,medical_dictionary.ts,medical_dictionary.title,medical_dictionary.content,medical_dictionary.posted_on,medical_dictionary.modified_on,medical_dictionary.category_1_x_medical_dictionary_id 41,"2018-04-21 03:21:29","Acrosome (acrosomal cap)","The acrosome, also known as the acrosomal cap, is a helmet-like structure which covers the front section of the head portion of a sperm cell. It contains a compartment of enzymes which develops during spermatogenesis (sperm production). Enzymes contained in this compartment assist in the process of fertilisation. They are only released if the sperm comes into contact with a female egg at which point they breakdown the shell of the egg to enable entry of the sperm and subsequent fertilisation.","1 January, 2012","21 January, 2014","{ ""41"": { """": 41, """": 1, ""category_1.ts"": ""2018-04-18 04:34:44"", ""category_1.title"": ""Recent"" }, ""337"": { """": 337, """": 3, ""category_1.ts"": ""2018-04-18 06:18:31"", ""category_1.title"": ""A"" } }" 42,"2018-04-21 03:21:45","Acrosome reaction","The acrosome reaction is an important reproductive function which assists a sperm to break through the shell of the egg and enter its nucleus for fertilisation. Each sperm cell has an acrosomal cap, which contains a capsule of enzymes that breakdown the shell of the egg in the process known as the acrosome reaction. This process only occurs if a sperm comes into close proximity with an egg.When the acrosome reaction occurs, the acrosomal cap lengthens into a tube (acrosomal tube) which fuses with the outer layer of the egg. It releases the enzymes which break down the oocyte’s zona pellucida (shell). Once the shell is broken down, the sperm is able to penetrate the shell and enter the nucleus of the oocyte, through the acrosome tube. The sperm and egg can then combine their chromosomes to complete the fertilisation process.","1 January, 2012","18 March, 2014","{ ""42"": { """": 42, """": 1, ""category_1.ts"": ""2018-04-18 04:34:44"", ""category_1.title"": ""Recent"" }, ""338"": { """": 338, """": 3, ""category_1.ts"": ""2018-04-18 06:18:31"", ""category_1.title"": ""A"" } }" 43,"2018-04-21 03:21:55",ACTHoma,"An ACTHoma is a subtype of pancreatic neuroendocrine tumours (PNETs) that results in the excessive production of adrenocorticotrophin hormone (ACTH).","1 January, 2012","21 January, 2014","{ ""43"": { """": 43, """": 1, ""category_1.ts"": ""2018-04-18 04:34:44"", ""category_1.title"": ""Recent"" }, ""339"": { """": 339, """": 3, ""category_1.ts"": ""2018-04-18 06:18:31"", ""category_1.title"": ""A"" } }" 44,"2018-04-21 03:22:24","Actinic keratoses","Actinic keratoses are scaly, thick patches on the skin that occur due to excessive exposure to the sun. They are also called solar keratoses. They are precancerous and should be examined by a doctor.","1 January, 2012","21 January, 2014","{ ""44"": { """": 44, """": 1, ""category_1.ts"": ""2018-04-18 04:34:44"", ""category_1.title"": ""Recent"" }, ""340"": { """": 340, """": 3, ""category_1.ts"": ""2018-04-18 06:18:31"", ""category_1.title"": ""A"" } }" 45,"2018-04-21 03:22:29","Action potential/Nerve impulse","Action potentials are spikes of electrical discharge, like voltage, that carry information through neurons.","1 January, 2012","21 January, 2014","{ ""45"": { """": 45, """": 1, ""category_1.ts"": ""2018-04-18 04:34:44"", ""category_1.title"": ""Recent"" }, ""341"": { """": 341, """": 3, ""category_1.ts"": ""2018-04-18 06:18:31"", ""category_1.title"": ""A"" } }" 46,"2018-04-21 03:22:51","Action-induced Myoclonus","Action-induced myoclonus is a disabling myoclonus (brief and involuntary muscle contractions), often