quotation.id,quotation.ts,quotation.type,quotation.content,quotation.category_1_x_quotation_id 61,"2018-02-28 00:17:21","A.I. (Albert Isaac) Bezzerides (b. 1908), U.S. screenwriter, and Robert Aldrich. Christina Bailey (Cloris Leachman), Kiss Me Deadly (1955). To private detective Mike Hammer (Ralph Meeker). Based On The Novel By Mic.","When people are in trouble they need to talk.","{ ""61"": { ""category_1_x_quotation.id"": 61, ""category_1.id"": 30, ""category_1.ts"": ""2018-02-27 22:52:05"", ""category_1.title"": ""A.I. (Albert Isaac) Bezzerides"" } }" 62,"2018-02-28 00:17:21","A.I. (Albert Isaac) Bezzerides, U.S. screenwriter, and Nicholas Ray. Mary Malden (Ida Lupino), On Dangerous Ground, to Detective Jim Wilson (Robert Ryan) (1952). Based on an adaptation of Gerald Butler's novel ""Mad With Much Heart"" by Bezzerides and Nicho","Sometimes people who are never alone are the loneliest, don't you think so?","{ ""62"": { ""category_1_x_quotation.id"": 62, ""category_1.id"": 30, ""category_1.ts"": ""2018-02-27 22:52:05"", ""category_1.title"": ""A.I. (Albert Isaac) Bezzerides"" } }" 63,"2018-02-28 00:17:21","A.I. (Albert Isaac) Bezzerides (b. 1908), U.S. screenwriter, and Robert Aldrich. Velda (Maxine Cooper), Kiss Me Deadly (1955). Cautioning her boss, private detective Mike Hammer (Ralph Meeker), to guard against being shot Based On The Novel By Mic.","Do me a favor, will you? Keep away from the windows. Somebody might ... blow you a kiss.","{ ""63"": { ""category_1_x_quotation.id"": 63, ""category_1.id"": 30, ""category_1.ts"": ""2018-02-27 22:52:05"", ""category_1.title"": ""A.I. (Albert Isaac) Bezzerides"" } }" 64,"2018-02-28 00:17:26","A.J. (Arnold Joseph) Toynbee (1889-1975), British historian. Television broadcast, April 17, 1955, NBC-TV.","History not used is nothing, for all intellectual life is action, like practical life, and if you don't use the stuff—well, it might as well be dead.","{ ""64"": { ""category_1_x_quotation.id"": 64, ""category_1.id"": 31, ""category_1.ts"": ""2018-02-27 22:52:05"", ""category_1.title"": ""A.J. (Arnold Joseph) Toynbee"" } }" 65,"2018-02-28 00:17:26","A.J. (Arnold Joseph) Toynbee (1889-1975), British historian. News summaries (July 14, 1954).","America is a large, friendly dog in a very small room. Every time it wags its tail, it knocks over a chair.","{ ""65"": { ""category_1_x_quotation.id"": 65, ""category_1.id"": 31, ""category_1.ts"": ""2018-02-27 22:52:05"", ""category_1.title"": ""A.J. (Arnold Joseph) Toynbee"" } }" 66,"2018-02-28 00:17:26","A.J. (Arnold Joseph) Toynbee (1889-1975), British historian. The Reader's Digest (Oct. 1958).","Civilization is a movement and not a condition, a voyage and not a harbor.","{ ""66"": { ""category_1_x_quotation.id"": 66, ""category_1.id"": 31, ""category_1.ts"": ""2018-02-27 22:52:05"", ""category_1.title"": ""A.J. (Arnold Joseph) Toynbee"" } }" 67,"2018-02-28 00:17:28","A.J. (Arthur James) Balfour (1848-1930), British Conservative politician, prime minister. Speech, May 7, 1926. Five days later, the Trades Unions Congress was forced to call off the General Strike, which, though bringing the country to a virtual standstil","The General Strike has taught the working class more in four days than years of talking could have done.","{ ""67"": { ""category_1_x_quotation.id"": 67, ""category_1.id"": 32, ""category_1.ts"": ""2018-02-27 22:52:05"", ""category_1.title"": ""A.J. (Arthur James) Balfour"" } }" 68,"2018-02-28 00:17:28","A.J. (Arthur James) Balfour (1848-1930), British statesman. Letter, November 2, 1917. This document, which became known as the ""Balfour Declaration,"" committed British support for a Jewish national home in Palestine.","His Majesty's Government views with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people.","{ ""68"": { ""category_1_x_quotation.id"": 68, ""category_1.id"": 32, ""category_1.ts"": ""2018-02-27 22:52:05"", ""category_1.title"": ""A.J. (Arthur James) Balfour"" } }" 69,"2018-02-28 00:17:28","A.J. (Arthur James) Balfour (1848-1930), British Conservative politician, prime minister. quoted in Observer (London, Jan. 30, 1927).","Biography should be written by an acute enemy.","{ ""69"": { ""category_1_x_quotation.id"": 69, ""category_1.id"": 32, ""category_1.ts"": ""2018-02-27 22:52:05"", ""category_1.title"": ""A.J. (Arthur James) Balfour"" } }" 70,"2018-02-28 00:17:30","A.J.P. (Alan John Percivale) Taylor (1906-1990), British