diagnosis_and_treatment.id,diagnosis_and_treatment.ts,diagnosis_and_treatment.title,diagnosis_and_treatment.diagnosis,diagnosis_and_treatment.treatment,diagnosis_and_treatment.clinical_trials,diagnosis_and_treatment.lifestyle_and_home_remedies,diagnosis_and_treatment.preparing_for_your_appointment,diagnosis_and_treatment.disease_x_diagnosis_and_treatment_id 61,"2018-02-01 20:31:33","Nickel allergy","Your doctor can usually diagnose nickel allergy based on your skin's appearance, and a recent exposure to items that may contain nickel. If the cause of your rash isn't apparent, however, your doctor may recommend a patch test (contact hypersensitivity al","There's no cure for nickel allergy. Once you develop a sensitivity to nickel, you'll develop a rash (contact dermatitis) whenever you come into contact with the metal. MedicationsYour doctor may prescribe one of the following medications to reduce irritat",,"You may use some of the following treatments at home to treat contact dermatitis due to nickel allergy. If these treatments don't help or the rash worsens, contact your doctor. Home remedies include the following: Use soothing lotions, such as calamine lo","You're likely to see your family doctor first if you're experiencing an itchy rash that may be related to nickel allergy. Preparing for your appointment can help you make the most of your time with your doctor. What you can do Write down a description of ","{ ""61"": { ""disease_x_diagnosis_and_treatment.id"": 61, ""disease.id"": 79, ""disease.ts"": ""2018-02-01 04:57:56"", ""disease.title"": ""Nickel allergy"", ""disease.overview"": ""Nickel allergy is a common cause of allergic contact dermatitis — an itchy rash that appears where your skin touches a usually harmless substance. Nickel allergy is often associated with earrings and other jewelry. But nickel can be found in many everyday"", ""disease.symptoms"": ""An allergic reaction (contact dermatitis) usually begins within hours to days after exposure to nickel. The reaction may last as long as two to four weeks. The reaction tends to occur only where your skin came into contact with nickel, but sometimes may a"", ""disease.when_to_see_a_doctor"": ""If you have a skin rash and don't know how you got it, talk to your doctor. If you've already been diagnosed with nickel allergy and are sure you're reacting to nickel exposure, use the over-the-counter treatments and home remedies your doctor has previou"", ""disease.causes"": ""Nickel allergyNickel allergyNickel allergy is a condition in which contact with items containing nickel causes an itchy rash and possibly blisters at the site of contact. The top photo shows a positive patch test (on the left), after a patch containing ni"", ""disease.risk_factors"": ""Certain factors may increase your risk of developing a nickel allergy, including: Having ear or body piercings. Because nickel is common in jewelry, nickel allergy is most often associated with earrings and other body-piercing jewelry containing nickel. W"", ""disease.complications"": """" } }" 62,"2018-02-01 20:31:35","Peanut allergy","The discussion you and your doctor have about your symptoms and medical history starts the process of diagnosis. A physical exam usually follows this discussion. The next steps typically include some of the following: Food diary. Your doctor may ask you t","There's no definitive treatment for peanut allergy, but researchers continue to study desensitization. Oral immunotherapy (desensitization) involves giving children with peanut allergies, or those at risk for peanut allergies, increasing doses of food con","Explore Mayo Clinic studies testing new treatments, interventions and tests as a means to prevent, detect, treat or manage this disease.","One of the keys to preventing an allergic reaction is knowing how to avoid the food that causes your symptoms. Follow these steps: Never assume a food doesn't contain peanuts. Peanuts may be in foods that you had no idea contained them. Always read labels","To get the most from your appointment, it's a good idea to be well-prepared. Here's some information to help you get ready for your appointment, and to know what to expect from your doctor. Description of your symptoms. Be ready to tell your doctor what h","{ ""62"": { ""disease_x_diagnosis_and_treatment.id"": 62, ""disease.id"": 80, ""disease.ts"": ""2018-02-01 04:57:59"", ""disease.title"": ""Peanut allergy"", ""disease.overview"": ""Peanut allergy is one of the most common causes of severe allergy attacks. Peanut allergy symptoms can be life-threatening (anaphylaxis). For some people with peanut allergy, even tiny amounts of peanuts can cause a serious reaction. Peanut allergy has be"", ""disease.symptoms"": """", ""disease.when_to_see_a_doctor"": ""Talk to your doctor if you have had any signs or symptoms of peanut allergy. Seek emergency treatment if you have a severe reaction to peanuts, especially if you have any signs or symptoms of anaphylaxis. Call 911 or your local emergency number if you or "", ""disease.causes"": ""Peanut allergy occurs when your immune system mistakenly identifies peanut proteins as something harmful. Direct or indirect contact with peanuts causes your immune system to release symptom-causing chemicals into your bloodstream. Exposure to peanuts can"", ""disease.risk_factors"": ""It isn't clear why some people develop allergies while others don't. However, people with certain risk factors have a greater chance of developing peanut allergy. Peanut allergy risk factors include: Age. Food allergies are most common in children, especi"", ""disease.complications"": ""Complications of peanut allergy can include anaphylaxis. Children and adults who have a severe peanut allergy are especially at risk of having this life-threatening reaction."" } }" 63,"2018-02-01 20:31:36","Penicillin allergy","A thorough exam and appropriate diagnostic tests are essential for an accurate diagnosis. Research has shown that penicillin allergies may be overdiagnosed and that patients may report a penicillin allergy that has never been confirmed. A misdiagnosed pen",,,,"See your doctor if you experience