,,category_1.ts,category_1.title,,medical_dictionary.ts,medical_dictionary.title,medical_dictionary.definition 101,1,"2018-04-18 23:03:17",A,101,"2018-04-18 23:11:25",analgesic,"A drug or other substance such as aspirin, acetaminophen, or morphine that is used to relieve pain." 102,1,"2018-04-18 23:03:17",A,102,"2018-04-18 23:11:25","analytic variability","Differences in how a test is done, for example how a sample is prepared, which can affect test outcomes." 103,1,"2018-04-18 23:03:17",A,103,"2018-04-18 23:11:26",anaphylaxis,"A severe allergic reaction, causing symptoms spanning from itching and swelling to trouble breathing, convulsions, shock, and coma." 104,1,"2018-04-18 23:03:17",A,104,"2018-04-18 23:11:26",androgen,"Any of a group of male sex hormones, including testosterone, that controls male characteristics such as beard growth." 105,1,"2018-04-18 23:03:17",A,105,"2018-04-18 23:11:26","androgenetic alopecia","Female- and male-pattern baldness. The condition appears to involve a heightened response by the hair follicle to androgen levels in the body." 106,1,"2018-04-18 23:03:17",A,106,"2018-04-18 23:11:26","androgen-independent prostate cancer","Prostate cancer that no longer responds to hormone therapy." 107,1,"2018-04-18 23:03:17",A,107,"2018-04-18 23:11:26",anemia,"Having a lower than normal amount of red blood cells or hemoglobin (an oxygen-carrying protein inside red blood cells), leading to low energy, weakness, and other symptoms." 108,1,"2018-04-18 23:03:17",A,108,"2018-04-18 23:11:26",anencephaly,"A birth defect in which an infant is born without most of the brain or without the skull bones covering the brain." 109,1,"2018-04-18 23:03:17",A,109,"2018-04-18 23:11:26",anesthesia,"Temporarily blocking sensation, especially the feeling of pain." 110,1,"2018-04-18 23:03:17",A,110,"2018-04-18 23:11:26",aneurysm,"A bulge or swelling on a portion of a blood vessel, due to weakness in the wall of that vessel." 111,1,"2018-04-18 23:03:17",A,111,"2018-04-18 23:11:26","angina pectoris","Temporary chest pain that occurs when the heart isn't getting enough oxygen and blood, usually occurring in response to physical activity or stress." 112,1,"2018-04-18 23:03:17",A,112,"2018-04-18 23:11:26",angiogenesis,"The formation of new blood vessels." 113,1,"2018-04-18 23:03:17",A,113,"2018-04-18 23:11:26",angiography,"A test that shows how blood moves through the blood vessels and heart. It uses x-rays and the injection of a fluid called a contrast agent that can be seen on the x-rays." 114,1,"2018-04-18 23:03:17",A,114,"2018-04-18 23:11:26",angioplasty,"A procedure used to open blocked or narrowed arteries, most commonly by inserting a thin tube, or catheter, into the affected artery and inflating a balloon." 115,1,"2018-04-18 23:03:17",A,115,"2018-04-18 23:11:26",angiotensin,"A protein that raises blood pressure by narrowing blood vessels and causing the kidneys to store more sodium and water." 116,1,"2018-04-18 23:03:17",A,116,"2018-04-18 23:11:26","angiotensin I","An inactive form of the protein angiotensin. It is the precursor to the active form, angiotensin II." 117,1,"2018-04-18 23:03:17",A,117,"2018-04-18 23:11:26","angiotensin II","The active form of the protein angiotensin, which raises blood pressure by narrowing blood vessels and causing the kidneys to store more sodium and water." 118,1,"2018-04-18 23:03:17",A,118,"2018-04-18 23:11:26","angiotensin II receptor blockers","A class of drugs that blocks the effects of angiotensin. Like ACE inhibitors, they keep coronary arteries open, lower blood pressure, and reduce the heart's workload." 