,medical_dictionary.ts,medical_dictionary.title,medical_dictionary.publisher,medical_dictionary.print_publication_date,medical_dictionary.print_isbn_13,medical_dictionary.published_online,medical_dictionary.current_online_version,medical_dictionary.eisbn,medical_dictionary.defination 201,"2018-12-05 04:24:41",advancement,"Oxford University Press",2010,9780199557141,2010,2014,9780191727016,"n. the detachment by surgery of a muscle, musculocutaneous flap, or tendon from its normal attachment site and its reattachment ..." 202,"2018-12-05 04:24:43",adventitia,"Oxford University Press",2010,9780199557141,2010,2014,9780191727016,"(tunica adventitia) n. 1. the outer coat of the wall of a vein or artery. It consists ..." 203,"2018-12-05 04:24:48",adventitious,"Oxford University Press",2010,9780199557141,2010,2014,9780191727016,"adj. 1. occurring in a place other than the usual one. 2. relating to the adventitia. ..." 204,"2018-12-05 04:24:58",advocacy,"Oxford University Press",2010,9780199557141,2010,2014,9780191727016,"n. a role that involves acting as a proxy or speaking on behalf of a patient because the patient lacks ..." 205,"2018-12-05 04:25:02",AECOPD,"Oxford University Press",2010,9780199557141,2010,2014,9780191727016,"acute exacerbation of COPD (see chronic obstructive pulmonary disease). ..." 206,"2018-04-19 02:17:27",AED,"Oxford University Press",2010,9780199557141,2010,2014,9780191727016, 207,"2018-12-05 04:25:05",Aëdes,"Oxford University Press",2010,9780199557141,2010,2014,9780191727016,"n. a genus of widely distributed mosquitoes occurring throughout the tropics and subtropics. Most species are black with distinct white ..." 208,"2018-12-05 04:25:11",-aemia,"Oxford University Press",2010,9780199557141,2010,2014,9780191727016,"combining form denoting a specified biochemical condition of the blood. Example: hyperglycaemia (excess sugar in the blood). ..." 209,"2018-12-05 04:25:15",aer-,"Oxford University Press",2010,9780199557141,2010,2014,9780191727016,"(aero-) combining form denoting air or gas. Examples: aerogastria (gas in the stomach); aerogenesis (production of gas). ..." 210,"2018-12-05 04:25:24",aerobe,"Oxford University Press",2010,9780199557141,2010,2014,9780191727016,"n. any organism, especially a microbe, that requires the presence of free oxygen for life and growth. See also anaerobe ..." 211,"2018-12-05 04:25:35",aerobic,"Oxford University Press",2010,9780199557141,2010,2014,9780191727016,"adj. 1. of or relating to aerobes: requiring free oxygen for life and growth. 2. describing a type of cellular ..." 212,"2018-04-19 02:18:14","aerobic exercises","Oxford University Press",2010,9780199557141,2010,2014,9780191727016, 213,"2018-12-05 04:25:47",aerodontalgia,"Oxford University Press",2010,9780199557141,2010,2014,9780191727016,"n. pain in the teeth due to change in atmospheric pressure during air travel or the ascent of a mountain. ..." 214,"2018-12-05 04:25:56",aeroneurosis,"Oxford University Press",2010,9780199557141,2010,2014,9780191727016,"n. a syndrome of anxiety, agitation, and insomnia found in pilots flying unpressurized aircraft and attributed to anoxia. ..." 215,"2018-12-05 04:25:59",aerophagy,"Oxford University Press",2010,9780199557141,2010,2014,9780191727016,"n. the swallowing of air. This may be done voluntarily to stimulate belching, accidentally during rapid eating or drinking, or ..." 216,"2018-12-05 04:26:03",aerosol,"Oxford University Press",2010,9780199557141,2010,2014,9780191727016,"n. a suspension of extremely small liquid or solid particles (about0.001 mm diameter) in a gas. Drugs for inhalation are ..." 217,"2018-12-05 04:26:05",aetiology,"Oxford University Press",2010,9780199557141,2010,2014,9780191727016,"(etiology) n. 1. the study or science of the causes of disease. 2. the cause of a specific ..." 218,"2018-12-05 04:26:12",afebrile,"Oxford University Press",2010,9780199557141,2010,2014,9780191727016,"adj. without, or not showing any signs of, a fever. ..." 219,"2018-12-05 04:26:22",affect,"Oxford University Press",2010,9780199557141,2010,2014,9780191727016,"n. (in psychiatry) 1. the predominant emotion in a person’s mental state at a particular moment. Blunted affect is a ..." 