,skin_disease.ts,skin_disease.title,skin_disease.excerpt,skin_disease.skin_disease_image_id 41,"2018-01-29 21:02:55"," Addisonian crisis","Addisonian crisis - also known as an adrenal crisis and acute adrenal insufficiency - is a rare and potentially fatal condition where the adrenal glands stop working correctly. Symptoms include: skin reactions, including rashes low blood pressure fever, chills, and sweating","{ ""41"": { """": 41, ""skin_disease_image.path"": ""/39/33/eb/c7/3933ebc77070d11409c490c82c9e0601fc9c814a.jpg"", ""skin_disease_image.media_1"": """" } }" 42,"2018-01-29 21:02:58"," Chemical burns","Chemical burns are relatively common; they can occur when a person comes in direct contact with a chemical or its fumes. Symptoms vary but can include: skin that appears black or dead irritation, burning, or redness in the affected area numbness and pain","{ ""42"": { """": 42, ""skin_disease_image.path"": ""/a4/c4/c4/8e/a4c4c48eff275965317397d5d42ebfe6206dbfba.jpg"", ""skin_disease_image.media_1"": """" } }" 43,"2018-01-29 21:03:01"," Colorado tick fever","Colorado tick fever, also known as mountain tick fever and American tick fever is a viral infection that develops after a bite from a Rocky Mountain wood tick. Symptoms can include: a flat or pimply rash skin or muscle pain fever","{ ""43"": { """": 43, ""skin_disease_image.path"": ""/f1/12/14/95/f1121495fedb9a075f6f3d64e249f732e78ab88a.jpg"", ""skin_disease_image.media_1"": """" } }" 44,"2018-01-29 21:03:03"," Accidental poisoning by soap products","Some soap products contain strong chemicals. If they are ingested or inhaled, they can cause serious damage. Symptoms can include: chemical burns on the skin swelling of the throat, lips, and tongue difficulty breathing","{ ""44"": { """": 44, ""skin_disease_image.path"": ""/a8/1a/e6/06/a81ae6064d34a6a18bb959c9e4b136219910f3bf.jpg"", ""skin_disease_image.media_1"": """" } }" 45,"2018-01-29 21:03:07"," Adult-onset Still's disease","Adult-onset Still's disease is a rare inflammatory disorder that usually affects people in their 30s. Symptoms include: A pink rash, mostly affecting the chest and thighs, which tends to fade quickly. Joint and muscle pain, commonly affecting the knees, wrists, and ankles. Enlarged spleen, liver, or lymph nodes.","{ ""45"": { """": 45, ""skin_disease_image.path"": ""/c2/cb/3c/fe/c2cb3cfea500f18b90cb47693927300878e72ff1.jpg"", ""skin_disease_image.media_1"": """" } }" 46,"2018-01-29 21:03:09"," Juvenile idiopathic arthritis","Juvenile idiopathic arthritis is the most common form of arthritis in children; it used to be called juvenile rheumatoid arthritis. Symptoms vary depending on the subtype, but can include: fleeting rashes a scaly psoriasis-like rash spiking fever","{ ""46"": { """": 46, ""skin_disease_image.path"": ""/c0/cf/b8/7f/c0cfb87f65824ee9aa2b1ff43fa3e072058db6c2.jpg"", ""skin_disease_image.media_1"": """" } }" 47,"2018-01-29 21:03:11"," Histoplasmosis","Histoplasmosis is a fungal infection of the lungs. Sometimes, it presents no symptoms, but in other cases, it produces pneumonia-like symptoms; these include: rash chest pain red bumps on lower legs","{ ""47"": { """": 47, ""skin_disease_image.path"": ""/fc/f4/59/04/fcf45904d9605b321f2d5e308331f80217a14c1b.jpg"", ""skin_disease_image.media_1"": """" } }" 48,"2018-01-29 21:03:13"," Dermatomyositis","Dermatomyositis is a medical condition that causes muscle weakness and rashes. The rash may be red and patchy or bluish-purple in color; it appears in a number of places, including: shoulders and upper back knuckles palms and fingers around the eyes","{ ""48"": { """": 48, ""skin_disease_image.path"": ""/b8/84/65/a8/b88465a8ff3db6f7af0e9d48107020645eeda6e7.jpg"", ""skin_disease_image.media_1"": """" } }" 49,"2018-01-29 21:03:16"," Graft-versus-host disease","People being treated for certain cancers may sometimes undergo a stem cell transplant; in some cases, the donor cells attack the recipient's