word.id,word.ts,word.word,word.length,word.consonants,word.vowels,word.syllables,word.type,word.about,word.definition,word.origin_root,word.scrabble,word.unigrams,word.trigram,word.quadrigram,word.word_gram 41,"2021-11-13 00:18:47",Spring,6,5,1,1,"You can use spring as a noun or as a verb in a sentence.","A 1 syllables noun and 6 letters with the letters g, i, n, p, r, and s, 5 consonants, 1 vowels and 1 syllables with the middle letters ri. Spring starts with and ends in a consonant with the starting letters s, sp, spr, spri, sprin, and the ending characters are g, ng, ing, ring, pring, ..","A light springing movement upwards or forwards","Middle English","Is spring a scrabble word? A 9 point word in scrabble. Check the word games tab below for probability, odds and more.","s | p | r | i | n | g","spr | pri | rin | ing","spri | prin | ring","second letter pthird letter is rfourth letter is ififth letter is nsixth letter is g" 42,"2021-11-13 00:19:08",Change,6,4,2,2,"You can use change as a noun or as a verb in a sentence.","A 2 syllables noun and 6 letters with the letters a, c, e, g, h, and n, 4 consonants, 2 vowels and 2 syllables with the middle letters an. Change starts with a consonant and ends with a vowel with the starting letters c, ch, cha, chan, chang, and the ending characters are e, ge, nge, ange, hange, ..","The action of changing something; ""the change of government had no impact on the economy""; ""his change on abortion cost him the election""","Middle English","Is change a scrabble word? A 12 point word in scrabble. Check the word games tab below for probability, odds and more.","c | h | a | n | g | e","cha | han | ang | nge","chan | hang | ange","second letter hthird letter is afourth letter is nfifth letter is gsixth letter is e" 43,"2021-11-13 00:19:13",Monkey,6,4,2,2,"You can use monkey as a noun or as a verb in a sentence.","A 2 syllables noun and 6 letters with the letters e, k, m, n, o, and y, 4 consonants, 2 vowels and 2 syllables with the middle letters nk. Monkey starts with and ends in a consonant with the starting letters m, mo, mon, monk, monke, and the ending characters are y, ey, key, nkey, onkey, ..","Any of various long-tailed primates (excluding the prosimians)","Middle Low GermanCompound WordsA compound word, monkey has more than one word within it. There's 2 words which are mon, and key.","Is monkey a scrabble word? A 15 point word in scrabble. Check the word games tab below for probability, odds and more.","m | o | n | k | e | y","mon | onk | nke | key","monk | onke | nkey","second letter othird letter is nfourth letter is kfifth letter is esixth letter is y" 44,"2021-11-13 00:19:24",System,6,5,1,2,"You can use system as a noun in a sentence.","A 2 syllables noun and 6 letters with the letters e, m, s, t, and y, 5 consonants, 1 vowels and 2 syllables with the middle letters st. System starts with and ends in a consonant with the starting letters s, sy, sys, syst, syste, and the ending characters are m, em, tem, stem, ystem, ..","Instrumentality that combines interrelated interacting artifacts designed to work as a coherent entity; ""he bought a new stereo system""; ""the system consists of a motor and a small computer""",Latin,"Is system a scrabble word? A 11 point word in scrabble. Check the word games tab below for probability, odds and more.","s | y | s | t | e | m","sys | yst | ste | tem","syst | yste | stem","second letter ythird letter is sfourth letter is tfifth letter is esixth letter is m" 45,"2021-11-13 00:19:40",Austin,6,3,3,2,"You can use austin as a noun in a sentence.","A 2 syllables noun and 6 letters with the letters a, i, n, s, t, and u, 3 consonants, 3 vowels and 2 syllables with the middle letters st. Austin starts with a vowel and ends in a consonant with the starting letters a, au, aus, aust, austi, and the ending characters are n, in, tin, stin, ustin, ..","State capital of Texas on the Colorado River; site of the University of Texas",,"Is austin a scrabble word? A 6 point word in scrabble. Check the word games tab below for probability, odds and more.","a | u | s | t | i | n","aus | ust | sti | tin","aust | usti | stin","second letter uthird letter is sfourth letter is tfifth letter is isixth letter is n" 46,"2021-11-13 00:20:03",Secret,6,4,2,2,"You can use secret as a noun or as a adjective satellite in a sentence.","A 2 syllables noun and 6 letters with the letters c, e, r, s, and t, 4 consonants, 2 vowels and 2 syllables with the middle letters cr. Secret starts with and ends in a consonant with the starting letters s, se, sec, secr, secre, and the ending characters are t, et, ret, cret, ecret, ..","Something that baffles understanding and cannot be explained; ""how it got out is a mystery""; ""it remains one of nature''s secrets""","Middle EnglishCompound WordsA compound word, secret has more than one word within it. There's 2 words which are sec, and ret.","Is secret a scrabble word? A 8 point word in scrabble. Check the word games tab below for