,rehabs_treatment_center.ts,rehabs_treatment_center.value,,rehabs_base.ts,rehabs_base.address,rehabs_base.code,rehabs_base.telephone,rehabs_base.web,rehabs_base.review_overall,rehabs_base.review_treatment_effectiveness,rehabs_base.review_accommodations_amenities,rehabs_base.review_meals_nutrition,rehabs_base.center_philosophy,,rehabs_base.testimonial,,rehabs.ts,rehabs.title 301,"2018-01-09 03:38:23",Wilderness,648,"2018-01-09 03:38:23","15170 N. Hayden Road Suite 4",85260,,,"4.7 of 5",94,96,92,"

Desert Cove Recovery believes in providing holistic care and treatment for chemical dependency, and alcohol addiction and co-occurring/dual diagnosed disorders. By clearly identifying our clients’ specific needs, we can offer client-centered treatment in a safe, nurturing, and educational environment.

Treating addiction through the body, mind and spirit, along with focusing on any underlying issues, offers our patients the best chance to recover. Furthermore, it provides them with the tools necessary to continue living in sobriety leaving the Desert Cove Recovery Center.

Our program blends traditional treatment models, which include; cognitive behavior therapy, dialectic behavioral therapy, motivational interviewing and trauma resolution. Guided by the 12-Steps and with a strong emphasis on accountability and integrity, our approach is designed to treat not only the addiction itself but also provide spiritual enhancement, social responsibility, and living skills to our guests.

Read more about our Holistic Treatment Programs here.

Learn how to respond to life rather than to react to life.

Call today to learn more about how our addiction treatment philosophies have helped hundreds recover from drug and alcohol addiction.

Your new life awaits…



From a business park next to the Scottsdale Airport in the north of the Arizona desert city of Scottsdale, Desert Cove Recovery offers residential treatment for adult men and women who are struggling alcoholism, drug addiction, and dual diagnosis. The center specializes in treating individuals who have struggled with chronic relapse or who need something more than the typical 30-day stay in residential care: treatment is available in increments of 30, 60, and 90 days.

Medical detox is not available on-site, but Desert Cove can provide referrals to its local detox partners, when necessary.


Treatment uses the 12-Steps, couched in a broad, holistic program that includes, for instance, outdoor therapies and evidence-based methods such as cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), dialectical motivation interviewing, and trauma resolution. The buildings blocks of treatment are individual and small-group therapy, each offered in the context of the 12-step method. The center's primary holistic therapy is equine therapy, offered bi-monthly.

Desert Cove employs dedicated aftercare therapists who help clients to develop relapse-prevention plans and can provide referrals to sober-living facilities, when necessary. Graduating clients are also encouraged to attend aftercare meetings at Desert Cove, and to be active in their local 12-step community.


Staff includes an MD who's certified by the American Society of Addiction Medicine, a registered nurse, a licensed substance abuse counselor, and therapists educated to master's or bachelor's level. Several staff members have personal experience of addiction.


Pictures published by Desert Cove Recovery show a bright, modern facility. All seven of the individuals polled by to date on the center's accommodations gave them a four- or five-star rating.


Of the five alumni polled by to date, four gave positive feedback and one, mostly positive with some reservations.

The reviewers repeatedly praised the staff and the level of comfort they found at the facility: ""The staff here truly care about the patients,"" Katie wrote in one representative review; ""Desert Cove provides exceptional therapy in a safe environment perfect for healing,"" Kristin added in another. In addition, more than one alum credited the facility with saving their life, and all three of the reviewers polled on the facility's holistic offerings and family participation gave four- and five-star ratings in each category. The only reservations came from an anonymous reviewer, who praised the center's focus on changing clients' lives, but noted that the days were ""very restricted,"" in particular with regard to visitation and phone call privileges.

At the time of this writing, secondary sites yielded mostly positive feedback with some recurring notes of complaint. Desert Cove Recovery had average ratings of 4.4 stars based on 19 reviews on Facebook (where the facility can manage its own page), 4.1 stars based on 23 reviews on Google, and 3.22 stars based on nine reviews on Yelp.[1] [2] [3] Like reviewers, the positive reviewers repeatedly thanked the center's staff and credited the program with saving or changing their lives. ""Great place, the staff provides you with all the tools you need to live a happy sober life. This place can truly save your life,"" A.H. wrote in a representative review on Yelp.

However, the reviews also contained repeated references to subpar facilities and a hostile environment. ""'Love and tolerance towards others' is NOT the operational code of Desert Cove. The mood and atmosphere at groups and outside of groups was rude, degrading, negative, offensive, and vulgar,"" an anonymous reviewer wrote in a typical review on Yelp.


Of the three staff reviews submitted to to date, two were positive and one negative. One reviewer gave the facility five out of five stars in all of the evaluated treatment metrics, including its family participation, safety and comfort, and holistic offerings. ""Great facility, great staff, they saved my brother's life,"" Justin wrote. An anonymous reviewer praised Desert Cove Recovery's ""staff, commitment, intent,"" and gave the facility five stars for its treatment effectiveness and its counseling options — but just one star for its family participation and one star for its exercise and leisure offerings.

Parent J.J. had a much more negative experience. ""At first it felt like they truly cared about our child, but in the end they seemed to only care about the almighty dollar,"" they wrote, indicating that they would not recommend Desert Cove Recovery and giving the facility just one star for its leadership and the level of staff support it provided and two stars for its family involvement.


Of the two staff reviews submitted to to date, one was positive and one negative. ""Dedicated staff and helpful program,"" Christina wrote, giving Desert Cove Recovery five stars in all of the evaluated treatment metrics. However, J.M. wrote: ""Nice facility,"" but added: ""I would not recommend this facility to anyone needing to get sober,"" and gave the center just one star for its honesty and its willingness to put clients' interests first, as well as indicating that they had concerns about the quality of care offered at the center.


Desert Cove accepts most insurances, including Aetna, Blue Cross Blue Shield, Cigna, United, and Value Options. The six individuals polled by to date on the center's affordability gave it a four-star average rating.


Published on November 2017

Do you work at this facility? Let us know if we missed something! ","Our daughter had been in and out of treatment facilities one right after another for over a year. She never got the treatment she needed at the other facilities due to overcrowding, time limits on stays or insurance saying they would only allow her to stay for so long even though, we as parents could see she wasn’t ready. Before she even chose to get treatment at Desert Cove Recovery, the staff was looking out for her well-being and safety. They helped her get the proper treatment before being a client with them. Desert Cove’s program is different than the other programs. They provide more individualized therapy and look at the individual as a whole and not just as a textbook diagnosis. They didn’t move on until they felt the client was ready for it. The staff was upfront with us and did not sugar coat our daughter’s progress like they did at other treatment facilities. They handled everything such as legal, financial, transportation and medical concerns and communicated with us as needed. With their help, as parents, we were finally able to relax a little and concentrate on our own healing and focus on getting our lives back on track after years of turmoil. Every staff member, from the receptionist to the director, at Desert Cove, was professional and kept us informed. The staff was honest and up front with our daughter and even though they challenged her she chose to stay at Desert Cove as an inpatient longer than a typical client which allowed her some extra treatment before moving on to a sober living home. Our daughter has been sober for almost 1 year and we attribute Desert Cove Recovery for providing her with the tools she needs for her sobriety.",6559,"2018-01-08 04:11:53","Desert Cove Recovery" 302,"2018-01-09 03:38:23",Resort,648,"2018-01-09 03:38:23","15170 N. Hayden Road Suite 4",85260,,,"4.7 of 5",94,96,92,"

Desert Cove Recovery believes in providing holistic care and treatment for chemical dependency, and alcohol addiction and co-occurring/dual diagnosed disorders. By clearly identifying our clients’ specific needs, we can offer client-centered treatment in a safe, nurturing, and educational environment.

Treating addiction through the body, mind and spirit, along with focusing on any underlying issues, offers our patients the best chance to recover. Furthermore, it provides them with the tools necessary to continue living in sobriety leaving the Desert Cove Recovery Center.

Our program blends traditional treatment models, which include; cognitive behavior therapy, dialectic behavioral therapy, motivational interviewing and trauma resolution. Guided by the 12-Steps and with a strong emphasis on accountability and integrity, our approach is designed to treat not only the addiction itself but also provide spiritual enhancement, social responsibility, and living skills to our guests.

Read more about our Holistic Treatment Programs here.

Learn how to respond to life rather than to react to life.

Call today to learn more about how our addiction treatment philosophies have helped hundreds recover from drug and alcohol addiction.

Your new life awaits…



From a business park next to the Scottsdale Airport in the north of the Arizona desert city of Scottsdale, Desert Cove Recovery offers residential treatment for adult men and women who are struggling alcoholism, drug addiction, and dual diagnosis. The center specializes in treating individuals who have struggled with chronic relapse or who need something more than the typical 30-day stay in residential care: treatment is available in increments of 30, 60, and 90 days.

Medical detox is not available on-site, but Desert Cove can provide referrals to its local detox partners, when necessary.


Treatment uses the 12-Steps, couched in a broad, holistic program that includes, for instance, outdoor therapies and evidence-based methods such as cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), dialectical motivation interviewing, and trauma resolution. The buildings blocks of treatment are individual and small-group therapy, each offered in the context of the 12-step method. The center's primary holistic therapy is equine therapy, offered bi-monthly.

Desert Cove employs dedicated aftercare therapists who help clients to develop relapse-prevention plans and can provide referrals to sober-living facilities, when necessary. Graduating clients are also encouraged to attend aftercare meetings at Desert Cove, and to be active in their local 12-step community.


Staff includes an MD who's certified by the American Society of Addiction Medicine, a registered nurse, a licensed substance abuse counselor, and therapists educated to master's or bachelor's level. Several staff members have personal experience of addiction.


Pictures published by Desert Cove Recovery show a bright, modern facility. All seven of the individuals polled by to date on the center's accommodations gave them a four- or five-star rating.


Of the five alumni polled by to date, four gave positive feedback and one, mostly positive with some reservations.

The reviewers repeatedly praised the staff and the level of comfort they found at the facility: ""The staff here truly care about the patients,"" Katie wrote in one representative review; ""Desert Cove provides exceptional therapy in a safe environment perfect for healing,"" Kristin added in another. In addition, more than one alum credited the facility with saving their life, and all three of the reviewers polled on the facility's holistic offerings and family participation gave four- and five-star ratings in each category. The only reservations came from an anonymous reviewer, who praised the center's focus on changing clients' lives, but noted that the days were ""very restricted,"" in particular with regard to visitation and phone call privileges.

At the time of this writing, secondary sites yielded mostly positive feedback with some recurring notes of complaint. Desert Cove Recovery had average ratings of 4.4 stars based on 19 reviews on Facebook (where the facility can manage its own page), 4.1 stars based on 23 reviews on Google, and 3.22 stars based on nine reviews on Yelp.[1] [2] [3] Like reviewers, the positive reviewers repeatedly thanked the center's staff and credited the program with saving or changing their lives. ""Great place, the staff provides you with all the tools you need to live a happy sober life. This place can truly save your life,"" A.H. wrote in a representative review on Yelp.

However, the reviews also contained repeated references to subpar facilities and a hostile environment. ""'Love and tolerance towards others' is NOT the operational code of Desert Cove. The mood and atmosphere at groups and outside of groups was rude, degrading, negative, offensive, and vulgar,"" an anonymous reviewer wrote in a typical review on Yelp.


Of the three staff reviews submitted to to date, two were positive and one negative. One reviewer gave the facility five out of five stars in all of the evaluated treatment metrics, including its family participation, safety and comfort, and holistic offerings. ""Great facility, great staff, they saved my brother's life,"" Justin wrote. An anonymous reviewer praised Desert Cove Recovery's ""staff, commitment, intent,"" and gave the facility five stars for its treatment effectiveness and its counseling options — but just one star for its family participation and one star for its exercise and leisure offerings.

Parent J.J. had a much more negative experience. ""At first it felt like they truly cared about our child, but in the end they seemed to only care about the almighty dollar,"" they wrote, indicating that they would not recommend Desert Cove Recovery and giving the facility just one star for its leadership and the level of staff support it provided and two stars for its family involvement.


Of the two staff reviews submitted to to date, one was positive and one negative. ""Dedicated staff and helpful program,"" Christina wrote, giving Desert Cove Recovery five stars in all of the evaluated treatment metrics. However, J.M. wrote: ""Nice facility,"" but added: ""I would not recommend this facility to anyone needing to get sober,"" and gave the center just one star for its honesty and its willingness to put clients' interests first, as well as indicating that they had concerns about the quality of care offered at the center.


Desert Cove accepts most insurances, including Aetna, Blue Cross Blue Shield, Cigna, United, and Value Options. The six individuals polled by to date on the center's affordability gave it a four-star average rating.


Published on November 2017

Do you work at this facility? Let us know if we missed something! ","Our daughter had been in and out of treatment facilities one right after another for over a year. She never got the treatment she needed at the other facilities due to overcrowding, time limits on stays or insurance saying they would only allow her to stay for so long even though, we as parents could see she wasn’t ready. Before she even chose to get treatment at Desert Cove Recovery, the staff was looking out for her well-being and safety. They helped her get the proper treatment before being a client with them. Desert Cove’s program is different than the other programs. They provide more individualized therapy and look at the individual as a whole and not just as a textbook diagnosis. They didn’t move on until they felt the client was ready for it. The staff was upfront with us and did not sugar coat our daughter’s progress like they did at other treatment facilities. They handled everything such as legal, financial, transportation and medical concerns and communicated with us as needed. With their help, as parents, we were finally able to relax a little and concentrate on our own healing and focus on getting our lives back on track after years of turmoil. Every staff member, from the receptionist to the director, at Desert Cove, was professional and kept us informed. The staff was honest and up front with our daughter and even though they challenged her she chose to stay at Desert Cove as an inpatient longer than a typical client which allowed her some extra treatment before moving on to a sober living home. Our daughter has been sober for almost 1 year and we attribute Desert Cove Recovery for providing her with the tools she needs for her sobriety.",6559,"2018-01-08 04:11:53","Desert Cove Recovery" 303,"2018-01-09 03:38:23",Private/Secluded,648,"2018-01-09 03:38:23","15170 N. Hayden Road Suite 4",85260,,,"4.7 of 5",94,96,92,"

Desert Cove Recovery believes in providing holistic care and treatment for chemical dependency, and alcohol addiction and co-occurring/dual diagnosed disorders. By clearly identifying our clients’ specific needs, we can offer client-centered treatment in a safe, nurturing, and educational environment.

Treating addiction through the body, mind and spirit, along with focusing on any underlying issues, offers our patients the best chance to recover. Furthermore, it provides them with the tools necessary to continue living in sobriety leaving the Desert Cove Recovery Center.

Our program blends traditional treatment models, which include; cognitive behavior therapy, dialectic behavioral therapy, motivational interviewing and trauma resolution. Guided by the 12-Steps and with a strong emphasis on accountability and integrity, our approach is designed to treat not only the addiction itself but also provide spiritual enhancement, social responsibility, and living skills to our guests.

Read more about our Holistic Treatment Programs here.

Learn how to respond to life rather than to react to life.

Call today to learn more about how our addiction treatment philosophies have helped hundreds recover from drug and alcohol addiction.

Your new life awaits…



From a business park next to the Scottsdale Airport in the north of the Arizona desert city of Scottsdale, Desert Cove Recovery offers residential treatment for adult men and women who are struggling alcoholism, drug addiction, and dual diagnosis. The center specializes in treating individuals who have struggled with chronic relapse or who need something more than the typical 30-day stay in residential care: treatment is available in increments of 30, 60, and 90 days.

Medical detox is not available on-site, but Desert Cove can provide referrals to its local detox partners, when necessary.


Treatment uses the 12-Steps, couched in a broad, holistic program that includes, for instance, outdoor therapies and evidence-based methods such as cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), dialectical motivation interviewing, and trauma resolution. The buildings blocks of treatment are individual and small-group therapy, each offered in the context of the 12-step method. The center's primary holistic therapy is equine therapy, offered bi-monthly.

Desert Cove employs dedicated aftercare therapists who help clients to develop relapse-prevention plans and can provide referrals to sober-living facilities, when necessary. Graduating clients are also encouraged to attend aftercare meetings at Desert Cove, and to be active in their local 12-step community.


Staff includes an MD who's certified by the American Society of Addiction Medicine, a registered nurse, a licensed substance abuse counselor, and therapists educated to master's or bachelor's level. Several staff members have personal experience of addiction.


Pictures published by Desert Cove Recovery show a bright, modern facility. All seven of the individuals polled by to date on the center's accommodations gave them a four- or five-star rating.


Of the five alumni polled by to date, four gave positive feedback and one, mostly positive with some reservations.

The reviewers repeatedly praised the staff and the level of comfort they found at the facility: ""The staff here truly care about the patients,"" Katie wrote in one representative review; ""Desert Cove provides exceptional therapy in a safe environment perfect for healing,"" Kristin added in another. In addition, more than one alum credited the facility with saving their life, and all three of the reviewers polled on the facility's holistic offerings and family participation gave four- and five-star ratings in each category. The only reservations came from an anonymous reviewer, who praised the center's focus on changing clients' lives, but noted that the days were ""very restricted,"" in particular with regard to visitation and phone call privileges.

At the time of this writing, secondary sites yielded mostly positive feedback with some recurring notes of complaint. Desert Cove Recovery had average ratings of 4.4 stars based on 19 reviews on Facebook (where the facility can manage its own page), 4.1 stars based on 23 reviews on Google, and 3.22 stars based on nine reviews on Yelp.[1] [2] [3] Like reviewers, the positive reviewers repeatedly thanked the center's staff and credited the program with saving or changing their lives. ""Great place, the staff provides you with all the tools you need to live a happy sober life. This place can truly save your life,"" A.H. wrote in a representative review on Yelp.

However, the reviews also contained repeated references to subpar facilities and a hostile environment. ""'Love and tolerance towards others' is NOT the operational code of Desert Cove. The mood and atmosphere at groups and outside of groups was rude, degrading, negative, offensive, and vulgar,"" an anonymous reviewer wrote in a typical review on Yelp.


Of the three staff reviews submitted to to date, two were positive and one negative. One reviewer gave the facility five out of five stars in all of the evaluated treatment metrics, including its family participation, safety and comfort, and holistic offerings. ""Great facility, great staff, they saved my brother's life,"" Justin wrote. An anonymous reviewer praised Desert Cove Recovery's ""staff, commitment, intent,"" and gave the facility five stars for its treatment effectiveness and its counseling options — but just one star for its family participation and one star for its exercise and leisure offerings.

Parent J.J. had a much more negative experience. ""At first it felt like they truly cared about our child, but in the end they seemed to only care about the almighty dollar,"" they wrote, indicating that they would not recommend Desert Cove Recovery and giving the facility just one star for its leadership and the level of staff support it provided and two stars for its family involvement.


Of the two staff reviews submitted to to date, one was positive and one negative. ""Dedicated staff and helpful program,"" Christina wrote, giving Desert Cove Recovery five stars in all of the evaluated treatment metrics. However, J.M. wrote: ""Nice facility,"" but added: ""I would not recommend this facility to anyone needing to get sober,"" and gave the center just one star for its honesty and its willingness to put clients' interests first, as well as indicating that they had concerns about the quality of care offered at the center.


Desert Cove accepts most insurances, including Aetna, Blue Cross Blue Shield, Cigna, United, and Value Options. The six individuals polled by to date on the center's affordability gave it a four-star average rating.


Published on November 2017

Do you work at this facility? Let us know if we missed something! ","Our daughter had been in and out of treatment facilities one right after another for over a year. She never got the treatment she needed at the other facilities due to overcrowding, time limits on stays or insurance saying they would only allow her to stay for so long even though, we as parents could see she wasn’t ready. Before she even chose to get treatment at Desert Cove Recovery, the staff was looking out for her well-being and safety. They helped her get the proper treatment before being a client with them. Desert Cove’s program is different than the other programs. They provide more individualized therapy and look at the individual as a whole and not just as a textbook diagnosis. They didn’t move on until they felt the client was ready for it. The staff was upfront with us and did not sugar coat our daughter’s progress like they did at other treatment facilities. They handled everything such as legal, financial, transportation and medical concerns and communicated with us as needed. With their help, as parents, we were finally able to relax a little and concentrate on our own healing and focus on getting our lives back on track after years of turmoil. Every staff member, from the receptionist to the director, at Desert Cove, was professional and kept us informed. The staff was honest and up front with our daughter and even though they challenged her she chose to stay at Desert Cove as an inpatient longer than a typical client which allowed her some extra treatment before moving on to a sober living home. Our daughter has been sober for almost 1 year and we attribute Desert Cove Recovery for providing her with the tools she needs for her sobriety.",6559,"2018-01-08 04:11:53","Desert Cove Recovery" 304,"2018-01-09 03:38:23","Residential Neighborhood",648,"2018-01-09 03:38:23","15170 N. Hayden Road Suite 4",85260,,,"4.7 of 5",94,96,92,"

Desert Cove Recovery believes in providing holistic care and treatment for chemical dependency, and alcohol addiction and co-occurring/dual diagnosed disorders. By clearly identifying our clients’ specific needs, we can offer client-centered treatment in a safe, nurturing, and educational environment.

Treating addiction through the body, mind and spirit, along with focusing on any underlying issues, offers our patients the best chance to recover. Furthermore, it provides them with the tools necessary to continue living in sobriety leaving the Desert Cove Recovery Center.

Our program blends traditional treatment models, which include; cognitive behavior therapy, dialectic behavioral therapy, motivational interviewing and trauma resolution. Guided by the 12-Steps and with a strong emphasis on accountability and integrity, our approach is designed to treat not only the addiction itself but also provide spiritual enhancement, social responsibility, and living skills to our guests.

Read more about our Holistic Treatment Programs here.

Learn how to respond to life rather than to react to life.

Call today to learn more about how our addiction treatment philosophies have helped hundreds recover from drug and alcohol addiction.

Your new life awaits…



From a business park next to the Scottsdale Airport in the north of the Arizona desert city of Scottsdale, Desert Cove Recovery offers residential treatment for adult men and women who are struggling alcoholism, drug addiction, and dual diagnosis. The center specializes in treating individuals who have struggled with chronic relapse or who need something more than the typical 30-day stay in residential care: treatment is available in increments of 30, 60, and 90 days.

Medical detox is not available on-site, but Desert Cove can provide referrals to its local detox partners, when necessary.


Treatment uses the 12-Steps, couched in a broad, holistic program that includes, for instance, outdoor therapies and evidence-based methods such as cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), dialectical motivation interviewing, and trauma resolution. The buildings blocks of treatment are individual and small-group therapy, each offered in the context of the 12-step method. The center's primary holistic therapy is equine therapy, offered bi-monthly.

Desert Cove employs dedicated aftercare therapists who help clients to develop relapse-prevention plans and can provide referrals to sober-living facilities, when necessary. Graduating clients are also encouraged to attend aftercare meetings at Desert Cove, and to be active in their local 12-step community.


Staff includes an MD who's certified by the American Society of Addiction Medicine, a registered nurse, a licensed substance abuse counselor, and therapists educated to master's or bachelor's level. Several staff members have personal experience of addiction.


Pictures published by Desert Cove Recovery show a bright, modern facility. All seven of the individuals polled by to date on the center's accommodations gave them a four- or five-star rating.


Of the five alumni polled by to date, four gave positive feedback and one, mostly positive with some reservations.

The reviewers repeatedly praised the staff and the level of comfort they found at the facility: ""The staff here truly care about the patients,"" Katie wrote in one representative review; ""Desert Cove provides exceptional therapy in a safe environment perfect for healing,"" Kristin added in another. In addition, more than one alum credited the facility with saving their life, and all three of the reviewers polled on the facility's holistic offerings and family participation gave four- and five-star ratings in each category. The only reservations came from an anonymous reviewer, who praised the center's focus on changing clients' lives, but noted that the days were ""very restricted,"" in particular with regard to visitation and phone call privileges.

At the time of this writing, secondary sites yielded mostly positive feedback with some recurring notes of complaint. Desert Cove Recovery had average ratings of 4.4 stars based on 19 reviews on Facebook (where the facility can manage its own page), 4.1 stars based on 23 reviews on Google, and 3.22 stars based on nine reviews on Yelp.[1] [2] [3] Like reviewers, the positive reviewers repeatedly thanked the center's staff and credited the program with saving or changing their lives. ""Great place, the staff provides you with all the tools you need to live a happy sober life. This place can truly save your life,"" A.H. wrote in a representative review on Yelp.

However, the reviews also contained repeated references to subpar facilities and a hostile environment. ""'Love and tolerance towards others' is NOT the operational code of Desert Cove. The mood and atmosphere at groups and outside of groups was rude, degrading, negative, offensive, and vulgar,"" an anonymous reviewer wrote in a typical review on Yelp.


Of the three staff reviews submitted to to date, two were positive and one negative. One reviewer gave the facility five out of five stars in all of the evaluated treatment metrics, including its family participation, safety and comfort, and holistic offerings. ""Great facility, great staff, they saved my brother's life,"" Justin wrote. An anonymous reviewer praised Desert Cove Recovery's ""staff, commitment, intent,"" and gave the facility five stars for its treatment effectiveness and its counseling options — but just one star for its family participation and one star for its exercise and leisure offerings.

Parent J.J. had a much more negative experience. ""At first it felt like they truly cared about our child, but in the end they seemed to only care about the almighty dollar,"" they wrote, indicating that they would not recommend Desert Cove Recovery and giving the facility just one star for its leadership and the level of staff support it provided and two stars for its family involvement.


Of the two staff reviews submitted to to date, one was positive and one negative. ""Dedicated staff and helpful program,"" Christina wrote, giving Desert Cove Recovery five stars in all of the evaluated treatment metrics. However, J.M. wrote: ""Nice facility,"" but added: ""I would not recommend this facility to anyone needing to get sober,"" and gave the center just one star for its honesty and its willingness to put clients' interests first, as well as indicating that they had concerns about the quality of care offered at the center.


Desert Cove accepts most insurances, including Aetna, Blue Cross Blue Shield, Cigna, United, and Value Options. The six individuals polled by to date on the center's affordability gave it a four-star average rating.


Published on November 2017

Do you work at this facility? Let us know if we missed something! ","Our daughter had been in and out of treatment facilities one right after another for over a year. She never got the treatment she needed at the other facilities due to overcrowding, time limits on stays or insurance saying they would only allow her to stay for so long even though, we as parents could see she wasn’t ready. Before she even chose to get treatment at Desert Cove Recovery, the staff was looking out for her well-being and safety. They helped her get the proper treatment before being a client with them. Desert Cove’s program is different than the other programs. They provide more individualized therapy and look at the individual as a whole and not just as a textbook diagnosis. They didn’t move on until they felt the client was ready for it. The staff was upfront with us and did not sugar coat our daughter’s progress like they did at other treatment facilities. They handled everything such as legal, financial, transportation and medical concerns and communicated with us as needed. With their help, as parents, we were finally able to relax a little and concentrate on our own healing and focus on getting our lives back on track after years of turmoil. Every staff member, from the receptionist to the director, at Desert Cove, was professional and kept us informed. The staff was honest and up front with our daughter and even though they challenged her she chose to stay at Desert Cove as an inpatient longer than a typical client which allowed her some extra treatment before moving on to a sober living home. Our daughter has been sober for almost 1 year and we attribute Desert Cove Recovery for providing her with the tools she needs for her sobriety.",6559,"2018-01-08 04:11:53","Desert Cove Recovery" 305,"2018-01-09 03:38:38","Average Location/Amenities",649,"2018-01-09 03:38:38","1310 West Pearl Street",92801,,,"4.8 of 5",98,96,90,"

Our mission at Lighthouse Treatment Center, is to provide you with the tools needed to achieve long term sobriety and a new life filled with freedom, serenity, healing and hope. We help build a foundation of health and happiness through an integrative approach to addiction treatment.



Located on a quiet residential street in California's Orange County, Lighthouse Treatment Center offers residential treatment and outpatient programs for adults struggling with substance abuse and dual diagnosis. Medically monitored detox services are offered on-site.


Residential treatment at Lighthouse is gender-specific and 12-step based. Aside from 12-step meetings, Lighthouse uses evidence-based practices such as cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR), and mindfulness training. Residents participate in group therapy, psychoeducational lectures and groups, and relapse prevention classes. Lighthouse also offers weekly family counseling sessions and educational services for families.

Outpatient offerings include an intensive outpatient program (IOP), which is recommends as a step-down level of care from residential treatment.


The facility has an impressive staff-to-client ratio of 1:1. There is currently no information provided by the facility regarding its treatment staff, however the eight alumni who evaluated the staff's experience gave it an average rating of 4.62 out of five stars.


Residents sleep in shared bedrooms in a modern, family-style home with a patio, a large kitchen, and comfy communal areas. The center’s extracurricular and holistic activities include yoga, meditation, and supervised outings, including trips to baseball games and amusement parks. The nine former clients polled by to date on the center’s cleanliness gave it an average rating of 4.77 out of five stars.


All 13 alumni polled by to date gave Lighthouse positive feedback. Numerous respondents described the treatment as life-changing, and praise was given for the knowledgeable and friendly staff, the effective group and family therapy, the satisfying exercise programs, and the delicious food. When asked, on a scale of one to five, if they would recommend the facility, eight respondents gave a rating of five. ""I can attest to the amazing program the light house offers and feel confident in my recovery as a direct result of the program. I would recommended it to any and everyone,"" wrote Gabe in a representative review.

Criticisms were few and far between -- Edward noted that the ""management and coordination could use a little more strengthening,"" while K.W. complained that there was too much smoking and that the program could use a little more structure. Nevertheless, both alumni were satisfied with the program overall.


The sole loved one surveyed by at the time of this writing gave Lighthouse five out of five stars for treatment effectiveness and reported that his uncle has been doing well since completing treatment.


I.C., the one staffer polled by to date, also gave Lighthouse highly positive feedback, awarding the facility five out of five stars across almost all evaluated metrics, including treatment effectiveness, exercise and leisure activities, holistic offerings, family participation, counseling options, and treatment of co-occurring disorders. ""Knowledgeable staff, effective treatment and group therapy,"" they wrote.


Treatment costs $12,000 for a month and $28,000 for 90 days. Lighthouse accepts private insurance and has a relationship with a medical loans company. The eight alumni polled by to date on the center’s affordability gave it an average rating of 4.75 out of five stars.

Published on August 2017

Do you work at this facility? Let us know if we missed something! ","Lighthouse helped repair the damage my addiction caused with their family program. The therapy sessions help. If you think there's no change and the bridges have been burned, try their family counseling sessions. Miracles happen there.",6563,"2018-01-08 04:11:56","Lighthouse Treatment Center" 306,"2018-01-09 03:38:38","Residential Neighborhood",649,"2018-01-09 03:38:38","1310 West Pearl Street",92801,,,"4.8 of 5",98,96,90,"

Our mission at Lighthouse Treatment Center, is to provide you with the tools needed to achieve long term sobriety and a new life filled with freedom, serenity, healing and hope. We help build a foundation of health and happiness through an integrative approach to addiction treatment.



Located on a quiet residential street in California's Orange County, Lighthouse Treatment Center offers residential treatment and outpatient programs for adults struggling with substance abuse and dual diagnosis. Medically monitored detox services are offered on-site.


Residential treatment at Lighthouse is gender-specific and 12-step based. Aside from 12-step meetings, Lighthouse uses evidence-based practices such as cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR), and mindfulness training. Residents participate in group therapy, psychoeducational lectures and groups, and relapse prevention classes. Lighthouse also offers weekly family counseling sessions and educational services for families.

Outpatient offerings include an intensive outpatient program (IOP), which is recommends as a step-down level of care from residential treatment.


The facility has an impressive staff-to-client ratio of 1:1. There is currently no information provided by the facility regarding its treatment staff, however the eight alumni who evaluated the staff's experience gave it an average rating of 4.62 out of five stars.


Residents sleep in shared bedrooms in a modern, family-style home with a patio, a large kitchen, and comfy communal areas. The center’s extracurricular and holistic activities include yoga, meditation, and supervised outings, including trips to baseball games and amusement parks. The nine former clients polled by to date on the center’s cleanliness gave it an average rating of 4.77 out of five stars.


All 13 alumni polled by to date gave Lighthouse positive feedback. Numerous respondents described the treatment as life-changing, and praise was given for the knowledgeable and friendly staff, the effective group and family therapy, the satisfying exercise programs, and the delicious food. When asked, on a scale of one to five, if they would recommend the facility, eight respondents gave a rating of five. ""I can attest to the amazing program the light house offers and feel confident in my recovery as a direct result of the program. I would recommended it to any and everyone,"" wrote Gabe in a representative review.

Criticisms were few and far between -- Edward noted that the ""management and coordination could use a little more strengthening,"" while K.W. complained that there was too much smoking and that the program could use a little more structure. Nevertheless, both alumni were satisfied with the program overall.


The sole loved one surveyed by at the time of this writing gave Lighthouse five out of five stars for treatment effectiveness and reported that his uncle has been doing well since completing treatment.


I.C., the one staffer polled by to date, also gave Lighthouse highly positive feedback, awarding the facility five out of five stars across almost all evaluated metrics, including treatment effectiveness, exercise and leisure activities, holistic offerings, family participation, counseling options, and treatment of co-occurring disorders. ""Knowledgeable staff, effective treatment and group therapy,"" they wrote.


Treatment costs $12,000 for a month and $28,000 for 90 days. Lighthouse accepts private insurance and has a relationship with a medical loans company. The eight alumni polled by to date on the center’s affordability gave it an average rating of 4.75 out of five stars.

Published on August 2017

Do you work at this facility? Let us know if we missed something! ","Lighthouse helped repair the damage my addiction caused with their family program. The therapy sessions help. If you think there's no change and the bridges have been burned, try their family counseling sessions. Miracles happen there.",6563,"2018-01-08 04:11:56","Lighthouse Treatment Center" 307,"2018-01-09 03:38:38",Private/Secluded,649,"2018-01-09 03:38:38","1310 West Pearl Street",92801,,,"4.8 of 5",98,96,90,"

Our mission at Lighthouse Treatment Center, is to provide you with the tools needed to achieve long term sobriety and a new life filled with freedom, serenity, healing and hope. We help build a foundation of health and happiness through an integrative approach to addiction treatment.



Located on a quiet residential street in California's Orange County, Lighthouse Treatment Center offers residential treatment and outpatient programs for adults struggling with substance abuse and dual diagnosis. Medically monitored detox services are offered on-site.


Residential treatment at Lighthouse is gender-specific and 12-step based. Aside from 12-step meetings, Lighthouse uses evidence-based practices such as cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR), and mindfulness training. Residents participate in group therapy, psychoeducational lectures and groups, and relapse prevention classes. Lighthouse also offers weekly family counseling sessions and educational services for families.

Outpatient offerings include an intensive outpatient program (IOP), which is recommends as a step-down level of care from residential treatment.


The facility has an impressive staff-to-client ratio of 1:1. There is currently no information provided by the facility regarding its treatment staff, however the eight alumni who evaluated the staff's experience gave it an average rating of 4.62 out of five stars.


Residents sleep in shared bedrooms in a modern, family-style home with a patio, a large kitchen, and comfy communal areas. The center’s extracurricular and holistic activities include yoga, meditation, and supervised outings, including trips to baseball games and amusement parks. The nine former clients polled by to date on the center’s cleanliness gave it an average rating of 4.77 out of five stars.


All 13 alumni polled by to date gave Lighthouse positive feedback. Numerous respondents described the treatment as life-changing, and praise was given for the knowledgeable and friendly staff, the effective group and family therapy, the satisfying exercise programs, and the delicious food. When asked, on a scale of one to five, if they would recommend the facility, eight respondents gave a rating of five. ""I can attest to the amazing program the light house offers and feel confident in my recovery as a direct result of the program. I would recommended it to any and everyone,"" wrote Gabe in a representative review.

Criticisms were few and far between -- Edward noted that the ""management and coordination could use a little more strengthening,"" while K.W. complained that there was too much smoking and that the program could use a little more structure. Nevertheless, both alumni were satisfied with the program overall.


The sole loved one surveyed by at the time of this writing gave Lighthouse five out of five stars for treatment effectiveness and reported that his uncle has been doing well since completing treatment.


I.C., the one staffer polled by to date, also gave Lighthouse highly positive feedback, awarding the facility five out of five stars across almost all evaluated metrics, including treatment effectiveness, exercise and leisure activities, holistic offerings, family participation, counseling options, and treatment of co-occurring disorders. ""Knowledgeable staff, effective treatment and group therapy,"" they wrote.


Treatment costs $12,000 for a month and $28,000 for 90 days. Lighthouse accepts private insurance and has a relationship with a medical loans company. The eight alumni polled by to date on the center’s affordability gave it an average rating of 4.75 out of five stars.

Published on August 2017

Do you work at this facility? Let us know if we missed something! ","Lighthouse helped repair the damage my addiction caused with their family program. The therapy sessions help. If you think there's no change and the bridges have been burned, try their family counseling sessions. Miracles happen there.",6563,"2018-01-08 04:11:56","Lighthouse Treatment Center" 308,"2018-01-09 03:38:47",Mountains,650,"2018-01-09 03:38:47","727 E 1100 S",84664,,,"4.9 of 5",98,100,100,"

While many treatment professionals say they understand addiction is disease, many still treat it like a moral issue. We recognize that our clients' challenges, disturbances in their personality, and behavior changes are caused by brain changes. Most of our clients have a dual diagnosis, which means they are not only healing from addiction, but also mental health problems such as PTSD, bipolar disorder, anxiety, depression and so on. We treat our patients with care, respect and understanding they are sick. Safety is our most important value. When our clients feel safe in our facility, they can start healing from their trauma and improve their lives.



Founded in 2014, Maple Mountain Recovery is a premier, upscale treatment facility that provides a residential treatment program for adults struggling with addiction and/or co-occurring disorders. It is located in the picturesque, rural community of Mapleton, Utah, in an 11,000 sq. foot, homelike facility.


Upon admission, clients undergo a comprehensive evaluation and assessment to guide clinicians in forming a highly individualized treatment curriculum. Clients are also pre-screened and receive a free, initial assessment to ensure that the residential program is an appropriate level of treatment. According to the facility’s website, the residential program offers a full spectrum of “substance dependence treatment,” as well as “holistic treatment concepts that promote the healing of the mind, body and spirit.”

Core programming consists of individual and group counseling, as well as other evidence-based therapies. Neurofeedback sessions, such as eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) and Cranial Electrotherapy Therapy (CET), may be utilized to address issues of trauma.

Ongoing psychiatric evaluations and medication management may also be integrating into treatment to address symptoms of co-occurring mental health disorders. Dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT) is used to help clients find mindfulness and better emotional stability.

Along with traditional treatment methods, Maple Mountain Recovery also incorporates a range of holistic approaches to treatment. These may include guided meditation, nature walks, yoga, and Tai Chi. Recreational therapy, fitness regimens, and nutritional counseling may also play a role in programming. The innovative Serenity BioSound Lounge utilizes vibrations, audio, and sound to calm clients and relieve anxiety.


The treatment staff may include mental health practitioners, psychiatrists, substance abuse and mental health counselors, social workers, case managers, a physician, and behavioral health technicians.


Located on a two-acre parcel of land, the repurposed 11,000 sq. foot residential facility is surrounded by the Spanish Fork and Ether Peaks, offering incredible views of the surrounding mountains. The facility also features an on-site gym, dry sauna, theater room and sprawling grounds to explore. Clients do not have access to their cell phones during treatment.


To date, has received three alumni reviews for Maple Mountain Recovery. The feedback was extremely positive. The alumni gave the facility five out of five stars for treatment effectiveness, accommodations, meals, exercise and leisure opportunities, its holistic offerings, affordability, facility maintenance, and its available counseling options.

One alum gave the facility three out of five stars for its integration of the 12-Step program and its faith-based programming.

Alumni frequently praised the staff members and the individualized attention. Alum L.B. wrote: “Individualized, family support, treatment methods.” An anonymous alum agreed and wrote: “One on one. Friendly atmosphere. The care of the staff.”

On Google, the facility earned five out of five stars from 30 reviews to date.[1] Many of the alumni wrote that the facility changed their life and praised the staff. In a representative review, alum Mattie wrote: “The staff truly cares about every individual who walks through their doors.”


At the time of this writing, has received five reviews from loved ones about Maple Mountain Recovery. The feedback was mostly positive, with some noted areas of improvement.

Loved ones gave the facility four out of five stars or higher for its accommodations and exercise and leisure opportunities. All loved ones asked about the program’s treatment effectiveness also gave the facility four out of five stars or higher.

Two of the loved ones gave three out of four stars or lower for meals and nutrition, holistic offerings, connectivity, and family participation. One of the loved ones credited the opportunities for improvement with the facility’s relative newness. The loved one, H.F., wrote: “They are new and need some time to fine tune their processes.”


Three staff members have provided feedback about Maple Mountain Recovery to date. Their feedback was extremely positive with five out of five stars given for the program’s holistic offerings, cleanliness, affordability, available counseling options, and the staff’s level of experience.

One of the three staff members gave the facility four out of five stars for its level of family participation and exercise and leisure options, and three out of five stars for its connectivity.


Maple Mountain Recovery accepts some private health insurance plans, including Cigna, Humana, Coventry One, Aetna, Blue Cross Blue Shield, and others. Payment plans, self-pay options, and scholarships are also accepted.

Updated April 2017


Published on June 2017

Do you work at this facility? Let us know if we missed something! ","My experience at MMR was very uplifting! The experience was made possible by everyone that worked there. If you are looking for a small and supportive group this is the place.",6577,"2018-01-08 04:12:10","Maple Mountain Recovery" 309,"2018-01-09 03:38:47",Private/Secluded,650,"2018-01-09 03:38:47","727 E 1100 S",84664,,,"4.9 of 5",98,100,100,"

While many treatment professionals say they understand addiction is disease, many still treat it like a moral issue. We recognize that our clients' challenges, disturbances in their personality, and behavior changes are caused by brain changes. Most of our clients have a dual diagnosis, which means they are not only healing from addiction, but also mental health problems such as PTSD, bipolar disorder, anxiety, depression and so on. We treat our patients with care, respect and understanding they are sick. Safety is our most important value. When our clients feel safe in our facility, they can start healing from their trauma and improve their lives.



Founded in 2014, Maple Mountain Recovery is a premier, upscale treatment facility that provides a residential treatment program for adults struggling with addiction and/or co-occurring disorders. It is located in the picturesque, rural community of Mapleton, Utah, in an 11,000 sq. foot, homelike facility.


Upon admission, clients undergo a comprehensive evaluation and assessment to guide clinicians in forming a highly individualized treatment curriculum. Clients are also pre-screened and receive a free, initial assessment to ensure that the residential program is an appropriate level of treatment. According to the facility’s website, the residential program offers a full spectrum of “substance dependence treatment,” as well as “holistic treatment concepts that promote the healing of the mind, body and spirit.”

Core programming consists of individual and group counseling, as well as other evidence-based therapies. Neurofeedback sessions, such as eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) and Cranial Electrotherapy Therapy (CET), may be utilized to address issues of trauma.

Ongoing psychiatric evaluations and medication management may also be integrating into treatment to address symptoms of co-occurring mental health disorders. Dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT) is used to help clients find mindfulness and better emotional stability.

Along with traditional treatment methods, Maple Mountain Recovery also incorporates a range of holistic approaches to treatment. These may include guided meditation, nature walks, yoga, and Tai Chi. Recreational therapy, fitness regimens, and nutritional counseling may also play a role in programming. The innovative Serenity BioSound Lounge utilizes vibrations, audio, and sound to calm clients and relieve anxiety.


The treatment staff may include mental health practitioners, psychiatrists, substance abuse and mental health counselors, social workers, case managers, a physician, and behavioral health technicians.


Located on a two-acre parcel of land, the repurposed 11,000 sq. foot residential facility is surrounded by the Spanish Fork and Ether Peaks, offering incredible views of the surrounding mountains. The facility also features an on-site gym, dry sauna, theater room and sprawling grounds to explore. Clients do not have access to their cell phones during treatment.


To date, has received three alumni reviews for Maple Mountain Recovery. The feedback was extremely positive. The alumni gave the facility five out of five stars for treatment effectiveness, accommodations, meals, exercise and leisure opportunities, its holistic offerings, affordability, facility maintenance, and its available counseling options.

One alum gave the facility three out of five stars for its integration of the 12-Step program and its faith-based programming.

Alumni frequently praised the staff members and the individualized attention. Alum L.B. wrote: “Individualized, family support, treatment methods.” An anonymous alum agreed and wrote: “One on one. Friendly atmosphere. The care of the staff.”

On Google, the facility earned five out of five stars from 30 reviews to date.[1] Many of the alumni wrote that the facility changed their life and praised the staff. In a representative review, alum Mattie wrote: “The staff truly cares about every individual who walks through their doors.”


At the time of this writing, has received five reviews from loved ones about Maple Mountain Recovery. The feedback was mostly positive, with some noted areas of improvement.

Loved ones gave the facility four out of five stars or higher for its accommodations and exercise and leisure opportunities. All loved ones asked about the program’s treatment effectiveness also gave the facility four out of five stars or higher.

Two of the loved ones gave three out of four stars or lower for meals and nutrition, holistic offerings, connectivity, and family participation. One of the loved ones credited the opportunities for improvement with the facility’s relative newness. The loved one, H.F., wrote: “They are new and need some time to fine tune their processes.”


Three staff members have provided feedback about Maple Mountain Recovery to date. Their feedback was extremely positive with five out of five stars given for the program’s holistic offerings, cleanliness, affordability, available counseling options, and the staff’s level of experience.

One of the three staff members gave the facility four out of five stars for its level of family participation and exercise and leisure options, and three out of five stars for its connectivity.


Maple Mountain Recovery accepts some private health insurance plans, including Cigna, Humana, Coventry One, Aetna, Blue Cross Blue Shield, and others. Payment plans, self-pay options, and scholarships are also accepted.

Updated April 2017


Published on June 2017

Do you work at this facility? Let us know if we missed something! ","My experience at MMR was very uplifting! The experience was made possible by everyone that worked there. If you are looking for a small and supportive group this is the place.",6577,"2018-01-08 04:12:10","Maple Mountain Recovery" 310,"2018-01-09 03:38:47",Luxury,650,"2018-01-09 03:38:47","727 E 1100 S",84664,,,"4.9 of 5",98,100,100,"

While many treatment professionals say they understand addiction is disease, many still treat it like a moral issue. We recognize that our clients' challenges, disturbances in their personality, and behavior changes are caused by brain changes. Most of our clients have a dual diagnosis, which means they are not only healing from addiction, but also mental health problems such as PTSD, bipolar disorder, anxiety, depression and so on. We treat our patients with care, respect and understanding they are sick. Safety is our most important value. When our clients feel safe in our facility, they can start healing from their trauma and improve their lives.



Founded in 2014, Maple Mountain Recovery is a premier, upscale treatment facility that provides a residential treatment program for adults struggling with addiction and/or co-occurring disorders. It is located in the picturesque, rural community of Mapleton, Utah, in an 11,000 sq. foot, homelike facility.


Upon admission, clients undergo a comprehensive evaluation and assessment to guide clinicians in forming a highly individualized treatment curriculum. Clients are also pre-screened and receive a free, initial assessment to ensure that the residential program is an appropriate level of treatment. According to the facility’s website, the residential program offers a full spectrum of “substance dependence treatment,” as well as “holistic treatment concepts that promote the healing of the mind, body and spirit.”

Core programming consists of individual and group counseling, as well as other evidence-based therapies. Neurofeedback sessions, such as eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) and Cranial Electrotherapy Therapy (CET), may be utilized to address issues of trauma.

Ongoing psychiatric evaluations and medication management may also be integrating into treatment to address symptoms of co-occurring mental health disorders. Dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT) is used to help clients find mindfulness and better emotional stability.

Along with traditional treatment methods, Maple Mountain Recovery also incorporates a range of holistic approaches to treatment. These may include guided meditation, nature walks, yoga, and Tai Chi. Recreational therapy, fitness regimens, and nutritional counseling may also play a role in programming. The innovative Serenity BioSound Lounge utilizes vibrations, audio, and sound to calm clients and relieve anxiety.


The treatment staff may include mental health practitioners, psychiatrists, substance abuse and mental health counselors, social workers, case managers, a physician, and behavioral health technicians.


Located on a two-acre parcel of land, the repurposed 11,000 sq. foot residential facility is surrounded by the Spanish Fork and Ether Peaks, offering incredible views of the surrounding mountains. The facility also features an on-site gym, dry sauna, theater room and sprawling grounds to explore. Clients do not have access to their cell phones during treatment.


To date, has received three alumni reviews for Maple Mountain Recovery. The feedback was extremely positive. The alumni gave the facility five out of five stars for treatment effectiveness, accommodations, meals, exercise and leisure opportunities, its holistic offerings, affordability, facility maintenance, and its available counseling options.

One alum gave the facility three out of five stars for its integration of the 12-Step program and its faith-based programming.

Alumni frequently praised the staff members and the individualized attention. Alum L.B. wrote: “Individualized, family support, treatment methods.” An anonymous alum agreed and wrote: “One on one. Friendly atmosphere. The care of the staff.”

On Google, the facility earned five out of five stars from 30 reviews to date.[1] Many of the alumni wrote that the facility changed their life and praised the staff. In a representative review, alum Mattie wrote: “The staff truly cares about every individual who walks through their doors.”


At the time of this writing, has received five reviews from loved ones about Maple Mountain Recovery. The feedback was mostly positive, with some noted areas of improvement.

Loved ones gave the facility four out of five stars or higher for its accommodations and exercise and leisure opportunities. All loved ones asked about the program’s treatment effectiveness also gave the facility four out of five stars or higher.

Two of the loved ones gave three out of four stars or lower for meals and nutrition, holistic offerings, connectivity, and family participation. One of the loved ones credited the opportunities for improvement with the facility’s relative newness. The loved one, H.F., wrote: “They are new and need some time to fine tune their processes.”


Three staff members have provided feedback about Maple Mountain Recovery to date. Their feedback was extremely positive with five out of five stars given for the program’s holistic offerings, cleanliness, affordability, available counseling options, and the staff’s level of experience.

One of the three staff members gave the facility four out of five stars for its level of family participation and exercise and leisure options, and three out of five stars for its connectivity.


Maple Mountain Recovery accepts some private health insurance plans, including Cigna, Humana, Coventry One, Aetna, Blue Cross Blue Shield, and others. Payment plans, self-pay options, and scholarships are also accepted.

Updated April 2017


Published on June 2017

Do you work at this facility? Let us know if we missed something! ","My experience at MMR was very uplifting! The experience was made possible by everyone that worked there. If you are looking for a small and supportive group this is the place.",6577,"2018-01-08 04:12:10","Maple Mountain Recovery" 311,"2018-01-09 03:40:25",Wilderness,660,"2018-01-09 03:40:25","184 Fullbrook Lane",78624,,,"4.9 of 5",98,98,98,"

Awakening Hill Country is a family-owned, women's only, alcohol and drug treatment center for those afflicted with substance abuse and addiction.

Every patient at our facility will participate in individually designed programs comprised of treatment planning, group therapy, individual therapy, and other specialized rehabilitation for drug and alcohol addiction.

Our professional staff will apply the latest in proven addiction treatment techniques for you, or the woman you know suffering from addiction. Our staff facility is approved by the state of Texas to bring the best treatment possible to the hill country.

Each part of the program is specifically designed for each woman. No aspect of her life, past and present, will be set aside. Every element is crucial to provide the best possibility of sustained recovery and sobriety.

The Awakenings Hill Country is a CARF and NAATP Accredited program for women suffering from substance abuse issues. We look forward to serving you!



In the rolling green of Texas's Hill Country, less than 100 miles from both San Antonio and Austin, family-owned Awakenings Hill Country offers medical detox and residential treatment for women struggling with problematic substance use. The center can accommodate co-occurring disorders such as trauma and PTSD.

Though religion is not the main feature of the facility, Awakenings Hill Country does note: ""We believe your relationship with God is a critical tool in the recovery process.""


The program at Awakenings is targeted to address the gender-specific problems that lead women into a life of addiction, and the gender-specific problems they can face in recovery. Residential treatment is offered in increments of 30, 60, and 90 days, which can begin with medical detox, when required.

Programs are individualized, but all residents participate in both individual and group counseling. Additionally, residents' loved ones are invited to participate in a family program that includes education about addiction as well as treatment services. Residents are introduced to the 12-Steps, though it's unclear whether the 12-step program is the basis of the entire treatment philosophy at Awakenings. Holistic offerings include art therapy, equine therapy, yoga, and exercise programs.

Those residents who remain beyond the first 30 days spend their second month focusing on self-image, guilt, grief, and shame, as well as their relationships. Residents in this stage also complete plans for thorough life change and focus on relapse-prevention skills, and are invited to participate in a five-day program designed to help them understand the survival mechanisms that drove them to self-destructive behavior. In the third month of treatment, residents focus on relapse prevention and family relationships.