119,1,"2018-04-18 23:03:17",A,119,"2018-04-18 23:11:26","angiotensin-converting enzyme","An enzyme that converts the inactive form of the protein angiotensin (angiotensin I) to its active form—angiotensin II. Usually abbreviated as ACE." 120,1,"2018-04-18 23:03:17",A,120,"2018-04-18 23:11:26","angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor","A drug used to treat high blood pressure and congestive heart failure. These drugs stop the production of angiotensin II. This lowers blood pressure and reduces the heart's workload. Usually abbreviated as ACE inhibitor." 121,1,"2018-04-18 23:03:17",A,121,"2018-04-18 23:11:26","ankle-brachial index","A test that compares blood pressure at the ankle with blood pressure at the elbow. A difference between the two indicates the presence of peripheral artery disease." 122,1,"2018-04-18 23:03:17",A,122,"2018-04-18 23:11:26",ankylo-,"Means crooked or bent; refers to stiffening of a joint." 123,1,"2018-04-18 23:03:17",A,123,"2018-04-18 23:11:26","ankylosing spondylitis","A disease that leads to swelling between the disks of the spine and in the joints where the pelvis and spine meet. Causes back pain and stiffness and can limit movement." 124,1,"2018-04-18 23:03:17",A,124,"2018-04-18 23:11:26",annulus,"Term used to describe ring or circle shaped objects or body parts." 125,1,"2018-04-18 23:03:17",A,125,"2018-04-18 23:11:26","annulus fibrosus","The tough outer covering of the discs in the spine." 126,1,"2018-04-18 23:03:17",A,126,"2018-04-18 23:11:26","anorectal dysfunction","Abnormal functioning of the anus and rectum, causing constipation or the inability to control bowel movements." 127,1,"2018-04-18 23:03:17",A,127,"2018-04-18 23:11:26",anorexia,"An eating disorder in which a person has an intense fear of gaining weight and severely limits calories to the point of near starvation." 128,1,"2018-04-18 23:03:17",A,128,"2018-04-18 23:11:26",antagonist,"The muscle opposing the major muscle required to do a task. It works to help balance movement and ward off injury." 129,1,"2018-04-18 23:03:17",A,129,"2018-04-18 23:11:26","anterior myocardial infarction","A heart attack affecting the front of the heart." 130,1,"2018-04-18 23:03:17",A,130,"2018-04-18 23:11:26",antiandrogen,"A drug that blocks or interferes with the activity of male sex hormones." 131,1,"2018-04-18 23:03:17",A,131,"2018-04-18 23:11:26",antibiotic,"A substance that kills or slows the growth of bacteria." 132,1,"2018-04-18 23:03:17",A,132,"2018-04-18 23:11:26",antibody,"A protein made by the immune system to protect the body from harmful substances, called antigens." 133,1,"2018-04-18 23:03:17",A,133,"2018-04-18 23:11:26",anticoagulant,"A substance that helps prevent blood from clotting." 134,1,"2018-04-18 23:03:17",A,134,"2018-04-18 23:11:26",anticoagulants,"Drugs that diminish the blood's ability to clot. Anticoagulants are sometimes called blood thinners even though they do not thin the blood. Commonly used anticoagulant drugs include heparin and warfarin." 135,1,"2018-04-18 23:03:17",A,135,"2018-04-18 23:11:26",anticonvulsants,"Drugs used to treat seizures." 136,1,"2018-04-18 23:03:17",A,136,"2018-04-18 23:11:26","anti-cyclic citrullinated peptide","An antibody used to help diagnose rheumatoid arthritis." 137,1,"2018-04-18 23:03:17",A,137,"2018-04-18 23:11:26",antidepressant,"A psychiatric drug used to treat mood disorders, such as depression." 138,1,"2018-04-18 23:03:17",A,138,"2018-04-18 23:11:26",antiemetic,"A drug that prevents nausea and vomiting." 139,1,"2018-04-18 23:03:17",A,139,"2018-04-18 23:11:26",antigen,"Any substance that the body sees as harmful or foreign, causing the immune system to form antibodies in defense." 