,summary.ts,summary.value 103,"2018-02-05 21:12:26",chills 104,"2018-02-05 21:12:26","usually occurs after using tampons or having surgery" 106,"2018-02-05 21:12:26","skin rash and redness of eyes, mouth, or throat" 107,"2018-02-05 21:12:26","rash may appear in the later stages of this condition" 108,"2018-02-05 21:12:26","muscle aches and pains" 109,"2018-02-05 21:12:26","swelling in eyes and face" 110,"2018-02-05 21:12:26","rashes only occur if the soap has come into contact with your hands" 111,"2018-02-05 21:12:26","irritation, small holes, or burns on the top layer of your skin" 112,"2018-02-05 21:12:26","flat, red area covered with bumps" 113,"2018-02-05 21:12:26","general ""unwell"" feeling" 115,"2018-02-05 21:12:26","fever accompanied by a rash" 117,"2018-02-05 21:12:26","swollen and tender joints" 118,"2018-02-05 21:12:26","usually affects children under age 5" 119,"2018-02-05 21:12:26","painful, red blisters in the mouth and on the tongue and gums" 120,"2018-02-05 21:12:26","a red, painful rash on the hands and soles of the feet" 121,"2018-02-05 21:12:26","Know the signs of this autoimmune disease often accompanied by a rash" 122,"2018-02-05 21:12:26","affects children under 16 years old" 123,"2018-02-05 21:12:26","warm and swollen joints" 124,"2018-02-05 21:12:26","affects children between the ages of 6 and 12" 125,"2018-02-05 21:12:26","itchy, red blisters usually on the arms, thighs, and buttocks" 126,"2018-02-05 21:12:26","blisters may turn purple and fill with fluid" 127,"2018-02-05 21:12:26","caused by inhaling the spores found in the droppings of bats and birds" 128,"2018-02-05 21:12:26","symptoms show up 10 days after exposure" 129,"2018-02-05 21:12:26","red bumps on your legs" 130,"2018-02-05 21:12:26","mainly affects people in developing countries in the tropic and subtropic" 131,"2018-02-05 21:12:26","infection starts with itchiness and a small rash" 132,"2018-02-05 21:12:26","abdominal pain" 134,"2018-02-05 21:12:26","red, swollen tongue (strawberry tongue)" 135,"2018-02-05 21:12:26","bloodshot eyes" 136,"2018-02-05 21:12:26","small, painless sore that appears where the bacteria entered the body" 137,"2018-02-05 21:12:26","a rash that doesn't itch may appear on the palms of the hands and the soles of the feet" 138,"2018-02-05 21:12:26","pus-filled skin rash with pink/red spots" 139,"2018-02-05 21:12:26","pain or swelling in the joints" 140,"2018-02-05 21:12:26","pain in the wrist or heel tendons" 141,"2018-02-05 21:12:26","transmitted by flea, mite, or tick bites" 142,"2018-02-05 21:12:26","headache, high fever, chills" 144,"2018-02-05 21:12:26","red or violet rash on the face, chest, nails, or elbows" 145,"2018-02-05 21:12:26","muscle weakness that starts in the neck, arms, or hips" 146,"2018-02-05 21:12:26","most commonly affects people between the ages of 5 and 15, or 40 and 60" 147,"2018-02-05 21:12:26","dark patches or darkening of the skin" 148,"2018-02-05 21:12:26","red, itching skin" 149,"2018-02-05 21:12:26","dry, irritated eyes" 150,"2018-02-05 21:12:26","polygon-shaped scales in the skin" 151,"2018-02-05 21:12:26","dry or thickened skin" 152,"2018-02-05 21:12:26","flaky scalp" 153,"2018-02-05 21:12:26","a red rash appears, followed by fluid-filled blisters" 154,"2018-02-05 21:12:26","the blisters are thick and do not rupture easily" 155,"2018-02-05 21:12:26","ruptured blisters are sensitive and painful" 156,"2018-02-05 21:12:26",sores 157,"2018-02-05 21:12:26","raised scars" 159,"2018-02-05 21:12:26","transmitted by mosquito bites" 160,"2018-02-05 21:12:26","rash follows sudden fever" 161,"2018-02-05 21:12:26","mild bruising on the skin" 162,"2018-02-05 21:12:26",eczema 163,"2018-02-05 21:12:26",seizures 164,"2018-02-05 21:12:26","breath, skin, or urine that smells musty" 165,"2018-02-05 21:12:26","flu-like symptoms" 166,"2018-02-05 21:12:26","muscle stiffness, weakness, and spasms" 167,"2018-02-05 21:12:26","problems breathing or sleeping" 168,"2018-02-05 21:12:26","extreme skin sensitivity to light" 169,"2018-02-05 21:12:26","changes in skin pigmentation" 170,"2018-02-05 21:12:26","erratic behavior related to sun exposure" 171,"2018-02-05 21:12:26","diarrhea, muscle and stomach pain" 172,"2018-02-05 21:12:26","fever, headache" 173,"2018-02-05 21:12:26","unexplained bleeding or bruising" 175,"2018-02-05 21:12:26","diarrhea, problems breathing, dry cough" 176,"2018-02-05 21:12:26",confusion