signs or symptoms that may be related to penicillin or another antibiotic you recently started taking. Be prepared to answer the following questions. These details will be important in helping your doctor determine the ca","{ ""63"": { ""disease_x_diagnosis_and_treatment.id"": 63, ""disease.id"": 81, ""disease.ts"": ""2018-02-01 04:58:01"", ""disease.title"": ""Penicillin allergy"", ""disease.overview"": ""Penicillin allergy is an abnormal reaction of your immune system to the antibiotic drug penicillin. Penicillin is prescribed for treating various bacterial infections. Common signs and symptoms of penicillin allergy include hives, rash and itching. Severe"", ""disease.symptoms"": ""Drug rashDrug rashA drug rash usually starts within two weeks of taking a new medication and begins as discrete red spots that spread, covering large areas of the body. Signs and symptoms of penicillin allergy often occur within an hour after taking a dru"", ""disease.when_to_see_a_doctor"": ""See your doctor as soon as possible if you experience signs or symptoms of penicillin allergy. Call 911 if you experience signs of a severe reaction or suspected anaphylaxis after taking penicillin."", ""disease.causes"": ""Penicillin allergy occurs when your immune system mistakenly reacts to the drug as a harmful substance, essentially as if it were a viral or bacterial infection. The allergy develops when your immune system has become sensitive to penicillin. This means t"", ""disease.risk_factors"": ""While anyone can have an allergic reaction to penicillin, a few factors can increase your risk. These include: A history of other allergies, such as food allergy or hay fever Allergic reaction to another drug A family history of drug allergy Increased exp"", ""disease.complications"": """" } }" 64,"2018-02-01 20:31:37","Pet allergy","Your doctor may suspect a pet allergy based on symptoms, an examination of your nose, and your answers to his or her questions. He or she may use a lighted instrument to look at the condition of the lining of your nose. If you have a pet allergy, the lini","The first line of treatment for controlling pet allergy is avoiding the allergy-causing animal as much as possible. When you minimize your exposure to pet allergens, you generally should expect to have allergic reactions that are less often or less severe",,"Avoiding exposure to pets is the best remedy for pet allergy. For many people that doesn't sound like a good option, because family members are often very attached to their pets. Talk to your doctor about whether reducing exposure to your pet, rather than","If you're experiencing runny nose, sneezing, wheezing, shortness of breath or other symptoms that may be related to an allergy, you'll most likely start by seeing your family doctor or general practitioner. Because appointments can be brief, and because t","{ ""64"": { ""disease_x_diagnosis_and_treatment.id"": 64, ""disease.id"": 82, ""disease.ts"": ""2018-02-01 04:58:04"", ""disease.title"": ""Pet allergy"", ""disease.overview"": ""Pet allergy is an allergic reaction to proteins found in an animal's skin cells, saliva or urine. Signs of pet allergy include those common to hay fever, such as sneezing and runny nose. Some people may also experience signs of asthma, such as wheezing an"", ""disease.symptoms"": """", ""disease.when_to_see_a_doctor"": """", ""disease.causes"": ""Allergies occur when your immune system reacts to a foreign substance such as pollen, mold or pet dander. Your immune system produces proteins known as antibodies. These antibodies protect you from unwanted invaders that could make you sick or cause an in"", ""disease.risk_factors"": ""Pet allergies are common. However, you're more likely to develop a pet allergy if allergies or asthma runs in your family. Being exposed to pets at an early age may help you avoid pet allergies. Some studies have found that children who live with a dog in"", ""disease.complications"": ""Sinus infections Ongoing (chronic) inflammation of tissues in the nasal passages caused by pet allergy can obstruct the hollow cavities connected to your nasal passages (sinuses). These obstructions may make you more likely to develop bacterial infections"" } }" 65,"2018-02-01 20:31:40","Shellfish allergy","Your doctor will ask about your symptoms and may perform a physical exam to find or rule out other medical problems. He or she may also recommend one or both of the following tests: Skin test. In this test, your skin is pricked and exposed to small amount","The only sure way to prevent an allergic reaction to shellfish is to avoid shellfish. But despite your best efforts, you may come into contact with shellfish. Your doctor may instruct you to treat a mild allergic reaction to shellfish, with medications su","Explore Mayo Clinic studies testing new treatments, interventions and tests as a means to prevent, detect, treat or manage this disease.",,"You're likely to start by seeing your family doctor or a general practitioner. Or you may be referred immediately to an allergy specialist. What you can do Prepare for your appointment by writing down: Symptoms, including any that may seem unrelated to an","{ ""65"": { ""disease_x_diagnosis_and_treatment.id"": 65, ""disease.id"": 83, ""disease.ts"": ""2018-02-01 04:58:07"", ""disease.title"": ""Shellfish allergy"", ""disease.overview"": ""Shellfish allergy is an abnormal response by the body's immune system to proteins in certain marine animals. Shellfish include marine animals with shells, such as shrimp, crab, oysters and lobster, as well as octopus, squid and scallops. Some people with "", ""disease.symptoms"": ""Shellfish allergy symptoms generally develop within minutes to an hour of eating shellfish. They may include: Hives, itching or eczema (atopic dermatitis) Swelling of the lips, face, tongue and throat, or other parts of the body Wheezing, nasal congestion"", ""disease.when_to_see_a_doctor"": ""See a doctor or allergy specialist if you have food allergy symptoms shortly after eating. Seek emergency treatment if you develop signs or symptoms of anaphylaxis."", ""disease.causes"": ""All food