,name.ts,,name.popular_year,name.year_number,name.letter,name.gender,name.approval_rating,name.positive_comment_num,name.neutral_comment_num,name.negative_comment_num,name.positive_comment,name.neutral_comment,name.negative_comment,name.description,name.image_id 50,"2021-11-28 09:29:42",Adolph,1917,672,A,boy,50%,1,2,1,"
  • ""In spite of the negative connotation of this name, I do like it quite a bit."" Oct. 18, 2006: ","
  • ""Adolph Zukor, Adolph Green, and Adolph ""Chico"" Marx were all nice Jewish boys, unlike that nasty gentile in the Old World that was surnamed Hitler...and he RUINED this name, big time!"" Feb. 5, 2019:
  • ""Even though it's spelt ""Adolph"" rather than ""Adolf"", it doesn't lessen its association with Hitler, even 69 years after WW2's end. It seems as if the only notable bearer of this name in a positive light is the American lyricist Adolph Green - who, BTW, is Jewish (or at least he was till he died in 2002 aged 88). Just what would Hitler have thought of that?"" Jun. 16, 2014: ","
  • ""Even if this name is spelt Adolph, the American English way, or in the French way as Adolphe (as in the actor Adolphe Menjou), it is still not likely to overcome them terrible Hitler associations even if some good things came out of Hitler's reign of terror in the late 20th century - for instance the Seventies Swedish pop group Abba, in which one of the two female members, the red-haired Anni-Frid ""Frida"" Lyngstad, was the illegitemate daughter of one of Hitler's hench-men and an unmarried Norwegian mother (Frida was to be brought up in Sweden by her grandmother after her mother died and her father disappeared from her life for a number of years - despite a temporary reunion between dad and daughter in 1977 when Abba were now household names)."" Mar. 7, 2008:
    2 Neutral Comments

  • Records indicate that 17,532 boys in the United States have been named Adolph since 1880.

  • The greatest number of people were given this name in 1917, when 672 people in the U.S. were given the name Adolph. Those people are now 103 years old.

    So ... how do we know this stuff? Baby Names Hub identifies trends by analyzing vast amounts of data made available by the U.S. government and other public sources. This data, including social security statistics, provides detailed information on baby name popularity and trends in the United States.

    ","{ ""39"": { """": 39, ""image.path"": ""/f0/eb/9c/99/f0eb9c998e93c3a66c82bc66e4a29884f3260acf.jpg"", ""image.media_1"": """" } }" 51,"2021-11-28 09:29:50",Adolphus,1922,86,A,boy,?,,,,,,,"

  • Records indicate that 2,664 boys in the United States have been named Adolphus since 1880.

  • The greatest number of people were given this name in 1922, when 86 people in the U.S. were given the name Adolphus. Those people are now 98 years old.

    So ... how do we know this stuff? Baby Names Hub identifies trends by analyzing vast amounts of data made available by the U.S. government and other public sources. This data, including social security statistics, provides detailed information on baby name popularity and trends in the United States.

    ","{ ""40"": { """": 40, ""image.path"": ""/52/7b/9d/e5/527b9de556e575a06687d82ecfb91db4eba71acd.jpg"", ""image.media_1"": """" } }" 52,"2021-11-28 09:30:02",Adonis,2012,372,A,boy,100%,3,2,,"

  • ""My son's name is Adonis. He is 16 and he has never had issues with being teased. If you want to name your son an uncommon name that stands out, Adonis is a great name."" Apr. 6, 2015:
  • ""my boyfriends name is adonis and it is very differnet! alot of people love it because the way it sounds! thats going to be our sons middle name!"" Oct. 14, 2008:
  • ""I name my son Adonis he is 5 years old. i love this name because of the meaning of i. So far, so good we don't have any problems with other people pronounce it or spelling it. It suprise me how many people know the meaning."" May. 21, 2006: ","
  • ""i love the name odanis. thinking to name my son like that :)"" Mar. 4, 2013:
  • ""Adonis was my brother's name. He was killed and now it will be the middle name of my son being born tomorrow"" Oct. 5, 2011: ",,"

  • Records indicate that 4,683 boys in the United States have been named Adonis since 1880.

  • The greatest number of people were given this name in 2012, when 372 people in the U.S. were given the name Adonis. Those people are now 8 years old.

    So ... how do we know this stuff? Baby Names Hub identifies trends by analyzing vast amounts of data made available by the U.S. government and other public sources. This data, including social security statistics, provides detailed information on baby name popularity and trends in the United States.

    ","{ ""41"": { """": 41, ""image.path"": ""/f2/c7/f8/32/f2c7f83251831e1d6c49335f690152d4c858e319.jpg"", ""image.media_1"": """" } }" 53,"2021-11-28 09:30:10",Adrain,1978,112,A,boy,?,,1,,,"

  • ""The name Adrian means black or dark. In German it means Fountain of joy Written by Adrian"" May. 28, 2010: ",,"

  • Records indicate that 1,607 boys in the United States have been named Adrain since 1880.

  • The greatest number of people were given this name in 1978, when 112 people in the U.S. were given the name Adrain. Those people are now 42 years old.

    So ... how do we know this stuff? Baby Names Hub identifies trends by analyzing vast amounts of data made available by the U.S. government and other public sources. This data, including social security statistics, provides detailed information on baby name popularity and trends in the United States.

    ","{ ""42"": { """": 42, ""image.path"": ""/b9/8b/c4/51/b98bc451b813c3a242d198d4b2f880c1c38334f9.jpg"", ""image.media_1"": """" } }" 54,"2021-11-28 09:30:15",Adrian,2008,"7,850",A,boy,92%,11,4,1,"

  • ""chose this name for myself and i'm very happy i did :)"" Jan. 11, 2020:
  • ""The name is so beautiful! I love how dark and mysterious it sounds, full of empathy and natural beauty"" Jul. 24, 2019:
  • ""I love Adrian...and these comments are super old. But Adrian is not SPANISH. LMFAO. There is ZERO relation to Spanish. Pronounced like in Spanish is better? mmmm. No. IMO."" Jan. 31, 2019:
  • ""I love the name Adrian and when my oldest was born instead of naming him after me I gave him this name but We spell it Adriean is this spelling ok"" Jan. 17, 2012:
  • ""Adrian ahd-RYAHN (spanish) with an accent mark over the second A!! its such a sexy name when said the right way! (in spanish) lol"" Jul. 31, 2010:
  • ""My husband's name is Adrian and it fits him well. I think this name is very masculine even though he says his name is girly!"" Jun. 4, 2009:
  • ""I LOVE this name. It is even more amazing pronounced in spanish. It is also my husband's name. On the down side he hates his name always has and probably always will. He says it is a girl's name and grows very tired of the same old joke...""YO Adrian!"""" Feb. 21, 2009:
  • ""Our 1st son's name is Ivan Antonio, he shares his middle name with his dad. Our 2nd is Adrian Gabriel, it sounds very romantic!"" Aug. 16, 2008:
  • ""My son's name is Adrian, he's 10 years old. I love this name because it is different for a boy however, becoming more common now. It sounds the best when pronounced in spanish."" Feb. 20, 2008:
  • ""My husband's name is Adrian. I remember when he first told me his name...I melted. It's just so beautiful, unique, strong, intelligent, compassionate...just like he is! His friends sometimes shorten it to Ade which I think is quite cool. His family will also on occassion call him Adey...cute, too!"" Feb. 3, 2007:
  • ""We're seriously considering this for our 2nd son's name. First son's name is Gabriel and I think they go well together. Sisters are Carolyn and Rebekah."" May. 10, 2006: ","
  • ""my boyfriend's name is adrian too ;) and i love his name. its super common though and his family and i call him dren for short."" May. 31, 2010:
  • ""My Dads Called Adrian and my mum calls him Ade-The-Spade!"" Apr. 12, 2007:
  • ""i named my son adrian 22 years ago, its the most fantastic name, for a child to have,i wish he were here today,so when i here the name being called out, it makes me smile."" Aug. 24, 2006:
  • ""I know some one with this name, accully it's my boyfriend. He is such a hunk"" Jul. 19, 2006: ","
  • ""My grandgrandson is Adrian. I love him but don't like his name. I think it doesn't fit him. My granddaughter expected a girl, she was sure that it will be a girl and didn't check a gender of her child. SHe said that she is sure and if it won't be a girl, then she would like to have a surprise. They chose a name for a girl - Adrienne - because her partner is French and didn't choose a name for a boy. So when the boy arrived they just called him Adrian. I think it was bad idea, now he is quite manly boy, tall for his age and really hates his name. He says it's ""girlish"". I think so. If he were my son I would give him more masculine and boyish name."" Nov. 1, 2015:
    4 Neutral Comments

  • Records indicate that 197,893 boys in the United States have been named Adrian since 1880.

  • The greatest number of people were given this name in 2008, when 7,850 people in the U.S. were given the name Adrian. Those people are now 12 years old.

    So ... how do we know this stuff? Baby Names Hub identifies trends by analyzing vast amounts of data made available by the U.S. government and other public sources. This data, including social security statistics, provides detailed information on baby name popularity and trends in the United States.

    ","{ ""43"": { """": 43, ""image.path"": ""/d0/c4/bf/9c/d0c4bf9c4fede02a4c4c04b77f88a0b6eaf43115.jpg"", ""image.media_1"": """" } }" 55,"2021-11-28 09:30:19",Adriel,2012,599,A,boy,?,,,,,,,"

  • Records indicate that 4,158 boys in the United States have been named Adriel since 1880.

  • The greatest number of people were given this name in 2012, when 599 people in the U.S. were given the name Adriel. Those people are now 8 years old.

    So ... how do we know this stuff? Baby Names Hub identifies trends by analyzing vast amounts of data made available by the U.S. government and other public sources. This data, including social security statistics, provides detailed information on baby name popularity and trends in the United States.

