,,medical_disease.ts,medical_disease.title,,medical_disease_slideshow.ts,medical_disease_slideshow.content_title,medical_disease_slideshow.content 1,1,"2017-12-13 06:08:27",Shingles,1,"2017-12-13 20:47:04","What Is Shingles? Common Symptoms","Shingles is a virus condition involving inflammation of sensory nerves that can result in severe pain. It causes localized pain, numbness, and itching, followed by the appearance of clustered blisters in a strip pattern on one side of the body. Sometimes " 2,1,"2017-12-13 06:08:27",Shingles,2,"2017-12-13 20:47:04","Shingles Virus","Shingles is caused by the same virus that causes chickenpox (varicella-zoster virus or VZV), a member of the herpes family of viruses. After a person has chickenpox, the virus can live dormant in the nervous system for life. Sometimes the virus remains do" 3,1,"2017-12-13 06:08:27",Shingles,3,"2017-12-13 20:47:04","Shingles Rash Pictures","The shingles rash appears as painful skin blisters that appear on only one side of the face or body along the distribution of nerves in the skin. The rash may occur around the chest, upper back, abdomen, face, the limbs, neck, or lower back." 4,1,"2017-12-13 06:08:27",Shingles,4,"2017-12-13 20:47:04","Who Is at Risk of Shingles Virus?","Shingles is most common in people over 60 years of age, although anyone who has ever had chickenpox is at risk. Risk Factors for Shingles Reactivation Weakened immune systems Immune deficiency (from AIDS or chemotherapy) Emotional stress Cancer Up to 1,00" 5,1,"2017-12-13 06:08:27",Shingles,5,"2017-12-13 20:47:04","Shingles Symptoms: Before the Rash","The pain of shingles may develop even when there is no rash. The patient may notice several days to a week of burning pain and sensitive skin before the rash appears. In this situation it may be difficult to determine the cause of the often severe pain. H" 6,1,"2017-12-13 06:08:27",Shingles,6,"2017-12-13 20:47:04","Shingles Symptoms: After the Rash","Just like the blisters of chickenpox, the blisters in shingles eventually burst, and the area starts to ooze. The blisters will then crust over and heal. Before the blisters crust over, the VZV virus can be spread to anyone who is not immune to chickenpox" 7,1,"2017-12-13 06:08:27",Shingles,7,"2017-12-13 20:47:04","How Long Does Shingles Last?","An outbreak of shingles can last for 3 to 4 weeks. Sometimes the pain is present but the blisters never appear. This can be a very confusing cause of pain. Some affected people develop postherpetic neuralgia (PHN), in which the localized pain remains even" 8,1,"2017-12-13 06:08:27",Shingles,8,"2017-12-13 20:47:04","Shingles Complications: Postherpetic Neuralgia","Postherpetic neuralgia (PHN) is the most common complication of shingles. This is defined as persistence of the nerve pain associated with shingles beyond one month, even after the rash is gone. It occurs from irritation of the sensory nerves by the virus" 9,1,"2017-12-13 06:08:27",Shingles,9,"2017-12-13 20:47:04","Is Shingles Contagious?","Shingles is contagious. Shingles can be spread from an affected person to babies, children, or adults who have not had chickenpox. Instead of developing shingles, these people develop chickenpox. Once they have had chickenpox, people cannot catch shingles" 10,1,"2017-12-13 06:08:27",Shingles,10,"2017-12-13 20:47:04","Other Shingles Complications","Usually, shingles heals well and remaining problems are minimal. However, complications may arise from time to time. Cellulitis On occasion, shingles blisters can become infected with bacteria, resulting in cellulitis. Cellulitis is a bacterial infection " 11,1,"2017-12-13 06:08:27",Shingles,11,"2017-12-13 20:47:04","How Is Shingles Diagnosed?","The clinical appearance of shingles is usually sufficient for a doctor to establish the diagnosis. Diagnostic tests are not usually required. However, particularly in people with impaired immune function, shingles may sometimes not have the characteristic" 12,1,"2017-12-13 06:08:27",Shingles,12,"2017-12-13 20:47:04","Shingles Treatment","You can take steps to reduce the duration of a shingles outbreak, but in the end, the virus must often simply run its course. There is no cure for shingles. Antiviral medication is effective only if given early, so it is important to visit your doctor soo" 13,1,"2017-12-13 06:08:27",Shingles,13,"2017-12-13 20:47:04","Shingles