You are browsing sample data. Buy download of full dataset or subscribe to API access with one of our member plans. | xiehouyu.ts | xiehouyu.title | xiehouyu.daan | xiehouyu.leibie | xiehouyu.category_2_x_xiehouyu_id |
221 | 2018-06-22 22:39:19 | 姜太公钓鱼 | 愿者上钩 | 历史故事的歇后语、小学生的歇后语、一年级的歇后语、三年级的歇后语、五年级的歇后语、鱼的歇后语、动物的歇后语 | {
"221": {
"": 221,
"": 2,
"category_2.ts": "2018-06-22 22:04:03",
"category_2.title": "历史故事",
"": 1,
"category_1.ts": "2018-06-22 22:04:03",
"category_1.title": "日常歇后语"
"1038": {
"": 1038,
"": 8,
"category_2.ts": "2018-06-22 22:04:03",
"category_2.title": "一年级",
"": 2,
"category_1.ts": "2018-06-22 22:04:03",
"category_1.title": "小学生歇后语"
"1163": {
"": 1163,
"": 10,
"category_2.ts": "2018-06-22 22:04:03",
"category_2.title": "三年级",
"": 2,
"category_1.ts": "2018-06-22 22:04:03",
"category_1.title": "小学生歇后语"
"1318": {
"": 1318,
"": 12,
"category_2.ts": "2018-06-22 22:04:03",
"category_2.title": "五年级",
"": 2,
"category_1.ts": "2018-06-22 22:04:03",
"category_1.title": "小学生歇后语"
} |
222 | 2018-06-22 22:39:21 | 孔明大摆空城计 | 化险为夷 | 历史故事的歇后语、小学生的歇后语、二年级的歇后语、四大名著的歇后语、三国演义的歇后语、诸葛亮的歇后语、历史人物的歇后语 | {
"222": {
"": 222,
"": 2,
"category_2.ts": "2018-06-22 22:04:03",
"category_2.title": "历史故事",
"": 1,
"category_1.ts": "2018-06-22 22:04:03",
"category_1.title": "日常歇后语"
"1084": {
"": 1084,
"": 9,
"category_2.ts": "2018-06-22 22:04:03",
"category_2.title": "二年级",
"": 2,
"category_1.ts": "2018-06-22 22:04:03",
"category_1.title": "小学生歇后语"
"7963": {
"": 7963,
"": 66,
"category_2.ts": "2018-06-22 22:04:04",
"category_2.title": "诸葛亮",
"": 6,
"category_1.ts": "2018-06-22 22:04:04",
"category_1.title": "历史人物歇后语"
} |
223 | 2018-06-22 22:39:27 | 孙悟空七十二变 | 花样多 | 历史故事的歇后语、四大名著的歇后语、西游记的歇后语、孙悟空的歇后语、数字的歇后语、数字七的歇后语、数字十的歇后语 | {
"223": {
"": 223,
"": 2,
"category_2.ts": "2018-06-22 22:04:03",
"category_2.title": "历史故事",
"": 1,
"category_1.ts": "2018-06-22 22:04:03",
"category_1.title": "日常歇后语"
"8340": {
"": 8340,
"": 71,
"category_2.ts": "2018-06-22 22:04:04",
"category_2.title": "孙悟空",
"": 6,
"category_1.ts": "2018-06-22 22:04:04",
"category_1.title": "历史人物歇后语"
"11594": {
"": 11594,
"": 116,
"category_2.ts": "2018-06-22 22:04:04",
"category_2.title": "数字七",
"": 11,
"category_1.ts": "2018-06-22 22:04:04",
"category_1.title": "数字歇后语"
} |
224 | 2018-06-22 22:39:36 | 牛郎约织女 | 后会有期 | 历史故事的歇后语、成语的歇后语、牛郎织女的歇后语、十二生肖的歇后语、动物的歇后语、牛的歇后语、历史人物的歇后语 | {
"224": {
"": 224,
"": 2,
"category_2.ts": "2018-06-22 22:04:03",
"category_2.title": "历史故事",
"": 1,
"category_1.ts": "2018-06-22 22:04:03",
"category_1.title": "日常歇后语"
"8648": {
"": 8648,
"": 82,