allergies are caused by an immune system overreaction. Your immune system identifies a certain shellfish protein as harmful, triggering the production of antibodies to the shellfish protein (allergen). The next time you come in contact with the a"", ""disease.risk_factors"": ""You're at increased risk of developing a shellfish allergy if allergies of any type are common in your family. Though people of any age can develop a shellfish allergy, it's more common in adults. Among adults, shellfish allergy is more common in women. A"", ""disease.complications"": ""In severe cases, shellfish allergy can lead to anaphylaxis, a dangerous allergic reaction marked by a swollen throat (airway constriction), rapid pulse, shock, and dizziness or lightheadedness. Anaphylaxis can be life-threatening. When you have shellfish "" } }" 66,"2018-02-01 20:31:43","Soy allergy","Your doctor will ask about your symptoms and may perform a physical exam. He or she may recommend one or both of the following tests: Skin test. Your skin is pricked and exposed to small amounts of the proteins found in soy. If you're allergic, you develo","The only way to prevent an allergic reaction is to avoid soy and soy proteins. Medications, such as antihistamines, may reduce signs and symptoms of soy allergies. Taking an antihistamine after exposure to soy may control your reaction and help relieve di",,"If you're at risk of having a severe reaction or have had one: Carry injectable epinephrine (EpiPen, Auvi-Q, others) with you always. Make sure you know when and how to use portable epinephrine. Wear a medical alert bracelet to let others know about your ","Call 911 or emergency medical help or go to an emergency room if you or your child develops symptoms of anaphylaxis, such as difficulty breathing or a rapid, weak pulse. For less severe symptoms, call your family doctor or pediatrician. In some cases, you","{ ""66"": { ""disease_x_diagnosis_and_treatment.id"": 66, ""disease.id"": 84, ""disease.ts"": ""2018-02-01 04:58:09"", ""disease.title"": ""Soy allergy"", ""disease.overview"": ""Allergy to soy, a product of soybeans, is a common food allergy. Often, soy allergy starts in infancy with reaction to soy-based infant formula. Although most children outgrow soy allergy, some carry the allergy into adulthood. Mild signs and symptoms of "", ""disease.symptoms"": ""For most people, soy allergy is uncomfortable but not serious. Rarely, an allergic reaction to soy can be frightening and even life-threatening. Signs and symptoms of a food allergy usually develop within a few minutes to hours after eating a food contain"", ""disease.when_to_see_a_doctor"": ""See your primary care doctor or a doctor who specializes in treating allergies (allergist) if you experience food allergy symptoms shortly after eating. If possible, see your doctor during an allergic reaction. Seek emergency treatment if you develop sign"", ""disease.causes"": ""An immune system reaction causes food allergies. With a soy allergy, your immune system identifies certain soy proteins as harmful, triggering the production of immunoglobulin E (IgE) antibodies to the soy protein (allergen). The next time you come in con"", ""disease.risk_factors"": ""Certain factors may put you at greater risk of developing a soy allergy: Family history. You're at increased risk of allergy to soy or other foods if other allergies, such as hay fever, asthma, hives or eczema, are common in your family. Age. Soy allergy "", ""disease.complications"": """" } }" 67,"2018-02-01 20:31:44","Wheat allergy","A physical exam, detailed medical history and some tests will help your doctor make a diagnosis. Tests or diagnostic tools may include: Skin test. Tiny drops of purified allergen extracts — including extracts for wheat proteins — are pricked onto your ski","Avoiding wheat proteins is the best treatment for wheat allergy. Because wheat proteins appear in so many prepared foods, read product labels carefully. Drugs Antihistamines may reduce signs and symptoms of wheat allergies. These drugs can be taken after ",,"You can take steps to avoid exposure to wheat proteins and ensure prompt treatment when you're accidentally exposed to wheat. Keep others informed. If your child has wheat allergy, make sure that anyone who takes care of your child, including the principa","See your doctor if you suspect that you or your child has wheat allergy or another allergy. Call your family doctor or your child's pediatrician, who may refer you to a specialist in allergies (allergist) for some diagnostic tests. What you can do To prep","{ ""67"": { ""disease_x_diagnosis_and_treatment.id"": 67, ""disease.id"": 85, ""disease.ts"": ""2018-02-01 04:58:10"", ""disease.title"": ""Wheat allergy"", ""disease.overview"": ""Wheat allergy is an allergic reaction to foods containing wheat, one of the top eight food allergens in the United States. Allergic reactions can result from eating wheat, but also, in some cases, by inhaling wheat flour. Wheat can be found in many foods,"", ""disease.symptoms"": ""A child or adult with wheat allergy is likely to develop symptoms within minutes to hours after eating something containing wheat. Wheat allergy symptoms include: Swelling, itching or irritation of the mouth or throat Hives, itchy rash or swelling of the "", ""disease.when_to_see_a_doctor"": ""If someone shows signs of anaphylaxis, call 911 or your local emergency number. Anaphylaxis is a medical emergency that requires immediate care. If you suspect that you or your child is allergic to wheat or another food, see your doctor."", ""disease.causes"": ""If you have wheat allergy, exposure to a wheat protein primes your immune system for an allergic reaction. You can develop an allergy to any of the four classes of wheat proteins — albumin, globulin, gliadin and gluten. Sources of wheat proteins Some sour"", ""disease.risk_factors"": ""Certain factors may put you at greater risk of developing a wheat allergy: Family history. You're at increased risk of allergy to wheat or other foods if your parents have food allergies or other allergies, such as hay fever. Age. Wheat allergy is most