historian. ""William Cobbett,"" New Statesman (August 29, 1953).","There is nothing more agreeable in life than to make peace with the Establishment—and nothing more corrupting.","{ ""70"": { ""category_1_x_quotation.id"": 70, ""category_1.id"": 33, ""category_1.ts"": ""2018-02-27 22:52:05"", ""category_1.title"": ""A.J.P. (Alan John Percivale) Taylor"" } }" 71,"2018-02-28 00:17:30","A.J.P. (Alan John Percivale) Taylor (1906-1990), British historian. The Origins of the Second World War, ch. 2 (1961).","The crusade against Communism was even more imaginary than the spectre of Communism.","{ ""71"": { ""category_1_x_quotation.id"": 71, ""category_1.id"": 33, ""category_1.ts"": ""2018-02-27 22:52:05"", ""category_1.title"": ""A.J.P. (Alan John Percivale) Taylor"" } }" 72,"2018-02-28 00:17:30","A.J.P. (Alan John Percivale) Taylor (1906-1990), British historian. Letter, March 16, 1973. Letters to Eva, ed. Eva Haraszti Taylor (1991). Referring to Field Marshal Alexander.","Perfect soldier, perfect gentleman ... never gave offence to anyone, not even the enemy.","{ ""72"": { ""category_1_x_quotation.id"": 72, ""category_1.id"": 33, ""category_1.ts"": ""2018-02-27 22:52:05"", ""category_1.title"": ""A.J.P. (Alan John Percivale) Taylor"" } }" 73,"2018-02-28 00:17:35","A.L. (Alfred Leslie) Rowse (b. 1903), British historian, critic. Time (New York, Nov. 13, 1978).","This filthy twentieth century. I hate its guts.","{ ""73"": { ""category_1_x_quotation.id"": 73, ""category_1.id"": 34, ""category_1.ts"": ""2018-02-27 22:52:05"", ""category_1.title"": ""A.L. (Alfred Leslie) Rowse"" } }" 74,"2018-02-28 00:17:37",A.Gouedard,"Poetry comes from a deeper connection to the feeling subconscious, not from the thinking mind","{ ""74"": { ""category_1_x_quotation.id"": 74, ""category_1.id"": 35, ""category_1.ts"": ""2018-02-27 22:52:05"", ""category_1.title"": ""A.M. Gouedard"" } }" 75,"2018-02-28 00:17:40","A.N. (Andrew Norman) Wilson (b. 1950), British author. Book review, Guardian (London, September 30, 1989).","The fact that logic cannot satisfy us awakens an almost insatiable hunger for the irrational.","{ ""75"": { ""category_1_x_quotation.id"": 75, ""category_1.id"": 36, ""category_1.ts"": ""2018-02-27 22:52:05"", ""category_1.title"": ""A.N. (Andrew Norman) Wilson"" } }" 76,"2018-02-28 00:17:40","A.N. (Andrew Norman) Wilson (b. 1950), British author. Book Review, Guardian (London, September 30, 1989).","In universities and intellectual circles, academics can guarantee themselves popularity—or, which is just as satisfying, unpopularity—by being opinionated rather than by being learned.","{ ""76"": { ""category_1_x_quotation.id"": 76, ""category_1.id"": 36, ""category_1.ts"": ""2018-02-27 22:52:05"", ""category_1.title"": ""A.N. (Andrew Norman) Wilson"" } }" 77,"2018-02-28 00:17:40","A.N. (Andrew Norman) Wilson (b. 1950), British author. quoted in Independent on Sunday (London, Sept. 13, 1992).","If you know somebody is going to be awfully annoyed by something you write, that's obviously very satisfying, and if they howl with rage or cry, that's honey.","{ ""77"": { ""category_1_x_quotation.id"": 77, ""category_1.id"": 36, ""category_1.ts"": ""2018-02-27 22:52:05"", ""category_1.title"": ""A.N. (Andrew Norman) Wilson"" } }" 78,"2018-02-28 00:17:46","A.N. (Arkady N.) Shevchenko (b. 1930), Soviet defecting diplomat. quoted in Observer (London, Jan 2. 1983).","In the Soviet Union everything happens slowly. Always remember that.","{ ""78"": { ""category_1_x_quotation.id"": 78, ""category_1.id"": 37, ""category_1.ts"": ""2018-02-27 22:52:05"", ""category_1.title"": ""A.N. (Arkady N.) Shevchenko"" } }" 79,"2018-02-28 00:17:51","A.P. Martinich (b. 1946), U.S. philosopher. Philosophical Writing, p. xi, Prentice Hall (1989). Reportedly said by Avrum Stroll.","A philosopher once said, ""Half of good philosophy is good grammar.""","{ ""79"": { ""category_1_x_quotation.id"": 79, ""category_1.id"": 38, ""category_1.ts"": ""2018-02-27 22:52:05"", ""category_1.title"": ""A.P Martinich"" } }" 80,"2018-02-28 00:17:51","A.P. Martinich (b. 1946), U.S. philosopher. Certainty and Surface in Epistemology and Philosophical Method, p. 181, Edwin Mellen Press (1991).","But in philosophy, sometimes the baby ought to go out with the bath water.","{ ""80"": { ""category_1_x_quotation.id"": 80, ""category_1.id"": 38, ""category_1.ts"": ""2018-02-27 22:52:05"", ""category_1.title"": ""A.P Martinich"" } }"