"category_2.ts": "2018-06-22 22:04:04",
"category_2.title": "牛郎织女",
"": 6,
"category_1.ts": "2018-06-22 22:04:04",
"category_1.title": "历史人物歇后语"
} |
225 | 2018-06-22 22:39:37 | 诸葛亮借东风 | 将计就计;金蝉脱壳 | 历史故事的歇后语、四大名著的歇后语、三国演义的歇后语、历史人物的歇后语、诸葛亮的歇后语、气象的歇后语、风的歇后语 | {
"225": {
"": 225,
"": 2,
"category_2.ts": "2018-06-22 22:04:03",
"category_2.title": "历史故事",
"": 1,
"category_1.ts": "2018-06-22 22:04:03",
"category_1.title": "日常歇后语"
"7962": {
"": 7962,
"": 66,
"category_2.ts": "2018-06-22 22:04:04",
"category_2.title": "诸葛亮",
"": 6,
"category_1.ts": "2018-06-22 22:04:04",
"category_1.title": "历史人物歇后语"
} |
226 | 2018-06-22 22:39:41 | 八仙过海 | 各显神通;能行风的行风,能下雨的下雨 | 历史故事的歇后语、小学生的歇后语、一年级的歇后语、二年级的歇后语、三年级的歇后语、四年级的歇后语、五年级的歇后语、数字的歇后语、数字八的歇后语 | {
"226": {
"": 226,
"": 2,
"category_2.ts": "2018-06-22 22:04:03",
"category_2.title": "历史故事",
"": 1,
"category_1.ts": "2018-06-22 22:04:03",
"category_1.title": "日常歇后语"
"1046": {
"": 1046,
"": 8,
"category_2.ts": "2018-06-22 22:04:03",
"category_2.title": "一年级",
"": 2,
"category_1.ts": "2018-06-22 22:04:03",
"category_1.title": "小学生歇后语"
"1085": {
"": 1085,
"": 9,
"category_2.ts": "2018-06-22 22:04:03",
"category_2.title": "二年级",
"": 2,
"category_1.ts": "2018-06-22 22:04:03",
"category_1.title": "小学生歇后语"
"1170": {
"": 1170,
"": 10,
"category_2.ts": "2018-06-22 22:04:03",
"category_2.title": "三年级",
"": 2,
"category_1.ts": "2018-06-22 22:04:03",
"category_1.title": "小学生歇后语"
"1263": {
"": 1263,
"": 11,
"category_2.ts": "2018-06-22 22:04:03",
"category_2.title": "四年级",
"": 2,
"category_1.ts": "2018-06-22 22:04:03",
"category_1.title": "小学生歇后语"
"1322": {
"": 1322,
"": 12,
"category_2.ts": "2018-06-22 22:04:03",
"category_2.title": "五年级",
"": 2,
"category_1.ts": "2018-06-22 22:04:03",
"category_1.title": "小学生歇后语"
} |
227 | 2018-06-22 22:39:50 | 挖了眼当判官 | 瞎到底了 | 幽默搞笑的歇后语 | { "227": { "": 227, "": 3, "category_2.ts": "2018-06-22 22:04:03", "category_2.title": "幽默搞笑", "": 1, "category_1.ts": "2018-06-22 22:04:03", "category_1.title": "日常歇后语" } } |
228 | 2018-06-22 22:39:56 | 坟上烧纸 | 糊弄鬼 | 幽默搞笑的歇后语 | { "228": { "": 228, "": 3, "category_2.ts": "2018-06-22 22:04:03", "category_2.title": "幽默搞笑", "": 1, "category_1.ts": "2018-06-22 22:04:03", "category_1.title": "日常歇后语" } } |
229 | 2018-06-22 22:40:03 | 拐子进医院 | 自(治)觉(脚) | 幽默搞笑的歇后语 | { "229": { "": 229, "": 3, "category_2.ts": "2018-06-22 22:04:03", "category_2.title": "幽默搞笑", "": 1, "category_1.ts": "2018-06-22 22:04:03", "category_1.title": "日常歇后语" } } |