co"", ""disease.complications"": """" } }" 68,"2018-02-01 20:31:46","Hair loss","Before making a diagnosis, your doctor will likely give you a physical exam and ask about your medical history and family history. He or she may also perform tests, such as the following: Blood test. This may help uncover medical conditions related to hai","Effective treatments for some types of hair loss are available. But some hair loss is permanent. With some conditions, such as patchy alopecia, hair may regrow without treatment within a year. Treatments for hair loss include medications, surgery, laser t",,,"You're likely to first bring your concerns to the attention of your family doctor. He or she may refer you to a doctor who specializes in the treatment of skin problems (dermatologist). What you can do List key personal information, including any major st","{ ""68"": { ""disease_x_diagnosis_and_treatment.id"": 68, ""disease.id"": 86, ""disease.ts"": ""2018-02-01 04:58:10"", ""disease.title"": ""Hair loss"", ""disease.overview"": ""Hair loss can affect just your scalp or your entire body. It can be the result of heredity, hormonal changes, medical conditions or medications. Anyone — men, women and children — can experience hair loss. Baldness typically refers to excessive hair loss "", ""disease.symptoms"": ""Male-pattern baldnessMale-pattern baldnessMale-pattern baldness typically appears first at the hairline or top of the head. It can progress to partial or complete baldness. Female-pattern baldnessFemale-pattern baldnessFemale-pattern baldness typically st"", ""disease.when_to_see_a_doctor"": ""See your doctor if your child or you are distressed by hair loss and want to pursue treatment. Also talk to your doctor if you notice sudden or patchy hair loss or more than usual hair loss when combing or washing your or your child's hair. Sudden hair lo"", ""disease.causes"": ""Most people normally shed 50 to 100 hairs a day. This usually doesn't cause noticeable thinning of scalp hair because new hair is growing in at the same time. Hair loss occurs when this cycle of hair growth and shedding is disrupted or when the hair folli"", ""disease.risk_factors"": ""A number of factors can increase your risk of hair loss, including: Family history Age Poor nutrition Certain medical conditions, such as diabetes and lupus Stress"", ""disease.complications"": """" } }" 69,"2018-02-01 20:31:50","Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis","Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is difficult to diagnose early because it may mimic several other neurological diseases. Tests to rule out other conditions may include: Electromyogram (EMG). During an EMG, your doctor inserts a needle electrode throug","Treatments can't reverse the damage of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, but they can slow the progression of symptoms, prevent complications and make you more comfortable and independent. You may need an integrated team of doctors trained in many areas and ","Explore Mayo Clinic studies testing new treatments, interventions and tests as a means to prevent, detect, treat or manage this disease.",,"You might first consult your family doctor about signs and symptoms of ALS. Your family doctor will talk to you about your symptoms and do an initial physical examination. Then your doctor will probably refer you to a doctor trained in nervous system cond","{ ""69"": { ""disease_x_diagnosis_and_treatment.id"": 69, ""disease.id"": 87, ""disease.ts"": ""2018-02-01 04:58:11"", ""disease.title"": ""Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis"", ""disease.overview"": ""Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (a-my-o-TROE-fik LAT-ur-ul skluh-ROE-sis), or ALS, is a progressive nervous system (neurological) disease that destroys nerve cells and causes disability. ALS is often called Lou Gehrig's disease, after the famous baseball pl"", ""disease.symptoms"": """", ""disease.when_to_see_a_doctor"": """", ""disease.causes"": ""ALS is inherited in 5 to 10 percent of cases, while the rest have no known cause. Researchers are studying several possible causes of ALS, including: Gene mutation. Various genetic mutations can lead to inherited ALS, which causes nearly the same symptoms"", ""disease.risk_factors"": ""Established risk factors for ALS include: Heredity. Five to 10 percent of the people with ALS inherited it (familial ALS). In most people with familial ALS, their children have a 50-50 chance of developing the disease. Age. ALS risk increases with age, an"", ""disease.complications"": ""As the disease progresses, people with ALS experience complications, which may include: Breathing problems Over time, ALS paralyzes the muscles you use to breathe. You may need a device to help you breathe at night, similar to what someone with sleep apne"" } }" 70,"2018-02-01 20:31:51","Dry socket","Severe pain following a tooth extraction is often enough for your dentist or oral surgeon to suspect dry socket. He or she will also ask about any other symptoms and examine your mouth to see if you have a blood clot in your tooth socket and whether you h","Treatment of dry socket focuses on reducing symptoms, particularly pain. Dry socket treatment may include: Flushing out the socket. Flushing out the socket can remove any food particles or other debris that may contribute to pain or possible infection. Me",,"You can help promote healing and reduce symptoms during treatment of dry socket by following your dentist's or oral surgeon's instructions for self-care. You'll likely be told to: Take pain medications as prescribed Avoid smoking or using tobacco products","Make an appointment with your dentist or oral surgeon as soon as possible if you develop new or worsening pain after a tooth extraction. What you can doTo get ready for your appointment, make a list of: Any symptoms you're experiencing, including any that","{ ""70"": { ""disease_x_diagnosis_and_treatment.id"": 70, ""disease.id"": 88, ""disease.ts"": ""2018-02-01 04:58:14"", ""disease.title"": ""Dry socket"", ""disease.overview"": ""Dry socket (alveolar osteitis) is a painful dental