,skin_disease_image.ts,skin_disease_image.alt,skin_disease_image.id_image 101,"2018-02-05 21:45:34","Bull's-eye rash indicating Lyme disease.",slide_image3 102,"2018-02-05 21:45:34","A female black widow with its distinguishable bright-colored 'hourglass' mark on the underside.",slide_image4 103,"2018-02-05 21:45:34","Close-up tiny red fang marks of a black widow spider bite on finger.",slide_image5 104,"2018-02-05 21:45:34","Brown recluse spiders have a 'violin' pattern in the upper body, where legs attach.",slide_image6 105,"2018-02-05 21:45:34","A photo of a brown recluse spider bite.",slide_image7 106,"2018-02-05 21:45:34","Head lice (louse) crawling out of hair onto a comb.",slide_image8 107,"2018-02-05 21:45:34","A photo of a head lice infestation and skin infection of the scalp from scratching.",slide_image9 108,"2018-02-05 21:45:34","A close up side view of a cat flea.",slide_image10 109,"2018-02-05 21:45:34","Flea bites shown on a leg result in raised itching spots with a puncture in the center.",slide_image11 110,"2018-02-05 21:45:34","A photo of a yellow jacket wasp that can inflict multiple stings.",slide_image12 111,"2018-02-05 21:45:34","A wasp sting (left) and a severe allergic reaction to a wasp sting (right).",slide_image13 112,"2018-02-05 21:45:34","A close up look at a red fire ant.",slide_image14 113,"2018-02-05 21:45:34","Painful stings from a fire ant that quickly fills with pus.",slide_image15 114,"2018-02-05 21:45:34","Scanning electron micrograph of chiggers which are less than 1/150th of an inch in diameter.",slide_image16 115,"2018-02-05 21:45:34","Itchy red welts from chigger bites on a man’s leg.",slide_image17 116,"2018-02-05 21:45:34","Scabies is caused by tiny mites that burrow into your skin.",slide_image18 117,"2018-02-05 21:45:34","Scabies mite infestation showing resulting in a rash and sores on the wrist.",slide_image19 118,"2018-02-05 21:45:34","A photo of a bedbug feeding on human skin.",slide_image20 119,"2018-02-05 21:45:34","Bedbug bites on person's arm.",slide_image21 120,"2018-02-05 21:45:34","A puss caterpillar or hive-producing caterpillar.",slide_image22 121,"2018-02-05 21:45:34","Evidence of hive on skin from contact with a puss caterpillar.",slide_image23 122,"2018-02-05 21:45:34","A photo of the Arizona bark scorpion whose venom is very dangerous.",slide_image24 123,"2018-02-05 21:45:34","A close up of a deerfly biting into human skin.",slide_image25 124,"2018-02-05 21:45:34","A close-up of mosquito feeding on human skin.",slide_image26 125,"2018-02-05 21:45:34","A carrier of the Chikungunya virus, shown here is an Aedes mosquito biting a hand.",slide_image27 126,"2018-02-05 21:45:34","A close up of a housefly or domestic fly (Musca domestica) which can carry harmful bacteria.",slide_image28 127,"2018-02-05 21:45:34","A photo of a cockroach, which can trigger asthma and allergic reactions.",slide_image29 128,"2018-02-05 21:46:09","A common bedbug magnified.",slide_image1 129,"2018-02-05 21:46:09","An adult bedbug at actual size, and magnified for a closer look.",slide_image2 130,"2018-02-05 21:46:09","Suitcase in a hotel room.",slide_image3 131,"2018-02-05 21:46:09","A woman sleeps in bed.",slide_image4 132,"2018-02-05 21:46:09","Bedbugs leave red, itchy bites on the skin, usually in rows.",slide_image5 133,"2018-02-05 21:46:09","Infected bedbug bites on an arm.",slide_image6 134,"2018-02-05 21:46:09","An adult bedbug ingests a blood meal from a person.",slide_image7 135,"2018-02-05 21:46:09","Bedbugs along the seam of a mattress.",slide_image8 136,"2018-02-05 21:46:09","Wash clothes and bedding in hot, soapy water and dry on high heat to kill bedbugs and their larvae.",slide_image9 137,"2018-02-05 21:46:59","Dermabrasion and laser tattoo removal.",slide_image13 138,"2018-02-05 21:46:59","Tissue whitening after laser tattoo removal.",slide_image14 139,"2018-02-05 21:46:59","Exuberant blister in red tattoo pigment.",slide_image15 140,"2018-02-05 21:46:59","Scar after treatment with Q-switched ruby laser.",slide_image16 141,"2018-02-05 21:46:59","Tense Bullae of infected henna tattoo.",slide_image17 142,"2018-02-05 21:46:59","Tattoo On Woman's Arm",slide_image1 143,"2018-02-05 21:46:59","Man With Tattoo's and Dog",slide_image2 144,"2018-02-05 21:46:59","Buddhist Monk in Thailand",slide_image3 145,"2018-02-05 21:46:59","Tattoo Artist at Work",slide_image4 146,"2018-02-05 21:46:59","Woman Receiving Cosmetic Lip Tattoo",slide_image5 147,"2018-02-05 21:46:59","Diabetic Medical Alert Tattoo",slide_image6 148,"2018-02-05 21:46:59","Chair in a tattoo salon.",slide_image7 149,"2018-02-05 21:46:59","Exterior of Pair O'Dice Tattoo Parlor.",slide_image8 150,"2018-02-05 21:46:59","Close Up of tattoo gun and ink.",slide_image9 151,"2018-02-05 21:46:59","Photo of MRSA infected tattoo.",slide_image10 152,"2018-02-05 21:46:59","Allergic hypersensitivity to cosmetic tattoo on lips.",slide_image11 153,"2018-02-05 21:46:59","Tattoo on forearm before and after removal