Staff includes a physician who's board certified in addiction medicine, a nurse, and licensed chemical dependency counselors.


Awakenings operates from a large, country-style home, with plenty of green space featuring an outdoor pool, a pond, and covered patio areas. Residents sleep in shared rooms decorated in a pretty, traditional style with lots of florals, and the house offers comfortable communal areas.

REVIEWS has not yet received any reviews from this facility’s alumni, affiliated friends or family members, or staff, however, secondary sites yielded overwhelmingly positive feedback at the time of this writing: a 4.8-star average rating based on 19 reviews on Facebook (where the facility can manage its own page) and a 4.7-star average rating based on 23 reviews on Google.[1] [2] In the single negative review with any accompanying commentary, C.M. complained on Facebook of being kicked out mid-detox because she didn't have insurance.

However, the overwhelming majority of feedback was positive, with reviewers repeatedly praising the facility's staff and amenities and crediting the center with their successful sobriety. ""This place saved my life... The councilors they have are phenomenal. They truly care about each woman there,"" S.E. wrote in one representative review on Google; ""A Beautiful place in the Hill Country for women to find themselves. Staff was amazing, food was delicious and hospitality,"" M.D. added on Facebook.


Awakenings accepts insurance from most providers.


Published on January 2018

Do you work at this facility? Let us know if we missed something! ","I will be sober a year on November 15, 2017. This place saved my life. I stayed willingly for 90 days and not a day goes by that I do not use a tool they taught me. I want to say about 9 out of 10 staff members are in recovery themselves. They understood what I was going through and they also modeled for me, how to live life in recovery. I remember being there, seeing how happy the staff members were. I hoped I would achieve that level of happiness in my sobriety. I have, with the tools they have given me. They also offer a class called The Recovery Enrichment Program that elevates your chances of success by over 50 percent (forgive me, I do not remember the exact percentage).The councilors they have been phenomenal. They truly care about each woman there. I love all of the women there who saved my life, even including the nurses on duty! The staff and women I met are my angels that saved my life. IF YOU NEED HELP, THIS PLACE CAN SAVE YOUR LIFE. IT SAVED MINE.",6602,"2018-01-08 04:13:05","Awakenings Hill Country" 312,"2018-01-09 03:40:25",Resort,660,"2018-01-09 03:40:25","184 Fullbrook Lane",78624,,,"4.9 of 5",98,98,98,"

Awakening Hill Country is a family-owned, women's only, alcohol and drug treatment center for those afflicted with substance abuse and addiction.

Every patient at our facility will participate in individually designed programs comprised of treatment planning, group therapy, individual therapy, and other specialized rehabilitation for drug and alcohol addiction.

Our professional staff will apply the latest in proven addiction treatment techniques for you, or the woman you know suffering from addiction. Our staff facility is approved by the state of Texas to bring the best treatment possible to the hill country.

Each part of the program is specifically designed for each woman. No aspect of her life, past and present, will be set aside. Every element is crucial to provide the best possibility of sustained recovery and sobriety.

The Awakenings Hill Country is a CARF and NAATP Accredited program for women suffering from substance abuse issues. We look forward to serving you!



In the rolling green of Texas's Hill Country, less than 100 miles from both San Antonio and Austin, family-owned Awakenings Hill Country offers medical detox and residential treatment for women struggling with problematic substance use. The center can accommodate co-occurring disorders such as trauma and PTSD.

Though religion is not the main feature of the facility, Awakenings Hill Country does note: ""We believe your relationship with God is a critical tool in the recovery process.""


The program at Awakenings is targeted to address the gender-specific problems that lead women into a life of addiction, and the gender-specific problems they can face in recovery. Residential treatment is offered in increments of 30, 60, and 90 days, which can begin with medical detox, when required.

Programs are individualized, but all residents participate in both individual and group counseling. Additionally, residents' loved ones are invited to participate in a family program that includes education about addiction as well as treatment services. Residents are introduced to the 12-Steps, though it's unclear whether the 12-step program is the basis of the entire treatment philosophy at Awakenings. Holistic offerings include art therapy, equine therapy, yoga, and exercise programs.

Those residents who remain beyond the first 30 days spend their second month focusing on self-image, guilt, grief, and shame, as well as their relationships. Residents in this stage also complete plans for thorough life change and focus on relapse-prevention skills, and are invited to participate in a five-day program designed to help them understand the survival mechanisms that drove them to self-destructive behavior. In the third month of treatment, residents focus on relapse prevention and family relationships.


Staff includes a physician who's board certified in addiction medicine, a nurse, and licensed chemical dependency counselors.


Awakenings operates from a large, country-style home, with plenty of green space featuring an outdoor pool, a pond, and covered patio areas. Residents sleep in shared rooms decorated in a pretty, traditional style with lots of florals, and the house offers comfortable communal areas.

REVIEWS has not yet received any reviews from this facility’s alumni, affiliated friends or family members, or staff, however, secondary sites yielded overwhelmingly positive feedback at the time of this writing: a 4.8-star average rating based on 19 reviews on Facebook (where the facility can manage its own page) and a 4.7-star average rating based on 23 reviews on Google.[1] [2] In the single negative review with any accompanying commentary, C.M. complained on Facebook of being kicked out mid-detox because she didn't have insurance.

However, the overwhelming majority of feedback was positive, with reviewers repeatedly praising the facility's staff and amenities and crediting the center with their successful sobriety. ""This place saved my life... The councilors they have are phenomenal. They truly care about each woman there,"" S.E. wrote in one representative review on Google; ""A Beautiful place in the Hill Country for women to find themselves. Staff was amazing, food was delicious and hospitality,"" M.D. added on Facebook.


Awakenings accepts insurance from most providers.


Published on January 2018

Do you work at this facility? Let us know if we missed something! ","I will be sober a year on November 15, 2017. This place saved my life. I stayed willingly for 90 days and not a day goes by that I do not use a tool they taught me. I want to say about 9 out of 10 staff members are in recovery themselves. They understood what I was going through and they also modeled for me, how to live life in recovery. I remember being there, seeing how happy the staff members were. I hoped I would achieve that level of happiness in my sobriety. I have, with the tools they have given me. They also offer a class called The Recovery Enrichment Program that elevates your chances of success by over 50 percent (forgive me, I do not remember the exact percentage).The councilors they have been phenomenal. They truly care about each woman there. I love all of the women there who saved my life, even including the nurses on duty! The staff and women I met are my angels that saved my life. IF YOU NEED HELP, THIS PLACE CAN SAVE YOUR LIFE. IT SAVED MINE.",6602,"2018-01-08 04:13:05","Awakenings Hill Country" 313,"2018-01-09 03:40:25",Private/Secluded,660,"2018-01-09 03:40:25","184 Fullbrook Lane",78624,,,"4.9 of 5",98,98,98,"

Awakening Hill Country is a family-owned, women's only, alcohol and drug treatment center for those afflicted with substance abuse and addiction.

Every patient at our facility will participate in individually designed programs comprised of treatment planning, group therapy, individual therapy, and other specialized rehabilitation for drug and alcohol addiction.

Our professional staff will apply the latest in proven addiction treatment techniques for you, or the woman you know suffering from addiction. Our staff facility is approved by the state of Texas to bring the best treatment possible to the hill country.

Each part of the program is specifically designed for each woman. No aspect of her life, past and present, will be set aside. Every element is crucial to provide the best possibility of sustained recovery and sobriety.

The Awakenings Hill Country is a CARF and NAATP Accredited program for women suffering from substance abuse issues. We look forward to serving you!



In the rolling green of Texas's Hill Country, less than 100 miles from both San Antonio and Austin, family-owned Awakenings Hill Country offers medical detox and residential treatment for women struggling with problematic substance use. The center can accommodate co-occurring disorders such as trauma and PTSD.

Though religion is not the main feature of the facility, Awakenings Hill Country does note: ""We believe your relationship with God is a critical tool in the recovery process.""


The program at Awakenings is targeted to address the gender-specific problems that lead women into a life of addiction, and the gender-specific problems they can face in recovery. Residential treatment is offered in increments of 30, 60, and 90 days, which can begin with medical detox, when required.

Programs are individualized, but all residents participate in both individual and group counseling. Additionally, residents' loved ones are invited to participate in a family program that includes education about addiction as well as treatment services. Residents are introduced to the 12-Steps, though it's unclear whether the 12-step program is the basis of the entire treatment philosophy at Awakenings. Holistic offerings include art therapy, equine therapy, yoga, and exercise programs.

Those residents who remain beyond the first 30 days spend their second month focusing on self-image, guilt, grief, and shame, as well as their relationships. Residents in this stage also complete plans for thorough life change and focus on relapse-prevention skills, and are invited to participate in a five-day program designed to help them understand the survival mechanisms that drove them to self-destructive behavior. In the third month of treatment, residents focus on relapse prevention and family relationships.


Staff includes a physician who's board certified in addiction medicine, a nurse, and licensed chemical dependency counselors.


Awakenings operates from a large, country-style home, with plenty of green space featuring an outdoor pool, a pond, and covered patio areas. Residents sleep in shared rooms decorated in a pretty, traditional style with lots of florals, and the house offers comfortable communal areas.

REVIEWS has not yet received any reviews from this facility’s alumni, affiliated friends or family members, or staff, however, secondary sites yielded overwhelmingly positive feedback at the time of this writing: a 4.8-star average rating based on 19 reviews on Facebook (where the facility can manage its own page) and a 4.7-star average rating based on 23 reviews on Google.[1] [2] In the single negative review with any accompanying commentary, C.M. complained on Facebook of being kicked out mid-detox because she didn't have insurance.

However, the overwhelming majority of feedback was positive, with reviewers repeatedly praising the facility's staff and amenities and crediting the center with their successful sobriety. ""This place saved my life... The councilors they have are phenomenal. They truly care about each woman there,"" S.E. wrote in one representative review on Google; ""A Beautiful place in the Hill Country for women to find themselves. Staff was amazing, food was delicious and hospitality,"" M.D. added on Facebook.


Awakenings accepts insurance from most providers.


Published on January 2018

Do you work at this facility? Let us know if we missed something! ","I will be sober a year on November 15, 2017. This place saved my life. I stayed willingly for 90 days and not a day goes by that I do not use a tool they taught me. I want to say about 9 out of 10 staff members are in recovery themselves. They understood what I was going through and they also modeled for me, how to live life in recovery. I remember being there, seeing how happy the staff members were. I hoped I would achieve that level of happiness in my sobriety. I have, with the tools they have given me. They also offer a class called The Recovery Enrichment Program that elevates your chances of success by over 50 percent (forgive me, I do not remember the exact percentage).The councilors they have been phenomenal. They truly care about each woman there. I love all of the women there who saved my life, even including the nurses on duty! The staff and women I met are my angels that saved my life. IF YOU NEED HELP, THIS PLACE CAN SAVE YOUR LIFE. IT SAVED MINE.",6602,"2018-01-08 04:13:05","Awakenings Hill Country" 314,"2018-01-09 03:40:34",Private/Secluded,661,"2018-01-09 03:40:34","37 Sunset Inn Road",07848,,,"4 of 5",84,76,82,"

A New Jersey based addiction and recovery facility, Sunrise House uses a compassionate, client-focused approach in providing substance abuse and alcohol treatment for adults. Through the development of individualized treatment plans for clients, the focus of Sunrise House is on addressing client specific addiction circumstances, and helping them focus on their clinical issues. Programs are built upon research-based therapeutic modalities and 12-Step recovery principles that empower clients.



Situated on 22 acres in the mountains of Sussex County, N.J., Sunrise House provides a tranquil setting for addiction recovery and behavioral health disorders. Medically supervised detox is available on-site, as well as residential, intensive outpatient (IOP), and general outpatient programs for adults.


The 12-step based program begins with a comprehensive assessment of the client’s medical history, followed by detox, if necessary, which lasts seven to 10 days.

Utilizing evidence-based modalities such as cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and motivational interviewing (MI), residential treatment includes group and individual therapy, trauma and gender-specific counseling, relapse prevention, educational and motivational lectures, and family education. The residential program typically lasts 90 days.

Sunrise House provides a continuation of care through intensive day or evening outpatient programs. The IOPs include individual and family counseling, parent and family education, and evaluations required by courts and employers.

All clients leave treatment with a comprehensive aftercare plan, and the facility hosts weekly 12-Step meetings, as well as regular alumni celebrations and activities.

According to the website, clients who relapse after successfully completing 90 days of treatment may return to Sunrise House for 30 days, free of charge.


The treatment team includes licensed physicians, nurses, psychologists, psychiatrists, social workers, therapists, and support staff.


The facility is set on landscaped, campus-like grounds, similar to that of a small college. Images on the website show manicured lawns, dorm-style rooms, and outdoor seating areas.


Reviews submitted to from more than 30 alumni to date indicated that treatment at Sunrise House is satisfactory. The 37 clients who were asked, on a scale of one to five, if they would recommend the facility gave Sunrise House an average rating of 4.24. The 37 alumni also gave the facility average ratings of 3.68 out of five for its cleanliness, 3.5 out of five for its counseling options, and 4.73 out of five for its staff’s level of treatment and experience. “Nonjudgmental staff and a true desire to help clients...This program opened the door to help me fight for my life,” wrote C.M. in a representative review.

While most comments were positive, a few alumni complained about less-than-ideal accommodations and a lack of leisure activities.


Loved ones gave the facility mostly positive feedback at the time of this writing. Thirteen family and friends queried about Sunrise House’s family participation gave 3.9 out of five stars while 12 ratings averaged 4.2 stars for cleanliness. Additionally, counseling options earned 3.5 out of five stars and staff's level of training and experience earned 4.8 stars, both based off 12 ratings. “They really helped my loved one and cared very much. My loved one sd this place saved his life,” said an anonymous loved one in a representative review.


To date, a single staff member has provided with feedback to date. Most categories surveyed, such as treatment effectiveness and family participation, received four or five out of five stars, though holistic treatment was awarded only three stars, indicating that the program is lacking in that area. The staffer, N.M., wrote: "" We may not be a spa, but the education and support offered here is rare and successful.""


According to the facility’s website, a number of private insurance plans are accepted. It also accepts private pay and offers payment plans.

Published on September 2017

Do you work at this facility? Let us know if we missed something! ",,6634,"2018-01-08 04:13:29","Sunrise House" 315,"2018-01-09 03:40:34",Mountains,661,"2018-01-09 03:40:34","37 Sunset Inn Road",07848,,,"4 of 5",84,76,82,"

A New Jersey based addiction and recovery facility, Sunrise House uses a compassionate, client-focused approach in providing substance abuse and alcohol treatment for adults. Through the development of individualized treatment plans for clients, the focus of Sunrise House is on addressing client specific addiction circumstances, and helping them focus on their clinical issues. Programs are built upon research-based therapeutic modalities and 12-Step recovery principles that empower clients.



Situated on 22 acres in the mountains of Sussex County, N.J., Sunrise House provides a tranquil setting for addiction recovery and behavioral health disorders. Medically supervised detox is available on-site, as well as residential, intensive outpatient (IOP), and general outpatient programs for adults.


The 12-step based program begins with a comprehensive assessment of the client’s medical history, followed by detox, if necessary, which lasts seven to 10 days.

Utilizing evidence-based modalities such as cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and motivational interviewing (MI), residential treatment includes group and individual therapy, trauma and gender-specific counseling, relapse prevention, educational and motivational lectures, and family education. The residential program typically lasts 90 days.

Sunrise House provides a continuation of care through intensive day or evening outpatient programs. The IOPs include individual and family counseling, parent and family education, and evaluations required by courts and employers.

All clients leave treatment with a comprehensive aftercare plan, and the facility hosts weekly 12-Step meetings, as well as regular alumni celebrations and activities.

According to the website, clients who relapse after successfully completing 90 days of treatment may return to Sunrise House for 30 days, free of charge.


The treatment team includes licensed physicians, nurses, psychologists, psychiatrists, social workers, therapists, and support staff.


The facility is set on landscaped, campus-like grounds, similar to that of a small college. Images on the website show manicured lawns, dorm-style rooms, and outdoor seating areas.


Reviews submitted to from more than 30 alumni to date indicated that treatment at Sunrise House is satisfactory. The 37 clients who were asked, on a scale of one to five, if they would recommend the facility gave Sunrise House an average rating of 4.24. The 37 alumni also gave the facility average ratings of 3.68 out of five for its cleanliness, 3.5 out of five for its counseling options, and 4.73 out of five for its staff’s level of treatment and experience. “Nonjudgmental staff and a true desire to help clients...This program opened the door to help me fight for my life,” wrote C.M. in a representative review.

While most comments were positive, a few alumni complained about less-than-ideal accommodations and a lack of leisure activities.


Loved ones gave the facility mostly positive feedback at the time of this writing. Thirteen family and friends queried about Sunrise House’s family participation gave 3.9 out of five stars while 12 ratings averaged 4.2 stars for cleanliness. Additionally, counseling options earned 3.5 out of five stars and staff's level of training and experience earned 4.8 stars, both based off 12 ratings. “They really helped my loved one and cared very much. My loved one sd this place saved his life,” said an anonymous loved one in a representative review.


To date, a single staff member has provided with feedback to date. Most categories surveyed, such as treatment effectiveness and family participation, received four or five out of five stars, though holistic treatment was awarded only three stars, indicating that the program is lacking in that area. The staffer, N.M., wrote: "" We may not be a spa, but the education and support offered here is rare and successful.""


According to the facility’s website, a number of private insurance plans are accepted. It also accepts private pay and offers payment plans.

Published on September 2017

Do you work at this facility? Let us know if we missed something! ",,6634,"2018-01-08 04:13:29","Sunrise House" 316,"2018-01-09 03:40:34","Average Location/Amenities",661,"2018-01-09 03:40:34","37 Sunset Inn Road",07848,,,"4 of 5",84,76,82,"

A New Jersey based addiction and recovery facility, Sunrise House uses a compassionate, client-focused approach in providing substance abuse and alcohol treatment for adults. Through the development of individualized treatment plans for clients, the focus of Sunrise House is on addressing client specific addiction circumstances, and helping them focus on their clinical issues. Programs are built upon research-based therapeutic modalities and 12-Step recovery principles that empower clients.



Situated on 22 acres in the mountains of Sussex County, N.J., Sunrise House provides a tranquil setting for addiction recovery and behavioral health disorders. Medically supervised detox is available on-site, as well as residential, intensive outpatient (IOP), and general outpatient programs for adults.


The 12-step based program begins with a comprehensive assessment of the client’s medical history, followed by detox, if necessary, which lasts seven to 10 days.

Utilizing evidence-based modalities such as cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and motivational interviewing (MI), residential treatment includes group and individual therapy, trauma and gender-specific counseling, relapse prevention, educational and motivational lectures, and family education. The residential program typically lasts 90 days.

Sunrise House provides a continuation of care through intensive day or evening outpatient programs. The IOPs include individual and family counseling, parent and family education, and evaluations required by courts and employers.

All clients leave treatment with a comprehensive aftercare plan, and the facility hosts weekly 12-Step meetings, as well as regular alumni celebrations and activities.

According to the website, clients who relapse after successfully completing 90 days of treatment may return to Sunrise House for 30 days, free of charge.


The treatment team includes licensed physicians, nurses, psychologists, psychiatrists, social workers, therapists, and support staff.


The facility is set on landscaped, campus-like grounds, similar to that of a small college. Images on the website show manicured lawns, dorm-style rooms, and outdoor seating areas.


Reviews submitted to from more than 30 alumni to date indicated that treatment at Sunrise House is satisfactory. The 37 clients who were asked, on a scale of one to five, if they would recommend the facility gave Sunrise House an average rating of 4.24. The 37 alumni also gave the facility average ratings of 3.68 out of five for its cleanliness, 3.5 out of five for its counseling options, and 4.73 out of five for its staff’s level of treatment and experience. “Nonjudgmental staff and a true desire to help clients...This program opened the door to help me fight for my life,” wrote C.M. in a representative review.

While most comments were positive, a few alumni complained about less-than-ideal accommodations and a lack of leisure activities.


Loved ones gave the facility mostly positive feedback at the time of this writing. Thirteen family and friends queried about Sunrise House’s family participation gave 3.9 out of five stars while 12 ratings averaged 4.2 stars for cleanliness. Additionally, counseling options earned 3.5 out of five stars and staff's level of training and experience earned 4.8 stars, both based off 12 ratings. “They really helped my loved one and cared very much. My loved one sd this place saved his life,” said an anonymous loved one in a representative review.


To date, a single staff member has provided with feedback to date. Most categories surveyed, such as treatment effectiveness and family participation, received four or five out of five stars, though holistic treatment was awarded only three stars, indicating that the program is lacking in that area. The staffer, N.M., wrote: "" We may not be a spa, but the education and support offered here is rare and successful.""


According to the facility’s website, a number of private insurance plans are accepted. It also accepts private pay and offers payment plans.

Published on September 2017

Do you work at this facility? Let us know if we missed something! ",,6634,"2018-01-08 04:13:29","Sunrise House" 317,"2018-01-09 03:42:34",Luxury,673,"2018-01-09 03:42:34","9730 Wilshire Blvd, Suite 109",90212,,,"4.7 of 5",100,92,88,"

To provide the opportunity to experience a full life beyond drugs and alcohol. A life that includes recognizing the beauty that exists around us and within us. To provide a safe, private and therapeutic place for clients to begin, or further their recovery. To assure that individuals are treated with dignity and respect through a supportive environment while building a foundation through the 12-Steps, psycho-educational groups, life skill education, group and individual therapy, as well as promoting health and education for the Mind, Body and Spirit. To educate the individual to the benefits of long-term continuing support post-discharge to enhance and support their continued recovery.



Located in the famously upscale community of Beverly Hills, Calif., CareForward Health is a luxury treatment center that provides outpatient treatment at various intensities for adults struggling with substance abuse and dual diagnosis. Sober living accommodations are available through a partner organization. Detox is not offered on-site, but staff can arrange for clients to access appropriate treatment at a nearby facility.


Offerings include standard outpatient (OP), intensive outpatient (IOP), and partial hospitalization (PHP).

CareForward can offer a service akin to a 30-day (or longer) residential program through its PHP in combination with a stay at a partnering sober-living facility. PHP is the most structured and time-intensive treatment option, involving treatment sessions all day long. The program lasts a minimum of 30 days, and involves 12-step participation along with one-on-one counseling, group therapy, family therapy, and enrichment opportunities, like trips to local museums and other sites of interest in Los Angeles. Staff use evidence-based modalities such as dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) and cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), as well as experiential activities including art therapy and improv groups. Specialized process groups cover topics like self-care, grief and loss, relapse prevention, and codependency, and there are also dedicated groups for members of the LGBT community.

For those clients who don't need the intensity of a full PHP, the IOP (which also lasts a minimum of 30 days) meets most often on weekdays, though evening and weekend sessions are also available. The IOP uses similar modalities to the PHP, though there's also an option to explore the relationship between addiction, faith, and long-term recovery.

The facility also notes that it provides long-term aftercare, but does not specify what these provisions consist of.


The team consists of licensed therapists and chemical dependency counselors. The seven individuals polled by to date on the staff's level of training and experience gave it an average rating of 4.71 out of five stars.


Through partnerships with sober living homes, clients have the option to stay in upscale living facilities, which are monitored by an on-site supervisory staff. The facilities can accommodate up to 70 clients in total, in shared bedrooms. Residents are provided with daily catered lunches and dinners. Some homes are equipped with swimming pools and scenic views, and clients have access to fitness facilities and transportation. The seven individuals polled by to date on the organization's accommodations gave them an average rating of 4.57 stars, and the six individuals polled on the facilities' cleanliness gave it an average rating of 4.83 stars.


All three of the alumni polled by to date would strongly recommend treatment at CareForward Health. Two of the reviewers praised the facility's staff, stressing the pains taken to address each client's needs: ""Staff that truly cares,"" Hillary wrote in a representative review. In addition, isolated praise was awarded to CareForward's ""family atmosphere"" and ""beautiful facility,"" and the reviewers praised the program's efficacy. In a particularly effusive comment, alum B.T.O. wrote: ""These facilities have been instrumental in giving me a second chance at life."" All three reviewers gave the facility four- and five-star ratings in most of the evaluated treatment metrics, including its counseling options, ability to treat co-occurring disorders, and treatment effectiveness.

Secondary sites yielded mostly positive feedback at the time of this writing: a 4.3-star average rating based on 11 reviews on both Google and Facebook, where the facility can manage its own page.[1] [2] The positive reviewers echoed many of the comments made by reviewers, praising the center's staff and even crediting the program with saving their lives. ""I am alive and free to accomplish my dreams. None of that would have been possible without the love and support of the staff at CareForward and 5Res,"" C.B. wrote in a representative review on Facebook. However, one reviewer, R.B., wrote in a Google review of alleged improprieties with insurance companies and inadequate food and heating at the sober-living facilities.


The single loved one polled by to date would strongly recommend treatment at CareForward Health. ""Staff is dedicated to its clients and their well being,"" S.R. wrote, though they also added that they felt the facility was understaffed. They gave CareForward three stars for its holistic offerings and four stars for its family participation, counseling options, and ability to treat co-occurring disorders.

""Incompetent staff and directors do NOT know what they are doing. They dont seem to have a clue about what addiction is and the phases and symptoms of recovery process,"" mother J.D. wrote in a one-star review on Facebook, alleging that the facility was more interested in making money than in helping her daughter.


All three staff members polled by to date gave very positive feedback. The reviewers repeatedly praised their fellow staff members, in particular lauding the center's clinical team. ""Amazing clinical direction. Careforward Health is an incredible strengths based program ran by a group of people who truly care about every single client,"" Crystal wrote in a representative review. Despite giving praise overall, one staff member echoed loved one S.R. by writing that the facility was understaffed. The three reviewers gave the facility five-star ratings for its treatment effectiveness and ability to treat co-occurring disorders. For its holistic offerings, they gave the center a two-star, a three-star, and a five-star rating.


A month of treatment at CareForward Health typically costs $20,000. The facility accepts a range of private insurance plans as well as private pay, and has a relationship with a medical loans company for the benefit of those individuals who must take out a loan to pay for treatment. All six of the individuals polled by to date on the center's affordability gave it five stars.


Published on December 2017

Do you work at this facility? Let us know if we missed something! ","My daughter needed to go to treatment and only had the clothes on her back. CareForward took care of everything for her, they went above anything we could have hoped for. All the panic that you go through as a parent… they treated my daughter like I would, like she was a member of their family. It was amazing.” Read more at:",6694,"2018-01-08 04:14:00","CareForward Health" 318,"2018-01-09 03:42:46",Private/Secluded,674,"2018-01-09 03:42:46","250 Spring Hill Road",01431,,,"4 of 5",70,80,88,"

Sunspire Health Spring Hill is a private, residential treatment facility for adult men and women struggling with substance use and co-occurring mental health disorders. Our treatment is abstinence, evidence and holistic-based with a clinical emphasis on individual, group and family therapy. We believe in providing individuals and families with the skills and tools to help sustain long-term recovery from addiction. We treat every patient with respect, meeting them where they are at and designing an individualized treatment plan based on their unique needs and lifestyles.



Offering a network of addiction and behavioral health treatment centers throughout the United States, Sunspire Health is known as an industry leader. The Spring Hill facility, which is located about an hour from Boston on 70 wooded acres in Ashby, Mass., offers residential treatment for substance abuse, chemical dependency, and co-occurring mental health disorders. The rehab admits men and women ages 18 and older, and provides extended care via a partial hospitalization program (PHP) and intensive outpatient program (IOP). Detox services are not offered on-site; however, the facility partners with local providers and can help clients get the medical treatment they need before beginning at Spring Hill.


Upon admission, each client receives a comprehensive assessment, which is used to create an individualized plan. Residential or inpatient treatment typically ranges from 30 to 90 days. PHP is the next level of care, where clients attend rehabilitation sessions five to seven days per week for six to eight hours per session while residing at home or in sober living accommodations. IOP clients attend sessions from three to five times per week for three to four hours each while living at home.

Spring Hill combines evidence-based practices, such as medication-assisted treatment, cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), and psychoeducation, with experiential therapies, such as equine therapy, psychodrama, meditation, and massage. Other treatment modalities include motivational enhancement therapy (MET), dialectical behavior therapy (DBT), Seeking Safety, and rational emotive behavior therapy (REBT).

Clients participate in regular one-on-one counseling as well family therapy and gender-specific group therapy. The principles of the 12-Steps are introduced and taught as a foundation for recovery.

Holistic activities and exercise options, such as sessions with a personal fitness trainer, equine therapy, yoga, nature walks, organized sports, and strength training at the facility’s gym, are offered.

Family therapy is available to help loved ones understand addiction and participate in the recovery process. Given the largely young patient population (about 70% clients are ages 18 to 25), there are family visits allowed every Sunday for up to three hours.


The treatment team includes board-certified physicians, licensed addiction and mental health professionals, certified addiction specialists, and family therapists.


Spring Hill’s warmly decorated, wood-paneled residence can accommodate up to 32 clients at a time. It offers double- and single-occupancy rooms as well as cozy dining areas and a living room with a fireplace.


The 10 alumni polled by to date offered mainly positive feedback. Those who responded to the major categories of the survey offered an average of three stars of out five for treatment effectiveness, four stars for accommodations and amenities, and 4.8 stars for meals and nutrition.

The comments alumni made to fleshed out their numerical ratings. An anonymous reviewer wrote: ""Great place, caring people, and a awsome place to spend 30 days. This place has been great and helped me gain the tools i needed!"" Another said: ""didnt want to come initially but glad I did......techs and clinitians were fantastic..overall wonderful experience"" Yet another summed it up as: ""Their caring and compassion saved my life!!!!"" However, in an otherwise commendable review, one anonymous alum said: ""Not a miracle worker.""


Loved ones also offered largely positive feelings. They rated treatment effectiveness an average of 3.86 stars out of five, accommodations and amenities 4.29 stars, and meals and nutrition four stars.

An anonymous reviewer told “One on one help was a strength of the facility. My brother has been clean 3 years” Another anonymous loved one said they would recommend Spring Hill and added: “Strengths: flexibality within the program, guidance from staff, nice atsmophere.” And another shared: ""My friend that went is fully recovered and said that no matter how rough things got the facility took great care of him.""

Yet S.A. complained about poor aftercare, telling “I am not impressed with this facility. After-care planning is critical and they have succeeded in failing in this arena.""


The facility accepts most private insurance plans, and offers financial assistance to those who qualify.

Published on September 2017

Do you work at this facility? Let us know if we missed something! ",,6696,"2018-01-08 04:14:00","Sunspire Health Spring Hill" 319,"2018-01-09 03:42:46",Wilderness,674,"2018-01-09 03:42:46","250 Spring Hill Road",01431,,,"4 of 5",70,80,88,"

Sunspire Health Spring Hill is a private, residential treatment facility for adult men and women struggling with substance use and co-occurring mental health disorders. Our treatment is abstinence, evidence and holistic-based with a clinical emphasis on individual, group and family therapy. We believe in providing individuals and families with the skills and tools to help sustain long-term recovery from addiction. We treat every patient with respect, meeting them where they are at and designing an individualized treatment plan based on their unique needs and lifestyles.



Offering a network of addiction and behavioral health treatment centers throughout the United States, Sunspire Health is known as an industry leader. The Spring Hill facility, which is located about an hour from Boston on 70 wooded acres in Ashby, Mass., offers residential treatment for substance abuse, chemical dependency, and co-occurring mental health disorders. The rehab admits men and women ages 18 and older, and provides extended care via a partial hospitalization program (PHP) and intensive outpatient program (IOP). Detox services are not offered on-site; however, the facility partners with local providers and can help clients get the medical treatment they need before beginning at Spring Hill.


Upon admission, each client receives a comprehensive assessment, which is used to create an individualized plan. Residential or inpatient treatment typically ranges from 30 to 90 days. PHP is the next level of care, where clients attend rehabilitation sessions five to seven days per week for six to eight hours per session while residing at home or in sober living accommodations. IOP clients attend sessions from three to five times per week for three to four hours each while living at home.

Spring Hill combines evidence-based practices, such as medication-assisted treatment, cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), and psychoeducation, with experiential therapies, such as equine therapy, psychodrama, meditation, and massage. Other treatment modalities include motivational enhancement therapy (MET), dialectical behavior therapy (DBT), Seeking Safety, and rational emotive behavior therapy (REBT).

Clients participate in regular one-on-one counseling as well family therapy and gender-specific group therapy. The principles of the 12-Steps are introduced and taught as a foundation for recovery.

Holistic activities and exercise options, such as sessions with a personal fitness trainer, equine therapy, yoga, nature walks, organized sports, and strength training at the facility’s gym, are offered.

Family therapy is available to help loved ones understand addiction and participate in the recovery process. Given the largely young patient population (about 70% clients are ages 18 to 25), there are family visits allowed every Sunday for up to three hours.


The treatment team includes board-certified physicians, licensed addiction and mental health professionals, certified addiction specialists, and family therapists.


Spring Hill’s warmly decorated, wood-paneled residence can accommodate up to 32 clients at a time. It offers double- and single-occupancy rooms as well as cozy dining areas and a living room with a fireplace.


The 10 alumni polled by to date offered mainly positive feedback. Those who responded to the major categories of the survey offered an average of three stars of out five for treatment effectiveness, four stars for accommodations and amenities, and 4.8 stars for meals and nutrition.

The comments alumni made to fleshed out their numerical ratings. An anonymous reviewer wrote: ""Great place, caring people, and a awsome place to spend 30 days. This place has been great and helped me gain the tools i needed!"" Another said: ""didnt want to come initially but glad I did......techs and clinitians were fantastic..overall wonderful experience"" Yet another summed it up as: ""Their caring and compassion saved my life!!!!"" However, in an otherwise commendable review, one anonymous alum said: ""Not a miracle worker.""


Loved ones also offered largely positive feelings. They rated treatment effectiveness an average of 3.86 stars out of five, accommodations and amenities 4.29 stars, and meals and nutrition four stars.

An anonymous reviewer told “One on one help was a strength of the facility. My brother has been clean 3 years” Another anonymous loved one said they would recommend Spring Hill and added: “Strengths: flexibality within the program, guidance from staff, nice atsmophere.” And another shared: ""My friend that went is fully recovered and said that no matter how rough things got the facility took great care of him.""

Yet S.A. complained about poor aftercare, telling “I am not impressed with this facility. After-care planning is critical and they have succeeded in failing in this arena.""


The facility accepts most private insurance plans, and offers financial assistance to those who qualify.

Published on September 2017

Do you work at this facility? Let us know if we missed something! ",,6696,"2018-01-08 04:14:00","Sunspire Health Spring Hill" 320,"2018-01-09 03:42:56","Beach Community",675,"2018-01-09 03:42:56","600 S. Odessa Avenue",08215,,,"5 of 5",100,100,100,"

The mission of Enlightened Solutions, LLC is to help individuals and families struggling with substance use disorder recover the mind, body and spirit through a holistic approach and 12 step philosophy. We believe in meeting the person where they are and forming an individualized program to work with their specific needs.



From a wooded location near Atlantic City International Airport in southeastern New Jersey, Enlightened Solutions offers an intensive outpatient program, outpatient services, and a partial hospitalization program for clients seeking treatment for substance abuse and co-occurring disorders. Specialized groups for gender-specific issues and specific disorders or addictions are available. Detox is available on site.


Treatment at Enlightened Solutions begins with a phone assessment by a trained admissions counselor to determine if the treatment program at Enlightened Solutions is a good fit for each client. A follow-up assessment by a mental health professional is scheduled within the first few days of being accepted into and beginning the treatment program. The best method of treatment is applied based on these assessments.

Enlightened Solutions uses a holistic method of treating addiction and co-occurring disorders. Clients participate in standard treatments including individual, group, and 12-step therapy programs. However, clients also participate in a range of treatments designed to provide spiritual, mental, and physical recovery options as well.

Enlightened Solutions partners with Comprehensive Wellness to provide access to sports and other recreational therapy options. These options include nutritional education, yoga, and physical therapies. Equine therapy, constellation therapy, music/art therapy, and acupuncture are also available.

Relapse prevention and sober living support are provided to help clients establish and maintain a sober living lifestyle after treatment. Family involvement is encouraged, and family therapy and support services can be made available as needed.


The treatment team at Enlightened Solutions consists of certified therapists and social workers. Staff members with specialized certifications such as family therapy, constellation therapy, and other holistic methods are on hand to coordinate treatments. The facility is accredited by the Joint Commission. All three of the individuals polled by to date on the staff’s level of training and experience gave the facility five out of five stars.


All three of the alumni polled by to date gave positive feedback about Enlightened Solutions.

The single alum polled on the facility’s offerings in 15 treatment metrics gave five out of five star ratings for each category, including its treatment effectiveness, holistic options, counseling options, and treatment for co-occurring disorders.

Alumni also repeatedly praised the center’s staff: “Staff is 100% committed to helping the clients in anyway possible,” alum Amy wrote in a representative review. Alum J.F. added: “I have been to multiple treatment facilities, and I have never experienced the type of care I received at Enlightened Solutions, anywhere else.”

On its official Facebook page, which the facility manages, Enlightened Solutions received 33 five out of five star reviews. [1] Alumni frequently credited the facility with “saving” their lives and called it the “best” facility in the state. In a representative review, alum Stephen wrote: “Best treatment for drug and alcohol abuse in the state of New Jersey hands down. Every staff member truly cares about the well being of the client all the way up to the owners who as well interact with the clients which is huge. It's relieving to know that there's this kind of help finally in New Jersey because it has been desperately needed and they give everyone a shot whether you have insurance no insurance money or no money for treatment no one is turned down which is a beautiful thing. The therapy is amazing as well.”

On Google, the facility earned 4.6 out of five stars from 10 reviews. [2] Alumni praised the holistic focus, organic food, friendly and professional staff, and the facility itself. In a representative review, alum Beau wrote: “Love the environment, the staff is friendly and makes you feel comfortable. They really are serious about recovery and trying to help their clients live to their full potential in the healthiest way possible. Not to mention the building is so nice and the property is huge.”


The three staffers polled by to date about Enlightened Solutions gave positive feedback.

Two of them were polled on the facility’s offerings in a variety of treatment metrics and gave five out of five star ratings for its holistic options, family program, and treatment for co-occurring disorders.

All three of the reviewers praised the center’s staff: “Excellent Staff who are knowledgeable , friendly, and readily available to all client's and clients family members,” loved one Kiersten wrote, and John added: “I have never been around more passionate clinicians or people in general who truly care about each individual coming through the door.”


Enlightened Solutions accepts private insurance plans on an out-of-network basis, as well as self-pay.
The center accepts private insurance on an out-of-network basis. All three of the individuals polled by to date on the center’s affordability gave it five out of five stars.


Published on December 2017

Do you work at this facility? Let us know if we missed something! ",,6699,"2018-01-08 04:14:11","Enlightened Solutions" 321,"2018-01-09 03:42:56",Luxury,675,"2018-01-09 03:42:56","600 S. Odessa Avenue",08215,,,"5 of 5",100,100,100,"

The mission of Enlightened Solutions, LLC is to help individuals and families struggling with substance use disorder recover the mind, body and spirit through a holistic approach and 12 step philosophy. We believe in meeting the person where they are and forming an individualized program to work with their specific needs.



From a wooded location near Atlantic City International Airport in southeastern New Jersey, Enlightened Solutions offers an intensive outpatient program, outpatient services, and a partial hospitalization program for clients seeking treatment for substance abuse and co-occurring disorders. Specialized groups for gender-specific issues and specific disorders or addictions are available. Detox is available on site.


Treatment at Enlightened Solutions begins with a phone assessment by a trained admissions counselor to determine if the treatment program at Enlightened Solutions is a good fit for each client. A follow-up assessment by a mental health professional is scheduled within the first few days of being accepted into and beginning the treatment program. The best method of treatment is applied based on these assessments.

Enlightened Solutions uses a holistic method of treating addiction and co-occurring disorders. Clients participate in standard treatments including individual, group, and 12-step therapy programs. However, clients also participate in a range of treatments designed to provide spiritual, mental, and physical recovery options as well.

Enlightened Solutions partners with Comprehensive Wellness to provide access to sports and other recreational therapy options. These options include nutritional education, yoga, and physical therapies. Equine therapy, constellation therapy, music/art therapy, and acupuncture are also available.

Relapse prevention and sober living support are provided to help clients establish and maintain a sober living lifestyle after treatment. Family involvement is encouraged, and family therapy and support services can be made available as needed.


The treatment team at Enlightened Solutions consists of certified therapists and social workers. Staff members with specialized certifications such as family therapy, constellation therapy, and other holistic methods are on hand to coordinate treatments. The facility is accredited by the Joint Commission. All three of the individuals polled by to date on the staff’s level of training and experience gave the facility five out of five stars.


All three of the alumni polled by to date gave positive feedback about Enlightened Solutions.

The single alum polled on the facility’s offerings in 15 treatment metrics gave five out of five star ratings for each category, including its treatment effectiveness, holistic options, counseling options, and treatment for co-occurring disorders.

Alumni also repeatedly praised the center’s staff: “Staff is 100% committed to helping the clients in anyway possible,” alum Amy wrote in a representative review. Alum J.F. added: “I have been to multiple treatment facilities, and I have never experienced the type of care I received at Enlightened Solutions, anywhere else.”

On its official Facebook page, which the facility manages, Enlightened Solutions received 33 five out of five star reviews. [1] Alumni frequently credited the facility with “saving” their lives and called it the “best” facility in the state. In a representative review, alum Stephen wrote: “Best treatment for drug and alcohol abuse in the state of New Jersey hands down. Every staff member truly cares about the well being of the client all the way up to the owners who as well interact with the clients which is huge. It's relieving to know that there's this kind of help finally in New Jersey because it has been desperately needed and they give everyone a shot whether you have insurance no insurance money or no money for treatment no one is turned down which is a beautiful thing. The therapy is amazing as well.”

On Google, the facility earned 4.6 out of five stars from 10 reviews. [2] Alumni praised the holistic focus, organic food, friendly and professional staff, and the facility itself. In a representative review, alum Beau wrote: “Love the environment, the staff is friendly and makes you feel comfortable. They really are serious about recovery and trying to help their clients live to their full potential in the healthiest way possible. Not to mention the building is so nice and the property is huge.”


The three staffers polled by to date about Enlightened Solutions gave positive feedback.

Two of them were polled on the facility’s offerings in a variety of treatment metrics and gave five out of five star ratings for its holistic options, family program, and treatment for co-occurring disorders.

All three of the reviewers praised the center’s staff: “Excellent Staff who are knowledgeable , friendly, and readily available to all client's and clients family members,” loved one Kiersten wrote, and John added: “I have never been around more passionate clinicians or people in general who truly care about each individual coming through the door.”


Enlightened Solutions accepts private insurance plans on an out-of-network basis, as well as self-pay.
The center accepts private insurance on an out-of-network basis. All three of the individuals polled by to date on the center’s affordability gave it five out of five stars.


Published on December 2017

Do you work at this facility? Let us know if we missed something! ",,6699,"2018-01-08 04:14:11","Enlightened Solutions" 322,"2018-01-09 03:42:56",Oceanfront,675,"2018-01-09 03:42:56","600 S. Odessa Avenue",08215,,,"5 of 5",100,100,100,"

The mission of Enlightened Solutions, LLC is to help individuals and families struggling with substance use disorder recover the mind, body and spirit through a holistic approach and 12 step philosophy. We believe in meeting the person where they are and forming an individualized program to work with their specific needs.



From a wooded location near Atlantic City International Airport in southeastern New Jersey, Enlightened Solutions offers an intensive outpatient program, outpatient services, and a partial hospitalization program for clients seeking treatment for substance abuse and co-occurring disorders. Specialized groups for gender-specific issues and specific disorders or addictions are available. Detox is available on site.


Treatment at Enlightened Solutions begins with a phone assessment by a trained admissions counselor to determine if the treatment program at Enlightened Solutions is a good fit for each client. A follow-up assessment by a mental health professional is scheduled within the first few days of being accepted into and beginning the treatment program. The best method of treatment is applied based on these assessments.

Enlightened Solutions uses a holistic method of treating addiction and co-occurring disorders. Clients participate in standard treatments including individual, group, and 12-step therapy programs. However, clients also participate in a range of treatments designed to provide spiritual, mental, and physical recovery options as well.

Enlightened Solutions partners with Comprehensive Wellness to provide access to sports and other recreational therapy options. These options include nutritional education, yoga, and physical therapies. Equine therapy, constellation therapy, music/art therapy, and acupuncture are also available.

Relapse prevention and sober living support are provided to help clients establish and maintain a sober living lifestyle after treatment. Family involvement is encouraged, and family therapy and support services can be made available as needed.


The treatment team at Enlightened Solutions consists of certified therapists and social workers. Staff members with specialized certifications such as family therapy, constellation therapy, and other holistic methods are on hand to coordinate treatments. The facility is accredited by the Joint Commission. All three of the individuals polled by to date on the staff’s level of training and experience gave the facility five out of five stars.


All three of the alumni polled by to date gave positive feedback about Enlightened Solutions.

The single alum polled on the facility’s offerings in 15 treatment metrics gave five out of five star ratings for each category, including its treatment effectiveness, holistic options, counseling options, and treatment for co-occurring disorders.

Alumni also repeatedly praised the center’s staff: “Staff is 100% committed to helping the clients in anyway possible,” alum Amy wrote in a representative review. Alum J.F. added: “I have been to multiple treatment facilities, and I have never experienced the type of care I received at Enlightened Solutions, anywhere else.”

On its official Facebook page, which the facility manages, Enlightened Solutions received 33 five out of five star reviews. [1] Alumni frequently credited the facility with “saving” their lives and called it the “best” facility in the state. In a representative review, alum Stephen wrote: “Best treatment for drug and alcohol abuse in the state of New Jersey hands down. Every staff member truly cares about the well being of the client all the way up to the owners who as well interact with the clients which is huge. It's relieving to know that there's this kind of help finally in New Jersey because it has been desperately needed and they give everyone a shot whether you have insurance no insurance money or no money for treatment no one is turned down which is a beautiful thing. The therapy is amazing as well.”

On Google, the facility earned 4.6 out of five stars from 10 reviews. [2] Alumni praised the holistic focus, organic food, friendly and professional staff, and the facility itself. In a representative review, alum Beau wrote: “Love the environment, the staff is friendly and makes you feel comfortable. They really are serious about recovery and trying to help their clients live to their full potential in the healthiest way possible. Not to mention the building is so nice and the property is huge.”


The three staffers polled by to date about Enlightened Solutions gave positive feedback.

Two of them were polled on the facility’s offerings in a variety of treatment metrics and gave five out of five star ratings for its holistic options, family program, and treatment for co-occurring disorders.

All three of the reviewers praised the center’s staff: “Excellent Staff who are knowledgeable , friendly, and readily available to all client's and clients family members,” loved one Kiersten wrote, and John added: “I have never been around more passionate clinicians or people in general who truly care about each individual coming through the door.”


Enlightened Solutions accepts private insurance plans on an out-of-network basis, as well as self-pay.
The center accepts private insurance on an out-of-network basis. All three of the individuals polled by to date on the center’s affordability gave it five out of five stars.


Published on December 2017

Do you work at this facility? Let us know if we missed something! ",,6699,"2018-01-08 04:14:11","Enlightened Solutions" 323,"2018-01-09 03:42:56",Private/Secluded,675,"2018-01-09 03:42:56","600 S. Odessa Avenue",08215,,,"5 of 5",100,100,100,"

The mission of Enlightened Solutions, LLC is to help individuals and families struggling with substance use disorder recover the mind, body and spirit through a holistic approach and 12 step philosophy. We believe in meeting the person where they are and forming an individualized program to work with their specific needs.



From a wooded location near Atlantic City International Airport in southeastern New Jersey, Enlightened Solutions offers an intensive outpatient program, outpatient services, and a partial hospitalization program for clients seeking treatment for substance abuse and co-occurring disorders. Specialized groups for gender-specific issues and specific disorders or addictions are available. Detox is available on site.


Treatment at Enlightened Solutions begins with a phone assessment by a trained admissions counselor to determine if the treatment program at Enlightened Solutions is a good fit for each client. A follow-up assessment by a mental health professional is scheduled within the first few days of being accepted into and beginning the treatment program. The best method of treatment is applied based on these assessments.

Enlightened Solutions uses a holistic method of treating addiction and co-occurring disorders. Clients participate in standard treatments including individual, group, and 12-step therapy programs. However, clients also participate in a range of treatments designed to provide spiritual, mental, and physical recovery options as well.

Enlightened Solutions partners with Comprehensive Wellness to provide access to sports and other recreational therapy options. These options include nutritional education, yoga, and physical therapies. Equine therapy, constellation therapy, music/art therapy, and acupuncture are also available.

Relapse prevention and sober living support are provided to help clients establish and maintain a sober living lifestyle after treatment. Family involvement is encouraged, and family therapy and support services can be made available as needed.


The treatment team at Enlightened Solutions consists of certified therapists and social workers. Staff members with specialized certifications such as family therapy, constellation therapy, and other holistic methods are on hand to coordinate treatments. The facility is accredited by the Joint Commission. All three of the individuals polled by to date on the staff’s level of training and experience gave the facility five out of five stars.


All three of the alumni polled by to date gave positive feedback about Enlightened Solutions.

The single alum polled on the facility’s offerings in 15 treatment metrics gave five out of five star ratings for each category, including its treatment effectiveness, holistic options, counseling options, and treatment for co-occurring disorders.

Alumni also repeatedly praised the center’s staff: “Staff is 100% committed to helping the clients in anyway possible,” alum Amy wrote in a representative review. Alum J.F. added: “I have been to multiple treatment facilities, and I have never experienced the type of care I received at Enlightened Solutions, anywhere else.”

On its official Facebook page, which the facility manages, Enlightened Solutions received 33 five out of five star reviews. [1] Alumni frequently credited the facility with “saving” their lives and called it the “best” facility in the state. In a representative review, alum Stephen wrote: “Best treatment for drug and alcohol abuse in the state of New Jersey hands down. Every staff member truly cares about the well being of the client all the way up to the owners who as well interact with the clients which is huge. It's relieving to know that there's this kind of help finally in New Jersey because it has been desperately needed and they give everyone a shot whether you have insurance no insurance money or no money for treatment no one is turned down which is a beautiful thing. The therapy is amazing as well.”

On Google, the facility earned 4.6 out of five stars from 10 reviews. [2] Alumni praised the holistic focus, organic food, friendly and professional staff, and the facility itself. In a representative review, alum Beau wrote: “Love the environment, the staff is friendly and makes you feel comfortable. They really are serious about recovery and trying to help their clients live to their full potential in the healthiest way possible. Not to mention the building is so nice and the property is huge.”


The three staffers polled by to date about Enlightened Solutions gave positive feedback.

Two of them were polled on the facility’s offerings in a variety of treatment metrics and gave five out of five star ratings for its holistic options, family program, and treatment for co-occurring disorders.

All three of the reviewers praised the center’s staff: “Excellent Staff who are knowledgeable , friendly, and readily available to all client's and clients family members,” loved one Kiersten wrote, and John added: “I have never been around more passionate clinicians or people in general who truly care about each individual coming through the door.”


Enlightened Solutions accepts private insurance plans on an out-of-network basis, as well as self-pay.
The center accepts private insurance on an out-of-network basis. All three of the individuals polled by to date on the center’s affordability gave it five out of five stars.


Published on December 2017

Do you work at this facility? Let us know if we missed something! ",,6699,"2018-01-08 04:14:11","Enlightened Solutions" 324,"2018-01-09 03:42:56",Wilderness,675,"2018-01-09 03:42:56","600 S. Odessa Avenue",08215,,,"5 of 5",100,100,100,"

The mission of Enlightened Solutions, LLC is to help individuals and families struggling with substance use disorder recover the mind, body and spirit through a holistic approach and 12 step philosophy. We believe in meeting the person where they are and forming an individualized program to work with their specific needs.



From a wooded location near Atlantic City International Airport in southeastern New Jersey, Enlightened Solutions offers an intensive outpatient program, outpatient services, and a partial hospitalization program for clients seeking treatment for substance abuse and co-occurring disorders. Specialized groups for gender-specific issues and specific disorders or addictions are available. Detox is available on site.


Treatment at Enlightened Solutions begins with a phone assessment by a trained admissions counselor to determine if the treatment program at Enlightened Solutions is a good fit for each client. A follow-up assessment by a mental health professional is scheduled within the first few days of being accepted into and beginning the treatment program. The best method of treatment is applied based on these assessments.

Enlightened Solutions uses a holistic method of treating addiction and co-occurring disorders. Clients participate in standard treatments including individual, group, and 12-step therapy programs. However, clients also participate in a range of treatments designed to provide spiritual, mental, and physical recovery options as well.

