poem.id,poem.ts,poem.title,poem.date,poem.content,poem.author 301,"2018-03-01 04:05:27","The Pet-Lamb",4/5/2010,,"William Wordsworth" 302,"2018-03-01 04:05:33","The Waggoner - Canto Third",4/5/2010,,"William Wordsworth" 303,"2018-03-01 04:05:37","The White Doe Of Rylstone, Or, The Fate Of The Nortons - Canto Fifth",4/5/2010,,"William Wordsworth" 304,"2018-03-01 04:05:43","The White Doe Of Rylstone, Or, The Fate Of The Nortons - Canto First",4/5/2010,,"William Wordsworth" 305,"2018-03-01 04:05:47","The White Doe Of Rylstone, Or, The Fate Of The Nortons - Canto Seventh",4/5/2010,,"William Wordsworth" 306,"2018-03-01 04:05:51","To Lady Eleanor Butler And The Honourable Miss Ponsonby,",4/5/2010,,"William Wordsworth" 307,"2018-03-01 04:05:56","The Faëry Chasm",11/13/2015,"No fiction was it of the antique age:A sky-blue stone, within this sunless cleft,Is of the very footmarks unbereftWhich tiny Elves impressed; - on that smooth stageDancing with all their brilliant equipageIn secret revels - haply after theftOf some sweet Babe - Flower stolen, and coarse Weed leftFor the distracted Mother to assuageHer grief with, as she might! - But, where, oh! whereIs traceable a vestige of the notesThat ruled those dances wild in character? -Deep underground? Or in the upper air,On the shrill wind of midnight? or where floatsO'er twilight fields the autumnal gossamer?","William Wordsworth" 308,"2018-03-01 04:06:02","The Redbreast Chasing the Butterfly",7/2/2015,"Art thou the bird whom Man loves best,The pious bird with the scarlet breast,Our little English Robin;The bird that comes about our doorsWhen Autumn-winds are sobbing?Art thou the Peter of Norway Boors?Their Thomas in Finland,And Russia far inland?The bird, that by some name or otherAll men who know thee call their brother,The darling of children and men?Could Father Adam open his eyesAnd see this sight beneath the skies,He'd wish to close them again.—If the Butterfly knew but his friend,Hither his flight he would bend;And find his way to me,Under the branches of the tree:In and out, he darts about;Can this be the bird, to man so good,That, after their bewildering,Covered with leaves the little children,So painfully in the wood? What ailed thee, Robin, that thou could'st pursueA beautiful creature,That is gentle by nature?Beneath the summer skyFrom flower to flower let him fly;'Tis all that he wishes to do.The cheerer Thou of our in-door sadness,He is the friend of our summer gladness:What hinders, then, that ye should bePlaymates in the sunny weather,And fly about in the air together!His beautiful wings in crimson are drest,A crimson as bright as thine own:Would'st thou be happy in thy nest,O pious Bird! whom man loves best,Love him, or leave him alone!","William Wordsworth" 309,"2018-03-01 04:06:08","The Oak And The Broom",4/5/2010,,"William Wordsworth" 310,"2018-03-01 04:06:15","The White Doe Of Rylstone, Or, The Fate Of The Nortons - Canto Sixth",4/5/2010,,"William Wordsworth" 311,"2018-03-01 04:06:17","The White Doe Of Rylstone, Or, The Fate Of The Nortons - Canto Third",4/5/2010,,"William Wordsworth" 312,"2018-03-01 04:06:22","The White Doe Of Rylstone, Or, The Fate Of The Nortons - Canto Second",4/5/2010,,"William Wordsworth" 313,"2018-03-01 04:06:26","The Passing Of The Elder Bards",4/5/2010,,"William Wordsworth" 314,"2018-03-01 04:06:32","The King Of Sweden",4/5/2010,,"William Wordsworth" 315,"2018-03-01 04:06:37","The White Doe Of Rylstone, Or, The Fate Of The Nortons - Canto Fourth",4/5/2010,,"William Wordsworth" 316,"2018-03-01 04:06:43","To The Men Of Kent",4/5/2010,,"William Wordsworth" 317,"2018-03-01 04:06:46","To The Small Celandine",4/5/2010,,"William Wordsworth" 318,"2018-03-01 04:06:50","The Waggoner - Canto First",4/5/2010,,"William Wordsworth" 319,"2018-03-01 04:06:56","The White Doe Of Rylstone, Or, The Fate Of The Nortons - Dedication",4/5/2010,,"William Wordsworth" 320,"2018-03-01 04:07:01","The Female