230 | 2018-06-22 22:40:05 | 棺材伸出手来 | 死也要钱 | 幽默搞笑的歇后语 | { "230": { "": 230, "": 3, "category_2.ts": "2018-06-22 22:04:03", "category_2.title": "幽默搞笑", "": 1, "category_1.ts": "2018-06-22 22:04:03", "category_1.title": "日常歇后语" } } |
231 | 2018-06-22 22:40:08 | 韩湘子吹笛 | 不同凡响 | 幽默搞笑的歇后语 | { "231": { "": 231, "": 3, "category_2.ts": "2018-06-22 22:04:03", "category_2.title": "幽默搞笑", "": 1, "category_1.ts": "2018-06-22 22:04:03", "category_1.title": "日常歇后语" } } |
232 | 2018-06-22 22:40:17 | 豁子拜师 | 无耻之徒 | 幽默搞笑的歇后语 | { "232": { "": 232, "": 3, "category_2.ts": "2018-06-22 22:04:03", "category_2.title": "幽默搞笑", "": 1, "category_1.ts": "2018-06-22 22:04:03", "category_1.title": "日常歇后语" } } |
233 | 2018-06-22 22:40:19 | 豁子喝汤 | 无耻下流 | 幽默搞笑的歇后语 | { "233": { "": 233, "": 3, "category_2.ts": "2018-06-22 22:04:03", "category_2.title": "幽默搞笑", "": 1, "category_1.ts": "2018-06-22 22:04:03", "category_1.title": "日常歇后语" } } |
234 | 2018-06-22 22:40:24 | 煎饼果子下毒药 | 别来这一套 | 幽默搞笑的歇后语 | { "234": { "": 234, "": 3, "category_2.ts": "2018-06-22 22:04:03", "category_2.title": "幽默搞笑", "": 1, "category_1.ts": "2018-06-22 22:04:03", "category_1.title": "日常歇后语" } } |
235 | 2018-06-22 22:40:31 | 浆糊锅里煮皮球 | 说你混球你还一肚子气 | 幽默搞笑的歇后语 | { "235": { "": 235, "": 3, "category_2.ts": "2018-06-22 22:04:03", "category_2.title": "幽默搞笑", "": 1, "category_1.ts": "2018-06-22 22:04:03", "category_1.title": "日常歇后语" } } |
236 | 2018-06-22 22:40:33 | 轿花了打算盘 | 穷算 | 幽默搞笑的歇后语 | { "236": { "": 236, "": 3, "category_2.ts": "2018-06-22 22:04:03", "category_2.title": "幽默搞笑", "": 1, "category_1.ts": "2018-06-22 22:04:03", "category_1.title": "日常歇后语" } } |
237 | 2018-06-22 22:40:39 | 肚脐眼放屁 | 你咋响(想)的 | 幽默搞笑的歇后语 | { "237": { "": 237, "": 3, "category_2.ts": "2018-06-22 22:04:03", "category_2.title": "幽默搞笑", "": 1, "category_1.ts": "2018-06-22 22:04:03", "category_1.title": "日常歇后语" } } |
238 | 2018-06-22 22:40:39 | 盲公戴眼镜 | 你装比 | 幽默搞笑的歇后语 | { "238": { "": 238, "": 3, "category_2.ts": "2018-06-22 22:04:03", "category_2.title": "幽默搞笑", "": 1, "category_1.ts": "2018-06-22 22:04:03", "category_1.title": "日常歇后语" } } |
239 | 2018-06-22 22:40:45 | 做梦娶西施 | 想得出奇 | 幽默搞笑的歇后语 | { "239": { "": 239, "": 3, "category_2.ts": "2018-06-22 22:04:03", "category_2.title": "幽默搞笑", "": 1, "category_1.ts": "2018-06-22 22:04:03", "category_1.title": "日常歇后语" } } |
240 | 2018-06-22 22:40:49 | 做烧饼的卖汤圆 | 多面手 | 幽默搞笑的歇后语 | { "240": { "": 240, "": 3, "category_2.ts": "2018-06-22 22:04:03", "category_2.title": "幽默搞笑", "": 1, "category_1.ts": "2018-06-22 22:04:03", "category_1.title": "日常歇后语" } } | | xiehouyu.ts | xiehouyu.title | xiehouyu.daan | xiehouyu.leibie | xiehouyu.category_2_x_xiehouyu_id |