140,1,"2018-04-18 23:03:17",A,140,"2018-04-18 23:11:26","antigen-presenting cell","Specialized white blood cells that detect harmful substances in the body and then signal other immune system defenders (known as T-cells) to mount a defense." 141,1,"2018-04-18 23:03:17",A,141,"2018-04-18 23:11:26",antihistamine,"Medications that treat allergies and reduce symptoms such as sneezing and itching by blocking histamine, the substance in the body which causes these symptoms." 142,1,"2018-04-18 23:03:17",A,142,"2018-04-18 23:11:26",antihypertensives,"Medications used to lower and control high blood pressure." 143,1,"2018-04-18 23:03:17",A,143,"2018-04-18 23:11:26",antileukotriene,"A type of asthma medication that reduces swelling in airways and prevents muscles near the airways from tightening." 144,1,"2018-04-18 23:03:17",A,144,"2018-04-18 23:11:26",antimicrobial,"A general term for antibiotics and other drugs that fight microscopic organisms in the body, such as bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites." 145,1,"2018-04-18 23:03:17",A,145,"2018-04-18 23:11:26",antioxidant,"Substances that protect the body from molecules that damage cells (free radicals); examples include beta carotene, vitamin C, vitamin A, and vitamin E." 146,1,"2018-04-18 23:03:17",A,146,"2018-04-18 23:11:26","antiplatelet agents","Medications or other substances that prevent blood cells called platelets from clustering and forming blood clots." 147,1,"2018-04-18 23:03:17",A,147,"2018-04-18 23:11:26",antipsychotic,"A drug used to treat schizophrenia and other severe mental health disorders; relieves symptoms such as delusions and hallucinations." 148,1,"2018-04-18 23:03:17",A,148,"2018-04-18 23:11:26",antiseptic,"Substances used on wounds to prevent or treat infection; they kill or slow the growth of disease-causing organisms, such as bacteria, on the surface of the body." 149,1,"2018-04-18 23:03:17",A,149,"2018-04-18 23:11:26","antispasmodic drugs","Drug that relieves cramps and muscle spasms." 150,1,"2018-04-18 23:03:17",A,150,"2018-04-18 23:11:26","antithyroid drugs","Drugs used to treat an overactive thyroid." 151,1,"2018-04-18 23:03:17",A,151,"2018-04-18 23:11:26",anus,"The external opening at the end of digestive tract where feces are expelled." 152,1,"2018-04-18 23:03:17",A,152,"2018-04-18 23:11:26",aorta,"The large artery emerging from the heart's left ventricle that distributes blood to the body." 153,1,"2018-04-18 23:03:17",A,153,"2018-04-18 23:11:26","aortic valve","A valve on the left side of the heart that acts as a one-way gate, opening to allow blood to leave the left ventricle and closing to prevent blood from leaking back into that ventricle." 154,1,"2018-04-18 23:03:17",A,154,"2018-04-18 23:11:26",aphasia,"Difficulty speaking or comprehending language; a common occurrence after a stroke affecting the left hemisphere of the brain, where language is processed." 155,1,"2018-04-18 23:03:17",A,155,"2018-04-18 23:11:26",apnea,"A temporary pause in breathing during sleep that can be very brief or can last so long that the amount of oxygen in the blood drops dangerously low." 156,1,"2018-04-18 23:03:17",A,156,"2018-04-18 23:11:26",apolipoproteins,"Proteins that combine with cholesterol and triglyceride to form lipoproteins." 157,1,"2018-04-18 23:03:17",A,157,"2018-04-18 23:11:26",apoptosis,"A process of programmed cell death in which redundant or flawed cells destroy themselves." 