Enlightened Solutions partners with Comprehensive Wellness to provide access to sports and other recreational therapy options. These options include nutritional education, yoga, and physical therapies. Equine therapy, constellation therapy, music/art therapy, and acupuncture are also available.

Relapse prevention and sober living support are provided to help clients establish and maintain a sober living lifestyle after treatment. Family involvement is encouraged, and family therapy and support services can be made available as needed.


The treatment team at Enlightened Solutions consists of certified therapists and social workers. Staff members with specialized certifications such as family therapy, constellation therapy, and other holistic methods are on hand to coordinate treatments. The facility is accredited by the Joint Commission. All three of the individuals polled by to date on the staff’s level of training and experience gave the facility five out of five stars.


All three of the alumni polled by to date gave positive feedback about Enlightened Solutions.

The single alum polled on the facility’s offerings in 15 treatment metrics gave five out of five star ratings for each category, including its treatment effectiveness, holistic options, counseling options, and treatment for co-occurring disorders.

Alumni also repeatedly praised the center’s staff: “Staff is 100% committed to helping the clients in anyway possible,” alum Amy wrote in a representative review. Alum J.F. added: “I have been to multiple treatment facilities, and I have never experienced the type of care I received at Enlightened Solutions, anywhere else.”

On its official Facebook page, which the facility manages, Enlightened Solutions received 33 five out of five star reviews. [1] Alumni frequently credited the facility with “saving” their lives and called it the “best” facility in the state. In a representative review, alum Stephen wrote: “Best treatment for drug and alcohol abuse in the state of New Jersey hands down. Every staff member truly cares about the well being of the client all the way up to the owners who as well interact with the clients which is huge. It's relieving to know that there's this kind of help finally in New Jersey because it has been desperately needed and they give everyone a shot whether you have insurance no insurance money or no money for treatment no one is turned down which is a beautiful thing. The therapy is amazing as well.”

On Google, the facility earned 4.6 out of five stars from 10 reviews. [2] Alumni praised the holistic focus, organic food, friendly and professional staff, and the facility itself. In a representative review, alum Beau wrote: “Love the environment, the staff is friendly and makes you feel comfortable. They really are serious about recovery and trying to help their clients live to their full potential in the healthiest way possible. Not to mention the building is so nice and the property is huge.”


The three staffers polled by to date about Enlightened Solutions gave positive feedback.

Two of them were polled on the facility’s offerings in a variety of treatment metrics and gave five out of five star ratings for its holistic options, family program, and treatment for co-occurring disorders.

All three of the reviewers praised the center’s staff: “Excellent Staff who are knowledgeable , friendly, and readily available to all client's and clients family members,” loved one Kiersten wrote, and John added: “I have never been around more passionate clinicians or people in general who truly care about each individual coming through the door.”


Enlightened Solutions accepts private insurance plans on an out-of-network basis, as well as self-pay.
The center accepts private insurance on an out-of-network basis. All three of the individuals polled by to date on the center’s affordability gave it five out of five stars.


Published on December 2017

Do you work at this facility? Let us know if we missed something! ",,6699,"2018-01-08 04:14:11","Enlightened Solutions" 325,"2018-01-09 03:43:06","Residential Neighborhood",676,"2018-01-09 03:43:06","604 Washington St.",02169,,,"4.4 of 5",88,86,88,"

We are a group of friends from the greater Boston community helping others to recover from alcoholism & addiction. We do not subscribe to a single treatment model because we believe each individual case needs to be examined uniquely. NEATC is an outstanding experience on an outstanding platform, trusted like drug & alcohol rehabilitation should be. Our innovative evidence-based approach proves case-by-case care for addiction is more crucial than ever.



Located on a quiet street blocks from the Town River Bay in eastern Quincy, suburban south Boston, Northeast Addictions Treatment Center (NEATC) offers interventions and outpatient care at a variety of intensities for adults struggling with addiction. The facility can also assess and treat co-occurring disorders.


NEATC doesn't subscribe to a single treatment philosophy; rather, the organization prefers to tailor its array of methodologies to suit the individual client. Those methodologies include evidence-based practices such as cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT), emotionally focused therapy (EFT), and internal family systems (IFS) therapy; 12-step immersion; and recovery coaching. Therapy is offered in individual, group, and family or couple's settings. Holistic offerings include mindfulness and art therapy, and the center is equipped to provide trauma-focused therapy.

The most intensive level of care is a day treatment program, or partial hospitalization (PHP), though the facility does not at present detail how intensive the program is. The next step down in intensity is an intensive outpatient program (IOP), which involves attending three-hour sessions at least three times a week. An outpatient program requires attendance at least once per week, and aftercare services include referrals to further care as well as housing, job, and educational resources.


NEATC's staff includes an MD who's board certified in both internal and addiction medicine, a PhD level psychologist, and a master's level therapist. The single alum polled by to date gave the facility one out of five stars for its staff's level of training and experience.


The single alum polled by to date gave very negative feedback, describing confusion about fees that left them with nowhere to go. ""They told me it was a strong 12 step program but it is not,"" the reviewer, E.G., added. E.G. gave NEATC three stars for its connectivity and one star in almost all of the remaining treatment metrics, including its treatment effectiveness, family participation, counseling options, and ability to treat co-occurring disorders.

Secondary sites yielded mostly positive feedback at the time of this writing, with a stellar 4.9-star average rating based on 20 reviews on Google, and 3.29 stars based on seven reviews on Yelp.[1] [2] All three of the negative reviews came from individuals who felt they received insufficient care from the facility.

However, the many positive reviewers repeatedly spoke of NEATC in glowing terms, describing their experiences at the facility as life-changing. ""I went through this place as well, and my entire life changed in more and better ways than I ever thought possible. I have no idea where I would be if I hadn't came to northeast . This place saved my very life,"" D.L. wrote in a representative review on Google.


While has not received feedback from loved ones of clients at the time of this writing, family members of alumni posted glowing reviews to third party reviews sites, mentioning that NEATC had worked for their loved ones when other treatment centers had not.

Three out of the four loved ones posting about their experiences to Yelp cited live-changing treatment. Representative reviewer Megan, whose sister attended NEATC, wrote: ""After spending nearly three months in treatment, she left the treatment center with a renewed sense of purpose, with the support of her family and an amazing post-care support system... She has since been attending weekly meetings with others and events that she claims have kept her sober during times where she worried about relapsing.""


Two staff members posting on Glassdoor had left mixed feedback at the time of this writing: a two-star rating and a five-star rating.[3] Both of the reviewers echoed alumni complaints cited above by writing that therapists had heavy workloads: ""It is very fast paced! Might not be an ideal entry level position for someone unsure of their clinical skills,"" the positive reviewer wrote, while the negative reviewer spoke more strongly of burnt-out employees and a culture of fear. However, both reviewers praised their fellow clinical staff highly. ""Great clinical staff, great patients,"" the two-star reviewer wrote.


According to NEATC's website, the organization accepts most insurance providers, and some PPO providers cover the entire cost of treatment at NEATC. The single alum polled by to date gave the facility one out of five stars for its affordability.


Published on September 2017

Do you work at this facility? Let us know if we missed something! ","This facility literally saved my son's life. The moment I called Brendon I felt i was home. Thank you again NEATC.",6724,"2018-01-08 04:14:59","Northeast Addictions Treatment Center" 326,"2018-01-09 03:43:06",Private/Secluded,676,"2018-01-09 03:43:06","604 Washington St.",02169,,,"4.4 of 5",88,86,88,"

We are a group of friends from the greater Boston community helping others to recover from alcoholism & addiction. We do not subscribe to a single treatment model because we believe each individual case needs to be examined uniquely. NEATC is an outstanding experience on an outstanding platform, trusted like drug & alcohol rehabilitation should be. Our innovative evidence-based approach proves case-by-case care for addiction is more crucial than ever.



Located on a quiet street blocks from the Town River Bay in eastern Quincy, suburban south Boston, Northeast Addictions Treatment Center (NEATC) offers interventions and outpatient care at a variety of intensities for adults struggling with addiction. The facility can also assess and treat co-occurring disorders.


NEATC doesn't subscribe to a single treatment philosophy; rather, the organization prefers to tailor its array of methodologies to suit the individual client. Those methodologies include evidence-based practices such as cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT), emotionally focused therapy (EFT), and internal family systems (IFS) therapy; 12-step immersion; and recovery coaching. Therapy is offered in individual, group, and family or couple's settings. Holistic offerings include mindfulness and art therapy, and the center is equipped to provide trauma-focused therapy.

The most intensive level of care is a day treatment program, or partial hospitalization (PHP), though the facility does not at present detail how intensive the program is. The next step down in intensity is an intensive outpatient program (IOP), which involves attending three-hour sessions at least three times a week. An outpatient program requires attendance at least once per week, and aftercare services include referrals to further care as well as housing, job, and educational resources.


NEATC's staff includes an MD who's board certified in both internal and addiction medicine, a PhD level psychologist, and a master's level therapist. The single alum polled by to date gave the facility one out of five stars for its staff's level of training and experience.


The single alum polled by to date gave very negative feedback, describing confusion about fees that left them with nowhere to go. ""They told me it was a strong 12 step program but it is not,"" the reviewer, E.G., added. E.G. gave NEATC three stars for its connectivity and one star in almost all of the remaining treatment metrics, including its treatment effectiveness, family participation, counseling options, and ability to treat co-occurring disorders.

Secondary sites yielded mostly positive feedback at the time of this writing, with a stellar 4.9-star average rating based on 20 reviews on Google, and 3.29 stars based on seven reviews on Yelp.[1] [2] All three of the negative reviews came from individuals who felt they received insufficient care from the facility.

However, the many positive reviewers repeatedly spoke of NEATC in glowing terms, describing their experiences at the facility as life-changing. ""I went through this place as well, and my entire life changed in more and better ways than I ever thought possible. I have no idea where I would be if I hadn't came to northeast . This place saved my very life,"" D.L. wrote in a representative review on Google.


While has not received feedback from loved ones of clients at the time of this writing, family members of alumni posted glowing reviews to third party reviews sites, mentioning that NEATC had worked for their loved ones when other treatment centers had not.

Three out of the four loved ones posting about their experiences to Yelp cited live-changing treatment. Representative reviewer Megan, whose sister attended NEATC, wrote: ""After spending nearly three months in treatment, she left the treatment center with a renewed sense of purpose, with the support of her family and an amazing post-care support system... She has since been attending weekly meetings with others and events that she claims have kept her sober during times where she worried about relapsing.""


Two staff members posting on Glassdoor had left mixed feedback at the time of this writing: a two-star rating and a five-star rating.[3] Both of the reviewers echoed alumni complaints cited above by writing that therapists had heavy workloads: ""It is very fast paced! Might not be an ideal entry level position for someone unsure of their clinical skills,"" the positive reviewer wrote, while the negative reviewer spoke more strongly of burnt-out employees and a culture of fear. However, both reviewers praised their fellow clinical staff highly. ""Great clinical staff, great patients,"" the two-star reviewer wrote.


According to NEATC's website, the organization accepts most insurance providers, and some PPO providers cover the entire cost of treatment at NEATC. The single alum polled by to date gave the facility one out of five stars for its affordability.


Published on September 2017

Do you work at this facility? Let us know if we missed something! ","This facility literally saved my son's life. The moment I called Brendon I felt i was home. Thank you again NEATC.",6724,"2018-01-08 04:14:59","Northeast Addictions Treatment Center" 327,"2018-01-09 03:43:18","Residential Neighborhood",677,"2018-01-09 03:43:18","11 King Charles Drive, A2",02871,,,"5 of 5",100,100,0,"

Clinical Services of Rhode Island (CSRI) provides outpatient rehab and addiction treatment services that embody a “big-picture” approach to substance abuse treatment, addressing the client’s lifestyle and environmental factors contributing to the addiction. Partnerships are created with each client’s family, loved ones, and community resources during the course of treatment to lay the groundwork for aftercare. Using individualized treatment plans and research-based therapy, CSRI doesn’t just focus on the substance abuse, but uses the client’s strengths to concentrate on a sober future, and build a self-directed life.



Clinical Services of Rhode Island’s Portsmouth location offers outpatient medical services directed at adults struggling with addiction and co-occurring mental conditions. CSRI operates three locations in the state, including Portsmouth, with intensive outpatient, general outpatient, outpatient medical detox and group therapy.


Each location of CSRI offers outpatient treatment Monday through Thursday, which begins with an intake assessment and urine screening. As the facility is strictly outpatient, there is no physical/psychiatric assessment or blood work.

Clients will participate in 12-Steps programming and accompanying “step-work” as well as group therapy. Classroom setting discussions with others in recovery are aimed to help clients learn techniques to control impulses and other recovery strategies. Cognitive behavioral therapy and individual therapy sessions are offered as well.

Clients can participate in a flexible morning and nightly schedule for IOP treatment, with meetings lasting three hours. Depending on the client’s needs, additional care including medication management, psychiatric care, or family education may be incorporated. CSRI encourages family participation in the treatment process.

CSRI also hosts monthly “Meet and Greets” for alumni of any of their facilities, as well as quarterly alumni outings to ball games, music entertainment, and dinners.

Friends and family can participate in a monthly education and support group.


Clinical directors oversee the multidisciplinary treatment team of licensed therapists and counselors.


CSRI’s Portsmouth location is based out of a home-like building with several meeting rooms and a comfortable waiting room. Note, the facility does not offer food or additional amenities, as it offers outpatient services only.


Although no reviews from affiliated staff, loved ones, or alumni have been collected by to date, the facility has earned an average 4.2 out of five stars on its Facebook page, based on five reviews. Reviewers have not left comments.[1]


CSRI’s website indicates that most private and public insurance plans are covered and the facility accepts private pay. Staff will review insurance benefits for free.


Published on October 2017

Do you work at this facility? Let us know if we missed something! ",,6739,"2018-01-08 04:15:21","Clinical Services of Rhode Island, Portsmouth" 328,"2018-01-09 03:43:18","Average Location/Amenities",677,"2018-01-09 03:43:18","11 King Charles Drive, A2",02871,,,"5 of 5",100,100,0,"

Clinical Services of Rhode Island (CSRI) provides outpatient rehab and addiction treatment services that embody a “big-picture” approach to substance abuse treatment, addressing the client’s lifestyle and environmental factors contributing to the addiction. Partnerships are created with each client’s family, loved ones, and community resources during the course of treatment to lay the groundwork for aftercare. Using individualized treatment plans and research-based therapy, CSRI doesn’t just focus on the substance abuse, but uses the client’s strengths to concentrate on a sober future, and build a self-directed life.



Clinical Services of Rhode Island’s Portsmouth location offers outpatient medical services directed at adults struggling with addiction and co-occurring mental conditions. CSRI operates three locations in the state, including Portsmouth, with intensive outpatient, general outpatient, outpatient medical detox and group therapy.


Each location of CSRI offers outpatient treatment Monday through Thursday, which begins with an intake assessment and urine screening. As the facility is strictly outpatient, there is no physical/psychiatric assessment or blood work.

Clients will participate in 12-Steps programming and accompanying “step-work” as well as group therapy. Classroom setting discussions with others in recovery are aimed to help clients learn techniques to control impulses and other recovery strategies. Cognitive behavioral therapy and individual therapy sessions are offered as well.

Clients can participate in a flexible morning and nightly schedule for IOP treatment, with meetings lasting three hours. Depending on the client’s needs, additional care including medication management, psychiatric care, or family education may be incorporated. CSRI encourages family participation in the treatment process.

CSRI also hosts monthly “Meet and Greets” for alumni of any of their facilities, as well as quarterly alumni outings to ball games, music entertainment, and dinners.

Friends and family can participate in a monthly education and support group.


Clinical directors oversee the multidisciplinary treatment team of licensed therapists and counselors.


CSRI’s Portsmouth location is based out of a home-like building with several meeting rooms and a comfortable waiting room. Note, the facility does not offer food or additional amenities, as it offers outpatient services only.


Although no reviews from affiliated staff, loved ones, or alumni have been collected by to date, the facility has earned an average 4.2 out of five stars on its Facebook page, based on five reviews. Reviewers have not left comments.[1]


CSRI’s website indicates that most private and public insurance plans are covered and the facility accepts private pay. Staff will review insurance benefits for free.


Published on October 2017

Do you work at this facility? Let us know if we missed something! ",,6739,"2018-01-08 04:15:21","Clinical Services of Rhode Island, Portsmouth" 329,"2018-01-09 03:43:21","Residential Neighborhood",678,"2018-01-09 03:43:21","845 West 200 North",84037,,,"4.4 of 5",86,90,88,"

Cold Creek Behavioral Health is a nationally accredited, non 12-step drug and alcohol addiction treatment program. We offer a full range of the most successful evidence-based therapies. Cold Creek’s treatment programs are based on the Bio-Psycho-Social and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy treatment models that are recognized by Columbia University and the National Institute on Drug Abuse. These models view addiction as a disease while taking into consideration that there are Biological, Psychological, and Sociological factors to consider when treating addiction. We offer dual diagnosis treatment, which means we treat addiction and mental health issues at the same time and in the same setting. All of our limited enrollment programs offer individual treatment where only 8-10 clients are treated at a time. This ensures clients receive the individual counseling, and personal attention in a beautiful setting that balances healing and recovery.



Set in the residential community of Kaysville, Utah, 22 miles north of Salt Lake City, Cold Creek Behavioral Health offers a full continuum of treatment programs, including detox, residential, intensive outpatient (IOP), partial hospitalization (PHP) programming, and sober living, for men and women struggling with addiction and co-occurring mental health disorders.

The organization’s Kaysville facility adheres to a non-12-step approach to recovery, emphasizing evidence-based treatment methods.


According to the facility's website, upon admission, clients undergo a battery of initial assessments to assist clinicians in forming an individualized treatment program.

Residential treatment typically lasts between 30 and 120 days. The length of treatment is determined by the client's specific needs and progress during treatment.

As a non-12-step program, Cold Creek utilizes a range of evidence-based treatment methods, including cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), dialectic behavioral therapy (DBT), motivational interviewing (MI), and eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR). Clients participate in individual and group therapy sessions to modify destructive thinking and behavior patterns. If appropriate, medication-assisted therapy is also available.

Along with traditional methods, Cold Creek incorporates a range of holistic treatments and experiential therapies. Clients can participate in equine therapy and sessions in the Serenity BioSound Lounge. The cutting-edge lounge uses guided imagery, music therapy, and synchronized sound vibrations to assist clients in achieving a meditative state.

A family program is also offered and provides education, support, and resources for loved ones. Upon discharge from the residential program, many residential clients utilize the program’s gender-specific sober living facilities and 90-day intensive outpatient program as aftercare services.


The center's website indicates Cold Creek Wellness Center's treatment team includes board-certified physicians, master’s level addiction counselors, family and mental health counselors, social workers, and an equine therapist. Due to the facility’s eight- to 10-person capacity, clients enjoy a staff-to-client ratio of nearly 1:1.


The facility's website notes the treatment center offers an upscale, homelike environment conducive to comfortable recovery. With a maximum enrollment of 10 individuals, the facility features spacious shared bedrooms, a full kitchen, dining area, comfortable communal spaces, and a soothing décor. The facility is also across the street from the Barnes Park Sportsplex, offering opportunities for playing sports and other recreational activities.

The gender-specific sober living facilities feature private and shared bedrooms, cable TV, and WiFi. Residents also receive ongoing case management and a gym membership.


Of the four alumni surveyed by at the time of this writing, three left positive feedback, and one alum described a negative experience at Cold Creek Wellness Center.

The alum who left a negative review gave one out of five stars for treatment effectiveness. ""Spent 4 days. Never saw a doctor as promised. Had to sleep in my clothes the first night. Therapy consisted of drumming, going to AA meetings...Not as represented during tour,"" the alum wrote.

The other three alumni provided positive feedback, and praised the center's staff and therapy options. They all gave five stars for treatment effectiveness. ""All in all, Coldcreek is an excellent program and I recommend it to anyone struggling with addiction,"" an alum wrote in a representative review.

""They provide well balanced treatment including equine therapy, family therapy, community support, physical health (fit 2 recover) and experiential therapy,"" another alum wrote.

The 21 individuals who left reviews on Google at the time of this writing provided an average 4.1 out of five stars. Most people praised the center's experienced and helpful staff.

Another common claim amongst alumni was that treatment at Cold Creek Wellness ignited a real change in clients’ lives, even after failed attempts at other centers.

""I had been to numerous treatment centers in the past and those didn't work for me...Their sober living and outpatient was also a crucial part of my recovery. The Cold Creek staff are passionate about what they do and they do care about the people they are helping,"" an alum wrote in a representative review.


The three loved ones polled by at the time of this writing provided mostly positive feedback. Two of the loved ones gave five out of five stars for treatment effectiveness, while the other loved one gave three stars.[1]

A love one noted the center's lack of aftercare as a weakness, and another loved one described the center as very strict but affordable. However, all the loved one praised the center. ""This place really helped my boyfriend turn his life and out and make a change for the better. They really cared for his sobriety and were always there to help both the addict and the families. I can't thank Cold Creek enough,"" a loved one wrote in a representative review.


According to Cold Creek Behavioral Health, “After paying the deductible, insurance typically covers most if not all of the cost of treatment."" Treatment is typically $350 a day, $17,500 a month, and $30,000 for 90 days. The program also accepts most private insurance providers.

Cold Creek Behavioral health also notes that costs for any medication, as well as clothing and toiletries, are not covered by the center.


Published on August 2017

Do you work at this facility? Let us know if we missed something! ","Thanks for the second chance, I am the happiest I have ever been. Even thought I did not take my treatment serious the first time, you took me back and treated me like with such compassion and understanding that with your help and therapy I am clean, sober and have so much hope for my future.",6792,"2018-01-08 04:16:32","Cold Creek Wellness Center" 330,"2018-01-09 03:43:21",Private/Secluded,678,"2018-01-09 03:43:21","845 West 200 North",84037,,,"4.4 of 5",86,90,88,"

Cold Creek Behavioral Health is a nationally accredited, non 12-step drug and alcohol addiction treatment program. We offer a full range of the most successful evidence-based therapies. Cold Creek’s treatment programs are based on the Bio-Psycho-Social and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy treatment models that are recognized by Columbia University and the National Institute on Drug Abuse. These models view addiction as a disease while taking into consideration that there are Biological, Psychological, and Sociological factors to consider when treating addiction. We offer dual diagnosis treatment, which means we treat addiction and mental health issues at the same time and in the same setting. All of our limited enrollment programs offer individual treatment where only 8-10 clients are treated at a time. This ensures clients receive the individual counseling, and personal attention in a beautiful setting that balances healing and recovery.



Set in the residential community of Kaysville, Utah, 22 miles north of Salt Lake City, Cold Creek Behavioral Health offers a full continuum of treatment programs, including detox, residential, intensive outpatient (IOP), partial hospitalization (PHP) programming, and sober living, for men and women struggling with addiction and co-occurring mental health disorders.

The organization’s Kaysville facility adheres to a non-12-step approach to recovery, emphasizing evidence-based treatment methods.


According to the facility's website, upon admission, clients undergo a battery of initial assessments to assist clinicians in forming an individualized treatment program.

Residential treatment typically lasts between 30 and 120 days. The length of treatment is determined by the client's specific needs and progress during treatment.

As a non-12-step program, Cold Creek utilizes a range of evidence-based treatment methods, including cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), dialectic behavioral therapy (DBT), motivational interviewing (MI), and eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR). Clients participate in individual and group therapy sessions to modify destructive thinking and behavior patterns. If appropriate, medication-assisted therapy is also available.

Along with traditional methods, Cold Creek incorporates a range of holistic treatments and experiential therapies. Clients can participate in equine therapy and sessions in the Serenity BioSound Lounge. The cutting-edge lounge uses guided imagery, music therapy, and synchronized sound vibrations to assist clients in achieving a meditative state.

A family program is also offered and provides education, support, and resources for loved ones. Upon discharge from the residential program, many residential clients utilize the program’s gender-specific sober living facilities and 90-day intensive outpatient program as aftercare services.


The center's website indicates Cold Creek Wellness Center's treatment team includes board-certified physicians, master’s level addiction counselors, family and mental health counselors, social workers, and an equine therapist. Due to the facility’s eight- to 10-person capacity, clients enjoy a staff-to-client ratio of nearly 1:1.


The facility's website notes the treatment center offers an upscale, homelike environment conducive to comfortable recovery. With a maximum enrollment of 10 individuals, the facility features spacious shared bedrooms, a full kitchen, dining area, comfortable communal spaces, and a soothing décor. The facility is also across the street from the Barnes Park Sportsplex, offering opportunities for playing sports and other recreational activities.

The gender-specific sober living facilities feature private and shared bedrooms, cable TV, and WiFi. Residents also receive ongoing case management and a gym membership.


Of the four alumni surveyed by at the time of this writing, three left positive feedback, and one alum described a negative experience at Cold Creek Wellness Center.

The alum who left a negative review gave one out of five stars for treatment effectiveness. ""Spent 4 days. Never saw a doctor as promised. Had to sleep in my clothes the first night. Therapy consisted of drumming, going to AA meetings...Not as represented during tour,"" the alum wrote.

The other three alumni provided positive feedback, and praised the center's staff and therapy options. They all gave five stars for treatment effectiveness. ""All in all, Coldcreek is an excellent program and I recommend it to anyone struggling with addiction,"" an alum wrote in a representative review.

""They provide well balanced treatment including equine therapy, family therapy, community support, physical health (fit 2 recover) and experiential therapy,"" another alum wrote.

The 21 individuals who left reviews on Google at the time of this writing provided an average 4.1 out of five stars. Most people praised the center's experienced and helpful staff.

Another common claim amongst alumni was that treatment at Cold Creek Wellness ignited a real change in clients’ lives, even after failed attempts at other centers.

""I had been to numerous treatment centers in the past and those didn't work for me...Their sober living and outpatient was also a crucial part of my recovery. The Cold Creek staff are passionate about what they do and they do care about the people they are helping,"" an alum wrote in a representative review.


The three loved ones polled by at the time of this writing provided mostly positive feedback. Two of the loved ones gave five out of five stars for treatment effectiveness, while the other loved one gave three stars.[1]

A love one noted the center's lack of aftercare as a weakness, and another loved one described the center as very strict but affordable. However, all the loved one praised the center. ""This place really helped my boyfriend turn his life and out and make a change for the better. They really cared for his sobriety and were always there to help both the addict and the families. I can't thank Cold Creek enough,"" a loved one wrote in a representative review.


According to Cold Creek Behavioral Health, “After paying the deductible, insurance typically covers most if not all of the cost of treatment."" Treatment is typically $350 a day, $17,500 a month, and $30,000 for 90 days. The program also accepts most private insurance providers.

Cold Creek Behavioral health also notes that costs for any medication, as well as clothing and toiletries, are not covered by the center.


Published on August 2017

Do you work at this facility? Let us know if we missed something! ","Thanks for the second chance, I am the happiest I have ever been. Even thought I did not take my treatment serious the first time, you took me back and treated me like with such compassion and understanding that with your help and therapy I am clean, sober and have so much hope for my future.",6792,"2018-01-08 04:16:32","Cold Creek Wellness Center" 331,"2018-01-09 03:44:46","Residential Neighborhood",689,"2018-01-09 03:44:46","49 South County Commons Way, Unit F6",02879,,,"3.6 of 5",76,74,60,"

Clinical Services of Rhode Island (CSRI) provides outpatient rehab and addiction treatment services that embody a “big-picture” approach to substance abuse treatment, addressing the client’s lifestyle and environmental factors contributing to the addiction. Partnerships are created with each client’s family, loved ones, and community resources during the course of treatment to lay the groundwork for aftercare. Using individualized treatment plans and research-based therapy, CSRI doesn’t just focus on the substance abuse, but uses the client’s strengths to concentrate on a sober future, and build a self-directed life.



Clinical Services of Rhode Island (CSRI) South Kingstown is one of three locations managed by the treatment network. Opened in 2015, the South Kingstown location provides intensive outpatient, general outpatient, outpatient medical detox and group therapy.


Treatment at CSRI begins with an intake assessment and urine screening. As the facility is strictly outpatient, there is no physical/psychiatric assessment or blood work.

At CSRI’s South Kingstown location clients will participate in 12-Steps programming and accompanying “step-work” as well as group therapy. Classroom setting discussions with others in recovery are aimed to help clients learn techniques to control impulses and other recovery strategies. Cognitive behavioral therapy and individual therapy sessions are offered as well.

Outpatient treatment is offered Monday through Thursday. A flexible morning and nightly schedule is available, with meetings lasting three hours.

Depending on the client’s needs, additional care including medication management, psychiatric care, or family education may be incorporated. CSRI encourages family participation in the treatment process.

CSRI also hosts monthly “Meet and Greets” for alumni of any of their facilities, as well as quarterly alumni outings to ball games, music entertainment, and dinners.

Friends and family can participate in a monthly education and support group.


Clinical directors oversee the multidisciplinary treatment team of licensed therapists and counselors.


Official photographs reveal small offices located in a golden building surrounded by green spaces and a parking lot. Note, the facility does not offer food or additional amenities, as it offers outpatient services only.


The two alumni of Clinical Services of Rhode Island, South Kingstown polled by to date each provided positive reviews. while Laura lauded the center's family involvement in treatment, Pamela claimed that her stay was ""best inpatient rehab I have experienced,"" praising staff and communication.

The facility has earned an average 4.2 out of five stars on its Facebook page, based on five reviews.[1]


The four loved ones polled by to date provided mixed feedback regarding the care their family members received at Clinical Services of Rhode Island, South Kingstown. Parents Frank and Karen each praised the caring staff, complimenting therapists and counselors and even attributing the care their son received to his being alive today. Karen provided maximum five-star ratings for the accommodations and amenities, exercise and leisure provisions, connectivity/visitor policy, family participation in treatment, affordability, counseling options, the staff's level of training and experience, and treatment of co-occurring disorders. Although she wish IOP were open on weekends and that the space were larger, she offered a perfect five-star rating when asked how likely she were to recommend treatment here to others.

Loved one Sandra, however, reported a less than pleasant experience during intake, in which the family and client were denied a level of treatment that would allow the client to stay in school and given an ultimatum based on commitment level. Another anonymous loved one complained of an inadequately short stay and no follow-up.


The facility’s website indicates that most private and public insurance plans are covered and the facility accepts private pay. Staff will review insurance benefits for free.


Published on August 2017

Do you work at this facility? Let us know if we missed something! ",,6837,"2018-01-08 04:17:23","Clinical Services of Rhode Island, South Kingstown" 332,"2018-01-09 03:44:46","Average Location/Amenities",689,"2018-01-09 03:44:46","49 South County Commons Way, Unit F6",02879,,,"3.6 of 5",76,74,60,"

Clinical Services of Rhode Island (CSRI) provides outpatient rehab and addiction treatment services that embody a “big-picture” approach to substance abuse treatment, addressing the client’s lifestyle and environmental factors contributing to the addiction. Partnerships are created with each client’s family, loved ones, and community resources during the course of treatment to lay the groundwork for aftercare. Using individualized treatment plans and research-based therapy, CSRI doesn’t just focus on the substance abuse, but uses the client’s strengths to concentrate on a sober future, and build a self-directed life.



Clinical Services of Rhode Island (CSRI) South Kingstown is one of three locations managed by the treatment network. Opened in 2015, the South Kingstown location provides intensive outpatient, general outpatient, outpatient medical detox and group therapy.


Treatment at CSRI begins with an intake assessment and urine screening. As the facility is strictly outpatient, there is no physical/psychiatric assessment or blood work.

At CSRI’s South Kingstown location clients will participate in 12-Steps programming and accompanying “step-work” as well as group therapy. Classroom setting discussions with others in recovery are aimed to help clients learn techniques to control impulses and other recovery strategies. Cognitive behavioral therapy and individual therapy sessions are offered as well.

Outpatient treatment is offered Monday through Thursday. A flexible morning and nightly schedule is available, with meetings lasting three hours.

Depending on the client’s needs, additional care including medication management, psychiatric care, or family education may be incorporated. CSRI encourages family participation in the treatment process.

CSRI also hosts monthly “Meet and Greets” for alumni of any of their facilities, as well as quarterly alumni outings to ball games, music entertainment, and dinners.

Friends and family can participate in a monthly education and support group.


Clinical directors oversee the multidisciplinary treatment team of licensed therapists and counselors.


Official photographs reveal small offices located in a golden building surrounded by green spaces and a parking lot. Note, the facility does not offer food or additional amenities, as it offers outpatient services only.


The two alumni of Clinical Services of Rhode Island, South Kingstown polled by to date each provided positive reviews. while Laura lauded the center's family involvement in treatment, Pamela claimed that her stay was ""best inpatient rehab I have experienced,"" praising staff and communication.

The facility has earned an average 4.2 out of five stars on its Facebook page, based on five reviews.[1]


The four loved ones polled by to date provided mixed feedback regarding the care their family members received at Clinical Services of Rhode Island, South Kingstown. Parents Frank and Karen each praised the caring staff, complimenting therapists and counselors and even attributing the care their son received to his being alive today. Karen provided maximum five-star ratings for the accommodations and amenities, exercise and leisure provisions, connectivity/visitor policy, family participation in treatment, affordability, counseling options, the staff's level of training and experience, and treatment of co-occurring disorders. Although she wish IOP were open on weekends and that the space were larger, she offered a perfect five-star rating when asked how likely she were to recommend treatment here to others.

Loved one Sandra, however, reported a less than pleasant experience during intake, in which the family and client were denied a level of treatment that would allow the client to stay in school and given an ultimatum based on commitment level. Another anonymous loved one complained of an inadequately short stay and no follow-up.


The facility’s website indicates that most private and public insurance plans are covered and the facility accepts private pay. Staff will review insurance benefits for free.


Published on August 2017

Do you work at this facility? Let us know if we missed something! ",,6837,"2018-01-08 04:17:23","Clinical Services of Rhode Island, South Kingstown" 333,"2018-01-09 03:46:14",Luxury,698,"2018-01-09 03:46:14","2465 East Twain Ave",89121,,,"4.6 of 5",92,92,92,"

Desert Hope believes that alcohol and drug abuse is a symptom of a deeper underlying issue. In order to stop the endless cycle of chemical dependency and build a new life, addicts must learn to address these core issues and confront unresolved traumas. Desert Hope offers its clients the hope and support to do just that, maximizing the probability of long-term recovery by providing individualized treatment plans and clinical options for the restoration of mind, body, and spirit.



Desert Hope in Las Vegas is a residential treatment center for adult men and women dealing with substance abuse and co-occurring conditions owned and operated by American Addiction Centers. Medical detoxification is available on-site.

Desert Hope also offers Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP) and Partial Hospitalization Program (PHP).


Clients at Desert Hope will be assigned a customized treatment plan based on their history of substance abuse and co-occurring conditions. Desert Hope recommends 90 days of treatment, though length of stay depends on the individual.

Treatment will begin with medical detoxification as needed and will include individual, group, and family therapy. Individuals will participate in gender-specific groups and 12-step programming.

The center implements evidence-based modalities like motivational interviewing (MI), dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT), rational emotive behavior therapy (REBT), and eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR). Trauma-based therapy in the form of Seeking Safety is offered.

Desert Hope's curriculum, “Embracing Change: Recovery for Life,” is used for treating co-occurring conditions. Holistic programming in the form of yoga, meditation, and art is offered.

Clients who complete 90-day treatment are allowed an additional, complimentary 30 days of treatment if they relapse.


Staff includes licensed therapists, psychiatrists, nurses and physicians, psychologists, social workers, and behavioral health technicians.


Desert Hope provides an indoor gym, housekeeping services, and daily meals in a modern facility. Official photos show shared bedrooms.


216 alumni surveyed at this time of writing gave Desert Hope positive ratings and recommended treatment there. On average, alumni gave 4.7 out of a possible five stars to the staff's level of experience and training and overall cleanliness of the facility.

Many individuals polled applauded the care given by staff. Alumni referred to staff as ""compassionate,"" ""very well trained,"" ""friendly,"" ""attentive,"" and ""helpful."" Commenter B.N.B wrote: ""I was very impressed that a lot of the staff were in recovery, so they could relate to what we were going thru.""

Five-star reviewer Amy wrote in a representative review: “The food is amazing. The rooms are beautiful, and always kept clean. Support staff was very caring, and always there when you needed assistance.”

Negative commentary mentioned disorganization and a lack of communication between staff. ""A downfall was that the groups are repetitive,"" wrote Erin, ""...i felt like my issues were not addressed in therapy."" “I didn't get a whole lot of 1 on 1 time with my case worker or therapist,” commented Justin.

Alumni also complained about a lack of holistic/extracurricular activities. A.R. wrote: ""The gym equipment needs to be repaired."" M.J. added: ""Needs more extra curricular activities, such as weekly outings."" “There was not enough equipment for exercise and not enough extracurricular activities,” commented Bryan.


Four loved ones surveyed by gave Desert Hope mixed reviews. Three loved ones polled on the center's holistic offerings, visitor policy, and family participation options gave the facility four out of five stars.

“The staff has been amazing at keeping the family updated and have taken excellent care of my loved one,” wrote one anonymous loved one.

However, two loved ones cited problematic therapy sessions. ""My daughter said the group sessions were led by unskilled leaders and the once-per-week one-on-sessions were good but not nearly enough,"" wrote parent W. Another loved one similarly reported a problem with care. “He is at residential level of care. We have not had a family session,"" commented Christa. ""His therapist says they only provide family sessions to families that live in the state.”


Eight staff members gave Desert Hope incredibly positive reviews, and awarded four- and five-star ratings to the center's counseling options, exercise and leisure activities, and holistic offerings. Staff members gave an average of 4.75 out of five stars to the facility's family participation opportunities and visitor policy. “I look forward to coming into work each day knowing my management team, nursing team and the therapist team will do whatever it takes to help the clients and staff,” wrote James in a representative review.


Desert Hope accepts most private insurance plans and offers self-pay and payment plan options. More than 200 alumni gave affordability at the center an average 4.59 out of five stars.

Published on November 2017

Do you work at this facility? Let us know if we missed something! ","When I came to Desert Hope, I had no idea what rehab was all about, this is my first treatment center. The inpatient center was structured with intensive group meetings throughout the day to provide routine as well as proper guidance.",6904,"2018-01-08 04:18:36","Desert Hope" 334,"2018-01-09 03:46:14",Desert,698,"2018-01-09 03:46:14","2465 East Twain Ave",89121,,,"4.6 of 5",92,92,92,"

Desert Hope believes that alcohol and drug abuse is a symptom of a deeper underlying issue. In order to stop the endless cycle of chemical dependency and build a new life, addicts must learn to address these core issues and confront unresolved traumas. Desert Hope offers its clients the hope and support to do just that, maximizing the probability of long-term recovery by providing individualized treatment plans and clinical options for the restoration of mind, body, and spirit.



Desert Hope in Las Vegas is a residential treatment center for adult men and women dealing with substance abuse and co-occurring conditions owned and operated by American Addiction Centers. Medical detoxification is available on-site.

Desert Hope also offers Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP) and Partial Hospitalization Program (PHP).


Clients at Desert Hope will be assigned a customized treatment plan based on their history of substance abuse and co-occurring conditions. Desert Hope recommends 90 days of treatment, though length of stay depends on the individual.

Treatment will begin with medical detoxification as needed and will include individual, group, and family therapy. Individuals will participate in gender-specific groups and 12-step programming.

The center implements evidence-based modalities like motivational interviewing (MI), dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT), rational emotive behavior therapy (REBT), and eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR). Trauma-based therapy in the form of Seeking Safety is offered.

Desert Hope's curriculum, “Embracing Change: Recovery for Life,” is used for treating co-occurring conditions. Holistic programming in the form of yoga, meditation, and art is offered.

Clients who complete 90-day treatment are allowed an additional, complimentary 30 days of treatment if they relapse.


Staff includes licensed therapists, psychiatrists, nurses and physicians, psychologists, social workers, and behavioral health technicians.


Desert Hope provides an indoor gym, housekeeping services, and daily meals in a modern facility. Official photos show shared bedrooms.


216 alumni surveyed at this time of writing gave Desert Hope positive ratings and recommended treatment there. On average, alumni gave 4.7 out of a possible five stars to the staff's level of experience and training and overall cleanliness of the facility.

Many individuals polled applauded the care given by staff. Alumni referred to staff as ""compassionate,"" ""very well trained,"" ""friendly,"" ""attentive,"" and ""helpful."" Commenter B.N.B wrote: ""I was very impressed that a lot of the staff were in recovery, so they could relate to what we were going thru.""

Five-star reviewer Amy wrote in a representative review: “The food is amazing. The rooms are beautiful, and always kept clean. Support staff was very caring, and always there when you needed assistance.”

Negative commentary mentioned disorganization and a lack of communication between staff. ""A downfall was that the groups are repetitive,"" wrote Erin, ""...i felt like my issues were not addressed in therapy."" “I didn't get a whole lot of 1 on 1 time with my case worker or therapist,” commented Justin.

Alumni also complained about a lack of holistic/extracurricular activities. A.R. wrote: ""The gym equipment needs to be repaired."" M.J. added: ""Needs more extra curricular activities, such as weekly outings."" “There was not enough equipment for exercise and not enough extracurricular activities,” commented Bryan.


Four loved ones surveyed by gave Desert Hope mixed reviews. Three loved ones polled on the center's holistic offerings, visitor policy, and family participation options gave the facility four out of five stars.

“The staff has been amazing at keeping the family updated and have taken excellent care of my loved one,” wrote one anonymous loved one.

However, two loved ones cited problematic therapy sessions. ""My daughter said the group sessions were led by unskilled leaders and the once-per-week one-on-sessions were good but not nearly enough,"" wrote parent W. Another loved one similarly reported a problem with care. “He is at residential level of care. We have not had a family session,"" commented Christa. ""His therapist says they only provide family sessions to families that live in the state.”


Eight staff members gave Desert Hope incredibly positive reviews, and awarded four- and five-star ratings to the center's counseling options, exercise and leisure activities, and holistic offerings. Staff members gave an average of 4.75 out of five stars to the facility's family participation opportunities and visitor policy. “I look forward to coming into work each day knowing my management team, nursing team and the therapist team will do whatever it takes to help the clients and staff,” wrote James in a representative review.


Desert Hope accepts most private insurance plans and offers self-pay and payment plan options. More than 200 alumni gave affordability at the center an average 4.59 out of five stars.

Published on November 2017

Do you work at this facility? Let us know if we missed something! ","When I came to Desert Hope, I had no idea what rehab was all about, this is my first treatment center. The inpatient center was structured with intensive group meetings throughout the day to provide routine as well as proper guidance.",6904,"2018-01-08 04:18:36","Desert Hope" 335,"2018-01-09 03:46:58",Private/Secluded,704,"2018-01-09 03:46:58","2975 S. Rainbow Blvd.",89146,,,"3.6 of 5",74,72,72,"

Solutions Recovery is dedicated to helping clients struggling with alcohol and drug addiction using a holistic approach and treatment plan that has been customized to meet their needs.
The staff at Solutions believes that during their treatment stay, clients enjoy the comfort of a residence in upscale homes that are amply furnished and provide a warm environment for healing. Treatment providers for Solutions Recovery programs are caring, experienced, and highly trained practitioners in their respective fields. Integrating a holistic approach, the multidisciplinary treatment team provides customized, intensive, and clinically managed treatment services.
Clients participate in a structured schedule featuring a minimum of 30 hours per week as part of their customized treatment plan of therapeutic activity, which includes individualized counseling, group counseling, holistic services, and interpersonal skills development.



A part of the American Addiction Centers (AAC) family of U.S. treatment facilities, Solutions Recovery offers both residential and outpatient substance abuse treatment for adult men and women, including individuals with co-occurring addiction and mental health disorders. Set in the heart of Las Vegas, Nev., the facility offers clinically-based programming, medically monitored detox services, and an alumni network through its community center, aptly named the Solution Wellness Campus.


All clients receive an individualized treatment plan upon admission. Solutions Recovery combines 12-step principles with evidence-based practices such as one-on-one counseling (twice weekly), group therapy, family counseling, and life coaching. Therapeutic experiential activities are also offered and include music, auricular, equine, and canine therapy. In addition, the facility offers holistic treatments such as ropes course, massage, interactive sculpting, and yoga.

The facility offers programming for various groups of people, including LGBT clients, military personnel, emergency first responders, and specific professions including lawyers, social workers, high profile professionals (celebrities) and others. There is also a family program for loved ones which offers addiction education, family counseling, and multi-family group therapy.

For individuals who are unable to commit to 24/7 residential treatment, an intensive outpatient program (IOP) is available with programming customized to each client’s needs. The IOP includes group therapy, which meets three time a week for three-hour sessions, as well as individual counseling.

The facility offers aftercare planning and a weekly continuing care group, and is known for maintaining active alumni connections, including hosting weekly BBQs for its local network. Should they relapse, clients who successfully complete the 90-day program may return for an additional 30 days, free of charge.


The treatment team includes doctors, psychiatrists, chiropractors, nurses, social workers, counselors, house managers, nutritionists, dieticians, yoga instructors, hair stylists, and trainers.


Solutions offers private rooms and an active and engaging campus with many amenities. In addition to a gym (with fitness equipment including a boxing ring), there’s also a hair and nail salon, pool, spa, a health spray tanning salon, and a café and gift shop on-site.


Of 18 alumni polled by to date, 12 gave Solutions a positive review, one gave a mixed review, while five gave negative reviews, indicating mostly positive reactions. 6 alumni rated the facility’s exercise and leisure options highly at 4.2 out of five stars and its family participation 3.8 out of five stars. However, the facility’s connectivity and visitor policy only received 2.3 stars and its counseling options 2.5 stars.

In their comments, alumni mostly praised the staff and community that the facility developed, although a few had mixed feelings regarding the quality of accommodations. Nearly every alum agreed that the price was high, divided only on whether the treatment was worth it. Alum Robert wrote: “the housing was very nice and the house managers were caring and accommodating. My clinician was very helpful and the groups were great. I feel as though my recovery process was what I needed and feel accomplished after completing the program.”


The four loved ones polled by at the time of this writing gave Solutions mixed reviews, rating its treatment effectiveness between three and five stars and its holistic offerings between one and five stars. Though two loved ones stated the counselors were effective in treating clients, two also mentioned prices were rather high, with one loved one stating they received a bill of $86,000 for their daughter’s 50-day treatment. Loved one P.B. wrote: “People are told it is 30 day program and they try to kick you out after 10 days. We were told BC/BS covered it and receive a bill for 86,000.00 for 50 days. Out of network doctor who basically did nothing!!!!!!!!”


One staff member polled by to date rated Solutions four out of five stars across nearly every category, rating it a perfect five stars in cleanliness and maintenance. They wrote the facility was “helpful,” “caring,” and “worth the price,” although they detracted for the weather.


Some private insurance is accepted. Nine reviewers rated Solutions’ affordability 3.3 out of five stars. Clients and loved ones reported paying for the facility with HMO/PPO (private) insurance and out of pocket.

Updated April 2017

Published on June 2017

Do you work at this facility? Let us know if we missed something! ",,7081,"2018-01-08 04:23:58","Solutions Recovery" 336,"2018-01-09 03:46:58",Luxury,704,"2018-01-09 03:46:58","2975 S. Rainbow Blvd.",89146,,,"3.6 of 5",74,72,72,"

Solutions Recovery is dedicated to helping clients struggling with alcohol and drug addiction using a holistic approach and treatment plan that has been customized to meet their needs.
The staff at Solutions believes that during their treatment stay, clients enjoy the comfort of a residence in upscale homes that are amply furnished and provide a warm environment for healing. Treatment providers for Solutions Recovery programs are caring, experienced, and highly trained practitioners in their respective fields. Integrating a holistic approach, the multidisciplinary treatment team provides customized, intensive, and clinically managed treatment services.
Clients participate in a structured schedule featuring a minimum of 30 hours per week as part of their customized treatment plan of therapeutic activity, which includes individualized counseling, group counseling, holistic services, and interpersonal skills development.



A part of the American Addiction Centers (AAC) family of U.S. treatment facilities, Solutions Recovery offers both residential and outpatient substance abuse treatment for adult men and women, including individuals with co-occurring addiction and mental health disorders. Set in the heart of Las Vegas, Nev., the facility offers clinically-based programming, medically monitored detox services, and an alumni network through its community center, aptly named the Solution Wellness Campus.


All clients receive an individualized treatment plan upon admission. Solutions Recovery combines 12-step principles with evidence-based practices such as one-on-one counseling (twice weekly), group therapy, family counseling, and life coaching. Therapeutic experiential activities are also offered and include music, auricular, equine, and canine therapy. In addition, the facility offers holistic treatments such as ropes course, massage, interactive sculpting, and yoga.

The facility offers programming for various groups of people, including LGBT clients, military personnel, emergency first responders, and specific professions including lawyers, social workers, high profile professionals (celebrities) and others. There is also a family program for loved ones which offers addiction education, family counseling, and multi-family group therapy.

For individuals who are unable to commit to 24/7 residential treatment, an intensive outpatient program (IOP) is available with programming customized to each client’s needs. The IOP includes group therapy, which meets three time a week for three-hour sessions, as well as individual counseling.

The facility offers aftercare planning and a weekly continuing care group, and is known for maintaining active alumni connections, including hosting weekly BBQs for its local network. Should they relapse, clients who successfully complete the 90-day program may return for an additional 30 days, free of charge.


The treatment team includes doctors, psychiatrists, chiropractors, nurses, social workers, counselors, house managers, nutritionists, dieticians, yoga instructors, hair stylists, and trainers.


Solutions offers private rooms and an active and engaging campus with many amenities. In addition to a gym (with fitness equipment including a boxing ring), there’s also a hair and nail salon, pool, spa, a health spray tanning salon, and a café and gift shop on-site.


Of 18 alumni polled by to date, 12 gave Solutions a positive review, one gave a mixed review, while five gave negative reviews, indicating mostly positive reactions. 6 alumni rated the facility’s exercise and leisure options highly at 4.2 out of five stars and its family participation 3.8 out of five stars. However, the facility’s connectivity and visitor policy only received 2.3 stars and its counseling options 2.5 stars.

In their comments, alumni mostly praised the staff and community that the facility developed, although a few had mixed feelings regarding the quality of accommodations. Nearly every alum agreed that the price was high, divided only on whether the treatment was worth it. Alum Robert wrote: “the housing was very nice and the house managers were caring and accommodating. My clinician was very helpful and the groups were great. I feel as though my recovery process was what I needed and feel accomplished after completing the program.”


The four loved ones polled by at the time of this writing gave Solutions mixed reviews, rating its treatment effectiveness between three and five stars and its holistic offerings between one and five stars. Though two loved ones stated the counselors were effective in treating clients, two also mentioned prices were rather high, with one loved one stating they received a bill of $86,000 for their daughter’s 50-day treatment. Loved one P.B. wrote: “People are told it is 30 day program and they try to kick you out after 10 days. We were told BC/BS covered it and receive a bill for 86,000.00 for 50 days. Out of network doctor who basically did nothing!!!!!!!!”


One staff member polled by to date rated Solutions four out of five stars across nearly every category, rating it a perfect five stars in cleanliness and maintenance. They wrote the facility was “helpful,” “caring,” and “worth the price,” although they detracted for the weather.


Some private insurance is accepted. Nine reviewers rated Solutions’ affordability 3.3 out of five stars. Clients and loved ones reported paying for the facility with HMO/PPO (private) insurance and out of pocket.

Updated April 2017

Published on June 2017

Do you work at this facility? Let us know if we missed something! ",,7081,"2018-01-08 04:23:58","Solutions Recovery" 337,"2018-01-09 03:46:58","Residential Neighborhood",704,"2018-01-09 03:46:58","2975 S. Rainbow Blvd.",89146,,,"3.6 of 5",74,72,72,"

Solutions Recovery is dedicated to helping clients struggling with alcohol and drug addiction using a holistic approach and treatment plan that has been customized to meet their needs.
The staff at Solutions believes that during their treatment stay, clients enjoy the comfort of a residence in upscale homes that are amply furnished and provide a warm environment for healing. Treatment providers for Solutions Recovery programs are caring, experienced, and highly trained practitioners in their respective fields. Integrating a holistic approach, the multidisciplinary treatment team provides customized, intensive, and clinically managed treatment services.
Clients participate in a structured schedule featuring a minimum of 30 hours per week as part of their customized treatment plan of therapeutic activity, which includes individualized counseling, group counseling, holistic services, and interpersonal skills development.



A part of the American Addiction Centers (AAC) family of U.S. treatment facilities, Solutions Recovery offers both residential and outpatient substance abuse treatment for adult men and women, including individuals with co-occurring addiction and mental health disorders. Set in the heart of Las Vegas, Nev., the facility offers clinically-based programming, medically monitored detox services, and an alumni network through its community center, aptly named the Solution Wellness Campus.


All clients receive an individualized treatment plan upon admission. Solutions Recovery combines 12-step principles with evidence-based practices such as one-on-one counseling (twice weekly), group therapy, family counseling, and life coaching. Therapeutic experiential activities are also offered and include music, auricular, equine, and canine therapy. In addition, the facility offers holistic treatments such as ropes course, massage, interactive sculpting, and yoga.

