,medical_dictionary.ts,medical_dictionary.title,medical_dictionary.content,medical_dictionary.posted_on,medical_dictionary.modified_on,medical_dictionary.category_1_x_medical_dictionary_id 131,"2018-04-21 03:36:22",Iatrogenic,"Iatrogenic means resulting from a doctor’s actions, and is most commonly used to refer to complications from treatment such as surgery.","1 January, 2012","21 January, 2014","{ ""131"": { """": 131, """": 11, ""category_1.ts"": ""2018-04-18 07:00:07"", ""category_1.title"": ""I"" } }" 132,"2018-04-21 03:36:28","Iatrogenic Traumatic Cataract","Iatrogenic traumatic cataract is a type of cataract that occurs as a result of an injury sustained during a medical procedure (e.g. eye surgery).","1 January, 2012","21 January, 2014","{ ""132"": { """": 132, """": 11, ""category_1.ts"": ""2018-04-18 07:00:07"", ""category_1.title"": ""I"" } }" 133,"2018-04-21 03:36:36","IC – Intracranial Stimulation","A type of neurostimulation where the inside of the brain is stimulated. There are two different forms of IC – deep brain stimulation and motor cortex stimulation.","1 January, 2012","21 January, 2014","{ ""133"": { """": 133, """": 11, ""category_1.ts"": ""2018-04-18 07:00:07"", ""category_1.title"": ""I"" } }" 134,"2018-04-21 03:36:49","Ice pick scars","Ice pick scars are small (less than 2mm diameter), deep and pitted scars that may occur following healing of acne. They commonly occur on the cheeks.","1 January, 2012","21 January, 2014","{ ""134"": { """": 134, """": 11, ""category_1.ts"": ""2018-04-18 07:00:07"", ""category_1.title"": ""I"" } }" 135,"2018-04-21 03:36:56",Ichthyosis,"Icthyosis is a skin condition characterised by persistently dry, rough, thickened and scaly skin. The majority of icthyosis cases are inherited (known as Icthysosis vulgaris), although it may also be acquired as a consequence of certain disease states such as an under-active thyroid, lymphoma or HIV infection or it may arise from taking certain medications.","1 January, 2012","21 January, 2014","{ ""135"": { """": 135, """": 11, ""category_1.ts"": ""2018-04-18 07:00:07"", ""category_1.title"": ""I"" } }" 136,"2018-04-21 03:37:01",Idiopathic,"Idiopathic means that something has an unknown cause.","1 January, 2012","21 January, 2014","{ ""136"": { """": 136, """": 11, ""category_1.ts"": ""2018-04-18 07:00:07"", ""category_1.title"": ""I"" } }" 137,"2018-04-21 03:37:13","Idiopathic subglottic stenosis","Idiopathic subglottic stenosis (ISS) is narrowing of the upper airway caused by inflammation and scar tissue, due to an unknown cause. ‘Idiopathic’ means that something has an unknown cause. ‘Subglottic’ refers to the area of the airway that is narrowed (under the vocal cords, or ‘glottis’). ‘Stenosis’ means a narrowing.More information on idiopathic subglottic stenosis","1 January, 2012","21 January, 2014","{ ""137"": { """": 137, """": 11, ""category_1.ts"": ""2018-04-18 07:00:07"", ""category_1.title"": ""I"" } }" 138,"2018-04-21 03:37:23","IgA (Immunoglobulin A)","Immunoglobulin A (IgA) is the second most abundant immunoglobulin. An immunoglobulin (or antibody) is a protein which is involved in immune responses. IgA plays an important role in the cellular defence of mucosal surfaces. IgA is excreted into bodily secretions such as tears, saliva and breast milk. A lack of IgA often causes major infections of mucosal surfaces, such as the mouth, throat and lungs.","1 January, 2012","14 March, 2014","{ ""138"": { """": 138, """": 11, ""category_1.ts"": ""2018-04-18 07:00:07"", ""category_1.title"": ""I"" } }" 139,"2018-04-21 03:37:34","IgE (immunoglobulin E)","IgE is the largest immunoglobulin, but is present at extremely low levels in a healthy individual. An immunoglobulin (or antibody) is a protein produced by B cells, which is involved in immune responses. IgE has a high affinity for mast cells, causing them to release substances that stimulate an allergic reaction. Allergic conditions such as hayfever and allergic rhinitis are caused by an abnormal immune system response, which stimulates the production of too much IgE.","1 January, 2012","21 January, 2014","{ ""139"": { """": 139, """": 11, ""category_1.ts"": ""2018-04-18 07:00:07"", ""category_1.title"": ""I"" } }" 140,"2018-04-21 03:37:48","IgG (Immunoglobulin G)","Immunoglobulin G (IgG) is the most abundant immunoglobulin, and is one of the major activators of the complement pathway. An immunoglobulin (or antibody) is a protein which is involved in immune responses. Part of the IgG molecule is able to interact with lots of cells of the immune system, and so it has the ability to stimulate a very direct attack on anything that it