You are browsing sample data. Buy download of full dataset or subscribe to API access with one of our member plans. | xiehouyu.ts | xiehouyu.title | xiehouyu.daan | xiehouyu.leibie | xiehouyu.category_2_x_xiehouyu_id |
41 | 2018-06-22 22:27:24 | 藕炒韭菜 | 清清(青青)白白 | 谐音的歇后语 | { "41": { "": 41, "": 1, "category_2.ts": "2018-06-22 22:04:03", "category_2.title": "谐音", "": 1, "category_1.ts": "2018-06-22 22:04:03", "category_1.title": "日常歇后语" } } |
42 | 2018-06-22 22:27:29 | 沤烂的花生 | 不是好人(仁) | 谐音的歇后语 | { "42": { "": 42, "": 1, "category_2.ts": "2018-06-22 22:04:03", "category_2.title": "谐音", "": 1, "category_1.ts": "2018-06-22 22:04:03", "category_1.title": "日常歇后语" } } |
43 | 2018-06-22 22:27:32 | 爬上山顶打铜锣 | 站得高,想(响)得远 | 谐音的歇后语 | { "43": { "": 43, "": 1, "category_2.ts": "2018-06-22 22:04:03", "category_2.title": "谐音", "": 1, "category_1.ts": "2018-06-22 22:04:03", "category_1.title": "日常歇后语" } } |
44 | 2018-06-22 22:27:39 | 破空竹 | 抖不起来;不想(响) | 谐音的歇后语 | { "44": { "": 44, "": 1, "category_2.ts": "2018-06-22 22:04:03", "category_2.title": "谐音", "": 1, "category_1.ts": "2018-06-22 22:04:03", "category_1.title": "日常歇后语" } } |
45 | 2018-06-22 22:27:39 | 破大褂 | 没理(里) | 谐音的歇后语 | { "45": { "": 45, "": 1, "category_2.ts": "2018-06-22 22:04:03", "category_2.title": "谐音", "": 1, "category_1.ts": "2018-06-22 22:04:03", "category_1.title": "日常歇后语" } } |
46 | 2018-06-22 22:27:40 | 笸箩(盛谷物等的器具。用柳条或篾条等编成)里睡觉 | 卑躬(背弓)屈膝 | 谐音的歇后语 | { "46": { "": 46, "": 1, "category_2.ts": "2018-06-22 22:04:03", "category_2.title": "谐音", "": 1, "category_1.ts": "2018-06-22 22:04:03", "category_1.title": "日常歇后语" } } |
47 | 2018-06-22 22:27:40 | 婆媳两个双守寡 | 没工(公)夫 | 谐音的歇后语 | { "47": { "": 47, "": 1, "category_2.ts": "2018-06-22 22:04:03", "category_2.title": "谐音", "": 1, "category_1.ts": "2018-06-22 22:04:03", "category_1.title": "日常歇后语" } } |
48 | 2018-06-22 22:27:40 | 苹果掉在箩筐里 | 乐(落)在其中 | 谐音的歇后语 | { "48": { "": 48, "": 1, "category_2.ts": "2018-06-22 22:04:03", "category_2.title": "谐音", "": 1, "category_1.ts": "2018-06-22 22:04:03", "category_1.title": "日常歇后语" } } |
49 | 2018-06-22 22:27:41 | 屁股上挂粪筐 | 等死(屎) | 谐音的歇后语 | { "49": { "": 49, "": 1, "category_2.ts": "2018-06-22 22:04:03", "category_2.title": "谐音", "": 1, "category_1.ts": "2018-06-22 22:04:03", "category_1.title": "日常歇后语" } } |
50 | 2018-06-22 22:27:46 | 屁股上吊扫帚 | 好伟(尾)大 | 谐音的歇后语 | { "50": { "": 50, "": 1, "category_2.ts": "2018-06-22 22:04:03", "category_2.title": "谐音", "": 1, "category_1.ts": "2018-06-22 22:04:03", "category_1.title": "日常歇后语" } } |