Vagrant",11/7/2015,"By Derwent's side my Father's cottage stood,(The Woman thus her artless story told)One field, a flock, and what the neighboring floodSupplied, to him were more than mines of gold.Light was my sleep; my days in transport roll'd:With thoughtless joy I stretch'd along the shoreMy father's nets, or watched, when from the foldHigh o'er the cliffs I led my fleecy store,A dizzy depth below! his boat and twinkling oar.My father was a good and pious man,An honest man, by honest parents bred,And I believe that, soon as I beganTo lisp, he made me kneel beside my bed,And in his hearing there my prayers I said:And afterwards, by my good father taught,I read, and loved the books in which I read;For books in every neighboring house I sought,And nothing to my mind a sweeter pleasure brought.Can I forget what charms did once adornMy garden, stored with pease, and mint, and thyme,And rose and lily for the sabbath morn?The sabbath bells, and the delightful chime;The gambols and wild freaks at shearing time;My hen's rich nest through long grass scarce espied;The cowslip-gathering at May's dewy prime;The swans, that when I sought the water-side,From far to meet me came, spreading their snowy pride.The staff I yet remember which upboreThe bending body of my active sire;His seat beneath the honeyed sycamoreWhen the bees hummed, and chair by winter fire;When market-morning came, the neat attireWith which, though bent on haste, myself I deck'd;My watchful dog, whose starts of furious ire,When stranger passed, so often I have check'd;The red-breast known for years, which at my casement peck'd.The suns of twenty summers danced along, -Ah! little marked, how fast they rolled away:Then rose a mansion proud our woods among,And cottage after cottage owned its sway,No joy to see a neighboring house, or strayThrough pastures not his own, the master took;My Father dared his greedy wish gainsay;He loved his old hereditary nook,And ill could I the thought of such sad parting brook.But, when he had refused the proffered gold,To cruel injuries he became a prey,Sore traversed in whate'er he bought and sold:His troubles grew upon him day by day,Till all his substance fell into decay.His little range of water was denied;All but the bed where his old body lay,All, all was seized, and weeping, side by side,We sought a home where we uninjured might abide.Can I forget that miserable hour,When from the last hill-top, my sire surveyed,Peering above the trees, the steeple tower,That on his marriage-day sweet music made?Till then he hoped his bones might there be laid,Close by my mother in their native bowers:Bidding me trust in God, he stood and prayed, — I could not pray: — through tears that fell in showers,Glimmer'd our dear-loved home, alas! no longer ours!There was a youth whom I had loved so long,That when I loved him not I cannot say.‘Mid the green mountains many and many a songWe two had sung, like little birds in May.When we began to tire of childish playWe seemed still more and more to prize each other:We talked of marriage and our marriage day;And I in truth did love him like a brother,For never could I hope to meet with such another.His father said, that to a distant townHe must repair, to ply the artist's trade.What tears of bitter grief till then unknown!What tender vows our last sad kiss delayed!To him we turned: — we had no other aid.Like one revived, upon his neck I wept,And her whom he had loved in joy, he saidHe well could love in grief: his faith he kept;And in a quiet home once more my father slept","William Wordsworth" 321,"2018-03-01 04:07:05","This Dog",5/27/2015,"Every morning this dog, very attached to me,Quietly keeps sitting near my seatTill touching its headI recognize its company.This recognition gives it so much joyPure delight ripples through its entire body.Among all dumb creaturesIt is the only living beingThat has seen the whole manBeyond what is good or bad in himIt has seenFor