Treatment: Drugs","There are many drugs used to fight shingles and its symptoms. This is an explanation of those drugs and their functions. Antiviral Drugs Drugs that fight viruses (antiviral drugs), such as acyclovir (Zovirax), valacyclovir (Valtrex), or famciclovir (Famvi" 14,1,"2017-12-13 06:08:27",Shingles,14,"2017-12-13 20:47:04","Shingles Treatment: Home Remedies","Bathing is generally allowed, and the affected area can be washed with soap and water. Cool compresses and anti-itching lotions such as calamine lotion may also provide relief from symptoms. An aluminum acetate solution (Burow's or Domeboro solution, avai" 15,1,"2017-12-13 06:08:27",Shingles,15,"2017-12-13 20:47:04","Shingles Vaccine","In May 2006, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved the first vaccine for adult shingles. The vaccine is known as Zostavax and is approved for use in adults ages 50 and over who have had chickenpox. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and P" 16,1,"2017-12-13 06:08:27",Shingles,16,"2017-12-13 20:47:04","Who Should Avoid the Shingles Vaccine?","Some people should not receive the shingles vaccine, including pregnant women and those with significantly suppressed immune systems. Pregnant Women The shingles vaccine should not be given to pregnant women. It is recommended that a woman wait three mont" 17,1,"2017-12-13 06:08:27",Shingles,17,"2017-12-13 20:47:04","Shingles Vaccine Side Effects","The shingles vaccine has not been shown to cause any serious side effects or health consequences. Minor side effects of the vaccine include redness, swelling, soreness, or itching at the site of injection, and headache. It is safe for those who have recei" 18,1,"2017-12-13 06:08:27",Shingles,18,"2017-12-13 20:47:04","Shingles Risks and Pregnancy","Pregnant women are susceptible to shingles. Fortunately, shingles in pregnancy is very rare. The antiviral medications described previously are considered safe to use in pregnant women, as are most pain-relieving drugs. Women should not take nonsteroidal " 19,2,"2017-12-13 06:08:27",MRSA,19,"2017-12-13 20:47:07","What is MRSA?","Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) are shown in this scanning electron microscope picture. Strains of these bacteria (commonly termed ""staph"") may cause infection in almost any part or organ system in humans. MRSA strains are further chara" 20,2,"2017-12-13 06:08:27",MRSA,20,"2017-12-13 20:47:07","Symptoms of a MRSA Skin Infection","Initially, MRSA infections in the skin resemble minor skin infections; they appear as a red bump, pimple, or boil on the skin that may be painful, swollen, or warm to the touch. Occasionally, these infections may open and have pus drain from the area. Alt" 21,2,"2017-12-13 06:08:27",MRSA,21,"2017-12-13 20:47:07","Is It MRSA, a Spider Bite, or Something Different?","Bug bites, insect bites, spider bites, rashes, and stings are often difficult to distinguish from MRSA infections because they have similar appearances or symptoms. However, if the person never viewed a spider or other entity causing the lesion, there is " 22,2,"2017-12-13 06:08:27",MRSA,22,"2017-12-13 20:47:07","MRSA Skin Infection and Cellulitis","Often, the first indication of MRSA infection is a spread of the infection into the surrounding skin, producing skin that is pink or reddish and often is warm, tender, and swollen. Such an infected skin area is termed cellulitis and represents infection s" 23,2,"2017-12-13 06:08:27",MRSA,23,"2017-12-13 20:47:07","MRSA Skin Infection: Abscess","MRSA may be somewhat contained by the body by attempting to wall off the invading bacteria by making a pocket of pus surrounded by cells trying to kill or stop the MRSA from advancing. This deeper skin infection is termed an abscess and can spread like ce" 24,2,"2017-12-13 06:08:27",MRSA,24,"2017-12-13 20:47:07","How Do People Catch MRSA?","MRSA is easily spread to other individuals by people with the organisms on their skin. Usually, either skin-to-skin contact or contact with towels, razors, or even doorknobs or benches can transfer MRSA to another person. Some people, termed carriers, hav" 25,2,"2017-12-13 06:08:27",MRSA,25,"2017-12-13 20:47:07","Who Can Get MRSA?","Some individuals are at higher risk to get MRSA than others. People who have a chronic medical condition (for example, cancer, HIV, or any immune depression), the