,medical_dictionary.ts,medical_dictionary.title,medical_dictionary.publisher,medical_dictionary.print_publication_date,medical_dictionary.print_isbn_13,medical_dictionary.published_online,medical_dictionary.current_online_version,medical_dictionary.eisbn,medical_dictionary.defination 101,"2018-12-05 04:13:28",acrania,"Oxford University Press",2010,9780199557141,2010,2014,9780191727016,"n. congenital absence of the skull, either partial or complete, due to a developmental defect. ..." 102,"2018-12-05 04:13:37",acro-,"Oxford University Press",2010,9780199557141,2010,2014,9780191727016,"combining form denoting 1. extremity; tip. Example: acrohypothermy (abnormal coldness of the extremities (hands and feet). 2. height; promontory. Example: ..." 103,"2018-12-05 04:13:43",acrocentric,"Oxford University Press",2010,9780199557141,2010,2014,9780191727016,"n. a chromosome in which the centromere is situated at or very near one end. —acrocentric adj. ..." 104,"2018-12-05 04:13:46",acrocephalosyndactyly,"Oxford University Press",2010,9780199557141,2010,2014,9780191727016,"n. any one of a group of related inherited disorders, including Apert syndrome, resulting in abnormalities of the skull ..." 105,"2018-12-05 04:13:57",acrocyanosis,"Oxford University Press",2010,9780199557141,2010,2014,9780191727016,"n. bluish-purple discoloration of the hands and feet due to slow circulation of the blood through the small vessels in ..." 106,"2018-12-05 04:14:04",acrodermatitis,"Oxford University Press",2010,9780199557141,2010,2014,9780191727016,"n. inflammation of the skin of the feet or hands. A diffuse chronic variety produces swelling and reddening of the ..." 107,"2018-12-05 04:14:14",acromegaly,"Oxford University Press",2010,9780199557141,2010,2014,9780191727016,"n. a condition caused by excessive secretion of growth hormone, usually by a benign tumour of the anterior pituitary ..." 108,"2018-12-05 04:14:17",acromion,"Oxford University Press",2010,9780199557141,2010,2014,9780191727016,"n. an oblong process at the top of the spine of the scapula, part of which articulates with the ..." 109,"2018-12-05 04:14:27",acroparaesthesia,"Oxford University Press",2010,9780199557141,2010,2014,9780191727016,"n. a tingling sensation in the hands and feet. See paraesthesia. ..." 110,"2018-12-05 04:14:34",acrosclerosis,"Oxford University Press",2010,9780199557141,2010,2014,9780191727016,"n. a skin disease thought to be a type of generalized scleroderma. It also has features of Raynaud’s disease ..." 111,"2018-12-05 04:14:46",acrosome,"Oxford University Press",2010,9780199557141,2010,2014,9780191727016,"n. the caplike structure on the front end of a spermatozoon. It breaks down just before fertilization (the acrosome reaction ..." 112,"2018-12-05 04:14:52","acrylic resin","Oxford University Press",2010,9780199557141,2010,2014,9780191727016,"one of a group of polymeric materials used for making denture teeth, denture bases, and orthodontic appliances and formerly as ..." 113,"2018-12-05 04:15:04",ACTH,"Oxford University Press",2010,9780199557141,2010,2014,9780191727016,"(adrenocorticotrophic hormone, adrenocorticotrophin, corticotrophin) a hormone synthesized and stored in the anterior pituitary gland, large amounts ..." 114,"2018-12-05 04:15:15",actin,"Oxford University Press",2010,9780199557141,2010,2014,9780191727016,"n. a protein, found in muscle, that plays an important role in the process of contraction. See striated muscle. ..." 115,"2018-12-05 04:15:18",Actinobacillus,"Oxford University Press",2010,9780199557141,2010,2014,9780191727016,"n. a genus of Gram-negative nonmotile aerobic bacteria that are characteristically spherical or rodlike in shape but occasionally grow into ..." 116,"2018-12-05 04:15:22",Actinomyces,"Oxford University Press",2010,9780199557141,2010,2014,9780191727016,"n. a genus of Gram-positive nonmotile fungus-like bacteria that cause disease in animals and humans. The species A. israelii is ..." 117,"2018-04-19 02:05:11","actinomycin D","Oxford University Press",2010,9780199557141,2010,2014,9780191727016, 118,"2018-12-05 04:15:38",actinomycosis,"Oxford University Press",2010,9780199557141,2010,2014,9780191727016,"n. a noncontagious disease caused by the bacterium Actinomyces israelii, which most commonly affects the jaw but may also ..." 