probability, odds and more.","s | e | c | r | e | t","sec | ecr | cre | ret","secr | ecre | cret","second letter ethird letter is cfourth letter is rfifth letter is esixth letter is t" 47,"2021-11-13 00:20:10",Pirate,6,3,3,2,"You can use pirate as a noun or as a verb in a sentence.","A 2 syllables noun and 6 letters with the letters a, e, i, p, r, and t, 3 consonants, 3 vowels and 2 syllables with the middle letters ra. Pirate starts with a consonant and ends with a vowel with the starting letters p, pi, pir, pira, pirat, and the ending characters are e, te, ate, rate, irate, ..","A ship manned by pirates",,"Is pirate a scrabble word? A 8 point word in scrabble. Check the word games tab below for probability, odds and more.","p | i | r | a | t | e","pir | ira | rat | ate","pira | irat | rate","second letter ithird letter is rfourth letter is afifth letter is tsixth letter is e" 48,"2021-11-13 00:20:23",Turtle,6,4,2,2,"You can use turtle as a noun or as a verb in a sentence.","A 2 syllables noun and 6 letters with the letters e, l, r, t, and u, 4 consonants, 2 vowels and 2 syllables with the middle letters rt. Turtle starts with a consonant and ends with a vowel with the starting letters t, tu, tur, turt, turtl, and the ending characters are e, le, tle, rtle, urtle, ..","Any of various aquatic and land reptiles having a bony shell and flipper-like limbs for swimming",French,"Is turtle a scrabble word? A 6 point word in scrabble. Check the word games tab below for probability, odds and more.","t | u | r | t | l | e","tur | urt | rtl | tle","turt | urtl | rtle","second letter uthird letter is rfourth letter is tfifth letter is lsixth letter is e" 49,"2021-11-13 00:20:36",Ninety,6,4,2,3,"You can use ninety as a noun or as a adjective satellite in a sentence.","A 3 syllables noun and 6 letters with the letters e, i, n, t, and y, 4 consonants, 2 vowels and 3 syllables with the middle letters ne. Ninety starts with and ends in a consonant with the starting letters n, ni, nin, nine, ninet, and the ending characters are y, ty, ety, nety, inety, ..",,,"Is ninety a scrabble word? A 9 point word in scrabble. Check the word games tab below for probability, odds and more.","n | i | n | e | t | y","nin | ine | net | ety","nine | inet | nety","second letter ithird letter is nfourth letter is efifth letter is tsixth letter is y" 50,"2021-11-13 00:20:55",Mother,6,4,2,2,"You can use mother as a noun or as a verb in a sentence.","A 2 syllables noun and 6 letters with the letters e, h, m, o, r, and t, 4 consonants, 2 vowels and 2 syllables with the middle letters th. Mother starts with and ends in a consonant with the starting letters m, mo, mot, moth, mothe, and the ending characters are r, er, her, ther, other, ..","A condition that is the inspiration for an activity or situation; ""necessity is the mother of invention""","Middle EnglishCompound WordsA compound word, mother has more than one word within it. There's 2 words which are mot, and her.","Is mother a scrabble word? A 11 point word in scrabble. Check the word games tab below for probability, odds and more.","m | o | t | h | e | r","mot | oth | the | her","moth | othe | ther","second letter othird letter is tfourth letter is hfifth letter is esixth letter is r" 51,"2021-11-13 00:21:16",Disney,6,4,2,2,"You can use disney as a noun in a sentence.","A 2 syllables noun and 6 letters with the letters d, e, i, n, s, and y, 4 consonants, 2 vowels and 2 syllables with the middle letters sn. Disney starts with and ends in a consonant with the starting letters d, di, dis, disn, disne, and the ending characters are y, ey, ney, sney, isney, ..","United States film maker who pioneered animated cartoons and created such characters as Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck; founded Disneyland (1901-1966)",,"Is disney a scrabble word? A 10 point word in scrabble. Check the word games tab below for probability, odds and more.","d | i | s | n | e | y","dis | isn | sne | ney","disn | isne | sney","second letter ithird letter is sfourth letter is nfifth letter is esixth letter is y" 52,"2021-11-13 00:21:24",Thomas,6,4,2,2,"You can use thomas as a noun in a sentence.","A 2 syllables noun and 6 letters with the letters a, h, m, o, s, and t, 4 consonants, 2 vowels and 2 syllables with the middle letters om. Thomas starts with and ends in a consonant with the starting letters t, th, tho, thom, thoma, and the ending characters are s, as, mas, omas, homas, ..","The Apostle who would not believe the resurrection of Jesus until he saw Jesus with his own eyes",,"Is thomas a scrabble word? A 11 point word in scrabble. Check the word games tab below for probability, odds and more.","t | h | o | m | a | s","tho | hom | oma | mas","thom | homa | omas","second letter hthird letter is ofourth letter is mfifth letter is asixth letter is s" 53,"2021-11-13 00:21:48",Winter,6,4,2,2,"You can use winter as a noun or as a verb in a sentence.","A 2 syllables noun and 6 letters with the letters