elderly, individuals in hospitals, or those who have had recent surgery are at higher risk f" 26,2,"2017-12-13 06:08:27",MRSA,26,"2017-12-13 20:47:07","How Safe Are Hospitals?","Hospitals used to have a reputation as an area to get MRSA infections. However, in recent years, with guidelines established and followed by hospital staff, visitors, and patients, there have been far fewer MRSA infections occurring in hospitals. Simple c" 27,2,"2017-12-13 06:08:27",MRSA,27,"2017-12-13 20:47:07","Can Healthy People Get MRSA?","MRSA can easily infect healthy people. Outbreaks have been documented at many areas where people are crowded together (for example, gyms, dormitories, barracks, prisons, and day-care centers). The type of MRSA obtained by healthy people outside of health-" 28,2,"2017-12-13 06:08:27",MRSA,28,"2017-12-13 20:47:07","MRSA in Dogs and Cats","MRSA can be transferred to pets such as cat or dogs (the animals may have no symptoms like human MRSA carriers) and, unfortunately, may reinfect the pet owners or other people. Only CA-MRSA strains have been documented to do this with pets." 29,2,"2017-12-13 06:08:27",MRSA,29,"2017-12-13 20:47:07","MRSA on the Beach","MRSA strains survive fairly well for some time on objects handled or worn by carriers or infected individuals. MRSA has been found even in sand and beach water on occasion. How MRSA arrived there is unclear, but the practice of good hygiene (covering skin" 30,2,"2017-12-13 06:08:27",MRSA,30,"2017-12-13 20:47:07","How Is MRSA Diagnosed?","Definitive diagnosis of MRSA is not difficult. However, it may take a few days because, after S. aureus is cultured from an infected site, the bacteria then need to be tested against antibiotics to determine not only what the bacteria are resistant to but" 31,2,"2017-12-13 06:08:27",MRSA,31,"2017-12-13 20:47:07","How Is MRSA Treated?","A doctor should guide treatment of MRSA infections. Most treatment methods depend on the severity of the infection and the resistance pattern of the bacteria. Some minor sores or small abscesses may need only warm compresses for pus drainage (if present) " 32,2,"2017-12-13 06:08:27",MRSA,32,"2017-12-13 20:47:07","MRSA Skin Infection and Home Care","If you are diagnosed with MRSA and sent home with antibiotics, you are strongly advised to take all of the antibiotics prescribed, even if you feel fine, to prevent the infection from reoccurring. Following your doctor's advice about warm compresses and w" 33,2,"2017-12-13 06:08:27",MRSA,33,"2017-12-13 20:47:07","MRSA Complications","MRSA infections (especially those associated with health-care facilities) can be dangerous; they can spread rapidly to other body areas and organs and cause serious organ damage or death. At their peak, reports indicated there were about 19,000 deaths in " 34,2,"2017-12-13 06:08:27",MRSA,34,"2017-12-13 20:47:07","How to Avoid MRSA","Avoiding or reducing the chance of getting infected with a MRSA strain of S. aureus is fairly easy -- the cardinal rule is frequent hand washing with soap and water. Using an alcohol-containing hand sanitizer can also reduce infection risk. Avoid skin-to-" 35,3,"2017-12-13 06:08:27",Ringworm,35,"2017-12-13 20:47:08","What Is Ringworm?","Ringworm is a common skin disorder otherwise known as “tinea” or “dermatophytosis.” It is caused by a fungus that can live on skin, surfaces like locker room floors, and household items like towels, bedding, and clothes. While there are multiple forms of " 36,3,"2017-12-13 06:08:27",Ringworm,36,"2017-12-13 20:47:08","Does Ringworm Mean I Have Worms?","Despite its name, ringworm is not caused by a worm. The ancient Greeks called ringworm “herpes,” meaning “ring,” while the ancient Romans called it “tinea,” referring to the larval stage of a clothes moth. Characterized by round skin lesions (rings) and e" 37,3,"2017-12-13 06:08:27",Ringworm,37,"2017-12-13 20:47:08","How Do You Get Ringworm?","Although the world is full of yeasts, molds, and fungi, only a few cause skin problems. Ringworm fungi are known as dermatophytes -- microscopic organisms that feed on the dead tissues of your skin, hair, and nails, much like a mushroom can grow on the ba" 38,3,"2017-12-13 06:08:27",Ringworm,38,"2017-12-13 20:47:08","What Are the Types of Ringworm?","There are several types of ringworm (tinea), and they tend to specialize. Different ringworm fungi