You are browsing sample data. Buy download of full dataset or subscribe to API access with one of our member plans. | xiehouyu.ts | xiehouyu.title | xiehouyu.daan | xiehouyu.leibie | xiehouyu.category_2_x_xiehouyu_id |
81 | 2018-06-22 22:30:13 | 树梢上吹喇叭 | 趾(枝)高气扬 | 谐音的歇后语 | { "81": { "": 81, "": 1, "category_2.ts": "2018-06-22 22:04:03", "category_2.title": "谐音", "": 1, "category_1.ts": "2018-06-22 22:04:03", "category_1.title": "日常歇后语" } } |
82 | 2018-06-22 22:30:19 | 蜀绣被面包小人书 | 话(画)里有话(画) | 谐音的歇后语 | { "82": { "": 82, "": 1, "category_2.ts": "2018-06-22 22:04:03", "category_2.title": "谐音", "": 1, "category_1.ts": "2018-06-22 22:04:03", "category_1.title": "日常歇后语" } } |
83 | 2018-06-22 22:30:20 | 石榔头打石桩 | 实(石)打实(石) | 谐音的歇后语 | { "83": { "": 83, "": 1, "category_2.ts": "2018-06-22 22:04:03", "category_2.title": "谐音", "": 1, "category_1.ts": "2018-06-22 22:04:03", "category_1.title": "日常歇后语" } } |
84 | 2018-06-22 22:30:20 | 石磙点灯 | 照常(场) | 谐音的歇后语 | { "84": { "": 84, "": 1, "category_2.ts": "2018-06-22 22:04:03", "category_2.title": "谐音", "": 1, "category_1.ts": "2018-06-22 22:04:03", "category_1.title": "日常歇后语" } } |
85 | 2018-06-22 22:30:25 | 神像背后有窟窿 | 妙(庙)秀啦 | 谐音的歇后语 | { "85": { "": 85, "": 1, "category_2.ts": "2018-06-22 22:04:03", "category_2.title": "谐音", "": 1, "category_1.ts": "2018-06-22 22:04:03", "category_1.title": "日常歇后语" } } |
86 | 2018-06-22 22:30:34 | 森林里生火 | 就地取材(柴) | 谐音的歇后语 | { "86": { "": 86, "": 1, "category_2.ts": "2018-06-22 22:04:03", "category_2.title": "谐音", "": 1, "category_1.ts": "2018-06-22 22:04:03", "category_1.title": "日常歇后语" } } |
87 | 2018-06-22 22:30:38 | 森林里烤火 | 就地取材(柴) | 谐音的歇后语 | { "87": { "": 87, "": 1, "category_2.ts": "2018-06-22 22:04:03", "category_2.title": "谐音", "": 1, "category_1.ts": "2018-06-22 22:04:03", "category_1.title": "日常歇后语" } } |
88 | 2018-06-22 22:30:39 | 扫把写字 | 大话(画) | 谐音的歇后语 | { "88": { "": 88, "": 1, "category_2.ts": "2018-06-22 22:04:03", "category_2.title": "谐音", "": 1, "category_1.ts": "2018-06-22 22:04:03", "category_1.title": "日常歇后语" } } |
89 | 2018-06-22 22:30:43 | 嗓门里喷胡椒面 | 够戗(够受的) | 谐音的歇后语 | { "89": { "": 89, "": 1, "category_2.ts": "2018-06-22 22:04:03", "category_2.title": "谐音", "": 1, "category_1.ts": "2018-06-22 22:04:03", "category_1.title": "日常歇后语" } } |
90 | 2018-06-22 22:30:48 | 伞铺的伙计 | 轮(淋)不着你 | 谐音的歇后语 | { "90": { "": 90, "": 1, "category_2.ts": "2018-06-22 22:04:03", "category_2.title": "谐音", "": 1, "category_1.ts": "2018-06-22 22:04:03", "category_1.title": "日常歇后语" } } |
