,name.ts,,name.popular_year,name.year_number,name.letter,name.gender,name.approval_rating,name.positive_comment_num,name.neutral_comment_num,name.negative_comment_num,name.positive_comment,name.neutral_comment,name.negative_comment,name.description,name.image_id 130,"2021-11-28 09:39:51",Alpheus,1895,8,A,boy,?,,,,,,,"

  • Records indicate that 75 boys in the United States have been named Alpheus since 1880.

  • The greatest number of people were given this name in 1895, when 8 people in the U.S. were given the name Alpheus. Those people are now 125 years old.

    So ... how do we know this stuff? Baby Names Hub identifies trends by analyzing vast amounts of data made available by the U.S. government and other public sources. This data, including social security statistics, provides detailed information on baby name popularity and trends in the United States.

    ","{ ""119"": { """": 119, ""image.path"": ""/72/98/33/6c/7298336cb5d35ee320c80e08541811a3e1bb52bf.jpg"", ""image.media_1"": """" } }" 131,"2021-11-28 09:39:57",Alphons,1891,5,A,boy,?,,,,,,,"

  • Records indicate that 5 boys in the United States have been named Alphons since 1880.

  • The greatest number of people were given this name in 1891, when 5 people in the U.S. were given the name Alphons. Those people are now 129 years old.

    So ... how do we know this stuff? Baby Names Hub identifies trends by analyzing vast amounts of data made available by the U.S. government and other public sources. This data, including social security statistics, provides detailed information on baby name popularity and trends in the United States.

    ","{ ""120"": { """": 120, ""image.path"": ""/20/c3/89/be/20c389beb34e180e1fd75a175a2e61e0cb9d86c4.jpg"", ""image.media_1"": """" } }" 132,"2021-11-28 09:40:10",Alphonse,1918,356,A,boy,?,,,,,,,"

  • Records indicate that 8,774 boys in the United States have been named Alphonse since 1880.

  • The greatest number of people were given this name in 1918, when 356 people in the U.S. were given the name Alphonse. Those people are now 102 years old.

    So ... how do we know this stuff? Baby Names Hub identifies trends by analyzing vast amounts of data made available by the U.S. government and other public sources. This data, including social security statistics, provides detailed information on baby name popularity and trends in the United States.

    ","{ ""121"": { """": 121, ""image.path"": ""/cb/a7/b7/ba/cba7b7ba384915bbba1f2b67b14060ae2ce968a3.jpg"", ""image.media_1"": """" } }" 133,"2021-11-28 09:40:13",Alphonso,1962,317,A,boy,?,,,,,,,"

  • Records indicate that 13,584 boys in the United States have been named Alphonso since 1880.

  • The greatest number of people were given this name in 1962, when 317 people in the U.S. were given the name Alphonso. Those people are now 58 years old.

    So ... how do we know this stuff? Baby Names Hub identifies trends by analyzing vast amounts of data made available by the U.S. government and other public sources. This data, including social security statistics, provides detailed information on baby name popularity and trends in the United States.

    ","{ ""122"": { """": 122, ""image.path"": ""/40/61/dc/a8/4061dca885d478f7845d8d0e7fb7acfbff7e51f4.jpg"", ""image.media_1"": """" } }" 134,"2021-11-28 09:40:14",Alphonsus,1892,9,A,boy,?,,,,,,,"

  • Records indicate that 53 boys in the United States have been named Alphonsus since 1880.

  • The greatest number of people were given this name in 1892, when 9 people in the U.S. were given the name Alphonsus. Those people are now 128 years old.

    So ... how do we know this stuff? Baby Names Hub identifies trends by analyzing vast amounts of data made available by the U.S. government and other public sources. This data, including social security statistics, provides detailed information on baby name popularity and trends in the United States.

    ","{ ""123"": { """": 123, ""image.path"": ""/8e/3b/40/7b/8e3b407b3450cf0836172ecde52684b9d6de829b.jpg"", ""image.media_1"": """" } }" 135,"2021-11-28 09:40:20",Alston,1894,7,A,boy,100%,3,,,,,,"

  • Records indicate that 7 boys in the United States have been named Alston since 1880.

  • The greatest number of people were given this name in 1894, when 7 people in the U.S. were given the name Alston. Those people are now 126 years old.

    So ... how do we know this stuff? Baby Names Hub identifies trends by analyzing vast amounts of data made available by the U.S. government and other public sources. This data, including social security statistics, provides detailed information on baby name popularity and trends in the United States.