condition that sometimes happens after you have a permanent adult tooth extracted. Dry socket is when the blood clot at the site of the tooth extraction fails to develop, or it dislodges or dissolves befo"", ""disease.symptoms"": """", ""disease.when_to_see_a_doctor"": """", ""disease.causes"": ""The precise cause of dry socket remains the subject of study. Researchers suspect that certain issues may be involved, such as: Bacterial contamination of the socket Trauma at the surgical site from a difficult extraction, as with an impacted wisdom tooth"", ""disease.risk_factors"": ""Factors that can increase your risk of developing dry socket include: Smoking and tobacco use. Chemicals in cigarettes or other forms of tobacco may prevent or slow healing and contaminate the wound site. The act of sucking on a cigarette may physically d"", ""disease.complications"": ""Painful, dry socket rarely results in infection or serious complications. However, potential complications may include delayed healing of or infection in the socket or progression to chronic bone infection (osteomyelitis). PreventionWhat you can do before"" } }" 71,"2018-02-01 20:31:56","Alzheimer's disease","There's no specific test today that confirms you have Alzheimer's disease. Your doctor will make a judgment about whether Alzheimer's is the most likely cause of your symptoms based on the information you provide and results of various tests that can help","DrugsCurrent Alzheimer's medications can help for a time with memory symptoms and other cognitive changes. Two types of drugs are currently used to treat cognitive symptoms: Cholinesterase inhibitors. These drugs work by boosting levels of a cell-to-cell ","Explore Mayo Clinic studies testing new treatments, interventions and tests as a means to prevent, detect, treat or manage this disease.","Study results have been mixed about whether diet, exercise or other healthy lifestyle choices can prevent or reverse cognitive decline. But these healthy choices promote good overall health and may play a role in maintaining cognitive health, so there's n","You may decide you want to talk to your doctor about memory loss or other cognitive changes, or you may seek care at the urging of a family member who arranges your appointment and goes with you. You'll probably start by seeing your primary care doctor, w","{ ""71"": { ""disease_x_diagnosis_and_treatment.id"": 71, ""disease.id"": 89, ""disease.ts"": ""2018-02-01 04:58:16"", ""disease.title"": ""Alzheimer's disease"", ""disease.overview"": ""Alzheimer's disease is a progressive disease that destroys memory and other important mental functions. At first, someone with Alzheimer's disease may notice mild confusion and difficulty remembering. Eventually, people with the disease may even forget im"", ""disease.symptoms"": ""At first, increasing forgetfulness or mild confusion may be the only symptoms of Alzheimer's disease that you notice. But over time, the disease robs you of more of your memory, especially recent memories. The rate at which symptoms worsen varies from per"", ""disease.when_to_see_a_doctor"": """", ""disease.causes"": ""Scientists believe that for most people, Alzheimer's disease is caused by a combination of genetic, lifestyle and environmental factors that affect the brain over time. Less than 5 percent of the time, Alzheimer's is caused by specific genetic changes tha"", ""disease.risk_factors"": ""AgeIncreasing age is the greatest known risk factor for Alzheimer's. Alzheimer's is not a part of normal aging, but your risk increases greatly after you reach age 65. The rate of dementia doubles every decade after age 60. People with rare genetic change"", ""disease.complications"": ""Memory and language loss, impaired judgment, and other cognitive changes caused by Alzheimer's can complicate treatment for other health conditions. A person with Alzheimer's disease may not be able to: Communicate that he or she is experiencing pain — fo"" } }" 72,"2018-02-01 20:31:59","Ambiguous genitalia","Ambiguous genitalia is usually diagnosed at birth or shortly after. Doctors and nurses who help with your delivery may notice the signs of ambiguous genitalia in your newborn. Determining the cause If your baby is born with ambiguous genitalia, the doctor","Once you and your doctor have chosen a gender for your baby, you may choose to begin treatment for ambiguous genitalia. The goal of treatment is long-term psychological and social well-being, as well as to enable sexual function and fertility to the great",,,"If your baby was born with ambiguous genitalia, you may be referred to a medical center with doctors who have expertise in this condition. Because appointments can be brief, and because there's often a lot of ground to cover, it's a good idea to be well-p","{ ""72"": { ""disease_x_diagnosis_and_treatment.id"": 72, ""disease.id"": 90, ""disease.ts"": ""2018-02-01 04:58:20"", ""disease.title"": ""Ambiguous genitalia"", ""disease.overview"": ""Ambiguous genitalia is a rare condition in which an infant's external genitals don't appear to be clearly either male or female. In a baby with ambiguous genitalia, the genitals may not be well-formed or the baby may have characteristics of both sexes. Th"", ""disease.symptoms"": ""Your medical team will likely be the first to recognize ambiguous genitalia soon after your baby is born. Occasionally, ambiguous genitalia is diagnosed before birth (prenatally). Characteristics can vary in severity, depending on when during genital deve"", ""disease.when_to_see_a_doctor"": """", ""disease.causes"": ""Ambiguous genitalia occurs when something goes wrong during pregnancy to interrupt or disturb the fetus's developing sex organs. How sex organs form in the womb A baby's genetic sex is established at conception, based on the sex chromosomes. The mother's "", ""disease.risk_factors"": ""Family history may play a role in the development of ambiguous genitalia, because many disorders of sex development result from genetic abnormalities that can be inherited. Possible risk factors for ambiguous genitalia include a family history of: Unexpla"", ""disease.complications"": ""Complications of ambiguous genitalia may include: Infertility. Whether people with ambiguous genitalia can have children depends on the specific diagnosis. For example, genetic females with congenital adrenal hyperplasia usually can get pregnant if they s"" } }" 73,"2018-02-01 20:32:01","Lazy eye (amblyopia)","Your doctor will conduct a thorough eye exam, checking for eye health, a wandering eye, a difference in vision between the eyes or poor vision in both eyes. Eyedrops are generally used to dilate the eyes. The eyedrops cause blurred vision that lasts for s","It's important to start treatment for lazy eye as soon as possible in childhood, when the complicated connections between the eye and the brain are forming. The best results occur when treatment starts before age 7, although half of children between the a","Explore Mayo Clinic studies testing new treatments, interventions and tests as a means to prevent, detect, treat or manage this disease.",,"You may be referred to a doctor who specializes in treating eye disorders in children (pediatric ophthalmologist). Because appointments can be brief and there's often a lot of ground to cover, it's a good idea to arrive prepared. Here's some information t","{ ""73"": { ""disease_x_diagnosis_and_treatment.id"": 73, ""disease.id"": 91, ""disease.ts"": ""2018-02-01 04:58:23"", ""disease.title"": ""Lazy eye (amblyopia)"", ""disease.overview"": ""Lazy eye (amblyopia) is reduced vision in one eye caused by abnormal visual development early in life. The weaker — or lazy — eye often wanders inward or outward. Amblyopia generally develops from birth up to age 7 years. It is the leading cause of decrea"", ""disease.symptoms"": """", ""disease.when_to_see_a_doctor"": """", ""disease.causes"": ""Lazy eye develops because of abnormal visual experience early in life that changes the nerve pathways between a thin layer of tissue (retina) at the back of the eye and the brain. The weaker eye receives fewer visual signals. Eventually, the ability of th"", ""disease.risk_factors"": ""Factors associated with an increased risk of lazy eye include: Premature birth Small size at birth Family history of lazy eye Developmental disabilities"", ""disease.complications"": ""Untreated, lazy eye can cause permanent vision loss. Lazy eye is the cause of permanent vision loss in 2.9 percent of adults."" } }" 74,"2018-02-01 20:32:04",Amenorrhea,"During your appointment, your doctor will perform a pelvic exam to check for any problems with your reproductive organs. If you've never had a period, your doctor may examine your breasts and genitals to see if you're experiencing the normal changes of pu","Treatment depends on the underlying cause of your amenorrhea. In some cases, contraceptive pills or other hormone therapies can restart your menstrual cycles. Amenorrhea caused by thyroid or pituitary disorders may be treated with medications. If a tumor ",,"Some lifestyle factors — such as too much exercise or too little food — can cause amenorrhea, so strive for balance in work, recreation and rest. Assess areas of stress and conflict in your life. If you can't decrease stress on your own, ask for help from","Your first appointment will likely be with your primary care physician or gynecologist. Here's some information to help you prepare for your appointment and know what to expect from your doctor. What you can do To get ready for your appointment: Write dow","{ ""74"": { ""disease_x_diagnosis_and_treatment.id"": 74, ""disease.id"": 93, ""disease.ts"": ""2018-02-01 04:58:27"", ""disease.title"": ""Amenorrhea"", ""disease.overview"": ""Amenorrhea (uh-men-o-REE-uh) is the absence of menstruation — one or more missed menstrual periods. Women who have missed at least three menstrual periods in a row have amenorrhea, as do girls who haven't begun menstruation by age 15. The most common caus"", ""disease.symptoms"": ""The main sign of amenorrhea is the absence of menstrual periods. Depending on the cause of amenorrhea, you might experience other signs or symptoms along with the absence of periods, such as: Milky nipple discharge Hair loss Headache Vision changes Excess"", ""disease.when_to_see_a_doctor"": ""Consult your doctor if you've missed at least three menstrual periods in a row, or if you've never had a menstrual period and you're age 15 or older."", ""disease.causes"": ""Female reproductive systemFemale reproductive systemThe ovaries, fallopian tubes, uterus, cervix and vagina (vaginal canal) make up the female reproductive system. Amenorrhea can occur for a variety of reasons. Some are normal during the course of a woman"", ""disease.risk_factors"": ""Factors that may increase your risk of amenorrhea may include: Family history. If other women in your family have experienced amenorrhea, you may have inherited a predisposition for the problem. Eating disorders. If you have an eating disorder, such as an"", ""disease.complications"": ""Complications of amenorrhea may include: Infertility. If you don't ovulate and have menstrual periods, you can't become pregnant. Osteoporosis. If your amenorrhea is caused by low estrogen levels, you may also be at risk of osteoporosis — a weakening of y"" } }" 75,"2018-02-01 20:32:07","Chagas disease","Your doctor will conduct a physical exam, asking about your symptoms and any factors that put you at risk of Chagas disease. If you have the signs and symptoms of Chagas disease, blood tests can confirm the presence of the T. cruzi parasite or the protein","Treatment for Chagas disease focuses on killing the parasite and managing signs and symptoms. During the acute phase of Chagas disease, the prescription medications benznidazole and nifurtimox may be of benefit. Although benznidazole is approved by the Fo",,,"You're likely to start by seeing your family doctor. Depending on his or her findings, your doctor may refer you to an infectious disease specialist. It's a good idea to be well-prepared for your appointment. Here's some information to help you get ready ","{ ""75"": { ""disease_x_diagnosis_and_treatment.id"": 75, ""disease.id"": 94, ""disease.ts"": ""2018-02-01 