119,"2018-12-05 04:15:44",actinotherapy,"Oxford University Press",2010,9780199557141,2010,2014,9780191727016,"n. the treatment of disorders with infrared or ultraviolet radiation. ..." 120,"2018-12-05 04:15:47","action potential","Oxford University Press",2010,9780199557141,2010,2014,9780191727016,"the change in voltage that occurs across the membrane of a nerve or muscle cell when a nerve impulse is ..." 121,"2018-12-05 04:15:49","active transport","Oxford University Press",2010,9780199557141,2010,2014,9780191727016,"(in biochemistry) an energy-dependent process in which certain substances (including ions, some drugs, and amino acids) are able to cross ..." 122,"2018-12-05 04:15:54",actomyosin,"Oxford University Press",2010,9780199557141,2010,2014,9780191727016,"n. a protein complex formed in muscle between actin and myosin during the process of contraction. See striated muscle. ..." 123,"2018-12-05 04:15:58",acupuncture,"Oxford University Press",2010,9780199557141,2010,2014,9780191727016,"n. a complementary therapy in which fine sterile needles are inserted into the skin at specific points on the body. ..." 124,"2018-12-05 04:16:08",acute,"Oxford University Press",2010,9780199557141,2010,2014,9780191727016,"adj. 1. describing a disease of rapid onset, severe symptoms, and brief duration. Compare chronic. 2. describing any intense ..." 125,"2018-12-05 04:16:19","acute abdomen","Oxford University Press",2010,9780199557141,2010,2014,9780191727016,"an emergency surgical condition caused by damage to one or more abdominal organs following injury or disease. The patient is ..." 126,"2018-12-05 04:16:21","acute coronary syndrome","Oxford University Press",2010,9780199557141,2010,2014,9780191727016,"a combination of angina (unstable or stable), non-S–T elevation myocardial infarction (NSTEMI), and S–T elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI). It implies ..." 127,"2018-12-05 04:16:27","acute fatty liver of pregnancy","Oxford University Press",2010,9780199557141,2010,2014,9780191727016,"a rare and serious complication of pregnancy that usually presents in the third trimester with symptoms of nausea, vomiting, malaise, ..." 128,"2018-12-05 04:16:37","acute generalized exanthematous pustulosis","Oxford University Press",2010,9780199557141,2010,2014,9780191727016,"(toxic pustuloderma) a reaction to a medication, resulting in the appearance of fine sterile pustules on inflamed skin; ..." 129,"2018-04-19 02:06:56","acute kidney injury","Oxford University Press",2010,9780199557141,2010,2014,9780191727016, 130,"2018-12-05 04:16:46","acute renal failure","Oxford University Press",2010,9780199557141,2010,2014,9780191727016,"acute kidney injury (see aki). ..." 131,"2018-04-19 02:07:16","acute respiratory distress syndrome","Oxford University Press",2010,9780199557141,2010,2014,9780191727016, 132,"2018-12-05 04:16:56","acute respiratory failure","Oxford University Press",2010,9780199557141,2010,2014,9780191727016,"(ARF) a primary disorder of gaseous exchange (as distinct from failure of the mechanical process of breathing). The ..." 133,"2018-12-05 04:16:59","acute retinal necrosis","Oxford University Press",2010,9780199557141,2010,2014,9780191727016,"(ARN) severe inflammation and necrosis of the retina associated with inflammation and blockage of retinal blood vessels, haemorrhage ..." 134,"2018-04-19 02:07:37","acute rheumatism","Oxford University Press",2010,9780199557141,2010,2014,9780191727016, 135,"2018-12-05 04:17:14","acute tubular necrosis","Oxford University Press",2010,9780199557141,2010,2014,9780191727016,"(ATN) a condition caused by acute renal injury from either ischaemia or toxins and associated with tubular damage ..." 136,"2018-12-05 04:17:17",ad-,"Oxford University Press",2010,9780199557141,2010,2014,9780191727016,"prefix denoting towards or near. Examples: adaxial (towards the main axis); adoral (towards or near the mouth). ..." 137,"2018-04-19 02:07:52","ADA deficiency","Oxford University Press",2010,9780199557141,2010,2014,9780191727016, 138,"2018-12-05 04:17:30",adalimumab,"Oxford University Press",2010,9780199557141,2010,2014,9780191727016,"n. see cytokine inhibitor. ..." 139,"2018-12-05 04:17:39","Adam’s apple","Oxford University Press",2010,9780199557141,2010,2014,9780191727016,"(laryngeal prominence) a projection, lying just under the skin, of the thyroid cartilage of the larynx. ..." 