220,"2018-12-05 04:26:25","affective disorder","Oxford University Press",2010,9780199557141,2010,2014,9780191727016,"(mood disorder) any psychiatric disorder featuring abnormalities of mood or emotion (affect). The most serious of ..." 221,"2018-12-05 04:26:37",afferent,"Oxford University Press",2010,9780199557141,2010,2014,9780191727016,"adj. 1. designating nerves or neurons that convey impulses from sense organs and other receptors to the brain or spinal ..." 222,"2018-12-05 04:26:43",afibrinogenaemia,"Oxford University Press",2010,9780199557141,2010,2014,9780191727016,"n. complete absence of the coagulation factor fibrinogen in the blood. Compare hypofibrinogenaemia. ..." 223,"2018-12-05 04:26:48",aflatoxin,"Oxford University Press",2010,9780199557141,2010,2014,9780191727016,"n. a poisonous substance produced in the spores of the fungus Aspergillus flavus, which infects peanuts. The toxin is ..." 224,"2018-04-19 02:19:32",AFP,"Oxford University Press",2010,9780199557141,2010,2014,9780191727016, 225,"2018-12-05 04:27:04",after-image,"Oxford University Press",2010,9780199557141,2010,2014,9780191727016,"n. an impression of an image that is registered by the brain for a brief moment after an object is ..." 226,"2018-12-05 04:27:07",afterbirth,"Oxford University Press",2010,9780199557141,2010,2014,9780191727016,"n. the placenta, umbilical cord, and ruptured membranes associated with the fetus, which normally become detached from the uterus and ..." 227,"2018-12-05 04:27:19",aftercare,"Oxford University Press",2010,9780199557141,2010,2014,9780191727016,"n. long-term surveillance or rehabilitation as an adjunct or supplement to formal medical treatment of those who are chronically sick ..." 228,"2018-12-05 04:27:21",afterpains,"Oxford University Press",2010,9780199557141,2010,2014,9780191727016,"pl. n. pains caused by uterine contractions after childbirth, especially during breast feeding, due to release of the hormone oxytocin ..." 229,"2018-12-05 04:27:24",agammaglobulinaemia,"Oxford University Press",2010,9780199557141,2010,2014,9780191727016,"n. a total deficiency of the plasma protein gammaglobulin. Compare hypogammaglobulinaemia. ..." 230,"2018-12-05 04:27:32",agar,"Oxford University Press",2010,9780199557141,2010,2014,9780191727016,"n. an extract of certain seaweeds that forms a gel suitable for the solidification of liquid bacteriological culture media. Blood ..." 231,"2018-12-05 04:27:38","Age Concern","Oxford University Press",2010,9780199557141,2010,2014,9780191727016,"(in Britain) a voluntary agency with particular interest in the wellbeing of older people. ..." 232,"2018-04-19 02:20:35","age-related macular degeneration","Oxford University Press",2010,9780199557141,2010,2014,9780191727016, 233,"2018-12-05 04:27:58",agenesis,"Oxford University Press",2010,9780199557141,2010,2014,9780191727016,"n. absence of an organ, usually due to total failure of its development in the embryo. ..." 234,"2018-12-05 04:28:09",agglutination,"Oxford University Press",2010,9780199557141,2010,2014,9780191727016,"(clumping) n. the sticking together, by serum antibodies called agglutinins, of such microscopic antigenic particles as red ..." 235,"2018-12-05 04:28:19",agglutinin,"Oxford University Press",2010,9780199557141,2010,2014,9780191727016,"n. an antibody that brings about the agglutination of bacteria, blood cells, or other antigenic particles. ..." 236,"2018-12-05 04:28:29",agglutinogen,"Oxford University Press",2010,9780199557141,2010,2014,9780191727016,"n. any antigen that provokes formation of an agglutinin in the serum and is therefore likely to be involved in ..." 237,"2018-12-05 04:28:39",aglossia,"Oxford University Press",2010,9780199557141,2010,2014,9780191727016,"n. congenital absence of the tongue. ..." 238,"2018-12-05 04:28:47",agnathia,"Oxford University Press",2010,9780199557141,2010,2014,9780191727016,"n. congenital absence of the lower jaw, either partial or complete. ..." 239,"2018-12-05 04:28:54",agnosia,"Oxford University Press",2010,9780199557141,2010,2014,9780191727016,"n. a disorder of the brain whereby the patient cannot interpret sensations correctly although the sense organs and nerves conducting ..." 240,"2018-12-05 04:29:06",agonal,"Oxford University Press",2010,9780199557141,2010,2014,9780191727016,"adj. describing or relating to the phenomena, such as cessation of breathing or change in the ECG or EEG, that ..." 