    ","{ ""124"": { """": 124, ""image.path"": ""/fc/a1/c8/b0/fca1c8b03ff80450a68225f059c2e6aa25e927b6.jpg"", ""image.media_1"": """" } }" 136,"2021-11-28 09:40:26",Alta,1895,9,A,boy,?,,,,,,,"

  • Records indicate that 19 boys in the United States have been named Alta since 1880.

  • The greatest number of people were given this name in 1895, when 9 people in the U.S. were given the name Alta. Those people are now 125 years old.

    So ... how do we know this stuff? Baby Names Hub identifies trends by analyzing vast amounts of data made available by the U.S. government and other public sources. This data, including social security statistics, provides detailed information on baby name popularity and trends in the United States.

    ","{ ""125"": { """": 125, ""image.path"": ""/b8/53/a1/bf/b853a1bf33aed2235ee88090b52f9bde063b2285.jpg"", ""image.media_1"": """" } }" 137,"2021-11-28 09:40:30",Alto,1897,8,A,boy,?,,,,,,,"

  • Records indicate that 57 boys in the United States have been named Alto since 1880.

  • The greatest number of people were given this name in 1897, when 8 people in the U.S. were given the name Alto. Those people are now 123 years old.

    So ... how do we know this stuff? Baby Names Hub identifies trends by analyzing vast amounts of data made available by the U.S. government and other public sources. This data, including social security statistics, provides detailed information on baby name popularity and trends in the United States.

    ","{ ""126"": { """": 126, ""image.path"": ""/35/4d/6f/09/354d6f09d3eb0645c38c90feba7088493a445645.jpg"", ""image.media_1"": """" } }" 138,"2021-11-28 09:40:34",Alton,1937,833,A,boy,?,,2,1,,"

  • ""We pronounce his name All-ton (like the town) but a lot of people say Al-ton (like the Cheff). Either way is fine. My only issue is people drop the ""t"" calling him all-en. Maybe 3 people have called him Elton. Comments I hear : 1 - Thats a different name. 2- That was my grandpa or great grandfathers name! 3- Is he named after Atlon Brown? 4- Do you know who Alton Brown is?"" Jun. 24, 2012:
  • ""So many people pronounce my father's name Elton. It's pretty annoying."" Jan. 20, 2006: ","
  • ""alton alton alton, elton elton elton. i don't like me bro bro! don't report as inappropriate"" Jul. 21, 2007:
    2 Neutral Comments

  • Records indicate that 43,909 boys in the United States have been named Alton since 1880.

  • The greatest number of people were given this name in 1937, when 833 people in the U.S. were given the name Alton. Those people are now 83 years old.

    So ... how do we know this stuff? Baby Names Hub identifies trends by analyzing vast amounts of data made available by the U.S. government and other public sources. This data, including social security statistics, provides detailed information on baby name popularity and trends in the United States.

    ","{ ""127"": { """": 127, ""image.path"": ""/d5/82/2d/e4/d5822de4c742e7a9d80fe178167e3f77aecf410d.jpg"", ""image.media_1"": """" } }" 139,"2021-11-28 09:40:44",Alva,1917,316,A,boy,?,,1,,,"

  • ""Thomas Alva Edison, the famous American inventor, bore this name. He died in 1929 aged 82."" Jun. 9, 2008: ",,"

  • Records indicate that 10,189 boys in the United States have been named Alva since 1880.

  • The greatest number of people were given this name in 1917, when 316 people in the U.S. were given the name Alva. Those people are now 103 years old.

    So ... how do we know this stuff? Baby Names Hub identifies trends by analyzing vast amounts of data made available by the U.S. government and other public sources. This data, including social security statistics, provides detailed information on baby name popularity and trends in the United States.

    ","{ ""128"": { """": 128, ""image.path"": ""/7a/2b/00/d4/7a2b00d41cee1f4670818987821eb537e1659f1f.jpg"", ""image.media_1"": """" } }" 140,"2021-11-28 09:40:56",Alvah,1916,55,A,boy,?,,,,,,,"

  • Records indicate that 490 boys in the United States have been named Alvah since 1880.

  • The greatest number of people were given this name in 1916, when 55 people in the U.S. were given the name Alvah. Those people are now 104 years old.

    So ... how do we know this stuff? Baby Names Hub identifies trends by analyzing vast amounts of data made available by the U.S. government and other public sources. This data, including social security statistics, provides detailed information on baby name popularity and trends in the United States.