his love it can sacrifice its lifeIt can love him too for the sake of love aloneFor it is he who shows the wayTo the vast world pulsating with life.When I see its deep devotionThe offer of its whole beingI fail to understandBy its sheer instinctWhat truth it has discovered in man.By its silent anxious piteous looksIt cannot communicate what it understandsBut it has succeeded in conveying to meAmong the whole creationWhat is the true status of man.","Rabindranath Tagore" 322,"2018-03-01 04:07:08","Stray Birds 81 - 90",3/23/2010,,"Rabindranath Tagore" 323,"2018-03-01 04:07:11","The Gardener Lxxix: I Often Wonder",3/29/2010,,"Rabindranath Tagore" 324,"2018-03-01 04:07:17","Stray Birds 71 - 80",3/23/2010,,"Rabindranath Tagore" 325,"2018-03-01 04:07:20",Unyielding,3/29/2010,,"Rabindranath Tagore" 326,"2018-03-01 04:07:23","Stray Birds 11- 20",3/23/2010,,"Rabindranath Tagore" 327,"2018-03-01 04:07:27","Stray Birds 61 - 70",3/23/2010,,"Rabindranath Tagore" 328,"2018-03-01 04:07:33","Stray Birds 21- 30",3/23/2010,,"Rabindranath Tagore" 329,"2018-03-01 04:07:39","Poems On Time",3/23/2010,,"Rabindranath Tagore" 330,"2018-03-01 04:07:44","Maran-Milan (Death-Wedding)",3/23/2010,,"Rabindranath Tagore" 331,"2018-03-01 04:07:49","Stray Birds 41 - 50",3/23/2010,,"Rabindranath Tagore" 332,"2018-03-01 04:07:51","The Gardener Xlii: O Mad, Superbly Drunk",1/1/2004,,"Rabindranath Tagore" 333,"2018-03-01 04:07:58","When The Two Sisters Go To Fetch Water",3/23/2010,,"Rabindranath Tagore" 334,"2018-03-01 04:08:04","Stray Birds 81 - 90",3/23/2010,,"Rabindranath Tagore" 335,"2018-03-01 04:08:09","Stray Birds 91 - 99",3/23/2010,,"Rabindranath Tagore" 336,"2018-03-01 04:08:12","The Gardener Xliv: Reverend Sir, Forgive",1/1/2004,,"Rabindranath Tagore" 337,"2018-03-01 04:08:18","We Are To Play The Game Of Death",3/23/2010,,"Rabindranath Tagore" 338,"2018-03-01 04:08:24","I Cast My Net Into The Sea",3/23/2010,,"Rabindranath Tagore" 339,"2018-03-01 04:08:31","The Merchant",3/23/2010,,"Rabindranath Tagore" 340,"2018-03-01 04:08:35","Poems On Man",3/23/2010,,"Rabindranath Tagore" 341,"2018-03-01 04:08:40","Poems On Beauty",3/23/2010,,"Rabindranath Tagore" 342,"2018-03-01 04:08:45","The Gardener Xlv: To The Guests",1/1/2004,,"Rabindranath Tagore" 343,"2018-03-01 04:08:47","The Gardener Lxix: I Hunt For The Golden Stag",1/1/2004,,"Rabindranath Tagore" 344,"2018-03-01 04:08:54","From Afar",3/23/2010,,"Rabindranath Tagore" 345,"2018-03-01 04:08:58","The Unheeded Pageant",1/1/2004,,"Rabindranath Tagore" 346,"2018-03-01 04:09:05","Stray Birds 51 - 60",3/23/2010,,"Rabindranath Tagore" 347,"2018-03-01 04:09:10","The Gardener Xxvi: What Comes From Your Willing Hands",1/1/2004,,"Rabindranath Tagore" 348,"2018-03-01 04:09:14","The Gardener Xxix: Speak To Me My Love",3/29/2010,,"Rabindranath Tagore" 349,"2018-03-01 04:09:17","When I Go Alone At Night",3/23/2010,,"Rabindranath Tagore" 350,"2018-03-01 04:09:22","I Found A Few Old Letters",3/23/2010,,"Rabindranath Tagore" 351,"2018-03-01 04:09:27","The Gardener Xlviii: Free Me",1/1/2004,,"Rabindranath Tagore" 352,"2018-03-01 04:09:29","The Gardener Lxxxiii: She Dwelt On The Hillside",1/1/2004,,"Rabindranath Tagore" 353,"2018-03-01 04:09:35","My Dependence",3/23/2010,,"Rabindranath Tagore" 354,"2018-03-01 04:09:40","Stray Birds 1 - 10",3/23/2010,,"Rabindranath Tagore" 355,"2018-03-01 04:09:45","The Gardener Lxxvi: The Fair Was On",1/1/2004,,"Rabindranath Tagore" 356,"2018-03-01 04:09:47",Waiting,3/23/2010,,"Rabindranath Tagore" 357,"2018-03-01 04:09:50","The Gardener Lxxv: At Midnight",1/1/2004,,"Rabindranath Tagore" 358,"2018-03-01 04:09:57","The Gardener Xix: You Walked",1/1/2004,,"Rabindranath Tagore" 359,"2018-03-01 04:09:59","The Gardener Xx: Day After Day He Comes",1/1/2004,,"Rabindranath Tagore" 360,"2018-03-01 04:10:02","The Gardener Lxxxiv: Over The Green",1/1/2004,,"Rabindranath Tagore" 361,"2018-03-01 04:10:07","Rotten Convention",1/4/2016,"They had a Rotten