    ","{ ""44"": { """": 44, ""image.path"": ""/a1/ef/90/d3/a1ef90d3ffdada8acd0749c703b3df828303e9a9.jpg"", ""image.media_1"": """" } }" 56,"2021-11-28 09:30:28",Adrien,2009,344,A,boy,100%,2,,,,,,"

  • Records indicate that 3,555 boys in the United States have been named Adrien since 1880.

  • The greatest number of people were given this name in 2009, when 344 people in the U.S. were given the name Adrien. Those people are now 11 years old.

    So ... how do we know this stuff? Baby Names Hub identifies trends by analyzing vast amounts of data made available by the U.S. government and other public sources. This data, including social security statistics, provides detailed information on baby name popularity and trends in the United States.

    ","{ ""45"": { """": 45, ""image.path"": ""/87/be/11/66/87be11662e7ff78f498e9a3a3f6f58e2063446ce.jpg"", ""image.media_1"": """" } }" 57,"2021-11-28 09:30:35",Adron,1904,8,A,boy,100%,1,,,,,,"

  • Records indicate that 14 boys in the United States have been named Adron since 1880.

  • The greatest number of people were given this name in 1904, when 8 people in the U.S. were given the name Adron. Those people are now 116 years old.

    So ... how do we know this stuff? Baby Names Hub identifies trends by analyzing vast amounts of data made available by the U.S. government and other public sources. This data, including social security statistics, provides detailed information on baby name popularity and trends in the United States.

    ","{ ""46"": { """": 46, ""image.path"": ""/c3/c3/52/a1/c3c352a12c8d1e76581a177431fe0db4e44e93ad.jpg"", ""image.media_1"": """" } }" 58,"2021-11-28 09:30:49",Aedan,2007,278,A,boy,100%,1,,,,,,"

  • Records indicate that 1,504 boys in the United States have been named Aedan since 1880.

  • The greatest number of people were given this name in 2007, when 278 people in the U.S. were given the name Aedan. Those people are now 13 years old.

    So ... how do we know this stuff? Baby Names Hub identifies trends by analyzing vast amounts of data made available by the U.S. government and other public sources. This data, including social security statistics, provides detailed information on baby name popularity and trends in the United States.

    ","{ ""47"": { """": 47, ""image.path"": ""/74/dd/26/85/74dd26852b9956802822ee070b097371c10ac2ee.jpg"", ""image.media_1"": """" } }" 59,"2021-11-28 09:30:56",Agnes,1910,13,A,boy,?,,,,,,,"

  • Records indicate that 111 boys in the United States have been named Agnes since 1880.

  • The greatest number of people were given this name in 1910, when 13 people in the U.S. were given the name Agnes. Those people are now 110 years old.

    So ... how do we know this stuff? Baby Names Hub identifies trends by analyzing vast amounts of data made available by the U.S. government and other public sources. This data, including social security statistics, provides detailed information on baby name popularity and trends in the United States.

    ","{ ""48"": { """": 48, ""image.path"": ""/9d/dd/91/52/9ddd915277a41c1f8785a653fa0bbfd24f0c1df9.jpg"", ""image.media_1"": """" } }" 60,"2021-11-28 09:31:02",Agustin,2001,372,A,boy,100%,1,,,,,,"

  • Records indicate that 13,005 boys in the United States have been named Agustin since 1880.

  • The greatest number of people were given this name in 2001, when 372 people in the U.S. were given the name Agustin. Those people are now 19 years old.

    So ... how do we know this stuff? Baby Names Hub identifies trends by analyzing vast amounts of data made available by the U.S. government and other public sources. This data, including social security statistics, provides detailed information on baby name popularity and trends in the United States.

    ","{ ""49"": { """": 49, ""image.path"": ""/f8/00/04/25/f80004258a2e8d64545bcd2a81f09a0b98cc9b41.jpg"", ""image.media_1"": """" } }" 61,"2021-11-28 09:31:11",Agustus,1880,5,A,boy,?,,,,,,,"

  • Records indicate that 5 boys in the United States have been named Agustus since 1880.

  • The greatest number of people were given this name in 1880, when 5 people in the U.S. were given the name Agustus. Those people are now 140 years old.

    So ... how do we know this stuff? Baby Names Hub identifies trends by analyzing vast amounts of data made available by the U.S. government and other public sources. This data, including social security statistics, provides detailed information on baby name popularity and trends in the United States.

    ","{ ""50"": { """": 50, ""image.path"": ""/7b/bd/e3/1c/7bbde31cd8f74d407401efa0c236b0498fa38593.jpg"", ""image.media_1"": """" } }" 62,"2021-11-28 09:31:17",Ah,1887,6,A,boy,?,,,,,,,"

  • Records indicate that 11 boys in the United States have been named Ah since 1880.

  • The greatest number of people were given this name in 1887, when 6 people in the U.S. were given the name Ah. Those people are now 133 years old.

    So ... how do we know this stuff? Baby Names Hub identifies trends by analyzing vast amounts of data made available by the U.S. government and other public sources. This data, including social security statistics, provides detailed information on baby name popularity and trends in the United States.

    ","{ ""51"": { """": 51, ""image.path"": ""/1d/9c/b2/5a/1d9cb25a39ea99353de8602257759bbc000368d3.jpg"", ""image.media_1"": """" } }" 63,"2021-11-28 09:31:22",Ahmad,2001,661,A,boy,100%,1,,,,,,"

  • Records indicate that 13,941 boys in the United States have been named Ahmad since 1880.

  • The greatest number of people were given this name in 2001, when 661 people in the U.S. were given the name Ahmad. Those people are now 19 years old.

    So ... how do we know this stuff? Baby Names Hub identifies trends by analyzing vast amounts of data made available by the U.S. government and other public sources. This data, including social security statistics, provides detailed information on baby name popularity and trends in the United States.

    ","{ ""52"": { """": 52, ""image.path"": ""/d1/c1/26/a7/d1c126a78d72430d09ffd50a64dd071df6ca5ce4.jpg"", ""image.media_1"": """" } }" 64,"2021-11-28 09:31:28",Ahmed,2012,537,A,boy,?,,,,,,,"

  • Records indicate that 10,303 boys in the United States have been named Ahmed since 1880.

  • The greatest number of people were given this name in 2012, when 537 people in the U.S. were given the name Ahmed. Those people are now 8 years old.

    So ... how do we know this stuff? Baby Names Hub identifies trends by analyzing vast amounts of data made available by the U.S. government and other public sources. This data, including social security statistics, provides detailed information on baby name popularity and trends in the United States.

    ","{ ""53"": { """": 53, ""image.path"": ""/54/65/3c/f0/54653cf0cdc599afa52cd78327d851299abcaf5f.jpg"", ""image.media_1"": """" } }" 65,"2021-11-28 09:31:31",Aidan,2003,"10,055",A,boy,94%,84,36,5,"