The facility offers programming for various groups of people, including LGBT clients, military personnel, emergency first responders, and specific professions including lawyers, social workers, high profile professionals (celebrities) and others. There is also a family program for loved ones which offers addiction education, family counseling, and multi-family group therapy.

For individuals who are unable to commit to 24/7 residential treatment, an intensive outpatient program (IOP) is available with programming customized to each client’s needs. The IOP includes group therapy, which meets three time a week for three-hour sessions, as well as individual counseling.

The facility offers aftercare planning and a weekly continuing care group, and is known for maintaining active alumni connections, including hosting weekly BBQs for its local network. Should they relapse, clients who successfully complete the 90-day program may return for an additional 30 days, free of charge.


The treatment team includes doctors, psychiatrists, chiropractors, nurses, social workers, counselors, house managers, nutritionists, dieticians, yoga instructors, hair stylists, and trainers.


Solutions offers private rooms and an active and engaging campus with many amenities. In addition to a gym (with fitness equipment including a boxing ring), there’s also a hair and nail salon, pool, spa, a health spray tanning salon, and a café and gift shop on-site.


Of 18 alumni polled by to date, 12 gave Solutions a positive review, one gave a mixed review, while five gave negative reviews, indicating mostly positive reactions. 6 alumni rated the facility’s exercise and leisure options highly at 4.2 out of five stars and its family participation 3.8 out of five stars. However, the facility’s connectivity and visitor policy only received 2.3 stars and its counseling options 2.5 stars.

In their comments, alumni mostly praised the staff and community that the facility developed, although a few had mixed feelings regarding the quality of accommodations. Nearly every alum agreed that the price was high, divided only on whether the treatment was worth it. Alum Robert wrote: “the housing was very nice and the house managers were caring and accommodating. My clinician was very helpful and the groups were great. I feel as though my recovery process was what I needed and feel accomplished after completing the program.”


The four loved ones polled by at the time of this writing gave Solutions mixed reviews, rating its treatment effectiveness between three and five stars and its holistic offerings between one and five stars. Though two loved ones stated the counselors were effective in treating clients, two also mentioned prices were rather high, with one loved one stating they received a bill of $86,000 for their daughter’s 50-day treatment. Loved one P.B. wrote: “People are told it is 30 day program and they try to kick you out after 10 days. We were told BC/BS covered it and receive a bill for 86,000.00 for 50 days. Out of network doctor who basically did nothing!!!!!!!!”


One staff member polled by to date rated Solutions four out of five stars across nearly every category, rating it a perfect five stars in cleanliness and maintenance. They wrote the facility was “helpful,” “caring,” and “worth the price,” although they detracted for the weather.


Some private insurance is accepted. Nine reviewers rated Solutions’ affordability 3.3 out of five stars. Clients and loved ones reported paying for the facility with HMO/PPO (private) insurance and out of pocket.

Updated April 2017

Published on June 2017

Do you work at this facility? Let us know if we missed something! ",,7081,"2018-01-08 04:23:58","Solutions Recovery" 338,"2018-01-09 03:46:58",Desert,704,"2018-01-09 03:46:58","2975 S. Rainbow Blvd.",89146,,,"3.6 of 5",74,72,72,"

Solutions Recovery is dedicated to helping clients struggling with alcohol and drug addiction using a holistic approach and treatment plan that has been customized to meet their needs.
The staff at Solutions believes that during their treatment stay, clients enjoy the comfort of a residence in upscale homes that are amply furnished and provide a warm environment for healing. Treatment providers for Solutions Recovery programs are caring, experienced, and highly trained practitioners in their respective fields. Integrating a holistic approach, the multidisciplinary treatment team provides customized, intensive, and clinically managed treatment services.
Clients participate in a structured schedule featuring a minimum of 30 hours per week as part of their customized treatment plan of therapeutic activity, which includes individualized counseling, group counseling, holistic services, and interpersonal skills development.



A part of the American Addiction Centers (AAC) family of U.S. treatment facilities, Solutions Recovery offers both residential and outpatient substance abuse treatment for adult men and women, including individuals with co-occurring addiction and mental health disorders. Set in the heart of Las Vegas, Nev., the facility offers clinically-based programming, medically monitored detox services, and an alumni network through its community center, aptly named the Solution Wellness Campus.


All clients receive an individualized treatment plan upon admission. Solutions Recovery combines 12-step principles with evidence-based practices such as one-on-one counseling (twice weekly), group therapy, family counseling, and life coaching. Therapeutic experiential activities are also offered and include music, auricular, equine, and canine therapy. In addition, the facility offers holistic treatments such as ropes course, massage, interactive sculpting, and yoga.

The facility offers programming for various groups of people, including LGBT clients, military personnel, emergency first responders, and specific professions including lawyers, social workers, high profile professionals (celebrities) and others. There is also a family program for loved ones which offers addiction education, family counseling, and multi-family group therapy.

For individuals who are unable to commit to 24/7 residential treatment, an intensive outpatient program (IOP) is available with programming customized to each client’s needs. The IOP includes group therapy, which meets three time a week for three-hour sessions, as well as individual counseling.

The facility offers aftercare planning and a weekly continuing care group, and is known for maintaining active alumni connections, including hosting weekly BBQs for its local network. Should they relapse, clients who successfully complete the 90-day program may return for an additional 30 days, free of charge.


The treatment team includes doctors, psychiatrists, chiropractors, nurses, social workers, counselors, house managers, nutritionists, dieticians, yoga instructors, hair stylists, and trainers.


Solutions offers private rooms and an active and engaging campus with many amenities. In addition to a gym (with fitness equipment including a boxing ring), there’s also a hair and nail salon, pool, spa, a health spray tanning salon, and a café and gift shop on-site.


Of 18 alumni polled by to date, 12 gave Solutions a positive review, one gave a mixed review, while five gave negative reviews, indicating mostly positive reactions. 6 alumni rated the facility’s exercise and leisure options highly at 4.2 out of five stars and its family participation 3.8 out of five stars. However, the facility’s connectivity and visitor policy only received 2.3 stars and its counseling options 2.5 stars.

In their comments, alumni mostly praised the staff and community that the facility developed, although a few had mixed feelings regarding the quality of accommodations. Nearly every alum agreed that the price was high, divided only on whether the treatment was worth it. Alum Robert wrote: “the housing was very nice and the house managers were caring and accommodating. My clinician was very helpful and the groups were great. I feel as though my recovery process was what I needed and feel accomplished after completing the program.”


The four loved ones polled by at the time of this writing gave Solutions mixed reviews, rating its treatment effectiveness between three and five stars and its holistic offerings between one and five stars. Though two loved ones stated the counselors were effective in treating clients, two also mentioned prices were rather high, with one loved one stating they received a bill of $86,000 for their daughter’s 50-day treatment. Loved one P.B. wrote: “People are told it is 30 day program and they try to kick you out after 10 days. We were told BC/BS covered it and receive a bill for 86,000.00 for 50 days. Out of network doctor who basically did nothing!!!!!!!!”


One staff member polled by to date rated Solutions four out of five stars across nearly every category, rating it a perfect five stars in cleanliness and maintenance. They wrote the facility was “helpful,” “caring,” and “worth the price,” although they detracted for the weather.


Some private insurance is accepted. Nine reviewers rated Solutions’ affordability 3.3 out of five stars. Clients and loved ones reported paying for the facility with HMO/PPO (private) insurance and out of pocket.

Updated April 2017

Published on June 2017

Do you work at this facility? Let us know if we missed something! ",,7081,"2018-01-08 04:23:58","Solutions Recovery" 339,"2018-01-09 03:47:36",Private/Secluded,710,"2018-01-09 03:47:36","279 Brick Kiln Rd.",02536,,,"4.8 of 5",96,96,98,"

Our mission is to help those who suffer from drug and alcohol addiction learn a new way of life, repair the past and continue the daily process of recovery into the future.

Our proven approach to treatment takes into account each client’s background and specific needs. Unlike other facilities, we focus on more than just abstinence; we believe that a successful treatment plan must address the underlying spiritual, emotional and psychological causes of addiction.

To this end, we take a holistic, integrated approach to the disease of addiction, by providing customized treatments that focus on the mind, body, and spirit simultaneously.



Based in the Cape Cod town of East Falmouth, Mass., Recovering Champions operates two rehab facilities for adults struggling with substance use and co-occurring mental health disorders. Both a retreat-style residence (also known as Awakenings Lodge) and an intensive outpatient treatment center (Cape Cod Behavioral Health) are designed to support holistic recovery, built on 12-step concepts. While detox is not offered on-site, the center maintains partnerships with local detox facilities and can help arrange for treatment prior to entering Recovering Champions. The recovery program opened in 2015, according to a Cape Cod Times article.


The rehab facility's holistic approach incorporates outdoor activities, which include equine therapy, and a combination of evidence-based cognitive and behavioral therapies, experiential therapies such as art and music, and wellness practices, including yoga and meditation. Clients also participate in one-on-one counseling, group and family therapy, educational workshops, and 12-step meetings.

Highly structured partial hospitalization (PHP) and intensive outpatient programs (IOP) meet for three-and-a-half to six hours each day. When utilizing the IOP as a step-down treatment process, clients will continue working with the same case managers and counselors assigned during PHP.

Medication-assisted therapy, less intensive outpatient treatment, and family counseling are also available. Some clients opt for drug testing as part of their individual treatment plans.


According to the center’s website, the staff includes master’s level therapists and social workers, licensed alcohol and drug counselors, and case managers.


Recovering Champions' 50-bed residential accommodations in Sandwich, on the Cape, are referred to as a spiritual retreat center or wellness lodge rather than a treatment facility. Photographs of this converted motor lodge and of the outpatient treatment center depict warm, comfortable, and serene settings with comfortable and modern furnishings. The lodge site includes a basketball court and vegetable and flower gardens. Daily phone calls are permitted and clients may smoke in designated areas.


The two alumni polled by had only positive things to share about their treatment experiences. Each awarded four or five out of five stars for all aspects of accommodations and treatment evaluated, including meals and nutrition, opportunities for exercise and leisure activity, options in counseling approaches, and facilitation of family participation.

T.C. commended the ""attentive"" staff and ""amazing"" food. ""I was amazed at the level of care - the personal attention by the staff and the holistic approach that treated my mental, physical, and spiritual issues,"" they wrote. Another alum, C.M., appreciated the center's ""strong adherence to the 12 steps"" and credited the program's structure for their ability to transition back to daily life.


Likewise, the sole loved one of a client surveyed by, praised the staff, programming, and food, awarding five stars for each and highlighting the on-site organic garden. Their review also underscored the value of the program's family component.


Both the staff members surveyed by at the time of this writing provided five-star reviews of their employer. One cited the high level of clinicians' training as a strength.


According to the facility's website, most insurance plans, including ones from Aetna, Cigna, and Blue Cross Blue Shield, are accepted. A form to begin verifying insurance coverage is available online.

Published on June 2017

Do you work at this facility? Let us know if we missed something! ","Recovering Champions’ 12-step approach and great counseling gave my daughter hope for the future and freedom from addiction.",7444,"2018-01-08 04:34:07","Recovering Champions" 340,"2018-01-09 03:47:36",Resort,710,"2018-01-09 03:47:36","279 Brick Kiln Rd.",02536,,,"4.8 of 5",96,96,98,"

Our mission is to help those who suffer from drug and alcohol addiction learn a new way of life, repair the past and continue the daily process of recovery into the future.

Our proven approach to treatment takes into account each client’s background and specific needs. Unlike other facilities, we focus on more than just abstinence; we believe that a successful treatment plan must address the underlying spiritual, emotional and psychological causes of addiction.

To this end, we take a holistic, integrated approach to the disease of addiction, by providing customized treatments that focus on the mind, body, and spirit simultaneously.



Based in the Cape Cod town of East Falmouth, Mass., Recovering Champions operates two rehab facilities for adults struggling with substance use and co-occurring mental health disorders. Both a retreat-style residence (also known as Awakenings Lodge) and an intensive outpatient treatment center (Cape Cod Behavioral Health) are designed to support holistic recovery, built on 12-step concepts. While detox is not offered on-site, the center maintains partnerships with local detox facilities and can help arrange for treatment prior to entering Recovering Champions. The recovery program opened in 2015, according to a Cape Cod Times article.


The rehab facility's holistic approach incorporates outdoor activities, which include equine therapy, and a combination of evidence-based cognitive and behavioral therapies, experiential therapies such as art and music, and wellness practices, including yoga and meditation. Clients also participate in one-on-one counseling, group and family therapy, educational workshops, and 12-step meetings.

Highly structured partial hospitalization (PHP) and intensive outpatient programs (IOP) meet for three-and-a-half to six hours each day. When utilizing the IOP as a step-down treatment process, clients will continue working with the same case managers and counselors assigned during PHP.

Medication-assisted therapy, less intensive outpatient treatment, and family counseling are also available. Some clients opt for drug testing as part of their individual treatment plans.


According to the center’s website, the staff includes master’s level therapists and social workers, licensed alcohol and drug counselors, and case managers.


Recovering Champions' 50-bed residential accommodations in Sandwich, on the Cape, are referred to as a spiritual retreat center or wellness lodge rather than a treatment facility. Photographs of this converted motor lodge and of the outpatient treatment center depict warm, comfortable, and serene settings with comfortable and modern furnishings. The lodge site includes a basketball court and vegetable and flower gardens. Daily phone calls are permitted and clients may smoke in designated areas.


The two alumni polled by had only positive things to share about their treatment experiences. Each awarded four or five out of five stars for all aspects of accommodations and treatment evaluated, including meals and nutrition, opportunities for exercise and leisure activity, options in counseling approaches, and facilitation of family participation.

T.C. commended the ""attentive"" staff and ""amazing"" food. ""I was amazed at the level of care - the personal attention by the staff and the holistic approach that treated my mental, physical, and spiritual issues,"" they wrote. Another alum, C.M., appreciated the center's ""strong adherence to the 12 steps"" and credited the program's structure for their ability to transition back to daily life.


Likewise, the sole loved one of a client surveyed by, praised the staff, programming, and food, awarding five stars for each and highlighting the on-site organic garden. Their review also underscored the value of the program's family component.


Both the staff members surveyed by at the time of this writing provided five-star reviews of their employer. One cited the high level of clinicians' training as a strength.


According to the facility's website, most insurance plans, including ones from Aetna, Cigna, and Blue Cross Blue Shield, are accepted. A form to begin verifying insurance coverage is available online.

Published on June 2017

Do you work at this facility? Let us know if we missed something! ","Recovering Champions’ 12-step approach and great counseling gave my daughter hope for the future and freedom from addiction.",7444,"2018-01-08 04:34:07","Recovering Champions" 341,"2018-01-09 03:47:36","Beach Community",710,"2018-01-09 03:47:36","279 Brick Kiln Rd.",02536,,,"4.8 of 5",96,96,98,"

Our mission is to help those who suffer from drug and alcohol addiction learn a new way of life, repair the past and continue the daily process of recovery into the future.

Our proven approach to treatment takes into account each client’s background and specific needs. Unlike other facilities, we focus on more than just abstinence; we believe that a successful treatment plan must address the underlying spiritual, emotional and psychological causes of addiction.

To this end, we take a holistic, integrated approach to the disease of addiction, by providing customized treatments that focus on the mind, body, and spirit simultaneously.



Based in the Cape Cod town of East Falmouth, Mass., Recovering Champions operates two rehab facilities for adults struggling with substance use and co-occurring mental health disorders. Both a retreat-style residence (also known as Awakenings Lodge) and an intensive outpatient treatment center (Cape Cod Behavioral Health) are designed to support holistic recovery, built on 12-step concepts. While detox is not offered on-site, the center maintains partnerships with local detox facilities and can help arrange for treatment prior to entering Recovering Champions. The recovery program opened in 2015, according to a Cape Cod Times article.


The rehab facility's holistic approach incorporates outdoor activities, which include equine therapy, and a combination of evidence-based cognitive and behavioral therapies, experiential therapies such as art and music, and wellness practices, including yoga and meditation. Clients also participate in one-on-one counseling, group and family therapy, educational workshops, and 12-step meetings.

Highly structured partial hospitalization (PHP) and intensive outpatient programs (IOP) meet for three-and-a-half to six hours each day. When utilizing the IOP as a step-down treatment process, clients will continue working with the same case managers and counselors assigned during PHP.

Medication-assisted therapy, less intensive outpatient treatment, and family counseling are also available. Some clients opt for drug testing as part of their individual treatment plans.


According to the center’s website, the staff includes master’s level therapists and social workers, licensed alcohol and drug counselors, and case managers.


Recovering Champions' 50-bed residential accommodations in Sandwich, on the Cape, are referred to as a spiritual retreat center or wellness lodge rather than a treatment facility. Photographs of this converted motor lodge and of the outpatient treatment center depict warm, comfortable, and serene settings with comfortable and modern furnishings. The lodge site includes a basketball court and vegetable and flower gardens. Daily phone calls are permitted and clients may smoke in designated areas.


The two alumni polled by had only positive things to share about their treatment experiences. Each awarded four or five out of five stars for all aspects of accommodations and treatment evaluated, including meals and nutrition, opportunities for exercise and leisure activity, options in counseling approaches, and facilitation of family participation.

T.C. commended the ""attentive"" staff and ""amazing"" food. ""I was amazed at the level of care - the personal attention by the staff and the holistic approach that treated my mental, physical, and spiritual issues,"" they wrote. Another alum, C.M., appreciated the center's ""strong adherence to the 12 steps"" and credited the program's structure for their ability to transition back to daily life.


Likewise, the sole loved one of a client surveyed by, praised the staff, programming, and food, awarding five stars for each and highlighting the on-site organic garden. Their review also underscored the value of the program's family component.


Both the staff members surveyed by at the time of this writing provided five-star reviews of their employer. One cited the high level of clinicians' training as a strength.


According to the facility's website, most insurance plans, including ones from Aetna, Cigna, and Blue Cross Blue Shield, are accepted. A form to begin verifying insurance coverage is available online.

Published on June 2017

Do you work at this facility? Let us know if we missed something! ","Recovering Champions’ 12-step approach and great counseling gave my daughter hope for the future and freedom from addiction.",7444,"2018-01-08 04:34:07","Recovering Champions" 342,"2018-01-09 03:48:01",Hospital,714,"2018-01-09 03:48:01","36075 S. Rincon Road",85390,,,"4.5 of 5",86,92,92,"

A fully accredited and licensed inpatient behavioral health facility located in the beautiful Arizona desert, Rosewood is one of the first and most experienced programs to provide comprehensive care for all stages of recovery from anorexia,bulimia, binge eating disorder and co-occurring addictions /disorders to men, women, and adolescent boys and girls.



Set on 13 acres in the beautiful Sonora Desert, Rosewood Ranch in Wickenburg, Ariz. — one of four Rosewood Recovery Centers — offers residential treatment programs for adults and adolescents struggling with eating disorders, substance abuse, and co-occurring disorders. Rosewood’s facility in nearby Capri offers a less structured program, while outpatient services are offered in Tempe. If necessary, medically-monitored detoxification is available on-site in Wickenburg.


Upon intake, clients meet with a team of dietitians, nurses, and psychiatrists to assess individual needs and form a tailored, comprehensive treatment plan. While Rosewood Ranch treats eating disorders, including binge eating, anorexia, and bulimia, the facility also addresses underlying psychological issues and substance abuse disorders. Rosewood treats adolescent (12 to 17) and adult clients separately.

Rosewood Ranch adheres to a multidisciplinary approach to treatment. Along with a 12-step introduction, it uses evidence-based modalities, such as dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT) and motivational interviewing (MI). Clients also undergo eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) sessions to address issues of trauma.

Along with traditional methods of individual and group counseling sessions, Rosewood Ranch uses holistic treatment techniques. Clients participate in psychodrama sessions, equine therapy, pet therapy, mindfulness meditation, yoga, and Tai Chi. They also work individually with dietitians, participate in meal planning, and attend educational presentations on eating and body image. Upon discharge, clients are encouraged to enroll in the less-structured Capri program.

The Alumni Program provides continued support. Staff reach out regularly to keep in touch and offer referrals to support groups, 12-step programs, and other aftercare options. Alumni may attend a two-day reunion, which consists of team building activities and stories from graduates.


Rosewood Ranch employs a multidisciplinary team of physicians, registered nurses, psychiatrists, master’s level eating disorder therapists, adolescent psychologists, registered dietitians, and recreational therapists. A medical team is available 24 hours a day.


Rosewood Ranch treats 63 residents at a time. Featuring luxury lodging facilities and a sprawling campus, the facility provides a therapeutic, structured atmosphere with a range of recreational amenities. The campus features a ropes course, horse stables, and a swimming pool. Clients stay in private or shared bedrooms and enjoy airport pick-up and drop-off. Dietitians and professional chefs coordinate customized meal plans.


According to information collected by to date, two alumni provided exemplary feedback for overall treatment effectiveness, accommodations, and quality of staff. They gave the top five-star rating to exercise and leisure, family participation, and cleanliness, and would recommend the facility. Alum A.B.T. told “Excellent treatment center for eating disorders. They helped me get on the road to recovery.”

On Google, 43 reviewers gave the facility an average rating of 4.5 stars out of five. Most alumni had positive comments about their experience. Aubrey wrote: Rosewood saved my life."" [1] Catherine echoed that sentiment: ""I couldn't say enough good things about this place but I'll sum it up with, they transform and save lives every day.""


Feedback from the three loved ones gathered to date by is mixed. Two offered the top five stars for accommodations/amenities and meals and nutrition, and four and three stars for overall treatment effectiveness. Although a family member remarked about the ""beautiful facility,"" they reported a lack of family involvement: ""Wasn't impressed that they wouldn't allow me to talk to my daughter for more than 5 min threee times a week.""

A loved with a largely positive review told “Some of their research seems out of date.” The most critical family member explained their daughter ""is worse now than ever"" and the staff ""seem cold and don't care. Extremely rude and harsh with patients.""


According to survey results, staff praised the effectiveness of treatment and dedication of team members. An employee told “We have a wonderful, diverse group of people that work here. They love what they do and it shows in the way in which they treat our clients.”


Rosewood Ranch accepts a range of private insurance plans.


Published on August 2017

Do you work at this facility? Let us know if we missed something! ","Rosewood gave me hope when I wasn’t sure recovery was impossible. I learned how to love again. I learned how much a person can truly eat in a day and how the world doesn't end. I learned how to mend the wounds I've created within my family and myself. One year after Rosewood, I am loving what I thought was impossible.",7505,"2018-01-08 04:34:55",Rosewood 343,"2018-01-09 03:48:01",Desert,714,"2018-01-09 03:48:01","36075 S. Rincon Road",85390,,,"4.5 of 5",86,92,92,"

A fully accredited and licensed inpatient behavioral health facility located in the beautiful Arizona desert, Rosewood is one of the first and most experienced programs to provide comprehensive care for all stages of recovery from anorexia,bulimia, binge eating disorder and co-occurring addictions /disorders to men, women, and adolescent boys and girls.



Set on 13 acres in the beautiful Sonora Desert, Rosewood Ranch in Wickenburg, Ariz. — one of four Rosewood Recovery Centers — offers residential treatment programs for adults and adolescents struggling with eating disorders, substance abuse, and co-occurring disorders. Rosewood’s facility in nearby Capri offers a less structured program, while outpatient services are offered in Tempe. If necessary, medically-monitored detoxification is available on-site in Wickenburg.


Upon intake, clients meet with a team of dietitians, nurses, and psychiatrists to assess individual needs and form a tailored, comprehensive treatment plan. While Rosewood Ranch treats eating disorders, including binge eating, anorexia, and bulimia, the facility also addresses underlying psychological issues and substance abuse disorders. Rosewood treats adolescent (12 to 17) and adult clients separately.

Rosewood Ranch adheres to a multidisciplinary approach to treatment. Along with a 12-step introduction, it uses evidence-based modalities, such as dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT) and motivational interviewing (MI). Clients also undergo eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) sessions to address issues of trauma.

Along with traditional methods of individual and group counseling sessions, Rosewood Ranch uses holistic treatment techniques. Clients participate in psychodrama sessions, equine therapy, pet therapy, mindfulness meditation, yoga, and Tai Chi. They also work individually with dietitians, participate in meal planning, and attend educational presentations on eating and body image. Upon discharge, clients are encouraged to enroll in the less-structured Capri program.

The Alumni Program provides continued support. Staff reach out regularly to keep in touch and offer referrals to support groups, 12-step programs, and other aftercare options. Alumni may attend a two-day reunion, which consists of team building activities and stories from graduates.


Rosewood Ranch employs a multidisciplinary team of physicians, registered nurses, psychiatrists, master’s level eating disorder therapists, adolescent psychologists, registered dietitians, and recreational therapists. A medical team is available 24 hours a day.


Rosewood Ranch treats 63 residents at a time. Featuring luxury lodging facilities and a sprawling campus, the facility provides a therapeutic, structured atmosphere with a range of recreational amenities. The campus features a ropes course, horse stables, and a swimming pool. Clients stay in private or shared bedrooms and enjoy airport pick-up and drop-off. Dietitians and professional chefs coordinate customized meal plans.


According to information collected by to date, two alumni provided exemplary feedback for overall treatment effectiveness, accommodations, and quality of staff. They gave the top five-star rating to exercise and leisure, family participation, and cleanliness, and would recommend the facility. Alum A.B.T. told “Excellent treatment center for eating disorders. They helped me get on the road to recovery.”

On Google, 43 reviewers gave the facility an average rating of 4.5 stars out of five. Most alumni had positive comments about their experience. Aubrey wrote: Rosewood saved my life."" [1] Catherine echoed that sentiment: ""I couldn't say enough good things about this place but I'll sum it up with, they transform and save lives every day.""


Feedback from the three loved ones gathered to date by is mixed. Two offered the top five stars for accommodations/amenities and meals and nutrition, and four and three stars for overall treatment effectiveness. Although a family member remarked about the ""beautiful facility,"" they reported a lack of family involvement: ""Wasn't impressed that they wouldn't allow me to talk to my daughter for more than 5 min threee times a week.""

A loved with a largely positive review told “Some of their research seems out of date.” The most critical family member explained their daughter ""is worse now than ever"" and the staff ""seem cold and don't care. Extremely rude and harsh with patients.""


According to survey results, staff praised the effectiveness of treatment and dedication of team members. An employee told “We have a wonderful, diverse group of people that work here. They love what they do and it shows in the way in which they treat our clients.”


Rosewood Ranch accepts a range of private insurance plans.


Published on August 2017

Do you work at this facility? Let us know if we missed something! ","Rosewood gave me hope when I wasn’t sure recovery was impossible. I learned how to love again. I learned how much a person can truly eat in a day and how the world doesn't end. I learned how to mend the wounds I've created within my family and myself. One year after Rosewood, I am loving what I thought was impossible.",7505,"2018-01-08 04:34:55",Rosewood 344,"2018-01-09 03:48:01",Mountains,714,"2018-01-09 03:48:01","36075 S. Rincon Road",85390,,,"4.5 of 5",86,92,92,"

A fully accredited and licensed inpatient behavioral health facility located in the beautiful Arizona desert, Rosewood is one of the first and most experienced programs to provide comprehensive care for all stages of recovery from anorexia,bulimia, binge eating disorder and co-occurring addictions /disorders to men, women, and adolescent boys and girls.



Set on 13 acres in the beautiful Sonora Desert, Rosewood Ranch in Wickenburg, Ariz. — one of four Rosewood Recovery Centers — offers residential treatment programs for adults and adolescents struggling with eating disorders, substance abuse, and co-occurring disorders. Rosewood’s facility in nearby Capri offers a less structured program, while outpatient services are offered in Tempe. If necessary, medically-monitored detoxification is available on-site in Wickenburg.


Upon intake, clients meet with a team of dietitians, nurses, and psychiatrists to assess individual needs and form a tailored, comprehensive treatment plan. While Rosewood Ranch treats eating disorders, including binge eating, anorexia, and bulimia, the facility also addresses underlying psychological issues and substance abuse disorders. Rosewood treats adolescent (12 to 17) and adult clients separately.

Rosewood Ranch adheres to a multidisciplinary approach to treatment. Along with a 12-step introduction, it uses evidence-based modalities, such as dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT) and motivational interviewing (MI). Clients also undergo eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) sessions to address issues of trauma.

Along with traditional methods of individual and group counseling sessions, Rosewood Ranch uses holistic treatment techniques. Clients participate in psychodrama sessions, equine therapy, pet therapy, mindfulness meditation, yoga, and Tai Chi. They also work individually with dietitians, participate in meal planning, and attend educational presentations on eating and body image. Upon discharge, clients are encouraged to enroll in the less-structured Capri program.

The Alumni Program provides continued support. Staff reach out regularly to keep in touch and offer referrals to support groups, 12-step programs, and other aftercare options. Alumni may attend a two-day reunion, which consists of team building activities and stories from graduates.


Rosewood Ranch employs a multidisciplinary team of physicians, registered nurses, psychiatrists, master’s level eating disorder therapists, adolescent psychologists, registered dietitians, and recreational therapists. A medical team is available 24 hours a day.


Rosewood Ranch treats 63 residents at a time. Featuring luxury lodging facilities and a sprawling campus, the facility provides a therapeutic, structured atmosphere with a range of recreational amenities. The campus features a ropes course, horse stables, and a swimming pool. Clients stay in private or shared bedrooms and enjoy airport pick-up and drop-off. Dietitians and professional chefs coordinate customized meal plans.


According to information collected by to date, two alumni provided exemplary feedback for overall treatment effectiveness, accommodations, and quality of staff. They gave the top five-star rating to exercise and leisure, family participation, and cleanliness, and would recommend the facility. Alum A.B.T. told “Excellent treatment center for eating disorders. They helped me get on the road to recovery.”

On Google, 43 reviewers gave the facility an average rating of 4.5 stars out of five. Most alumni had positive comments about their experience. Aubrey wrote: Rosewood saved my life."" [1] Catherine echoed that sentiment: ""I couldn't say enough good things about this place but I'll sum it up with, they transform and save lives every day.""


Feedback from the three loved ones gathered to date by is mixed. Two offered the top five stars for accommodations/amenities and meals and nutrition, and four and three stars for overall treatment effectiveness. Although a family member remarked about the ""beautiful facility,"" they reported a lack of family involvement: ""Wasn't impressed that they wouldn't allow me to talk to my daughter for more than 5 min threee times a week.""

A loved with a largely positive review told “Some of their research seems out of date.” The most critical family member explained their daughter ""is worse now than ever"" and the staff ""seem cold and don't care. Extremely rude and harsh with patients.""


According to survey results, staff praised the effectiveness of treatment and dedication of team members. An employee told “We have a wonderful, diverse group of people that work here. They love what they do and it shows in the way in which they treat our clients.”


Rosewood Ranch accepts a range of private insurance plans.


Published on August 2017

Do you work at this facility? Let us know if we missed something! ","Rosewood gave me hope when I wasn’t sure recovery was impossible. I learned how to love again. I learned how much a person can truly eat in a day and how the world doesn't end. I learned how to mend the wounds I've created within my family and myself. One year after Rosewood, I am loving what I thought was impossible.",7505,"2018-01-08 04:34:55",Rosewood 345,"2018-01-09 03:48:01",Luxury,714,"2018-01-09 03:48:01","36075 S. Rincon Road",85390,,,"4.5 of 5",86,92,92,"

A fully accredited and licensed inpatient behavioral health facility located in the beautiful Arizona desert, Rosewood is one of the first and most experienced programs to provide comprehensive care for all stages of recovery from anorexia,bulimia, binge eating disorder and co-occurring addictions /disorders to men, women, and adolescent boys and girls.



Set on 13 acres in the beautiful Sonora Desert, Rosewood Ranch in Wickenburg, Ariz. — one of four Rosewood Recovery Centers — offers residential treatment programs for adults and adolescents struggling with eating disorders, substance abuse, and co-occurring disorders. Rosewood’s facility in nearby Capri offers a less structured program, while outpatient services are offered in Tempe. If necessary, medically-monitored detoxification is available on-site in Wickenburg.


Upon intake, clients meet with a team of dietitians, nurses, and psychiatrists to assess individual needs and form a tailored, comprehensive treatment plan. While Rosewood Ranch treats eating disorders, including binge eating, anorexia, and bulimia, the facility also addresses underlying psychological issues and substance abuse disorders. Rosewood treats adolescent (12 to 17) and adult clients separately.

Rosewood Ranch adheres to a multidisciplinary approach to treatment. Along with a 12-step introduction, it uses evidence-based modalities, such as dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT) and motivational interviewing (MI). Clients also undergo eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) sessions to address issues of trauma.

Along with traditional methods of individual and group counseling sessions, Rosewood Ranch uses holistic treatment techniques. Clients participate in psychodrama sessions, equine therapy, pet therapy, mindfulness meditation, yoga, and Tai Chi. They also work individually with dietitians, participate in meal planning, and attend educational presentations on eating and body image. Upon discharge, clients are encouraged to enroll in the less-structured Capri program.

The Alumni Program provides continued support. Staff reach out regularly to keep in touch and offer referrals to support groups, 12-step programs, and other aftercare options. Alumni may attend a two-day reunion, which consists of team building activities and stories from graduates.


Rosewood Ranch employs a multidisciplinary team of physicians, registered nurses, psychiatrists, master’s level eating disorder therapists, adolescent psychologists, registered dietitians, and recreational therapists. A medical team is available 24 hours a day.


Rosewood Ranch treats 63 residents at a time. Featuring luxury lodging facilities and a sprawling campus, the facility provides a therapeutic, structured atmosphere with a range of recreational amenities. The campus features a ropes course, horse stables, and a swimming pool. Clients stay in private or shared bedrooms and enjoy airport pick-up and drop-off. Dietitians and professional chefs coordinate customized meal plans.


According to information collected by to date, two alumni provided exemplary feedback for overall treatment effectiveness, accommodations, and quality of staff. They gave the top five-star rating to exercise and leisure, family participation, and cleanliness, and would recommend the facility. Alum A.B.T. told “Excellent treatment center for eating disorders. They helped me get on the road to recovery.”

On Google, 43 reviewers gave the facility an average rating of 4.5 stars out of five. Most alumni had positive comments about their experience. Aubrey wrote: Rosewood saved my life."" [1] Catherine echoed that sentiment: ""I couldn't say enough good things about this place but I'll sum it up with, they transform and save lives every day.""


Feedback from the three loved ones gathered to date by is mixed. Two offered the top five stars for accommodations/amenities and meals and nutrition, and four and three stars for overall treatment effectiveness. Although a family member remarked about the ""beautiful facility,"" they reported a lack of family involvement: ""Wasn't impressed that they wouldn't allow me to talk to my daughter for more than 5 min threee times a week.""

A loved with a largely positive review told “Some of their research seems out of date.” The most critical family member explained their daughter ""is worse now than ever"" and the staff ""seem cold and don't care. Extremely rude and harsh with patients.""


According to survey results, staff praised the effectiveness of treatment and dedication of team members. An employee told “We have a wonderful, diverse group of people that work here. They love what they do and it shows in the way in which they treat our clients.”


Rosewood Ranch accepts a range of private insurance plans.


Published on August 2017

Do you work at this facility? Let us know if we missed something! ","Rosewood gave me hope when I wasn’t sure recovery was impossible. I learned how to love again. I learned how much a person can truly eat in a day and how the world doesn't end. I learned how to mend the wounds I've created within my family and myself. One year after Rosewood, I am loving what I thought was impossible.",7505,"2018-01-08 04:34:55",Rosewood 346,"2018-01-09 03:48:01",Resort,714,"2018-01-09 03:48:01","36075 S. Rincon Road",85390,,,"4.5 of 5",86,92,92,"

A fully accredited and licensed inpatient behavioral health facility located in the beautiful Arizona desert, Rosewood is one of the first and most experienced programs to provide comprehensive care for all stages of recovery from anorexia,bulimia, binge eating disorder and co-occurring addictions /disorders to men, women, and adolescent boys and girls.



Set on 13 acres in the beautiful Sonora Desert, Rosewood Ranch in Wickenburg, Ariz. — one of four Rosewood Recovery Centers — offers residential treatment programs for adults and adolescents struggling with eating disorders, substance abuse, and co-occurring disorders. Rosewood’s facility in nearby Capri offers a less structured program, while outpatient services are offered in Tempe. If necessary, medically-monitored detoxification is available on-site in Wickenburg.


Upon intake, clients meet with a team of dietitians, nurses, and psychiatrists to assess individual needs and form a tailored, comprehensive treatment plan. While Rosewood Ranch treats eating disorders, including binge eating, anorexia, and bulimia, the facility also addresses underlying psychological issues and substance abuse disorders. Rosewood treats adolescent (12 to 17) and adult clients separately.

Rosewood Ranch adheres to a multidisciplinary approach to treatment. Along with a 12-step introduction, it uses evidence-based modalities, such as dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT) and motivational interviewing (MI). Clients also undergo eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) sessions to address issues of trauma.

Along with traditional methods of individual and group counseling sessions, Rosewood Ranch uses holistic treatment techniques. Clients participate in psychodrama sessions, equine therapy, pet therapy, mindfulness meditation, yoga, and Tai Chi. They also work individually with dietitians, participate in meal planning, and attend educational presentations on eating and body image. Upon discharge, clients are encouraged to enroll in the less-structured Capri program.

The Alumni Program provides continued support. Staff reach out regularly to keep in touch and offer referrals to support groups, 12-step programs, and other aftercare options. Alumni may attend a two-day reunion, which consists of team building activities and stories from graduates.


Rosewood Ranch employs a multidisciplinary team of physicians, registered nurses, psychiatrists, master’s level eating disorder therapists, adolescent psychologists, registered dietitians, and recreational therapists. A medical team is available 24 hours a day.


Rosewood Ranch treats 63 residents at a time. Featuring luxury lodging facilities and a sprawling campus, the facility provides a therapeutic, structured atmosphere with a range of recreational amenities. The campus features a ropes course, horse stables, and a swimming pool. Clients stay in private or shared bedrooms and enjoy airport pick-up and drop-off. Dietitians and professional chefs coordinate customized meal plans.


According to information collected by to date, two alumni provided exemplary feedback for overall treatment effectiveness, accommodations, and quality of staff. They gave the top five-star rating to exercise and leisure, family participation, and cleanliness, and would recommend the facility. Alum A.B.T. told “Excellent treatment center for eating disorders. They helped me get on the road to recovery.”

On Google, 43 reviewers gave the facility an average rating of 4.5 stars out of five. Most alumni had positive comments about their experience. Aubrey wrote: Rosewood saved my life."" [1] Catherine echoed that sentiment: ""I couldn't say enough good things about this place but I'll sum it up with, they transform and save lives every day.""


Feedback from the three loved ones gathered to date by is mixed. Two offered the top five stars for accommodations/amenities and meals and nutrition, and four and three stars for overall treatment effectiveness. Although a family member remarked about the ""beautiful facility,"" they reported a lack of family involvement: ""Wasn't impressed that they wouldn't allow me to talk to my daughter for more than 5 min threee times a week.""

A loved with a largely positive review told “Some of their research seems out of date.” The most critical family member explained their daughter ""is worse now than ever"" and the staff ""seem cold and don't care. Extremely rude and harsh with patients.""


According to survey results, staff praised the effectiveness of treatment and dedication of team members. An employee told “We have a wonderful, diverse group of people that work here. They love what they do and it shows in the way in which they treat our clients.”


Rosewood Ranch accepts a range of private insurance plans.


Published on August 2017

Do you work at this facility? Let us know if we missed something! ","Rosewood gave me hope when I wasn’t sure recovery was impossible. I learned how to love again. I learned how much a person can truly eat in a day and how the world doesn't end. I learned how to mend the wounds I've created within my family and myself. One year after Rosewood, I am loving what I thought was impossible.",7505,"2018-01-08 04:34:55",Rosewood 347,"2018-01-09 03:48:01",Private/Secluded,714,"2018-01-09 03:48:01","36075 S. Rincon Road",85390,,,"4.5 of 5",86,92,92,"

A fully accredited and licensed inpatient behavioral health facility located in the beautiful Arizona desert, Rosewood is one of the first and most experienced programs to provide comprehensive care for all stages of recovery from anorexia,bulimia, binge eating disorder and co-occurring addictions /disorders to men, women, and adolescent boys and girls.



Set on 13 acres in the beautiful Sonora Desert, Rosewood Ranch in Wickenburg, Ariz. — one of four Rosewood Recovery Centers — offers residential treatment programs for adults and adolescents struggling with eating disorders, substance abuse, and co-occurring disorders. Rosewood’s facility in nearby Capri offers a less structured program, while outpatient services are offered in Tempe. If necessary, medically-monitored detoxification is available on-site in Wickenburg.


Upon intake, clients meet with a team of dietitians, nurses, and psychiatrists to assess individual needs and form a tailored, comprehensive treatment plan. While Rosewood Ranch treats eating disorders, including binge eating, anorexia, and bulimia, the facility also addresses underlying psychological issues and substance abuse disorders. Rosewood treats adolescent (12 to 17) and adult clients separately.

Rosewood Ranch adheres to a multidisciplinary approach to treatment. Along with a 12-step introduction, it uses evidence-based modalities, such as dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT) and motivational interviewing (MI). Clients also undergo eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) sessions to address issues of trauma.

Along with traditional methods of individual and group counseling sessions, Rosewood Ranch uses holistic treatment techniques. Clients participate in psychodrama sessions, equine therapy, pet therapy, mindfulness meditation, yoga, and Tai Chi. They also work individually with dietitians, participate in meal planning, and attend educational presentations on eating and body image. Upon discharge, clients are encouraged to enroll in the less-structured Capri program.

The Alumni Program provides continued support. Staff reach out regularly to keep in touch and offer referrals to support groups, 12-step programs, and other aftercare options. Alumni may attend a two-day reunion, which consists of team building activities and stories from graduates.


Rosewood Ranch employs a multidisciplinary team of physicians, registered nurses, psychiatrists, master’s level eating disorder therapists, adolescent psychologists, registered dietitians, and recreational therapists. A medical team is available 24 hours a day.


Rosewood Ranch treats 63 residents at a time. Featuring luxury lodging facilities and a sprawling campus, the facility provides a therapeutic, structured atmosphere with a range of recreational amenities. The campus features a ropes course, horse stables, and a swimming pool. Clients stay in private or shared bedrooms and enjoy airport pick-up and drop-off. Dietitians and professional chefs coordinate customized meal plans.


According to information collected by to date, two alumni provided exemplary feedback for overall treatment effectiveness, accommodations, and quality of staff. They gave the top five-star rating to exercise and leisure, family participation, and cleanliness, and would recommend the facility. Alum A.B.T. told “Excellent treatment center for eating disorders. They helped me get on the road to recovery.”

On Google, 43 reviewers gave the facility an average rating of 4.5 stars out of five. Most alumni had positive comments about their experience. Aubrey wrote: Rosewood saved my life."" [1] Catherine echoed that sentiment: ""I couldn't say enough good things about this place but I'll sum it up with, they transform and save lives every day.""


Feedback from the three loved ones gathered to date by is mixed. Two offered the top five stars for accommodations/amenities and meals and nutrition, and four and three stars for overall treatment effectiveness. Although a family member remarked about the ""beautiful facility,"" they reported a lack of family involvement: ""Wasn't impressed that they wouldn't allow me to talk to my daughter for more than 5 min threee times a week.""

A loved with a largely positive review told “Some of their research seems out of date.” The most critical family member explained their daughter ""is worse now than ever"" and the staff ""seem cold and don't care. Extremely rude and harsh with patients.""


According to survey results, staff praised the effectiveness of treatment and dedication of team members. An employee told “We have a wonderful, diverse group of people that work here. They love what they do and it shows in the way in which they treat our clients.”


Rosewood Ranch accepts a range of private insurance plans.


Published on August 2017

Do you work at this facility? Let us know if we missed something! ","Rosewood gave me hope when I wasn’t sure recovery was impossible. I learned how to love again. I learned how much a person can truly eat in a day and how the world doesn't end. I learned how to mend the wounds I've created within my family and myself. One year after Rosewood, I am loving what I thought was impossible.",7505,"2018-01-08 04:34:55",Rosewood 348,"2018-01-09 03:50:25",Executive,735,"2018-01-09 03:50:25","10446 N. 74th St #150",85258,,,"5 of 5",100,100,98,"

Scottsdale Recovery Center aspires to set a whole new standard for long-term success within a demographic that is all too familiar with the horrors of addiction and relapse. In helping younger adults to identify their skills, rebuild their hopes, recreate their lives and rejuvenate their perceived values of their life’s journey, we WILL make history…one addict at a time, one family at a time. And while some have said that failure can be a learning experience, we choose a new way, a way of unwavering dedication and unbridled ambition toward success, recovery, joy and love! – WELCOME TO SRC!



Scottsdale Recovery Center (SRC) operates multiple residential rehab facilities throughout Arizona and a partial hospitalization (PHP) treatment center that offers distinct tracks for young adults and individuals over the age of 35. Clients struggling with substance use and co-occurring mental health disorders stay in gender-specific, luxurious sober living homes and participate in individualized treatment plans integrating evidence-based psychotherapeutic and holistic modalities. Medical detoxification services are available on-site.


Both medical and holistic treatments to support clients’ withdrawal process are offered, including medication-assisted therapy involving Suboxone, Naltrexone, or Naloxone. Sessions with a physician are scheduled throughout the long-term rehabilitation process.

All clients follow treatment plans tailored to meet their specific needs and situations. Some group and individual therapy sessions are gender-separated and others focus on such topics as LGBT and executive client experiences, repeated relapses, “failure to launch,” and mental health concerns, including anxiety, depression, PTSD, and bipolar disorder.

In addition to common treatment modalities, which at SRC include cognitive behavioral therapy and 12-step concepts, clients also participate in yoga, guided meditation, and other experiential practices such as equine therapy. Family therapy is also a component of treatment.

SRC offers intervention, life coaching, less intensive outpatient treatment, drug testing, and alumni support meetings as well.


Scottsdale Recovery employs several master’s level therapists, licensed substance abuse counselors, certified life coaches and yoga instructors, and house managers.


Website photographs feature private and shared bedrooms, high-ceiling living spaces, large, modern kitchens and bathrooms, swimming pools, and sunlit group meeting rooms with plush furnishings. Residents participate in weekly recreational outings, including bowling, movies, hiking, and fishing.

Clients of the intensive treatment programs live in gender-specific housing and are transported to a centralized treatment center. Transportation is also provided to 12-step meetings, a gym, organized recreational activities, and appointments with healthcare providers or court officials if needed. The center’s website references locations in Scottsdale, Phoenix, Tempe, Mesa, and Chandler and indicates that pet-friendly accommodations are available.


The one former client who had submitted feedback to at the time of this writing characterized the program as life-saving, rating the effectiveness of treatment five out of five stars.

Likewise, 12 Google reviews written by a mix of alumni and loved ones provided an average rating of 4.8 out of five for SRC. In a representative review, Shelbie wrote that the treatment program “turned my life around” and that she regained custody of her child. Another alum, Colleen, also reported reconciliation with family members.[1]

Yelp reviewers provided similar, overwhelmingly positive feedback and recommendations. Of 33 reviews, most by former clients, only three were critical. Two mentioned administrative issues related to scheduling and billing, and one focused on their experience of insufficient one-on-one therapy and dual diagnosis treatment. The remaining 30 reviews reflected strong satisfaction with staff, accommodations, and treatment and several described improved family relations and employment situations.[2]


All five loved ones providing with reviews gave the center excellent feedback. The sole survey respondent, Valerie, awarded all metrics measuring accommodations (including meals, nutrition, opportunities for exercise and leisure, and the facility’s cleanliness and upkeep) five stars. The staff’s supportiveness, the program’s involvement of family, treatment’s effectiveness, and cost also received five-star ratings. She wrote that her daughter was able to experience purpose, happiness, and health as a result of rehab at SRC.

Other parents also noted the staff’s dedication to helping their clients.


More than a dozen accepted insurance providers are listed on the facility’s website; most coverage is through PPO plans. Scottsdale Recovery Center also partners with My Treatment Lender for treatment financing options.



Published on June 2017

Do you work at this facility? Let us know if we missed something! ","Dear Scottsdale Recovery Cener, Thank you for all of your help and support in our most difficult of times. People like you make the world a better place, we are very grateful. May God bless you and your families. Scottsdale Recovery Center saved my life. Much Love.",7540,"2018-01-08 04:35:32","Scottsdale Recovery Center" 349,"2018-01-09 03:50:25",Private/Secluded,735,"2018-01-09 03:50:25","10446 N. 74th St #150",85258,,,"5 of 5",100,100,98,"

Scottsdale Recovery Center aspires to set a whole new standard for long-term success within a demographic that is all too familiar with the horrors of addiction and relapse. In helping younger adults to identify their skills, rebuild their hopes, recreate their lives and rejuvenate their perceived values of their life’s journey, we WILL make history…one addict at a time, one family at a time. And while some have said that failure can be a learning experience, we choose a new way, a way of unwavering dedication and unbridled ambition toward success, recovery, joy and love! – WELCOME TO SRC!



Scottsdale Recovery Center (SRC) operates multiple residential rehab facilities throughout Arizona and a partial hospitalization (PHP) treatment center that offers distinct tracks for young adults and individuals over the age of 35. Clients struggling with substance use and co-occurring mental health disorders stay in gender-specific, luxurious sober living homes and participate in individualized treatment plans integrating evidence-based psychotherapeutic and holistic modalities. Medical detoxification services are available on-site.


Both medical and holistic treatments to support clients’ withdrawal process are offered, including medication-assisted therapy involving Suboxone, Naltrexone, or Naloxone. Sessions with a physician are scheduled throughout the long-term rehabilitation process.

All clients follow treatment plans tailored to meet their specific needs and situations. Some group and individual therapy sessions are gender-separated and others focus on such topics as LGBT and executive client experiences, repeated relapses, “failure to launch,” and mental health concerns, including anxiety, depression, PTSD, and bipolar disorder.

In addition to common treatment modalities, which at SRC include cognitive behavioral therapy and 12-step concepts, clients also participate in yoga, guided meditation, and other experiential practices such as equine therapy. Family therapy is also a component of treatment.

SRC offers intervention, life coaching, less intensive outpatient treatment, drug testing, and alumni support meetings as well.


Scottsdale Recovery employs several master’s level therapists, licensed substance abuse counselors, certified life coaches and yoga instructors, and house managers.


Website photographs feature private and shared bedrooms, high-ceiling living spaces, large, modern kitchens and bathrooms, swimming pools, and sunlit group meeting rooms with plush furnishings. Residents participate in weekly recreational outings, including bowling, movies, hiking, and fishing.

Clients of the intensive treatment programs live in gender-specific housing and are transported to a centralized treatment center. Transportation is also provided to 12-step meetings, a gym, organized recreational activities, and appointments with healthcare providers or court officials if needed. The center’s website references locations in Scottsdale, Phoenix, Tempe, Mesa, and Chandler and indicates that pet-friendly accommodations are available.


The one former client who had submitted feedback to at the time of this writing characterized the program as life-saving, rating the effectiveness of treatment five out of five stars.

Likewise, 12 Google reviews written by a mix of alumni and loved ones provided an average rating of 4.8 out of five for SRC. In a representative review, Shelbie wrote that the treatment program “turned my life around” and that she regained custody of her child. Another alum, Colleen, also reported reconciliation with family members.[1]

Yelp reviewers provided similar, overwhelmingly positive feedback and recommendations. Of 33 reviews, most by former clients, only three were critical. Two mentioned administrative issues related to scheduling and billing, and one focused on their experience of insufficient one-on-one therapy and dual diagnosis treatment. The remaining 30 reviews reflected strong satisfaction with staff, accommodations, and treatment and several described improved family relations and employment situations.[2]


All five loved ones providing with reviews gave the center excellent feedback. The sole survey respondent, Valerie, awarded all metrics measuring accommodations (including meals, nutrition, opportunities for exercise and leisure, and the facility’s cleanliness and upkeep) five stars. The staff’s supportiveness, the program’s involvement of family, treatment’s effectiveness, and cost also received five-star ratings. She wrote that her daughter was able to experience purpose, happiness, and health as a result of rehab at SRC.

Other parents also noted the staff’s dedication to helping their clients.


More than a dozen accepted insurance providers are listed on the facility’s website; most coverage is through PPO plans. Scottsdale Recovery Center also partners with My Treatment Lender for treatment financing options.



