You are browsing sample data. Buy download of full dataset or subscribe to API access with one of our member plans. | xiehouyu.ts | xiehouyu.title | xiehouyu.daan | xiehouyu.leibie | xiehouyu.category_2_x_xiehouyu_id |
161 | 2018-06-22 22:34:57 | 老虎打摆子 | 窝里战(颤) | 谐音的歇后语 | { "161": { "": 161, "": 1, "category_2.ts": "2018-06-22 22:04:03", "category_2.title": "谐音", "": 1, "category_1.ts": "2018-06-22 22:04:03", "category_1.title": "日常歇后语" } } |
162 | 2018-06-22 22:35:04 | 老公(丈夫)打扇 | 凄(妻)凉 | 谐音的歇后语 | { "162": { "": 162, "": 1, "category_2.ts": "2018-06-22 22:04:03", "category_2.title": "谐音", "": 1, "category_1.ts": "2018-06-22 22:04:03", "category_1.title": "日常歇后语" } } |
163 | 2018-06-22 22:35:12 | 烂袜子改背心 | 小人得志(之) | 谐音的歇后语 | { "163": { "": 163, "": 1, "category_2.ts": "2018-06-22 22:04:03", "category_2.title": "谐音", "": 1, "category_1.ts": "2018-06-22 22:04:03", "category_1.title": "日常歇后语" } } |
164 | 2018-06-22 22:35:19 | 懒婆娘上鸡窝 | 笨(奔)蛋 | 谐音的歇后语 | { "164": { "": 164, "": 1, "category_2.ts": "2018-06-22 22:04:03", "category_2.title": "谐音", "": 1, "category_1.ts": "2018-06-22 22:04:03", "category_1.title": "日常歇后语" } } |
165 | 2018-06-22 22:35:26 | 懒木匠的锯子 | 不错(挫) | 谐音的歇后语 | { "165": { "": 165, "": 1, "category_2.ts": "2018-06-22 22:04:03", "category_2.title": "谐音", "": 1, "category_1.ts": "2018-06-22 22:04:03", "category_1.title": "日常歇后语" } } |
166 | 2018-06-22 22:35:34 | 懒厨子做席 | 不想给你吵(炒) | 谐音的歇后语 | { "166": { "": 166, "": 1, "category_2.ts": "2018-06-22 22:04:03", "category_2.title": "谐音", "": 1, "category_1.ts": "2018-06-22 22:04:03", "category_1.title": "日常歇后语" } } |
167 | 2018-06-22 22:35:37 | 棉花店打烊(晚上关门停止营业) | 不谈(弹)了 | 谐音的歇后语 | { "167": { "": 167, "": 1, "category_2.ts": "2018-06-22 22:04:03", "category_2.title": "谐音", "": 1, "category_1.ts": "2018-06-22 22:04:03", "category_1.title": "日常歇后语" } } |
168 | 2018-06-22 22:35:42 | 马蜂过河 | 带(歹)毒 | 谐音的歇后语 | { "168": { "": 168, "": 1, "category_2.ts": "2018-06-22 22:04:03", "category_2.title": "谐音", "": 1, "category_1.ts": "2018-06-22 22:04:03", "category_1.title": "日常歇后语" } } |
169 | 2018-06-22 22:35:48 | 脑瓜上套袜子 | 能出角(脚)了 | 谐音的歇后语 | { "169": { "": 169, "": 1, "category_2.ts": "2018-06-22 22:04:03", "category_2.title": "谐音", "": 1, "category_1.ts": "2018-06-22 22:04:03", "category_1.title": "日常歇后语" } } |
170 | 2018-06-22 22:35:56 | 木偶跳塘 | 不成(沉) | 谐音的歇后语 | { "170": { "": 170, "": 1, "category_2.ts": "2018-06-22 22:04:03", "category_2.title": "谐音", "": 1, "category_1.ts": "2018-06-22 22:04:03", "category_1.title": "日常歇后语" } } |