158,1,"2018-04-18 23:03:17",A,158,"2018-04-18 23:11:26","amyloid precursor protein","A normal brain protein that under certain circumstances produces beta amyloid, abnormal protein deposited in the brain in Alzheimer's disease. Usually abbreviated as APP." 159,1,"2018-04-18 23:03:17",A,159,"2018-04-18 23:11:26",apraxia,"A brain disorder in which a person cannot perform certain actions, such as combing hair, picking up a pencil, or speaking, even though they want to and have the physical ability to do so." 160,1,"2018-04-18 23:03:17",A,160,"2018-04-18 23:11:26","aqueous humor","Clear fluid that fills the front part of the eye." 161,1,"2018-04-18 23:03:17",A,161,"2018-04-18 23:11:26",ARB,"Abbreviation for angiotensin II receptor blockers, a class of drugs that blocks the effects of angiotensin. Like ACE inhibitors, they keep coronary arteries open, lower blood pressure, and reduce the heart's workload." 162,1,"2018-04-18 23:03:17",A,162,"2018-04-18 23:11:26",arbovirus,"A virus transmitted by mosquitoes or other member of the arthropod phylum." 163,1,"2018-04-18 23:03:17",A,163,"2018-04-18 23:11:26",arousal,"The state of being awake or reactive to stimuli through one or more of the five senses." 164,1,"2018-04-18 23:03:17",A,164,"2018-04-18 23:11:26","arrector pili","The small muscle associated with an individual hair follicle that enables hair to stand on end." 165,1,"2018-04-18 23:03:17",A,165,"2018-04-18 23:11:26",arrhythmia,"An abnormal heart rhythm caused by a disturbance in the heart's electrical system." 166,1,"2018-04-18 23:03:17",A,166,"2018-04-18 23:11:26","arterial resistance","The pressure that the artery walls exert on blood flow; in general, the less elastic the arteries, the greater the arterial resistance and the higher the blood pressure." 167,1,"2018-04-18 23:03:17",A,167,"2018-04-18 23:11:26",arteriography,"A test that uses x-rays and a special dye to see inside arteries." 168,1,"2018-04-18 23:03:17",A,168,"2018-04-18 23:11:26",arterioles,"Small, muscular branches of arteries." 169,1,"2018-04-18 23:03:17",A,169,"2018-04-18 23:11:26",arteriosclerosis,"A term encompassing a variety of conditions in which artery walls thicken and become less flexible. Sometimes called hardening of the arteries. Arteriosclerosis occurs when cholesterol-rich plaque forms on the inner lining of arteries (atherosclerosis), when artery walls become calcified, or when high blood pressure thickens the muscular wall of arteries." 170,1,"2018-04-18 23:03:17",A,170,"2018-04-18 23:11:26","arteriovenous malformation","Abnormal connections between veins and arteries, usually caused by a birth defect." 171,1,"2018-04-18 23:03:17",A,171,"2018-04-18 23:11:26",artery,"A blood vessel that carries blood away from the heart and to various parts of the body." 172,1,"2018-04-18 23:03:17",A,172,"2018-04-18 23:11:26",arthr-,"A prefix meaning ""joint.''" 173,1,"2018-04-18 23:03:17",A,173,"2018-04-18 23:11:26",arthritis,"A condition in which joints are inflamed, causing pain, stiffness, swelling, and sometimes loss of movement." 174,1,"2018-04-18 23:03:17",A,174,"2018-04-18 23:11:26",arthrocentesis,"A procedure to drain fluid from a joint using a syringe." 175,1,"2018-04-18 23:03:17",A,175,"2018-04-18 23:11:26",arthrodesis,"Joining together two bones to reduce pain and provide stability to a damaged, arthritic, or painful joint." 176,1,"2018-04-18 23:03:17",A,176,"2018-04-18 23:11:26",arthropathy,"Joint disease or disorder." 177,1,"2018-04-18 23:03:17",A,177,"2018-04-18 23:11:26",arthroplasty,"Surgically rebuilding or replacing a joint, usually to relieve arthritis or fix an abnormality." 178,1,"2018-04-18 23:03:17",A,178,"2018-04-18 23:11:26",arthroscopy,"A procedure where a surgeon makes a small cut in the skin and inserts tiny lenses, lighting, and other instruments to diagnose or repair joint problems." 179,1,"2018-04-18 23:03:17",A,179,"2018-04-18 23:11:26","articular cartilage","Smooth white tissue that covers the ends of bones where they come together to form joints." 