91 | 2018-06-22 22:30:49 | 仨钱买匹马 | 自骑自夸(跨) | 谐音的歇后语 | { "91": { "": 91, "": 1, "category_2.ts": "2018-06-22 22:04:03", "category_2.title": "谐音", "": 1, "category_1.ts": "2018-06-22 22:04:03", "category_1.title": "日常歇后语" } } |
92 | 2018-06-22 22:30:50 | 软枣(黑枣)树上结柿子 | 小事(柿)一宗 | 谐音的歇后语 | { "92": { "": 92, "": 1, "category_2.ts": "2018-06-22 22:04:03", "category_2.title": "谐音", "": 1, "category_1.ts": "2018-06-22 22:04:03", "category_1.title": "日常歇后语" } } |
93 | 2018-06-22 22:30:57 | 如来佛的手心 | 谁也甭(不用)想逃出去 | 谐音的歇后语 | { "93": { "": 93, "": 1, "category_2.ts": "2018-06-22 22:04:03", "category_2.title": "谐音", "": 1, "category_1.ts": "2018-06-22 22:04:03", "category_1.title": "日常歇后语" } } |
94 | 2018-06-22 22:31:05 | 肉骨头落了锅 | 啃(肯)定了(比喻确定无疑。) | 谐音的歇后语 | { "94": { "": 94, "": 1, "category_2.ts": "2018-06-22 22:04:03", "category_2.title": "谐音", "": 1, "category_1.ts": "2018-06-22 22:04:03", "category_1.title": "日常歇后语" } } |
95 | 2018-06-22 22:31:13 | 肉骨头落锅 | 肯(啃)定了 | 谐音的歇后语 | { "95": { "": 95, "": 1, "category_2.ts": "2018-06-22 22:04:03", "category_2.title": "谐音", "": 1, "category_1.ts": "2018-06-22 22:04:03", "category_1.title": "日常歇后语" } } |
96 | 2018-06-22 22:31:13 | 肉骨头打鼓 | 昏(荤)冬冬 | 谐音的歇后语 | { "96": { "": 96, "": 1, "category_2.ts": "2018-06-22 22:04:03", "category_2.title": "谐音", "": 1, "category_1.ts": "2018-06-22 22:04:03", "category_1.title": "日常歇后语" } } |
97 | 2018-06-22 22:31:15 | 森林里野炊 | 有的是才(柴) | 谐音的歇后语 | { "97": { "": 97, "": 1, "category_2.ts": "2018-06-22 22:04:03", "category_2.title": "谐音", "": 1, "category_1.ts": "2018-06-22 22:04:03", "category_1.title": "日常歇后语" } } |
98 | 2018-06-22 22:31:16 | 沙漠里烤火 | 就地取材(柴) | 谐音的歇后语 | { "98": { "": 98, "": 1, "category_2.ts": "2018-06-22 22:04:03", "category_2.title": "谐音", "": 1, "category_1.ts": "2018-06-22 22:04:03", "category_1.title": "日常歇后语" } } |
99 | 2018-06-22 22:31:16 | 筛子脱坯 | 不妨(方) | 谐音的歇后语 | { "99": { "": 99, "": 1, "category_2.ts": "2018-06-22 22:04:03", "category_2.title": "谐音", "": 1, "category_1.ts": "2018-06-22 22:04:03", "category_1.title": "日常歇后语" } } |
100 | 2018-06-22 22:31:18 | 神龛上戳窟窿 | 妙(庙)透了 | 谐音的歇后语 | { "100": { "": 100, "": 1, "category_2.ts": "2018-06-22 22:04:03", "category_2.title": "谐音", "": 1, "category_1.ts": "2018-06-22 22:04:03", "category_1.title": "日常歇后语" } } | | xiehouyu.ts | xiehouyu.title | xiehouyu.daan | xiehouyu.leibie | xiehouyu.category_2_x_xiehouyu_id |