04:58:30"", ""disease.title"": ""Chagas disease"", ""disease.overview"": ""Chagas (CHAH-gus) disease is an inflammatory, infectious disease caused by the parasite Trypanosoma cruzi, which is found in the feces of the triatomine (reduviid) bug. Chagas disease is common in South America, Central America and Mexico, the primary hom"", ""disease.symptoms"": """", ""disease.when_to_see_a_doctor"": """", ""disease.causes"": ""The cause of Chagas disease is the parasite Trypanosoma cruzi, which is transmitted from an insect known as the triatomine bug. These insects can become infected by T. cruzi when they ingest blood from an animal already infected with the parasite. Triatom"", ""disease.risk_factors"": ""The following factors may increase your risk of getting Chagas disease: Living in impoverished rural areas of Central America, South America and Mexico Living in a residence that contains triatomine bugs Receiving a blood transfusion or organ transplant f"", ""disease.complications"": ""If Chagas disease progresses to the chronic phase, serious heart or digestive complications may occur. These may include: Heart failure. Heart failure occurs when your heart becomes so weak or stiff that it can't pump enough blood to meet your body's need"" } }" 76,"2018-02-01 20:32:09",Amnesia,"To diagnose amnesia, a doctor will do a comprehensive evaluation to rule out other possible causes of memory loss, such as Alzheimer's disease, other forms of dementia, depression or a brain tumor. Medical historyThe evaluation starts with a detailed medi","Treatment for amnesia focuses on techniques and strategies to help make up for the memory problem, and addressing any underlying diseases causing the amnesia. Occupational therapyA person with amnesia may work with an occupational therapist to learn new i",,,"You're likely to start by seeing your family doctor or a general practitioner. However, you may then be referred to a doctor who specializes in disorders of the brain and nervous system (neurologist). It's a good idea to arrive at your appointment well-pr","{ ""76"": { ""disease_x_diagnosis_and_treatment.id"": 76, ""disease.id"": 95, ""disease.ts"": ""2018-02-01 04:58:33"", ""disease.title"": ""Amnesia"", ""disease.overview"": ""Amnesia refers to the loss of memories, such as facts, information and experiences. Though forgetting your identity is a common plot device in movies and television, that's not generally the case in real-life amnesia. Instead, people with amnesia — also c"", ""disease.symptoms"": """", ""disease.when_to_see_a_doctor"": """", ""disease.causes"": ""Normal memory function involves many parts of the brain. Any disease or injury that affects the brain can interfere with memory. Amnesia can result from damage to brain structures that form the limbic system, which controls your emotions and memories. The"", ""disease.risk_factors"": ""The chance of developing amnesia might increase if you've experienced: Brain surgery, head injury or trauma Stroke Alcohol abuse Seizures"", ""disease.complications"": ""Amnesia varies in severity and scope, but even mild amnesia takes a toll on daily activities and quality of life. The syndrome can cause problems at work, at school and in social settings. It may not be possible to recover lost memories. Some people with "" } }" 77,"2018-02-01 20:32:10","Dissociative disorders","Diagnosis usually involves assessment of symptoms and ruling out any medical condition that could cause the symptoms. Testing and diagnosis often involves a referral to a mental health professional to determine your diagnosis. Evaluation may include: Phys","Dissociative disorders treatment may vary based on the type of disorder you have, but generally include psychotherapy and medication. PsychotherapyPsychotherapy is the primary treatment for dissociative disorders. This form of therapy, also known as talk ",,,"As a first step, your doctor may ask you to come in for a thorough exam to rule out possible physical causes of your symptoms. However, in some cases you may be referred immediately to a psychiatrist. You may want to take a family member or friend along, ","{ ""77"": { ""disease_x_diagnosis_and_treatment.id"": 77, ""disease.id"": 96, ""disease.ts"": ""2018-02-01 04:58:38"", ""disease.title"": ""Dissociative disorders"", ""disease.overview"": ""Dissociative disorders are mental disorders that involve experiencing a disconnection and lack of continuity between thoughts, memories, surroundings, actions and identity. People with dissociative disorders escape reality in ways that are involuntary and"", ""disease.symptoms"": """", ""disease.when_to_see_a_doctor"": """", ""disease.causes"": ""Dissociative disorders usually develop as a way to cope with trauma. The disorders most often form in children subjected to long-term physical, sexual or emotional abuse or, less often, a home environment that's frightening or highly unpredictable. The st"", ""disease.risk_factors"": ""People who experience long-term physical, sexual or emotional abuse during childhood are at greatest risk of developing dissociative disorders. Children and adults who experience other traumatic events, such as war, natural disasters, kidnapping, torture,"", ""disease.complications"": ""People with dissociative disorders are at increased risk of complications and associated disorders, such as: Self-harm or mutilation Suicidal thoughts and behavior Sexual dysfunction Alcoholism and drug use disorders Depression and anxiety disorders Post-"" } }" 78,"2018-02-01 20:32:11","Transient global amnesia","Diagnosis of transient global amnesia rests on excluding more-serious conditions — stroke, seizure or head injury, for example — that can cause the same type of memory loss. Physical exam The process begins with a neurological exam, checking reflexes, mus","No treatment is needed for transient global amnesia. It resolves on its own and has no confirmed aftereffects.",,,"Anyone who experiences sudden loss of memory for all events leading up to the present needs emergency medical care. Call 911 or your local emergency number immediately. If a friend or family member develops these symptoms in