recognises. IgG is also the only type of immunoglobulin that is transferred across the placenta from mother to foetus. This gives unborn children some protection from diseases to which they have not yet been exposed.","1 January, 2012","21 January, 2014","{ ""140"": { """": 140, """": 11, ""category_1.ts"": ""2018-04-18 07:00:07"", ""category_1.title"": ""I"" } }" 141,"2018-04-21 03:38:00",Jaundice,"Jaundice can be referred to as excess bilirubin production which causes a yellowish tinge of the skin and/or whites of the eyes. Caused by liver disease, obstruction of liver bile ducts or haemolysis.","1 January, 2012","21 January, 2014","{ ""141"": { """": 141, """": 12, ""category_1.ts"": ""2018-04-18 04:34:44"", ""category_1.title"": ""J"" } }" 142,"2018-04-21 03:38:14",Jejunum,"The jejunum is the middle section of the small intestine. The start of the jejunum is marked by a sharp bend, the duodenojejunal flexure. It is in the jejunum where the majority of digestion and absorption occurs.","1 January, 2012","21 January, 2014","{ ""142"": { """": 142, """": 12, ""category_1.ts"": ""2018-04-18 04:34:44"", ""category_1.title"": ""J"" } }" 143,"2018-04-21 03:38:39","Jerky tremor","Jerky tremor has many possible causes and is characterised by continuous bursts of muscle activity at the surface of the skin.For more information, see Myoclonus.","1 January, 2012","21 January, 2014","{ ""143"": { """": 143, """": 12, ""category_1.ts"": ""2018-04-18 04:34:44"", ""category_1.title"": ""J"" } }" 144,"2018-04-21 03:38:53","Jet Lag (Circadian Dysynchronism; Flight Dysrhythmia)","Jet lag, also known as circadian dysynchronism or flight dysrhythmia, is a temporary condition that arises as a result of rapid air travel across multiple time zones. It is characterised by symptoms of disturbed sleep pattern, fatigue, insomnia and irritability, which develop because of the body’s inability to adapt to the new time zone.","1 January, 2012","21 January, 2014","{ ""144"": { """": 144, """": 12, ""category_1.ts"": ""2018-04-18 04:34:44"", ""category_1.title"": ""J"" } }" 145,"2018-04-21 03:39:02","Joint Subluxation","Joint subluxation is a condition associated with loose joints, and refers to the partial dislocation of a joint.For more information on the anatomy of joints, see The Rheumatological System.","1 January, 2012","21 January, 2014","{ ""145"": { """": 145, """": 12, ""category_1.ts"": ""2018-04-18 04:34:44"", ""category_1.title"": ""J"" } }" 146,"2018-04-21 03:39:16","Juvenile macular degeneration","In vary rare instances macular degeneration of genetic origin occurs in young individuals (sometimes children). It is sometimes called juvenile macular degenerationHowever, the vast majority of macular degeneration is experienced by elderly individuals and is partly caused by the ageing process, known as age-related macular degeneration.More information on macular degeneration.","1 January, 2012","21 January, 2014","{ ""146"": { """": 146, """": 12, ""category_1.ts"": ""2018-04-18 04:34:44"", ""category_1.title"": ""J"" } }" 147,"2018-04-21 03:39:29","Juvenile Myoclonic Epilepsy (JME)","Juvenile myoclonic epilepsy (JME) is a type of progressive myoclonus epilepsy disorder that is a common cause of myoclonic (brief and involuntary muscle contractions) and clonic-tonic seizures in epilepsy. Some people with JME will experience myoclonic seizures as their only seizure type.For more information, see Myoclonus.","1 January, 2012","21 January, 2014","{ ""147"": { """": 147, """": 12, ""category_1.ts"": ""2018-04-18 04:34:44"", ""category_1.title"": ""J"" } }" 148,"2018-04-21 03:39:38",Kaolin,"This is a white clay that contains metals such as aluminium and silicon that is purified and made into a powder, which is used to help absorb materials. Kaolin is used to activate a test of blood Clotting – the APTT.","1 January, 2012","11 March, 2014","{ ""148"": { """": 148, """": 13, ""category_1.ts"": ""2018-04-18 04:34:44"", ""category_1.title"": ""K"" } }" 149,"2018-04-21 03:39:52",Karvea,,"1 January, 2012","21 January, 2014","{ ""149"": { """": 149, """": 13, ""category_1.ts"": ""2018-04-18 04:34:44"", ""category_1.title"": ""K"" } }" 150,"2018-04-21 03:39:57",Karvezide,"Karvezide is used to control high blood pressure (also called hypertension). Everybody has blood pressure which is important to supply blood around the body, but when blood pressure becomes higher than normal, it may cause damage to blood vessels in organs such as the heart, kidneys, eyes and the brain.","1 January, 2012","21 January, 2014","{ ""150"": { """": 150, """": 13, ""category_1.ts"": ""2018-04-18 04:34:44"", ""category_1.title"": ""K"" } }"