  • ""I'm a 12 year old named Aidan and I love my name. The only problem is, EVERYONE gets the spelling wrong. And I mean everyone except your parents. Teachers, friends etc. Even when your name is RIGHT THERE IN FRONT OF THEIR FACES lol. So that can be annoying but I still love the name even though it's common"" Jul. 29, 2017:
  • ""I am 11, and my name is Aidan. All the time, the other kids or teachers pronounce it adian, aiden, or whatever else. Its kind of annoying, but i still like the name. I am the only person i know named aidan and spelled right."" Apr. 2, 2017:
  • ""My 12 year old brothers name is Aidan i love the name and he is so mean sometimes but we are irish twins so we get along easily and i hope he sees this"" May. 13, 2016:
  • ""I was born in 1994. No one had this name. I like it, but there are millions of little Aidan's running around now. And no one can spell it correctly. I've gotten Adrian, Alden, Jayden, Hayden etc. Also when its written out for people they butcher the pronunciation. It's two real words for Gods sake: Aid. an."" Sep. 9, 2013:
  • ""Similar experience to some of the other posters. My name is Aidan and I was born in 1990 when there were very few others Aidans around, and was passed down the name through my Irish ancestry (names are recycled from middle to first etc). Kind sad to hear it called out so much with all these little kids running around; the awful, butchered spelling of the name as well ..."" May. 9, 2013:
  • ""My name is Aidan, I think it is a great name, the only thing I am not keen on is that it always gets spelled wrong. But the meaning 'fiery' definetly fits me, because I get angry quite easily. I don't know many people with the same name from me, apart from a couple of Aidan's at school."" Apr. 29, 2011:
  • ""My sons name is Aidan! I named him in 2010. His big sister picked it out. His full name is Aidan Carlisle."" Mar. 21, 2011:
  • ""My favourite boy's name. A Gaelic name that is easy for non-Gaelic speakers to pronounce and spell, Aidan is becoming increasingly popular, but still strikes me as a nice alternative to the more common ""Patrick"" or ""Sean""."" Feb. 14, 2011:
  • ""My name is Aidan I was born in 1986, it wasn't a common name in general (not even in Ireland) but strangely enough in a school of 500 pupils the three Aidan were all in the same year. Aodh?in is the gaelic Irish pronounced A-dawn...."" Dec. 6, 2010:
  • ""As a teacher it's difficult to find a name that is ""special."" I fell in love with the name AidEn in the early '90's. My husband and I had a difficult time conceiving, so when I found out I was pregnant I knew the baby had to have this name. One meaning we saw was ""warmth of the house"" and our boy is that! As for the spelling, I asked my 7th graders at the time how'd they spell it. The E won! While we know it's popular, he's the only Aiden in his grade of 150 students; it seems after 2000 that it really became well-known."" Nov. 6, 2010:
  • ""We named our son Aidan because we liked the name. We were looking over the list of names which are used in USA and ALBANIA, so Aidan was one of them. BTW it is an old Illyrian/Albanian name as well, not only Irish ;) At the hospital we were told that Aidan was for girls and Aiden was for boy, the lady was just ignorant --- AIDAN is a BOY's name."" Oct. 26, 2010:
  • ""My friends husband was called Aidan and It was the first time I'd heard it. I loved the name and years later we had a little boy and named him Aidan. I Still love the name and my boy who is 12 now. Only thing that gets us annoyed is people spelling it wrong. Sometimes my boy wishes we'd given him a different name but he does like it."" Oct. 10, 2010:
  • ""my names aidan, i was born in 1990. never known any other aidans apart from odd one at school. i still get annoyed when its spelt wrong!"" Oct. 1, 2010:
  • ""My son was born in 2000, and we spell it traditionally with the ""an"", the ""en"" makes me cringe. At the time, no one we knew had ever heard of the name-it was fun to feel a little original, but in the grades below him it is quite popular. I love the name, I just wish people would spell it right."" Jan. 26, 2010:
  • ""My name is Aidan and I was born in 1989 back when the name was virtually non-existent. I've never had anyone in my class named Aidan and around 2004-2005 I suddenly started hearing my name crop up everywhere. It honestly pissed me off. I wish people would stop jumping on the band wagon. However, if you want to name your kid Aidan... Please at least spell it right. It's Aidan. Not Aiden, not Ayden or any other variation. Go with the traditional Gaelic or the common usage in Ireland (Aidan). I'm tired of parents trying to put a unique spelling on a name which they were just too ignorant to look up. It wasn't until the 4th grade that a teacher spelled my name right (last and first) and people continue to spell my name wrong."" Oct. 20, 2009:
  • ""My son's name ( he is 7 months is Aidan ) , I named him after my name ' Nadia ' backwards :) And he has redhair just like a little irish boy!"" Aug. 10, 2009:
  • ""My son will be named Aydin as it is the Persian spelling of this name and honours our heritage. Isn't a rose by any other name still as sweet? So will be our little Ayden/Aidan/Aydin..."" Feb. 26, 2009:
  • ""My son(who is almost 6)is called Aidan, but in holland where we live,people can't pronounce it properly. his teacher, has still difficulties pronouncing the name. The name fits him really right, he is our own little Knight. I really love the name."" Jan. 22, 2009:
  • ""We chose the name Aidan for our son, who was born Nov. 21, 2007, because it was strong, beautiful and (we thought) unusual. We really wanted a good Irish name. Even though we now know just how popular this name is - we would not change our choice at all. The name and its meaning fits our Aidan perfectly. Aidan's rock!!"" Nov. 26, 2008:
  • ""I'm planning on naming my future son Aidan. I love that name."" Oct. 13, 2008:
  • ""As an Aidan for the last 30 years, I love my name. Congrats to all the parents that have wisely chosen such an awesome name for their kids. Bravo!"" Oct. 4, 2008:
  • ""I love Aidan my son who is 3 & 1/2 yrs old, we loved the name, it perfectly fits hims as he is hyoperactive as the name suggests fury, he is always a fire in the house with not resting a single moment, also he is good at his kinder garden school. I love him , he is my only adorable angel"" Sep. 22, 2008:
  • ""We named our 8-month old son, Aidan. We have an Irish last name and wanted an Irish first name. Nowhere in any of our Irish baby name searches did we see this was a common name recently! Might have chosen Liam if we had know. But, I truly love the name. It fits our son perfectly."" Aug. 5, 2008:
  • ""My 4.5 yo son's name is Aidan. I love the name. It's perfect for him. It's beautiful. And it's totally original. Yes, I know. It's wildly popular nowadays. We had no idea when we chose his name. None at all. We just thought it sounded great. I'd met two adults named Aidan in 2002. I'd heard the name before but never met anyone with the name, so it was suddenly on my radar, and it just stuck with me. NEVER had I heard of a kid named Aidan, but then, I didn't really know any kids before Aidan (our older child) was born. So we basically came up with it on our own, as I think many people did. I care not a whit that it's popular. American's are way too obsessed with unusual, outlandish names. Lotta kids these days are saddled with SILLY names just because their parents are so desparate for them to be unique. (Not going to name any examples). It's undignified. As far as I'm concerned, Aidan is the ""John"" of this generation. Good, solid name, and not self-consciously weird, unusual, or silly. And it's the perfect name for our son."" Jul. 31, 2008:
  • ""I had my son Aidan in July if 2005. At the time we were searching for a strong Irish name for our child and when we came across the name it was perfect! As many others, it also bothers me when people assume that his name is spelled Aiden or some other way. Aidan is a beautiful and strong name"" Jul. 15, 2008:
  • ""This name is super overused now! Everyone give it a breather. With all the Aidans, Braedens, and Cadens all of the names are sounding so sing songy alike. Its a good name but has been ruined by its overuse and ryhming competition!!"" Apr. 16, 2008:
  • ""We named our son Aidan in 1991, he was the only one we knew for a long time. When he started kindergarten, a 5th grade boy was also Aidan and ""big Aidan"" went right down to my son's class to meet another Aidan, they were both so excited! Now the name has gotten much more common. We don't have to repeat it so often! I am tired of it being spelled with the en, we are forever having it corrected."" Mar. 30, 2008:
  • ""My son's name is Aidan. It frequently gets misspelled (Aiden or Aden) and elderly people have a hard time understanding what I am saying when I say his name. I love the name, despite its popularity."" Mar. 26, 2008:
  • ""My grandson is Aiden.It fits him,he is 18 months old and a ball of fire always on the go."" Mar. 19, 2008:
  • ""My name is Aidan and I get so many people saying they like it. People often spell it Aiden, and some even call me Hayden when they first hear me say it. Other than that, I think it's a great name. :)"" Mar. 17, 2008:
  • ""I love this name. It really gives a strong sense of success and hope."" Mar. 1, 2008:
  • ""I named my son Aidan in 1985 when it was rarely heard. I know kids often wish they had a different name, but he has always felt comfortable with his. I think it works great for a little boy and a man. Yes, he often ends up repeating and/or spelling it. An exchange student from Ireland stated it was like Kelly or Tracy and used for male and female. And while it hadn't been that common over there it seems to be becoming more popular."" Feb. 12, 2008:
  • ""My one year old son's name is Aidan. Please often spell it Aiden, which I don't like nearly as much. I have loved the name Aidan for years and my husband likes it as well so as soon as I became pregnant, we knew our child would be named Aidan if we had a boy. We only wish the name were less common. Aidan is a very old name but we hadn't realized how many ""sound-alike"" names were now popular. There were not many children in our social circles but since having Aidan, we are constantly meeting Cadens and Jayden and Haydens, etc."" Jan. 9, 2008:
  • ""This is the name of my son who was born in 1973. he was named after his paternal uncle who still resides in Ireland and is the youngest of eight.I loved the name and we spell it Aidan and the d and the n blended so you do not here the a, we also say it A-dan.For many years he was the only Aidan in our social circles here in New York. I still think it is a beautiful name and very different-most people did not know how to spell it or where it came from, most people do love the sound of it.More recently, I know many more babies being named Aidan and I wish it weren't becoming so popular. submitted by Aidans mom-Laura"" Dec. 22, 2007:
  • ""My 8yr old son is named Aidan. We prefer the ""a"" spelling, although many people assume an ""e."""" Dec. 2, 2007:
  • ""Funny, I am due 3/29/08 and Aidan/Aiden is at the top of my list as well. I can't decide on the spelling though. Thoughts?"" Nov. 29, 2007:
  • ""Haven't met many - but this is my son's name. It is occasionally spelled incorrectly - but aren't many names. I think it's a great character name."" Nov. 18, 2007:
  • ""I love this name! Definitely on the top of our list for a boy!"" Nov. 17, 2007:
  • ""not really sure my wife and i are getting ready to have are first child. It or should i say he is going to be a babie boy. we are going to name him aidan so i would like your feedback thank we are due 3-07-08"" Nov. 12, 2007:
  • ""i am eight and a half months pregnant with my fifth child i came across the name by a co worker who has a five and a half month old grandson named aiden i love the name for my daughter and intend to name her this it is also the name of a csi character aiden burns my other children names are Ferguson(boy) Luetta(girl) Anthony(boy) and Bobbijoe(girl) the name aidan gets a thumbs up from me"" Oct. 16, 2007:
  • ""Aidan really means fire, i know someone who is as his name sounds."" Sep. 19, 2007:
  • ""in our holiday there was a waiter..his name was aidjan i think or aidan..but they spell it aidjan"" Aug. 23, 2007:
  • ""Our 10 year old is named Aidan Sean. The name fits him to a T and we're glad we chose it."" Aug. 10, 2007:
  • ""We named our son Aidan when he was born in late 2001. We opted for the Gaelic spelling too as it felt more ""correct"". We chose the name because we're both of celtic origin and he had a full head of fire red hair when he was born."" Jun. 1, 2007:
  • ""My husband and I are thinking of naming our son Aidan and like the classical Gaelic spelling. Aiden appears to be more American and more linked with the female spelling... though I have heard of several boys with spelling Aiden. It is likely a popular name peaking in 2015..."" May. 2, 2007:
  • ""I named my daughter ""Ayden"" people often think she is a boy. I love the name and new a GIRL with the same name almost 10 years before i had my daughter in 2003."" Apr. 16, 2007:
  • ""My son who was born in 2003 is Aidan. I love the name but it is too popular now!"" Apr. 6, 2007:
  • ""Loved this name when I gave it to my son in 2000, but now I am disappointed with its popularity as know he will not have a unique name like I had intended."" Mar. 18, 2007:
  • ""I named my son Aidan. I agree with the biggest problem is people spelling it Aiden. We named him Aidan because Aidan means fire and he was born a leo which is a fire sign. Its a very popular name right now, so I think he might not like it later on just because so many people going to school with him will have the same name."" Feb. 26, 2007:
  • ""My son's name is Aidan. The most common problem is that it is misspelled Aiden. When he began Kindergarten in 2004, there was an Aidan in 1st grade and another Aidan in his Kindergarten class. Unfortunately the other Aidan moved to another city last summer, so my son is the only Aidan at his school right now (the school only goes K - 2; then the next campus is 3-5)."" Feb. 26, 2007:
  • ""I really like this name. It's the exact reverse of my name, Nadia. =)"" Feb. 25, 2007:
  • ""My son is named Aidan. People misspell it all the time as Aiden or Aden."" Jan. 31, 2007:
  • ""My sister just named her first born ""Aidan"" & I love the name!"" Nov. 22, 2006:
  • ""my name is Aidan and everyone allways spells it wrong. but its great name!"" Nov. 20, 2006:
  • ""I named my son Aidan, gosh I love the name but I had no idea how popular it was, he will be 3 soon and I know about 3 other boys named Aidan around his age."" Sep. 25, 2006:
  • ""I took the name Adian and made it Adyan. For my first born son and I just love the name. My second son is named Adiran."" Sep. 10, 2006:
  • ""When we named our son Aidan in 1992 even many of our Irish friends were not that familiar with it. Some friends and acquaintances had never even heard of it, and that was just fine for us. We wanted our son?s name to be unique, not popular! In kindergarten he had 4 Alex?s in the class, and that would have driven me crazy. I love the name but wish it had not become so popular"" Sep. 6, 2006:
  • ""We named our son Aidan because we like the meaning (""fiery""... and yes he is!), it's a strong name, and we don't personally know any other Aidans as of yet. It does seem to be increasingly common, but people still comment positively on the choice. We love it!"" Aug. 23, 2006:
  • ""It will be the name of my son. I think it's a classic name."" Aug. 21, 2006:
