diseases_conditions_x_diseases_conditions_detail.id,diseases_conditions.id,diseases_conditions.ts,diseases_conditions.title,diseases_conditions_detail.id,diseases_conditions_detail.ts,diseases_conditions_detail.key,diseases_conditions_detail.value 61,9,"2018-02-01 23:05:54","Alcohol Abuse",61,"2018-02-01 22:56:55","Can alcohol abuse be prevented or avoided?","If you have a family history of alcoholism or alcohol abuse, you may have to work harder at resisting or limiting alcohol. Other ways to reduce your alcohol consumption include:Limit yourself to one drink when by yourself or with friends.Seek treatment fo" 62,9,"2018-02-01 23:05:54","Alcohol Abuse",62,"2018-02-01 22:56:55","Alcohol abuse treatment","If you are the one suffering from alcohol abuse, the first step is recognizing you need help. Many studies show that people struggling with alcohol abuse can benefit from some form of treatment. However, everyone is different. Not all treatments work the " 63,9,"2018-02-01 23:05:54","Alcohol Abuse",63,"2018-02-01 22:56:55","Living with alcohol abuse","Living with alcohol abuse means recognizing the triggers that make you want to drink. For example, hanging around with others who drink will make it difficult for you. You may be experiencing stress or unhappiness in your life and don’t have a counselor o" 64,9,"2018-02-01 23:05:54","Alcohol Abuse",64,"2018-02-01 22:56:55","Questions to ask your doctor","Can alcohol abuse begin when you are elderly?Will prescription medicines used for alcohol abuse interact with other medicines I take for my health?Can I take antidepressant medicine while being treated for alcohol abuse?Can I drink occasionally if I am su" 65,10,"2018-02-01 23:05:57","Allergic Conjunctivitis",65,"2018-02-01 22:56:58","What is allergic conjunctivitis?","This medical condition is a common cause of “pink eye.” It occurs when the clear, thin, membrane (conjunctiva) that covers your eyeball becomes swollen and irritated." 66,10,"2018-02-01 23:05:57","Allergic Conjunctivitis",66,"2018-02-01 22:56:58","Symptoms of allergic conjunctivitis","The most common symptom is a red, swollen eye. Additional symptoms may include pain, itch, and watery eyes." 67,10,"2018-02-01 23:05:57","Allergic Conjunctivitis",67,"2018-02-01 22:56:58","What causes allergic conjunctivitis?","Pink eye is caused by bacteria, viruses, or allergens. It is diagnosed as allergic conjunctivitis when allergies cause the condition. This type of conjunctivitis is not contagious. Some common allergens include:pollen from trees, grass, and ragweedanimal " 68,10,"2018-02-01 23:05:57","Allergic Conjunctivitis",68,"2018-02-01 22:56:58","How is allergic conjunctivitis diagnosed?","To diagnose pink eye, your doctor will ask you questions about your symptoms and health history. He or she will examine your eye. If your doctor suspects your irritation is severe, he or she may swab (using a cotton swab) the corners of your eye to send a" 69,10,"2018-02-01 23:05:57","Allergic Conjunctivitis",69,"2018-02-01 22:56:58","Can allergic conjunctivitis be prevented or avoided?","You can reduce your risk of allergic conjunctivitis by avoiding the things that irritate your eyes. For example, if you are allergic to the pollen that comes from grass and trees, limit your exposure to the outdoors. Check weather reports for pollen and m" 70,10,"2018-02-01 23:05:57","Allergic Conjunctivitis",70,"2018-02-01 22:56:58","Allergic conjunctivitis treatment","Applying a cold washcloth over your eyes can provide some symptom relief. Lubricating eye drops (sometimes called artificial tears) also may help. Antihistamine pills (which many people take for their allergies) may help relieve your symptoms. You can buy" 71,10,"2018-02-01 23:05:57","Allergic Conjunctivitis",71,"2018-02-01 22:56:58","Living with allergic conjunctivitis","Living with this condition can leave your feeling miserable for days at a time. It can affect your attention and productivity at school and work. It can interfere with fun and recreation. It can be a repeat problem if not treated or avoided. Therefore, it" 72,10,"2018-02-01 23:05:57","Allergic Conjunctivitis",72,"2018-02-01 22:56:58","Questions to ask your doctor","How do I know whether a virus, bacteria, or allergen is causing my symptoms?Will conjunctivitis damage my eyesight?Can wearing sunglasses outdoors reduce your exposure to allergens?Does hand washing reduce your exposure to allergic conjunctivitis?" 73,11,"2018-02-01 23:06:01","Allergic Rhinitis",73,"2018-02-01 22:57:01","What is allergic rhinitis?","Allergic rhinitis, also known as hay fever, is an allergic reaction. You have an allergy when your body overreacts to things that don’t cause problems for most people. These things are called allergens. Your body’s overreaction to the allergens is what ca" 74,11,"2018-02-01 23:06:01","Allergic Rhinitis",74,"2018-02-01 22:57:01","Symptoms of allergic rhinitis","Your symptoms can vary, depending on the severity of your allergies. Symptoms can include:Sneezing.Coughing.Itching (mostly eyes, nose, mouth, throat and skin).Runny nose.Stuffy nose.Headache.Pressure in the nose and cheeks.Ear fullness and popping.Sore t" 75,11,"2018-02-01 23:06:01","Allergic Rhinitis",75,"2018-02-01 22:57:01","What causes allergic rhinitis?","You have an allergy when your body overreacts to things that don’t cause problems for most people. These things are called allergens. If you have allergies, your body releases chemicals when you are exposed to an