140,"2018-04-19 02:08:20","Adams-Stokes syndrome","Oxford University Press",2010,9780199557141,2010,2014,9780191727016, 141,"2018-12-05 04:17:49",ADAMTS13,"Oxford University Press",2010,9780199557141,2010,2014,9780191727016,"adisintegrin and metalloproteinase with athrombospondin type 1 motif, member 13, also ..." 142,"2018-12-05 04:18:00",adaptation,"Oxford University Press",2010,9780199557141,2010,2014,9780191727016,"n. 1. the phenomenon in which a sense organ shows a gradually diminishing response to continuous or repetitive stimulation. The ..." 143,"2018-12-05 04:18:07",addiction,"Oxford University Press",2010,9780199557141,2010,2014,9780191727016,"n. a state of dependence produced either by the habitual taking of drugs or by regularly engaging in certain activities ..." 144,"2018-12-05 04:18:09","Addison’s disease","Oxford University Press",2010,9780199557141,2010,2014,9780191727016,"a syndrome resulting from inadequate secretion of corticosteroid hormones due to the progressive destruction of the adrenal cortex. It is ..." 145,"2018-12-05 04:18:15","Addisonian crisis","Oxford University Press",2010,9780199557141,2010,2014,9780191727016,"an acute medical emergency due to a lack of corticosteroid production by the body, caused by disease of the adrenal ..." 146,"2018-12-05 04:18:27",adduct,"Oxford University Press",2010,9780199557141,2010,2014,9780191727016,"vb. to move a limb or any other part towards the midline of the body. —adduction n. ..." 147,"2018-12-05 04:18:34",adductor,"Oxford University Press",2010,9780199557141,2010,2014,9780191727016,"n. any muscle that moves one part of the body towards another or towards the midline of the body. ..." 148,"2018-12-05 04:18:40","adefovir dipivoxil","Oxford University Press",2010,9780199557141,2010,2014,9780191727016,"a drug used to treat chronic hepatitis B in patients who have not responded to or cannot tolerate interferon alfa ..." 149,"2018-12-05 04:18:48",aden-,"Oxford University Press",2010,9780199557141,2010,2014,9780191727016,"(adeno-) combining form denoting a gland or glands. Examples: adenalgia (pain in); adenogenesis (development of); adenopathy (disease of). ..." 150,"2018-12-05 04:18:53",adenine,"Oxford University Press",2010,9780199557141,2010,2014,9780191727016,"n. one of the nitrogen-containing bases (see purine) that occurs in the nucleic acids DNA and RNA. See ..." 151,"2018-12-05 04:18:54",adenitis,"Oxford University Press",2010,9780199557141,2010,2014,9780191727016,"n. inflammation of a gland or group of glands (or glandlike structures). For example, mesenteric adenitis affects the lymph nodes ..." 152,"2018-12-05 04:19:01",adenocarcinoma,"Oxford University Press",2010,9780199557141,2010,2014,9780191727016,"n. a malignant epithelial tumour arising from glandular structures, which are constituent parts of most organs of the body. The ..." 153,"2018-12-05 04:19:11",adenohypophysis,"Oxford University Press",2010,9780199557141,2010,2014,9780191727016,"n. the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland. ..." 154,"2018-12-05 04:19:19",adenoidectomy,"Oxford University Press",2010,9780199557141,2010,2014,9780191727016,"n. surgical removal of the adenoids in patients who suffer from either glue ear or difficulty in breathing through the ..." 155,"2018-12-05 04:19:31",adenoids,"Oxford University Press",2010,9780199557141,2010,2014,9780191727016,"(nasopharyngeal tonsil) n. a collection of lymphatic tissue in the nasopharynx. Enlargement of the adenoids can cause ..." 156,"2018-12-05 04:19:33",adenoma,"Oxford University Press",2010,9780199557141,2010,2014,9780191727016,"n. a benign tumour of epithelial origin that is derived from glandular tissue or exhibits clearly defined glandular structures. Adenomas ..." 157,"2018-12-05 04:19:45",adenosine,"Oxford University Press",2010,9780199557141,2010,2014,9780191727016,"n. a nucleoside that contains adenine and the sugar ribose and occurs in ATP. It is also used as ..." 158,"2018-12-05 04:19:55","adenosine deaminase deficiency","Oxford University Press",2010,9780199557141,2010,2014,9780191727016,"(ADA deficiency) a genetic disorder affecting about one baby in 25,000 and characterized by a defect in adenosine ..." 