target different body parts, including: the face, the scalp, the hands, the beard, the groin, the foot, and the nails. Keep in mind that the various types o" 39,3,"2017-12-13 06:08:27",Ringworm,39,"2017-12-13 20:47:08","Ringworm of the Body (Tinea Corporis)","Tinea corporis refers to ringworm of the trunk, legs, or arms. Different fungi cause tinea corporis in different parts of the world. It’s common for this infection to originate in the feet or nails, then spread to other body parts. It may spread to the: f" 40,3,"2017-12-13 06:08:27",Ringworm,40,"2017-12-13 20:47:08","Ringworm of the Body (Tinea Corporis): Circular Rash","One of the most distinctive signs of tinea corporis (ringworm) is the appearance of an itchy, red, circular rash in the shape of a ring. This rash may resemble a target or a bullseye, and it usually has raised edges. Finding one of these is a helpful way " 41,3,"2017-12-13 06:08:27",Ringworm,41,"2017-12-13 20:47:08","Ringworm of the Hand (Tinea Manuum)","Tinea manuum finds its way onto human hands through either soil, animals, or human contact. This form of ringworm is fairly uncommon and frequently confused with other skin conditions. Symptoms of tinea manuum may include: an inflamed rash, often with rai" 42,3,"2017-12-13 06:08:27",Ringworm,42,"2017-12-13 20:47:08","Ringworm of the Face (Tinea Faciei)","Tinea faciei refers to ringworm infections on the face. This is an uncommon infection, and it can arise from contact with several sources, including: cats, dogs, cattle, ringworm of the nail (tinea unguium), and ringworm of the feet (tinea pedis). Some of" 43,3,"2017-12-13 06:08:27",Ringworm,43,"2017-12-13 20:47:08","Ringworm of the Scalp (Tinea Capitis)","Tinea capitis is most common in children between the ages of 3 and 7, and is less often found in adults. The hair itself can be infected by various ringworm fungi, which may be spread from cattle, horses, pigs, dogs, and cats (especially kittens). One com" 44,3,"2017-12-13 06:08:27",Ringworm,44,"2017-12-13 20:47:08","Is Ringworm Contagious?","Ringworm is highly contagious. The many fungi that cause ringworm thrive in warm, moist areas, making locker rooms, public restrooms, showers, public pools, saunas, and similar areas especially likely places to contract the disease. There are three ways r" 45,3,"2017-12-13 06:08:27",Ringworm,45,"2017-12-13 20:47:08","Ringworm in Dogs and Cats","When a person contracts ringworm, dogs and cats are the most common culprits. Cats are particularly susceptible to ringworm. One study showed that when a cat has ringworm, there is a 30 to 70 percent chance someone in the household will contract the disea" 46,3,"2017-12-13 06:08:27",Ringworm,46,"2017-12-13 20:47:08","How Ringworm is Diagnosed","Some forms of ringworm are easier to spot than others. The telltale signs of red, raised rings can alert medical professionals to the infection, which makes diagnosis simple. At other times, however, ringworm can be difficult to diagnose. Certain types of" 47,3,"2017-12-13 06:08:27",Ringworm,47,"2017-12-13 20:47:08","Ringworm Treatment","Fungal diseases like ringworm are more difficult to treat than bacterial infection. That’s because fungus have more complicated cells which are more similar to our own. This makes it difficult to develop antifungal drugs that will kill the fungus, but do " 48,3,"2017-12-13 06:08:27",Ringworm,48,"2017-12-13 20:47:08","Ringworm Prevention: Don’t Share","To keep ringworm off your feet, don’t walk around barefoot in locker rooms, public pools, or public showers. Instead, put on a pair of sandals or slippers to give your skin a barrier of protection from the ringworm fungi." 49,3,"2017-12-13 06:08:27",Ringworm,49,"2017-12-13 20:47:08","Ringworm Prevention: Slip on Sandals and Slippers","To keep ringworm off your feet, don’t walk around barefoot in locker rooms, public pools, or public showers. Instead, put on a pair of sandals or slippers to give your skin a barrier of protection from the ringworm fungi." 