ConventionAnd everyone was there:Hamburger Face and Gruesome GraceAnd the Skull with the slimy hair.There was Mr. Mud and the Creepin' CrudAnd the Drooler and Belchin' Bob,There was Three-Headed Ann- - she was holdin' handsWith the Whimperin' Simperin Slob.The Unpronounceable Name, he came,And so did Saw-Nose DanAnd Poopin' Pete and Smelly FeetAnd the Half-Invisible Man.There was Sudden Death and Sweat-Sock Breath,Big Barf and the Deadly Bore,And Killin' Dillon and other villainsWe'd never seen before.And we all sat around and told bad talesOf the rottenest people we knew,And everybody there kept askin' …Where were you?","Shel Silverstein" 362,"2018-03-01 04:10:14","Wastebasket Brother",5/13/2015,"Someone put their baby brotherUnder this basket- -The question is exactly why,But I'm not going to ask it.But someone, I ain't sayin' who,Has got a guilty face,Ashamed for lettin' such a lovely brotherGo to waste.","Shel Silverstein" 363,"2018-03-01 04:10:15","Won't You?",11/17/2015,"Barbara's eyes are blue as azure,But she is in love with Freddy.Karen's sweet, but Harry has her.Gentle Jane is going steady.Carol hates me. So does May.Abigail will not be mine.Nancy lives too far away...Won't you be my Valentine?","Shel Silverstein" 364,"2018-03-01 04:10:19","Mr. Grumpledump's Song",3/30/2016,"Everything's wrong,Days are too long,Sunshine's too hot,Wind is too strong.Clouds are too fluffy,Grass is too green,Ground is too dusty,Sheets are too clean.Stars are too twinkly,Moon is too high,Water's too drippy,Sand is too dry.Rocks are too heavy,Feathers too light,Kids are too noisy,Shoes are too tight.Folks are too happy,Singin' their songs.Why can't they see it?Everything's wrong!","Shel Silverstein" 365,"2018-03-01 04:10:21","Backward Bill",10/2/2015,,"Shel Silverstein" 366,"2018-03-01 04:10:28","Hungry Mungry",2/14/2016,"Hungry Mungry sat at supper,Took his knife and spoon and fork,Ate a bowl of mushroom soup, ate a slice of roasted pork,Ate a dozen stewed tomatoes, twenty-seven deviled eggs,Fifteen shrimps, nine bakes potatoes,Thirty-two fried chicken legs,A shank of lamb, a boiled ham,Two bowls of grits, some black-eye peas,Four chocolate shakes, eight angel cakes,Nine custard pies with Muenster cheese,Ten pots of tea, and after he,Had eaten all that he was able,He poured some broth on the tableclothAnd ate the kitchen table.His parents said, 'Oh Hungry Mungry, stop these silly jokes.'Mungry opened up his mouth, and 'Gulp,' he ate his folks.And then he went and ate his house, all the bricks and wood,And then he ate up all the people in the neighborhood.Up came twenty angry policeman shouting, 'Stop and cease.'Mungry opened his mouth and 'Gulp,' he ate the police.Soldiers came with tanks and guns.Said Mungry, 'They can't harm me.'He just smiled and licked his lips and ate the U.S. Army.The President sent all his bombers- Mungry still was calm,Put his head back, gulped the planes, and gobbled up the bomb.He ate his town and ate the city- ate and ate and- And then he said, 'I think I'll eat the whole United States.'And so he ate Chicago first and munched the Water Tower,And then he chewed on Pittsburgh but he found it rather sour.He ate New York and Tennessee, and all of Boston town,Then drank the Mississippi River just to wash it down.And when he'd eaten every state, each puppy, boy and girlHe wiped his mouth upon his sleeve and went to eat the world.He ate the Egypt pyramids and every church in Rome,And all the grass in Africa and all in ice in Nome.He ate each hill in green Brazil and then to make things worseHe decided for dessert he'd eat the universe.He started with the moon and stars and soon as he was doneHe gulped the clouds, he sipped the wind and gobbled up the sun.Then sitting there in the cold dark air,He started to nibble his feet,Then his legs, then his hipsThen his neck, then his lipsTill he sat there just gnashin' his teeth'Cause nothin' was nothin' wasNothin' was