healthy cells instead of the cancer cells. Symptoms can include: Rashes affecting the palms of the hands, soles of the feet, ears, or face. Other skin changes, such as drying, scaling, scarring, hardening, and darkening. Hair loss.","{ ""49"": { """": 49, ""skin_disease_image.path"": ""/dc/63/00/e5/dc6300e5ec45104c9c71bc3292d09273da5f0cb4.jpg"", ""skin_disease_image.media_1"": """" } }" 50,"2018-01-29 21:03:21"," Icthyosis vulgaris","Ichthyosis vulgaris is a hereditary skin condition that often begins in childhood. It is caused by a mutation in the gene that codes for the protein filaggrin; features include: The skin's surface becomes dry, thick, and scaly. The dryness is often accompanied by fine, white, or skin-colored scales. It commonly affects the elbows, shins, face, scalp, and torso.","{ ""50"": { """": 50, ""skin_disease_image.path"": ""/16/12/09/b8/161209b8bdb3bb6e58c65628b42d964e93ec4fa1.jpg"", ""skin_disease_image.media_1"": """" } }" 51,"2018-01-29 21:03:25"," Pemphigoid","Pemphigoid is a group of rare autoimmune conditions that primarily cause rashes and skin blistering; there are three main types: Bullous pemphigoid - blistering on the lower torso, groin, armpits, inner thighs, soles, and palms. Cicatricial pemphigoid - mostly affects mucous membranes. Pemphigoid gestationis - develops during pregnancy and mostly affects the upper body.","{ ""51"": { """": 51, ""skin_disease_image.path"": ""/8b/45/13/8f/8b45138f1d03b5c4fdb5313db0f143d3d5312bf4.jpg"", ""skin_disease_image.media_1"": """" } }" 52,"2018-01-29 21:03:28"," Sarcoidosis","Sarcoidosis is a condition involving the growth of persistent or inappropriate granulomas or clumps of inflammatory cells. Symptoms include: Erythema nodosum - a raised red rash on the lower extremities. Nodules or growths under the skin, especially around scar tissue. Skin discoloration.","{ ""52"": { """": 52, ""skin_disease_image.path"": ""/bc/f2/8a/e5/bcf28ae5f1bc3fd469ab9da46e5b284ca9b3e573.jpg"", ""skin_disease_image.media_1"": """" } }" 53,"2018-01-29 21:03:31"," Phenylketonuria","Phenylketonuria is a genetic condition that affects how phenylalanine is broken down by the body. It affects around 1 in 10,000 babies in the U.S. If left untreated, phenylalanine builds up, causing: skin rashes, such as eczema lighter skin and eyes due to abnormal levels of melanin seizures","{ ""53"": { """": 53, ""skin_disease_image.path"": ""/5e/2d/23/74/5e2d2374537c2f7ef776bcf54598866a3a0f9189.jpg"", ""skin_disease_image.media_1"": """" } }" 54,"2018-01-29 21:03:33"," Porphyria","Porphyria refers to a group of genetic disorders that can affect the nervous system or the skin; symptoms are varied but can include: redness and swelling on the skin burning pain on the skin changes in skin pigmentation","{ ""54"": { """": 54, ""skin_disease_image.path"": ""/3c/37/b3/09/3c37b309c0d9c88562b879632e7236cb65ffb7f2.jpg"", ""skin_disease_image.media_1"": """" } }" 55,"2018-01-29 21:03:36"," Dermatitis neglecta","Dermatitis neglecta is a skin disorder that arises when an individual does not clean themselves sufficiently. It can look similar to other allergic conditions. Symptoms include patches of scaly skin that are collections of: sweat and moisture dirt bacteria and other germs Image credit: Dr. Piotr Brzezinski Ph.D.","{ ""55"": { """": 55, ""skin_disease_image.path"": ""/58/16/72/cc/581672cce25b6e9754a4ee793c3d7379a36bf647.jpg"", ""skin_disease_image.media_1"": """" } }" 56,"2018-01-29 21:03:39"," Heliotrope rash","Heliotrope rash is often the first noticeable symptom of an inflammatory muscle disease called dermatomyositis. The rash often includes: raised and bumpy skin red patches skin looks dry and irritated Image credit: Elizabeth M. Dugan, Adam M. Huber, Frederick W. Miller, Lisa G. Rider, 2010","{ ""56"": { """": 56, ""skin_disease_image.path"": ""/32/1d/1f/3d/321d1f3d49442a7852ba09fd95553e07e956d3df.jpg"", ""skin_disease_image.media_1"": """" } }"