your presence, go with him or ","{ ""78"": { ""disease_x_diagnosis_and_treatment.id"": 78, ""disease.id"": 97, ""disease.ts"": ""2018-02-01 04:58:40"", ""disease.title"": ""Transient global amnesia"", ""disease.overview"": ""Transient global amnesia is a sudden, temporary episode of memory loss that can't be attributed to a more common neurological condition, such as epilepsy or stroke. During an episode of transient global amnesia, your recall of recent events simply vanishe"", ""disease.symptoms"": ""Transient global amnesia is identified by its main symptom, which is the inability to form new memories and to recall the recent past. Once that symptom is confirmed, ruling out other possible causes of amnesia is important."", ""disease.when_to_see_a_doctor"": ""Seek immediate medical attention for anyone who quickly goes from normal awareness of present reality to confusion about what just happened. If the person experiencing memory loss is too disoriented to call an ambulance, call one yourself. Although transi"", ""disease.causes"": ""The underlying cause of transient global amnesia is unknown. There appears to be a link between transient global amnesia and a history of migraines, though the underlying factors that contribute to both conditions aren't fully understood. Some commonly re"", ""disease.risk_factors"": ""Interestingly, high blood pressure and high cholesterol — which are closely linked to strokes — are not risk factors for transient global amnesia. Your sex doesn't seem to affect your risk, either. The clearest risk factors are: Age. People age 50 and old"", ""disease.complications"": ""Transient global amnesia has no direct complications, but it can cause emotional distress. If you have an episode, the gap in your memory can be unsettling, and you're likely to worry about a recurrence. Also, a symptom as dramatic as memory loss often in"" } }" 79,"2018-02-01 20:32:14","Amniotic fluid embolism","The diagnosis of amniotic fluid embolism is based on a doctor's evaluation. A diagnosis is typically made after other conditions have been ruled out. In some cases, a diagnosis is only made after maternal death. Your health care provider might order the f",,,,,"{ ""79"": { ""disease_x_diagnosis_and_treatment.id"": 79, ""disease.id"": 99, ""disease.ts"": ""2018-02-01 04:58:42"", ""disease.title"": ""Amniotic fluid embolism"", ""disease.overview"": ""Amniotic fluid embolism is a rare but serious condition that occurs when amniotic fluid — the fluid that surrounds a baby in the uterus during pregnancy — or fetal material, such as fetal cells, enters the mother's bloodstream. Amniotic fluid embolism is "", ""disease.symptoms"": """", ""disease.when_to_see_a_doctor"": """", ""disease.causes"": ""Amniotic fluid embolism occurs when amniotic fluid or fetal material enters the mother's bloodstream. Why this happens isn't well understood. A likely cause is a breakdown in the placental barrier, such as from trauma. When this breakdown happens, the imm"", ""disease.risk_factors"": ""Amniotic fluid embolisms are rare, which makes it difficult to identify risk factors. It's estimated that there are between 1 and 12 cases of amniotic fluid embolism for every 100,000 deliveries. Research suggests that several factors might be linked to a"", ""disease.complications"": ""Amniotic fluid embolism can cause serious complications for you and your baby. If you have amniotic fluid embolism, you're at increased risk of: Brain injury. Low blood oxygen can cause permanent, severe neurological damage or brain death. Lengthy hospita"" } }" 80,"2018-02-01 20:32:17",Amyloidosis,"Amyloidosis is often overlooked because the signs and symptoms can mimic those of more-common diseases. Diagnosis as early as possible can help prevent further organ damage. Precise diagnosis is important because treatment varies greatly, depending on you","There's no cure for amyloidosis. But treatment can help manage signs and symptoms and limit further production of amyloid protein. Specific treatments depend on the type of amyloidosis and target the source of the amyloid production. AL amyloidosis. Many ","Explore Mayo Clinic studies testing new treatments, interventions and tests as a means to prevent, detect, treat or manage this disease.","These tips can help you live with amyloidosis: Pace yourself. If you feel short of breath, take a break. You'll need to avoid strenuous activities, but you may be able to continue normal daily activities, such as going to work. Talk to your doctor about a","You may be referred to a doctor who specializes in blood disorders (hematologist). What you can do Write down your symptoms, including any that may seem unrelated to the reason why you scheduled the appointment. Make a list of all your medications, vitami","{ ""80"": { ""disease_x_diagnosis_and_treatment.id"": 80, ""disease.id"": 101, ""disease.ts"": ""2018-02-01 04:58:44"", ""disease.title"": ""Amyloidosis"", ""disease.overview"": ""Amyloidosis (am-uh-loi-DO-sis) is a rare disease that occurs when a substance called amyloid builds up in your organs. Amyloid is an abnormal protein that is produced in your bone marrow and can be deposited in any tissue or organ. Amyloidosis can affect "", ""disease.symptoms"": """", ""disease.when_to_see_a_doctor"": """", ""disease.causes"": ""In general, amyloidosis is caused by the buildup of an abnormal protein called amyloid. Amyloid is produced in your bone marrow and can be deposited in any tissue or organ. The specific cause of your condition depends on the type of amyloidosis you have. "", ""disease.risk_factors"": ""Anyone can develop amyloidosis. Factors that increase your risk include: Age. Most people diagnosed with AL amyloidosis, the most common type, are between ages 60 and 70, although earlier onset occurs. Sex. Nearly 70 percent of people with AL amyloidosis "", ""disease.complications"": ""The potential complications of amyloidosis depend on which organs the amyloid deposits affect. Amyloidosis can seriously damage your: Kidneys. Amyloid can harm the kidneys' filtering system, causing protein to leak from your blood into your urine. The kid"" } }"