Published on June 2017

Do you work at this facility? Let us know if we missed something! ","Dear Scottsdale Recovery Cener, Thank you for all of your help and support in our most difficult of times. People like you make the world a better place, we are very grateful. May God bless you and your families. Scottsdale Recovery Center saved my life. Much Love.",7540,"2018-01-08 04:35:32","Scottsdale Recovery Center" 350,"2018-01-09 03:50:25",Desert,735,"2018-01-09 03:50:25","10446 N. 74th St #150",85258,,,"5 of 5",100,100,98,"

Scottsdale Recovery Center aspires to set a whole new standard for long-term success within a demographic that is all too familiar with the horrors of addiction and relapse. In helping younger adults to identify their skills, rebuild their hopes, recreate their lives and rejuvenate their perceived values of their life’s journey, we WILL make history…one addict at a time, one family at a time. And while some have said that failure can be a learning experience, we choose a new way, a way of unwavering dedication and unbridled ambition toward success, recovery, joy and love! – WELCOME TO SRC!



Scottsdale Recovery Center (SRC) operates multiple residential rehab facilities throughout Arizona and a partial hospitalization (PHP) treatment center that offers distinct tracks for young adults and individuals over the age of 35. Clients struggling with substance use and co-occurring mental health disorders stay in gender-specific, luxurious sober living homes and participate in individualized treatment plans integrating evidence-based psychotherapeutic and holistic modalities. Medical detoxification services are available on-site.


Both medical and holistic treatments to support clients’ withdrawal process are offered, including medication-assisted therapy involving Suboxone, Naltrexone, or Naloxone. Sessions with a physician are scheduled throughout the long-term rehabilitation process.

All clients follow treatment plans tailored to meet their specific needs and situations. Some group and individual therapy sessions are gender-separated and others focus on such topics as LGBT and executive client experiences, repeated relapses, “failure to launch,” and mental health concerns, including anxiety, depression, PTSD, and bipolar disorder.

In addition to common treatment modalities, which at SRC include cognitive behavioral therapy and 12-step concepts, clients also participate in yoga, guided meditation, and other experiential practices such as equine therapy. Family therapy is also a component of treatment.

SRC offers intervention, life coaching, less intensive outpatient treatment, drug testing, and alumni support meetings as well.


Scottsdale Recovery employs several master’s level therapists, licensed substance abuse counselors, certified life coaches and yoga instructors, and house managers.


Website photographs feature private and shared bedrooms, high-ceiling living spaces, large, modern kitchens and bathrooms, swimming pools, and sunlit group meeting rooms with plush furnishings. Residents participate in weekly recreational outings, including bowling, movies, hiking, and fishing.

Clients of the intensive treatment programs live in gender-specific housing and are transported to a centralized treatment center. Transportation is also provided to 12-step meetings, a gym, organized recreational activities, and appointments with healthcare providers or court officials if needed. The center’s website references locations in Scottsdale, Phoenix, Tempe, Mesa, and Chandler and indicates that pet-friendly accommodations are available.


The one former client who had submitted feedback to at the time of this writing characterized the program as life-saving, rating the effectiveness of treatment five out of five stars.

Likewise, 12 Google reviews written by a mix of alumni and loved ones provided an average rating of 4.8 out of five for SRC. In a representative review, Shelbie wrote that the treatment program “turned my life around” and that she regained custody of her child. Another alum, Colleen, also reported reconciliation with family members.[1]

Yelp reviewers provided similar, overwhelmingly positive feedback and recommendations. Of 33 reviews, most by former clients, only three were critical. Two mentioned administrative issues related to scheduling and billing, and one focused on their experience of insufficient one-on-one therapy and dual diagnosis treatment. The remaining 30 reviews reflected strong satisfaction with staff, accommodations, and treatment and several described improved family relations and employment situations.[2]


All five loved ones providing with reviews gave the center excellent feedback. The sole survey respondent, Valerie, awarded all metrics measuring accommodations (including meals, nutrition, opportunities for exercise and leisure, and the facility’s cleanliness and upkeep) five stars. The staff’s supportiveness, the program’s involvement of family, treatment’s effectiveness, and cost also received five-star ratings. She wrote that her daughter was able to experience purpose, happiness, and health as a result of rehab at SRC.

Other parents also noted the staff’s dedication to helping their clients.


More than a dozen accepted insurance providers are listed on the facility’s website; most coverage is through PPO plans. Scottsdale Recovery Center also partners with My Treatment Lender for treatment financing options.



Published on June 2017

Do you work at this facility? Let us know if we missed something! ","Dear Scottsdale Recovery Cener, Thank you for all of your help and support in our most difficult of times. People like you make the world a better place, we are very grateful. May God bless you and your families. Scottsdale Recovery Center saved my life. Much Love.",7540,"2018-01-08 04:35:32","Scottsdale Recovery Center" 351,"2018-01-09 03:50:25",Luxury,735,"2018-01-09 03:50:25","10446 N. 74th St #150",85258,,,"5 of 5",100,100,98,"

Scottsdale Recovery Center aspires to set a whole new standard for long-term success within a demographic that is all too familiar with the horrors of addiction and relapse. In helping younger adults to identify their skills, rebuild their hopes, recreate their lives and rejuvenate their perceived values of their life’s journey, we WILL make history…one addict at a time, one family at a time. And while some have said that failure can be a learning experience, we choose a new way, a way of unwavering dedication and unbridled ambition toward success, recovery, joy and love! – WELCOME TO SRC!



Scottsdale Recovery Center (SRC) operates multiple residential rehab facilities throughout Arizona and a partial hospitalization (PHP) treatment center that offers distinct tracks for young adults and individuals over the age of 35. Clients struggling with substance use and co-occurring mental health disorders stay in gender-specific, luxurious sober living homes and participate in individualized treatment plans integrating evidence-based psychotherapeutic and holistic modalities. Medical detoxification services are available on-site.


Both medical and holistic treatments to support clients’ withdrawal process are offered, including medication-assisted therapy involving Suboxone, Naltrexone, or Naloxone. Sessions with a physician are scheduled throughout the long-term rehabilitation process.

All clients follow treatment plans tailored to meet their specific needs and situations. Some group and individual therapy sessions are gender-separated and others focus on such topics as LGBT and executive client experiences, repeated relapses, “failure to launch,” and mental health concerns, including anxiety, depression, PTSD, and bipolar disorder.

In addition to common treatment modalities, which at SRC include cognitive behavioral therapy and 12-step concepts, clients also participate in yoga, guided meditation, and other experiential practices such as equine therapy. Family therapy is also a component of treatment.

SRC offers intervention, life coaching, less intensive outpatient treatment, drug testing, and alumni support meetings as well.


Scottsdale Recovery employs several master’s level therapists, licensed substance abuse counselors, certified life coaches and yoga instructors, and house managers.


Website photographs feature private and shared bedrooms, high-ceiling living spaces, large, modern kitchens and bathrooms, swimming pools, and sunlit group meeting rooms with plush furnishings. Residents participate in weekly recreational outings, including bowling, movies, hiking, and fishing.

Clients of the intensive treatment programs live in gender-specific housing and are transported to a centralized treatment center. Transportation is also provided to 12-step meetings, a gym, organized recreational activities, and appointments with healthcare providers or court officials if needed. The center’s website references locations in Scottsdale, Phoenix, Tempe, Mesa, and Chandler and indicates that pet-friendly accommodations are available.


The one former client who had submitted feedback to at the time of this writing characterized the program as life-saving, rating the effectiveness of treatment five out of five stars.

Likewise, 12 Google reviews written by a mix of alumni and loved ones provided an average rating of 4.8 out of five for SRC. In a representative review, Shelbie wrote that the treatment program “turned my life around” and that she regained custody of her child. Another alum, Colleen, also reported reconciliation with family members.[1]

Yelp reviewers provided similar, overwhelmingly positive feedback and recommendations. Of 33 reviews, most by former clients, only three were critical. Two mentioned administrative issues related to scheduling and billing, and one focused on their experience of insufficient one-on-one therapy and dual diagnosis treatment. The remaining 30 reviews reflected strong satisfaction with staff, accommodations, and treatment and several described improved family relations and employment situations.[2]


All five loved ones providing with reviews gave the center excellent feedback. The sole survey respondent, Valerie, awarded all metrics measuring accommodations (including meals, nutrition, opportunities for exercise and leisure, and the facility’s cleanliness and upkeep) five stars. The staff’s supportiveness, the program’s involvement of family, treatment’s effectiveness, and cost also received five-star ratings. She wrote that her daughter was able to experience purpose, happiness, and health as a result of rehab at SRC.

Other parents also noted the staff’s dedication to helping their clients.


More than a dozen accepted insurance providers are listed on the facility’s website; most coverage is through PPO plans. Scottsdale Recovery Center also partners with My Treatment Lender for treatment financing options.



Published on June 2017

Do you work at this facility? Let us know if we missed something! ","Dear Scottsdale Recovery Cener, Thank you for all of your help and support in our most difficult of times. People like you make the world a better place, we are very grateful. May God bless you and your families. Scottsdale Recovery Center saved my life. Much Love.",7540,"2018-01-08 04:35:32","Scottsdale Recovery Center" 352,"2018-01-09 05:43:43",Mountains,1613,"2018-01-09 05:43:43","90 Asheland Avenue, Suite D",28801,,,"4.7 of 5",94,94,92,"

CVRC is here to guide anyone suffering from addiction into recovery. We strive to improve the physical, spiritual and emotional health of our clients and their family through a system of addiction education, counseling services and wellness services based on a program of patient care and education. CVRC offers multiple levels of addiction treatment programs, each tailored to the clients’ specific issues and needs. All of our programs are designed to help you gain insight into the disease of addiction while acquiring the life skills needed to sustain long-term recovery.



Situated in the tranquility of North Carolina’s Appalachian Mountains, Crest View Recovery Center (CVRC) offers multiple levels of care for individuals struggling with chemical dependency and co-occurring mental health disorders. A premiere, upscale recovery center, Crest View offers residential and outpatient-based treatment services, along with detoxification.


Before beginning treatment, clients undergo an initial substance abuse history to determine an appropriate level of care.

Individuals who require a more intensive level of treatment may be referred to CVRC’s residential treatment program. With an average length of stay of 35 to 45 days, the residential program consists of eight clinical hours of daily programming. During the day, clients attend individual and group counseling sessions, as well as educational seminars. At night, clients participate in evening activities that support individual goals.

Along with counseling and educational sessions, clients also attend 12-step support meetings, participate in recreational and holistic therapy such as guided meditation and yoga, and undergo nutritional counseling. CVRC strongly encourages residential clients to utilize its outpatient program as a “step-down” relapse prevention service, which provides the recommended 90 days of ongoing treatment, a proven-effective timetable for treating addiction.


Licensed by the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services, CVRC employs an interdisciplinary team of psychiatrists, master’s level substance abuse counselors, wellness coordinators and yoga instructors, along with a support team of facility technicians.


Surrounded by the Blue Mountains, CVRC offers a therapeutic, supportive environment and tranquil outdoor areas to promote reflection and relaxation. The 35-bed facility features double occupancy bedrooms, a yoga studio, comfortable group counseling rooms, and private clinical offices for individual therapy. According the facility’s website, the residential program uses a reality-based treatment model, suggesting clients may be responsible for light chores.


Alumni polled by gave glowing reviews of the facility’s accommodations, meals, and overall treatment effectiveness. Alum John told “Great, caring staff, and comfortable facilities. Like how they are setup like real life living. Made my treatment pleasant.” Supporting this opinion, former resident B.B. added: “Crest View was a great program with great staff. they really care about their clients.”


Loved ones provided mostly positive opinions of the facility. A majority of respondents reported effective treatment, with an excellent level of holistic inclusion, exercise opportunities, and staff support. ""Sending my son the Crest View was one of the best decisions I've made... He talked about how his counselor will be the first person he will call should he ever feel that urge to backslide,"" T.W. wrote. K.R. echoed that their son loved the facility and that the small setting helped him feel comfortable enough to complete treatment and stay sober. Yet one loved one, Gail, whose son relapsed, did feel the the facility was ""not a real treatment program,"" and rated its treatment effectiveness, accommodations, and meals just one out of five stars.


Staff also provided exemplary ratings for most aspects of treatment. “Caring, loving, quality treatment, good succeess rate. Treated like the clients matter. Dosnt feel like a giant organization that just fills treatment beds,” one anonymous employee told


Current program costs for residential treatment is $20,000 per month and $55,000 for a 90-day program. CVRC accepts private insurance and offers financial assistance (under 60% of covered costs) for qualified individuals.

Published on October 2017

Do you work at this facility? Let us know if we missed something! ",,14319,"2018-01-08 06:02:14","Crest View Recovery Center" 353,"2018-01-09 05:43:43","Residential Neighborhood",1613,"2018-01-09 05:43:43","90 Asheland Avenue, Suite D",28801,,,"4.7 of 5",94,94,92,"

CVRC is here to guide anyone suffering from addiction into recovery. We strive to improve the physical, spiritual and emotional health of our clients and their family through a system of addiction education, counseling services and wellness services based on a program of patient care and education. CVRC offers multiple levels of addiction treatment programs, each tailored to the clients’ specific issues and needs. All of our programs are designed to help you gain insight into the disease of addiction while acquiring the life skills needed to sustain long-term recovery.



Situated in the tranquility of North Carolina’s Appalachian Mountains, Crest View Recovery Center (CVRC) offers multiple levels of care for individuals struggling with chemical dependency and co-occurring mental health disorders. A premiere, upscale recovery center, Crest View offers residential and outpatient-based treatment services, along with detoxification.


Before beginning treatment, clients undergo an initial substance abuse history to determine an appropriate level of care.

Individuals who require a more intensive level of treatment may be referred to CVRC’s residential treatment program. With an average length of stay of 35 to 45 days, the residential program consists of eight clinical hours of daily programming. During the day, clients attend individual and group counseling sessions, as well as educational seminars. At night, clients participate in evening activities that support individual goals.

Along with counseling and educational sessions, clients also attend 12-step support meetings, participate in recreational and holistic therapy such as guided meditation and yoga, and undergo nutritional counseling. CVRC strongly encourages residential clients to utilize its outpatient program as a “step-down” relapse prevention service, which provides the recommended 90 days of ongoing treatment, a proven-effective timetable for treating addiction.


Licensed by the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services, CVRC employs an interdisciplinary team of psychiatrists, master’s level substance abuse counselors, wellness coordinators and yoga instructors, along with a support team of facility technicians.


Surrounded by the Blue Mountains, CVRC offers a therapeutic, supportive environment and tranquil outdoor areas to promote reflection and relaxation. The 35-bed facility features double occupancy bedrooms, a yoga studio, comfortable group counseling rooms, and private clinical offices for individual therapy. According the facility’s website, the residential program uses a reality-based treatment model, suggesting clients may be responsible for light chores.


Alumni polled by gave glowing reviews of the facility’s accommodations, meals, and overall treatment effectiveness. Alum John told “Great, caring staff, and comfortable facilities. Like how they are setup like real life living. Made my treatment pleasant.” Supporting this opinion, former resident B.B. added: “Crest View was a great program with great staff. they really care about their clients.”


Loved ones provided mostly positive opinions of the facility. A majority of respondents reported effective treatment, with an excellent level of holistic inclusion, exercise opportunities, and staff support. ""Sending my son the Crest View was one of the best decisions I've made... He talked about how his counselor will be the first person he will call should he ever feel that urge to backslide,"" T.W. wrote. K.R. echoed that their son loved the facility and that the small setting helped him feel comfortable enough to complete treatment and stay sober. Yet one loved one, Gail, whose son relapsed, did feel the the facility was ""not a real treatment program,"" and rated its treatment effectiveness, accommodations, and meals just one out of five stars.


Staff also provided exemplary ratings for most aspects of treatment. “Caring, loving, quality treatment, good succeess rate. Treated like the clients matter. Dosnt feel like a giant organization that just fills treatment beds,” one anonymous employee told


Current program costs for residential treatment is $20,000 per month and $55,000 for a 90-day program. CVRC accepts private insurance and offers financial assistance (under 60% of covered costs) for qualified individuals.

Published on October 2017

Do you work at this facility? Let us know if we missed something! ",,14319,"2018-01-08 06:02:14","Crest View Recovery Center" 354,"2018-01-09 05:43:43",Wilderness,1613,"2018-01-09 05:43:43","90 Asheland Avenue, Suite D",28801,,,"4.7 of 5",94,94,92,"

CVRC is here to guide anyone suffering from addiction into recovery. We strive to improve the physical, spiritual and emotional health of our clients and their family through a system of addiction education, counseling services and wellness services based on a program of patient care and education. CVRC offers multiple levels of addiction treatment programs, each tailored to the clients’ specific issues and needs. All of our programs are designed to help you gain insight into the disease of addiction while acquiring the life skills needed to sustain long-term recovery.



Situated in the tranquility of North Carolina’s Appalachian Mountains, Crest View Recovery Center (CVRC) offers multiple levels of care for individuals struggling with chemical dependency and co-occurring mental health disorders. A premiere, upscale recovery center, Crest View offers residential and outpatient-based treatment services, along with detoxification.


Before beginning treatment, clients undergo an initial substance abuse history to determine an appropriate level of care.

Individuals who require a more intensive level of treatment may be referred to CVRC’s residential treatment program. With an average length of stay of 35 to 45 days, the residential program consists of eight clinical hours of daily programming. During the day, clients attend individual and group counseling sessions, as well as educational seminars. At night, clients participate in evening activities that support individual goals.

Along with counseling and educational sessions, clients also attend 12-step support meetings, participate in recreational and holistic therapy such as guided meditation and yoga, and undergo nutritional counseling. CVRC strongly encourages residential clients to utilize its outpatient program as a “step-down” relapse prevention service, which provides the recommended 90 days of ongoing treatment, a proven-effective timetable for treating addiction.


Licensed by the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services, CVRC employs an interdisciplinary team of psychiatrists, master’s level substance abuse counselors, wellness coordinators and yoga instructors, along with a support team of facility technicians.


Surrounded by the Blue Mountains, CVRC offers a therapeutic, supportive environment and tranquil outdoor areas to promote reflection and relaxation. The 35-bed facility features double occupancy bedrooms, a yoga studio, comfortable group counseling rooms, and private clinical offices for individual therapy. According the facility’s website, the residential program uses a reality-based treatment model, suggesting clients may be responsible for light chores.


Alumni polled by gave glowing reviews of the facility’s accommodations, meals, and overall treatment effectiveness. Alum John told “Great, caring staff, and comfortable facilities. Like how they are setup like real life living. Made my treatment pleasant.” Supporting this opinion, former resident B.B. added: “Crest View was a great program with great staff. they really care about their clients.”


Loved ones provided mostly positive opinions of the facility. A majority of respondents reported effective treatment, with an excellent level of holistic inclusion, exercise opportunities, and staff support. ""Sending my son the Crest View was one of the best decisions I've made... He talked about how his counselor will be the first person he will call should he ever feel that urge to backslide,"" T.W. wrote. K.R. echoed that their son loved the facility and that the small setting helped him feel comfortable enough to complete treatment and stay sober. Yet one loved one, Gail, whose son relapsed, did feel the the facility was ""not a real treatment program,"" and rated its treatment effectiveness, accommodations, and meals just one out of five stars.


Staff also provided exemplary ratings for most aspects of treatment. “Caring, loving, quality treatment, good succeess rate. Treated like the clients matter. Dosnt feel like a giant organization that just fills treatment beds,” one anonymous employee told


Current program costs for residential treatment is $20,000 per month and $55,000 for a 90-day program. CVRC accepts private insurance and offers financial assistance (under 60% of covered costs) for qualified individuals.

Published on October 2017

Do you work at this facility? Let us know if we missed something! ",,14319,"2018-01-08 06:02:14","Crest View Recovery Center" 355,"2018-01-09 05:46:13",Mountains,1631,"2018-01-09 05:46:13","16530 Ventura Blvd Suite 200",91436,,,"4.4 of 5",92,88,84,"

Restore Health and Wellness is a Substance Abuse treatment center for adults 18 and over. We provide treatment for alcohol and drug addiction at the inpatient level of care as well as a step-down to an Intensive Outpatient program for clients who complete phase one. Our focus is dual-diagnosis, and our treatment modalities focus on the underlying issues of the addict or alcoholic- we seek to treat the cause of the clients' abuse rather than the clients use in general. Our 45–90-day program is a combination of evidence-based psychotherapy, interactive education, and a structured living facility with 24-hour clinical staff. We believe it starts with the best clinical team. On staff, we have Licensed Therapists, a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, and two Board-Certified Psychiatrists. Restore is a small census luxury accommodations facility that believes in maximizing one-on-one therapy for clients as well as tailoring individual treatment plans for each client- as we believe the disease of addiction is a commonality, but the needs of each client are unique. We encourage aftercare- all clients are encouraged to participate in a substance abuse fellowship during their stay with us, and are expected to continue that participation upon completion of our program.



Surrounded by palm trees and mountains in sunny Los Angeles, Restore Health & Wellness is a luxury treatment center that offers a long-term (45 to 90 days) residential program, a partial hospitalization program (PHP), and a “step down” intensive outpatient program (IOP) for adults struggling with chemical dependency and co-occurring mental health disorders. Medical detox services and sober living are also available.


The treatment process at Restore Health & Wellness begins with an initial psychiatric assessment. Restore’s programming consists of a structured schedule of evidence-based psychotherapy, including cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), moral reconation therapy (MRT), motivational programs, holistic treatment methods, and interactive education.

Clients participate in group counseling, one-on-one therapy sessions, and family therapy. If applicable, pharmacological interventions may be made available, including opiate replacement, Antabuse, and benzodiazepines.

Clients begin treatment in the detox program if needed. Otherwise, clients move to the residential program, which combines therapy with sober living training. Clients’ schedules are heavily structured by their counselors to ensure that they receive the best service possible and to limit distractions.

Clients also attend peer support groups, such as 12-Step or SMART Recovery. During residential treatment, clients have access to a range of on-site holistic treatments, including art, exercise, and nutritional therapies, acupuncture, chiropractic sessions, therapeutic massages, and guided yoga. Clients also participate in bi-weekly volunteer work and regular recreational outings, such as hiking excursions, trips to the beach, and bowling.

Clients transitioning out of treatment move to the intensive outpatient program which meets several times per week. Clients continue their group involvement while working with counselors to establish sober living habits in a new environment.


Restore boasts a staff-to-client ratio of 6:1 and the treatment team is comprised of two board-certified psychiatrists, licensed therapists, a licensed family and marriage therapist, and a case manager. The facility also has an on-site chef and a fitness trainer. The facility maintains its JCAHO certification and all staff members are accredited accordingly.


Restore Health & Wellness’s luxurious facility consists of two mansions located on two acres of land in an upscale residential neighborhood. Clients share spacious bedrooms with up to four double beds, though double-occupancy and private rooms are also available. The facility’s expansive grounds feature an on-site pool, as well as tennis, basketball, and volleyball courts. The facility also features an indoor and outdoor kitchen, large dining hall, outside lounging areas, and covered patios. The facility is supervised by a 24-hour clinical staff.


The six alumni to provide feedback to at the time of this writing shared generally positive experiences. The five alumni polled by on the following metrics gave five out of five stars for the facility’s treatment effectiveness and rated counseling options and the staff's level of training and experience an average of 4.6 out of five stars.

In commentary, several alumni praised the program’s strong treatment offerings. “There are not many, if any, facilities where you will receive as much one-on-one care as you will with Restore,” D.D. wrote. Donny appreciated the focus on clinical offerings: “Restore is first and foremost a strong clinical care facility, focusing on therapeutic strategies above all else.”

The facility’s staff also received positive feedback from alumni, who described staff as caring and qualified. “Amazing people who work there who truly care. Compassion for the client,” T.F. wrote. An alum named A.P. wrote, “the combination of the very talented therapy staff and the understanding from the staff that are in recovery made for an amazing treatment experience.”

Although the majority of alumni were satisfied with their experience, alum Dennis gave only one out of five stars for treatment effectiveness, accommodations, and meals. He wrote that what was advertised was not accurate and described the accommodations as “old run down mansions.”

On Google, the facility earned an average of 4.3 out of five stars from 18 reviewers to date. [1] Alumni complimented the “amazing” staff and the high quality facility. In a representative review, alum Bekki wrote: “Amazing facility. Fantastic staff. Incredible recovery...They teach you new skills to keep addiction at bay and help you to regain control of your life. Worth it.”

On its official Facebook page, which the facility can manage, Restore Health & Wellness Center received 4.6 out of five stars from 27 reviews at the time of this writing. [2] Twenty-four of the reviews were five out of five stars, while three were only one star. Alumni praised the staff and the effectiveness of the treatment program. Many claimed that it was the “best decision” they ever made. In a representative review, alum Danni wrote: “My experience was amazing the staff where always there when I needed them and they always understood where I was coming from I spent 45 days there and it was the best decision I've ever made for myself.”


At the time of this writing, the two reviews from loved ones were polarized.

One family member, William, gave five out of five stars for treatment effectiveness, accommodations, and the staff's level of training and experience, as well as four stars for family participation. “Residence is wonderful Very qualified clinicians,” William wrote, adding, “My brother was in treatment at Restore and is still doing great.”

However, another loved one, Lynn, had the opposite experience. “They took my son into detox, and he had an awful experience,” she wrote.


The single staff reviewer to date, C.J.D., gave five out of five star ratings for treatment effectiveness, counseling options, and ability to treat co-occurring disorders. “Extremely accommodating staff that are able to thoroughly help explain and guide loved ones through the process of getting the help they need,” C.J.D. wrote.


According to its website, Restore Health & Wellness accepts most major insurance providers, including Cigna, Humana, BlueCross BlueShield, and United Healthcare, among others. Self-pay through checks and major credit cards is also available.


Published on November 2017

Do you work at this facility? Let us know if we missed something! ","Restore provided a very safe environment for me to begin my recovery. The residence that I lived in was beautiful and like no house I had ever stepped foot in before. They assisted in giving me a jump start to working a twelve step program and transported us to great meetings seven days a week. Every weekend we were able to go off grounds with staff and engage in fun activities, helping show that recovery can be fun. The camaraderie was like no other place I've ever been to and the clinical staff provided me with all of my therapeutic needs. Maxine, my therapist didn't tell me what I wanted to hear but what I needed to hear. Vinse, one of Restores directors, has an open door policy and any struggle, obstacle or problem I was facing, he was able to relate to on a personal level and really walk me through my 'issues.' I am forever grateful for what Restore has done for me. I have to be honest, I’ve been in and out of facilities for years but this was my last shot at treatment before my fiancee gave birth to my first child, my daughter, and I cannot express how grateful I am for the opportunity that I was awarded at Restore.",17111,"2018-01-08 06:41:13","Restore Health & Wellness" 356,"2018-01-09 05:46:13",Luxury,1631,"2018-01-09 05:46:13","16530 Ventura Blvd Suite 200",91436,,,"4.4 of 5",92,88,84,"

Restore Health and Wellness is a Substance Abuse treatment center for adults 18 and over. We provide treatment for alcohol and drug addiction at the inpatient level of care as well as a step-down to an Intensive Outpatient program for clients who complete phase one. Our focus is dual-diagnosis, and our treatment modalities focus on the underlying issues of the addict or alcoholic- we seek to treat the cause of the clients' abuse rather than the clients use in general. Our 45–90-day program is a combination of evidence-based psychotherapy, interactive education, and a structured living facility with 24-hour clinical staff. We believe it starts with the best clinical team. On staff, we have Licensed Therapists, a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, and two Board-Certified Psychiatrists. Restore is a small census luxury accommodations facility that believes in maximizing one-on-one therapy for clients as well as tailoring individual treatment plans for each client- as we believe the disease of addiction is a commonality, but the needs of each client are unique. We encourage aftercare- all clients are encouraged to participate in a substance abuse fellowship during their stay with us, and are expected to continue that participation upon completion of our program.



Surrounded by palm trees and mountains in sunny Los Angeles, Restore Health & Wellness is a luxury treatment center that offers a long-term (45 to 90 days) residential program, a partial hospitalization program (PHP), and a “step down” intensive outpatient program (IOP) for adults struggling with chemical dependency and co-occurring mental health disorders. Medical detox services and sober living are also available.


The treatment process at Restore Health & Wellness begins with an initial psychiatric assessment. Restore’s programming consists of a structured schedule of evidence-based psychotherapy, including cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), moral reconation therapy (MRT), motivational programs, holistic treatment methods, and interactive education.

Clients participate in group counseling, one-on-one therapy sessions, and family therapy. If applicable, pharmacological interventions may be made available, including opiate replacement, Antabuse, and benzodiazepines.

Clients begin treatment in the detox program if needed. Otherwise, clients move to the residential program, which combines therapy with sober living training. Clients’ schedules are heavily structured by their counselors to ensure that they receive the best service possible and to limit distractions.

Clients also attend peer support groups, such as 12-Step or SMART Recovery. During residential treatment, clients have access to a range of on-site holistic treatments, including art, exercise, and nutritional therapies, acupuncture, chiropractic sessions, therapeutic massages, and guided yoga. Clients also participate in bi-weekly volunteer work and regular recreational outings, such as hiking excursions, trips to the beach, and bowling.

Clients transitioning out of treatment move to the intensive outpatient program which meets several times per week. Clients continue their group involvement while working with counselors to establish sober living habits in a new environment.


Restore boasts a staff-to-client ratio of 6:1 and the treatment team is comprised of two board-certified psychiatrists, licensed therapists, a licensed family and marriage therapist, and a case manager. The facility also has an on-site chef and a fitness trainer. The facility maintains its JCAHO certification and all staff members are accredited accordingly.


Restore Health & Wellness’s luxurious facility consists of two mansions located on two acres of land in an upscale residential neighborhood. Clients share spacious bedrooms with up to four double beds, though double-occupancy and private rooms are also available. The facility’s expansive grounds feature an on-site pool, as well as tennis, basketball, and volleyball courts. The facility also features an indoor and outdoor kitchen, large dining hall, outside lounging areas, and covered patios. The facility is supervised by a 24-hour clinical staff.


The six alumni to provide feedback to at the time of this writing shared generally positive experiences. The five alumni polled by on the following metrics gave five out of five stars for the facility’s treatment effectiveness and rated counseling options and the staff's level of training and experience an average of 4.6 out of five stars.

In commentary, several alumni praised the program’s strong treatment offerings. “There are not many, if any, facilities where you will receive as much one-on-one care as you will with Restore,” D.D. wrote. Donny appreciated the focus on clinical offerings: “Restore is first and foremost a strong clinical care facility, focusing on therapeutic strategies above all else.”

The facility’s staff also received positive feedback from alumni, who described staff as caring and qualified. “Amazing people who work there who truly care. Compassion for the client,” T.F. wrote. An alum named A.P. wrote, “the combination of the very talented therapy staff and the understanding from the staff that are in recovery made for an amazing treatment experience.”

Although the majority of alumni were satisfied with their experience, alum Dennis gave only one out of five stars for treatment effectiveness, accommodations, and meals. He wrote that what was advertised was not accurate and described the accommodations as “old run down mansions.”

On Google, the facility earned an average of 4.3 out of five stars from 18 reviewers to date. [1] Alumni complimented the “amazing” staff and the high quality facility. In a representative review, alum Bekki wrote: “Amazing facility. Fantastic staff. Incredible recovery...They teach you new skills to keep addiction at bay and help you to regain control of your life. Worth it.”

On its official Facebook page, which the facility can manage, Restore Health & Wellness Center received 4.6 out of five stars from 27 reviews at the time of this writing. [2] Twenty-four of the reviews were five out of five stars, while three were only one star. Alumni praised the staff and the effectiveness of the treatment program. Many claimed that it was the “best decision” they ever made. In a representative review, alum Danni wrote: “My experience was amazing the staff where always there when I needed them and they always understood where I was coming from I spent 45 days there and it was the best decision I've ever made for myself.”


At the time of this writing, the two reviews from loved ones were polarized.

One family member, William, gave five out of five stars for treatment effectiveness, accommodations, and the staff's level of training and experience, as well as four stars for family participation. “Residence is wonderful Very qualified clinicians,” William wrote, adding, “My brother was in treatment at Restore and is still doing great.”

However, another loved one, Lynn, had the opposite experience. “They took my son into detox, and he had an awful experience,” she wrote.


The single staff reviewer to date, C.J.D., gave five out of five star ratings for treatment effectiveness, counseling options, and ability to treat co-occurring disorders. “Extremely accommodating staff that are able to thoroughly help explain and guide loved ones through the process of getting the help they need,” C.J.D. wrote.


According to its website, Restore Health & Wellness accepts most major insurance providers, including Cigna, Humana, BlueCross BlueShield, and United Healthcare, among others. Self-pay through checks and major credit cards is also available.


Published on November 2017

Do you work at this facility? Let us know if we missed something! ","Restore provided a very safe environment for me to begin my recovery. The residence that I lived in was beautiful and like no house I had ever stepped foot in before. They assisted in giving me a jump start to working a twelve step program and transported us to great meetings seven days a week. Every weekend we were able to go off grounds with staff and engage in fun activities, helping show that recovery can be fun. The camaraderie was like no other place I've ever been to and the clinical staff provided me with all of my therapeutic needs. Maxine, my therapist didn't tell me what I wanted to hear but what I needed to hear. Vinse, one of Restores directors, has an open door policy and any struggle, obstacle or problem I was facing, he was able to relate to on a personal level and really walk me through my 'issues.' I am forever grateful for what Restore has done for me. I have to be honest, I’ve been in and out of facilities for years but this was my last shot at treatment before my fiancee gave birth to my first child, my daughter, and I cannot express how grateful I am for the opportunity that I was awarded at Restore.",17111,"2018-01-08 06:41:13","Restore Health & Wellness" 357,"2018-01-09 05:46:13",Resort,1631,"2018-01-09 05:46:13","16530 Ventura Blvd Suite 200",91436,,,"4.4 of 5",92,88,84,"

Restore Health and Wellness is a Substance Abuse treatment center for adults 18 and over. We provide treatment for alcohol and drug addiction at the inpatient level of care as well as a step-down to an Intensive Outpatient program for clients who complete phase one. Our focus is dual-diagnosis, and our treatment modalities focus on the underlying issues of the addict or alcoholic- we seek to treat the cause of the clients' abuse rather than the clients use in general. Our 45–90-day program is a combination of evidence-based psychotherapy, interactive education, and a structured living facility with 24-hour clinical staff. We believe it starts with the best clinical team. On staff, we have Licensed Therapists, a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, and two Board-Certified Psychiatrists. Restore is a small census luxury accommodations facility that believes in maximizing one-on-one therapy for clients as well as tailoring individual treatment plans for each client- as we believe the disease of addiction is a commonality, but the needs of each client are unique. We encourage aftercare- all clients are encouraged to participate in a substance abuse fellowship during their stay with us, and are expected to continue that participation upon completion of our program.



Surrounded by palm trees and mountains in sunny Los Angeles, Restore Health & Wellness is a luxury treatment center that offers a long-term (45 to 90 days) residential program, a partial hospitalization program (PHP), and a “step down” intensive outpatient program (IOP) for adults struggling with chemical dependency and co-occurring mental health disorders. Medical detox services and sober living are also available.


The treatment process at Restore Health & Wellness begins with an initial psychiatric assessment. Restore’s programming consists of a structured schedule of evidence-based psychotherapy, including cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), moral reconation therapy (MRT), motivational programs, holistic treatment methods, and interactive education.

Clients participate in group counseling, one-on-one therapy sessions, and family therapy. If applicable, pharmacological interventions may be made available, including opiate replacement, Antabuse, and benzodiazepines.

Clients begin treatment in the detox program if needed. Otherwise, clients move to the residential program, which combines therapy with sober living training. Clients’ schedules are heavily structured by their counselors to ensure that they receive the best service possible and to limit distractions.

Clients also attend peer support groups, such as 12-Step or SMART Recovery. During residential treatment, clients have access to a range of on-site holistic treatments, including art, exercise, and nutritional therapies, acupuncture, chiropractic sessions, therapeutic massages, and guided yoga. Clients also participate in bi-weekly volunteer work and regular recreational outings, such as hiking excursions, trips to the beach, and bowling.

Clients transitioning out of treatment move to the intensive outpatient program which meets several times per week. Clients continue their group involvement while working with counselors to establish sober living habits in a new environment.


Restore boasts a staff-to-client ratio of 6:1 and the treatment team is comprised of two board-certified psychiatrists, licensed therapists, a licensed family and marriage therapist, and a case manager. The facility also has an on-site chef and a fitness trainer. The facility maintains its JCAHO certification and all staff members are accredited accordingly.


Restore Health & Wellness’s luxurious facility consists of two mansions located on two acres of land in an upscale residential neighborhood. Clients share spacious bedrooms with up to four double beds, though double-occupancy and private rooms are also available. The facility’s expansive grounds feature an on-site pool, as well as tennis, basketball, and volleyball courts. The facility also features an indoor and outdoor kitchen, large dining hall, outside lounging areas, and covered patios. The facility is supervised by a 24-hour clinical staff.


The six alumni to provide feedback to at the time of this writing shared generally positive experiences. The five alumni polled by on the following metrics gave five out of five stars for the facility’s treatment effectiveness and rated counseling options and the staff's level of training and experience an average of 4.6 out of five stars.

In commentary, several alumni praised the program’s strong treatment offerings. “There are not many, if any, facilities where you will receive as much one-on-one care as you will with Restore,” D.D. wrote. Donny appreciated the focus on clinical offerings: “Restore is first and foremost a strong clinical care facility, focusing on therapeutic strategies above all else.”

The facility’s staff also received positive feedback from alumni, who described staff as caring and qualified. “Amazing people who work there who truly care. Compassion for the client,” T.F. wrote. An alum named A.P. wrote, “the combination of the very talented therapy staff and the understanding from the staff that are in recovery made for an amazing treatment experience.”

Although the majority of alumni were satisfied with their experience, alum Dennis gave only one out of five stars for treatment effectiveness, accommodations, and meals. He wrote that what was advertised was not accurate and described the accommodations as “old run down mansions.”

On Google, the facility earned an average of 4.3 out of five stars from 18 reviewers to date. [1] Alumni complimented the “amazing” staff and the high quality facility. In a representative review, alum Bekki wrote: “Amazing facility. Fantastic staff. Incredible recovery...They teach you new skills to keep addiction at bay and help you to regain control of your life. Worth it.”

On its official Facebook page, which the facility can manage, Restore Health & Wellness Center received 4.6 out of five stars from 27 reviews at the time of this writing. [2] Twenty-four of the reviews were five out of five stars, while three were only one star. Alumni praised the staff and the effectiveness of the treatment program. Many claimed that it was the “best decision” they ever made. In a representative review, alum Danni wrote: “My experience was amazing the staff where always there when I needed them and they always understood where I was coming from I spent 45 days there and it was the best decision I've ever made for myself.”


At the time of this writing, the two reviews from loved ones were polarized.

One family member, William, gave five out of five stars for treatment effectiveness, accommodations, and the staff's level of training and experience, as well as four stars for family participation. “Residence is wonderful Very qualified clinicians,” William wrote, adding, “My brother was in treatment at Restore and is still doing great.”

However, another loved one, Lynn, had the opposite experience. “They took my son into detox, and he had an awful experience,” she wrote.


The single staff reviewer to date, C.J.D., gave five out of five star ratings for treatment effectiveness, counseling options, and ability to treat co-occurring disorders. “Extremely accommodating staff that are able to thoroughly help explain and guide loved ones through the process of getting the help they need,” C.J.D. wrote.


According to its website, Restore Health & Wellness accepts most major insurance providers, including Cigna, Humana, BlueCross BlueShield, and United Healthcare, among others. Self-pay through checks and major credit cards is also available.


Published on November 2017

Do you work at this facility? Let us know if we missed something! ","Restore provided a very safe environment for me to begin my recovery. The residence that I lived in was beautiful and like no house I had ever stepped foot in before. They assisted in giving me a jump start to working a twelve step program and transported us to great meetings seven days a week. Every weekend we were able to go off grounds with staff and engage in fun activities, helping show that recovery can be fun. The camaraderie was like no other place I've ever been to and the clinical staff provided me with all of my therapeutic needs. Maxine, my therapist didn't tell me what I wanted to hear but what I needed to hear. Vinse, one of Restores directors, has an open door policy and any struggle, obstacle or problem I was facing, he was able to relate to on a personal level and really walk me through my 'issues.' I am forever grateful for what Restore has done for me. I have to be honest, I’ve been in and out of facilities for years but this was my last shot at treatment before my fiancee gave birth to my first child, my daughter, and I cannot express how grateful I am for the opportunity that I was awarded at Restore.",17111,"2018-01-08 06:41:13","Restore Health & Wellness" 358,"2018-01-09 05:46:13",Private/Secluded,1631,"2018-01-09 05:46:13","16530 Ventura Blvd Suite 200",91436,,,"4.4 of 5",92,88,84,"

Restore Health and Wellness is a Substance Abuse treatment center for adults 18 and over. We provide treatment for alcohol and drug addiction at the inpatient level of care as well as a step-down to an Intensive Outpatient program for clients who complete phase one. Our focus is dual-diagnosis, and our treatment modalities focus on the underlying issues of the addict or alcoholic- we seek to treat the cause of the clients' abuse rather than the clients use in general. Our 45–90-day program is a combination of evidence-based psychotherapy, interactive education, and a structured living facility with 24-hour clinical staff. We believe it starts with the best clinical team. On staff, we have Licensed Therapists, a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, and two Board-Certified Psychiatrists. Restore is a small census luxury accommodations facility that believes in maximizing one-on-one therapy for clients as well as tailoring individual treatment plans for each client- as we believe the disease of addiction is a commonality, but the needs of each client are unique. We encourage aftercare- all clients are encouraged to participate in a substance abuse fellowship during their stay with us, and are expected to continue that participation upon completion of our program.



Surrounded by palm trees and mountains in sunny Los Angeles, Restore Health & Wellness is a luxury treatment center that offers a long-term (45 to 90 days) residential program, a partial hospitalization program (PHP), and a “step down” intensive outpatient program (IOP) for adults struggling with chemical dependency and co-occurring mental health disorders. Medical detox services and sober living are also available.


The treatment process at Restore Health & Wellness begins with an initial psychiatric assessment. Restore’s programming consists of a structured schedule of evidence-based psychotherapy, including cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), moral reconation therapy (MRT), motivational programs, holistic treatment methods, and interactive education.

Clients participate in group counseling, one-on-one therapy sessions, and family therapy. If applicable, pharmacological interventions may be made available, including opiate replacement, Antabuse, and benzodiazepines.

Clients begin treatment in the detox program if needed. Otherwise, clients move to the residential program, which combines therapy with sober living training. Clients’ schedules are heavily structured by their counselors to ensure that they receive the best service possible and to limit distractions.

Clients also attend peer support groups, such as 12-Step or SMART Recovery. During residential treatment, clients have access to a range of on-site holistic treatments, including art, exercise, and nutritional therapies, acupuncture, chiropractic sessions, therapeutic massages, and guided yoga. Clients also participate in bi-weekly volunteer work and regular recreational outings, such as hiking excursions, trips to the beach, and bowling.

Clients transitioning out of treatment move to the intensive outpatient program which meets several times per week. Clients continue their group involvement while working with counselors to establish sober living habits in a new environment.


Restore boasts a staff-to-client ratio of 6:1 and the treatment team is comprised of two board-certified psychiatrists, licensed therapists, a licensed family and marriage therapist, and a case manager. The facility also has an on-site chef and a fitness trainer. The facility maintains its JCAHO certification and all staff members are accredited accordingly.


Restore Health & Wellness’s luxurious facility consists of two mansions located on two acres of land in an upscale residential neighborhood. Clients share spacious bedrooms with up to four double beds, though double-occupancy and private rooms are also available. The facility’s expansive grounds feature an on-site pool, as well as tennis, basketball, and volleyball courts. The facility also features an indoor and outdoor kitchen, large dining hall, outside lounging areas, and covered patios. The facility is supervised by a 24-hour clinical staff.


The six alumni to provide feedback to at the time of this writing shared generally positive experiences. The five alumni polled by on the following metrics gave five out of five stars for the facility’s treatment effectiveness and rated counseling options and the staff's level of training and experience an average of 4.6 out of five stars.

In commentary, several alumni praised the program’s strong treatment offerings. “There are not many, if any, facilities where you will receive as much one-on-one care as you will with Restore,” D.D. wrote. Donny appreciated the focus on clinical offerings: “Restore is first and foremost a strong clinical care facility, focusing on therapeutic strategies above all else.”

The facility’s staff also received positive feedback from alumni, who described staff as caring and qualified. “Amazing people who work there who truly care. Compassion for the client,” T.F. wrote. An alum named A.P. wrote, “the combination of the very talented therapy staff and the understanding from the staff that are in recovery made for an amazing treatment experience.”

Although the majority of alumni were satisfied with their experience, alum Dennis gave only one out of five stars for treatment effectiveness, accommodations, and meals. He wrote that what was advertised was not accurate and described the accommodations as “old run down mansions.”

On Google, the facility earned an average of 4.3 out of five stars from 18 reviewers to date. [1] Alumni complimented the “amazing” staff and the high quality facility. In a representative review, alum Bekki wrote: “Amazing facility. Fantastic staff. Incredible recovery...They teach you new skills to keep addiction at bay and help you to regain control of your life. Worth it.”

On its official Facebook page, which the facility can manage, Restore Health & Wellness Center received 4.6 out of five stars from 27 reviews at the time of this writing. [2] Twenty-four of the reviews were five out of five stars, while three were only one star. Alumni praised the staff and the effectiveness of the treatment program. Many claimed that it was the “best decision” they ever made. In a representative review, alum Danni wrote: “My experience was amazing the staff where always there when I needed them and they always understood where I was coming from I spent 45 days there and it was the best decision I've ever made for myself.”


At the time of this writing, the two reviews from loved ones were polarized.

One family member, William, gave five out of five stars for treatment effectiveness, accommodations, and the staff's level of training and experience, as well as four stars for family participation. “Residence is wonderful Very qualified clinicians,” William wrote, adding, “My brother was in treatment at Restore and is still doing great.”

However, another loved one, Lynn, had the opposite experience. “They took my son into detox, and he had an awful experience,” she wrote.


The single staff reviewer to date, C.J.D., gave five out of five star ratings for treatment effectiveness, counseling options, and ability to treat co-occurring disorders. “Extremely accommodating staff that are able to thoroughly help explain and guide loved ones through the process of getting the help they need,” C.J.D. wrote.


According to its website, Restore Health & Wellness accepts most major insurance providers, including Cigna, Humana, BlueCross BlueShield, and United Healthcare, among others. Self-pay through checks and major credit cards is also available.


Published on November 2017

Do you work at this facility? Let us know if we missed something! ","Restore provided a very safe environment for me to begin my recovery. The residence that I lived in was beautiful and like no house I had ever stepped foot in before. They assisted in giving me a jump start to working a twelve step program and transported us to great meetings seven days a week. Every weekend we were able to go off grounds with staff and engage in fun activities, helping show that recovery can be fun. The camaraderie was like no other place I've ever been to and the clinical staff provided me with all of my therapeutic needs. Maxine, my therapist didn't tell me what I wanted to hear but what I needed to hear. Vinse, one of Restores directors, has an open door policy and any struggle, obstacle or problem I was facing, he was able to relate to on a personal level and really walk me through my 'issues.' I am forever grateful for what Restore has done for me. I have to be honest, I’ve been in and out of facilities for years but this was my last shot at treatment before my fiancee gave birth to my first child, my daughter, and I cannot express how grateful I am for the opportunity that I was awarded at Restore.",17111,"2018-01-08 06:41:13","Restore Health & Wellness" 359,"2018-01-09 05:46:17",Private/Secluded,1632,"2018-01-09 05:46:17","9301 Wilshire Blvd.",90210,,,"4 of 5",82,78,78,"

Evolve offers the highest caliber of care for adolescents struggling with substance abuse or mental health issues. We understand that our clients require professional treatment that addresses their physical, mental, emotional and spiritual development. With 6 clients per home, Evolve is able to instill strength in our teens through physical, emotional and spiritual healing. We are CARF accredited.

Evolve's treatment focuses on adolescent Substance Abuse, Mental Health, PTSD, Depression, Anxiety, Asperger’s, ODD, ADHD and OCD. Through DBT, we teach the skills to regulate emotions and improve impulse control.

We provide a full continuum of care (RTC, PHP, IOP and OP). Our evidence based treatment include dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT), cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), applied behavioral analysis (ABA), 12-step support and family therapy. Clients receive regular individual sessions with their licensed primary therapist, psychiatric evaluations and psychological testing, if needed.

For our potential clients, we want you to learn that you will have fun in recovery! We do this by offering experiential therapies including art, equine, music and surf. You will engage in personal exploration through culinary arts, boxing, gardening, hiking, meditation, physical fitness, sports and much, much more.

Our goal is to create the foundation to a healthy and productive lifestyle beyond Evolve.



Evolve offers detox, residential, and outpatient treatment plus aftercare for teens struggling with substance abuse and dual diagnosis. The luxurious residential facilities are located in desirable California locations: Ojai, Agoura Hills, and Topanga.


Programming is strengths-based and draws on a range of evidence-based therapies, including dialectical behavior therapy (DBT), cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), applied behavior analysis (ABA), structural family therapy, and solutions-focused therapy, as well as mindfulness training and experiential therapies such as equine therapy, surfing, yoga, and art therapy. The center uses 12-step supports as one modality in a broad array.

The residential program serves clients aged 13 to 18, and generally lasts 30 to 90 days. Outpatient options serve those aged 13 to 17, and include a partial hospitalization program (PHP), an intensive outpatient program (IOP), and general outpatient care. The IOP runs between three and five days a week, depending on the client’s level of need, for three to six months. Following all treatment programs, clients leave with a detailed transition plan to ensure their continued sobriety. For graduates of residential care and the PHP, aftercare involves weekly calls, support, and guidance. The center also has an active alumni association.


Staff includes psychiatrists, nurses, licensed therapists and counselors, and recovery coaches. The center also employs fitness trainers and a chef.


The center operates three residential homes, each of which is supervised 24 hours a day and sleeps up to six clients. Clients have access to a fully equipped gym; a swimming pool; a basketball, tennis, and volleyball courts; table tennis, and other amenities.

The center also has educational staff and modern computing equipment, to enable clients to continue to pursue their education during treatment.


The cost of treatment varies according to the client’s needs, and the center accepts most PPO insurance policies as well as some HMOs on an out-of-network basis.

Published on July 2017

Do you work at this facility? Let us know if we missed something! ",,17116,"2018-01-08 06:41:13","Evolve Treatment Centers for Teens" 360,"2018-01-09 05:46:17",Luxury,1632,"2018-01-09 05:46:17","9301 Wilshire Blvd.",90210,,,"4 of 5",82,78,78,"

Evolve offers the highest caliber of care for adolescents struggling with substance abuse or mental health issues. We understand that our clients require professional treatment that addresses their physical, mental, emotional and spiritual development. With 6 clients per home, Evolve is able to instill strength in our teens through physical, emotional and spiritual healing. We are CARF accredited.

Evolve's treatment focuses on adolescent Substance Abuse, Mental Health, PTSD, Depression, Anxiety, Asperger’s, ODD, ADHD and OCD. Through DBT, we teach the skills to regulate emotions and improve impulse control.

We provide a full continuum of care (RTC, PHP, IOP and OP). Our evidence based treatment include dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT), cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), applied behavioral analysis (ABA), 12-step support and family therapy. Clients receive regular individual sessions with their licensed primary therapist, psychiatric evaluations and psychological testing, if needed.

For our potential clients, we want you to learn that you will have fun in recovery! We do this by offering experiential therapies including art, equine, music and surf. You will engage in personal exploration through culinary arts, boxing, gardening, hiking, meditation, physical fitness, sports and much, much more.

Our goal is to create the foundation to a healthy and productive lifestyle beyond Evolve.



Evolve offers detox, residential, and outpatient treatment plus aftercare for teens struggling with substance abuse and dual diagnosis. The luxurious residential facilities are located in desirable California locations: Ojai, Agoura Hills, and Topanga.


Programming is strengths-based and draws on a range of evidence-based therapies, including dialectical behavior therapy (DBT), cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), applied behavior analysis (ABA), structural family therapy, and solutions-focused therapy, as well as mindfulness training and experiential therapies such as equine therapy, surfing, yoga, and art therapy. The center uses 12-step supports as one modality in a broad array.

The residential program serves clients aged 13 to 18, and generally lasts 30 to 90 days. Outpatient options serve those aged 13 to 17, and include a partial hospitalization program (PHP), an intensive outpatient program (IOP), and general outpatient care. The IOP runs between three and five days a week, depending on the client’s level of need, for three to six months. Following all treatment programs, clients leave with a detailed transition plan to ensure their continued sobriety. For graduates of residential care and the PHP, aftercare involves weekly calls, support, and guidance. The center also has an active alumni association.


Staff includes psychiatrists, nurses, licensed therapists and counselors, and recovery coaches. The center also employs fitness trainers and a chef.


The center operates three residential homes, each of which is supervised 24 hours a day and sleeps up to six clients. Clients have access to a fully equipped gym; a swimming pool; a basketball, tennis, and volleyball courts; table tennis, and other amenities.