159,"2018-04-19 02:10:47","adenosine diphosphate","Oxford University Press",2010,9780199557141,2010,2014,9780191727016, 160,"2018-04-19 02:10:53","adenosine monophosphate","Oxford University Press",2010,9780199557141,2010,2014,9780191727016, 161,"2018-04-19 02:11:03","adenosine triphosphate","Oxford University Press",2010,9780199557141,2010,2014,9780191727016, 162,"2018-12-05 04:20:13",adenosis,"Oxford University Press",2010,9780199557141,2010,2014,9780191727016,"n. ( pl. adenoses) 1. excessive growth or development of glands. 2. any disease of a gland or glandlike ..." 163,"2018-12-05 04:20:17",adenovirus,"Oxford University Press",2010,9780199557141,2010,2014,9780191727016,"n. one of a group of DNA-containing viruses causing infections of the upper respiratory tract that produce symptoms resembling those ..." 164,"2018-12-05 04:20:26",ADEPT,"Oxford University Press",2010,9780199557141,2010,2014,9780191727016,"n. antibody-directed enzyme prodrug therapy: a method under development for the treatment of cancer. It ..." 165,"2018-12-05 04:20:30",ADH,"Oxford University Press",2010,9780199557141,2010,2014,9780191727016,"antidiuretic hormone (see vasopressin). ..." 166,"2018-04-19 02:11:26",ADHD,"Oxford University Press",2010,9780199557141,2010,2014,9780191727016, 167,"2018-12-05 04:20:43",adherence,"Oxford University Press",2010,9780199557141,2010,2014,9780191727016,"n. the degree to which a patient follows medical advice. Medicines adherence refers specifically to taking medication (drug compliance) ..." 168,"2018-12-05 04:20:46",adhesion,"Oxford University Press",2010,9780199557141,2010,2014,9780191727016,"n. 1. the union of two normally separate surfaces, such as the moving surfaces of joints, by fibrous connective tissue ..." 169,"2018-12-05 04:20:55","adhesion molecules","Oxford University Press",2010,9780199557141,2010,2014,9780191727016,"cell-surface molecules that are important for binding cells to neighbouring cells (intercellular adhesion molecules, ICAM) and tissues. Absence ..." 170,"2018-04-19 02:12:06","adhesive capsulitis","Oxford University Press",2010,9780199557141,2010,2014,9780191727016, 171,"2018-12-05 04:21:10","Adie’s pupil","Oxford University Press",2010,9780199557141,2010,2014,9780191727016,"see tonic pupil. W. J. Adie (1886–1935), British physician ..." 172,"2018-12-05 04:21:17","Adie’s syndrome","Oxford University Press",2010,9780199557141,2010,2014,9780191727016,"(Holmes-Adie syndrome) an abnormality of the pupils of the eyes, often affecting only one eye. The affected pupil ..." 173,"2018-12-05 04:21:23",adipocere,"Oxford University Press",2010,9780199557141,2010,2014,9780191727016,"n. a waxlike substance, consisting mainly of fatty acids, into which the soft tissues of the body can be converted ..." 174,"2018-12-05 04:21:29","adipose tissue","Oxford University Press",2010,9780199557141,2010,2014,9780191727016,"fibrous connective tissue packed with masses of fat cells (adipocytes). In human adults it consists mostly of white ..." 175,"2018-12-05 04:21:35",adiposis,"Oxford University Press",2010,9780199557141,2010,2014,9780191727016,"(liposis) n. the presence of abnormally large accumulations of fat in the body. The condition may arise from ..." 176,"2018-12-05 04:21:47",aditus,"Oxford University Press",2010,9780199557141,2010,2014,9780191727016,"n. an anatomical opening or passage; for example, the opening of the tympanic cavity (middle ear) to the air spaces ..." 177,"2018-12-05 04:21:57",adjunct,"Oxford University Press",2010,9780199557141,2010,2014,9780191727016,"n. a subsidiary drug used in treating a disorder, which provides additional benefits to the main drug used in treatment. ..." 178,"2018-12-05 04:22:07",adjuvant,"Oxford University Press",2010,9780199557141,2010,2014,9780191727016,"n. any substance used in conjunction with another to enhance its activity. Aluminium salts are used as adjuvants in the ..." 179,"2018-12-05 04:22:13","adjuvant therapy","Oxford University Press",2010,9780199557141,2010,2014,9780191727016,"treatment given to patients after the primary therapy, which is usually surgical removal of the tumour, when there is a ..." 180,"2018-12-05 04:22:21","admission rate","Oxford University Press",2010,9780199557141,2010,2014,9780191727016,"the number of people from a specified population with a specified disease or condition admitted to hospitals in a given ..." 181,"2018-12-05 04:22:31",adnexa,"Oxford University Press",2010,9780199557141,2010,2014,9780191727016,"pl. n. adjoining parts. For example, the uterine adnexa are the Fallopian tubes and ovaries (which adjoin the uterus). ..." 