  • ""Aiden in Irish means little fire...Ive found nearly every Aiden I know to be a little firey!!"" Jul. 20, 2006:
  • ""We named my son Aidan in 2000, and I'd nevr heard it before and knew NO kids or adults with that name, except for the actor.... since then it's become disgustingly popular, which is a bit disapointing, but I still LOVE the name and it fits my son well!"" Jul. 13, 2006:
  • ""My husband and I named our little boy Aidan in 2005. I do not know any other Aidan's and most people tell me that they have never heard the name but they love it! Some people do want to spell it Aiden, though!"" Jun. 19, 2006:
  • ""When my husband and I named our son Aidan in 1995, it was primarily because of our Irish heritage. We knew it was common enough in Ireland but did not know of any other children in the States with the name. Now it's absolutely amazing how its popularity has soared..."" Jun. 12, 2006:
  • ""named my DAUGHTER Ayden in 2005 and absolutely love it"" May. 22, 2006:
  • ""I names my second son this in 1983, No one had this name then."" May. 20, 2006:
  • ""I picked the name Aidan for my son born in 2004 due to the meaning ""fire or fiery"". At the time my husband was a volunteer firefighter. Plus we are of Irish/Scottish descent. It's become way to popular/trendy now. People are finding too many weird ways to spell it (Ayden, Aydon, Aidon). However I don't regret my choice one bit. It's still a good strong name."" May. 14, 2006:
  • ""We named our 1st born son Aidan...we loved this name from the moment we found it! And we still do!!"" Apr. 22, 2006:
  • ""we named our son Aidan when he was born in 2004. True there are more Aidans out there than before be we love the sound of the name."" Apr. 19, 2006:
  • ""I love this name, I am the mother of a AIDAN. My son was born after my girl NADIA (meanning - hope) who is 2 years older than her brother. I did not plan it ahead, and was so happy to find it."" Mar. 21, 2006:
  • ""I love this name, me and my husband have decided to name our first boy Aidan...but it'll be spelled Ayden...i love it!"" Mar. 17, 2006:
  • ""My brother's name is Aidan, and i really like it.Also, just to say Aidan, spelled backwards is Nadia!!!"" Mar. 8, 2006:
  • ""I'm a 45 Y/O male named Aidan, pronounced the same as the city Aden. My name has been mispronounced as far back as I can remember, more often than not it was pronounced Adian or Adrian but this has never bothered me. Until recently, wherever I ever went and heard ""Aidan"" called out, it was always me that they were calling to, but now I find there are many more Aidans out there than just me. I'm proud to be an Aidan."" Feb. 28, 2006:
  • ""My husband and I named our second son Aidan, born 2005. We knew it was becoming very popular, and we struggled with that, but in the end it was the one boys name that we both loved. Just today, while getting our Aidan's pictures taken, there was another Aidan getting his pictures taken. Lots of people do spell the name Aiden when they send letters, e-mails, etc. We went with the ""an"" ending (Aidan) because it was the more common way to spell the name. There's worse things in the world than having a common name."" Feb. 3, 2006:
  • ""My name is Aidan. It is a fairly well known name in Ireland, where I grew up. I came to the U.S. in 1989. As you can see from the graph above, I have been very busy ever since :-)."" Feb. 2, 2006:
  • ""We named our son Aidan in 1998 the only comment I got about it was, did we named him that from the main characters boyfriend on Sex in the City. At the time I had never seen the show. We picked the name out of a baby book. After about 2000 I saw a lot of babies named Aidan."" Jan. 26, 2006:
  • ""My son is named Aeden, because Aed is Gaelic for firey one and of course he has red hair. It is a very strong name and we loved it for years before he was born in 2002. We thought we were being original. At least the spelling was."" Jan. 15, 2006:
  • ""hi my name is Aidan im from Cork in Ireland i realy like the name as its unique but not too different and its just cool.emailme at [email protected]"" Dec. 2, 2005:
  • ""I like my name alot because I only know one person with the same name and he was named after me. They moved to another province."" Nov. 26, 2005:
  • ""my brothers name is aidan and his mom chose it because she thought it would be unpopular but by the time he turned 6 he had already met 10, and 3 live on his street! p.s. He's six"" Nov. 22, 2005:
  • ""My son, Aidan, was born on a Monday (scheduled c-section delivery). When we left the hospital on Friday, 5 other Aidans were in the nursery!! Everyone assumes that I named my son after the character of Aidan in the HBO hit ""Sex and the City"", but I fell in love with the name in 1985 ... when I first spied Aidan Quinn in ""Desperately Seeking Susan""."" Nov. 18, 2005:
  • ""We thought it would be a relatively uncommon name and we liked it so we gave it to our son in 2004. We were a little disappointed to find out that EVERYONE knows an Aidan, a Jaden, or a Caden."" Aug. 25, 2005:
  • ""My name is aidan. However i find it is often spelt aiden."" Aug. 12, 2005:
  • ""I named my son Aidan in 1985. Since then I've heard or seen it a number of times, but generally with much younger boys. Yes, he has the same problems with spelling and pronunciation. I think it will become more popular- seems people should be ready for something ""new""."" Jul. 29, 2005:
  • ""Always loved the name Aidan, before we even got married! Named our firstborn Aidan in 2002 and was shocked and how popular it became everywhere! We still get a TON of compliments on it and we still stand true to our feeling, it's a good, solid, strong name for our little boy!"" Jul. 24, 2005: ","
  • ""I am 11 years old and I?m an aidan to i love the name but it?s so annoying because everyone spells it wrong even my family it?s really annoying. Even spellcheck changes it to Aiden when my name is Aidan."" May. 13, 2018:
  • ""my name is aidan im 14 and alot of people spell it wrong and it drives me crazy but i love my name so much"" Mar. 6, 2018:
  • ""I named my daughter Aidan in 1990, thinking it would be original. Since our background is Korean, we felt that she would have a rare name (combo Irish-Korean). Her name has become unbelievably popular amongst adults in Korea who just pick European 1st names and add them on to their own! Can you believe (haha)? -- Sort of backfired on us! Lots of people pronounce it ayeedan (go figure) & she gets a lot of mail addressed to Mister..."" Jan. 20, 2011:
  • ""My brother's name is Aidan. I love the name but my only problem with it is that it has blasted into popularity. Because of that fact and because he goes to school with so many ""Aiden""s, people frequently misspell it as such. The schooling system sometimes mail us letters with his name spelled wrong! But I still love his name and describes him well."" May. 3, 2010:
  • ""Love the name - HATE the fact that it has become the Jennifer of its day. I honestly was at at a water park last week and there were so many dads yelling ""aiden"" and i swear half the boys under 5 turned around to see who was calling them. Completely overused."" Jan. 13, 2010:
  • ""My son, Aidan, was born in 2003. When he was born, most people spelledit Aidan. Now all the personalized things in stores spell it Aiden. I hate that because he can't get a personalized keychain, bike license plate, etc. And people constantly misspell it Aiden. His teachers do, the dr's office, etc. I would like to kow why the trend shifted to spelling it Aiden."" Jan. 3, 2010:
  • ""my father is Aidan, his grandfather is Aidin. I am also Aidan, as is my firstborn. We have landed."" Dec. 29, 2009:
  • ""I was originally going to name my son Jaden (which I have been told a lot of celebrity parents have named their sons). I didn't like at all but I did like the sound of Aidan (similar to Jaden minus the J) so I looked up the meaning for Aidan and fell in love with it. My son was born in August, making him a Leo which is a ""fire"" sign."" Dec. 3, 2009:
  • ""I have a 9-year-old named Aidan (born in July 2000). At the time, we had to point out to people who hadn't heard of it and thought maybe we made it up (which there were many) of the actor Aidan Quinn and the character on Sex & the City named Aidan (which is why I really think it took off earlier in the decade). He's the only Aidan in his 4th-grade class but there are MANY in the classes behind him. At the time we thought it was beautiful and unique and despite its popularity, I still think so. I also love that it means ""fire."" I can't imagine my Aidan being named anything else. And my husband and I like to consider ourselves trendsetters!"" Oct. 8, 2009:
  • ""My 2 y/o son is named Aidan. I thought it was such a strong name when I first read it on one of those baby name sites. I never heard of it before that. It is very suiting for our son. He has a firey spirit. Who cares if it is popular; it is a wonderful name, though I do not care for the weird ways people spell it."" Jul. 17, 2009:
  • ""My Aidan is a 18 month boy. We chose his name in the womb and thought it was unique. Come to find out it is very popular these days. His mother is a red haired Irish/English and I am full Vietnamese with black hair. My wife wanted to have an Irish name. We found that Aidan is the traditional Irish spelling. He has fair skin and copper/brown hair, big brown eyes, with some Asian features. We did not know what to expect, but he turned out to be a good looking kid."" Jun. 18, 2009:
  • ""my son is an aidan, and it's a beautiful perfect name, but sadly has caught fire, and there are too many kids with the name. oh well, i wouldn't change my son's name for the world. he is who he is, and he's an aidan. maybe other parents are on the trendy train, but when you've got an aidan, you can't help but name him properly."" May. 2, 2009:
  • ""As an Aidan from Ireland, I've always liked the fact that I had two first names, the Gaelic A?d?n (pronounced ""ay-o-dawn"") and the English-equivalent which is Aidan."" Dec. 30, 2008:
  • ""I wanted to name my son Aidan, I'm glad I didn't. Way too overused these days."" Dec. 25, 2008:
  • ""I used to like the name Aidan until trendy people started using it obsessively. Most people don't even know it's origins or the proper spelling. Aidan can be spelled Aidan, Aiden or Aedan, all are correct, not Aden or Aydin. Just like my name a few years ago, Sean, Aidan is being ruined just like Sean was by names like Shaun and Shawn."" Dec. 18, 2008:
  • ""My son Aidan is now 16 years old and when he was an infant everyone assumed we made the name up. I think he was probably 6 or 7 years old before he ever meet someone with his same name. I love the fact than people of non-Irish decent are using the name but I don't get it when they find the need to mis-spell it because they're not ""Irish""! I makes no sense at all."" Nov. 26, 2008:
  • ""my sister's name is aidan she was born in 1991, at the time we knew no one with the name and have still heard very few girls with the name. we give her a hard time now because it's like the most popular boys name ever, and is now pretty unoriginal"" May. 11, 2008:
  • ""My granddaughter's name is Aidan. I love the name."" Jan. 28, 2008:
  • ""One of my soon to be 11 year old twins is named Aidan (his brother is Liam). We still love the name, although there seem to be a lot more around these days, thanks to Aidan on Sex and the City."" Nov. 21, 2007:
  • ""LOVE THIS NAME! It is so beautiful and matches anyones personalitys!"" Sep. 2, 2007:
  • ""It's a pretty name But explain why three of thoses emo kids I know are called Aiden. Because it's mainstream, just like them =]"" May. 30, 2007:
  • ""I love the name, but I'm not sure I want to name my baby that, because I fear there will be 3 other Aidan's in his kindergarten class. (I like the spelling ""Aiden"" more)"" Apr. 24, 2007:
  • ""Loved this name and planned to use it until I realized how common it is. I think we'll call him Niall instead."" Apr. 18, 2007:
  • ""i am naming my son Aidan and have had the same response with the spelling. Everyone thinks it should be Aiden."" Apr. 17, 2007:
  • ""I just named my son Aidan in 2006 but i'm dissapointed in how many people thing his name is spelt Aiden.. with an E"" Apr. 2, 2007:
  • ""We wanted to name our first born Aidan, but it was a girl, so we waited a few years and in 2002, we finally had our Aidan!Good solid irish name. I have never met an Aidan that has not been ""fiery""!"" Oct. 1, 2006:
  • ""I absolutely love this name. Didn't realise it was getting so popular though."" Jul. 29, 2006:
  • ""First heard it as a name for a soap opera character....then all the sudden I've heard it everywhere. I thought maybe it was Celtic after hearing the song Aidia.....not really sure what the origin is....I am not even sure I like the name."" Jun. 25, 2006:
  • ""We named our littlec boy ""Ayden"" - a variation on the usual spelling. No one we know has ever known anyone with this spelling, although we did find it in a baby book spelt that way."" Apr. 15, 2006:
  • ""We chose the name for our first born in early 1990...but she was a girl & we wanted to save the name for a son. In 1995, we had a son (Aidan Thor). Now, since SEX AND THE CITY, everyone is naming their kid ""Aidan"". We are not pleased...wanted an uncommon name...but it's so excellent, who can blame them?? And, yes, it's often misspelled (Aiden)."" Feb. 7, 2006:
  • ""My son's name is spelled AYDEN. Although the name is extremely popular, this spelling isn't as widely used."" Jan. 17, 2006:
  • ""It is a name without western roots or an English equivilant. It has been spelled phonetically as Aiden and Aidan or any other combination you like. Some choose the ""Aidan"" spelling for its Christian roots in Saint Aidan. Some spell it any other way to avoid that connotation."" Jan. 3, 2006:
  • ""My son's name is Aidan..which at the time was very unusual...but it has now hit the U.S. and I'm glad..I don't ever hear ""I've never heard that before"" anymore. Besides, a visiting priest from Ireland who shared the same name said it is making a comeback in Ireland-cool!"" Nov. 21, 2005:
  • ""I found it nice because My husband and I are Turkish-Persian-American.we are looking for a name which is nice and meaningful in 3 languages!If it is spelled Aidan it means brightness and well_being."" Aug. 31, 2005:
  • ""Yes, it's my name and has been for many years! The hardest part of ""living"" with it is the mis-spellings and mis-pronunciations (Aiden, Adian, Aidian, Adrian, etc). With it's recent increase in popularity, especially with traditional spelling, it's getting better!"" May. 28, 2005:
  • ""Love the name, but with the popularity increasing so much in such a short period of time, you have to wonder if it will be around for a while or if it will just be a name for the generation born in the 1990s and 2000s."" May. 21, 2005: ","
  • ""my name is Aidan and everybody at my school is named Aidan or some other spelling and the teachers always spell it wroung and some just call me totally different names like Aiden or adam becuase they dont know how to spellit and and at least 10 other boys are named Aidan in my GRADE."" Nov. 5, 2019:
  • ""The name ""Aidan"" stinks. I dont know any idiots that would possibly name their kid Aidan except for this kid Ray. I hate everyone named Aidan and everyone who likes the name."" May. 14, 2009:
  • ""thinking of naming my son aiden (he's not born yet) and i love the name."" Apr. 7, 2007:
  • ""it's just a stupid name i don't like it and it doesn't roll off my toung easily TANYA sorry but i dont like it"" Aug. 11, 2006:
  • ""This name looks familiar...Didn't I already see it on the list? No matter how you spell a name it's still the same name...unoriginal"" Aug. 7, 2005:
    36 Neutral Comments