171 | 2018-06-22 22:36:01 | 木匠推刨子 | 抱(刨)打不平;专管不平事;直来直去 | 谐音的歇后语 | { "171": { "": 171, "": 1, "category_2.ts": "2018-06-22 22:04:03", "category_2.title": "谐音", "": 1, "category_1.ts": "2018-06-22 22:04:03", "category_1.title": "日常歇后语" } } |
172 | 2018-06-22 22:36:02 | 磨子撞碓窝(石臼) | 实(石)打实(石) | 谐音的歇后语 | { "172": { "": 172, "": 1, "category_2.ts": "2018-06-22 22:04:03", "category_2.title": "谐音", "": 1, "category_1.ts": "2018-06-22 22:04:03", "category_1.title": "日常歇后语" } } |
173 | 2018-06-22 22:36:03 | 庙堂里的钟 | 想(响)得多 | 谐音的歇后语 | { "173": { "": 173, "": 1, "category_2.ts": "2018-06-22 22:04:03", "category_2.title": "谐音", "": 1, "category_1.ts": "2018-06-22 22:04:03", "category_1.title": "日常歇后语" } } |
174 | 2018-06-22 22:36:10 | 庙门前的石狮子 | 一对儿;龇牙咧嘴 | 谐音的歇后语 | { "174": { "": 174, "": 1, "category_2.ts": "2018-06-22 22:04:03", "category_2.title": "谐音", "": 1, "category_1.ts": "2018-06-22 22:04:03", "category_1.title": "日常歇后语" } } |
175 | 2018-06-22 22:36:18 | 庙里的马 | 精(惊)不了 | 谐音的歇后语 | { "175": { "": 175, "": 1, "category_2.ts": "2018-06-22 22:04:03", "category_2.title": "谐音", "": 1, "category_1.ts": "2018-06-22 22:04:03", "category_1.title": "日常歇后语" } } |
176 | 2018-06-22 22:36:27 | 庙背后看神 | 妙(庙)透了 | 谐音的歇后语 | { "176": { "": 176, "": 1, "category_2.ts": "2018-06-22 22:04:03", "category_2.title": "谐音", "": 1, "category_1.ts": "2018-06-22 22:04:03", "category_1.title": "日常歇后语" } } |
177 | 2018-06-22 22:36:33 | 面条点灯 | 犯(饭)不着 | 谐音的歇后语 | { "177": { "": 177, "": 1, "category_2.ts": "2018-06-22 22:04:03", "category_2.title": "谐音", "": 1, "category_1.ts": "2018-06-22 22:04:03", "category_1.title": "日常歇后语" } } |
178 | 2018-06-22 22:36:38 | 面疙瘩掉在肉锅里 | 混(浑)蛋 | 谐音的歇后语 | { "178": { "": 178, "": 1, "category_2.ts": "2018-06-22 22:04:03", "category_2.title": "谐音", "": 1, "category_1.ts": "2018-06-22 22:04:03", "category_1.title": "日常歇后语" } } |
179 | 2018-06-22 22:36:44 | 棉条打鼓 | 没多大响声;不想(响) | 谐音的歇后语 | { "179": { "": 179, "": 1, "category_2.ts": "2018-06-22 22:04:03", "category_2.title": "谐音", "": 1, "category_1.ts": "2018-06-22 22:04:03", "category_1.title": "日常歇后语" } } |
180 | 2018-06-22 22:36:52 | 棉花铺失火 | 谈(弹)不得;无法谈(弹) | 谐音的歇后语 | { "180": { "": 180, "": 1, "category_2.ts": "2018-06-22 22:04:03", "category_2.title": "谐音", "": 1, "category_1.ts": "2018-06-22 22:04:03", "category_1.title": "日常歇后语" } } | | xiehouyu.ts | xiehouyu.title | xiehouyu.daan | xiehouyu.leibie | xiehouyu.category_2_x_xiehouyu_id |