182,"2018-12-05 04:22:38",adolescence,"Oxford University Press",2010,9780199557141,2010,2014,9780191727016,"n. the stage of development between childhood and adulthood. It begins with the start of puberty, which in girls ..." 183,"2018-12-05 04:22:47",ADP,"Oxford University Press",2010,9780199557141,2010,2014,9780191727016,"(adenosine diphosphate) a compound containing adenine, ribose, and two phosphate groups. ADP occurs in cells and is involved ..." 184,"2018-12-05 04:22:49","adrenal glands","Oxford University Press",2010,9780199557141,2010,2014,9780191727016,"(suprarenal glands) two triangular endocrine glands, each of which covers the superior surface of a kidney. Each ..." 185,"2018-12-05 04:22:58",adrenalectomy,"Oxford University Press",2010,9780199557141,2010,2014,9780191727016,"n. the surgical removal of an adrenal gland, usually performed because of neoplastic disease. ..." 186,"2018-12-05 04:23:01",adrenaline,"Oxford University Press",2010,9780199557141,2010,2014,9780191727016,"(epinephrine) n. an important hormone secreted by the medulla of the adrenal gland. It has the function of ..." 187,"2018-12-05 04:23:04",adrenarche,"Oxford University Press",2010,9780199557141,2010,2014,9780191727016,"n. the start of secretion of androgens by the adrenal glands, occurring at around 6–7 years of age in girls ..." 188,"2018-12-05 04:23:16",adrenergic,"Oxford University Press",2010,9780199557141,2010,2014,9780191727016,"adj. 1. describing nerve fibres that release noradrenaline or adrenaline as a neurotransmitter. 2. describing receptors that are stimulated by ..." 189,"2018-12-05 04:23:20",adrenoceptor,"Oxford University Press",2010,9780199557141,2010,2014,9780191727016,"(adrenoreceptor, adrenergic receptor) any cell receptor that binds with the catecholamines adrenaline or noradrenaline, the neurotransmitters of ..." 190,"2018-12-05 04:23:28","adrenogenital syndrome","Oxford University Press",2010,9780199557141,2010,2014,9780191727016,"a hormonal disorder resulting from abnormal steroid production by the adrenal cortex, due to a genetic fault. It may cause ..." 191,"2018-12-05 04:23:35",adrenoleukodystrophy,"Oxford University Press",2010,9780199557141,2010,2014,9780191727016,"n. a genetically determined condition of neurological degeneration with childhood and adult forms. Inherited as an X-linked (see sex-linked ..." 192,"2018-12-05 04:23:43",adrenolytic,"Oxford University Press",2010,9780199557141,2010,2014,9780191727016,"adj. inhibiting the activity of adrenergic nerves. Adrenolytic activity is opposite to that of noradrenaline. ..." 193,"2018-12-05 04:23:44","adult respiratory distress syndrome","Oxford University Press",2010,9780199557141,2010,2014,9780191727016,"(acute respiratory distress syndrome, ARDS) a form of acute respiratory failure that occurs after a precipitating event, ..." 194,"2018-04-19 02:15:31","advance decision or directive","Oxford University Press",2010,9780199557141,2010,2014,9780191727016, 195,"2018-12-05 04:23:56","advance statement, decision, or directive","Oxford University Press",2010,9780199557141,2010,2014,9780191727016,"a legally recognized decision or statement made by a capacity capable adult that identifies any specific or general treatments the ..." 196,"2018-12-05 04:24:00","advanced glycation end-products","Oxford University Press",2010,9780199557141,2010,2014,9780191727016,"damaged proteins that result from the glycation of a large number of body proteins, which can accumulate and cause permanent ..." 197,"2018-12-05 04:24:08","advanced life-support course","Oxford University Press",2010,9780199557141,2010,2014,9780191727016,"an educational course to teach a structured and algorithm-driven method of life support for use in the severest of medical ..." 198,"2018-12-05 04:24:20","advanced paediatric life-support course","Oxford University Press",2010,9780199557141,2010,2014,9780191727016,"an educational course to teach a structured and algorithm-driven method of life support for use in severe medical emergencies in ..." 199,"2018-04-19 02:16:21","advanced trauma life support","Oxford University Press",2010,9780199557141,2010,2014,9780191727016, 200,"2018-12-05 04:24:38","advanced trauma life-support course","Oxford University Press",2010,9780199557141,2010,2014,9780191727016,"an educational course to teach the fundamentals of care for the victims of trauma. ..."