You are browsing sample data. Buy download of full dataset or subscribe to API access with one of our member plans. | xiehouyu.ts | xiehouyu.title | xiehouyu.daan | xiehouyu.leibie | xiehouyu.category_2_x_xiehouyu_id |
21 | 2018-06-22 22:25:56 | 荞麦窝里扎锥子 | 奸(尖)对奸(尖);棱对棱 | 谐音的歇后语 | { "21": { "": 21, "": 1, "category_2.ts": "2018-06-22 22:04:03", "category_2.title": "谐音", "": 1, "category_1.ts": "2018-06-22 22:04:03", "category_1.title": "日常歇后语" } } |
22 | 2018-06-22 22:26:00 | 敲锣碰到放炮的 | 想(响)到一点子上 | 谐音的歇后语 | { "22": { "": 22, "": 1, "category_2.ts": "2018-06-22 22:04:03", "category_2.title": "谐音", "": 1, "category_1.ts": "2018-06-22 22:04:03", "category_1.title": "日常歇后语" } } |
23 | 2018-06-22 22:26:03 | 敲锣紧跟打鼓的 | 想(响)到一个点子上 | 谐音的歇后语 | { "23": { "": 23, "": 1, "category_2.ts": "2018-06-22 22:04:03", "category_2.title": "谐音", "": 1, "category_1.ts": "2018-06-22 22:04:03", "category_1.title": "日常歇后语" } } |
24 | 2018-06-22 22:26:11 | 墙头种白菜 | 难交(浇) | 谐音的歇后语 | { "24": { "": 24, "": 1, "category_2.ts": "2018-06-22 22:04:03", "category_2.title": "谐音", "": 1, "category_1.ts": "2018-06-22 22:04:03", "category_1.title": "日常歇后语" } } |
25 | 2018-06-22 22:26:14 | 墙头上种菜 | 没缘(园) | 谐音的歇后语 | { "25": { "": 25, "": 1, "category_2.ts": "2018-06-22 22:04:03", "category_2.title": "谐音", "": 1, "category_1.ts": "2018-06-22 22:04:03", "category_1.title": "日常歇后语" } } |
26 | 2018-06-22 22:26:20 | 墙头上种白菜 | 难浇(交)(比喻为人孤僻,很难和别人做朋友。) | 谐音的歇后语 | { "26": { "": 26, "": 1, "category_2.ts": "2018-06-22 22:04:03", "category_2.title": "谐音", "": 1, "category_1.ts": "2018-06-22 22:04:03", "category_1.title": "日常歇后语" } } |
27 | 2018-06-22 22:26:25 | 破皮球缝帽子 | 不成器(盛气) | 谐音的歇后语 | { "27": { "": 27, "": 1, "category_2.ts": "2018-06-22 22:04:03", "category_2.title": "谐音", "": 1, "category_1.ts": "2018-06-22 22:04:03", "category_1.title": "日常歇后语" } } |
28 | 2018-06-22 22:26:30 | 破麻袋装宝 | 有内才(财) | 谐音的歇后语 | { "28": { "": 28, "": 1, "category_2.ts": "2018-06-22 22:04:03", "category_2.title": "谐音", "": 1, "category_1.ts": "2018-06-22 22:04:03", "category_1.title": "日常歇后语" } } |
29 | 2018-06-22 22:26:38 | 破笼屉 | 不成(盛)气 | 谐音的歇后语 | { "29": { "": 29, "": 1, "category_2.ts": "2018-06-22 22:04:03", "category_2.title": "谐音", "": 1, "category_1.ts": "2018-06-22 22:04:03", "category_1.title": "日常歇后语" } } |
30 | 2018-06-22 22:26:43 | 藕炒黄豆 | 无孔不入 | 谐音的歇后语 | { "30": { "": 30, "": 1, "category_2.ts": "2018-06-22 22:04:03", "category_2.title": "谐音", "": 1, "category_1.ts": "2018-06-22 22:04:03", "category_1.title": "日常歇后语" } } |