50,3,"2017-12-13 06:08:27",Ringworm,50,"2017-12-13 20:47:08","Ringworm Prevention: Get Soapy","If you play a contact sport, shower and shampoo carefully after every practice or game. The same rule applies after petting a dog or cat; tTo avoid transmission of the ringworm virus from your pets, be sure to wash your hands with soap and water after pla" 51,3,"2017-12-13 06:08:27",Ringworm,51,"2017-12-13 20:47:08","Ringworm Prevention: Change Is Good","To avoid trapping moisture close to your skin, wear loose-fitting clothing made of natural fibers. Change your socks and underwear at least once a day to ward off athlete’s foot and jock itch." 52,3,"2017-12-13 06:08:27",Ringworm,52,"2017-12-13 20:47:08","Ringworm Prevention: Stay Dry","Ringworm fungi love humidity. One of the best ways to keep them away is to stay dry. For instance, completely dry yourself off after showers and baths." 53,3,"2017-12-13 06:08:27",Ringworm,53,"2017-12-13 20:47:08","Ringworm Prevention: Socks on First","Stay stocking-footed to prevent the spread of any foot fungus to other parts of your body. Before you slide on your underwear, make sure your socks are on tight. This may prevent a case of athlete’s foot from turning into an uncomfortable case of jock itc" 54,3,"2017-12-13 06:08:27",Ringworm,54,"2017-12-13 20:47:08","Ringworm Prevention: Watch for Patchy Pets","If your pets have patches of missing hair, take them to the vet. That’s one sign of a ringworm fungal infection. Also keep an eye out for a lesion with a scaly center that looks red and irritated around the edges. Sometimes pets will show circular patches" 55,4,"2017-12-13 06:08:27","Adult Skin Diseases",55,"2017-12-13 20:47:10","Skin Problems?","Is your skin itchy, oozing, or breaking out? Moles, rashes, hives, and eczema are just a few of the more than 3,000 skin disorders that affect people every day. Changes in color or texture can result from inflammation, infection, or allergic reactions any" 56,4,"2017-12-13 06:08:27","Adult Skin Diseases",56,"2017-12-13 20:47:10","Shingles (Herpes Zoster)","Herpes zoster, also known as shingles, is caused by the return of a chickenpox infection from latently infected nerve cells in the spinal cord or brain. It begins as a painful sensation which is often mistaken for a musculoskeletal injury or even a heart " 57,4,"2017-12-13 06:08:27","Adult Skin Diseases",57,"2017-12-13 20:47:10","Hives (Urticaria)","Hives, also known as urticaria, is a very common allergic skin condition most often due to antibodies in the bloodstream that recognize foreign substances. This eruption appears suddenly anywhere on the body as elevated blanched bumps surrounded by an int" 58,4,"2017-12-13 06:08:27","Adult Skin Diseases",58,"2017-12-13 20:47:10",Psoriasis,"Psoriasis is a chronic, inflammatory genetic condition in which patients develop scaling red bumps that coalesce into plaques and typically occur but are not limited to the scalp, elbows, and knees. Psoriasis is not curable; it can come and go by itself. " 59,4,"2017-12-13 06:08:27","Adult Skin Diseases",59,"2017-12-13 20:47:10",Eczema,"Atopic dermatitis (called eczema) is a genetic condition that presents in early childhood with a chronic itchy, weeping, oozing dermatitis. It tends to localize to the arm creases opposite the elbow and on the leg opposite the knee. Many patients also hav" 60,4,"2017-12-13 06:08:27","Adult Skin Diseases",60,"2017-12-13 20:47:10",Rosacea,"Rosacea is a chronic inflammatory condition of the face that is characterized by redness, dilated blood vessels, papules, pustules, and occasionally by the overgrowth of nasal connective tissue (rhinophyma). It superficially resembles teenaged acne, but i" 61,4,"2017-12-13 06:08:27","Adult Skin Diseases",61,"2017-12-13 20:47:10","Cold Sores (Fever Blisters)","Herpes labialis (cold sore) is caused by the herpes simplex virus. Cold sores commonly appear on the edge of the lip. This virus exists in a dormant state in the spinal cord nerve cells, and after certain environmental triggers like a sunburn or a cold, t" 62,4,"2017-12-13 06:08:27","Adult Skin Diseases",62,"2017-12-13 20:47:10","Plant Rashes","In allergic individuals, the development of a linear blistering eruption occurs within 24-48 hours of exposure to a member of the poison ivy or poison oak family of plants. Since the plant contains highly allergenic chemicals, most people will become alle" 63,4,"2017-12-13 06:08:27","Adult Skin Diseases",63,"2017-12-13 20:47:10","Treating Plant Rashes","The repeated application of cool wet compresses to the blisters followed by evaporation of the water can be soothing and speed healing. Treatment with steroids creams or even oral steroids may be required in severe cases. Once a person is allergic, this i" 