expressed multifocally and worsened by voluntary movement; especially fine, coordinated movements.For more information, see Myoclonus.","1 January, 2012","21 January, 2014","{ ""46"": { """": 46, """": 1, ""category_1.ts"": ""2018-04-18 04:34:44"", ""category_1.title"": ""Recent"" }, ""342"": { """": 342, """": 3, ""category_1.ts"": ""2018-04-18 06:18:31"", ""category_1.title"": ""A"" } }" 47,"2018-04-21 03:23:12","Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time (APTT)","A method for measuring the intrinsic and common pathways of coagulation, this test measures factors XII, XI, IX, and VIII and is sensitive to inhibitors such as heparin. Petechiae can result conditions which cause a prolonged aPPT.","1 January, 2012","21 January, 2014","{ ""47"": { """": 47, """": 1, ""category_1.ts"": ""2018-04-18 04:34:44"", ""category_1.title"": ""Recent"" }, ""343"": { """": 343, """": 3, ""category_1.ts"": ""2018-04-18 06:18:31"", ""category_1.title"": ""A"" } }" 48,"2018-04-21 03:23:27","Active ingredient (medication)","The active ingredient in a drug is the chemical in the drug that affects physiological functioning. In other words, it is the ingredient that makes the drug work.","1 January, 2012","21 January, 2014","{ ""48"": { """": 48, """": 1, ""category_1.ts"": ""2018-04-18 04:34:44"", ""category_1.title"": ""Recent"" }, ""344"": { """": 344, """": 3, ""category_1.ts"": ""2018-04-18 06:18:31"", ""category_1.title"": ""A"" } }" 49,"2018-04-21 03:23:45","Active involuntary euthanasia","Active involuntary euthanasia is a form of physician assisted death whereby medical intervention takes place, without the patient’s request, in order to end the patient’s life.","1 January, 2012","21 January, 2014","{ ""49"": { """": 49, """": 1, ""category_1.ts"": ""2018-04-18 04:34:44"", ""category_1.title"": ""Recent"" }, ""345"": { """": 345, """": 3, ""category_1.ts"": ""2018-04-18 06:18:31"", ""category_1.title"": ""A"" } }" 50,"2018-04-21 03:23:49","Active listening","Active listening involves listening to the person whom speaking to and echoing, paraphrasing and acknowledging what is being said. Also non-verbal communication such as nodding and appropriate facial expressions are used. Active listening enables the speaker to feel that they are being listened to and supported. Active listening is an essential part of communication.","1 January, 2012","21 January, 2014","{ ""50"": { """": 50, """": 1, ""category_1.ts"": ""2018-04-18 04:34:44"", ""category_1.title"": ""Recent"" }, ""346"": { """": 346, """": 3, ""category_1.ts"": ""2018-04-18 06:18:31"", ""category_1.title"": ""A"" } }" 61,"2018-04-21 03:23:59","B cell","B cells, also known as B-lymphocytes, are lymphocytes produced in the bone marrow which circulate in the bloods and form part of the acquired immune system. Their main role is the production of antibodies against foreign particles. They can mature into two types of cells, Memory B Cells and Plasma Cells.","1 January, 2012","21 January, 2014","{ ""61"": { """": 61, """": 4, ""category_1.ts"": ""2018-04-18 06:23:22"", ""category_1.title"": ""B"" } }" 62,"2018-04-21 03:24:11","B vitamins","B vitamins are a group of vitamins involved in converting food to energy (metabolism) and producing blood, DNA and other cells. They include vitamin B1 (thiamine), B3 (niacin or nicotinic acid), B5 (panthotenic acid), B6 (pyridoxine), B9 (folate or folic acid) and B12 (cobalamin).","7 May, 2016","7 May, 2016","{ ""62"": { """": 62, """": 4, ""category_1.ts"": ""2018-04-18 06:23:22"", ""category_1.title"": ""B"" } }" 63,"2018-04-21 03:24:21","B-Lynch Suture","The B-Lynch suture is a surgical method of