therapy.",slide_image12 154,"2018-02-05 21:47:37","Drew Brees celebrates the Super Bowl.",slide_image1 155,"2018-02-05 21:47:37","Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev circa 1987.",slide_image2 156,"2018-02-05 21:47:37","Stork mark, salmon patch, or telangiectatic nevus.",slide_image3 157,"2018-02-05 21:47:37","Port-wine stain on an infant's face.",slide_image4 158,"2018-02-05 21:47:37","Mongolian spots on a baby's back.",slide_image5 159,"2018-02-05 21:47:37","Café-au-lait spot on an infant's torso.",slide_image6 160,"2018-02-05 21:47:37","Strawberry mark on a baby's head.",slide_image7 161,"2018-02-05 21:47:37","Cavernous hemangioma.",slide_image8 162,"2018-02-05 21:47:37","Venous malformation on the hand.",slide_image9 163,"2018-02-05 21:47:37","Pigmented hairy mole on a child's shoulder.",slide_image10 164,"2018-02-05 21:48:27","A boil, also referred to as a skin abscess, is a localized infection deep in the skin.",slide_image1 165,"2018-02-05 21:48:27","Symptoms of boils start out as a hard, red, painful lump which eventually becomes softer, larger, and soon formsming a pocket of pus.",slide_image2 166,"2018-02-05 21:48:27","Boils can form on various locations on the body.",slide_image3 167,"2018-02-05 21:48:27","Boils are usually caused by bacteria called Staphylococcus (staph). Some boils can be caused by an ingrown hair, splinter or other foreign material, or acne.",slide_image4 168,"2018-02-05 21:48:27","A boil may develop from a cut or scrape if it becomes infected with bacteria.",slide_image5 169,"2018-02-05 21:48:27","Folliculitis, an inflammation or infection of the hair follicles, is seen here on a child's leg.",slide_image6 170,"2018-02-05 21:48:27","Boils themselves are not contagious, but the bacteria that cause boils are.",slide_image7 171,"2018-02-05 21:48:27","Several types of boils can develop on different parts of the body.",slide_image8 172,"2018-02-05 21:48:27","A boil (furuncle) or carbuncle is an abscess in the skin caused by the bacterium Staphylococcus aureus.",slide_image9 173,"2018-02-05 21:48:27","Cystic acne affects deeper skin tissue than common acne.",slide_image10 174,"2018-02-05 21:48:27","Hidradenitis suppurativa consists of multiple abscesses that form under the armpits (shown below) and in the groin area.",slide_image11 175,"2018-02-05 21:48:27","A pilonidal cyst is a unique kind of abscess that occurs in or above the crease of the buttocks.",slide_image12 176,"2018-02-05 21:48:27","A sty (stye) is a tender, painful red bump located at the base of an eyelash or under or inside the eyelid.",slide_image13 177,"2018-02-05 21:48:27","Anyone can develop a boil.",slide_image14 178,"2018-02-05 21:48:27","The primary treatment for most boils is heat application, usually with hot soaks or hot packs.",slide_image15 179,"2018-02-05 21:48:27","Once a boil becomes soft or",slide_image16 180,"2018-02-05 21:48:27","Antibiotics are often used to eliminate the accompanying bacterial infection.",slide_image17 181,"2018-02-05 21:48:27","If you develop a boil, certain symptoms can signify when it is time to seek medical attention.",slide_image18 182,"2018-02-05 21:48:27","Boils can be prevented with good hygiene and the regular use of antibacterial soaps to prevent bacteria from building up on the skin.",slide_image19 183,"2018-02-05 21:48:27","Serious boils may need to be treated with antibiotics or surgery.",slide_image20 184,"2018-02-05 21:48:53","Bruises may be red, purple, green, yellow, or brown.",slide_image1 185,"2018-02-05 21:48:53","Damaged blood vessels leak causing bruises.",slide_image2 186,"2018-02-05 21:48:53","Bruises come in different shapes and sizes.",slide_image3 187,"2018-02-05 21:48:53","The healing time for bruises is about 2 weeks.",slide_image4 188,"2018-02-05 21:48:53","Treatment with cold packs minimizes the appearance of bruises.",slide_image5 189,"2018-02-05 21:48:53","Elevate a sprained ankle or injured limb to minimize swelling.",slide_image6 190,"2018-02-05 21:48:53","Bone bruises hurt and need more healing time than regular bruises.",slide_image7 191,"2018-02-05 21:48:53","Seek medical attention for bad bruises and bruises that won’t go away.",slide_image8 192,"2018-02-05 21:48:53","There are many reasons why some people bruise more easily than others.",slide_image9 193,"2018-02-05 21:48:53","Purpura are red or purple spots under the skin that resemble bruises.",slide_image10 194,"2018-02-05 21:48:53","Eat plenty of fresh produce to get nutrients necessary for proper blood clotting.",slide_image11 195,"2018-02-05 21:48:53","Some medications affect blood clotting and bruising.",slide_image12 196,"2018-02-05 21:48:53","Nightlights can help prevent falls at home.",slide_image13 197,"2018-02-05 21:49:08","Two women in bathing suits",slide_image1 198,"2018-02-05 21:49:08","A woman rubs her cellulite.",slide_image2 199,"2018-02-05 21:49:08","An illustration of cellulite.",slide_image3 200,"2018-02-05 21:49:08","A micrograph of cellulite.",slide_image4