64,4,"2017-12-13 06:08:27","Adult Skin Diseases",64,"2017-12-13 20:47:10","Razor Bumps","This eruption occurs in areas of the skin in which hairs have been recently cut or extracted. This is commonly present in the beard area of individuals with very tightly coiled hair. When the hair is cut off or plucked out below the level of the follicula" 65,4,"2017-12-13 06:08:27","Adult Skin Diseases",65,"2017-12-13 20:47:10","Skin Tags","Skin tags are small, fleshy, fibrovascular, pedunculated (on a stalk) growths that are often are found on the neck and armpits. They are generally asymptomatic unless they become irritated by frictional forces or their blood supply becomes compromised. Th" 66,4,"2017-12-13 06:08:27","Adult Skin Diseases",66,"2017-12-13 20:47:10",Acne,"Acne vulgaris is a noninfectious eruption of papules and pustules on the face and occasionally on the chest and back. It occurs in all teenagers as they progress through puberty. Comedones (blackheads) and inflammatory papules and pustules are all present" 67,4,"2017-12-13 06:08:27","Adult Skin Diseases",67,"2017-12-13 20:47:10","Athlete's Foot","One of the most common causes of athlete's foot is an infection of the dead superficial layer of the skin called the stratum corneum by a fungal mold (tinea pedis) called a dermatophyte. If inflammatory, it may produce a blistering eruption which is quite" 68,4,"2017-12-13 06:08:27","Adult Skin Diseases",68,"2017-12-13 20:47:10",Moles,"Although the term mole may cover a variety of different sorts of skin growths, most often it refers to a localized accumulation of pigment-producing cells called melanocytes. These are generally uniform in color and round in shape. Melanocytic nevi (moles" 69,4,"2017-12-13 06:08:27","Adult Skin Diseases",69,"2017-12-13 20:47:10","Age or Liver Spots","These flat brown spots typically appear on the face and forearms older individuals. Although they cause no symptoms, patients detest them because of their unsightly appearance. They can be treated in a variety of ways, but treatment is not medically neces" 70,4,"2017-12-13 06:08:27","Adult Skin Diseases",70,"2017-12-13 20:47:10","Pityriasis Rosea","This rash usually begins in a young adult as a single scaling bump or patch and then extends to cover much of the torso with many scaling spots that are elliptical in shape. They are associated with modest itching which only occasionally requires treatmen" 71,4,"2017-12-13 06:08:27","Adult Skin Diseases",71,"2017-12-13 20:47:10",Melasma,"This condition occurs most commonly in women of childbearing age and is often associated with pregnancy or the ingestion of oral contraceptive medication. This flat brownish pigmentation occurs on the forehead, cheeks, and in the mustache area of the uppe" 72,4,"2017-12-13 06:08:27","Adult Skin Diseases",72,"2017-12-13 20:47:10",Warts,"The development of small keratotic tumors of the skin is caused by one of about 200 members of the human papillomavirus group. They often spontaneously go away, but particularly stubborn warts may require medical intervention. The proliferation of various" 73,4,"2017-12-13 06:08:27","Adult Skin Diseases",73,"2017-12-13 20:47:10","Seborrheic Keratoses","This is the single most common benign bump present on people as they age. Lesions may be present anywhere on the body and generally do not produce symptoms. They appear as black, brown, or yellow bumpy lesions which give the appearance of having been ""glu" 74,4,"2017-12-13 06:08:27","Adult Skin Diseases",74,"2017-12-13 20:47:10","Seborrheic Dermatitis","Seborrheic dermatitis is the single most common rash of adults. When it occurs in infancy, it is commonly called cradle cap. The adult disease tends to favor the scalp, skin behind the ears, forehead, brows, nasolabial folds of the face, mid-chest area, a" 75,5,"2017-12-13 06:08:27",Fibromyalgia,75,"2017-12-13 20:47:12","What Is Fibromyalgia?","Fibromyalgia is a chronic condition that causes pain, stiffness, and tenderness of muscles, tendons, and joints. These symptoms are often accompanied by restless sleep, chronic fatigue, anxiety, depression, and disturbances in bowel function. The cause an" 76,5,"2017-12-13 06:08:27",Fibromyalgia,76,"2017-12-13 20:47:12","Is Fibromyalgia Real?","Fibromyalgia is very real. However, there are no specific diagnostic tests for of fibromyalgia, which may cause doctors challenges during