  • Records indicate that 95,920 boys in the United States have been named Aidan since 1880.

  • The greatest number of people were given this name in 2003, when 10,055 people in the U.S. were given the name Aidan. Those people are now 17 years old.

    So ... how do we know this stuff? Baby Names Hub identifies trends by analyzing vast amounts of data made available by the U.S. government and other public sources. This data, including social security statistics, provides detailed information on baby name popularity and trends in the United States.

    ","{ ""54"": { """": 54, ""image.path"": ""/36/d4/41/cf/36d441cfb7e371bac34beebed3faa23fae30f3e2.jpg"", ""image.media_1"": """" } }" 66,"2021-11-28 09:31:35",Aiden,2009,"15,846",A,boy,91%,95,45,9,"

  • ""We named our son Aiden, 9 years ago after an incredible pyrotechnic show from a RUSH concert. It's Celtic for fire and he was born early the next day. By the way, his middle name is Lee after lead singer Geddy Lee of RUSH."" Nov. 11, 2011:
  • ""One of my best friends are named Aiden! :D I love that name."" Oct. 29, 2011:
  • ""Yy son is due on Nov18th his name will be Aiden Van. Van is his fathers middle name, he will carry tOo.. :D"" Oct. 26, 2011:
  • ""My son is Aiden. His older brother is Liam and they go about as well together as brothers can be expected too :P. I didn't know any other Aidens at the time, but now I know many. I still wouldn't change it for the world because it fits him perfectly!"" Sep. 18, 2011:
  • ""Our daughter is named Aidan. Found in baby book as girl's name. Loved it; Irish heritage, pretty sound, a bit different without invention. Book said it meant the signal fire used when important things needed to be communicated between villages within a realm. All good. No problems with people accepting it. Lots of compliments."" Jul. 15, 2011:
  • ""People often spell our son's name Aidan it is really spelled Aiden."" May. 17, 2011:
  • ""my son named his pup aiden i know this is about childs name but she is he little girl.... an she is very fiesty an very strong willed"" Jan. 10, 2011:
  • ""We have a 7 year daughter named Ayden Layne. I met a girl named Aden about 16 years ago & loved it, we just added a ""Y"""" May. 23, 2010:
  • ""My daughter named her son Aiden. It fits. I love him andthe name . can't think of a better name."" Apr. 11, 2010:
  • ""My daughter who is is 2 is named Aydan. It means ""little fire"" I wanted an Irish name, though I am Brazilian, Aydan's father is Irish. Aydan doesn't have much of a fiery personality but she IS sweet and LOVES people and animals. She brings warmth and light where ever she goes which I think makes the name appropriate. I am glad to read that there are other girl Aydan's out there. I was worried she was stuck with a ""boy"" name and would be made fun of for it."" Mar. 28, 2010:
  • ""My son's name is Aiden Blake nad he's 6 years old. I LOVE the name & always thought it was for boys but think it's kinda cute for girls too."" Jan. 20, 2010:
  • ""Our son's name is Ayden Orion. He sure lives up to his name everyday. But then, the sweetness in that little (BIG) heart of his will soften you right up, into a big pile of mush. Interesting that he thinks flames are the coolest thing to have on his bike and anything. And a Leo at that (a fire sign). Coincidentally, I just figure this interesting fact out. Huh... It all makes sense now. Have a wonderful Day!"" Dec. 23, 2009:
  • ""2 weeks before i gave birth to my son, i began asking friends for name suggestion and in the first 24 hours, 3 friends suggested aiden/aidan and i loved it!! i had never heard it before, and now i hear how popular it is but owell. and fiery spirit, for sure! my son even has bright red hair to match!"" Nov. 4, 2009:
  • ""My son is Aiden James. How much more Irish could one get?"" Oct. 28, 2009:
  • ""I am due in October with my first child at 33...wasn't supposed to be able to get pregnant and so I never thought of baby names. When I found out I was indeed pregnant I just KNEW it was a boy. When I started looking through names Aiden Riley was the name that stuck. He's had the same name for 9months now. I don't care how popular it is or isn't. Unless he doesn't look like an Aiden (no matter how it's spelled) that's his name and I like it."" Aug. 31, 2009:
  • ""I'm an Aiden Couper, and i love my name! =P I think, stange as it may sound, that my name had given me a great upbringing! People seem to like my name, there isn't much trouble with spelling or pronunciation and it has a good crispness to it i think, unlike drew. It needs to be spelt A-I-D-E-N though, aidan is too heavy with all the a's and ayden is to complex... Aiden in celtic means Fire too! and thats pretty sweet i think. I rarely find other Aiden's I live in melbourne and have only ever encountered one other person spelt my way. it was very strange... i dont know how michaels can do it! =P hope my positive attitude shines a good light on my name! see you all!"" May. 25, 2009:
  • ""My son name is Aiden William, I love this name, it was my favorite and my bfs too. His middle name is after his dads middle name. I wanted to name hime Aiden Cristopher after his dad first name but we thought william was cuter!!:)"" Mar. 26, 2009:
  • ""My boyfriend picked this name for our son because he thought it was unique. I tried to tell him it was not but he just liked it. Now I'm glad we named him Aiden. His name really fits him!"" Mar. 16, 2009:
  • ""My little Aiden is such a cutie! His middle name is Christopher (after his dad). No problems with the name and Ive had TONS of people comment how much they liked the name. Its the new Adam/Michael!"" Feb. 6, 2009:
  • ""When we had our first child I picked the name Anthony, when our second was on the wasy and found out it was a boy, I saw the name Aiden and thought it was great and keeping with the ""A"". I did not know of the popularity until now. Dont matter though my Aiden is one of a kind."" Jan. 11, 2009:
  • ""My baby is due any day now and his name will be Aiden Brown, Brown being the middle name which is my girlfriend of 10 years last name."" Jan. 1, 2009:
  • ""When we named our son we felt that brayden, kaden, and jayden were over used so we dropped all the letters in front and named him aiden edward. That was 4 years ago. I had never heard that name. Now it's a very popular name. I now have two boys and we named our 2nd son Isaac Michael. We felt that Aiden & Isaac went together well."" Dec. 31, 2008:
  • ""Iam going to name my son Aiden, we are Indian Origin, and i think this name will suit him so well...and i just love the sound of it :)"" Dec. 16, 2008:
  • ""My son is Aiden James and he is one firery spirit that's for sure! He fits his name and his name fits his personality. He is my love,my life and my heart."" Dec. 15, 2008:
  • ""My husband picked this name out 2 years ago....and YES now according to certain sites its ""overused"" which actually hurts my feelings. I had never even heard of the name before we found it, let alone run into anyone with that name."" Dec. 2, 2008:
  • ""I chose Aiden for my son in 2000. I did not choose the Aidan spelling because I did not want people to shorten his name to Dan. No one shortens his name anyway. We only knew 1 Aiden when he was born, now we know about with multiple spellings including Ayden!"" Nov. 14, 2008:
  • ""I'm due in march and the babys name will be Aiden James"" Nov. 13, 2008:
  • ""My son's name is Aiden Brody Licon. I picked it because the meaning of my name is fire and my husbands is little... and Aiden means little fire."" Sep. 12, 2008:
  • ""we are of Indian origin ( India). We love the name aiden. It sounds beautiful with my husband's last name. Aiden Chandler Dakshina. He is going places with that name."" Jul. 16, 2008:
  • ""Aiden is my baby brother and he is an angel...sometimes."" Jun. 18, 2008:
  • ""Aiden isnt from Sex and the City, his name was spelled Aidan."" May. 17, 2008:
  • ""I named my son Josh Aiden .. everyone like's the cute name..."" May. 1, 2008:
  • ""It's my son's name and he lives up to the name daily!!"" Nov. 2, 2007:
  • ""Reminds me of one of my favorite bands - post-hardcore rockers Aiden <3"" Sep. 11, 2007:
  • ""I love this name and will be naming my soon to be soon Aiden"" Jul. 14, 2007:
  • ""MY FAVORITE GUYS NAME! Im gonna name my kid that if he is a boy! And, he is my special sweet hearts name, this name, is TO DIE FOR!"" Jul. 1, 2007:
  • ""Well, I named my son Aiden almost two years ago and boy I didn't realize how popular it was until after I named him it. It seemed like everyone was running around with a baby named Aiden."" Jun. 25, 2007:
  • ""We named our son Ayden Cooper. My husband and I are both A's so we wanted to stick with it. It just stinks that we now know 3 other children named Aydan, Aiden, Aidan (all Girls) I can just imagine that he's going to end up having quite a few other Ayden's in his class as he's growing up. I think Ayden is one of those boys names that sounds cute for girls too, but Ayden will always be a boys name in my book."" May. 29, 2007:
  • ""We named our son Ayden Cooper. My husband and I are both A's so we wanted to stick with it. It just stinks that we now know 3 other children named Aydan, Aiden, Aidan (all Girls) I can just imagine that he's going to end up having quite a few other Ayden's in his class as he's growing up. I think Ayden is one of those boys names that sounds cute for girls too, but Ayden will always be a boys name in my book."" May. 29, 2007:
  • ""Our eldest son is named Aiden Bryce...we love the name but I guess we could be biased!!!"" May. 20, 2007:
  • ""My sons name is Aiden Ivan, but his baptism name is Aiden Gabriel and everyone loves it because it is so unique."" Apr. 5, 2007:
  • ""I names my second son Aiden Christopher and I love it!! Everyone that I come across who ask what my baby's name is and I tell them Aiden Christopher- they love it too! Most people say what a cute name and they love the two names put together. Stefanie from South Dakota"" Mar. 16, 2007:
  • ""I named my son Aidan in 2003. I loved the name since hearing it on Sex & The City years earlier. (lame, I know, but I did research it and we just loved the way it sounds) Also, we are of Irish and Scottish descent. The name means ""fiery"". Spelled Aiden it is Irish. Spelled Aidan, it is Scottish. (and oddly enough, my spell check recognizes aiden as being spelled wrong...not so with Aidan. Weird :o)"" Mar. 7, 2007:
  • ""this is my son's name and he is named after the gothic/ punk band. i am stationed in germany and the germans pronounce the name ""iden"" which i think is pretty cool"" Mar. 1, 2007:
  • ""I love it, but I didn't pick it. It was between Aiden and Vance. I went with Vance."" Jan. 19, 2007:
  • ""Our 4 year old sons name is Aiden Gabriel and we just LOVE IT! I always had my heart set on that name even before it became trendy. Our son was born in 2003, so I think that we might have just missed the ""too trendy"" cut off. I would not have cared any way- we just love it. Aiden means ""Little firey one"" and out little guy is definietly that at times:)Everyone tells us how much they just adore his name- Only boy in his entire preschool with that name! Don't worry about what anyone else thinks of your child's name. It is your choice and your baby will have that name the rest of their lives, so make sure it's what YOU want!"" Jan. 7, 2007:
  • ""My husband, who thinks boys should only have traditional names, found Aiden and loved it! So Aiden it will be! I was SHOCKED when a baby magazine said people are using it for a girl's name. (Whichever poster above said it was whimpy for a boy hasn't seen a pre-school class full of 3 male Aidens and the one, poor girl Ayden who has to constantly explain to her peers that her name COULD be for a boy or a girl. A little bit ostracising if you ask me but there's no denying that the name is gorgeous!) We're going with Aiden Kade. Everyone has loved it and twice we have been told that it's a ""strong"" name that sounds great for a boy. Wouldn't every guy in high school like to have a sporty, tough sounding name?!! (And wouldn't every girl like to date a guy whose name evokes images of buff, muscular models?!!)"" Dec. 19, 2006:
  • ""Aiden is an Amazing name I had sex with a guy with name, I had the best time ever!"" Dec. 10, 2006:
  • ""We named one of our twin boys Aidan and I cannot imagine a better name for him!"" Nov. 14, 2006:
  • ""We just named our son Aiden and he is a ""little fire"" so its perfect."" Nov. 7, 2006:
  • ""It is a wonderful name. It means fiery, but that is not a bad thing. My Aiden has fire and strength and determination and those are all positive traits if nurtured just right!"" Nov. 6, 2006:
  • ""Our niece just had a baby boy and called him Aiden!! 1/2 an hour ago! We have heard him on the mobile and will see him tomorrow!!"" Nov. 3, 2006:
  • ""I named my son Aiden he was born in 03' I named him aiden because the name wasn't too popular it's like he's going to be in class with 3 other aiden."" Oct. 13, 2006:
  • ""Our son is due in January. We have agreed on the name Ayden James. I will always call him Ayden, but when he is older, he has the option to be AJ. I think it is a very strong name :)"" Sep. 25, 2006:
  • ""I named my son aiden 7 years ago because it was a name that i had only heard of once.I spelt it with an E instead of an A to be different and now there is haden,jaden,and caden.My son fits the meaning of his name to the T.I still love the name just wish it wasn't so popular."" Sep. 9, 2006:
  • ""I am having a boy in October 2006 and I am naming him Aidan. I found the name while looking on the internet under celtic names and just fell in love with it! It's the first name I picked and I am sticking with it. I don't know anyone with a child named Aidan or even anyone named Aidan. There are two ways to spell it, obviously, I found this spelling was the name of a saint. So hopefully I'll have a saint myself!! haha"" Sep. 8, 2006:
  • ""people spell my name wrong alot but when it comes to them pronounceing it they always pronounce it right. each school i go to there is always a 1 or 3 kids named Aiden. ps. i am 20"" Sep. 7, 2006:
  • ""We are naming our son Aiden Christopher and have had Absolutly zero negative reactions! Our last name is Martin and it means Warlke and Combative too! So the meaning Firey just fit! Besides I like popular names too. I have 2 daughters also named Kaitlyn and Hailey! Ive read popular names help your child fit in and be more excepted by thier peers!"" Aug. 28, 2006:
  • ""I just got my first grandchild; a beautiful boy - Aiden Christopher!!"" Aug. 19, 2006:
  • ""My nephew's name is Aiden. I thinks it's a unique boys name without getting to odd. I didn't know of any Aidens' until my nephew."" Aug. 11, 2006:
  • ""We named our first born son Aiden because it's a cool name."" Aug. 4, 2006:
  • ""Our son is called Aiden. He has a strong character and is very fiesty!! Where I live the name is not common, which is good. Most people pronounce it correctly."" Aug. 4, 2006:
  • ""Aiden, this is the name of our future son. It ages very well.."" Jul. 31, 2006:
  • ""I just had a baby 10 weeks ago and named him Aidan. Most people spell it with an e instead of a but we chose a. We love the name :)"" Jul. 29, 2006:
  • ""Aiden is a fantastic name. It does not seem so original like other names such as ""tom"". Every person named Aiden is very special indeed. From Aiden James Scott [email protected]"" Jul. 27, 2006:
  • ""I had my daughter in March and I named her Aiden because it is a bible name...everyone said it's beautiful because its different."" Jul. 10, 2006:
  • """"boring...aiden caiden jaiden...can't anyone be original?"" If that isn't the most unoriginal thing to say . . . My Aiden is 8 months old and he is the fire in my heart, and he keeps his two older brothers 2 and 4 busy chasing him and tickling him. You just can't have too many of that."" Jul. 4, 2006:
  • ""I named my little girl ""Aedyn"" and thought I was being completely orginial at the time. This was apparently around the time everyone else thought it would be a good idea. I still love the name and I especially love it for a girl. And yes, my Aedyn is very firey."" Jun. 1, 2006:
  • ""when my son was born late october 2004 he was going to be named dorian, but as soon as he was borne into this world we immediately saw that his personality did not match the name. My wife always liked the name Aiden, and knew it meant firey one. seeing how that fit this newborn's personality it became his name. I hadnt realized just how perfect it was until this year. That and the double whammy of him being a scorpio. wow."" May. 26, 2006:
  • ""My hubby and I happen to be very tempermental and we are sure our son cant escape that, so we gonna name him aiden, a blend of both our characters. we gonna love him that way."" May. 18, 2006:
  • ""I know an Aidan, and yes the name reflects the personality: a very strong, wise, old soul for a youthful feeling name."" May. 6, 2006:
  • ""My name is Aiden and i'm 21 years old. I see my parents were original!!! It wasnt popular back in the 80's. I People always ask me how i spell it, which can get annoying. But overall its a great name"" Apr. 19, 2006:
  • ""We named our son Aiden in 2005 and people asked where we got the name from. Now in 2006 it seems to be a lot more popular, and no one asks us anymore. I love the name! I wish it stayed original."" Mar. 24, 2006:
  • ""i love the name its my name! except i spell it Aidan (it looks nicer) and thats the way most people spell it in Ireland considering its an Irish name. but the Irish for Aidan is Aodhain"" Mar. 22, 2006:
  • ""Nice name. My friend just called her little boy Aiden another AJ"" Mar. 14, 2006:
  • ""We named our son Aiden a few years ago. Now it seems like everyone is named Aiden. I still like the name though. We are now expecting a girl and we want to make sure we don't name her anything too popular."" Mar. 1, 2006:
  • ""We are having our 3rd child, a boy, in less than 24 hours. Going with ""Aiden Scott"" for the name...thanks!"" Feb. 28, 2006:
  • ""great name, not boring at all! We named our son Aiden. We love it. we liked the name befor it got popular. it might be popular now but it will drop off eventually. We were not worried about that........."" Feb. 20, 2006:
  • ""My new grandson is named Aiden, my daughter chose that as there is noone in the family with that name and everyone loves it, and they all pronounce it right too."" Jan. 18, 2006:
  • ""I just named my son Aidan and everyone loves it! Some people spell it incorrectly but that is because they are too lazy to ask for the correct spelling."" Jan. 17, 2006:
  • ""Aiden hmm nice name Had a friend name his son that. i think its a powerfull Name yet discrete.who knows Maybe Somethings up."" Jan. 5, 2006:
  • ""My only grandson's name. Of course, it is a great name."" Jan. 3, 2006:
  • ""I like the name, and we are thinking about it for our son, who is due in June... happy naming to you all!"" Dec. 27, 2005:
  • ""I've met a couple of kids with this names- enough that i know how to spell (pr pronouce) it correctly. it still strikes me as very original."" Dec. 23, 2005:
  • """"Little Fire"" that what I like about Aiden. A boy with a little fire in him must be good if he knows how to use it positively. My soon to be born son going to have a little fire in him, yah!"" Dec. 22, 2005:
  • ""I have a son named Aiden everyone thinks that it is a beautiful name, I chose this name because his dad's name is Adam, and also that it means strong and masculine, as for as the fire part goes he is only 9 months old so we will have to wait and see."" Dec. 15, 2005:
  • ""i will be nameing my son Aiden coz its and irish/gaelic name from my heritage"" Dec. 5, 2005:
  • ""Got a seven year old called Aiden. he is very fiery but also loving, caring, and sensitive.People always comment on what a nice name it is and we still really like the name now."" Nov. 30, 2005:
  • ""Me and my man are thinking about naming our future son Aiden. We live in Sweden, so it's absolutely NOT a common name here, which is perfect! However, I think many will spell his name ""Aidan""... hmm.. well, not a problem, since it's such a beautiful name, and the pronounciation of the two names are the same...!=)"" Nov. 24, 2005:
  • ""I love it and plan on calling my child aiden or possible ayden. i'm just worried. do you evey get the nickname of ""aids"" or something like that? cause i wouldn't like that at all. and does the problem with spelling the name become annoying? (especially when they're young). i must admit, i do love it though! and it would be an awesome name for my little boy."" Nov. 16, 2005:
  • ""Be careful who you name ""Aiden"" as it means firey child or just plain fire. We named our son Aiden and his personality reflects it's meaning. Also my mother says he is her ""revenge child"" because he favors my behavoir, but my name is Angel so what do you make of that?! People often pronounce it correctly and usually asked how it is spelled. Almost everyone we meet comments that ""Aiden"" is a pretty name and that their friend or counsin named their son that."" Sep. 9, 2005:
  • ""I am a girl named Aiden. People do have problems spelling it, and many people assume I won't act very feminine since I have this name. Until a few years ago, most people I talked to had never met someone named Aiden, so overall i have to love my name"" Sep. 7, 2005:
  • ""I'm thinking about naming our son Aiden. I think it is a beautiful name, very strong and secure"" Aug. 4, 2005:
  • ""nice name but very popular over the past few years"" Jun. 22, 2005:
  • ""We named our son Aiden. When we tell people what his name is, they always ask how to spell it."" Jun. 22, 2005: ","