The center also has educational staff and modern computing equipment, to enable clients to continue to pursue their education during treatment.


The cost of treatment varies according to the client’s needs, and the center accepts most PPO insurance policies as well as some HMOs on an out-of-network basis.

Published on July 2017

Do you work at this facility? Let us know if we missed something! ",,17116,"2018-01-08 06:41:13","Evolve Treatment Centers for Teens" 361,"2018-01-09 05:46:17","Residential Neighborhood",1632,"2018-01-09 05:46:17","9301 Wilshire Blvd.",90210,,,"4 of 5",82,78,78,"

Evolve offers the highest caliber of care for adolescents struggling with substance abuse or mental health issues. We understand that our clients require professional treatment that addresses their physical, mental, emotional and spiritual development. With 6 clients per home, Evolve is able to instill strength in our teens through physical, emotional and spiritual healing. We are CARF accredited.

Evolve's treatment focuses on adolescent Substance Abuse, Mental Health, PTSD, Depression, Anxiety, Asperger’s, ODD, ADHD and OCD. Through DBT, we teach the skills to regulate emotions and improve impulse control.

We provide a full continuum of care (RTC, PHP, IOP and OP). Our evidence based treatment include dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT), cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), applied behavioral analysis (ABA), 12-step support and family therapy. Clients receive regular individual sessions with their licensed primary therapist, psychiatric evaluations and psychological testing, if needed.

For our potential clients, we want you to learn that you will have fun in recovery! We do this by offering experiential therapies including art, equine, music and surf. You will engage in personal exploration through culinary arts, boxing, gardening, hiking, meditation, physical fitness, sports and much, much more.

Our goal is to create the foundation to a healthy and productive lifestyle beyond Evolve.



Evolve offers detox, residential, and outpatient treatment plus aftercare for teens struggling with substance abuse and dual diagnosis. The luxurious residential facilities are located in desirable California locations: Ojai, Agoura Hills, and Topanga.


Programming is strengths-based and draws on a range of evidence-based therapies, including dialectical behavior therapy (DBT), cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), applied behavior analysis (ABA), structural family therapy, and solutions-focused therapy, as well as mindfulness training and experiential therapies such as equine therapy, surfing, yoga, and art therapy. The center uses 12-step supports as one modality in a broad array.

The residential program serves clients aged 13 to 18, and generally lasts 30 to 90 days. Outpatient options serve those aged 13 to 17, and include a partial hospitalization program (PHP), an intensive outpatient program (IOP), and general outpatient care. The IOP runs between three and five days a week, depending on the client’s level of need, for three to six months. Following all treatment programs, clients leave with a detailed transition plan to ensure their continued sobriety. For graduates of residential care and the PHP, aftercare involves weekly calls, support, and guidance. The center also has an active alumni association.


Staff includes psychiatrists, nurses, licensed therapists and counselors, and recovery coaches. The center also employs fitness trainers and a chef.


The center operates three residential homes, each of which is supervised 24 hours a day and sleeps up to six clients. Clients have access to a fully equipped gym; a swimming pool; a basketball, tennis, and volleyball courts; table tennis, and other amenities.

The center also has educational staff and modern computing equipment, to enable clients to continue to pursue their education during treatment.


The cost of treatment varies according to the client’s needs, and the center accepts most PPO insurance policies as well as some HMOs on an out-of-network basis.

Published on July 2017

Do you work at this facility? Let us know if we missed something! ",,17116,"2018-01-08 06:41:13","Evolve Treatment Centers for Teens" 362,"2018-01-09 05:46:17",Mountains,1632,"2018-01-09 05:46:17","9301 Wilshire Blvd.",90210,,,"4 of 5",82,78,78,"

Evolve offers the highest caliber of care for adolescents struggling with substance abuse or mental health issues. We understand that our clients require professional treatment that addresses their physical, mental, emotional and spiritual development. With 6 clients per home, Evolve is able to instill strength in our teens through physical, emotional and spiritual healing. We are CARF accredited.

Evolve's treatment focuses on adolescent Substance Abuse, Mental Health, PTSD, Depression, Anxiety, Asperger’s, ODD, ADHD and OCD. Through DBT, we teach the skills to regulate emotions and improve impulse control.

We provide a full continuum of care (RTC, PHP, IOP and OP). Our evidence based treatment include dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT), cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), applied behavioral analysis (ABA), 12-step support and family therapy. Clients receive regular individual sessions with their licensed primary therapist, psychiatric evaluations and psychological testing, if needed.

For our potential clients, we want you to learn that you will have fun in recovery! We do this by offering experiential therapies including art, equine, music and surf. You will engage in personal exploration through culinary arts, boxing, gardening, hiking, meditation, physical fitness, sports and much, much more.

Our goal is to create the foundation to a healthy and productive lifestyle beyond Evolve.



Evolve offers detox, residential, and outpatient treatment plus aftercare for teens struggling with substance abuse and dual diagnosis. The luxurious residential facilities are located in desirable California locations: Ojai, Agoura Hills, and Topanga.


Programming is strengths-based and draws on a range of evidence-based therapies, including dialectical behavior therapy (DBT), cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), applied behavior analysis (ABA), structural family therapy, and solutions-focused therapy, as well as mindfulness training and experiential therapies such as equine therapy, surfing, yoga, and art therapy. The center uses 12-step supports as one modality in a broad array.

The residential program serves clients aged 13 to 18, and generally lasts 30 to 90 days. Outpatient options serve those aged 13 to 17, and include a partial hospitalization program (PHP), an intensive outpatient program (IOP), and general outpatient care. The IOP runs between three and five days a week, depending on the client’s level of need, for three to six months. Following all treatment programs, clients leave with a detailed transition plan to ensure their continued sobriety. For graduates of residential care and the PHP, aftercare involves weekly calls, support, and guidance. The center also has an active alumni association.


Staff includes psychiatrists, nurses, licensed therapists and counselors, and recovery coaches. The center also employs fitness trainers and a chef.


The center operates three residential homes, each of which is supervised 24 hours a day and sleeps up to six clients. Clients have access to a fully equipped gym; a swimming pool; a basketball, tennis, and volleyball courts; table tennis, and other amenities.

The center also has educational staff and modern computing equipment, to enable clients to continue to pursue their education during treatment.


The cost of treatment varies according to the client’s needs, and the center accepts most PPO insurance policies as well as some HMOs on an out-of-network basis.

Published on July 2017

Do you work at this facility? Let us know if we missed something! ",,17116,"2018-01-08 06:41:13","Evolve Treatment Centers for Teens" 363,"2018-01-09 05:48:50",Private/Secluded,1651,"2018-01-09 05:48:50","599 Quail Oaks Drive",93023,,,,0,0,0,"

At the Residential level of care, clients live on-site with 24-hour support and supervision. With 6 clients per home, Evolve is able to instill strength in our teens through physical, emotional and spiritual healing.

Evolve's treatment focuses on adolescent Substance Abuse, Mental Health, PTSD, Depression, Anxiety, Asperger’s, ODD, ADHD and OCD. Through DBT, we teach the skills to regulate emotions and improve impulse control.

Our evidence based treatment includes dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT), cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), applied behavioral analysis (ABA), 12-step support and family therapy. Clients receive regular individual sessions with their licensed primary therapist, psychiatric evaluations and psychological testing, if needed.

We maintain a setting that provides a sense of security, while simultaneously providing a nurturing environment that includes comfortable living quarters, school area, fully equipped gym, swimming pool, chef, ample grounds, basketball, tennis and/or volleyball courts, ping-pong and more.

Our staff provides the highest caliber of care in the most compassionate and humanistic way. The clinical staff is comprised of a psychiatrist, nurses, and licensed therapists. Our counseling staff is comprised of experienced counselors and certified recovery coaches, all of whom bring a diverse and eclectic background to the treatment experience.

For our potential clients, we want you to learn that you will have fun in recovery! We do this by offering experiential therapies including art, equine, music and surf. You will engage in personal exploration through culinary arts, boxing, gardening, hiking, meditation, physical fitness, sports and much, much more.

Our goal is to create the foundation to a healthy and productive lifestyle beyond Evolve.



Evolve Ojai is one of six Evolve Treatment Centers locations, all of which care for adolescents ages 12 to 17 with substance abuse, mental health, or behavioral issues. Just 15 miles from the Pacific Ocean and forty minutes from Santa Barbara, the Ojai, Calif. facility operates a small residential treatment program with 24/7 support and supervision.


During the admission process, clients partake in a thorough assessment and staff work with them to develop a recovery plan designed to meet their specific needs.

Through several evidence-based approaches, as well as holistic and experiential therapies, adolescents develop coping skills, learn about themselves, and build relationships. Treatment at Evolve Ojai makes use of individual and group therapy, 12-step support programs, and family therapy.

The center offers cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), dialectical behavior therapy (DBT), applied behavioral analysis (ABA), and mindfulness-based approaches. It also uses equine therapy, yoga, mindful cooking, mindful walking, and meditation, in addition to music, art, and dance therapies.

Teens participate in several group sessions per day which can include group DBT, multi-family support group, process groups, and a commitment group which focuses on a specific recovery topic. Parenting groups are available for families.


The treatment staff at Evolve Ojai includes an affiliated psychiatrist, several licensed marriage and family therapists, and a master's-level social worker.


The small residential center is set in a peaceful, private setting and has a capacity of six residents who sleep in shared rooms. The interior of the facility is comfortable and homelike and includes a TV room, swimming pool, and fully-equipped gym.

A national forest and coastal ranges border Ojai and residents can take advantage of trips to the beach, movies, museums, and more. There are also opportunities for hiking, boxing, and surfing, and a chef prepares meals on-site.


Currently, review coverage for Evolve Ojai is extremely limited. No reviews from family members and friends of alumni are available on or secondary review websites, and only one alum has reviewed the facility on

The single alumni reviewer, E.G., wrote in a representative review ""The Ojai residential location offers a program filled with staff members who love what they do and are truly dedicated to the treatment process.""


While staff members have not yet contributed reviews to, former and current employees for Evolve's other California locations (not including the Ojai location) gave mixed feedback on Indeed particularly concerning management.[1] A total of 10 staff reviewers on Indeed left a mediocre average rating of three out of five stars.

Employees seemed to be split almost equally in regards to their thoughts on Evolve's management. ""The management is committed to doing the right things for their clients and staff member,"" one staffer wrote, while another felt ""Evolve is a company that only cares about making a profit, at the expense of quality treatment."" Three reviewers criticized the management and characterized it as ""unorganized,"" ""uncaring,"" and ""a joke.""


Evolve Ojai accepts insurance and is in-network with Anthem BlueCross BlueShield, and Healthnet. The center also works on an out-of-network basis with Cigna, Aetna, United Healthcare, and others.


Published on July 2017

Do you work at this facility? Let us know if we missed something! ",,17146,"2018-01-08 06:41:39","Evolve Treatment Centers Ojai" 364,"2018-01-09 05:48:50",Luxury,1651,"2018-01-09 05:48:50","599 Quail Oaks Drive",93023,,,,0,0,0,"

At the Residential level of care, clients live on-site with 24-hour support and supervision. With 6 clients per home, Evolve is able to instill strength in our teens through physical, emotional and spiritual healing.

Evolve's treatment focuses on adolescent Substance Abuse, Mental Health, PTSD, Depression, Anxiety, Asperger’s, ODD, ADHD and OCD. Through DBT, we teach the skills to regulate emotions and improve impulse control.

Our evidence based treatment includes dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT), cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), applied behavioral analysis (ABA), 12-step support and family therapy. Clients receive regular individual sessions with their licensed primary therapist, psychiatric evaluations and psychological testing, if needed.

We maintain a setting that provides a sense of security, while simultaneously providing a nurturing environment that includes comfortable living quarters, school area, fully equipped gym, swimming pool, chef, ample grounds, basketball, tennis and/or volleyball courts, ping-pong and more.

Our staff provides the highest caliber of care in the most compassionate and humanistic way. The clinical staff is comprised of a psychiatrist, nurses, and licensed therapists. Our counseling staff is comprised of experienced counselors and certified recovery coaches, all of whom bring a diverse and eclectic background to the treatment experience.

For our potential clients, we want you to learn that you will have fun in recovery! We do this by offering experiential therapies including art, equine, music and surf. You will engage in personal exploration through culinary arts, boxing, gardening, hiking, meditation, physical fitness, sports and much, much more.

Our goal is to create the foundation to a healthy and productive lifestyle beyond Evolve.



Evolve Ojai is one of six Evolve Treatment Centers locations, all of which care for adolescents ages 12 to 17 with substance abuse, mental health, or behavioral issues. Just 15 miles from the Pacific Ocean and forty minutes from Santa Barbara, the Ojai, Calif. facility operates a small residential treatment program with 24/7 support and supervision.


During the admission process, clients partake in a thorough assessment and staff work with them to develop a recovery plan designed to meet their specific needs.

Through several evidence-based approaches, as well as holistic and experiential therapies, adolescents develop coping skills, learn about themselves, and build relationships. Treatment at Evolve Ojai makes use of individual and group therapy, 12-step support programs, and family therapy.

The center offers cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), dialectical behavior therapy (DBT), applied behavioral analysis (ABA), and mindfulness-based approaches. It also uses equine therapy, yoga, mindful cooking, mindful walking, and meditation, in addition to music, art, and dance therapies.

Teens participate in several group sessions per day which can include group DBT, multi-family support group, process groups, and a commitment group which focuses on a specific recovery topic. Parenting groups are available for families.


The treatment staff at Evolve Ojai includes an affiliated psychiatrist, several licensed marriage and family therapists, and a master's-level social worker.


The small residential center is set in a peaceful, private setting and has a capacity of six residents who sleep in shared rooms. The interior of the facility is comfortable and homelike and includes a TV room, swimming pool, and fully-equipped gym.

A national forest and coastal ranges border Ojai and residents can take advantage of trips to the beach, movies, museums, and more. There are also opportunities for hiking, boxing, and surfing, and a chef prepares meals on-site.


Currently, review coverage for Evolve Ojai is extremely limited. No reviews from family members and friends of alumni are available on or secondary review websites, and only one alum has reviewed the facility on

The single alumni reviewer, E.G., wrote in a representative review ""The Ojai residential location offers a program filled with staff members who love what they do and are truly dedicated to the treatment process.""


While staff members have not yet contributed reviews to, former and current employees for Evolve's other California locations (not including the Ojai location) gave mixed feedback on Indeed particularly concerning management.[1] A total of 10 staff reviewers on Indeed left a mediocre average rating of three out of five stars.

Employees seemed to be split almost equally in regards to their thoughts on Evolve's management. ""The management is committed to doing the right things for their clients and staff member,"" one staffer wrote, while another felt ""Evolve is a company that only cares about making a profit, at the expense of quality treatment."" Three reviewers criticized the management and characterized it as ""unorganized,"" ""uncaring,"" and ""a joke.""


Evolve Ojai accepts insurance and is in-network with Anthem BlueCross BlueShield, and Healthnet. The center also works on an out-of-network basis with Cigna, Aetna, United Healthcare, and others.


Published on July 2017

Do you work at this facility? Let us know if we missed something! ",,17146,"2018-01-08 06:41:39","Evolve Treatment Centers Ojai" 365,"2018-01-09 05:48:50","Residential Neighborhood",1651,"2018-01-09 05:48:50","599 Quail Oaks Drive",93023,,,,0,0,0,"

At the Residential level of care, clients live on-site with 24-hour support and supervision. With 6 clients per home, Evolve is able to instill strength in our teens through physical, emotional and spiritual healing.

Evolve's treatment focuses on adolescent Substance Abuse, Mental Health, PTSD, Depression, Anxiety, Asperger’s, ODD, ADHD and OCD. Through DBT, we teach the skills to regulate emotions and improve impulse control.

Our evidence based treatment includes dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT), cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), applied behavioral analysis (ABA), 12-step support and family therapy. Clients receive regular individual sessions with their licensed primary therapist, psychiatric evaluations and psychological testing, if needed.

We maintain a setting that provides a sense of security, while simultaneously providing a nurturing environment that includes comfortable living quarters, school area, fully equipped gym, swimming pool, chef, ample grounds, basketball, tennis and/or volleyball courts, ping-pong and more.

Our staff provides the highest caliber of care in the most compassionate and humanistic way. The clinical staff is comprised of a psychiatrist, nurses, and licensed therapists. Our counseling staff is comprised of experienced counselors and certified recovery coaches, all of whom bring a diverse and eclectic background to the treatment experience.

For our potential clients, we want you to learn that you will have fun in recovery! We do this by offering experiential therapies including art, equine, music and surf. You will engage in personal exploration through culinary arts, boxing, gardening, hiking, meditation, physical fitness, sports and much, much more.

Our goal is to create the foundation to a healthy and productive lifestyle beyond Evolve.



Evolve Ojai is one of six Evolve Treatment Centers locations, all of which care for adolescents ages 12 to 17 with substance abuse, mental health, or behavioral issues. Just 15 miles from the Pacific Ocean and forty minutes from Santa Barbara, the Ojai, Calif. facility operates a small residential treatment program with 24/7 support and supervision.


During the admission process, clients partake in a thorough assessment and staff work with them to develop a recovery plan designed to meet their specific needs.

Through several evidence-based approaches, as well as holistic and experiential therapies, adolescents develop coping skills, learn about themselves, and build relationships. Treatment at Evolve Ojai makes use of individual and group therapy, 12-step support programs, and family therapy.

The center offers cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), dialectical behavior therapy (DBT), applied behavioral analysis (ABA), and mindfulness-based approaches. It also uses equine therapy, yoga, mindful cooking, mindful walking, and meditation, in addition to music, art, and dance therapies.

Teens participate in several group sessions per day which can include group DBT, multi-family support group, process groups, and a commitment group which focuses on a specific recovery topic. Parenting groups are available for families.


The treatment staff at Evolve Ojai includes an affiliated psychiatrist, several licensed marriage and family therapists, and a master's-level social worker.


The small residential center is set in a peaceful, private setting and has a capacity of six residents who sleep in shared rooms. The interior of the facility is comfortable and homelike and includes a TV room, swimming pool, and fully-equipped gym.

A national forest and coastal ranges border Ojai and residents can take advantage of trips to the beach, movies, museums, and more. There are also opportunities for hiking, boxing, and surfing, and a chef prepares meals on-site.


Currently, review coverage for Evolve Ojai is extremely limited. No reviews from family members and friends of alumni are available on or secondary review websites, and only one alum has reviewed the facility on

The single alumni reviewer, E.G., wrote in a representative review ""The Ojai residential location offers a program filled with staff members who love what they do and are truly dedicated to the treatment process.""


While staff members have not yet contributed reviews to, former and current employees for Evolve's other California locations (not including the Ojai location) gave mixed feedback on Indeed particularly concerning management.[1] A total of 10 staff reviewers on Indeed left a mediocre average rating of three out of five stars.

Employees seemed to be split almost equally in regards to their thoughts on Evolve's management. ""The management is committed to doing the right things for their clients and staff member,"" one staffer wrote, while another felt ""Evolve is a company that only cares about making a profit, at the expense of quality treatment."" Three reviewers criticized the management and characterized it as ""unorganized,"" ""uncaring,"" and ""a joke.""


Evolve Ojai accepts insurance and is in-network with Anthem BlueCross BlueShield, and Healthnet. The center also works on an out-of-network basis with Cigna, Aetna, United Healthcare, and others.


Published on July 2017

Do you work at this facility? Let us know if we missed something! ",,17146,"2018-01-08 06:41:39","Evolve Treatment Centers Ojai" 366,"2018-01-09 05:48:50",Mountains,1651,"2018-01-09 05:48:50","599 Quail Oaks Drive",93023,,,,0,0,0,"

At the Residential level of care, clients live on-site with 24-hour support and supervision. With 6 clients per home, Evolve is able to instill strength in our teens through physical, emotional and spiritual healing.

Evolve's treatment focuses on adolescent Substance Abuse, Mental Health, PTSD, Depression, Anxiety, Asperger’s, ODD, ADHD and OCD. Through DBT, we teach the skills to regulate emotions and improve impulse control.

Our evidence based treatment includes dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT), cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), applied behavioral analysis (ABA), 12-step support and family therapy. Clients receive regular individual sessions with their licensed primary therapist, psychiatric evaluations and psychological testing, if needed.

We maintain a setting that provides a sense of security, while simultaneously providing a nurturing environment that includes comfortable living quarters, school area, fully equipped gym, swimming pool, chef, ample grounds, basketball, tennis and/or volleyball courts, ping-pong and more.

Our staff provides the highest caliber of care in the most compassionate and humanistic way. The clinical staff is comprised of a psychiatrist, nurses, and licensed therapists. Our counseling staff is comprised of experienced counselors and certified recovery coaches, all of whom bring a diverse and eclectic background to the treatment experience.

For our potential clients, we want you to learn that you will have fun in recovery! We do this by offering experiential therapies including art, equine, music and surf. You will engage in personal exploration through culinary arts, boxing, gardening, hiking, meditation, physical fitness, sports and much, much more.

Our goal is to create the foundation to a healthy and productive lifestyle beyond Evolve.



Evolve Ojai is one of six Evolve Treatment Centers locations, all of which care for adolescents ages 12 to 17 with substance abuse, mental health, or behavioral issues. Just 15 miles from the Pacific Ocean and forty minutes from Santa Barbara, the Ojai, Calif. facility operates a small residential treatment program with 24/7 support and supervision.


During the admission process, clients partake in a thorough assessment and staff work with them to develop a recovery plan designed to meet their specific needs.

Through several evidence-based approaches, as well as holistic and experiential therapies, adolescents develop coping skills, learn about themselves, and build relationships. Treatment at Evolve Ojai makes use of individual and group therapy, 12-step support programs, and family therapy.

The center offers cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), dialectical behavior therapy (DBT), applied behavioral analysis (ABA), and mindfulness-based approaches. It also uses equine therapy, yoga, mindful cooking, mindful walking, and meditation, in addition to music, art, and dance therapies.

Teens participate in several group sessions per day which can include group DBT, multi-family support group, process groups, and a commitment group which focuses on a specific recovery topic. Parenting groups are available for families.


The treatment staff at Evolve Ojai includes an affiliated psychiatrist, several licensed marriage and family therapists, and a master's-level social worker.


The small residential center is set in a peaceful, private setting and has a capacity of six residents who sleep in shared rooms. The interior of the facility is comfortable and homelike and includes a TV room, swimming pool, and fully-equipped gym.

A national forest and coastal ranges border Ojai and residents can take advantage of trips to the beach, movies, museums, and more. There are also opportunities for hiking, boxing, and surfing, and a chef prepares meals on-site.


Currently, review coverage for Evolve Ojai is extremely limited. No reviews from family members and friends of alumni are available on or secondary review websites, and only one alum has reviewed the facility on

The single alumni reviewer, E.G., wrote in a representative review ""The Ojai residential location offers a program filled with staff members who love what they do and are truly dedicated to the treatment process.""


While staff members have not yet contributed reviews to, former and current employees for Evolve's other California locations (not including the Ojai location) gave mixed feedback on Indeed particularly concerning management.[1] A total of 10 staff reviewers on Indeed left a mediocre average rating of three out of five stars.

Employees seemed to be split almost equally in regards to their thoughts on Evolve's management. ""The management is committed to doing the right things for their clients and staff member,"" one staffer wrote, while another felt ""Evolve is a company that only cares about making a profit, at the expense of quality treatment."" Three reviewers criticized the management and characterized it as ""unorganized,"" ""uncaring,"" and ""a joke.""


Evolve Ojai accepts insurance and is in-network with Anthem BlueCross BlueShield, and Healthnet. The center also works on an out-of-network basis with Cigna, Aetna, United Healthcare, and others.


Published on July 2017

Do you work at this facility? Let us know if we missed something! ",,17146,"2018-01-08 06:41:39","Evolve Treatment Centers Ojai" 367,"2018-01-09 05:56:02","Residential Neighborhood",1717,"2018-01-09 05:56:02","321 S Tustin St.",92866,,,,0,0,0,"

Community Rehab is a drug and alcohol rehab center located in Orange, California. We are a co-ed facility that serves people of all ages. Residents of our program benefit from our close-knit group of staff and clients, working together to achieve sobriety that is authentic and lasting.

When you come to Community Rehab, you won’t find a stuffy hospital setting. We are a real-life community in which you will be able to heal and grow as an individual. At Community Rehab, you will find a comfortable, home-like atmosphere. We offer the best amenities in our facility, including updated rooms and furniture, comfortable living areas, and space outdoors to enjoy the beautiful Southern California climate.



For over 60 years, Community Rehab has been serving individuals of all ages at their co-ed facility in suburban Orange, Cali. The rehab mostly treats young adults and offers a substance abuse program which consist of detoxification, residential treatment, and sober living. The program also offers intervention services.


Clients are given a tailored treatment plan based on their goals, needs, and history of addiction. Detox typically lasts one to 10 days and residential treatment can last anywhere from 30 to 90 days with 24-hour supervision.

The core of the program is based on one-on-one counseling which residents may partake in up to twice each day. Counselors use a variety of treatment models to facilitate recovery. There is also group therapy and services for addiction education, relapse prevention, discharge planning, and medication management.

This most intensive form of treatment is followed up with sober living where clients work on transitioning back into their communities with fun, rewarding social opportunities. Families are encouraged to visit during any stage of a resident’s stay.


The program employs a team of physicians, licensed therapists, and counselors to aid clients during their stay/recovery.


Treatment is received out of a renovated house equipped with updated rooms and furniture. Residents may utilize the cozy living areas and outdoor space at their leisure. The home-like environment provides all toiletries and meals as well as exercise equipment. Staff supervise outings to movies, the beach, concerts, and sporting events. Additionally, there is no dress code, and residents may smoke and bring their electronic devices (i.e. cell phones and laptops).

REVIEWS has not yet received any reviews from this facility’s alumni, affiliated friends or family, or staff. Elsewhere online, though, reviews are mostly positive. Many alumni claimed they got their lives back and praised staff for being caring and making them feel like family. Some also noted that they learned a lot of life skills and that the environment was very pleasing.

Three reviewers on Yelp all awarded the facility five out of five stars, and Zack wrote: “This has been the first rehab i have ever been to where when i walked into the doors i finally felt like i was in the right place, exactly where i belonged to get what i needed.”[1]

Five Google reviewers also all gave the highest possible rating, five out five stars, and Jared said: “The people who work at this drug treatment facility are well qualified, experienced and committed to showing former addicts how to live a healthy, clean and fun lifestyle.”[2]

Additional reviews appear on the facility’s possibly vetted Facebook page where, at the time of this writing, 34 reviews average 4.6 out of five stars. Mary gave the highest rating and wrote: “Community rehab opened up their doors, their hands, and their hearts to help my son live a healthy, clean, and sober life.”[3] Anthony’s four-star review tells of a somewhat mixed experience though. He claims he relapsed shortly after treatment but also wrote: “Highly recommend only if your serious about recovery like I was when I went in. Or else you'll get caught up in a bad crowd and a different atmosphere.”


Community Rehab takes most insurance providers as well as self-pay. Individuals may verify if their insurance is accepted through an online form on the facility’s website.

Published February 2017




Published on February 2017

Do you work at this facility? Let us know if we missed something! ",,17245,"2018-01-08 06:42:51","Community Rehab" 368,"2018-01-09 05:56:02","Beach Community",1717,"2018-01-09 05:56:02","321 S Tustin St.",92866,,,,0,0,0,"

Community Rehab is a drug and alcohol rehab center located in Orange, California. We are a co-ed facility that serves people of all ages. Residents of our program benefit from our close-knit group of staff and clients, working together to achieve sobriety that is authentic and lasting.

When you come to Community Rehab, you won’t find a stuffy hospital setting. We are a real-life community in which you will be able to heal and grow as an individual. At Community Rehab, you will find a comfortable, home-like atmosphere. We offer the best amenities in our facility, including updated rooms and furniture, comfortable living areas, and space outdoors to enjoy the beautiful Southern California climate.



For over 60 years, Community Rehab has been serving individuals of all ages at their co-ed facility in suburban Orange, Cali. The rehab mostly treats young adults and offers a substance abuse program which consist of detoxification, residential treatment, and sober living. The program also offers intervention services.


Clients are given a tailored treatment plan based on their goals, needs, and history of addiction. Detox typically lasts one to 10 days and residential treatment can last anywhere from 30 to 90 days with 24-hour supervision.

The core of the program is based on one-on-one counseling which residents may partake in up to twice each day. Counselors use a variety of treatment models to facilitate recovery. There is also group therapy and services for addiction education, relapse prevention, discharge planning, and medication management.

This most intensive form of treatment is followed up with sober living where clients work on transitioning back into their communities with fun, rewarding social opportunities. Families are encouraged to visit during any stage of a resident’s stay.


The program employs a team of physicians, licensed therapists, and counselors to aid clients during their stay/recovery.


Treatment is received out of a renovated house equipped with updated rooms and furniture. Residents may utilize the cozy living areas and outdoor space at their leisure. The home-like environment provides all toiletries and meals as well as exercise equipment. Staff supervise outings to movies, the beach, concerts, and sporting events. Additionally, there is no dress code, and residents may smoke and bring their electronic devices (i.e. cell phones and laptops).

REVIEWS has not yet received any reviews from this facility’s alumni, affiliated friends or family, or staff. Elsewhere online, though, reviews are mostly positive. Many alumni claimed they got their lives back and praised staff for being caring and making them feel like family. Some also noted that they learned a lot of life skills and that the environment was very pleasing.

Three reviewers on Yelp all awarded the facility five out of five stars, and Zack wrote: “This has been the first rehab i have ever been to where when i walked into the doors i finally felt like i was in the right place, exactly where i belonged to get what i needed.”[1]

Five Google reviewers also all gave the highest possible rating, five out five stars, and Jared said: “The people who work at this drug treatment facility are well qualified, experienced and committed to showing former addicts how to live a healthy, clean and fun lifestyle.”[2]

Additional reviews appear on the facility’s possibly vetted Facebook page where, at the time of this writing, 34 reviews average 4.6 out of five stars. Mary gave the highest rating and wrote: “Community rehab opened up their doors, their hands, and their hearts to help my son live a healthy, clean, and sober life.”[3] Anthony’s four-star review tells of a somewhat mixed experience though. He claims he relapsed shortly after treatment but also wrote: “Highly recommend only if your serious about recovery like I was when I went in. Or else you'll get caught up in a bad crowd and a different atmosphere.”


Community Rehab takes most insurance providers as well as self-pay. Individuals may verify if their insurance is accepted through an online form on the facility’s website.

Published February 2017




Published on February 2017

Do you work at this facility? Let us know if we missed something! ",,17245,"2018-01-08 06:42:51","Community Rehab" 369,"2018-01-09 11:29:15",Oceanfront,3527,"2018-01-09 11:29:15","636 14th Street",97103,,,"4 of 5",86,74,80,"

Sunspire Health The Rosebriar is a licensed residential treatment facility for women with substance abuse and chemical dependency who may have co-occurring mental health disorders. We use abstinence, evidence and holistic-based treatment with the highest level of quality of clinical care in an intimate, tranquil setting in the quaint town of Astoria, OR. Here women are given the opportunity to explore the triggers and underlying causes of their addiction in order to overcome them and understand their role in the addiction. Our interdisciplinary approach to treatment forms a solid foundation on which women can build healthy, new lives in recovery with a built-in support network made up of family and fellow alumni.



Nestled on the picturesque coast of Oregon in the small community of Astoria, the Rosebriar offers individualized, holistic treatment to women struggling with addiction and co-occurring mental health disorders. The rehab provides residential treatment, comprehensive aftercare, and a partial hospitalization program (PHP). An intensive outpatient program (IOP), sober living accommodations, and medically monitored detoxification are available at Sunspire’s Astoria Pointe facility, which is less than a mile away.


As a women’s-only treatment facility, The Rosebriar is able to focus on women-specific issues concerning addiction and recovery in a supportive, comfortable environment. Treatment plans typically last between 30 and 90 days.

Treatment utilizes individual therapy, group counseling sessions, and evidence-based treatment models such as cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT), and motivational interviewing, among others. The program targets substance use disorders including substances like alcohol or prescription pills, process addictions including gambling or sex addictions, and co-occurring disorders such as anxiety, depression, and bipolar disorders.

Along with its 12-step or SMART Recovery framework alongside more traditional approaches, the Rosebriar invites residents to participate in a number of experiential and holistic treatments, including equine therapy, meditation, adventure-based therapy, yoga, and acupuncture. Medication-assisted treatment (MAT) is also offered.

Family therapy is a key component to the facility’s treatment model, and loved ones are encouraged to participate in weekly one-on-one family counseling sessions with trained therapists to help resolve family issues and plan aftercare.

Sober living accommodations and IOP services are offered via Astoria Pointe Sober Living facility.


The Rosebriar boasts a staff-to-client ratio of 2:1. The treatment team consists of a medical director specializing in addiction medicine, board-certified physicians, registered nurses, a psychiatrist, and licensed addiction and mental health clinicians.


Set in a Victorian mansion overlooking the Columbia River and Astoria Bridge, the 16-bed residential facility has shared rooms and a comfortable, home-like atmosphere for recovery. Pictures depict a porch area and a comfortable lounge area.

WHAT ALUMNI SAY has not yet received any reviews from alumni of Sunspire Health The Rosebriar at the time of this writing. On the facility's Facebook page, which it can manage, one alum rated the facility only one out of five stars, citing false advertising and limited treatment options as her chief complaints.[1] Alum Jennifer wrote: ""Saw my counselor once in 3 weeks for 15 minutes, no therapy, no trauma therapy, no acupuncture or massages, horrible techs except maybe a few, no nurse 24/7 as stated on web page.""


Of the four loved ones polled by to date, two gave the Rosebriar a positive review, one a mixed review, and one a negative review. The three loved ones polled in the following metrics rated the facility highest in cleanliness (five out of five stars) followed by the staff's level of experience and training (4.7 out of five stars) and family participation (4.5 out of five stars). The facilty received its lowest ratings in exercise and leisure options at 2.7 stars and holistic treatment offerings at 3.3 stars.

In comments, two anonymous loved ones claimed that counseling and staff were helpful, though one noted aftercare could be improved. Another noted that the program could allow for more individuality. Another anonymous loved one agreed that the staff was strong but the facility was too costly, writing: ""Staff strong. The staff was helpful but it was pricey."" In the sole negative review, loved one Lin condemned the facility for unclear billing practices.


Most private insurance plans are accepted, and financial assistance is offered to those who qualify.


Published on July 2017

Do you work at this facility? Let us know if we missed something! ",,28236,"2018-01-08 09:11:40","Sunspire Health The Rosebriar" 370,"2018-01-09 11:29:15","Residential Neighborhood",3527,"2018-01-09 11:29:15","636 14th Street",97103,,,"4 of 5",86,74,80,"

Sunspire Health The Rosebriar is a licensed residential treatment facility for women with substance abuse and chemical dependency who may have co-occurring mental health disorders. We use abstinence, evidence and holistic-based treatment with the highest level of quality of clinical care in an intimate, tranquil setting in the quaint town of Astoria, OR. Here women are given the opportunity to explore the triggers and underlying causes of their addiction in order to overcome them and understand their role in the addiction. Our interdisciplinary approach to treatment forms a solid foundation on which women can build healthy, new lives in recovery with a built-in support network made up of family and fellow alumni.



Nestled on the picturesque coast of Oregon in the small community of Astoria, the Rosebriar offers individualized, holistic treatment to women struggling with addiction and co-occurring mental health disorders. The rehab provides residential treatment, comprehensive aftercare, and a partial hospitalization program (PHP). An intensive outpatient program (IOP), sober living accommodations, and medically monitored detoxification are available at Sunspire’s Astoria Pointe facility, which is less than a mile away.


As a women’s-only treatment facility, The Rosebriar is able to focus on women-specific issues concerning addiction and recovery in a supportive, comfortable environment. Treatment plans typically last between 30 and 90 days.

Treatment utilizes individual therapy, group counseling sessions, and evidence-based treatment models such as cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT), and motivational interviewing, among others. The program targets substance use disorders including substances like alcohol or prescription pills, process addictions including gambling or sex addictions, and co-occurring disorders such as anxiety, depression, and bipolar disorders.

Along with its 12-step or SMART Recovery framework alongside more traditional approaches, the Rosebriar invites residents to participate in a number of experiential and holistic treatments, including equine therapy, meditation, adventure-based therapy, yoga, and acupuncture. Medication-assisted treatment (MAT) is also offered.

Family therapy is a key component to the facility’s treatment model, and loved ones are encouraged to participate in weekly one-on-one family counseling sessions with trained therapists to help resolve family issues and plan aftercare.

Sober living accommodations and IOP services are offered via Astoria Pointe Sober Living facility.


The Rosebriar boasts a staff-to-client ratio of 2:1. The treatment team consists of a medical director specializing in addiction medicine, board-certified physicians, registered nurses, a psychiatrist, and licensed addiction and mental health clinicians.


Set in a Victorian mansion overlooking the Columbia River and Astoria Bridge, the 16-bed residential facility has shared rooms and a comfortable, home-like atmosphere for recovery. Pictures depict a porch area and a comfortable lounge area.

WHAT ALUMNI SAY has not yet received any reviews from alumni of Sunspire Health The Rosebriar at the time of this writing. On the facility's Facebook page, which it can manage, one alum rated the facility only one out of five stars, citing false advertising and limited treatment options as her chief complaints.[1] Alum Jennifer wrote: ""Saw my counselor once in 3 weeks for 15 minutes, no therapy, no trauma therapy, no acupuncture or massages, horrible techs except maybe a few, no nurse 24/7 as stated on web page.""


Of the four loved ones polled by to date, two gave the Rosebriar a positive review, one a mixed review, and one a negative review. The three loved ones polled in the following metrics rated the facility highest in cleanliness (five out of five stars) followed by the staff's level of experience and training (4.7 out of five stars) and family participation (4.5 out of five stars). The facilty received its lowest ratings in exercise and leisure options at 2.7 stars and holistic treatment offerings at 3.3 stars.

In comments, two anonymous loved ones claimed that counseling and staff were helpful, though one noted aftercare could be improved. Another noted that the program could allow for more individuality. Another anonymous loved one agreed that the staff was strong but the facility was too costly, writing: ""Staff strong. The staff was helpful but it was pricey."" In the sole negative review, loved one Lin condemned the facility for unclear billing practices.


Most private insurance plans are accepted, and financial assistance is offered to those who qualify.


Published on July 2017

Do you work at this facility? Let us know if we missed something! ",,28236,"2018-01-08 09:11:40","Sunspire Health The Rosebriar" 371,"2018-01-09 12:48:26",Private/Secluded,4060,"2018-01-09 12:48:26","2687 West Valley Road",98250,,,"5 of 5",100,98,100,"

The Clearing is a non-12 step, dual diagnosis residential treatment center specializing in substance abuse along with issues associated with depression, self esteem, trauma and loss. Recovery takes on a whole new meaning here. We don’t subscribe to the traditional recovery dogma of powerlessness and dependence. Instead, you’ll depart our program with authentic empowerment, clarity, and mastery of the tools and strategies to achieve the life you want. We are an evidence based psychological healing approach. We focus on healing the underlying core issues that cause addiction and other limiting behaviors. With core issues healed, you‘ll eliminate anxiety, depression, hopelessness, low self-esteem, and the the need for substances to cope. You’ll be amazed with how simple, powerful, intellectually engaging and transformative this work is for you.



Located in Friday Harbor on the San Juan Islands of Washington State, The Clearing is a dual diagnosis residential rehab center for adult men and women. The facility, which only admits 10 clients at a time, offers treatment for substance abuse, eating disorders, and co-occurring mental health issues.


Treatment plans last a continuous 28 days, with all group members starting and finishing the program at the same time. Detox services are not available on-site, but The Clearing will refer clients to one of the nearby medical detox facilities if needed.

The Clearing prides itself on its unique and highly personalized residential program. The facility accepts clients in one cohesive group rather than having clients start and finish the program at varying times. Participants go through treatment at the same pace in an effort to avoid disruption and disconnection within the inpatient community. The facility confident in its approach and offers a “Treatment Guarantee.” If a former client experiences issues for which they were already treated, that client may return and repeat the program free of cost (space permitting).

The facility’s treatment methods are not based on the 12-Steps. Instead, the facility offers a Spiritual Psychology program, which teaches 21 principles of healing and recovery created by two professors from the University of Santa Monica. This is combined with evidence-based practices and rational emotive therapy. Clients receive individual counseling and group therapy while they also participate regularly in psychological workshop sessions.


The staff leading the facility include a Ph.D. level clinical director with over 20 years of experience in the mental health field, a VP of operations with first-hand experience as an addict, a CEO with academic credentials in both business development and spiritual psychology, a director of complementary therapies, and various administrative personnel.


The Clearing is situated on a 64-acre working farm and housed in a former bed and breakfast. Residents live in cozy private bedrooms with desk areas and attached bathrooms. There are opportunities for physical fitness and other activities offered, including walking the many trails that surround the facility. Meals are prepared by a chef and include locally sourced ingredients whenever possible.


At the time of this writing there have been 10 alumni polled by All alumni gave glowing reviews of the facility. Alum Chip gave the facility five out of five stars for treatment effectiveness, accommodations & amenities, and meals & nutrition. The alum wrote that the treatment program at the Clearing was a life-saving experience for him. “The Clearing saved my life. Having tried everything for years and at the end of my rope with thoughts of suicide i, with the help of my family embarked on a national search for a different type of depression relief program...The Clearing will change your life -- and your family’s.” Alum Jennifer also gave the facility five stars for treatment effectiveness, accommodations & amenities, and meals & nutrition. Jennifer was happy with how the staff treated her and the support she received after leaving the program. “The staff was attentive to every need and concern for the duration of my stay, not to mention the resource available once I completed my stay at The Clearing...I was ready to save my life and at the Clearing I was shown how to do just that.


The facility’s entire 28-day program costs $45,000. The fee covers counseling, meals, and any other program expenses. The center accepts most forms of insurance.

Published on June 2017

Do you work at this facility? Let us know if we missed something! ","Evidence-based addiction treatment is tough, if not nearly impossible to find in the US. That is, until The Clearing opened.. I encourage you to check them out.",30184,"2018-01-08 09:38:27","The Clearing" 372,"2018-01-09 12:48:26",Wilderness,4060,"2018-01-09 12:48:26","2687 West Valley Road",98250,,,"5 of 5",100,98,100,"

The Clearing is a non-12 step, dual diagnosis residential treatment center specializing in substance abuse along with issues associated with depression, self esteem, trauma and loss. Recovery takes on a whole new meaning here. We don’t subscribe to the traditional recovery dogma of powerlessness and dependence. Instead, you’ll depart our program with authentic empowerment, clarity, and mastery of the tools and strategies to achieve the life you want. We are an evidence based psychological healing approach. We focus on healing the underlying core issues that cause addiction and other limiting behaviors. With core issues healed, you‘ll eliminate anxiety, depression, hopelessness, low self-esteem, and the the need for substances to cope. You’ll be amazed with how simple, powerful, intellectually engaging and transformative this work is for you.



Located in Friday Harbor on the San Juan Islands of Washington State, The Clearing is a dual diagnosis residential rehab center for adult men and women. The facility, which only admits 10 clients at a time, offers treatment for substance abuse, eating disorders, and co-occurring mental health issues.


Treatment plans last a continuous 28 days, with all group members starting and finishing the program at the same time. Detox services are not available on-site, but The Clearing will refer clients to one of the nearby medical detox facilities if needed.

The Clearing prides itself on its unique and highly personalized residential program. The facility accepts clients in one cohesive group rather than having clients start and finish the program at varying times. Participants go through treatment at the same pace in an effort to avoid disruption and disconnection within the inpatient community. The facility confident in its approach and offers a “Treatment Guarantee.” If a former client experiences issues for which they were already treated, that client may return and repeat the program free of cost (space permitting).

The facility’s treatment methods are not based on the 12-Steps. Instead, the facility offers a Spiritual Psychology program, which teaches 21 principles of healing and recovery created by two professors from the University of Santa Monica. This is combined with evidence-based practices and rational emotive therapy. Clients receive individual counseling and group therapy while they also participate regularly in psychological workshop sessions.


The staff leading the facility include a Ph.D. level clinical director with over 20 years of experience in the mental health field, a VP of operations with first-hand experience as an addict, a CEO with academic credentials in both business development and spiritual psychology, a director of complementary therapies, and various administrative personnel.


The Clearing is situated on a 64-acre working farm and housed in a former bed and breakfast. Residents live in cozy private bedrooms with desk areas and attached bathrooms. There are opportunities for physical fitness and other activities offered, including walking the many trails that surround the facility. Meals are prepared by a chef and include locally sourced ingredients whenever possible.


At the time of this writing there have been 10 alumni polled by All alumni gave glowing reviews of the facility. Alum Chip gave the facility five out of five stars for treatment effectiveness, accommodations & amenities, and meals & nutrition. The alum wrote that the treatment program at the Clearing was a life-saving experience for him. “The Clearing saved my life. Having tried everything for years and at the end of my rope with thoughts of suicide i, with the help of my family embarked on a national search for a different type of depression relief program...The Clearing will change your life -- and your family’s.” Alum Jennifer also gave the facility five stars for treatment effectiveness, accommodations & amenities, and meals & nutrition. Jennifer was happy with how the staff treated her and the support she received after leaving the program. “The staff was attentive to every need and concern for the duration of my stay, not to mention the resource available once I completed my stay at The Clearing...I was ready to save my life and at the Clearing I was shown how to do just that.


The facility’s entire 28-day program costs $45,000. The fee covers counseling, meals, and any other program expenses. The center accepts most forms of insurance.

Published on June 2017

Do you work at this facility? Let us know if we missed something! ","Evidence-based addiction treatment is tough, if not nearly impossible to find in the US. That is, until The Clearing opened.. I encourage you to check them out.",30184,"2018-01-08 09:38:27","The Clearing" 373,"2018-01-09 13:10:12",Private/Secluded,4243,"2018-01-09 13:10:12","2098 Texas Oaks",78070,,,"4.4 of 5",84,84,96,"

Ripple Ranch at Austin, located in Spring Branch, Texas, offers Non-12-step residential treatment to adults struggling with substance abuse and dependence. The facility is a residential rehab set on a 20-acre Hill Country estate between Austin and San Antonio, Texas. The center offers highly individualized evidence-based care and includes a 12-month aftercare program. Detox services are available but not on-site.

The cornerstones of Ripple Ranch at Austin’s treatment program are evidence-based therapies, integrated treatment, and a focus on co-occurring disorders .

The basic components of the program are individual, group, and family therapies — the latter in the form of a two-day intensive family program — along with addiction education, life skills coaching, and relapse prevention.

Treatment also includes neurofeedback, cranial electrotherapy stimulation, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Equine Assisted Mindfulness Group, Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR), regular exercise and yoga, Tai Chi mindfulness and meditation, breath work, and expressive writing. According to the facility’s website, every resident follows an individualized plan that combines elements of each of these therapies.

Finally, treatment at Ripple Ranch at Austin includes a year of aftercare. A Client Care Coordinator is available to speak with alumni as needed.



Ripple Recovery Ranch, located in Spring Branch, Texas, offers residential treatment to adults struggling with substance abuse. The facility is a luxury residential rehab set on 20 acres in the hill country between Austin and San Antonio, Texas. The center offers highly individualized evidence-based care and includes a 12-month aftercare program. Detox services are not available on site.


The cornerstones of Ripple Recovery’s treatment program are evidence-based therapies, holistic treatment, and a focus on co-occurring disorders while following the 12-Step approach to recovery.

The basic components of the program are individual, group, and family therapies — the latter in the form of a two-day intensive family program — along with addiction education, life skills coaching, and relapse prevention.

Treatment also includes neurofeedback, cranial electrotherapy stimulation, cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), equine therapy, eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR), regular exercise and yoga, mindfulness and meditation, breath work, and journaling. According to the facility’s website, every resident follows an individualized plan that combines elements of each of these therapies.

Finally, treatment at Ripple Recovery Ranch includes a year of aftercare. In this program, alumni meet twice per week at the facility, and staff are available to talk to alumni as needed.


According to information provided by the facility, the staff includes counselors and has a 1:4 staff-to-counselor ratio.


Ripple Recovery is located on a 20-acre private and secluded facility in the country outside of San Antonio, TX. The facility can accommodate up to 12 adult clients at a time in shared rooms. The campus features a swimming pool, gym, yoga classes, volleyball court, meditative koi pond, and miniature horses. The facility also provides nutritious gourmet meals daily.


At the time of this writing, there have been five alumni who have submitted reviews to Four of the five respondents provided positive ratings regarding the facility. All four gave five out of five stars for treatment effectiveness, accommodations & amenities, and meals & nutrition. One alum, Dave, especially liked the attention given to him by the counseling staff. He wrote, “Ripple's 12 patient maximum, 1 to 4 counsellor/patient ratio is more than wonderful. I would recommend RR Recovery to anyone who is looking for a start to a better/sober way of living.” Another respondent, L.B. did not provide any ratings of the facility but did comment, “Staff great. Owners not so much... They seem to go out of their way to avoid you. Always looked guilty, like they were hiding something.”

On the facility’s Google page, there is an overall rating of 4.2 out of five stars based on five total reviews.[1] The reviewers all gave very positive reviews of the facility except for one respondent who left a one star review. The reviewer, J.L, who gave one star, wrote, “Ripple Ranch is a sad joke. The name alone speaks VOLUMES !” Another reviewer, Z.Z., did not agree with this review. He gave a five star rating and wrote, “Ripple uses the latest scientific technology to improve addiction outcomes. Great staff, great Doctor.”


At the time of this writing there has been one friend of a client polled by The friend, S.M., provided very positive feedback regarding the facility including five out of five stars for the quality of addiction treatment, accommodations & amenities, and meals & nutrition.

S.M. was not involved in helping the client pay for treatment, did not visit the client during treatment (because the facility did not allow personal visits), but did stay in regular contact with the client. The loved one indicated that family members were allowed to participate in treatment offerings through the Family Education Weekend.

S.M. gave five out of five stars for the facility’s counseling options, staff support, cleanliness and maintenance, and amount of family involvement in treatment. S.M.’s friend received after care support and S.M. agreed that their loved one benefitted from the care received at the facility including an increase in self-awareness and life skills such as the ability to handle stress, anger, and anxiety.

Overall, S.M. would recommend this facility to a friend or loved one who was considering rehab and gave an overall score of five out of five stars.


Ripple Recovery Ranch is a private pay treatment facility. The cost of treatment is $750 per day, $22,500 per month, and $64,500 total for the 90 day program. According to information provided to by the facility leadership, Ripple does not accept insurance or offer financial assistance.


Published on July 2017

Do you work at this facility? Let us know if we missed something! ","I just left Ripple Recovery Ranch on Oct 4. It is the best place in the world to get treatment for whatever your addiction is. I learned so much from the staff and the other clients. They treat every aspect in a very professional way. I encourage anyone to check it out!!!!!",30716,"2018-01-08 09:48:40","Ripple Recovery Ranch" 374,"2018-01-09 13:10:12",Executive,4243,"2018-01-09 13:10:12","2098 Texas Oaks",78070,,,"4.4 of 5",84,84,96,"

Ripple Ranch at Austin, located in Spring Branch, Texas, offers Non-12-step residential treatment to adults struggling with substance abuse and dependence. The facility is a residential rehab set on a 20-acre Hill Country estate between Austin and San Antonio, Texas. The center offers highly individualized evidence-based care and includes a 12-month aftercare program. Detox services are available but not on-site.

The cornerstones of Ripple Ranch at Austin’s treatment program are evidence-based therapies, integrated treatment, and a focus on co-occurring disorders .

The basic components of the program are individual, group, and family therapies — the latter in the form of a two-day intensive family program — along with addiction education, life skills coaching, and relapse prevention.

Treatment also includes neurofeedback, cranial electrotherapy stimulation, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Equine Assisted Mindfulness Group, Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR), regular exercise and yoga, Tai Chi mindfulness and meditation, breath work, and expressive writing. According to the facility’s website, every resident follows an individualized plan that combines elements of each of these therapies.

Finally, treatment at Ripple Ranch at Austin includes a year of aftercare. A Client Care Coordinator is available to speak with alumni as needed.



Ripple Recovery Ranch, located in Spring Branch, Texas, offers residential treatment to adults struggling with substance abuse. The facility is a luxury residential rehab set on 20 acres in the hill country between Austin and San Antonio, Texas. The center offers highly individualized evidence-based care and includes a 12-month aftercare program. Detox services are not available on site.


The cornerstones of Ripple Recovery’s treatment program are evidence-based therapies, holistic treatment, and a focus on co-occurring disorders while following the 12-Step approach to recovery.

The basic components of the program are individual, group, and family therapies — the latter in the form of a two-day intensive family program — along with addiction education, life skills coaching, and relapse prevention.

Treatment also includes neurofeedback, cranial electrotherapy stimulation, cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), equine therapy, eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR), regular exercise and yoga, mindfulness and meditation, breath work, and journaling. According to the facility’s website, every resident follows an individualized plan that combines elements of each of these therapies.