nothin' wasNothin' was left to eat.","Shel Silverstein" 367,"2018-03-01 04:10:31","The Homework Machine",3/17/2015,"The Homework Machine,Oh, the Homework Machine,Most perfectcontraption that's ever been seen.Just put in your homework, then drop in a dime,Snap on the switch, and in ten seconds' time,Your homework comes out, quick and clean as can be.Here it is— 'nine plus four?' and the answer is 'three.'Three?Oh me . . .I guess it's not as perfectAs I thought it would be.","Shel Silverstein" 368,"2018-03-01 04:10:35","Don'T Change On My Account",1/20/2015,"""If you're sloppy, that's just fine.If you're moody, I won't mind.If you're fat, that's fine with me.If you're skinny, let it be.If you're bossy, that's alright.If you're nasty, I won't fight.If you're rough, well that's just you.If you're mean, that's alright too.Whatever you are is all okay.I don't like you anyway.""","Shel Silverstein" 369,"2018-03-01 04:10:42",Thumbsucker,4/7/2010,,"Shel Silverstein" 370,"2018-03-01 04:10:46","Quaaludes Again",4/7/2010,,"Shel Silverstein" 371,"2018-03-01 04:10:51","Runny’s Heading Rabits",4/7/2010,,"Shel Silverstein" 372,"2018-03-01 04:10:54","Crouchin’ On The Outside",4/6/2010,,"Shel Silverstein" 373,"2018-03-01 04:10:58","Son Of A Scoundrel",4/7/2010,,"Shel Silverstein" 374,"2018-03-01 04:11:03","Handy Man",4/7/2010,,"Shel Silverstein" 375,"2018-03-01 04:11:07","Scum Of The Earth",4/7/2010,,"Shel Silverstein" 376,"2018-03-01 04:11:10","Kick It Again",4/7/2010,,"Shel Silverstein" 377,"2018-03-01 04:11:17","Sure Hit Songwriter’s Pen",4/7/2010,,"Shel Silverstein" 378,"2018-03-01 04:11:21","Peace Proposal",4/7/2010,,"Shel Silverstein" 379,"2018-03-01 04:11:26",Wavy,4/7/2010,,"Shel Silverstein" 380,"2018-03-01 04:11:31","The Toucan",4/7/2010,,"Shel Silverstein" 381,"2018-03-01 04:11:34","Makin' It Natural",4/7/2010,,"Shel Silverstein" 382,"2018-03-01 04:11:38","Dirty Face",11/17/2015,"Where did you get such a dirty face,My darling dirty-faced child? I got it from crawling along in the dirtAnd biting two buttons off Jeremy's shirt.I got it from chewing the roots of a roseAnd digging for clams in the yard with my nose.I got it from peeking into a dark caveAnd painting myself like a Navajo brave.I got it from playing with coal in the binAnd signing my name in cement with my chin.I got if from rolling around on the rugAnd giving the horrible dog a big hug.I got it from finding a lost silver mineAnd eating sweet blackberries right off the vine.I got it from ice cream and wrestling and tearsAnd from having more fun than you've had in years.","Shel Silverstein" 383,"2018-03-01 04:11:44","Danny O'Dare",4/7/2010,,"Shel Silverstein" 384,"2018-03-01 04:11:48",Bigtime,4/6/2010,,"Shel Silverstein" 385,"2018-03-01 04:11:51","The Worlds Greatest Smoke Off",4/7/2010,,"Shel Silverstein" 386,"2018-03-01 04:11:53","Kiss It Away",4/7/2010,,"Shel Silverstein" 387,"2018-03-01 04:11:59","Floobie Doobie Doo",4/7/2010,,"Shel Silverstein" 388,"2018-03-01 04:12:01","Lydia Pinkham",4/7/2010,,"Shel Silverstein" 389,"2018-03-01 04:12:04","Man Who Got No Sign",4/7/2010,,"Shel Silverstein" 390,"2018-03-01 04:12:10","The Great Conch Train Robbery",4/7/2010,,"Shel Silverstein" 391,"2018-03-01 04:12:16","Freakin’ At The Freaker’s Ball",4/7/2010,,"Shel Silverstein" 392,"2018-03-01 04:12:20","Folk Singer's Blues",4/7/2010,,"Shel Silverstein" 393,"2018-03-01 04:12:26","For What She Had Done",4/7/2010,,"Shel Silverstein" 394,"2018-03-01 04:12:30","The Bear, The Fire, And The Snow",4/7/2010,,"Shel Silverstein" 395,"2018-03-01 04:12:34","The Ballad Of Lucy Jordan",4/7/2010,,"Shel Silverstein" 396,"2018-03-01 04:12:39","Sylvia's Mother",4/7/2010,,"Shel Silverstein" 397,"2018-03-01 04:12:40","Bubblin' Up",4/6/2010,,"Shel Silverstein" 398,"2018-03-01 04:12:42","Someday’s Here",4/7/2010,,"Shel Silverstein" 399,"2018-03-01 04:12:47","Marie Laveau",4/7/2010,,"Shel Silverstein" 400,"2018-03-01 04:12:53",Vegematic,4/7/2010,,"Shel Silverstein"