  • ""My grandson was just named Aiden, born on the 3rd of July. Has an Irish heritage so that goes well with the name. Just not sure about how he will like it in the future. He was given two middle names that are strong and traditional so he has choices if he needs them."" Jul. 5, 2013:
  • ""aiden adan mean fire.. whereas the Turkish name Aydin means enlightened or light of the moon. In islam the meaning of the name is very important so it has to be spelt the correct way. 35 weeks pregnant with a little boy. Will be naming him Aydin kamran <3"" Feb. 9, 2012:
  • ""My son's name is Aiden and even though it has been very popular I will always love that name. My husband tattoed Aiden in flames on his arms after the meaning of the name, and he is a little spitfire!"" Jan. 9, 2012:
  • ""My name is Aiden and I haven't had any problems with the name. I was born in the mid 90's and the name was very uncommon. I got so used to the feeling of knowing my name was so unused by others that I felt like I was the only Aiden around. Now, I can't go to an airport thinking someone was talking to me. I have yet to find anyone else my age with the same name (only little kids)"" Aug. 12, 2011:
  • ""The son in the movie one of the sequels ""The Ring"" is also named Aidan. Its not just from the show ""Sex and The City"""" Feb. 3, 2011:
  • ""The name is A-i-d-a-n. This is the original/ true irish name! America has battered this name making it hard for real irish people to understand the true spelling of it. AIDAN people!!"" Jan. 19, 2011:
  • ""I named my daughter Aiden in 2002. It was not a popular name at that time. She was born on the 4th of July, and having Irish ancestry I thought it fitting. I was a little disappointed to find out a few years later her name was the most popular baby name."" Dec. 15, 2010:
  • ""I hate the names Aiden and Jayden- not because they aren't nice names, which they are indeed. The problem I have with both those names is the fact that they have become such a fad. They're over-used to the point where they've become common and passe. Parents in this country need to be more original and quit hopping on bandwagons, it's stupid."" Oct. 10, 2010:
  • ""My daughters name is Aidenn, it is said that it means heaven or Eden, from the works of Edgar Allen Poe. Not from Sex and the City."" Jun. 5, 2010:
  • ""Why not name your kid something trendy? atleast he won't get picked on, because kids will be used to it.. i'm naming my son Aiden Alexander and i love it."" Nov. 21, 2009:
  • ""I like Aiden for a girl! Considering for our next child that is due in May."" Nov. 13, 2009:
  • ""My husband and i are expecting our first child this jan. and we are going to name him Ayden Kole Jessop. I think it has such a ring to it! my husband picked Ayden and I Kole. I cant wait to meet my little boy!"" Sep. 18, 2009:
  • ""My name is Aidan, I'm 22 so you could say I'm one of the first. No one has ever shortened my Name to Dan. It's slightly disappointing that in 20 years my name will be like Joe, John and Brian...that is, there will be three in every classroom or office...go with a unique name for your boy because when he's older he'll appreciate not being confused with anyone else."" Jun. 20, 2009:
  • ""My wife and I chose the name Aiden for our first born because it's just such a great name. It goes with my son perfect because he's such a happy baby. We love it and am sure he will too when he's older. P.S. STOP writing bad remarks on this name it's free for anyone to use!!"" Apr. 21, 2009:
  • ""i love this name my cousin has this name spelt like this i even know a girl with this name she's one of my bestfriends :]"" Apr. 13, 2009:
  • ""Aiden can be spelled three ways correctly, Aiden, Aidan, or Aedan. All these are the correct Irish ways that they were meant to be spelled as not these dumb trendy ways like Ayden that are ruining the Irishness of the name. Just like my name Sean which was trendy a few years back it was ruined by dumb spelling variants like Shaun and Shawn. Aiden was a nice name before ignorant people started a trend and didn't know how to spell it or knew what it meant or its history."" Dec. 18, 2008:
  • ""My five year old nephew is named Aidan and my boys call him ""Aids."" Drives his mom crazy! It also bums her out that it seemed so original when they chose it, but now it is so common."" Dec. 18, 2008:
  • ""I named my son Aiden Conri but I didn't realize that it was so popular, there are no other Aiden's in my area. We picked the name because we liked it but also the meaning. It is an Irish based name meaning little fire (I am very Irish) and since I had a lot of heartburn during my pregnancy my husband and I thought it would be a cute litle inside joke and help us to remember our journey. Our son will be a year very soon, and he has hair partway down his back, so I think the old wives tale about heartburn and baby's hair is TRUE!"" May. 17, 2008:
  • ""I'm naming my future son Aiden, because im a huge fan of the band, and think it makes a cool name ^-^"" Apr. 21, 2008:
  • ""I'm naming my son Aiden Gabino... It's what I always thought of to name him.... I've been calling him that even before I learned of his just love the strong..."" Apr. 17, 2008:
  • ""Everyone is naming their son Aiden because of the show Sex and the City, Aiden was the perfect guy. Take a look at the chart, the popularity of the name skyrockets in 2000 and up."" Mar. 24, 2008:
  • ""we haven't met many people wiht this name so it must be pretty rare! I had never even herd of it till my mom started watching a kid named Aiden!"" Nov. 17, 2007:
  • ""My son's name is Aiden (he's almost four). We knew no Aidens when he was born- and now we run into them everywhere. I love that is sounds masculine- and it works well for us. However, if you're looking for a name to be uniquely yours- keep looking!"" Aug. 11, 2007:
  • ""My daughter, Aedyn Michael (yes, like the boy Michael), turns five years old on Monday. I have met a couple of boys around 3 years old or so with the name Aidan, but no one that has heard of using the spelling I did. Looking around, it looks like that spelling has become pretty popular for boys in the last couple of years. Go figure"" Apr. 4, 2007:
  • ""At first i wanted to name my son Braydon but a friend beat me to it so Aiden was 2nd and someone i worked with stole this one also! Im thinking about saying the heck with it and just pretending i forgot about their kids..."" Mar. 20, 2007:
  • ""Any body who thinks a name can make you popular is dumm...Also back when I had to go through school in the 1980s Aidan was a little too close to AIDS - needless to say what happened. Also no pens/keyrings/mugs/badges with your name on, and your lucky if it isn't miss spelled! That said I do love MY name, and until maybe 5 years ago I had never heard anyone called it before - I now get confused when women in shops are shouting Aidan come here, only to look round and see a toddler getting shoutted at.....Hopefully it wont become too popular, now I am older the girls seem to like it and I dont want MY name asociated with hoards of chav babys."" Dec. 22, 2006:
  • ""Love it. It means firey and this world needs more of it."" Dec. 19, 2006:
  • ""I love this name. I've noticed that people always repeat it when they hear it for the first time - thought provoking perhaps?"" Nov. 15, 2006:
  • ""Man, make a single TV hunk named Aiden (Sex & The City), and now every woman of childrearing age wants a kid with that name! Yikes!"" Oct. 8, 2006:
  • ""I had a difficult time finding a name for my son but fell in love with ""Aiden"". Although the name is becoming more popular the spelling isn't. And his last initial being ""J"" just seemed to make it the perfect name for him."" Sep. 23, 2006:
  • ""I am surprised at how popular this spelling has become. We named our daughter this in January 2002, and altered the spelling from the traditional male name of Aidan."" Sep. 8, 2006:
  • ""we are having a girl next march and have decided to name HER Aiden Elizabeth. I think this name is as beautiful for a girl as a boy"" Aug. 30, 2006:
  • ""Say thank you to ""Sex and the City"" for making this name so popular"" Aug. 15, 2006:
  • ""I love the name! I don't run into many people with it!"" Aug. 10, 2006:
  • ""We named our son Aiden because I'm of Irish descent and my husband's parents (who are Korean) can pronounce it. It means little fiery one - and boy is he ever! Unfortunately, the name is becoming more & more popular so I'm afraid he'll end up in class with several other Aidens or Aidans. I have also met several girls named Aiden in the last year. It's still a beautiful name though."" Jun. 22, 2006:
  • ""aidan is a GREAT girl's name, but very wimpy for boys. it is turning into a girl's name, so parents might want to think twice before using it for boys."" Jun. 14, 2006:
  • ""We named our son Aiden. While i was in hospital my nurse told me the newborn in the next room is also named as Aiden"" Mar. 14, 2006:
  • ""I named my son Aiden due to the meaning not really the sound of it. I had a baby name book which stated Aiden meant ""Warmth of the Home"""" Jan. 13, 2006:
  • ""well this name was so evil that i just want to tell my bother to name his son that to and b/c it a name of a band ya"" Jan. 4, 2006:
  • ""our son is named aiden. when we named him people had never heard of it. now, it seems like every third child is an aiden, jaden, caden or braden....... aaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrgggggggghhhhhhhhh!"" Jan. 3, 2006:
  • ""I love that name!!! I usually am very picky with baby names, but I just adore this name"" Dec. 29, 2005:
  • ""I'm a girl name Aidan and many have trouble spelling and believe it a boys name. My mother said aidan was for girls and aiden for boys is this true?"" Dec. 16, 2005:
  • ""If you look up the meaning- it simply states ""strong and masculine"""" Oct. 12, 2005:
  • ""This name is very positive. It sounds like a name that would make a boy popular."" Jun. 2, 2005: ","
  • ""Very much a bandwagon name that exploded in popularity in the early 21st century."" Jan. 26, 2010:
  • ""Every redneck in town is naming their kid Aiden. I liked the name at first, now I hate it."" Jul. 4, 2009:
  • ""i know this baby named aiden. he kinda looks like Heinz Ward"" May. 20, 2009:
  • ""way over used, just like Brayden, Caden, Hayden, and Jayden. I guess I like more original names."" Nov. 22, 2008:
  • ""I have thought of the name Aidan for over a decade. I had my son in 2004 and used the name. I thought I was being original. Unfortunately I never watched ""sex and the city"" and there was a character named Aidan. The show made the name Aidan one of the most popular in the 2000s"" Oct. 20, 2006:
  • ""Aiden is the name a gorey band. They have a popular song called ""Die Romantic."""" May. 1, 2006:
  • ""very boring, and so unorginal...can people stop making names up for boys...sounds like a girls name"" Nov. 22, 2005:
  • ""boring...aiden caiden jaiden...can't anyone be original?"" Aug. 7, 2005:
    45 Neutral Comments