Finally, treatment at Ripple Recovery Ranch includes a year of aftercare. In this program, alumni meet twice per week at the facility, and staff are available to talk to alumni as needed.


According to information provided by the facility, the staff includes counselors and has a 1:4 staff-to-counselor ratio.


Ripple Recovery is located on a 20-acre private and secluded facility in the country outside of San Antonio, TX. The facility can accommodate up to 12 adult clients at a time in shared rooms. The campus features a swimming pool, gym, yoga classes, volleyball court, meditative koi pond, and miniature horses. The facility also provides nutritious gourmet meals daily.


At the time of this writing, there have been five alumni who have submitted reviews to Four of the five respondents provided positive ratings regarding the facility. All four gave five out of five stars for treatment effectiveness, accommodations & amenities, and meals & nutrition. One alum, Dave, especially liked the attention given to him by the counseling staff. He wrote, “Ripple's 12 patient maximum, 1 to 4 counsellor/patient ratio is more than wonderful. I would recommend RR Recovery to anyone who is looking for a start to a better/sober way of living.” Another respondent, L.B. did not provide any ratings of the facility but did comment, “Staff great. Owners not so much... They seem to go out of their way to avoid you. Always looked guilty, like they were hiding something.”

On the facility’s Google page, there is an overall rating of 4.2 out of five stars based on five total reviews.[1] The reviewers all gave very positive reviews of the facility except for one respondent who left a one star review. The reviewer, J.L, who gave one star, wrote, “Ripple Ranch is a sad joke. The name alone speaks VOLUMES !” Another reviewer, Z.Z., did not agree with this review. He gave a five star rating and wrote, “Ripple uses the latest scientific technology to improve addiction outcomes. Great staff, great Doctor.”


At the time of this writing there has been one friend of a client polled by The friend, S.M., provided very positive feedback regarding the facility including five out of five stars for the quality of addiction treatment, accommodations & amenities, and meals & nutrition.

S.M. was not involved in helping the client pay for treatment, did not visit the client during treatment (because the facility did not allow personal visits), but did stay in regular contact with the client. The loved one indicated that family members were allowed to participate in treatment offerings through the Family Education Weekend.

S.M. gave five out of five stars for the facility’s counseling options, staff support, cleanliness and maintenance, and amount of family involvement in treatment. S.M.’s friend received after care support and S.M. agreed that their loved one benefitted from the care received at the facility including an increase in self-awareness and life skills such as the ability to handle stress, anger, and anxiety.

Overall, S.M. would recommend this facility to a friend or loved one who was considering rehab and gave an overall score of five out of five stars.


Ripple Recovery Ranch is a private pay treatment facility. The cost of treatment is $750 per day, $22,500 per month, and $64,500 total for the 90 day program. According to information provided to by the facility leadership, Ripple does not accept insurance or offer financial assistance.


Published on July 2017

Do you work at this facility? Let us know if we missed something! ","I just left Ripple Recovery Ranch on Oct 4. It is the best place in the world to get treatment for whatever your addiction is. I learned so much from the staff and the other clients. They treat every aspect in a very professional way. I encourage anyone to check it out!!!!!",30716,"2018-01-08 09:48:40","Ripple Recovery Ranch" 375,"2018-01-09 13:49:52",Luxury,4590,"2018-01-09 13:49:52","11711 North Lamar Blvd",78753,,,,0,0,0,"

Our mission is to provide clients with the best substance abuse detoxification therapies available.
Nearly 70 percent of people entering addiction treatment have a mental issue and often it's previously undiagnosed. Our goal is to stabilize each client so they are both physically and mentally prepared to participate in the next stage of recovery.

Our substance abuse detox is based on proven addiction treatment methods, including strategies and principles that encourage quality of life. All detox treatment plans are highly individualized based on the specific needs and circumstances of each client.

Our detox facility offers luxury accommodations, chef-prepared meals at any time and a quiet, tranquil location for clients to rest.

Our addiction treatment professionals, counselors, and coordinators have the experience and expertise to help encourage trust and instill the values associated with the addiction recovery process for every client.



In August 2016, Briarwood Detox opened its doors to individuals struggling with addiction. Located in Austin, Texas, the center provides inpatient detox and stabilization services for adults. According to its website, the center treats addictions to most substances, including alcohol, heroin, cocaine, methamphetamine, and prescription drugs.


According to the center’s website, all clients first undergo a comprehensive assessment, which includes a physical exam and drug screening. Following this assessment, clients are given an estimate for how long they can expect to remain in treatment. Length of stay varies, but most individuals remain on-site for between three and 14 days.

During their stay, clients are prescribed medications to help ease the symptoms of withdrawal. Individual and group counseling are used alongside medication management, and a case manager is assigned to each client to provide individualized guidance and support for involved family members. Once their detox is complete, clients often move on to another residential or outpatient treatment facility.


According to its website, the center employs a 24-hour staff that includes addiction treatment professionals, counselors, coordinators, and case managers.


According to a local news report, the treatment facility is located on one acre of land and houses up to 15 individuals at a time. Trees and landscaped lawns surround the recently renovated residence, which includes a shaded patio. As many as three clients share one of the center’s bedrooms, all of which are minimally furnished and decorated with vibrant linens and artwork. Clients are provided with meals prepared by an on-site chef.

REVIEWS has not yet received any reviews from this facility’s alumni, affiliated friends or family members, or staff. Briarwood Detox maintains an active Facebook page, but it does not currently include any reviews.


According to its website, Briarwood Detox works with many private insurance companies, including Aetna, Blue Cross Blue Shield, and Cigna.

Updated May 2017

Published on June 2017

Do you work at this facility? Let us know if we missed something! ","Briarwood is a new facility and I have not yet had direct experience with it. But, I know their leadership and would expect their work to be excellent. I know the careful, professional thought that went into the design, construction and furnishing of the facility. I would send anyone I was close to there for treatment!",32681,"2018-01-08 10:37:48","Briarwood Detox" 376,"2018-01-09 13:49:52",Private/Secluded,4590,"2018-01-09 13:49:52","11711 North Lamar Blvd",78753,,,,0,0,0,"

Our mission is to provide clients with the best substance abuse detoxification therapies available.
Nearly 70 percent of people entering addiction treatment have a mental issue and often it's previously undiagnosed. Our goal is to stabilize each client so they are both physically and mentally prepared to participate in the next stage of recovery.

Our substance abuse detox is based on proven addiction treatment methods, including strategies and principles that encourage quality of life. All detox treatment plans are highly individualized based on the specific needs and circumstances of each client.

Our detox facility offers luxury accommodations, chef-prepared meals at any time and a quiet, tranquil location for clients to rest.

Our addiction treatment professionals, counselors, and coordinators have the experience and expertise to help encourage trust and instill the values associated with the addiction recovery process for every client.



In August 2016, Briarwood Detox opened its doors to individuals struggling with addiction. Located in Austin, Texas, the center provides inpatient detox and stabilization services for adults. According to its website, the center treats addictions to most substances, including alcohol, heroin, cocaine, methamphetamine, and prescription drugs.


According to the center’s website, all clients first undergo a comprehensive assessment, which includes a physical exam and drug screening. Following this assessment, clients are given an estimate for how long they can expect to remain in treatment. Length of stay varies, but most individuals remain on-site for between three and 14 days.

During their stay, clients are prescribed medications to help ease the symptoms of withdrawal. Individual and group counseling are used alongside medication management, and a case manager is assigned to each client to provide individualized guidance and support for involved family members. Once their detox is complete, clients often move on to another residential or outpatient treatment facility.


According to its website, the center employs a 24-hour staff that includes addiction treatment professionals, counselors, coordinators, and case managers.


According to a local news report, the treatment facility is located on one acre of land and houses up to 15 individuals at a time. Trees and landscaped lawns surround the recently renovated residence, which includes a shaded patio. As many as three clients share one of the center’s bedrooms, all of which are minimally furnished and decorated with vibrant linens and artwork. Clients are provided with meals prepared by an on-site chef.

REVIEWS has not yet received any reviews from this facility’s alumni, affiliated friends or family members, or staff. Briarwood Detox maintains an active Facebook page, but it does not currently include any reviews.


According to its website, Briarwood Detox works with many private insurance companies, including Aetna, Blue Cross Blue Shield, and Cigna.

Updated May 2017

Published on June 2017

Do you work at this facility? Let us know if we missed something! ","Briarwood is a new facility and I have not yet had direct experience with it. But, I know their leadership and would expect their work to be excellent. I know the careful, professional thought that went into the design, construction and furnishing of the facility. I would send anyone I was close to there for treatment!",32681,"2018-01-08 10:37:48","Briarwood Detox" 377,"2018-01-09 14:01:51",Private/Secluded,4699,"2018-01-09 14:01:51","556 Washington Ave Suite 201",06473,,,"5 of 5",100,100,100,"

Live in Connecticut and need to stay home, at work, in school, in your own bed, around your own family, and with your dog, while learning to change your life? Returning from inpatient treatment and are in need of a home transition? Aware Recovery Care believes that addiction treatment is best treated in the home environment. Designed in concert with Yale Addiction Psychiatrists, Aware Recovery Care is one of a kind. Intensive addiction treatment is provided in-home for a full year. Aware Recovery Care provides a true person centered multi-disciplinary team for each client. We help our clients learn the new skills and daily habits they must have to lead lives free of alcohol and/or drugs - in the comfort and privacy of the homes and communities where they live in Connecticut. Our unique treatment approach provides comprehensive care from a multi-disciplinary team of clinicians led by an Addiction Psychiatrist. Aware Recovery Care delivers unique and individualized face-to-face care, allowing people to “Recover Where You Live"". We help our clients develop and master the skills necessary for lifelong recovery. Aware Recovery Care provides the intensity and structure of an inpatient facility, with the freedom of an outpatient facility. The ARC program can be provided before, after, in addition to, or in lieu of traditional treatments. Give us a year, and get your life back!



Headquartered in North Haven, Conn., and serving clients throughout Connecticut and New Hampshire, Aware Recovery Care (ARC) is an evidence-based drug and alcohol addiction rehabilitation program for adults and adolescents. Building on an initial pilot program led by a Yale Medical School psychiatrist, ARC offers a one-year outpatient program in which clients receive treatment in their own homes and communities. Clients come from an array of backgrounds, including clients with young family obligations, individuals transitioning out of inpatient treatment, corporate executives and licensed professionals, and students.


ARC treats addiction as a chronic disease needing ongoing, whole-person rehabilitative care. Before beginning a highly individualized recovery program, each client meets with a staff psychiatrist and undergoes a physical exam at their home. If detox is necessary, the treatment staff provides a referral and manages arrangements. Over the course of the year that follows, a certified recovery advisor (CRA) meets regularly with the client to coordinate medical assessment, therapies, support group strengthening, and collaboration with existing clinicians.

The CRA facilitates a holistic curriculum which may involve cognitive behavioral or dialectical behavior therapy, trauma counseling, and engagement in wellness services such as yoga and acupuncture, and medication assisted therapy. Clients may be accompanied by their CRA to initial 12-step meetings and other appointments. Clients may also opt into random substance use screenings and a GPS tracking system.

Family involvement is emphasized and supported throughout the recovery process. A family therapist guides both the client and their loved ones by teaching healthy communication between loved ones.

Depending on individual circumstances, clients typically meet with their advisor every day in the beginning and then step down in frequency through successive stages of recovery.


The CRA is trained in understanding several therapeutic modalities. They coordinate sessions with the ARC network of board certified addiction psychiatrists, master’s level family therapists, registered nurses, case managers, registered dietitians, and any other members of the multidisciplinary team specially assembled to serve each client.


Feedback from the four alumni polled by to date is highly positive. The four on average rated ARC highest for its staff's level of training and experience at a perfect five stars; followed by family participation, counseling options, and holistic treatment offerings at 4.75 stars; and connectivity/visitor policy and cleanliness at 4.7 stars. No alum offered any criticisms in their reviews, although one did note the absence of group therapy and all four rated the facility three stars for its 12-step and faith-based practices.

In comments, clients praised ARC for its flexible, highly individualized treatment program and the compassionate, helpful staff. Alum J.H. wrote: ""They helped me build my credit, they helped me clothes shop for a new job, they were right by my side."" However, alum T.B. did comment on the lack of group therapy, writing: ""The facility does not have groups and is only one on one. I don't consider this a weakness, however after being at so many treatment centers I have become accustomed to group therapy.""


Three loved ones of ARC alumni also provided strong recommendations. One loved one polled by to date rated the facility four and five out of five stars in all 15 metrics measured, rating it five stars in counseling options and staff's level of experience. Two loved ones polled on Yelp alongside five other reviewers to date rated the facility a perfect five stars.[1]

All three noted that their children had tried other treatment programs before Aware. In a Yelp review, Rob wrote: “They helped my son who had struggled with opiate addiction for 20 years. He is now the pride and joy of our family.”[1] The parents described the home approach as life changing and good for their families. One parent polled by gave five out of five stars for metrics measuring staff experience and four for affordability.


One anonymous staff member polled by to date rated ARC a perfect five stars in professionalism, counseling options, and cleanliness. The former loved one turned staff member wrote: ""my husband was able to learn to be comfortable in the home and in the environment that he was told to stay away from - and now he is back and the entire family has learned to be a supportive system rather than something that adds to the chaos.""

On Indeed, a family systems liaison and certified recovery advisor currently working at ARC to date rated the facility four and five out of five stars, respectively.[2] Both employees praised ARC's compassionate staff and culture, with the liaison writing: ""The staff is the most amazing group of people I have ever met. They dynamic is incredible/powerful and extremely effective in reaching our mission.""


According to the facility’s website, Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield of Connecticut and New Hampshire cover treatment in-network. Several other private insurance plans are also accepted. Clients may self-pay, and the staff will assist in connections with recommended lender programs.


Published on October 2017

Do you work at this facility? Let us know if we missed something! ","We contacted Aware and were impressed with their experience with addiction philosophy of a one-year period of treatment, in-home. We loved that Aware kept us informed of the issues being worked on and resolved one by one. I’ll admit that we were concerned with the cost of the program, but what price is too much when your son or daughter’s life is at stake? We choose to look at the fee as if it was a 5th year of college. We thank Aware for giving us back our son and helping Jonathan to reclaim his life from drugs & alcohol.",34644,"2018-01-08 11:24:18","Aware Recovery Care Home Based Addiction Treatment in Connecticut" 378,"2018-01-09 14:01:51","Residential Neighborhood",4699,"2018-01-09 14:01:51","556 Washington Ave Suite 201",06473,,,"5 of 5",100,100,100,"

Live in Connecticut and need to stay home, at work, in school, in your own bed, around your own family, and with your dog, while learning to change your life? Returning from inpatient treatment and are in need of a home transition? Aware Recovery Care believes that addiction treatment is best treated in the home environment. Designed in concert with Yale Addiction Psychiatrists, Aware Recovery Care is one of a kind. Intensive addiction treatment is provided in-home for a full year. Aware Recovery Care provides a true person centered multi-disciplinary team for each client. We help our clients learn the new skills and daily habits they must have to lead lives free of alcohol and/or drugs - in the comfort and privacy of the homes and communities where they live in Connecticut. Our unique treatment approach provides comprehensive care from a multi-disciplinary team of clinicians led by an Addiction Psychiatrist. Aware Recovery Care delivers unique and individualized face-to-face care, allowing people to “Recover Where You Live"". We help our clients develop and master the skills necessary for lifelong recovery. Aware Recovery Care provides the intensity and structure of an inpatient facility, with the freedom of an outpatient facility. The ARC program can be provided before, after, in addition to, or in lieu of traditional treatments. Give us a year, and get your life back!



Headquartered in North Haven, Conn., and serving clients throughout Connecticut and New Hampshire, Aware Recovery Care (ARC) is an evidence-based drug and alcohol addiction rehabilitation program for adults and adolescents. Building on an initial pilot program led by a Yale Medical School psychiatrist, ARC offers a one-year outpatient program in which clients receive treatment in their own homes and communities. Clients come from an array of backgrounds, including clients with young family obligations, individuals transitioning out of inpatient treatment, corporate executives and licensed professionals, and students.


ARC treats addiction as a chronic disease needing ongoing, whole-person rehabilitative care. Before beginning a highly individualized recovery program, each client meets with a staff psychiatrist and undergoes a physical exam at their home. If detox is necessary, the treatment staff provides a referral and manages arrangements. Over the course of the year that follows, a certified recovery advisor (CRA) meets regularly with the client to coordinate medical assessment, therapies, support group strengthening, and collaboration with existing clinicians.

The CRA facilitates a holistic curriculum which may involve cognitive behavioral or dialectical behavior therapy, trauma counseling, and engagement in wellness services such as yoga and acupuncture, and medication assisted therapy. Clients may be accompanied by their CRA to initial 12-step meetings and other appointments. Clients may also opt into random substance use screenings and a GPS tracking system.

Family involvement is emphasized and supported throughout the recovery process. A family therapist guides both the client and their loved ones by teaching healthy communication between loved ones.

Depending on individual circumstances, clients typically meet with their advisor every day in the beginning and then step down in frequency through successive stages of recovery.


The CRA is trained in understanding several therapeutic modalities. They coordinate sessions with the ARC network of board certified addiction psychiatrists, master’s level family therapists, registered nurses, case managers, registered dietitians, and any other members of the multidisciplinary team specially assembled to serve each client.


Feedback from the four alumni polled by to date is highly positive. The four on average rated ARC highest for its staff's level of training and experience at a perfect five stars; followed by family participation, counseling options, and holistic treatment offerings at 4.75 stars; and connectivity/visitor policy and cleanliness at 4.7 stars. No alum offered any criticisms in their reviews, although one did note the absence of group therapy and all four rated the facility three stars for its 12-step and faith-based practices.

In comments, clients praised ARC for its flexible, highly individualized treatment program and the compassionate, helpful staff. Alum J.H. wrote: ""They helped me build my credit, they helped me clothes shop for a new job, they were right by my side."" However, alum T.B. did comment on the lack of group therapy, writing: ""The facility does not have groups and is only one on one. I don't consider this a weakness, however after being at so many treatment centers I have become accustomed to group therapy.""


Three loved ones of ARC alumni also provided strong recommendations. One loved one polled by to date rated the facility four and five out of five stars in all 15 metrics measured, rating it five stars in counseling options and staff's level of experience. Two loved ones polled on Yelp alongside five other reviewers to date rated the facility a perfect five stars.[1]

All three noted that their children had tried other treatment programs before Aware. In a Yelp review, Rob wrote: “They helped my son who had struggled with opiate addiction for 20 years. He is now the pride and joy of our family.”[1] The parents described the home approach as life changing and good for their families. One parent polled by gave five out of five stars for metrics measuring staff experience and four for affordability.


One anonymous staff member polled by to date rated ARC a perfect five stars in professionalism, counseling options, and cleanliness. The former loved one turned staff member wrote: ""my husband was able to learn to be comfortable in the home and in the environment that he was told to stay away from - and now he is back and the entire family has learned to be a supportive system rather than something that adds to the chaos.""

On Indeed, a family systems liaison and certified recovery advisor currently working at ARC to date rated the facility four and five out of five stars, respectively.[2] Both employees praised ARC's compassionate staff and culture, with the liaison writing: ""The staff is the most amazing group of people I have ever met. They dynamic is incredible/powerful and extremely effective in reaching our mission.""


According to the facility’s website, Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield of Connecticut and New Hampshire cover treatment in-network. Several other private insurance plans are also accepted. Clients may self-pay, and the staff will assist in connections with recommended lender programs.


Published on October 2017

Do you work at this facility? Let us know if we missed something! ","We contacted Aware and were impressed with their experience with addiction philosophy of a one-year period of treatment, in-home. We loved that Aware kept us informed of the issues being worked on and resolved one by one. I’ll admit that we were concerned with the cost of the program, but what price is too much when your son or daughter’s life is at stake? We choose to look at the fee as if it was a 5th year of college. We thank Aware for giving us back our son and helping Jonathan to reclaim his life from drugs & alcohol.",34644,"2018-01-08 11:24:18","Aware Recovery Care Home Based Addiction Treatment in Connecticut" 379,"2018-01-09 14:01:51",Executive,4699,"2018-01-09 14:01:51","556 Washington Ave Suite 201",06473,,,"5 of 5",100,100,100,"

Live in Connecticut and need to stay home, at work, in school, in your own bed, around your own family, and with your dog, while learning to change your life? Returning from inpatient treatment and are in need of a home transition? Aware Recovery Care believes that addiction treatment is best treated in the home environment. Designed in concert with Yale Addiction Psychiatrists, Aware Recovery Care is one of a kind. Intensive addiction treatment is provided in-home for a full year. Aware Recovery Care provides a true person centered multi-disciplinary team for each client. We help our clients learn the new skills and daily habits they must have to lead lives free of alcohol and/or drugs - in the comfort and privacy of the homes and communities where they live in Connecticut. Our unique treatment approach provides comprehensive care from a multi-disciplinary team of clinicians led by an Addiction Psychiatrist. Aware Recovery Care delivers unique and individualized face-to-face care, allowing people to “Recover Where You Live"". We help our clients develop and master the skills necessary for lifelong recovery. Aware Recovery Care provides the intensity and structure of an inpatient facility, with the freedom of an outpatient facility. The ARC program can be provided before, after, in addition to, or in lieu of traditional treatments. Give us a year, and get your life back!



Headquartered in North Haven, Conn., and serving clients throughout Connecticut and New Hampshire, Aware Recovery Care (ARC) is an evidence-based drug and alcohol addiction rehabilitation program for adults and adolescents. Building on an initial pilot program led by a Yale Medical School psychiatrist, ARC offers a one-year outpatient program in which clients receive treatment in their own homes and communities. Clients come from an array of backgrounds, including clients with young family obligations, individuals transitioning out of inpatient treatment, corporate executives and licensed professionals, and students.


ARC treats addiction as a chronic disease needing ongoing, whole-person rehabilitative care. Before beginning a highly individualized recovery program, each client meets with a staff psychiatrist and undergoes a physical exam at their home. If detox is necessary, the treatment staff provides a referral and manages arrangements. Over the course of the year that follows, a certified recovery advisor (CRA) meets regularly with the client to coordinate medical assessment, therapies, support group strengthening, and collaboration with existing clinicians.

The CRA facilitates a holistic curriculum which may involve cognitive behavioral or dialectical behavior therapy, trauma counseling, and engagement in wellness services such as yoga and acupuncture, and medication assisted therapy. Clients may be accompanied by their CRA to initial 12-step meetings and other appointments. Clients may also opt into random substance use screenings and a GPS tracking system.

Family involvement is emphasized and supported throughout the recovery process. A family therapist guides both the client and their loved ones by teaching healthy communication between loved ones.

Depending on individual circumstances, clients typically meet with their advisor every day in the beginning and then step down in frequency through successive stages of recovery.


The CRA is trained in understanding several therapeutic modalities. They coordinate sessions with the ARC network of board certified addiction psychiatrists, master’s level family therapists, registered nurses, case managers, registered dietitians, and any other members of the multidisciplinary team specially assembled to serve each client.


Feedback from the four alumni polled by to date is highly positive. The four on average rated ARC highest for its staff's level of training and experience at a perfect five stars; followed by family participation, counseling options, and holistic treatment offerings at 4.75 stars; and connectivity/visitor policy and cleanliness at 4.7 stars. No alum offered any criticisms in their reviews, although one did note the absence of group therapy and all four rated the facility three stars for its 12-step and faith-based practices.

In comments, clients praised ARC for its flexible, highly individualized treatment program and the compassionate, helpful staff. Alum J.H. wrote: ""They helped me build my credit, they helped me clothes shop for a new job, they were right by my side."" However, alum T.B. did comment on the lack of group therapy, writing: ""The facility does not have groups and is only one on one. I don't consider this a weakness, however after being at so many treatment centers I have become accustomed to group therapy.""


Three loved ones of ARC alumni also provided strong recommendations. One loved one polled by to date rated the facility four and five out of five stars in all 15 metrics measured, rating it five stars in counseling options and staff's level of experience. Two loved ones polled on Yelp alongside five other reviewers to date rated the facility a perfect five stars.[1]

All three noted that their children had tried other treatment programs before Aware. In a Yelp review, Rob wrote: “They helped my son who had struggled with opiate addiction for 20 years. He is now the pride and joy of our family.”[1] The parents described the home approach as life changing and good for their families. One parent polled by gave five out of five stars for metrics measuring staff experience and four for affordability.


One anonymous staff member polled by to date rated ARC a perfect five stars in professionalism, counseling options, and cleanliness. The former loved one turned staff member wrote: ""my husband was able to learn to be comfortable in the home and in the environment that he was told to stay away from - and now he is back and the entire family has learned to be a supportive system rather than something that adds to the chaos.""

On Indeed, a family systems liaison and certified recovery advisor currently working at ARC to date rated the facility four and five out of five stars, respectively.[2] Both employees praised ARC's compassionate staff and culture, with the liaison writing: ""The staff is the most amazing group of people I have ever met. They dynamic is incredible/powerful and extremely effective in reaching our mission.""


According to the facility’s website, Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield of Connecticut and New Hampshire cover treatment in-network. Several other private insurance plans are also accepted. Clients may self-pay, and the staff will assist in connections with recommended lender programs.


Published on October 2017

Do you work at this facility? Let us know if we missed something! ","We contacted Aware and were impressed with their experience with addiction philosophy of a one-year period of treatment, in-home. We loved that Aware kept us informed of the issues being worked on and resolved one by one. I’ll admit that we were concerned with the cost of the program, but what price is too much when your son or daughter’s life is at stake? We choose to look at the fee as if it was a 5th year of college. We thank Aware for giving us back our son and helping Jonathan to reclaim his life from drugs & alcohol.",34644,"2018-01-08 11:24:18","Aware Recovery Care Home Based Addiction Treatment in Connecticut" 380,"2018-01-09 14:01:51","Average Location/Amenities",4699,"2018-01-09 14:01:51","556 Washington Ave Suite 201",06473,,,"5 of 5",100,100,100,"

Live in Connecticut and need to stay home, at work, in school, in your own bed, around your own family, and with your dog, while learning to change your life? Returning from inpatient treatment and are in need of a home transition? Aware Recovery Care believes that addiction treatment is best treated in the home environment. Designed in concert with Yale Addiction Psychiatrists, Aware Recovery Care is one of a kind. Intensive addiction treatment is provided in-home for a full year. Aware Recovery Care provides a true person centered multi-disciplinary team for each client. We help our clients learn the new skills and daily habits they must have to lead lives free of alcohol and/or drugs - in the comfort and privacy of the homes and communities where they live in Connecticut. Our unique treatment approach provides comprehensive care from a multi-disciplinary team of clinicians led by an Addiction Psychiatrist. Aware Recovery Care delivers unique and individualized face-to-face care, allowing people to “Recover Where You Live"". We help our clients develop and master the skills necessary for lifelong recovery. Aware Recovery Care provides the intensity and structure of an inpatient facility, with the freedom of an outpatient facility. The ARC program can be provided before, after, in addition to, or in lieu of traditional treatments. Give us a year, and get your life back!



Headquartered in North Haven, Conn., and serving clients throughout Connecticut and New Hampshire, Aware Recovery Care (ARC) is an evidence-based drug and alcohol addiction rehabilitation program for adults and adolescents. Building on an initial pilot program led by a Yale Medical School psychiatrist, ARC offers a one-year outpatient program in which clients receive treatment in their own homes and communities. Clients come from an array of backgrounds, including clients with young family obligations, individuals transitioning out of inpatient treatment, corporate executives and licensed professionals, and students.


ARC treats addiction as a chronic disease needing ongoing, whole-person rehabilitative care. Before beginning a highly individualized recovery program, each client meets with a staff psychiatrist and undergoes a physical exam at their home. If detox is necessary, the treatment staff provides a referral and manages arrangements. Over the course of the year that follows, a certified recovery advisor (CRA) meets regularly with the client to coordinate medical assessment, therapies, support group strengthening, and collaboration with existing clinicians.

The CRA facilitates a holistic curriculum which may involve cognitive behavioral or dialectical behavior therapy, trauma counseling, and engagement in wellness services such as yoga and acupuncture, and medication assisted therapy. Clients may be accompanied by their CRA to initial 12-step meetings and other appointments. Clients may also opt into random substance use screenings and a GPS tracking system.

Family involvement is emphasized and supported throughout the recovery process. A family therapist guides both the client and their loved ones by teaching healthy communication between loved ones.

Depending on individual circumstances, clients typically meet with their advisor every day in the beginning and then step down in frequency through successive stages of recovery.


The CRA is trained in understanding several therapeutic modalities. They coordinate sessions with the ARC network of board certified addiction psychiatrists, master’s level family therapists, registered nurses, case managers, registered dietitians, and any other members of the multidisciplinary team specially assembled to serve each client.


Feedback from the four alumni polled by to date is highly positive. The four on average rated ARC highest for its staff's level of training and experience at a perfect five stars; followed by family participation, counseling options, and holistic treatment offerings at 4.75 stars; and connectivity/visitor policy and cleanliness at 4.7 stars. No alum offered any criticisms in their reviews, although one did note the absence of group therapy and all four rated the facility three stars for its 12-step and faith-based practices.

In comments, clients praised ARC for its flexible, highly individualized treatment program and the compassionate, helpful staff. Alum J.H. wrote: ""They helped me build my credit, they helped me clothes shop for a new job, they were right by my side."" However, alum T.B. did comment on the lack of group therapy, writing: ""The facility does not have groups and is only one on one. I don't consider this a weakness, however after being at so many treatment centers I have become accustomed to group therapy.""


Three loved ones of ARC alumni also provided strong recommendations. One loved one polled by to date rated the facility four and five out of five stars in all 15 metrics measured, rating it five stars in counseling options and staff's level of experience. Two loved ones polled on Yelp alongside five other reviewers to date rated the facility a perfect five stars.[1]

All three noted that their children had tried other treatment programs before Aware. In a Yelp review, Rob wrote: “They helped my son who had struggled with opiate addiction for 20 years. He is now the pride and joy of our family.”[1] The parents described the home approach as life changing and good for their families. One parent polled by gave five out of five stars for metrics measuring staff experience and four for affordability.


One anonymous staff member polled by to date rated ARC a perfect five stars in professionalism, counseling options, and cleanliness. The former loved one turned staff member wrote: ""my husband was able to learn to be comfortable in the home and in the environment that he was told to stay away from - and now he is back and the entire family has learned to be a supportive system rather than something that adds to the chaos.""

On Indeed, a family systems liaison and certified recovery advisor currently working at ARC to date rated the facility four and five out of five stars, respectively.[2] Both employees praised ARC's compassionate staff and culture, with the liaison writing: ""The staff is the most amazing group of people I have ever met. They dynamic is incredible/powerful and extremely effective in reaching our mission.""


According to the facility’s website, Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield of Connecticut and New Hampshire cover treatment in-network. Several other private insurance plans are also accepted. Clients may self-pay, and the staff will assist in connections with recommended lender programs.


Published on October 2017

Do you work at this facility? Let us know if we missed something! ","We contacted Aware and were impressed with their experience with addiction philosophy of a one-year period of treatment, in-home. We loved that Aware kept us informed of the issues being worked on and resolved one by one. I’ll admit that we were concerned with the cost of the program, but what price is too much when your son or daughter’s life is at stake? We choose to look at the fee as if it was a 5th year of college. We thank Aware for giving us back our son and helping Jonathan to reclaim his life from drugs & alcohol.",34644,"2018-01-08 11:24:18","Aware Recovery Care Home Based Addiction Treatment in Connecticut" 381,"2018-01-09 14:02:52",Luxury,4709,"2018-01-09 14:02:52","104 Bayard Street",08901,,,"4.5 of 5",92,88,94,"

Substance Abuse Treatment and Counseling for Young Adults

SOBA College Recovery’s specific motivation is to help those in a community setting who may have a problem with substance abuse or other mental disorders commonly associated with substance abuse. At each phase of treatment, clients receive certain levels of care, with a gradual step-down process proven most effective for recovering adults in this phase of their lives. When enough trust is built, clients are stepped-down from their level of controlled supervision and given more responsibility and privilege. Throughout treatment, our clients are to receive personalized attention and therapeutic care for addiction and the underlying co-occurring disorders associated with drug abuse and mental health issues. The simple idea is that the more a client works through the program the more they become self-sufficient and learn to care more about their actions and take responsibility for their own futures.



Located next to Rutgers University in downtown New Brunswick, N.J., SOBA College Recovery offers residential and outpatient care for young adults dealing with substance abuse, process addictions, and co-occurring disorders including PTSD, depression, bipolar disorder, and more. Medical detox is not available on site. Aftercare planning services are also available through the treatment programs.


The treatment process at SOBA College Recovery begins with an assessment to identify any co-occurring disorders. A team of medical and clinical staff members evaluate each client, and collaborate with the client to identify and begin the best method for treatment. Clients can schedule evaluations by calling the facility’s office and working with an admissions coordinator. Clients can also be referred from other facilities.

Treatment consists of two components, residential and clinical treatment. The facility views substance abuse as the result of other behavioral issues rather than the cause. Therefore, treatment options are designed to treat the co-occurring conditions while treating substance abuse issues. 12-steps principles are used in treatments. These treatment methods also focus on long-term recovery and sobriety maintenance rather than providing a cure for each client’s condition. Treatment plans are individualized for each client.

Treatment follows a three-phase process. The initial phase focuses on establishing a recovery-focused lifestyle where clients break their involvement in various trigger activities that influence their substance abuse. The second phase focuses on teaching clients sober living and coping skills, as well as providing educational opportunities for various topics like substance abuse. The final phase focuses on transitioning out of the program and establishing a sober living lifestyle with the assistance on the program.

Clinical therapy, case management, and holistic health form the basis for treatments throughout the different phases. Clients participate in therapy sessions to identify problem behaviors and to understand how they influence each client’s substance abuse. Clients also participate in recreational and community culture based activities. Sports, dancing, social events, and community involvement are used to promote physical and social development in preparation for creating a sober lifestyle.

Family involvement is encouraged throughout the program and support services are available for family members. Family counseling can be made available as needed. Clients meet with aftercare planners to prepare for reintegration into the community once treatment is completed. Clients are encouraged to continue to participate in community-based recovery groups to promote sober living activities.


The treatment team at SIBA College Recovery consists of a board certified addictionologist, psychiatrist, clinical psychologist, licensed clinical social workers, licensed counselors, a nutrition and wellness coach, case managers, and a personal trainer. Various other activity leaders, group coordinators, and recreational therapy staff members are on hand to coordinate recovery activities. The facility is accredited by the Joint Commission and all staff members are credentialed accordingly.


No information regarding the accommodations and amenities at SOBA College Recovery is provided through its website.


At the time of this writing, has received feedback from six alumni about SOBA College Recovery. The feedback was positive.

Alumni complimented SOBA’s approach to aftercare and life after treatment. Alum Josh wrote: “College Recovery's long term model, and slow integration back into society are what make it stand out from other treatment centers.” Alum Sam noted that the facility “help them ensure long term success and stability.”

Alumni also appreciated the staff. Of the two alumni surveyed about the background and experience of the staff, both gave five out of five stars. Alum Michael commented about the “staff enthusiasm” while alum Kerian indicated that the staff “they made me feel like a part of a family.”

On Facebook, SOBA College Recovery earned 4.8 out of five stars from 51 reviews to date. [1] 46 of the reviews offered five out of five star ratings. Most of the reviews highlighted the program’s relationship with Rutgers University and the effectiveness of its methods. “This is such a great step and is well needed in the college setting,” alum Doris wrote. “Students are sometimes alone in situations like addiction, to know there's a program around to support them while they continue their studies is priceless.”

On Google, the facility received five out of five stars from 12 reviews. [2] Alumni credited the facility with their sobriety and giving their lives a focus. In a representative review, alum Shane wrote: “ The staff at both the housing and clinical facility are top notch. They care deeply about the clients and do everything in their power to help them excel in both their personal lives and path to recovery. SOBA College Recovery changed my life, and I am glad to know it will continue to change the lives of addicts for years to come.”


One loved one has provided feedback about SOBA College Recovery to to date. The feedback was neutral to negative.

The reviewer gave three out of five stars for meals and nutrition, exercise opportunities, connectivity, family participation, and affordability. However, the loved one only gave one out of five stars for treatment effectiveness, the facility’s holistic offerings, and counseling options. “When we talked on phone and chose this facility they told us how they were a leading facility in dual diagnosis and this was just the place for our son,” parent Michael wrote. “They said he would have a psyche exam immediately upon arrival and still nothing after five days....not even a One on one with a counselor!”


At the time of this writing, one staff member has provided feedback about SOBA College Recovery to The feedback was positive, with five out of five stars given for treatment effectiveness, accommodations and amenities, and meals and nutrition.

The staff member appreciated the environment where staff were “working as a team.” Additionally, the staff member, Ashley, noted that the facility’s “model is so much different than most current programs in this area.” She added that there is a holistic focus that includes: “making their first resume or getting back into college (or going for the first time), talking with estranged family or regaining custody of their children, handling legal issues, finding new hobbies or career paths and simply stating clean in the process.”


Treatment costs at SOBA College Recovery are divided by the types of programs available. Residential treatment costs are generally not covered by insurance. Clinical treatment costs are generally covered and are billed separately from residential costs. Insurance plans are accepted, but specific plans or types are not specified. Self-pay is available through certified and personal checks, direct deposit, credit cards, and debit cards (Mastercard, Visa, American Express, and Discover).

The facility’s website indicates that insurance is accepted, but does not specify which policies. Financing and payment plan options are also available.


Published on December 2017

Do you work at this facility? Let us know if we missed something! ","If you’re on this site looking for help in a dire situation (maybe for yourself or a loved one) you have come to the right place. Let me fill you in on my story! My son R— is a 23-year-old boy who has been suffering addiction for the past six years. At first, I was in total denial about reality. After his whole mind, body and soul started getting infected by this disease, I had no other choice but to acknowledge his pain and suffering and try to help him out as any mother would. Believe it or not trying to get him into treatment was when my real trouble started! Trying to find a truly caring facility was a downright nightmare and a disaster! So that you understand: my son has been through more than 15 treatment facilities. Here is just a portion of our story: The first facility that I “chose” for R— was not really my choice. The insurance company dictated where and for how long my son was to go and recover! How sad that day was for me and my family, and also for our son, to learn he only qualified for a five-day detox (which did nothing by the way). When I spoke to the facility, their first question was what kind of insurance do you carry and that we were responsible for everything insurance didn’t cover. I started to shake, cry, and I felt alone with this family disease that I was not prepared for or educated to battle. Now, the first place I took my son wanted money first instead of worrying about my son’s well being. The addiction continued to grow fast and furiously. R— grew into it. Again, I tried calling every type of facility from New Jersey, New York, Florida, and Pennsylvania trying to find an “open bed” that would take him. All the staff cared about was the money and not my son. We sent him to what we thought was a good program in Florida, and after the twenty-eight days of the PHP phase, they put my son in a halfway house that was filthy, dirty, smelled, and–to top it off–was next to a motel where dealers would try to entice him. After my son relapsed again–because of the poor treatment offered at the facility and their incompetent help–he was told to leave. This literally happened: R— was left on a side of a road in Florida, 1300 miles from home with no food, water, money, shelter or phone to call his family! He wanted recovery, however. So on his own he somehow got another facility to pick him up and house him. R— then was able to contact me. As you could only imagine my concern now was that my son was alone and suffering in this lion’s den of crap! I called the facility where R— had been told to leave and the director yelled at me and said, “You are R—’s problem, not R—!!!!” After, many unpleasant exchanges of words, I tried to get a hold of my son. The new facility was run by a young man. When I was asking him questions and started interviewing him, I found him not to be trustworthy. Some weeks went by with very little or no communication with R— or staff. I began to get very hyper about jumping on a plane and going to Florida to go get him, but I didn’t even know where he was! Well, my questions were soon answered. My worst fears were realized. A hospital called on my cell phone, but the details were sketchy about what was really happening to R—. After a nervous hour went and my entire family broke into tears when we found out R— had overdosed. There were many questions that needed to be answered about how this happened to a young boy supposedly being taken care of at a top notch facility. For instance: Why did the hospital have to take charge and have the responsibility of calling me and not the treatment center? My phone rang with a boy saying, “Are you R— mother?” “Oh my God, Yes! Who are you?” He told me his name and explained that the DRIVER(!) employed by the new facility (where R— was going to be SAFE,) had injected R— with too much heroin. R— then fell to the floor and stopped breathing! Now a driver is part of the problem too?!! All of these incompetent facilities should lose their license once and for all. When will this ever end and where are the caring facilities?! We brought our son home, but still suffering from active addiction. Finally, it happened that I spoke to a good friend of mine whose son was R—‘s friend since he was fifteen and had suffered with the same problem. She told me about a facility called SOBA College Recovery. She gave me the name of a man who ran the facility called Philip Chasin. I spoke with him. He promised to help me. He came immediately to our home with another tech. They came to my house quietly, lovingly and with open hearts and minds. My husband and I felt a great weight lifted off of our family. Phillip asked us to leave the room as he took right over and spoke with R— softly. By the time we were asked to come back into the room, R— began packing his clothes WILLINGLY. (Finally, a well-run program!) As treatment facilities goes, SOBA College Recovery is so loving and caring. It is A TRUE healthy environment for R— (and their other clients) to be in. They offer not only top notch experience, but the treatment is second to none! The structure and counselors that work with the clients and their families, open up a special balance between work, school, home, and family life like NO OTHER treatment facility. SOBA College Recovery has the capability, compassion and commitment that you won’t find anywhere else! Please read and BELIEVE there is an answer to your addiction. It’s called, “SOBA College Recovery.” R— is clean and sober. He has the light back in him and it is shining brighter than ever! He is back to furthering his education and working! My son again is smiling, optimistic, happy and healthy! We are ALL a healthy family once more! Thank you SOBA College Recovery and Staff!",34676,"2018-01-08 11:25:02","SOBA College Recovery" 382,"2018-01-09 15:00:45",Private/Secluded,5205,"2018-01-09 15:00:45","1100 E Northampton St",18706,,,"4.4 of 5",86,88,90,"

Our patients and their families are our most valuable resource. We are dedicated to act on their behalf and to always advocate for their best interests. We must therefore adhere to the position of never compromising patient care for any reason. We believe in putting our patients first.
Clearbrook Treatment Centers treats chemical dependency as a disease, providing supportive, immediate care to those suffering from addiction, and their family members. The 12-step based treatment model is administered in a tranquil, rural setting in conjuction with an individualized treatment plan, based on each patient's needs.
Our co-ed facility admits patients who are at least 18 years old, and have sufficient physical, cognitive and behavioral skills to effectively participate in the therapy offered, and not pose an obstacle to the personal safety and recovery efforts of others in the program.



Founded in 1972, Clearbrook Treatment Centers is a 501c3 not-for-profit organization that operates Clearbrook Manor and its affiliated family program. Clearbrook Manor, located on the outskirts of the township of Wilkes-Barre, 20 miles southwest of Scranton, offers sub-acute, medically monitored detox and residential treatment for individuals aged 18+ who are struggling with alcoholism and chemical dependency.


The program lasts 28 days in total, including detox that’s monitored 24/7 by nurses. The center’s treatment philosophy follows the 12-Steps, and holds that alcoholism and chemical dependency are primary diseases.

Clients participate in individual and group therapy, including special-needs and gender-specific groups, plus lectures and discussions. They also attend Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) or Narcotics Anonymous (NA) meetings daily, both on campus and off-site. Loved ones are encouraged to attend the weekend-long family program, which offers counseling, education, 12-step facilitation, and other therapeutic activities. In addition, there’s an adventure-based program for individuals ages 18 to 27. This program, called Sober Canyon, incorporates intensive outdoor activities into the regular treatment schedule.

Discharge planning begins the moment the client is admitted, such that every client leaves with an aftercare plan, including links to local 12-step meetings and introductions to individuals at those meetings.


Staff includes a board-certified addictionologist, a clinical psychologist, a social worker, and bachelor’s level counselors. The 17 individuals polled by to date on the staff’s level of training and experience gave it an average rating of 4.06 out of five stars.


The renovated center offers 22 detox beds, 68 residential beds, and scenic views of the Wyoming Valley. The 17 individuals polled by to date on the center’s cleanliness and exercise/leisure offerings gave them average ratings of 4.29 stars and 3.35 stars, respectively.


To date, has asked 16 alumni of Clearbrook Manor whether they would recommend the facility, and 15 indicated that they would, one that they would not. In addition, polled eight alumni on the facility’s offerings in a variety of treatment metrics; they gave the center average ratings of 4.13 stars, 3.38 stars, and 1.75 stars respectively for its family participation, counseling options, and holistic offerings. The reviewers frequently praised the strength of the 12-step program and the outside meetings that were held on-site, as well as the staff, in particular the fact that numerous staff members were themselves in recovery: “The workers who are ex addicts tell there life story and it gives you hope. All of the speakers are incredibly inspiring,” Angela wrote in a representative review. Alumni also repeatedly cited the center’s “pampered” or “rich” clientele as a weakness, and two reviewers cited a lack of personal choice and extracurricular activities in programming.


Of the 13 loved ones polled by to date, 10 would recommend this facility, one would strongly not recommend it, and two remained neutral on this question. The eight loved ones polled on the facility’s offerings in a variety of treatment metrics gave it average ratings of 4.38 stars, four stars, and 3.63 stars respectively for its family participation, connectivity, and counseling options.

The reviewers repeatedly described the staff as very caring, the location and facility as beautiful, and the program — particularly its family participation and 12-step meetings — as strong; several reviewers even noted that they could think of no weaknesses to the center. “Beautiful location, wonderful staff, friendly and relaxing atmosphere for those truly wanting help,” T.D. wrote in a representative review, and Annmarie added: “Clearbrook has a strong family program and encourages participation.”

The reviewers also raised some complaints: two clients cited unprofessional or inexperienced staff members, one felt that treatment was too short, and another complained of a lack of aftercare.


Clearbrook Manor is in-network with Blue Cross Blue Shield, Highmark Blue Cross, First Priority Health, and Health Choices, and accepts other insurance policies on an out-of-network basis. Financial assistance is available for qualifying clients, covering up to 100 percent of the cost of treatment. The 15 individuals polled by to date on the center’s affordability gave it an average rating of 3.93 out of five stars.

Updated April 2017

Published on May 2017

Do you work at this facility? Let us know if we missed something! ","I was so angry I was in rehab,How could I f*** up!!! Why was I here. And today I thank my family for saving my life by sending me too Clearbrook, can't say enough about this wonderful place, it would save your life if you put the work, it sure save mines. To all staff I thank you. Your truly: Benito.",37930,"2018-01-08 12:07:00","Clearbrook Manor" 383,"2018-01-09 15:19:39",Oceanfront,5351,"2018-01-09 15:19:39","2000 SE Port St Lucie Blvd, Suite B",34952,,,"4.9 of 5",100,100,96,"

With over 75 years of combined experience, our staff is uniquely qualified to guide you through the recovery journey. Instead of transitioning from one treatment facility to a separate intensive outpatient treatment center, clients will stay with Amethyst for the duration of their treatment.

From the first day of treatment, clients will form bonds with staff and with each other that will last through sober living and beyond. This continuity of care allows for a deeper level of trust and understanding between clients and their therapy team.



Located on Florida’s Treasure Coast, Amethyst Recovery Center offers adult men and women a full continuum of care for the treatment of substance abuse and co-occurring disorders, including 24-hour-monitored detox, residential treatment, intensive outpatient (IOP), and general outpatient programs.


Clients in the day/night care program receive at least 40 hours of individual and group therapy per week, which includes modalities such as cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and trauma-focused eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR). The program also offers education on the nature of addiction and recovery, life-skills training, and support in the pursuit of education and employment with job placement assistance, resume-building services, GED help, and referrals to local 12-step meetings.

The IOP involves at least nine hours a week of individual and group therapy, along with the option to stay in an Amethyst sober living facility during treatment.

The least restrictive and final phase of treatment is the general outpatient program, which includes an hour and a half of individual therapy per week, plus referrals to local resources that can help with any medical, mental health, financial, or other problems clients face as they continue their recovery.

Family members are encouraged to participate in treatment, and family therapy sessions are held twice per week.

Experiential and holistic activities include daily yoga and gym sessions, and clients are treated to weekend recreation at the beach, the movies, or the bowling alley.


The treatment team includes two board-certified psychiatrists (one of which is also the facility’s medical director), a registered nurse, a licensed mental health counselor, as well as a registered mental health counselor intern.


Images on Amethyst’s website show the 54-bed facility to be modern and well-appointed with new and simple décor such as laminated flooring and leather couches. Private rooms are available. The 22 reviewers (which consisted of alumni, loved ones, and staff) surveyed about accommodations and meals by at the time of this writing, gave nearly perfect averages of 4.95 and 4.86 out of five stars, respectively.


Alumni reviews for Amethyst Recovery are overwhelmingly positive. The facility received nearly perfect five-star ratings from the nine alumni polled by at the time of this writing. All wrote heartfelt, gratitude-filled comments about the rehab, praising the facility for its compassionate staff, individualized care, and solid treatment program. “They went above and beyond for their clients,” Brandon wrote in a representative review. “I would recommend Amethyst for anybody with a an addiction problem.”


The 11 friends and family members polled by at the time of this writing also gave Amethyst Recovery Center near-perfect ratings. Numerous parents credited the facility with saving their children’s lives, including Maria who wrote: “I can't say enough for Amethyst & the entire staff who gave my son the support, guidance & tools to help pull him out of his addiction. My son is back!”

Friends and family also stressed that Amethyst offered solid opportunities for family involvement. The three friends and family who were asked to rate the facility’s family participation all awarded it five out of five stars, and Tina noted: “Amethyst is a wonderful and trust worthy facility…They also believe the family should be involved… My son went there and is in recovery.”


The six staffers surveyed by at the time of this writing agreed with alumni and loved ones. They gave Amethyst five out of five stars for its counseling options and its staff’s level of experience, while 4.8 stars were given for its holistic offerings and its exercise and leisure activities. “I have worked all over the world and have never experienced such a wonderful staff who are dedicated to the clients,” Denise wrote in a representative review.


The rehab accepts private insurance and offers financing to clients who qualify. Private pay options are also available.

Updated April 2017

Published on June 2017

Do you work at this facility? Let us know if we missed something! ","So grateful for the people at Amethyst. Grateful for their compassion for Moms, their professionalism, and their sincere willingness to serve in the trenches of addiction. Most grateful for the genuine love they have for the clients that come through their doors. Few people in this world will journey with those who are bound by addiction. Thank God they are doing their part to help set our sons and daughters free.",38674,"2018-01-08 12:15:16","Amethyst Recovery Center" 384,"2018-01-09 15:19:39",Resort,5351,"2018-01-09 15:19:39","2000 SE Port St Lucie Blvd, Suite B",34952,,,"4.9 of 5",100,100,96,"

With over 75 years of combined experience, our staff is uniquely qualified to guide you through the recovery journey. Instead of transitioning from one treatment facility to a separate intensive outpatient treatment center, clients will stay with Amethyst for the duration of their treatment.

From the first day of treatment, clients will form bonds with staff and with each other that will last through sober living and beyond. This continuity of care allows for a deeper level of trust and understanding between clients and their therapy team.



Located on Florida’s Treasure Coast, Amethyst Recovery Center offers adult men and women a full continuum of care for the treatment of substance abuse and co-occurring disorders, including 24-hour-monitored detox, residential treatment, intensive outpatient (IOP), and general outpatient programs.


Clients in the day/night care program receive at least 40 hours of individual and group therapy per week, which includes modalities such as cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and trauma-focused eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR). The program also offers education on the nature of addiction and recovery, life-skills training, and support in the pursuit of education and employment with job placement assistance, resume-building services, GED help, and referrals to local 12-step meetings.

The IOP involves at least nine hours a week of individual and group therapy, along with the option to stay in an Amethyst sober living facility during treatment.

The least restrictive and final phase of treatment is the general outpatient program, which includes an hour and a half of individual therapy per week, plus referrals to local resources that can help with any medical, mental health, financial, or other problems clients face as they continue their recovery.

Family members are encouraged to participate in treatment, and family therapy sessions are held twice per week.

Experiential and holistic activities include daily yoga and gym sessions, and clients are treated to weekend recreation at the beach, the movies, or the bowling alley.


The treatment team includes two board-certified psychiatrists (one of which is also the facility’s medical director), a registered nurse, a licensed mental health counselor, as well as a registered mental health counselor intern.


Images on Amethyst’s website show the 54-bed facility to be modern and well-appointed with new and simple décor such as laminated flooring and leather couches. Private rooms are available. The 22 reviewers (which consisted of alumni, loved ones, and staff) surveyed about accommodations and meals by at the time of this writing, gave nearly perfect averages of 4.95 and 4.86 out of five stars, respectively.