241,"2018-12-05 04:29:13",agonist,"Oxford University Press",2010,9780199557141,2010,2014,9780191727016,"n. 1. (prime mover) a muscle whose active contraction causes movement of a part of the body. Contraction ..." 242,"2018-12-05 04:29:22",agoraphobia,"Oxford University Press",2010,9780199557141,2010,2014,9780191727016,"n. a morbid fear of public places and/or of open spaces. Compare claustrophobia. See also phobia. ..." 243,"2018-12-05 04:29:31",agranulocytosis,"Oxford University Press",2010,9780199557141,2010,2014,9780191727016,"n. a disorder in which there is a severe acute deficiency of certain blood cells (neutrophils) as a ..." 244,"2018-12-05 04:29:34",agraphia,"Oxford University Press",2010,9780199557141,2010,2014,9780191727016,"(dysgraphia) n. an acquired inability to write, although the strength and coordination of the hand remain normal. It ..." 245,"2018-12-05 04:29:45","Aicardi syndrome","Oxford University Press",2010,9780199557141,2010,2014,9780191727016,"a syndrome caused by abnormal development of the brain in which the two halves of the brain do not connect. ..." 246,"2018-12-05 04:29:59",AIDS,"Oxford University Press",2010,9780199557141,2010,2014,9780191727016,"(acquired immune deficiency syndrome) a syndrome first identified in Los Angeles in 1981; a description of the causative ..." 247,"2018-04-19 02:22:10",AIH,"Oxford University Press",2010,9780199557141,2010,2014,9780191727016, 248,"2018-12-05 04:30:13",ainhum,"Oxford University Press",2010,9780199557141,2010,2014,9780191727016,"n. loss of one or more toes due to slow growth of a fibrous band around the toe that eventually ..." 249,"2018-12-05 04:30:17","air bed","Oxford University Press",2010,9780199557141,2010,2014,9780191727016,"a bed with a mattress whose upper surface is perforated with thousands of holes, through which air is forced under ..." 250,"2018-12-05 04:30:28","air embolism","Oxford University Press",2010,9780199557141,2010,2014,9780191727016,"an air bubble that obstructs the outflow of blood from the right ventricle of the heart through the lungs. Air ..." 251,"2018-04-19 02:22:53","air sickness","Oxford University Press",2010,9780199557141,2010,2014,9780191727016, 252,"2018-12-05 04:30:40",airway,"Oxford University Press",2010,9780199557141,2010,2014,9780191727016,"n. 1. any of the passages of the respiratory system. 2. any device that enables the flow of air into ..." 253,"2018-12-05 04:30:43","airway obstruction","Oxford University Press",2010,9780199557141,2010,2014,9780191727016,"blockage of any of the passages by which air enters (and leaves) the lungs, which may be partial or complete. ..." 254,"2018-12-05 04:30:45",akathisia,"Oxford University Press",2010,9780199557141,2010,2014,9780191727016,"n. a pattern of involuntary movements induced by some antipsychotic drugs, such as phenothiazines. An affected person is driven ..." 255,"2018-12-05 04:30:48",AKI,"Oxford University Press",2010,9780199557141,2010,2014,9780191727016,"acute kidney injury, also called acute renal failure. The diagnosis is usually based on changes in the serum creatinine concentration ..." 256,"2018-12-05 04:30:53",akinesia,"Oxford University Press",2010,9780199557141,2010,2014,9780191727016,"n. a loss of normal muscular tonicity or responsiveness. Akinetic rigid syndrome is used to describe such conditions as parkinsonism ..." 257,"2018-12-05 04:31:00",ala,"Oxford University Press",2010,9780199557141,2010,2014,9780191727016,"n. ( pl. alae) (in anatomy) a winglike structure; for example, either of the two lateral flared portions of ..." 258,"2018-12-05 04:31:07",alactasia,"Oxford University Press",2010,9780199557141,2010,2014,9780191727016,"n. absence or deficiency of the enzyme lactase, which is essential for the digestion of milk sugar (lactose). All babies ..." 259,"2018-12-05 04:31:15","Alagille syndrome","Oxford University Press",2010,9780199557141,2010,2014,9780191727016,"(arteriohepatic dysplasia) an inherited condition in which the bile ducts, which drain the liver, become progressively smaller, causing ..." 260,"2018-12-05 04:31:19","alanine aminotransferase","Oxford University Press",2010,9780199557141,2010,2014,9780191727016,"(ALT) an enzyme involved in the transamination of amino acids. Measurement of ALT in the serum is of ..." 