controlling postpatum haemorrhage in which a suture is used to vertically compress the uterus to prevent further bleeding.","1 January, 2012","21 January, 2014","{ ""63"": { """": 63, """": 4, ""category_1.ts"": ""2018-04-18 06:23:22"", ""category_1.title"": ""B"" } }" 64,"2018-04-21 03:24:30","Babinski’s sign/reflex","Babinski’s sign is a reflex which causes the big toes to move towards the top of the foot and the other toes to fan out. It occurs in response to stroking the sole of the foot. In adults and children > 2 years of age the reflex is a sign of nerve damage. It is, however, a normal reflex in babies and children < 2 years.","1 January, 2012","21 January, 2014","{ ""64"": { """": 64, """": 4, ""category_1.ts"": ""2018-04-18 06:23:22"", ""category_1.title"": ""B"" } }" 65,"2018-04-21 03:24:45","Bacillus Cereus","Bacillus cereus is a type of bacteria found in soil (which can contaminate produce) and seafoods. If a human eats food containing large concentrations of B. cereus, it causes food poisoning within 1–24 hours. Washing fruit and vegetables before eating and washing hands before preparing food can prevent contamination from soil.For more information, see Food Poisoning Prevention and Food Safety.","1 January, 2012","21 January, 2014","{ ""65"": { """": 65, """": 4, ""category_1.ts"": ""2018-04-18 06:23:22"", ""category_1.title"": ""B"" } }" 66,"2018-04-21 03:24:50",Baclo,"Baclo (baclofen) is a muscle relaxant drug used to relieve muscle spasms associated with multiple sclerosis and spinal cord disorders.","1 January, 2012","21 January, 2014","{ ""66"": { """": 66, """": 4, ""category_1.ts"": ""2018-04-18 06:23:22"", ""category_1.title"": ""B"" } }" 67,"2018-04-21 03:24:56",Baclohexal,"Baclohexal is one of the brand names for the muscle relaxant drug called baclofen. Baclofen is used to is used to relieve muscle spasms in diseases such as multiple sclerosis or spinal cord disorders. Baclohexal is currently available in 10mg or 25mg tablets.","1 January, 2012","21 January, 2014","{ ""67"": { """": 67, """": 4, ""category_1.ts"": ""2018-04-18 06:23:22"", ""category_1.title"": ""B"" } }" 68,"2018-04-21 03:25:16",Bacteraemia,"Bacteraemia is the name given to an infection in the blood. It is caused by the presence of bacteria in the blood.","1 January, 2012","21 January, 2014","{ ""68"": { """": 68, """": 4, ""category_1.ts"": ""2018-04-18 06:23:22"", ""category_1.title"": ""B"" } }" 69,"2018-04-21 03:25:22",Bacteria,"Bacteria are a group of, usually single-celled, organisms that come in many different shapes, sizes and forms. They live almost anywhere on earth, including on humans. While many forms are not dangerous, some release toxins that can cause disease.","1 January, 2012","21 January, 2014","{ ""69"": { """": 69, """": 4, ""category_1.ts"": ""2018-04-18 06:23:22"", ""category_1.title"": ""B"" } }" 70,"2018-04-21 03:25:36","Bacterial Culture","Bacterial culture is the process of culturing or growing bacteria in a laboratory. A swab of secretions (e.g. from the vagina or mouth) is placed in a solution which helps specific types of bacteria to grow. For example, if the bacteria are being cultured to identify whether or not vaginal secretions contain Chlamydia trachomatis, the secretions will be grown in a solution that is conducive to the growth of Chlamydia. If there are bacteria present in the secretions, then they will multiply and can be identified by microscopic examination. Bacterial culture is used in the diagnosis of some diseases.","1 January, 2012","21 January, 2014","{ ""70"": { """": 70, """": 4, ""category_1.ts"": ""2018-04-18 06:23:22"", ""category_1.title"": ""B"" } }"