  • Records indicate that 129,796 boys in the United States have been named Aiden since 1880.

  • The greatest number of people were given this name in 2009, when 15,846 people in the U.S. were given the name Aiden. Those people are now 11 years old.

    So ... how do we know this stuff? Baby Names Hub identifies trends by analyzing vast amounts of data made available by the U.S. government and other public sources. This data, including social security statistics, provides detailed information on baby name popularity and trends in the United States.

    ","{ ""55"": { """": 55, ""image.path"": ""/e9/5f/ed/fe/e95fedfec71668d70975a7ab24291ac38e133ee5.jpg"", ""image.media_1"": """" } }" 67,"2021-11-28 09:31:43",Aidyn,2011,363,A,boy,100%,2,,,,,,"

  • Records indicate that 2,089 boys in the United States have been named Aidyn since 1880.

  • The greatest number of people were given this name in 2011, when 363 people in the U.S. were given the name Aidyn. Those people are now 9 years old.

    So ... how do we know this stuff? Baby Names Hub identifies trends by analyzing vast amounts of data made available by the U.S. government and other public sources. This data, including social security statistics, provides detailed information on baby name popularity and trends in the United States.

    ","{ ""56"": { """": 56, ""image.path"": ""/2f/f8/ad/64/2ff8ad6481722a0c5f84a2ed2a139b7223d13125.jpg"", ""image.media_1"": """" } }" 68,"2021-11-28 09:31:48",Ajay,2003,157,A,boy,?,,1,,,"

  • ""I t is wonderful, sweet, small name I LOVE MY NAME and my friends call me jay............ i am very thankful to my parents for choosing my name such a unique and different name..."" Dec. 20, 2012: ",,"

  • Records indicate that 157 boys in the United States have been named Ajay since 1880.

  • The greatest number of people were given this name in 2003, when 157 people in the U.S. were given the name Ajay. Those people are now 17 years old.

    So ... how do we know this stuff? Baby Names Hub identifies trends by analyzing vast amounts of data made available by the U.S. government and other public sources. This data, including social security statistics, provides detailed information on baby name popularity and trends in the United States.

    ","{ ""57"": { """": 57, ""image.path"": ""/87/cf/ae/cd/87cfaecdd424778d1ff6e2b5e1d7e0cf87352d78.jpg"", ""image.media_1"": """" } }" 69,"2021-11-28 09:31:58",Akeem,1990,570,A,boy,?,,,,,,,"

  • Records indicate that 3,844 boys in the United States have been named Akeem since 1880.

  • The greatest number of people were given this name in 1990, when 570 people in the U.S. were given the name Akeem. Those people are now 30 years old.

    So ... how do we know this stuff? Baby Names Hub identifies trends by analyzing vast amounts of data made available by the U.S. government and other public sources. This data, including social security statistics, provides detailed information on baby name popularity and trends in the United States.

    ","{ ""58"": { """": 58, ""image.path"": ""/fb/93/f6/8f/fb93f68f51a794ccd45b051827cd2112686ae2b3.jpg"", ""image.media_1"": """" } }"