,medical_dictionary.ts,medical_dictionary.title,medical_dictionary.publisher,medical_dictionary.print_publication_date,medical_dictionary.print_isbn_13,medical_dictionary.published_online,medical_dictionary.current_online_version,medical_dictionary.eisbn,medical_dictionary.defination 41,"2018-12-05 04:06:23",acanthosis,"Oxford University Press",2010,9780199557141,2010,2014,9780191727016,"n. an increase in the number of prickle cells in the innermost layer of the epidermis, leading to thickening of ..." 42,"2018-12-05 04:06:29",acapnia,"Oxford University Press",2010,9780199557141,2010,2014,9780191727016,"(hypocapnia) n. a condition in which there is an abnormally low concentration of carbon dioxide in the blood. ..." 43,"2018-12-05 04:06:39",acardia,"Oxford University Press",2010,9780199557141,2010,2014,9780191727016,"n. congenital absence of the heart. The condition may occur in conjoined twins; the twin with the heart controls the ..." 44,"2018-12-05 04:06:48",acariasis,"Oxford University Press",2010,9780199557141,2010,2014,9780191727016,"n. an infestation of mites and ticks and the symptoms, for example allergy and dermatitis, that their presence may provoke. ..." 45,"2018-12-05 04:06:51",acaricide,"Oxford University Press",2010,9780199557141,2010,2014,9780191727016,"n. any chemical agent used for destroying mites and ticks. ..." 46,"2018-12-05 04:06:57",acarid,"Oxford University Press",2010,9780199557141,2010,2014,9780191727016,"n. a mite or tick. ..." 47,"2018-12-05 04:07:03",Acarina,"Oxford University Press",2010,9780199557141,2010,2014,9780191727016,"n. the group of arthropods that includes the mites and ticks. ..." 48,"2018-12-05 04:07:06",Acarus,"Oxford University Press",2010,9780199557141,2010,2014,9780191727016,"(Tyroglyphus) n. a genus of mites. The flour mite, A. siro (T. farinae), is nonparasitic, but ..." 49,"2018-12-05 04:07:14",acatalasia,"Oxford University Press",2010,9780199557141,2010,2014,9780191727016,"n. a rare inborn lack of the enzyme catalase, leading to recurrent infections of the gums (gingivitis) and mouth. ..." 50,"2018-12-05 04:07:20",acceptor,"Oxford University Press",2010,9780199557141,2010,2014,9780191727016,"n. (in biochemistry) a substance that helps to bring about oxidation of a reduced substrate by accepting hydrogen ions. ..." 51,"2018-12-05 04:07:29","accessory muscles","Oxford University Press",2010,9780199557141,2010,2014,9780191727016,"muscles of the shoulder girdle and chest wall that (in addition to the intercostal muscles and the diaphragm) are utilized ..." 52,"2018-12-05 04:07:30","accessory nerve","Oxford University Press",2010,9780199557141,2010,2014,9780191727016,"(spinal accessory nerve) the eleventh cranial nerve (XI), which arises from two roots, cranial and spinal. Fibres from ..." 53,"2018-12-05 04:07:32","accessory pathway","Oxford University Press",2010,9780199557141,2010,2014,9780191727016,"an extra electrical conduction pathway between the atria and ventricles of the heart that predisposes to re-entry tachycardia. The ..." 54,"2018-12-05 04:07:35",accident,"Oxford University Press",2010,9780199557141,2010,2014,9780191727016,"n. a traumatic incident involving any part of the body. Accident and emergency (A and E) medicine is ..." 55,"2018-12-05 04:07:38",accommodation,"Oxford University Press",2010,9780199557141,2010,2014,9780191727016,"n. adjustment of the shape of the lens to change the focus of the eye. When the ciliary muscle ( ..." 56,"2018-12-05 04:07:39","accommodation reflex","Oxford University Press",2010,9780199557141,2010,2014,9780191727016,"(convergence reflex) a reflex that occurs when an individual focuses on a near object, in which the crystalline ..." 57,"2018-12-05 04:07:47","accommodative insufficiency","Oxford University Press",2010,9780199557141,2010,2014,9780191727016,"a weakness of accommodation as a part of the ageing process or as a result of injury, disease, or the ..." 58,"2018-12-05 04:07:52",accouchement,"Oxford University Press",2010,9780199557141,2010,2014,9780191727016,"n. delivery of a baby. ..." 59,"2018-12-05 04:08:01","ACE inhibitor","Oxford University Press",2010,9780199557141,2010,2014,9780191727016,"angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor: any one of a group of drugs used in the treatment of raised blood pressure and heart ..." 60,"2018-12-05 04:08:11",acebutolol,"Oxford University Press",2010,9780199557141,2010,2014,9780191727016,"n. a beta blocker drug used to treat high blood pressure, angina pectoris, and irregular heart rhythms. It is administered ..."