261,"2018-04-19 02:24:31","ALARA principle","Oxford University Press",2010,9780199557141,2010,2014,9780191727016, 262,"2018-12-05 04:31:32",alastrim,"Oxford University Press",2010,9780199557141,2010,2014,9780191727016,"n. a mild form of smallpox, causing only a sparse rash and low-grade fever. Medical name: variola minor. ..." 263,"2018-12-05 04:31:35",albendazole,"Oxford University Press",2010,9780199557141,2010,2014,9780191727016,"n. an anthelmintic drug used for treating hydatid disease, hookworm disease, strongyloidiasis, and creeping eruption. It ..." 264,"2018-12-05 04:31:39","Albers-Schönberg disease","Oxford University Press",2010,9780199557141,2010,2014,9780191727016,"see osteopetrosis. H. E. Albers-Schönberg (1865–1921), German radiologist ..." 265,"2018-12-05 04:31:50","Alberti regime","Oxford University Press",2010,9780199557141,2010,2014,9780191727016,"(GIK regime) a method for controlling blood-sugar levels in diabetic patients who are being fasted for whatever reason. ..." 266,"2018-12-05 04:31:55",albinism,"Oxford University Press",2010,9780199557141,2010,2014,9780191727016,"n. the inherited absence of pigmentation in the skin, hair, and eyes, resulting in white hair and pink skin and ..." 267,"2018-12-05 04:32:05",albino,"Oxford University Press",2010,9780199557141,2010,2014,9780191727016,"n. an individual lacking the normal body pigment (melanin). See albinism. ..." 268,"2018-12-05 04:32:15","Albright’s hereditary osteodystrophy","Oxford University Press",2010,9780199557141,2010,2014,9780191727016,"the skeletal abnormalities, collectively, of pseudohypoparathyroidism. These include short stature, abnormally short fingers and toes (particularly involving the fourth ..." 269,"2018-12-05 04:32:22",albumin,"Oxford University Press",2010,9780199557141,2010,2014,9780191727016,"n. a protein that is soluble in water and coagulated by heat. An example is serum albumin, which is ..." 270,"2018-12-05 04:32:28",albuminuria,"Oxford University Press",2010,9780199557141,2010,2014,9780191727016,"(proteinuria) n. the presence of serum albumin, serum globulin, or other serum proteins in the urine. This may ..." 271,"2018-12-05 04:32:31",albumose,"Oxford University Press",2010,9780199557141,2010,2014,9780191727016,"n. a substance, intermediate between albumin and peptones, produced during the digestion of proteins by pepsin and other endopeptidases ( ..." 272,"2018-12-05 04:32:35",alcaptonuria,"Oxford University Press",2010,9780199557141,2010,2014,9780191727016,"(alkaptonuria) n. the congenital absence of an enzyme, homogentisic acid oxidase, that is essential for the normal breakdown ..." 273,"2018-12-05 04:32:44",alclometazone,"Oxford University Press",2010,9780199557141,2010,2014,9780191727016,"n. a corticosteroid drug applied as a cream or ointment to treat inflammatory skin disorders. Possible side-effects include skin thinning ..." 274,"2018-12-05 04:32:56",alcohol,"Oxford University Press",2010,9780199557141,2010,2014,9780191727016,"n. any of a class of organic compounds formed when a hydroxyl group (–OH) is substituted for a hydrogen atom ..." 275,"2018-12-05 04:33:04","Alcoholics Anonymous","Oxford University Press",2010,9780199557141,2010,2014,9780191727016,"(AA) an international voluntary agency of mutual support that is organized and operated locally among those with alcohol ..." 276,"2018-12-05 04:33:15",alcoholism,"Oxford University Press",2010,9780199557141,2010,2014,9780191727016,"n. the syndrome due to physical dependence on alcohol, such that sudden deprivation may cause withdrawal symptoms – tremor, anxiety, ..." 277,"2018-12-05 04:33:26",aldosterone,"Oxford University Press",2010,9780199557141,2010,2014,9780191727016,"n. a steroid hormone (see corticosteroid) that is synthesized and released by the adrenal cortex and acts on ..." 278,"2018-12-05 04:33:36",aldosteronism,"Oxford University Press",2010,9780199557141,2010,2014,9780191727016,"(hyperaldosteronism) n. overproduction of aldosterone, one of the hormones secreted by the adrenal cortex, usually due to a ..." 