diagnosis. Also, the symptoms of fibromyalgia can be similar to those of other conditions, which may lead to a misdia" 77,5,"2017-12-13 06:08:27",Fibromyalgia,77,"2017-12-13 20:47:12","Fibromyalgia and Arthritis","Fibromyalgia is not a form of arthritis (a disease of the joints), but rather a muscle disorder. Fibromyalgia and arthritis can cause significant pain and fatigue as well as interfere with a person's ability to carry on daily activities. However, the symp" 78,5,"2017-12-13 06:08:27",Fibromyalgia,78,"2017-12-13 20:47:12","Fibromyalgia in Women","Fibromyalgia is a condition that is more prevalent in women than in men. Up to 90% of all people with fibromyalgia are women. It is possible that hormones are responsible for this huge gender difference, but the exact reason is unknown." 79,5,"2017-12-13 06:08:27",Fibromyalgia,79,"2017-12-13 20:47:12","Fibromyalgia Causes","There is no clear cause of fibromyalgia, but there are many theories to explain possible causes. It is believed that fibromyalgia results from a combination of many physical and emotional stressors, as opposed to one single event. In some fibromyalgia pat" 80,5,"2017-12-13 06:08:27",Fibromyalgia,80,"2017-12-13 20:47:12","Fibromyalgia Symptoms: Pain","The universal symptom of fibromyalgia is pain. Patients have an increased sensitivity to many different sensory stimuli and an unusually low pain threshold. The pain of fibromyalgia is generally widespread, involving both sides of the body. Pain usually a" 81,5,"2017-12-13 06:08:27",Fibromyalgia,81,"2017-12-13 20:47:12","Fibromyalgia Tender Points","Fibromyalgia tender points are localized areas of the body that are tender to light touch. Even touching these areas lightly can cause pain. Fibromyalgia tender points are commonly located around the elbows, shoulders, knees, hips, back of the head, and t" 82,5,"2017-12-13 06:08:27",Fibromyalgia,82,"2017-12-13 20:47:12","Fibromyalgia Symptoms in Women","As we know, women are more likely than men to develop fibromyalgia. Women have described fibromyalgia pain as a dull ache that starts in the muscles. Women may also have trouble remembering and concentrating or they may jumble up words when they speak. Th" 83,5,"2017-12-13 06:08:27",Fibromyalgia,83,"2017-12-13 20:47:12","Fibromyalgia Symptoms: Fatigue","Fatigue occurs in 90% of fibromyalgia patients and it can be described as crippling, exhausting, and flu-like. Patients may even feel fatigued after hours of bed rest. Fatigue may be related to abnormal sleep patterns. Normally, there are several levels o" 84,5,"2017-12-13 06:08:27",Fibromyalgia,84,"2017-12-13 20:47:12","Fibromyalgia Symptoms: Fibro Fog","Fibro fog, fibromyalgia fog and brain fog, is a symptom of fibromyalgia. Fibro fog is a term used to describe the cognitive difficulties brought on by fibromyalgia. Patients experiencing fibro fog have felt as if they had been taking cold medicine constan" 85,5,"2017-12-13 06:08:27",Fibromyalgia,85,"2017-12-13 20:47:12","Fibromyalgia Diagnosis","It can be challenging for doctors to diagnose fibromyalgia patients because their symptoms are common in many other conditions. Many patients have been misdiagnosed as having depression, inflammatory arthritis, chronic myofascial pain, or systemic exertio" 86,5,"2017-12-13 06:08:27",Fibromyalgia,86,"2017-12-13 20:47:12","Fibromyalgia Test for Diagnosis","There are no blood tests or X-rays that specifically point the doctor to the diagnosis of fibromyalgia. Tests are often done to exclude other possible diagnoses. Other lab tests may be performed to rule out other possible conditions. Once a doctor complet" 87,5,"2017-12-13 06:08:27",Fibromyalgia,87,"2017-12-13 20:47:12","Conditions That Mimic Fibromyalgia","Since no simple blood test or X-ray can tell you if you have fibromyalgia, symptoms may be similar to those of other conditions. Many medical conditions can cause pain in different areas of the body and your doctor may still want to do blood tests or X-ra" 88,5,"2017-12-13 06:08:27",Fibromyalgia,88,"2017-12-13 20:47:12","Fibromyalgia Treatment","Although there is no cure for fibromyalgia, treatment can relieve some of the symptoms. Since symptoms are diverse and vary among patients, treatment programs must be individualized for each patient. Treatment programs are most effective when they combine" 89,5,"2017-12-13 06:08:27",Fibromyalgia,89,"2017-12-13 