    ","{ ""129"": { """": 129, ""image.path"": ""/38/b8/71/00/38b871001f2eda3f9420fe495e8c669dfd56e847.jpg"", ""image.media_1"": """" } }" 141,"2021-11-28 09:41:06",Alvan,1927,54,A,boy,?,,,,,,,"

  • Records indicate that 107 boys in the United States have been named Alvan since 1880.

  • The greatest number of people were given this name in 1927, when 54 people in the U.S. were given the name Alvan. Those people are now 93 years old.

    So ... how do we know this stuff? Baby Names Hub identifies trends by analyzing vast amounts of data made available by the U.S. government and other public sources. This data, including social security statistics, provides detailed information on baby name popularity and trends in the United States.

    ","{ ""130"": { """": 130, ""image.path"": ""/3d/5a/6b/c0/3d5a6bc016e149ce93deb497ac366b7de9b78cff.jpg"", ""image.media_1"": """" } }" 142,"2021-11-28 09:41:13",Alvaro,2000,440,A,boy,100%,1,1,,"

  • ""My dad's name is Alvaro. It's a strong and masculine name that fits him well. I don't think there is a nickname for it either, have never heard one."" Dec. 12, 2009: ","
  • ""i like the name alvaro. thou i dont like that it has no nickname. it might be... never mind it doesn't have a nick name."" Nov. 4, 2006: ",,"

  • Records indicate that 12,398 boys in the United States have been named Alvaro since 1880.

  • The greatest number of people were given this name in 2000, when 440 people in the U.S. were given the name Alvaro. Those people are now 20 years old.

    So ... how do we know this stuff? Baby Names Hub identifies trends by analyzing vast amounts of data made available by the U.S. government and other public sources. This data, including social security statistics, provides detailed information on baby name popularity and trends in the United States.

    ","{ ""131"": { """": 131, ""image.path"": ""/1b/08/cb/65/1b08cb658dac96a0caa07089d13ab7ac04b71183.jpg"", ""image.media_1"": """" } }" 143,"2021-11-28 09:41:18",Alver,1889,5,A,boy,?,,,,,,,"

  • Records indicate that 5 boys in the United States have been named Alver since 1880.

  • The greatest number of people were given this name in 1889, when 5 people in the U.S. were given the name Alver. Those people are now 131 years old.

    So ... how do we know this stuff? Baby Names Hub identifies trends by analyzing vast amounts of data made available by the U.S. government and other public sources. This data, including social security statistics, provides detailed information on baby name popularity and trends in the United States.

    ","{ ""132"": { """": 132, ""image.path"": ""/b7/b6/52/ed/b7b652ed55d2520ef8ff8d7eab5b49c7e110bb84.jpg"", ""image.media_1"": """" } }" 144,"2021-11-28 09:41:26",Alvia,1886,7,A,boy,?,,,,,,,"

  • Records indicate that 17 boys in the United States have been named Alvia since 1880.

  • The greatest number of people were given this name in 1886, when 7 people in the U.S. were given the name Alvia. Those people are now 134 years old.

    So ... how do we know this stuff? Baby Names Hub identifies trends by analyzing vast amounts of data made available by the U.S. government and other public sources. This data, including social security statistics, provides detailed information on baby name popularity and trends in the United States.

    ","{ ""133"": { """": 133, ""image.path"": ""/ee/1b/b7/3c/ee1bb73c5e846c0838bc119b092ce4d0d6be1568.jpg"", ""image.media_1"": """" } }" 145,"2021-11-28 09:41:48",Alvie,1921,107,A,boy,?,,,,,,,"

  • Records indicate that 3,059 boys in the United States have been named Alvie since 1880.

  • The greatest number of people were given this name in 1921, when 107 people in the U.S. were given the name Alvie. Those people are now 99 years old.

    So ... how do we know this stuff? Baby Names Hub identifies trends by analyzing vast amounts of data made available by the U.S. government and other public sources. This data, including social security statistics, provides detailed information on baby name popularity and trends in the United States.

    ","{ ""134"": { """": 134, ""image.path"": ""/37/c1/3d/bd/37c13dbdec3e9ae4626ed78ebcfa71a2758de95f.jpg"", ""image.media_1"": """" } }" 146,"2021-11-28 09:41:50",Alvin,1927,"2,881",A,boy,67%,4,1,2,"