31 | 2018-06-22 22:26:53 | 女人扎鞋底 | 千真(针)万真(针) | 谐音的歇后语 | { "31": { "": 31, "": 1, "category_2.ts": "2018-06-22 22:04:03", "category_2.title": "谐音", "": 1, "category_1.ts": "2018-06-22 22:04:03", "category_1.title": "日常歇后语" } } |
32 | 2018-06-22 22:26:57 | 娘不正经 | 热(爹)多 | 谐音的歇后语 | { "32": { "": 32, "": 1, "category_2.ts": "2018-06-22 22:04:03", "category_2.title": "谐音", "": 1, "category_1.ts": "2018-06-22 22:04:03", "category_1.title": "日常歇后语" } } |
33 | 2018-06-22 22:26:58 | 碾子磨 | 实(石)对实(石)(比喻两个人做事都非常实在。) | 谐音的歇后语 | { "33": { "": 33, "": 1, "category_2.ts": "2018-06-22 22:04:03", "category_2.title": "谐音", "": 1, "category_1.ts": "2018-06-22 22:04:03", "category_1.title": "日常歇后语" } } |
34 | 2018-06-22 22:27:05 | 碾砣子雕神像 | 实(石)心眼 | 谐音的歇后语 | { "34": { "": 34, "": 1, "category_2.ts": "2018-06-22 22:04:03", "category_2.title": "谐音", "": 1, "category_1.ts": "2018-06-22 22:04:03", "category_1.title": "日常歇后语" } } |
35 | 2018-06-22 22:27:09 | 碾盘碰磨扇 | 实(石)打实(石) | 谐音的歇后语 | { "35": { "": 35, "": 1, "category_2.ts": "2018-06-22 22:04:03", "category_2.title": "谐音", "": 1, "category_1.ts": "2018-06-22 22:04:03", "category_1.title": "日常歇后语" } } |
36 | 2018-06-22 22:27:12 | 泥人遇木偶 | 面面相觑(看;瞧) | 谐音的歇后语 | { "36": { "": 36, "": 1, "category_2.ts": "2018-06-22 22:04:03", "category_2.title": "谐音", "": 1, "category_1.ts": "2018-06-22 22:04:03", "category_1.title": "日常歇后语" } } |
37 | 2018-06-22 22:27:12 | 泥人吃饺子 | 难言(咽) | 谐音的歇后语 | { "37": { "": 37, "": 1, "category_2.ts": "2018-06-22 22:04:03", "category_2.title": "谐音", "": 1, "category_1.ts": "2018-06-22 22:04:03", "category_1.title": "日常歇后语" } } |
38 | 2018-06-22 22:27:16 | 泥人吃饼子 | 难言(咽) | 谐音的歇后语 | { "38": { "": 38, "": 1, "category_2.ts": "2018-06-22 22:04:03", "category_2.title": "谐音", "": 1, "category_1.ts": "2018-06-22 22:04:03", "category_1.title": "日常歇后语" } } |
39 | 2018-06-22 22:27:17 | 泥菩萨洗脸 | 失(湿)面子;越洗越难看 | 谐音的歇后语 | { "39": { "": 39, "": 1, "category_2.ts": "2018-06-22 22:04:03", "category_2.title": "谐音", "": 1, "category_1.ts": "2018-06-22 22:04:03", "category_1.title": "日常歇后语" } } |
40 | 2018-06-22 22:27:20 | 泥菩萨渡海 | 没人(神)保 | 谐音的歇后语 | { "40": { "": 40, "": 1, "category_2.ts": "2018-06-22 22:04:03", "category_2.title": "谐音", "": 1, "category_1.ts": "2018-06-22 22:04:03", "category_1.title": "日常歇后语" } } | | xiehouyu.ts | xiehouyu.title | xiehouyu.daan | xiehouyu.leibie | xiehouyu.category_2_x_xiehouyu_id |