51 | 2018-06-22 22:27:47 | 屁股里夹扫帚 | 伟(尾)大 | 谐音的歇后语 | { "51": { "": 51, "": 1, "category_2.ts": "2018-06-22 22:04:03", "category_2.title": "谐音", "": 1, "category_1.ts": "2018-06-22 22:04:03", "category_1.title": "日常歇后语" } } |
52 | 2018-06-22 22:27:49 | 皮匠不带锥子 | 真(针)好 | 谐音的歇后语 | { "52": { "": 52, "": 1, "category_2.ts": "2018-06-22 22:04:03", "category_2.title": "谐音", "": 1, "category_1.ts": "2018-06-22 22:04:03", "category_1.title": "日常歇后语" } } |
53 | 2018-06-22 22:27:58 | 披蓑衣救人 | 惹火(祸)上身(比喻自己招来祸害。) | 谐音的歇后语 | { "53": { "": 53, "": 1, "category_2.ts": "2018-06-22 22:04:03", "category_2.title": "谐音", "": 1, "category_1.ts": "2018-06-22 22:04:03", "category_1.title": "日常歇后语" } } |
54 | 2018-06-22 22:28:01 | 胖婆娘过窄门 | 门当(挡)户对 | 谐音的歇后语 | { "54": { "": 54, "": 1, "category_2.ts": "2018-06-22 22:04:03", "category_2.title": "谐音", "": 1, "category_1.ts": "2018-06-22 22:04:03", "category_1.title": "日常歇后语" } } |
55 | 2018-06-22 22:28:01 | 尼姑头上插花 | 没法(发) | 谐音的歇后语 | { "55": { "": 55, "": 1, "category_2.ts": "2018-06-22 22:04:03", "category_2.title": "谐音", "": 1, "category_1.ts": "2018-06-22 22:04:03", "category_1.title": "日常歇后语" } } |
56 | 2018-06-22 22:28:05 | 瘸子驼背 | 卑躬(背弓)屈膝 | 谐音的歇后语 | { "56": { "": 56, "": 1, "category_2.ts": "2018-06-22 22:04:03", "category_2.title": "谐音", "": 1, "category_1.ts": "2018-06-22 22:04:03", "category_1.title": "日常歇后语" } } |
57 | 2018-06-22 22:28:13 | 抬着食盒爬上树 | 言之(沿枝)有理(礼) | 谐音的歇后语 | { "57": { "": 57, "": 1, "category_2.ts": "2018-06-22 22:04:03", "category_2.title": "谐音", "": 1, "category_1.ts": "2018-06-22 22:04:03", "category_1.title": "日常歇后语" } } |
58 | 2018-06-22 22:28:18 | 手捧鸡蛋过河 | 小心过度(渡) | 谐音的歇后语 | { "58": { "": 58, "": 1, "category_2.ts": "2018-06-22 22:04:03", "category_2.title": "谐音", "": 1, "category_1.ts": "2018-06-22 22:04:03", "category_1.title": "日常歇后语" } } |
59 | 2018-06-22 22:28:25 | 手榴弹的尾巴 | 拽(拉)不得 | 谐音的歇后语 | { "59": { "": 59, "": 1, "category_2.ts": "2018-06-22 22:04:03", "category_2.title": "谐音", "": 1, "category_1.ts": "2018-06-22 22:04:03", "category_1.title": "日常歇后语" } } |
60 | 2018-06-22 22:28:31 | 收了白菜种韭菜 | 清(青)白传家 | 谐音的歇后语 | { "60": { "": 60, "": 1, "category_2.ts": "2018-06-22 22:04:03", "category_2.title": "谐音", "": 1, "category_1.ts": "2018-06-22 22:04:03", "category_1.title": "日常歇后语" } } | | xiehouyu.ts | xiehouyu.title | xiehouyu.daan | xiehouyu.leibie | xiehouyu.category_2_x_xiehouyu_id |