20:47:12","Fibromyalgia Treatment: Patient Education","Patient education is an important first step in helping patients understand and cope with their diverse symptoms. Unfortunately, not all physicians are intimately acquainted with the variations of this illness. Community hospital support groups and the lo" 90,5,"2017-12-13 06:08:27",Fibromyalgia,90,"2017-12-13 20:47:12","Fibromyalgia Treatment: Stress Reduction","Many fibromyalgia patients admit feeling anxious, nervous, and even panicked during a fibromyalgia flare-up. Therefore, stress may play a very important role in triggering fibromyalgia symptoms. It is extremely difficult to measure stress levels in differ" 91,5,"2017-12-13 06:08:27",Fibromyalgia,91,"2017-12-13 20:47:12","Fibromyalgia Treatment: Exercise","The most important therapy for muscle pain is regular low-impact exercise. Keeping muscles conditioned and healthy by exercising regularly decreases the amount of discomfort. Low-impact aerobic exercises, such as swimming, cycling, walking, and stationary" 92,5,"2017-12-13 06:08:27",Fibromyalgia,92,"2017-12-13 20:47:12","Fibromyalgia Treatment: Diet","Even though research hasn't shown specific foods that can reduce fibromyalgia symptoms, some patients have found that they feel better when eating certain foods. Patients may find it helpful to keep a food diary and record their symptoms after eating. Thi" 93,5,"2017-12-13 06:08:27",Fibromyalgia,93,"2017-12-13 20:47:12","Fibromyalgia Treatment: Medications","Traditionally, the most effective medications for the treatment of fibromyalgia have been the tricyclic antidepressants, medications often used in treating depression. Tricyclic antidepressants appear to reduce fatigue, relieve muscle pain and spasm, and " 94,5,"2017-12-13 06:08:27",Fibromyalgia,94,"2017-12-13 20:47:12","Fibromyalgia Treatment: Local Injections","Fibromyalgia pain may be reduced with the injection of local anesthetic (such as lidocaine or Marcaine). The medication can be injected into peripheral tissues, such as muscles in the shoulders or buttocks or at the tender-points. Tender-point injections " 95,5,"2017-12-13 06:08:27",Fibromyalgia,95,"2017-12-13 20:47:12","Alternative Treatments for Fibromyalgia","Alternative treatments work well for some fibromyalgia patients. Holistic therapies influence one’s total being, which may reduce chronic pain and stress. Alternative remedies may allow patients to reduce their medications and increase normal activities. " 96,5,"2017-12-13 06:08:27",Fibromyalgia,96,"2017-12-13 20:47:12","Alternative Fibromyalgia Treatment: Acupuncture","Acupuncture may help treat fibromyalgia because it can alter brain chemistry and help increase pain tolerance. During treatment, a practitioner inserts one or more dry needles into the skin and underlying tissues at specific points. Gently twisting or oth" 97,5,"2017-12-13 06:08:27",Fibromyalgia,97,"2017-12-13 20:47:12","Alternative Fibromyalgia Treatment: Electroacupuncture and Laser Acupuncture","Electroacupuncture is another way of stimulating the acupuncture points. It uses a needle hooked up to small wires connected to very slight electrical currents. Heat (moxibustion) and massage (acupressure) can also be used during this electroacupuncture p" 98,5,"2017-12-13 06:08:27",Fibromyalgia,98,"2017-12-13 20:47:12","Alternative Fibromyalgia Treatment: Chiropractic Care","Chiropractic care is another alternative treatment for fibromyalgia pain. It can treat pain of pressure points, back pain, neck pain, shoulder pain, headaches, and pain from musculoskeletal injuries. Chiropractic may be effective for fibromyalgia because " 99,5,"2017-12-13 06:08:27",Fibromyalgia,99,"2017-12-13 20:47:12","Alternative Fibromyalgia Treatment: Massage Therapy","Massage therapy can reduce muscle tension and ease pain in the muscles and soft tissue. Fibromyalgia patients can benefit from massage therapy because it can improve circulation and range of motion and boost production of natural painkillers. A deep tissu" 100,5,"2017-12-13 06:08:27",Fibromyalgia,100,"2017-12-13 20:47:12","Alternative Fibromyalgia Treatment: Biofeedback","During a biofeedback session, patients are able to monitor their stress levels and practice relaxation techniques. Certain techniques may work better than others and during the session the patient will be able to monitor how their body reacts to the techn"