allergen. One type of chemical that your b" 76,11,"2018-02-01 23:06:01","Allergic Rhinitis",76,"2018-02-01 22:57:01","How is allergic rhinitis diagnosed?","If your symptoms interfere with your daily life, see your family doctor. Your doctor will ask you questions about your symptoms and medical history and perform a physical exam. Keeping a record of your symptoms over a period of time can help your doctor d" 77,11,"2018-02-01 23:06:01","Allergic Rhinitis",77,"2018-02-01 22:57:01","Can allergic rhinitis be prevented or avoided?","Allergic rhinitis cannot be prevented. You can help your symptoms by avoiding the things that you are allergic, including:Keeping windows closed. This is especially important during high-pollen seasons.Washing your hands after petting animals.Using dust- " 78,11,"2018-02-01 23:06:01","Allergic Rhinitis",78,"2018-02-01 22:57:01","Allergic rhinitis treatment","Several medicines can be used to treat allergies. Your doctor will help you determine what medicine is best for you depending on your symptoms, age, and overall health. These medicines help prevent symptoms if you use them regularly, before you’re exposed" 79,11,"2018-02-01 23:06:01","Allergic Rhinitis",79,"2018-02-01 22:57:01","Living with allergic rhinitis","Living with the symptoms of allergic rhinitis can affect your daily life. Nasal symptoms can be worse when lying down. This can disturb your ability to sleep well. Fatigue and headaches can affect your ability to function at school and work. There are man" 80,11,"2018-02-01 23:06:01","Allergic Rhinitis",80,"2018-02-01 22:57:01","Questions to ask your doctor","Could anything else, such as a cold or the flu, be causing my symptoms?How do I figure out what I’m allergic to?Is my allergy seasonal?I am allergic to _____. Am I at risk for any other allergies?What changes can I make at home to help relieve my symptoms" 81,12,"2018-02-01 23:06:03","Alopecia Areata (AA)",81,"2018-02-01 22:57:04","What is alopecia areata?","Alopecia areata is a form of alopecia (hair loss). It’s a non life-threatening disease of your immune system affecting the hair on your scalp. With this condition, your body mistakenly views your hair follicles as an enemy. Your body attacks the hair foll" 82,12,"2018-02-01 23:06:03","Alopecia Areata (AA)",82,"2018-02-01 22:57:04","Symptoms of alopecia areata","The main symptom of alopecia areata is hair loss that occurs in patches on your head, leaving smooth, round areas of scalp exposed. A mild case of alopecia areata starts with one to two smooth, hairless patches and usually stops after that. Sometimes, the" 83,12,"2018-02-01 23:06:03","Alopecia Areata (AA)",83,"2018-02-01 22:57:04","What causes alopecia areata?","There is no known cause for alopecia areata. However, scientists believe the cause of the disease may be related to a person’s genetics. In that case, scientists believe a virus or your environment cause the hair loss." 84,12,"2018-02-01 23:06:03","Alopecia Areata (AA)",84,"2018-02-01 22:57:04","How is alopecia areata diagnosed?","See your doctor if you are experiencing hair loss of any significant amount. There are many reasons for hair loss. Your doctor will look at your hair loss pattern and review your medical history when diagnosing alopecia areata. He or she will check to see" 85,12,"2018-02-01 23:06:03","Alopecia Areata (AA)",85,"2018-02-01 22:57:04","Can alopecia areata be prevented or avoided?","The condition cannot be prevented or avoided. The cause is unknown and varies by person. Alopecia areata is not tied to stress, as some people believe. Some people have a family history of alopecia areata. Having a family member with alopecia areata and a" 86,12,"2018-02-01 23:06:03","Alopecia Areata (AA)",86,"2018-02-01 22:57:04","Alopecia areata treatment","There is no treatment that offers a 100% cure for alopecia areata. If you have a few, small patches of hair loss on your head, it’s likely your hair will grow back within a few months. Your doctor may not prescribe treatment in those cases. For larger are" 87,12,"2018-02-01 23:06:03","Alopecia Areata (AA)",87,"2018-02-01 22:57:04","Living with alopecia areata","The American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP) recognizes that living with alopecia areata can be emotionally difficult. It affects social interaction and self-confidence, as people are embarrassed to let others see their hair loss.Hairstyling technique" 88,12,"2018-02-01 23:06:03","Alopecia Areata (AA)",88,"2018-02-01 22:57:04","Questions to ask your doctor","How much hair do I need to lose before calling my doctor?If one of my parents has alopecia areata, is there a genetics test I can take to determine if I will get it?If my hair loss has lasted more than a year, what are the chances it will return?Do certai" 89,14,"2018-02-01 23:06:08",Amblyopia,89,"2018-02-01 22:57:10"," What is amblyopia (lazy eye)?","Amblyopia is also called “lazy eye.” It is an eye problem that starts in early childhood. Amblyopia is the most common cause of vision problems in children. It happens when one eye doesn’t work properly with the brain. The brain favors the eye that does w" 90,14,"2018-02-01 23:06:08",Amblyopia,90,"2018-02-01 22:57:10","Symptoms of amblyopia","Amblyopia usually starts between birth and age 7. Symptoms in your child could include:Eyes that don’t work together.One eye that wanders inward or outward.Squinting, shutting one eye, or tilting the head to look at something.Problems with depth perceptio"