180,1,"2018-04-18 23:03:17",A,180,"2018-04-18 23:11:26","articular processes","Bony projections on vertebra." 181,1,"2018-04-18 23:03:17",A,181,"2018-04-18 23:11:26",asphyxia,"A life-threatening lack of oxygen due to drowning, choking, or an obstruction of the airways." 182,1,"2018-04-18 23:03:17",A,182,"2018-04-18 23:11:26",aspiration,"Breathing in a foreign object. Also, the process of suctioning fluid, tissue, or other substances from the body." 183,1,"2018-04-18 23:03:17",A,183,"2018-04-18 23:11:26",aspirin,"A drug that relieves pain, fever, and swelling, and inhibits the formation of blood clots." 184,1,"2018-04-18 23:03:17",A,184,"2018-04-18 23:11:26","assisted living","Live-in facilities for adults who need help with certain things, but do not need round-the-clock care. They provide residents with supervision and certain services, such as meals, transportation, or help with dressing, grooming, and other daily activities." 185,1,"2018-04-18 23:03:17",A,185,"2018-04-18 23:11:26","association cortex","The part of the cerebral cortex involved in processing information, rather than movement or sensory experiences." 186,1,"2018-04-18 23:03:17",A,186,"2018-04-18 23:11:26",asthma,"A disease that inflames and narrows airways, causing wheezing, shortness of breath, coughing, and tightness in the chest." 187,1,"2018-04-18 23:03:17",A,187,"2018-04-18 23:11:26",astigmatism,"Blurry vision caused by an irregular curve in the cornea of the eye." 188,1,"2018-04-18 23:03:17",A,188,"2018-04-18 23:11:26",astringent,"A substance that contracts skin tissues and shrinks pores." 189,1,"2018-04-18 23:03:17",A,189,"2018-04-18 23:11:26",asymptomatic,"Showing no signs or symptoms of disease, whether or not disease is present." 190,1,"2018-04-18 23:03:17",A,190,"2018-04-18 23:11:26",asystole,"The absence of electrical activity in the heart." 191,1,"2018-04-18 23:03:17",A,191,"2018-04-18 23:11:26",ataxia,"Being unable to control movement; symptoms include shaking and an unsteady walk." 192,1,"2018-04-18 23:03:17",A,192,"2018-04-18 23:11:26",atheroma,"An abnormal build-up of fatty plaque inside an artery." 193,1,"2018-04-18 23:03:17",A,193,"2018-04-18 23:11:26",atherosclerosis,"The buildup of fatty deposits (plaque) in the walls of arteries, causing narrowing and reduced blood flow; the disease responsible for most heart attacks and many strokes." 194,1,"2018-04-18 23:03:17",A,194,"2018-04-18 23:11:26","atherosclerotic plaque","A mixture of fats, cholesterol, and other tissue that builds up on artery walls." 195,1,"2018-04-18 23:03:17",A,195,"2018-04-18 23:11:26","atherothrombotic stroke","A type of stroke that occurs when a large artery to the brain is completely blocked by the formation of a clot." 196,1,"2018-04-18 23:03:17",A,196,"2018-04-18 23:11:26","athlete's foot","A foot infection caused by fungus; symptoms include cracking and peeling skin and itchiness. Also known as tinea pedis." 197,1,"2018-04-18 23:03:17",A,197,"2018-04-18 23:11:26",atlas,"Another name for the topmost vertebra of the neck, which lies just beneath the skull. Also called C-1." 198,1,"2018-04-18 23:03:17",A,198,"2018-04-18 23:11:26",atopic,"Having an inherited predisposition to allergies." 199,1,"2018-04-18 23:03:17",A,199,"2018-04-18 23:11:26","atopic dermatitis","A long-term skin condition, most common in babies and children, in which areas of the skin are dry, itchy, red, and may crack. Also known as eczema." 200,1,"2018-04-18 23:03:17",A,200,"2018-04-18 23:11:26","atopic rhinitis","A seasonal or year-round allergy marked by sneezing, runny nose, and congestion."