279,"2018-12-05 04:33:43","alendronic acid","Oxford University Press",2010,9780199557141,2010,2014,9780191727016,"(sodium alendronate) a bisphosphonate drug that is administered orally for the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis in postmenopausal ..." 280,"2018-04-19 02:27:09","Aleppo boil","Oxford University Press",2010,9780199557141,2010,2014,9780191727016, 281,"2018-04-19 02:27:15","alerting device","Oxford University Press",2010,9780199557141,2010,2014,9780191727016, 282,"2018-12-05 04:34:06",alexia,"Oxford University Press",2010,9780199557141,2010,2014,9780191727016,"n. an acquired inability to read. It is due to disease in the left (dominant) hemisphere of the brain in ..." 283,"2018-12-05 04:34:12",alexin,"Oxford University Press",2010,9780199557141,2010,2014,9780191727016,"n. a former name for the serum component now called complement. ..." 284,"2018-12-05 04:34:16",alexithymia,"Oxford University Press",2010,9780199557141,2010,2014,9780191727016,"n. a lack of ability to understand and communicate one’s own emotions and moods. It is common in depression and ..." 285,"2018-12-05 04:34:18",alfacalcidol,"Oxford University Press",2010,9780199557141,2010,2014,9780191727016,"n. 1α-hydroxycholecalciferol: a derivative of vitamin D that is used to raise blood calcium levels for the prevention or treatment ..." 286,"2018-12-05 04:34:21",alfentanil,"Oxford University Press",2010,9780199557141,2010,2014,9780191727016,"n. an opioid analgesic drug used mainly for pain relief during surgery (see opiate). It is administered by ..." 287,"2018-12-05 04:34:31",alfuzosin,"Oxford University Press",2010,9780199557141,2010,2014,9780191727016,"n. an alpha blocker commonly used in the treatment of men with lower urinary tract symptoms thought to be due ..." 288,"2018-12-05 04:34:36",ALG,"Oxford University Press",2010,9780199557141,2010,2014,9780191727016,"antilymphocyte globulin. See antilymphocyte serum. ..." 289,"2018-12-05 04:34:40",algesimeter,"Oxford University Press",2010,9780199557141,2010,2014,9780191727016,"n. a piece of equipment for determining the sensitivity of the skin to various touch stimuli, especially those causing pain. ..." 290,"2018-12-05 04:34:51",-algia,"Oxford University Press",2010,9780199557141,2010,2014,9780191727016,"combining form denoting pain. Example: neuralgia (pain in a nerve). ..." 291,"2018-12-05 04:35:00",algid,"Oxford University Press",2010,9780199557141,2010,2014,9780191727016,"adj. cold: usually describing the cold clammy skin associated with certain forms of malaria. ..." 292,"2018-12-05 04:35:07",alginates,"Oxford University Press",2010,9780199557141,2010,2014,9780191727016,"pl. n. derivatives of alginic acid, a complex carbohydrate extracted from certain brown seaweeds, that readily absorb water to ..." 293,"2018-12-05 04:35:10",algodystrophy,"Oxford University Press",2010,9780199557141,2010,2014,9780191727016,"n. a specific post-traumatic syndrome after nerve injury, in which a limb remains exquisitely sensitive to any stimulus and later ..." 294,"2018-12-05 04:35:14",algorithm,"Oxford University Press",2010,9780199557141,2010,2014,9780191727016,"n. a sequential set of instructions used in calculations or problem solving. A reconstruction algorithm is a complex mathematical formula ..." 295,"2018-12-05 04:35:20",alienation,"Oxford University Press",2010,9780199557141,2010,2014,9780191727016,"n. (in psychiatry) see thought alienation. ..." 296,"2018-12-05 04:35:25",alimemazine,"Oxford University Press",2010,9780199557141,2010,2014,9780191727016,"(trimeprazine) n. an antihistamine drug (a phenothiazine derivative) that also possesses sedative properties. Given by mouth, it is ..." 297,"2018-12-05 04:35:28","alimentary canal","Oxford University Press",2010,9780199557141,2010,2014,9780191727016,"the long passage through which food passes to be digested and absorbed (see illustration). It extends from the mouth to ..." 298,"2018-12-05 04:35:38",alitretinoin,"Oxford University Press",2010,9780199557141,2010,2014,9780191727016,"n. see retinoid. ..." 299,"2018-12-05 04:35:40",alizarin,"Oxford University Press",2010,9780199557141,2010,2014,9780191727016,"(alizarin carmine) n. an orange-red dye derived from coal tar and originally isolated from the plant madder ( ..." 300,"2018-04-19 02:29:35",ALK,"Oxford University Press",2010,9780199557141,2010,2014,9780191727016,