  • ""Alvin is really a great name and yes am proud to be called Alvin"" Feb. 29, 2020:
  • ""I think alvin is kinda uncommon so when you run into an alvin you remember them, also it's been touched upon,but chances are you aren't the first one to say alvin like Dave from Alvin and the Chipmunks. Not even close."" Jul. 19, 2019:
  • ""i reckon alvin is a very special name. no one in my school has Alvin this name. although it mite sound a bit cliche but i think it fits well with my surname. alvin chong, i believe? haha. im just in love with my name alvin. =] good name !"" Aug. 23, 2009:
  • ""My name is Angelous Alvin H. i like my name just fine and never had a problem with being confused with someone else. I do say some names should be retired for at least 10 years. After that, one may again use them. In a country where we pride ourselves on being different we seem to fall short when it comes to naming our kids. Most of it could just be plain laziness in searching for a name. and remember moms its not against the law to MAKE UP a name. That way next year when I ask John, or Jose to raise his hand 10 hands out of 20 wont go up.for instants the name Brittany wasn't bad when I first heard it, but did half a million people have to use it? Another example are the silly people that change the Spelling of a name as to give it some individuality. Come on fokes,when you call your son/daughter its still going to be STEVEN or JENNIFER. Heres a new idea want some individuality? Name them something DIFFERENT."" Jun. 25, 2005: ","
  • ""Alvin is a precious name, no matter what. Is just a matter of you believing in yourself if you have it."" Aug. 6, 2014: ","
  • ""I can't hear it without thinking of Alvin and the Chipmunks"" Oct. 10, 2019:
  • ""Despite the ""beloved by all"" meaning of this name, it sounds too much like Alvin and the Chipmunks, and I don't think British pop songster Alvin Stardust (real name Bernard Jewry) did much good either when he was famous in the Seventies and Eighties. So try naming your son Calvin instead as THAT name sounds a bit better than Alvin and is probably now overcoming those old Calvin Coolidge associations."" May. 26, 2008:
    1 Neutral Comment

  • Records indicate that 155,880 boys in the United States have been named Alvin since 1880.

  • The greatest number of people were given this name in 1927, when 2,881 people in the U.S. were given the name Alvin. Those people are now 93 years old.

    So ... how do we know this stuff? Baby Names Hub identifies trends by analyzing vast amounts of data made available by the U.S. government and other public sources. This data, including social security statistics, provides detailed information on baby name popularity and trends in the United States.

    ","{ ""135"": { """": 135, ""image.path"": ""/ac/5a/8a/c3/ac5a8ac3f2d2d8c27a0b39d8fb2756a19f410650.jpg"", ""image.media_1"": """" } }" 147,"2021-11-28 09:42:01",Alvis,1924,102,A,boy,100%,1,,,,,,"

  • Records indicate that 3,841 boys in the United States have been named Alvis since 1880.

  • The greatest number of people were given this name in 1924, when 102 people in the U.S. were given the name Alvis. Those people are now 96 years old.

    So ... how do we know this stuff? Baby Names Hub identifies trends by analyzing vast amounts of data made available by the U.S. government and other public sources. This data, including social security statistics, provides detailed information on baby name popularity and trends in the United States.

    ","{ ""136"": { """": 136, ""image.path"": ""/4c/96/bd/ed/4c96bded9de8748579ce6b8937e2e4d2b37785f2.jpg"", ""image.media_1"": """" } }" 148,"2021-11-28 09:42:09",Alvy,1886,6,A,boy,?,,,,,,,"

  • Records indicate that 16 boys in the United States have been named Alvy since 1880.

  • The greatest number of people were given this name in 1886, when 6 people in the U.S. were given the name Alvy. Those people are now 134 years old.

    So ... how do we know this stuff? Baby Names Hub identifies trends by analyzing vast amounts of data made available by the U.S. government and other public sources. This data, including social security statistics, provides detailed information on baby name popularity and trends in the United States.

    ","{ ""137"": { """": 137, ""image.path"": ""/b8/a6/ca/4a/b8a6ca4a45b517a758a679b897ada585fb1b23d1.jpg"", ""image.media_1"": """" } }" 149,"2021-11-28 09:42:18",Alwin,1895,6,A,boy,?,,1,,,"

  • ""Alwin name given to me by my father. I was born in 1930 he was born in 1888"" May. 30, 2018: ",,"

  • Records indicate that 6 boys in the United States have been named Alwin since 1880.

  • The greatest number of people were given this name in 1895, when 6 people in the U.S. were given the name Alwin. Those people are now 125 years old.

    So ... how do we know this stuff? Baby Names Hub identifies trends by analyzing vast amounts of data made available by the U.S. government and other public sources. This data, including social security statistics, provides detailed information on baby name popularity and trends in the United States.

    ","{ ""138"": { """": 138, ""image.path"": ""/ed/9e/17/19/ed9e17195509b9f3d9198692ab3d911440dd9254.jpg"", ""image.media_1"": """" } }"