Alumni reviews for Amethyst Recovery are overwhelmingly positive. The facility received nearly perfect five-star ratings from the nine alumni polled by at the time of this writing. All wrote heartfelt, gratitude-filled comments about the rehab, praising the facility for its compassionate staff, individualized care, and solid treatment program. “They went above and beyond for their clients,” Brandon wrote in a representative review. “I would recommend Amethyst for anybody with a an addiction problem.”


The 11 friends and family members polled by at the time of this writing also gave Amethyst Recovery Center near-perfect ratings. Numerous parents credited the facility with saving their children’s lives, including Maria who wrote: “I can't say enough for Amethyst & the entire staff who gave my son the support, guidance & tools to help pull him out of his addiction. My son is back!”

Friends and family also stressed that Amethyst offered solid opportunities for family involvement. The three friends and family who were asked to rate the facility’s family participation all awarded it five out of five stars, and Tina noted: “Amethyst is a wonderful and trust worthy facility…They also believe the family should be involved… My son went there and is in recovery.”


The six staffers surveyed by at the time of this writing agreed with alumni and loved ones. They gave Amethyst five out of five stars for its counseling options and its staff’s level of experience, while 4.8 stars were given for its holistic offerings and its exercise and leisure activities. “I have worked all over the world and have never experienced such a wonderful staff who are dedicated to the clients,” Denise wrote in a representative review.


The rehab accepts private insurance and offers financing to clients who qualify. Private pay options are also available.

Updated April 2017

Published on June 2017

Do you work at this facility? Let us know if we missed something! ","So grateful for the people at Amethyst. Grateful for their compassion for Moms, their professionalism, and their sincere willingness to serve in the trenches of addiction. Most grateful for the genuine love they have for the clients that come through their doors. Few people in this world will journey with those who are bound by addiction. Thank God they are doing their part to help set our sons and daughters free.",38674,"2018-01-08 12:15:16","Amethyst Recovery Center" 385,"2018-01-09 15:19:39",Luxury,5351,"2018-01-09 15:19:39","2000 SE Port St Lucie Blvd, Suite B",34952,,,"4.9 of 5",100,100,96,"

With over 75 years of combined experience, our staff is uniquely qualified to guide you through the recovery journey. Instead of transitioning from one treatment facility to a separate intensive outpatient treatment center, clients will stay with Amethyst for the duration of their treatment.

From the first day of treatment, clients will form bonds with staff and with each other that will last through sober living and beyond. This continuity of care allows for a deeper level of trust and understanding between clients and their therapy team.



Located on Florida’s Treasure Coast, Amethyst Recovery Center offers adult men and women a full continuum of care for the treatment of substance abuse and co-occurring disorders, including 24-hour-monitored detox, residential treatment, intensive outpatient (IOP), and general outpatient programs.


Clients in the day/night care program receive at least 40 hours of individual and group therapy per week, which includes modalities such as cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and trauma-focused eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR). The program also offers education on the nature of addiction and recovery, life-skills training, and support in the pursuit of education and employment with job placement assistance, resume-building services, GED help, and referrals to local 12-step meetings.

The IOP involves at least nine hours a week of individual and group therapy, along with the option to stay in an Amethyst sober living facility during treatment.

The least restrictive and final phase of treatment is the general outpatient program, which includes an hour and a half of individual therapy per week, plus referrals to local resources that can help with any medical, mental health, financial, or other problems clients face as they continue their recovery.

Family members are encouraged to participate in treatment, and family therapy sessions are held twice per week.

Experiential and holistic activities include daily yoga and gym sessions, and clients are treated to weekend recreation at the beach, the movies, or the bowling alley.


The treatment team includes two board-certified psychiatrists (one of which is also the facility’s medical director), a registered nurse, a licensed mental health counselor, as well as a registered mental health counselor intern.


Images on Amethyst’s website show the 54-bed facility to be modern and well-appointed with new and simple décor such as laminated flooring and leather couches. Private rooms are available. The 22 reviewers (which consisted of alumni, loved ones, and staff) surveyed about accommodations and meals by at the time of this writing, gave nearly perfect averages of 4.95 and 4.86 out of five stars, respectively.


Alumni reviews for Amethyst Recovery are overwhelmingly positive. The facility received nearly perfect five-star ratings from the nine alumni polled by at the time of this writing. All wrote heartfelt, gratitude-filled comments about the rehab, praising the facility for its compassionate staff, individualized care, and solid treatment program. “They went above and beyond for their clients,” Brandon wrote in a representative review. “I would recommend Amethyst for anybody with a an addiction problem.”


The 11 friends and family members polled by at the time of this writing also gave Amethyst Recovery Center near-perfect ratings. Numerous parents credited the facility with saving their children’s lives, including Maria who wrote: “I can't say enough for Amethyst & the entire staff who gave my son the support, guidance & tools to help pull him out of his addiction. My son is back!”

Friends and family also stressed that Amethyst offered solid opportunities for family involvement. The three friends and family who were asked to rate the facility’s family participation all awarded it five out of five stars, and Tina noted: “Amethyst is a wonderful and trust worthy facility…They also believe the family should be involved… My son went there and is in recovery.”


The six staffers surveyed by at the time of this writing agreed with alumni and loved ones. They gave Amethyst five out of five stars for its counseling options and its staff’s level of experience, while 4.8 stars were given for its holistic offerings and its exercise and leisure activities. “I have worked all over the world and have never experienced such a wonderful staff who are dedicated to the clients,” Denise wrote in a representative review.


The rehab accepts private insurance and offers financing to clients who qualify. Private pay options are also available.

Updated April 2017

Published on June 2017

Do you work at this facility? Let us know if we missed something! ","So grateful for the people at Amethyst. Grateful for their compassion for Moms, their professionalism, and their sincere willingness to serve in the trenches of addiction. Most grateful for the genuine love they have for the clients that come through their doors. Few people in this world will journey with those who are bound by addiction. Thank God they are doing their part to help set our sons and daughters free.",38674,"2018-01-08 12:15:16","Amethyst Recovery Center" 386,"2018-01-09 15:19:39","Beach Community",5351,"2018-01-09 15:19:39","2000 SE Port St Lucie Blvd, Suite B",34952,,,"4.9 of 5",100,100,96,"

With over 75 years of combined experience, our staff is uniquely qualified to guide you through the recovery journey. Instead of transitioning from one treatment facility to a separate intensive outpatient treatment center, clients will stay with Amethyst for the duration of their treatment.

From the first day of treatment, clients will form bonds with staff and with each other that will last through sober living and beyond. This continuity of care allows for a deeper level of trust and understanding between clients and their therapy team.



Located on Florida’s Treasure Coast, Amethyst Recovery Center offers adult men and women a full continuum of care for the treatment of substance abuse and co-occurring disorders, including 24-hour-monitored detox, residential treatment, intensive outpatient (IOP), and general outpatient programs.


Clients in the day/night care program receive at least 40 hours of individual and group therapy per week, which includes modalities such as cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and trauma-focused eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR). The program also offers education on the nature of addiction and recovery, life-skills training, and support in the pursuit of education and employment with job placement assistance, resume-building services, GED help, and referrals to local 12-step meetings.

The IOP involves at least nine hours a week of individual and group therapy, along with the option to stay in an Amethyst sober living facility during treatment.

The least restrictive and final phase of treatment is the general outpatient program, which includes an hour and a half of individual therapy per week, plus referrals to local resources that can help with any medical, mental health, financial, or other problems clients face as they continue their recovery.

Family members are encouraged to participate in treatment, and family therapy sessions are held twice per week.

Experiential and holistic activities include daily yoga and gym sessions, and clients are treated to weekend recreation at the beach, the movies, or the bowling alley.


The treatment team includes two board-certified psychiatrists (one of which is also the facility’s medical director), a registered nurse, a licensed mental health counselor, as well as a registered mental health counselor intern.


Images on Amethyst’s website show the 54-bed facility to be modern and well-appointed with new and simple décor such as laminated flooring and leather couches. Private rooms are available. The 22 reviewers (which consisted of alumni, loved ones, and staff) surveyed about accommodations and meals by at the time of this writing, gave nearly perfect averages of 4.95 and 4.86 out of five stars, respectively.


Alumni reviews for Amethyst Recovery are overwhelmingly positive. The facility received nearly perfect five-star ratings from the nine alumni polled by at the time of this writing. All wrote heartfelt, gratitude-filled comments about the rehab, praising the facility for its compassionate staff, individualized care, and solid treatment program. “They went above and beyond for their clients,” Brandon wrote in a representative review. “I would recommend Amethyst for anybody with a an addiction problem.”


The 11 friends and family members polled by at the time of this writing also gave Amethyst Recovery Center near-perfect ratings. Numerous parents credited the facility with saving their children’s lives, including Maria who wrote: “I can't say enough for Amethyst & the entire staff who gave my son the support, guidance & tools to help pull him out of his addiction. My son is back!”

Friends and family also stressed that Amethyst offered solid opportunities for family involvement. The three friends and family who were asked to rate the facility’s family participation all awarded it five out of five stars, and Tina noted: “Amethyst is a wonderful and trust worthy facility…They also believe the family should be involved… My son went there and is in recovery.”


The six staffers surveyed by at the time of this writing agreed with alumni and loved ones. They gave Amethyst five out of five stars for its counseling options and its staff’s level of experience, while 4.8 stars were given for its holistic offerings and its exercise and leisure activities. “I have worked all over the world and have never experienced such a wonderful staff who are dedicated to the clients,” Denise wrote in a representative review.


The rehab accepts private insurance and offers financing to clients who qualify. Private pay options are also available.

Updated April 2017

Published on June 2017

Do you work at this facility? Let us know if we missed something! ","So grateful for the people at Amethyst. Grateful for their compassion for Moms, their professionalism, and their sincere willingness to serve in the trenches of addiction. Most grateful for the genuine love they have for the clients that come through their doors. Few people in this world will journey with those who are bound by addiction. Thank God they are doing their part to help set our sons and daughters free.",38674,"2018-01-08 12:15:16","Amethyst Recovery Center" 387,"2018-01-09 15:19:53",Executive,5352,"2018-01-09 15:19:53","300 S 6th Street",34950,,,"4.3 of 5",88,86,84,"

Beachside Rehab provides substance abuse and dual diagnosis treatment that is truly individualized and holistic, all in a luxurious and therapeutic setting. Beachside Rehab's highly trained and credentialed clinical team work tirelessly to design comprehensive and multi-disciplinary treatment plans, focused on meeting each individual's needs and circumstances. By keeping the therapist-to-client ratio limited and centering the program around 1-1 counseling, underlying core issues are addressed, establishing the foundation to a lasting and sustainable recovery.



Located on Hutchinson Island off the east coast of Florida, Beachside Recovery is a family-run substance abuse treatment center for adult men and women. It offers a broad range of treatment intensities, beginning with detox and progressing through residential care to outpatient services and a sober-living home.


Residential programs typically last 30 days, but may be extended to 60 or 90 days if necessary. Treatment for co-occurring disorders is available here, and the program relies heavily on the 12-Steps and SMART Recovery models. Individualized relapse prevention plans are developed soon after detoxification.

For both substance abuse and dual diagnosis clients, treatment includes individual and group therapy, family therapy, relapse prevention workshops, addiction education, art therapy, cognitive behavioral therapies, eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR), trauma-specific process groups, and physical activities such as yoga and gym visits. Offsite trips take advantage of the island setting and include kayaking, deep sea fishing, and horseback riding. A licensed nutritionist is available to counsel clients on healthy eating practices and help accommodate specific dietary needs.


This facility boasts a staff-to-client ratio of 1:4. The Clinical Director is a licensed marriage and family therapist, as well as a certified addiction professional. The facility also employs nurses, therapists, psychodramatists, and counselors.


True to its name, the facility sits directly opposite the beach, offering clients a secluded and serene environment for recovery. If that weren’t enough vacation-style luxury, there are swimming pools at both the residential and the treatment facilities. There’s space for 24 residential clients, some in private rooms. Vegetarian, vegan and paleo diets can be accommodated.


To date, has received 12 reviews from former clients, most of which were positive. The 10 alumni to leave ratings for the follow metrics offered average ratings of 4.5 out of five stars for treatment effectiveness and 4.1 stars for accommodations. Michelle wrote: “I went through this facility several months ago and had the most amazing experience. The facilities are beautiful, the staff is loving, kind and attentive and all of my needs were met.” D.C. shared a similar perspective, writing: “Best rehab I have ever been to!”

Kimberly wrote in to to say: “Most staff has less then 1 year sober with no higher training. They lie to get you there and the people in rehab run the facility. very very sad. not a place for peace and sober living. Not holistic at all.”


The few reviews from loved ones are generally positive. Four ratings to date average four out of five stars on Most praised the staff, such as A.I. who noted: “The people here were very kind and took the time to talk to us and show us what was best for him and what was required. They talked to me a lot and gave me updates on his progress.”


At the time of this writing, five staff members have left feedback with about Beachside. They mostly gave four and five out of five stars for the 15 metrics polled, including counseling and holistic options. Faith-based treatment fell slightly with a couple three-star reviews. As a whole, reviewers recommended the facility and spoke highly of its accommodations and the experience of the staff. The only negative comments, which came from a couple reviewers, was that the facility gave “Too many second chances,” meaning clients could reenter treatment as often as needed.


A 30-day stay starts at $15,000, and a 90-day stay at $35,000. The facility accepts many private insurance policies, including United, Humana, Aetna and Blue Cross Blue Shield, and offers financial assistance packages of up to 80 percent off the cost of treatment.

Updated May 2017

Published on June 2017

Do you work at this facility? Let us know if we missed something! ","The people from Beachside Rehab were really open and welcoming. Everything went smooth off the beginning. I interacted with everyone that worked there, from their techs to the therapists, the ones that were working with me and weren't. They had all the clients involved and it was really positive. So far I feel good post-treatment, and the experience has helped me a lot. It was a great experience and I would definitely recommend it.",38675,"2018-01-08 12:15:16","Beachside Rehab" 388,"2018-01-09 15:19:53","Beach Community",5352,"2018-01-09 15:19:53","300 S 6th Street",34950,,,"4.3 of 5",88,86,84,"

Beachside Rehab provides substance abuse and dual diagnosis treatment that is truly individualized and holistic, all in a luxurious and therapeutic setting. Beachside Rehab's highly trained and credentialed clinical team work tirelessly to design comprehensive and multi-disciplinary treatment plans, focused on meeting each individual's needs and circumstances. By keeping the therapist-to-client ratio limited and centering the program around 1-1 counseling, underlying core issues are addressed, establishing the foundation to a lasting and sustainable recovery.



Located on Hutchinson Island off the east coast of Florida, Beachside Recovery is a family-run substance abuse treatment center for adult men and women. It offers a broad range of treatment intensities, beginning with detox and progressing through residential care to outpatient services and a sober-living home.


Residential programs typically last 30 days, but may be extended to 60 or 90 days if necessary. Treatment for co-occurring disorders is available here, and the program relies heavily on the 12-Steps and SMART Recovery models. Individualized relapse prevention plans are developed soon after detoxification.

For both substance abuse and dual diagnosis clients, treatment includes individual and group therapy, family therapy, relapse prevention workshops, addiction education, art therapy, cognitive behavioral therapies, eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR), trauma-specific process groups, and physical activities such as yoga and gym visits. Offsite trips take advantage of the island setting and include kayaking, deep sea fishing, and horseback riding. A licensed nutritionist is available to counsel clients on healthy eating practices and help accommodate specific dietary needs.


This facility boasts a staff-to-client ratio of 1:4. The Clinical Director is a licensed marriage and family therapist, as well as a certified addiction professional. The facility also employs nurses, therapists, psychodramatists, and counselors.


True to its name, the facility sits directly opposite the beach, offering clients a secluded and serene environment for recovery. If that weren’t enough vacation-style luxury, there are swimming pools at both the residential and the treatment facilities. There’s space for 24 residential clients, some in private rooms. Vegetarian, vegan and paleo diets can be accommodated.


To date, has received 12 reviews from former clients, most of which were positive. The 10 alumni to leave ratings for the follow metrics offered average ratings of 4.5 out of five stars for treatment effectiveness and 4.1 stars for accommodations. Michelle wrote: “I went through this facility several months ago and had the most amazing experience. The facilities are beautiful, the staff is loving, kind and attentive and all of my needs were met.” D.C. shared a similar perspective, writing: “Best rehab I have ever been to!”

Kimberly wrote in to to say: “Most staff has less then 1 year sober with no higher training. They lie to get you there and the people in rehab run the facility. very very sad. not a place for peace and sober living. Not holistic at all.”


The few reviews from loved ones are generally positive. Four ratings to date average four out of five stars on Most praised the staff, such as A.I. who noted: “The people here were very kind and took the time to talk to us and show us what was best for him and what was required. They talked to me a lot and gave me updates on his progress.”


At the time of this writing, five staff members have left feedback with about Beachside. They mostly gave four and five out of five stars for the 15 metrics polled, including counseling and holistic options. Faith-based treatment fell slightly with a couple three-star reviews. As a whole, reviewers recommended the facility and spoke highly of its accommodations and the experience of the staff. The only negative comments, which came from a couple reviewers, was that the facility gave “Too many second chances,” meaning clients could reenter treatment as often as needed.


A 30-day stay starts at $15,000, and a 90-day stay at $35,000. The facility accepts many private insurance policies, including United, Humana, Aetna and Blue Cross Blue Shield, and offers financial assistance packages of up to 80 percent off the cost of treatment.

Updated May 2017

Published on June 2017

Do you work at this facility? Let us know if we missed something! ","The people from Beachside Rehab were really open and welcoming. Everything went smooth off the beginning. I interacted with everyone that worked there, from their techs to the therapists, the ones that were working with me and weren't. They had all the clients involved and it was really positive. So far I feel good post-treatment, and the experience has helped me a lot. It was a great experience and I would definitely recommend it.",38675,"2018-01-08 12:15:16","Beachside Rehab" 389,"2018-01-09 15:19:53",Luxury,5352,"2018-01-09 15:19:53","300 S 6th Street",34950,,,"4.3 of 5",88,86,84,"

Beachside Rehab provides substance abuse and dual diagnosis treatment that is truly individualized and holistic, all in a luxurious and therapeutic setting. Beachside Rehab's highly trained and credentialed clinical team work tirelessly to design comprehensive and multi-disciplinary treatment plans, focused on meeting each individual's needs and circumstances. By keeping the therapist-to-client ratio limited and centering the program around 1-1 counseling, underlying core issues are addressed, establishing the foundation to a lasting and sustainable recovery.



Located on Hutchinson Island off the east coast of Florida, Beachside Recovery is a family-run substance abuse treatment center for adult men and women. It offers a broad range of treatment intensities, beginning with detox and progressing through residential care to outpatient services and a sober-living home.


Residential programs typically last 30 days, but may be extended to 60 or 90 days if necessary. Treatment for co-occurring disorders is available here, and the program relies heavily on the 12-Steps and SMART Recovery models. Individualized relapse prevention plans are developed soon after detoxification.

For both substance abuse and dual diagnosis clients, treatment includes individual and group therapy, family therapy, relapse prevention workshops, addiction education, art therapy, cognitive behavioral therapies, eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR), trauma-specific process groups, and physical activities such as yoga and gym visits. Offsite trips take advantage of the island setting and include kayaking, deep sea fishing, and horseback riding. A licensed nutritionist is available to counsel clients on healthy eating practices and help accommodate specific dietary needs.


This facility boasts a staff-to-client ratio of 1:4. The Clinical Director is a licensed marriage and family therapist, as well as a certified addiction professional. The facility also employs nurses, therapists, psychodramatists, and counselors.


True to its name, the facility sits directly opposite the beach, offering clients a secluded and serene environment for recovery. If that weren’t enough vacation-style luxury, there are swimming pools at both the residential and the treatment facilities. There’s space for 24 residential clients, some in private rooms. Vegetarian, vegan and paleo diets can be accommodated.


To date, has received 12 reviews from former clients, most of which were positive. The 10 alumni to leave ratings for the follow metrics offered average ratings of 4.5 out of five stars for treatment effectiveness and 4.1 stars for accommodations. Michelle wrote: “I went through this facility several months ago and had the most amazing experience. The facilities are beautiful, the staff is loving, kind and attentive and all of my needs were met.” D.C. shared a similar perspective, writing: “Best rehab I have ever been to!”

Kimberly wrote in to to say: “Most staff has less then 1 year sober with no higher training. They lie to get you there and the people in rehab run the facility. very very sad. not a place for peace and sober living. Not holistic at all.”


The few reviews from loved ones are generally positive. Four ratings to date average four out of five stars on Most praised the staff, such as A.I. who noted: “The people here were very kind and took the time to talk to us and show us what was best for him and what was required. They talked to me a lot and gave me updates on his progress.”


At the time of this writing, five staff members have left feedback with about Beachside. They mostly gave four and five out of five stars for the 15 metrics polled, including counseling and holistic options. Faith-based treatment fell slightly with a couple three-star reviews. As a whole, reviewers recommended the facility and spoke highly of its accommodations and the experience of the staff. The only negative comments, which came from a couple reviewers, was that the facility gave “Too many second chances,” meaning clients could reenter treatment as often as needed.


A 30-day stay starts at $15,000, and a 90-day stay at $35,000. The facility accepts many private insurance policies, including United, Humana, Aetna and Blue Cross Blue Shield, and offers financial assistance packages of up to 80 percent off the cost of treatment.

Updated May 2017

Published on June 2017

Do you work at this facility? Let us know if we missed something! ","The people from Beachside Rehab were really open and welcoming. Everything went smooth off the beginning. I interacted with everyone that worked there, from their techs to the therapists, the ones that were working with me and weren't. They had all the clients involved and it was really positive. So far I feel good post-treatment, and the experience has helped me a lot. It was a great experience and I would definitely recommend it.",38675,"2018-01-08 12:15:16","Beachside Rehab" 390,"2018-01-09 15:19:53",Resort,5352,"2018-01-09 15:19:53","300 S 6th Street",34950,,,"4.3 of 5",88,86,84,"

Beachside Rehab provides substance abuse and dual diagnosis treatment that is truly individualized and holistic, all in a luxurious and therapeutic setting. Beachside Rehab's highly trained and credentialed clinical team work tirelessly to design comprehensive and multi-disciplinary treatment plans, focused on meeting each individual's needs and circumstances. By keeping the therapist-to-client ratio limited and centering the program around 1-1 counseling, underlying core issues are addressed, establishing the foundation to a lasting and sustainable recovery.



Located on Hutchinson Island off the east coast of Florida, Beachside Recovery is a family-run substance abuse treatment center for adult men and women. It offers a broad range of treatment intensities, beginning with detox and progressing through residential care to outpatient services and a sober-living home.


Residential programs typically last 30 days, but may be extended to 60 or 90 days if necessary. Treatment for co-occurring disorders is available here, and the program relies heavily on the 12-Steps and SMART Recovery models. Individualized relapse prevention plans are developed soon after detoxification.

For both substance abuse and dual diagnosis clients, treatment includes individual and group therapy, family therapy, relapse prevention workshops, addiction education, art therapy, cognitive behavioral therapies, eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR), trauma-specific process groups, and physical activities such as yoga and gym visits. Offsite trips take advantage of the island setting and include kayaking, deep sea fishing, and horseback riding. A licensed nutritionist is available to counsel clients on healthy eating practices and help accommodate specific dietary needs.


This facility boasts a staff-to-client ratio of 1:4. The Clinical Director is a licensed marriage and family therapist, as well as a certified addiction professional. The facility also employs nurses, therapists, psychodramatists, and counselors.


True to its name, the facility sits directly opposite the beach, offering clients a secluded and serene environment for recovery. If that weren’t enough vacation-style luxury, there are swimming pools at both the residential and the treatment facilities. There’s space for 24 residential clients, some in private rooms. Vegetarian, vegan and paleo diets can be accommodated.


To date, has received 12 reviews from former clients, most of which were positive. The 10 alumni to leave ratings for the follow metrics offered average ratings of 4.5 out of five stars for treatment effectiveness and 4.1 stars for accommodations. Michelle wrote: “I went through this facility several months ago and had the most amazing experience. The facilities are beautiful, the staff is loving, kind and attentive and all of my needs were met.” D.C. shared a similar perspective, writing: “Best rehab I have ever been to!”

Kimberly wrote in to to say: “Most staff has less then 1 year sober with no higher training. They lie to get you there and the people in rehab run the facility. very very sad. not a place for peace and sober living. Not holistic at all.”


The few reviews from loved ones are generally positive. Four ratings to date average four out of five stars on Most praised the staff, such as A.I. who noted: “The people here were very kind and took the time to talk to us and show us what was best for him and what was required. They talked to me a lot and gave me updates on his progress.”


At the time of this writing, five staff members have left feedback with about Beachside. They mostly gave four and five out of five stars for the 15 metrics polled, including counseling and holistic options. Faith-based treatment fell slightly with a couple three-star reviews. As a whole, reviewers recommended the facility and spoke highly of its accommodations and the experience of the staff. The only negative comments, which came from a couple reviewers, was that the facility gave “Too many second chances,” meaning clients could reenter treatment as often as needed.


A 30-day stay starts at $15,000, and a 90-day stay at $35,000. The facility accepts many private insurance policies, including United, Humana, Aetna and Blue Cross Blue Shield, and offers financial assistance packages of up to 80 percent off the cost of treatment.

Updated May 2017

Published on June 2017

Do you work at this facility? Let us know if we missed something! ","The people from Beachside Rehab were really open and welcoming. Everything went smooth off the beginning. I interacted with everyone that worked there, from their techs to the therapists, the ones that were working with me and weren't. They had all the clients involved and it was really positive. So far I feel good post-treatment, and the experience has helped me a lot. It was a great experience and I would definitely recommend it.",38675,"2018-01-08 12:15:16","Beachside Rehab" 391,"2018-01-09 15:19:53",Oceanfront,5352,"2018-01-09 15:19:53","300 S 6th Street",34950,,,"4.3 of 5",88,86,84,"

Beachside Rehab provides substance abuse and dual diagnosis treatment that is truly individualized and holistic, all in a luxurious and therapeutic setting. Beachside Rehab's highly trained and credentialed clinical team work tirelessly to design comprehensive and multi-disciplinary treatment plans, focused on meeting each individual's needs and circumstances. By keeping the therapist-to-client ratio limited and centering the program around 1-1 counseling, underlying core issues are addressed, establishing the foundation to a lasting and sustainable recovery.



Located on Hutchinson Island off the east coast of Florida, Beachside Recovery is a family-run substance abuse treatment center for adult men and women. It offers a broad range of treatment intensities, beginning with detox and progressing through residential care to outpatient services and a sober-living home.


Residential programs typically last 30 days, but may be extended to 60 or 90 days if necessary. Treatment for co-occurring disorders is available here, and the program relies heavily on the 12-Steps and SMART Recovery models. Individualized relapse prevention plans are developed soon after detoxification.

For both substance abuse and dual diagnosis clients, treatment includes individual and group therapy, family therapy, relapse prevention workshops, addiction education, art therapy, cognitive behavioral therapies, eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR), trauma-specific process groups, and physical activities such as yoga and gym visits. Offsite trips take advantage of the island setting and include kayaking, deep sea fishing, and horseback riding. A licensed nutritionist is available to counsel clients on healthy eating practices and help accommodate specific dietary needs.


This facility boasts a staff-to-client ratio of 1:4. The Clinical Director is a licensed marriage and family therapist, as well as a certified addiction professional. The facility also employs nurses, therapists, psychodramatists, and counselors.


True to its name, the facility sits directly opposite the beach, offering clients a secluded and serene environment for recovery. If that weren’t enough vacation-style luxury, there are swimming pools at both the residential and the treatment facilities. There’s space for 24 residential clients, some in private rooms. Vegetarian, vegan and paleo diets can be accommodated.


To date, has received 12 reviews from former clients, most of which were positive. The 10 alumni to leave ratings for the follow metrics offered average ratings of 4.5 out of five stars for treatment effectiveness and 4.1 stars for accommodations. Michelle wrote: “I went through this facility several months ago and had the most amazing experience. The facilities are beautiful, the staff is loving, kind and attentive and all of my needs were met.” D.C. shared a similar perspective, writing: “Best rehab I have ever been to!”

Kimberly wrote in to to say: “Most staff has less then 1 year sober with no higher training. They lie to get you there and the people in rehab run the facility. very very sad. not a place for peace and sober living. Not holistic at all.”


The few reviews from loved ones are generally positive. Four ratings to date average four out of five stars on Most praised the staff, such as A.I. who noted: “The people here were very kind and took the time to talk to us and show us what was best for him and what was required. They talked to me a lot and gave me updates on his progress.”


At the time of this writing, five staff members have left feedback with about Beachside. They mostly gave four and five out of five stars for the 15 metrics polled, including counseling and holistic options. Faith-based treatment fell slightly with a couple three-star reviews. As a whole, reviewers recommended the facility and spoke highly of its accommodations and the experience of the staff. The only negative comments, which came from a couple reviewers, was that the facility gave “Too many second chances,” meaning clients could reenter treatment as often as needed.


A 30-day stay starts at $15,000, and a 90-day stay at $35,000. The facility accepts many private insurance policies, including United, Humana, Aetna and Blue Cross Blue Shield, and offers financial assistance packages of up to 80 percent off the cost of treatment.

Updated May 2017

Published on June 2017

Do you work at this facility? Let us know if we missed something! ","The people from Beachside Rehab were really open and welcoming. Everything went smooth off the beginning. I interacted with everyone that worked there, from their techs to the therapists, the ones that were working with me and weren't. They had all the clients involved and it was really positive. So far I feel good post-treatment, and the experience has helped me a lot. It was a great experience and I would definitely recommend it.",38675,"2018-01-08 12:15:16","Beachside Rehab" 392,"2018-01-09 15:19:53",Private/Secluded,5352,"2018-01-09 15:19:53","300 S 6th Street",34950,,,"4.3 of 5",88,86,84,"

Beachside Rehab provides substance abuse and dual diagnosis treatment that is truly individualized and holistic, all in a luxurious and therapeutic setting. Beachside Rehab's highly trained and credentialed clinical team work tirelessly to design comprehensive and multi-disciplinary treatment plans, focused on meeting each individual's needs and circumstances. By keeping the therapist-to-client ratio limited and centering the program around 1-1 counseling, underlying core issues are addressed, establishing the foundation to a lasting and sustainable recovery.



Located on Hutchinson Island off the east coast of Florida, Beachside Recovery is a family-run substance abuse treatment center for adult men and women. It offers a broad range of treatment intensities, beginning with detox and progressing through residential care to outpatient services and a sober-living home.


Residential programs typically last 30 days, but may be extended to 60 or 90 days if necessary. Treatment for co-occurring disorders is available here, and the program relies heavily on the 12-Steps and SMART Recovery models. Individualized relapse prevention plans are developed soon after detoxification.

For both substance abuse and dual diagnosis clients, treatment includes individual and group therapy, family therapy, relapse prevention workshops, addiction education, art therapy, cognitive behavioral therapies, eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR), trauma-specific process groups, and physical activities such as yoga and gym visits. Offsite trips take advantage of the island setting and include kayaking, deep sea fishing, and horseback riding. A licensed nutritionist is available to counsel clients on healthy eating practices and help accommodate specific dietary needs.


This facility boasts a staff-to-client ratio of 1:4. The Clinical Director is a licensed marriage and family therapist, as well as a certified addiction professional. The facility also employs nurses, therapists, psychodramatists, and counselors.


True to its name, the facility sits directly opposite the beach, offering clients a secluded and serene environment for recovery. If that weren’t enough vacation-style luxury, there are swimming pools at both the residential and the treatment facilities. There’s space for 24 residential clients, some in private rooms. Vegetarian, vegan and paleo diets can be accommodated.


To date, has received 12 reviews from former clients, most of which were positive. The 10 alumni to leave ratings for the follow metrics offered average ratings of 4.5 out of five stars for treatment effectiveness and 4.1 stars for accommodations. Michelle wrote: “I went through this facility several months ago and had the most amazing experience. The facilities are beautiful, the staff is loving, kind and attentive and all of my needs were met.” D.C. shared a similar perspective, writing: “Best rehab I have ever been to!”

Kimberly wrote in to to say: “Most staff has less then 1 year sober with no higher training. They lie to get you there and the people in rehab run the facility. very very sad. not a place for peace and sober living. Not holistic at all.”


The few reviews from loved ones are generally positive. Four ratings to date average four out of five stars on Most praised the staff, such as A.I. who noted: “The people here were very kind and took the time to talk to us and show us what was best for him and what was required. They talked to me a lot and gave me updates on his progress.”


At the time of this writing, five staff members have left feedback with about Beachside. They mostly gave four and five out of five stars for the 15 metrics polled, including counseling and holistic options. Faith-based treatment fell slightly with a couple three-star reviews. As a whole, reviewers recommended the facility and spoke highly of its accommodations and the experience of the staff. The only negative comments, which came from a couple reviewers, was that the facility gave “Too many second chances,” meaning clients could reenter treatment as often as needed.


A 30-day stay starts at $15,000, and a 90-day stay at $35,000. The facility accepts many private insurance policies, including United, Humana, Aetna and Blue Cross Blue Shield, and offers financial assistance packages of up to 80 percent off the cost of treatment.

Updated May 2017

Published on June 2017

Do you work at this facility? Let us know if we missed something! ","The people from Beachside Rehab were really open and welcoming. Everything went smooth off the beginning. I interacted with everyone that worked there, from their techs to the therapists, the ones that were working with me and weren't. They had all the clients involved and it was really positive. So far I feel good post-treatment, and the experience has helped me a lot. It was a great experience and I would definitely recommend it.",38675,"2018-01-08 12:15:16","Beachside Rehab" 393,"2018-01-09 15:24:13","Average Location/Amenities",5380,"2018-01-09 15:24:13","4201 Woodland Dr, 3rd Floor",70131,,,,0,0,0,"

At Qualis Care, we are a treatment program for those who seek recovery from substance use disorders and/or mental health problems. It is our aim to provide our clients with a safe, secure, supportive environment and an array of professional services, activities and experiences that will assist with achieving success in ones journey. We see our relationship with our clients as a partnership, whereby we are working together and moving toward a positive change.



Located in New Orleans, La., Qualis Care of Louisiana offers residential treatment and aftercare for individuals who are struggling with substance use, mental health disorders, or co-occurring disorders. The treatment center's goal is to provide a safe, secure, and supportive environment for their clients.


According to Qualis Care of Louisiana's website, program plans are individualized and are based on the level of addiction the client is facing.

Programs are designed to help each client's physical and mental health. The facility also offers aftercare to clients who have finished treatment. Aftercare treatment includes transitional or sober living, help with housing, and vocational counseling.

Programming includes the 12-steps and individual therapy. Cognitive behavioral therapy is offered, and is designed to help individuals understand the thoughts and emotions that underline their addiction.


The center's website notes Qualis Care of Louisiana has a staff-to-client ratio of 1:1. The treatment team includes a medical director, nurses, counselors, social workers, psychologists, and psychiatrists.


Photos on Qualis Care of Louisiana's website show shared bedrooms. The center's website notes the center has a fitness area, scenic views, and prepared meals.

REVIEWS has yet to receive any reviews from this facility’s former clients, loved ones, and staffers.


According to the facility's website, Qualis Care of Louisiana accepts a variety of insurances, including Blue Cross Blue Shield, Anthem, Cigna, Value Options, and Aetna. Treatment is $25,000 for a month.

Published on November 2017

Do you work at this facility? Let us know if we missed something! ",,38710,"2018-01-08 12:15:39","Qualis Care of Louisiana" 394,"2018-01-09 15:24:13","Residential Neighborhood",5380,"2018-01-09 15:24:13","4201 Woodland Dr, 3rd Floor",70131,,,,0,0,0,"

At Qualis Care, we are a treatment program for those who seek recovery from substance use disorders and/or mental health problems. It is our aim to provide our clients with a safe, secure, supportive environment and an array of professional services, activities and experiences that will assist with achieving success in ones journey. We see our relationship with our clients as a partnership, whereby we are working together and moving toward a positive change.



Located in New Orleans, La., Qualis Care of Louisiana offers residential treatment and aftercare for individuals who are struggling with substance use, mental health disorders, or co-occurring disorders. The treatment center's goal is to provide a safe, secure, and supportive environment for their clients.


According to Qualis Care of Louisiana's website, program plans are individualized and are based on the level of addiction the client is facing.

Programs are designed to help each client's physical and mental health. The facility also offers aftercare to clients who have finished treatment. Aftercare treatment includes transitional or sober living, help with housing, and vocational counseling.

Programming includes the 12-steps and individual therapy. Cognitive behavioral therapy is offered, and is designed to help individuals understand the thoughts and emotions that underline their addiction.


The center's website notes Qualis Care of Louisiana has a staff-to-client ratio of 1:1. The treatment team includes a medical director, nurses, counselors, social workers, psychologists, and psychiatrists.


Photos on Qualis Care of Louisiana's website show shared bedrooms. The center's website notes the center has a fitness area, scenic views, and prepared meals.

REVIEWS has yet to receive any reviews from this facility’s former clients, loved ones, and staffers.


According to the facility's website, Qualis Care of Louisiana accepts a variety of insurances, including Blue Cross Blue Shield, Anthem, Cigna, Value Options, and Aetna. Treatment is $25,000 for a month.

Published on November 2017

Do you work at this facility? Let us know if we missed something! ",,38710,"2018-01-08 12:15:39","Qualis Care of Louisiana" 395,"2018-01-09 15:25:24","Average Location/Amenities",5390,"2018-01-09 15:25:24","4110 David Road Extension",33024,,,"4.1 of 5",86,78,84,"

Recovery First programs are reality-based, promoting personal responsibility, with a focus on educating clients in three key areas: Post Acute Withdrawal Syndrome, denial management and relapse prevention. Services include detox, inpatient care, outpatient care, interventions and relapse treatment.



One of 30 treatment centers operated by American Addiction Centers (AAC), Recovery First’s Hollywood, FL location offers intensive outpatient programming (IOP), and aftercare services for adult men and women who are struggling with substance abuse co-occurring disorders. The facility is located less than 10 miles from the beach in suburban southeast Florida.


Treatment at Recovery First (Hollywood) focuses on providing outpatient services to help clients transition back into the community and their normal lives with sober living skills. The facility offers intensive outpatient programming which allows patients to maintain their own residence and lives outside of treatment while seeking treatment. Clients are assessed by admissions specialists and counselors that look for key markers like a client’s level of chemical dependence and willingness to seek treatment. Appropriate clients are admitted to the program.

During treatment, clients participate in individual counseling to address problem behaviors. Clients are assigned to a counselor that also serves as a case manager when developing treatment plans. Clients also participate in group counseling sessions focused on addressing common issues and developing a sense of community. The IOP program generally meets three sessions per week for six weeks.

Clients participate in sober living training to promote sober living and relapse prevention. Training courses focus on common skills such as anger management, coping skills, and basic life management skills. At the end of the program, clients work with counselors to develop aftercare plans. Participation in community-based programming is encouraged to promote continued recovery.


The staff at Recovery First (Hollywood) includes physicians, psychiatrists, psychologists, nurses, social workers, counselors, and behavioral health technicians. The 102 individuals polled by to date on the staff’s level of training and experience gave it an average rating of 4.2 out of five stars.


There is limited information regarding the facilities at Recovery First in Hollywood. However, images of Recovery First facilities show large communal areas including kitchens with community tables. The counseling areas are often large classrooms. Counselor’s offices are slightly smaller and show multiple close sitting areas for counselor and client interactions.


The 101 reviews submitted to at the time of this writing were mostly positive, with some strong and recurring notes of criticism.

When polled on a scale from one to five, whether they would recommend the facility gave the center an average rating of 4.34 out of five stars in this category. Out of five stars, alumni also gave the center average ratings of 3.86 stars and 4.11 stars, respectively, for its counseling and exercise/leisure options (both based on 101 reviews) and 4.17 stars for its family program (based on 96 reviews).

Alumni gave the facility an average rating of 4.2 out of five stars for its staff's level of training and experience and repeatedly praised the center’s staff: “Understanding. my therapist was very helpful in my treatment here,” alum R.P. wrote in a representative review, while others were pleased that some staff were in recovery themselves. Others praised the way the center applied the 12-Steps and the program in general.

Several alumni complained that the facilities were dated or otherwise in need of attention: “This place really needs an update. The place is very run-down and has bugs in the apartment,” C.M. wrote.

Some alumni reported an excess of down time and difficulties with individual staff members. In a stronger note of criticism, a handful of reviewers claimed that the center was more interested in money than in helping people. “This place is a joke. The staff are a joke. Its all about the money. Staff do not know how to handle anyone with addition,” Nancy wrote in a representative review.


Of the three staff reviews submitted to to date, one was positive and two negative.

“Management is dedicated to serving the clients needs,” J.G.P. wrote, awarding the center five out of five stars for its holistic offerings, family participation, affordability, staff's level of training and experience, and counseling options.

However, the other staffer wrote: “It's all about the money, prestige and power over peoples' lives for this rehab site. Staff walks on eggshells, worked to death, often demeaned and/or intimidated, and over worked.” This staff member gave one out of five stars for the overall quality of the program, fairness of salary, protocols training, and the loyalty of the staff.


Recovery First accepts self-pay and private insurance, and helps clients to access healthcare loans and other payment options. The 97 individuals polled by to date on the center’s affordability gave it an average rating of 4.12 out of five stars.

Published on October 2017

Do you work at this facility? Let us know if we missed something! ","I am so grateful we found Recovery First. Our son is finally on the right track. Words cannot express our gratitude!",38734,"2018-01-08 12:15:59","Recovery First" 396,"2018-01-09 15:28:41",Mountains,5409,"2018-01-09 15:28:41","735 Cairo Road",31792,,,"4.6 of 5",100,100,80,"

At Archbold Treatment Center, we understand that every individual is different and we focus greatly on care that centers on balance. We balance our treatment modalities to focus on each individual's foundational needs, hobbies, desires, and energy.



Archbold Medical Center operates four hospitals and three nursing homes. Archbold’s Northside Rehab is located in Thomasville, Ga. The behavioral health center provides people who are suffering from addiction and/or behavioral problems a wide range of services such as residential, detoxification, and dual-diagnosis treatment.


According to Archbold’s website, the first step of treatment at the center is a free initial assessment, which helps determine the best treatment plan.

Northside has variety of programs including residential, detox, outpatient, intensive outpatient program (IOP), and sober living.

The center’s treatment combines the 12-step program with cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). Treatment also includes yoga and meditation.

While patients are going through treatment, the center works with the patient and their families with therapeutic programs to build a new life. Patient’s families are encouraged to engage in treatment of their loved one, and the center has visiting hours daily.

The center’s website indicates Northside focuses on healing for damaged emotions, mind, and spirit.

Patients can be admitted into the program 24 hours a day. A physician can refer patients or a person can be admitted by calling the HELPline.


The treatment team includes licensed behavioral tech and a clinical director.


Pictures indicate the center has a pool and the facility features modern decor.


The two loved ones who were surveyed by at the time of this writing provided mostly positive reviews. The loved ones gave the center 4.5 out of five stars when asked if they would recommend Northside Rehab.

They also gave the center high marks for affordability.

One loved one wrote: “It gives you the opportunity to change your life for the better.” The other loved one echoed the thought and wrote: “I think it is a great facility for anyone with a problem such as they provide.”


According to the center’s website, Archbold Treatment accepts most insurance plans, Medicaid, and Medicare.

Published on June 2017

Do you work at this facility? Let us know if we missed something! ","I was at Archbold for 47 days and I have to say they made me feel better than I did at my own home. The staff was very courteous and kind in every way they even catered in food for the Graduation that I never in my life even knew existed!! I appreciate the transparency and treatment techniques as I was so tired of 12 step over and over again. They really spoke to my heart thank you Claire for all your love and support.",38760,"2018-01-08 12:16:16","Archbold Treatment" 397,"2018-01-09 15:28:41",Lakeside,5409,"2018-01-09 15:28:41","735 Cairo Road",31792,,,"4.6 of 5",100,100,80,"

At Archbold Treatment Center, we understand that every individual is different and we focus greatly on care that centers on balance. We balance our treatment modalities to focus on each individual's foundational needs, hobbies, desires, and energy.



Archbold Medical Center operates four hospitals and three nursing homes. Archbold’s Northside Rehab is located in Thomasville, Ga. The behavioral health center provides people who are suffering from addiction and/or behavioral problems a wide range of services such as residential, detoxification, and dual-diagnosis treatment.


According to Archbold’s website, the first step of treatment at the center is a free initial assessment, which helps determine the best treatment plan.

Northside has variety of programs including residential, detox, outpatient, intensive outpatient program (IOP), and sober living.

The center’s treatment combines the 12-step program with cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). Treatment also includes yoga and meditation.

While patients are going through treatment, the center works with the patient and their families with therapeutic programs to build a new life. Patient’s families are encouraged to engage in treatment of their loved one, and the center has visiting hours daily.

The center’s website indicates Northside focuses on healing for damaged emotions, mind, and spirit.

Patients can be admitted into the program 24 hours a day. A physician can refer patients or a person can be admitted by calling the HELPline.


The treatment team includes licensed behavioral tech and a clinical director.


Pictures indicate the center has a pool and the facility features modern decor.


The two loved ones who were surveyed by at the time of this writing provided mostly positive reviews. The loved ones gave the center 4.5 out of five stars when asked if they would recommend Northside Rehab.

They also gave the center high marks for affordability.

One loved one wrote: “It gives you the opportunity to change your life for the better.” The other loved one echoed the thought and wrote: “I think it is a great facility for anyone with a problem such as they provide.”


According to the center’s website, Archbold Treatment accepts most insurance plans, Medicaid, and Medicare.

Published on June 2017

Do you work at this facility? Let us know if we missed something! ","I was at Archbold for 47 days and I have to say they made me feel better than I did at my own home. The staff was very courteous and kind in every way they even catered in food for the Graduation that I never in my life even knew existed!! I appreciate the transparency and treatment techniques as I was so tired of 12 step over and over again. They really spoke to my heart thank you Claire for all your love and support.",38760,"2018-01-08 12:16:16","Archbold Treatment" 398,"2018-01-09 15:28:41",Wilderness,5409,"2018-01-09 15:28:41","735 Cairo Road",31792,,,"4.6 of 5",100,100,80,"

At Archbold Treatment Center, we understand that every individual is different and we focus greatly on care that centers on balance. We balance our treatment modalities to focus on each individual's foundational needs, hobbies, desires, and energy.



Archbold Medical Center operates four hospitals and three nursing homes. Archbold’s Northside Rehab is located in Thomasville, Ga. The behavioral health center provides people who are suffering from addiction and/or behavioral problems a wide range of services such as residential, detoxification, and dual-diagnosis treatment.


According to Archbold’s website, the first step of treatment at the center is a free initial assessment, which helps determine the best treatment plan.

Northside has variety of programs including residential, detox, outpatient, intensive outpatient program (IOP), and sober living.

The center’s treatment combines the 12-step program with cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). Treatment also includes yoga and meditation.

While patients are going through treatment, the center works with the patient and their families with therapeutic programs to build a new life. Patient’s families are encouraged to engage in treatment of their loved one, and the center has visiting hours daily.

The center’s website indicates Northside focuses on healing for damaged emotions, mind, and spirit.

Patients can be admitted into the program 24 hours a day. A physician can refer patients or a person can be admitted by calling the HELPline.


The treatment team includes licensed behavioral tech and a clinical director.


Pictures indicate the center has a pool and the facility features modern decor.


The two loved ones who were surveyed by at the time of this writing provided mostly positive reviews. The loved ones gave the center 4.5 out of five stars when asked if they would recommend Northside Rehab.

They also gave the center high marks for affordability.

One loved one wrote: “It gives you the opportunity to change your life for the better.” The other loved one echoed the thought and wrote: “I think it is a great facility for anyone with a problem such as they provide.”


According to the center’s website, Archbold Treatment accepts most insurance plans, Medicaid, and Medicare.

Published on June 2017

Do you work at this facility? Let us know if we missed something! ","I was at Archbold for 47 days and I have to say they made me feel better than I did at my own home. The staff was very courteous and kind in every way they even catered in food for the Graduation that I never in my life even knew existed!! I appreciate the transparency and treatment techniques as I was so tired of 12 step over and over again. They really spoke to my heart thank you Claire for all your love and support.",38760,"2018-01-08 12:16:16","Archbold Treatment" 399,"2018-01-09 15:28:41",Private/Secluded,5409,"2018-01-09 15:28:41","735 Cairo Road",31792,,,"4.6 of 5",100,100,80,"

At Archbold Treatment Center, we understand that every individual is different and we focus greatly on care that centers on balance. We balance our treatment modalities to focus on each individual's foundational needs, hobbies, desires, and energy.



Archbold Medical Center operates four hospitals and three nursing homes. Archbold’s Northside Rehab is located in Thomasville, Ga. The behavioral health center provides people who are suffering from addiction and/or behavioral problems a wide range of services such as residential, detoxification, and dual-diagnosis treatment.


According to Archbold’s website, the first step of treatment at the center is a free initial assessment, which helps determine the best treatment plan.

Northside has variety of programs including residential, detox, outpatient, intensive outpatient program (IOP), and sober living.

The center’s treatment combines the 12-step program with cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). Treatment also includes yoga and meditation.

While patients are going through treatment, the center works with the patient and their families with therapeutic programs to build a new life. Patient’s families are encouraged to engage in treatment of their loved one, and the center has visiting hours daily.

The center’s website indicates Northside focuses on healing for damaged emotions, mind, and spirit.

Patients can be admitted into the program 24 hours a day. A physician can refer patients or a person can be admitted by calling the HELPline.


The treatment team includes licensed behavioral tech and a clinical director.


Pictures indicate the center has a pool and the facility features modern decor.


The two loved ones who were surveyed by at the time of this writing provided mostly positive reviews. The loved ones gave the center 4.5 out of five stars when asked if they would recommend Northside Rehab.

They also gave the center high marks for affordability.

One loved one wrote: “It gives you the opportunity to change your life for the better.” The other loved one echoed the thought and wrote: “I think it is a great facility for anyone with a problem such as they provide.”


According to the center’s website, Archbold Treatment accepts most insurance plans, Medicaid, and Medicare.

Published on June 2017

Do you work at this facility? Let us know if we missed something! ","I was at Archbold for 47 days and I have to say they made me feel better than I did at my own home. The staff was very courteous and kind in every way they even catered in food for the Graduation that I never in my life even knew existed!! I appreciate the transparency and treatment techniques as I was so tired of 12 step over and over again. They really spoke to my heart thank you Claire for all your love and support.",38760,"2018-01-08 12:16:16","Archbold Treatment" 400,"2018-01-09 15:28:41","Residential Neighborhood",5409,"2018-01-09 15:28:41","735 Cairo Road",31792,,,"4.6 of 5",100,100,80,"

At Archbold Treatment Center, we understand that every individual is different and we focus greatly on care that centers on balance. We balance our treatment modalities to focus on each individual's foundational needs, hobbies, desires, and energy.



Archbold Medical Center operates four hospitals and three nursing homes. Archbold’s Northside Rehab is located in Thomasville, Ga. The behavioral health center provides people who are suffering from addiction and/or behavioral problems a wide range of services such as residential, detoxification, and dual-diagnosis treatment.


According to Archbold’s website, the first step of treatment at the center is a free initial assessment, which helps determine the best treatment plan.

Northside has variety of programs including residential, detox, outpatient, intensive outpatient program (IOP), and sober living.

The center’s treatment combines the 12-step program with cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). Treatment also includes yoga and meditation.

While patients are going through treatment, the center works with the patient and their families with therapeutic programs to build a new life. Patient’s families are encouraged to engage in treatment of their loved one, and the center has visiting hours daily.

The center’s website indicates Northside focuses on healing for damaged emotions, mind, and spirit.

Patients can be admitted into the program 24 hours a day. A physician can refer patients or a person can be admitted by calling the HELPline.


The treatment team includes licensed behavioral tech and a clinical director.


Pictures indicate the center has a pool and the facility features modern decor.


The two loved ones who were surveyed by at the time of this writing provided mostly positive reviews. The loved ones gave the center 4.5 out of five stars when asked if they would recommend Northside Rehab.

They also gave the center high marks for affordability.

One loved one wrote: “It gives you the opportunity to change your life for the better.” The other loved one echoed the thought and wrote: “I think it is a great facility for anyone with a problem such as they provide.”


According to the center’s website, Archbold Treatment accepts most insurance plans, Medicaid, and Medicare.

Published on June 2017

Do you work at this facility? Let us know if we missed something! ","I was at Archbold for 47 days and I have to say they made me feel better than I did at my own home. The staff was very courteous and kind in every way they even catered in food for the Graduation that I never in my life even knew existed!! I appreciate the transparency and treatment techniques as I was so tired of 12 step over and over again. They really spoke to my heart thank you Claire for all your love and support.",38760,"2018-01-08 12:16:16","Archbold Treatment"