foolery, idiocy, imbecility, inaneness, inanity, insanity, kookiness, lunacy absurdness, craziness, madness, senselessness, witlessness monkey business, monkeyshine(s), shenanigan(s), tomfoolery gas, hot air, rigmarole (also rigamarole) double-talk, hocus-pocus","Near Antonyms of baloney levelheadedness, rationality, reasonability, reasonableness, sensibleness common sense, horse sense, sense discernment, judgment (or judgement), wisdom", 189,"2018-03-16 03:57:42",balustrade,"a protective barrier consisting of a horizontal bar and its supports an ornately carved balustrade for the staircase","Synonyms of balustrade banister (also bannister), guardrail, rail, railing","Words Related to balustrade handrail taffrail fender",, 190,"2018-03-16 03:57:48",bambino,"1 a recently born person a new mother cuddling a bambino in her lap","Synonyms of bambino babe, baby, child, infant, neonate, newborn","Words Related to bambino cherub foundling, nursling, suckling preemie (also premie) papoose bantling, kid, kiddie (also kiddy), kiddo, moppet, toddler, tot, tyke (also tike) boy, nipper, tad juvenile, minor, youngling, youngster, youth brat, imp, squirt, urchin, whippersnapper girl, hoyden, tomboy","Near Antonyms of bambino adult, grown-up elder, graybeard, oldster, old-timer, senior, senior citizen","Antonyms of bambino adult, grown-up" 191,"2018-03-16 03:57:53",bamboozle,"1 to cause to believe what is untrue bamboozled by con men into buying worthless land in the desert","Synonyms of bamboozle beguile, bluff, buffalo, burn, catch, con, cozen, deceive, delude, dupe, fake out, fool, gaff, gull, have, hoax, hoodwink, humbug, juggle, misguide, misinform, mislead, snow, spoof, string along, take in, trick","Words Related to bamboozle kid, put on, tease bleed, cheat, chisel, defraud, diddle, euchre, flam, fleece, gyp, hustle, mulct, rook, shortchange, skin, squeeze, stick, sting, swindle","Near Antonyms of bamboozle debunk, expose, reveal, show up, uncloak, uncover, unmask disclose, divulge, tell, unveil disabuse, disenchant, disillusion","Antonyms of bamboozle undeceive" 192,"2018-03-16 03:57:58",bamboozlement,"a state of mental uncertainty Their bamboozlement is understandable, considering the lame instructions they got.","Synonyms of bamboozlement bafflement, befuddlement, bemusement, bewilderment, confusedness, confusion, discombobulation, distraction, fog, muddle, mystification, perplexity, puzzlement, tangle, whirl","Words Related to bamboozlement abashment, discomfiture, disconcertment, embarrassment, mortification agitation, chagrin, discomfort, dismay, disquiet, distress, disturbance, perturbation, upset bother, commotion, dither, flurry, fluster, fuss, stew, turmoil","Near Antonyms of bamboozlement assurance, certainty, certitude, confidence, conviction, positiveness, sureness", 193,"2018-03-16 03:58:05",ban,"1 a prayer that harm will come to someone a father's ban upon his ungrateful son","Synonyms of ban anathema, curse, execration, imprecation, malediction","Words Related to ban censure, condemnation, damnation, denunciation, excommunication hex, hoodoo, jinx, mojo, spell, voodoo, whammy pox","Near Antonyms of ban citation, commendation, endorsement (also indorsement)","Antonyms of ban benediction, benison, blessing" 194,"2018-03-16 03:58:09",banal,"1 lacking in qualities that make for spirit and character the sort of banal story that appeals to readers not looking for intellectual stimulation","Synonyms of banal flat, insipid, namby-pamby, watery, wishy-washy","Words Related to banal unexciting, uninspiring, unrewarding bland, boring, drab, dreary, dry, dull, heavy, humdrum, jading, leaden, lifeless, monotonous, pedestrian, ponderous, tedious, tiresome, tiring, uninteresting, vapid, wearisome, weary, wearying inane innocuous, inoffensive mild, soft, subdued, tame, weak common, commonplace, ordinary, stale, unexceptional","Near Antonyms of banal piquant, poignant, pungent, racy, spicy meaty, substantial entertaining, exciting, galvanizing, inspiring, invigorating, thrilling","Antonyms of banal fresh, new, novel, original" 195,"2018-03-16 03:58:12",banality,"an idea or expression that has been used by many people We exchanged banalities about the weather.","Synonyms of banality bromide, chestnut, cliché (also cliche), commonplace, groaner, homily, platitude, shibboleth, truism","Words Related to banality conventional wisdom, party line, routine inanity generality, generalization, simplification adage, proverb, saw, saying old wives' tale, stereotype","Near Antonyms of banality profundity", 196,"2018-03-16 03:58:16",band,"1 a circular strip a band of cloth tied around his wrist","Synonyms of band circle, eye, hoop, loop, ring, round","Words Related to band belt, cincture, collar, girdle wreath annulet, becket, coil, curl, furl, hank, spiral, spire, twirl, whorl","Near Antonyms of band individual, single","Antonyms of band ungird, unwrap" 197,"2018-03-18 21:06:29","band (together)","1 to participate or assist in a joint effort to accomplish an end We're banding together to oppose the construction of one of those big-box stores in our town.","Synonyms of band (together) collaborate, concert, concur, conjoin, conspire, cooperate, join, league, team (up), unite","Words Related to band (together) connive affiliate, ally, associate, combine, confederate, hang together, interface","Near Antonyms of band (together) detach, disengage, dissolve, disunite, divorce, part, segregate, separate, sever, split, sunder alienate, estrange, fall out","Antonyms of band (together) break up, disband" 198,"2018-03-16 03:58:50",bandage,"to cover with a bandage Her mother always bandages her scraped knees very carefully.","Synonyms of bandage bind, dress, swathe","Words Related to bandage attend, care (for), doctor, medicate, minister (to), nurse, treat cure, heal, mend, rehabilitate, remedy","Near Antonyms of bandage unbandage", 199,"2018-03-16 03:58:55",bandana,"a scarf worn on the head She uses her colorful print bandanna to keep the hair out of her eyes.","Synonyms of bandanna babushka, do-rag, handkerchief, kerchief, mantilla","Words Related to bandanna shawl hankie (or hanky)",, 200,"2018-03-16 03:58:56",bandanna,"a scarf worn on the head She uses her colorful print bandanna to keep the hair out of her eyes.","Synonyms of bandanna babushka, do-rag, handkerchief, kerchief, mantilla","Words Related to bandanna shawl hankie (or hanky)",,