e, i, n, r, t, and w, 4 consonants, 2 vowels and 2 syllables with the middle letters nt. Winter starts with and ends in a consonant with the starting letters w, wi, win, wint, winte, and the ending characters are r, er, ter, nter, inter, ..","The coldest season of the year; in the northern hemisphere it extends from the winter solstice to the vernal equinox","Middle English","Is winter a scrabble word? A 9 point word in scrabble. Check the word games tab below for probability, odds and more.","w | i | n | t | e | r","win | int | nte | ter","wint | inte | nter","second letter ithird letter is nfourth letter is tfifth letter is esixth letter is r" 54,"2021-11-13 00:22:11",Jordan,6,4,2,2,"You can use jordan as a noun in a sentence.","A 2 syllables noun and 6 letters with the letters a, d, j, n, o, and r, 4 consonants, 2 vowels and 2 syllables with the middle letters rd. Jordan starts with and ends in a consonant with the starting letters j, jo, jor, jord, jorda, and the ending characters are n, an, dan, rdan, ordan, ..","An Arab kingdom in southwestern Asia on the Red Sea",,"Is jordan a scrabble word? A 14 point word in scrabble. Check the word games tab below for probability, odds and more.","j | o | r | d | a | n","jor | ord | rda | dan","jord | orda | rdan","second letter othird letter is rfourth letter is dfifth letter is asixth letter is n" 55,"2021-11-13 00:22:35",Bucket,6,4,2,2,"You can use bucket as a noun or as a verb in a sentence.","A 2 syllables noun and 6 letters with the letters b, c, e, k, t, and u, 4 consonants, 2 vowels and 2 syllables with the middle letters ck. Bucket starts with and ends in a consonant with the starting letters b, bu, buc, buck, bucke, and the ending characters are t, et, ket, cket, ucket, ..","A roughly cylindrical that is vessel open at the top","Middle English","Is bucket a scrabble word? A 14 point word in scrabble. Check the word games tab below for probability, odds and more.","b | u | c | k | e | t","buc | uck | cke | ket","buck | ucke | cket","second letter uthird letter is cfourth letter is kfifth letter is esixth letter is t" 56,"2021-11-13 00:23:08",Indian,6,3,3,3,"You can use indian as a article or as a noun in a sentence.","A 3 syllables article and 6 letters with the letters a, d, i, and n, 3 consonants, 3 vowels and 3 syllables with the middle letters di. Indian starts with a vowel and ends in a consonant with the starting letters i, in, ind, indi, india, and the ending characters are n, an, ian, dian, ndian, ..","Any of the languages spoken by Amerindians","Anglo Norman","Is indian a scrabble word? A 7 point word in scrabble. Check the word games tab below for probability, odds and more.","i | n | d | i | a | n","ind | ndi | dia | ian","indi | ndia | dian","second letter nthird letter is dfourth letter is ififth letter is asixth letter is n" 57,"2021-11-13 00:23:31",George,6,3,3,2,"You can use george as a noun in a sentence.","A 2 syllables noun and 6 letters with the letters e, g, o, and r, 3 consonants, 3 vowels and 2 syllables with the middle letters or. George starts with a consonant and ends with a vowel with the starting letters g, ge, geo, geor, georg, and the ending characters are e, ge, rge, orge, eorge, ..","Christian martyr; patron saint of England; hero of the legend of Saint George and the Dragon in which he slew a dragon and saved a princess (?-303)",,"Is george a scrabble word? A 8 point word in scrabble. Check the word games tab below for probability, odds and more.","g | e | o | r | g | e","geo | eor | org | rge","geor | eorg | orge","second letter ethird letter is ofourth letter is rfifth letter is gsixth letter is e" 58,"2021-11-13 00:23:43",Doctor,6,4,2,2,"You can use doctor as a noun or as a verb in a sentence.","A 2 syllables noun and 6 letters with the letters c, d, o, r, and t, 4 consonants, 2 vowels and 2 syllables with the middle letters ct. Doctor starts with and ends in a consonant with the starting letters d, do, doc, doct, docto, and the ending characters are r, or, tor, ctor, octor, ..","Children take the roles of doctor or patient or nurse and pretend they are at the doctor''s office; ""the children explored each other''s bodies by playing the game of doctor""","Middle EnglishCompound WordsA compound word, doctor has more than one word within it. There's 2 words which are doc, and tor.","Is doctor a scrabble word? A 9 point word in scrabble. Check the word games tab below for probability, odds and more.","d | o | c | t | o | r","doc | oct | cto | tor","doct | octo | ctor","second letter othird letter is cfourth letter is tfifth letter is osixth letter is r" 59,"2021-11-13 00:23:49",Strong,6,5,1,1,"You can use strong as a article or as a adjective satellite in a sentence.","A 1 syllables article and 6 letters with the letters g, n, o, r, s, and t, 5 consonants, 1 vowels and 1 syllables with the middle letters ro. Strong starts with and ends in a consonant with the starting letters s, st, str, stro, stron, and the ending characters are g, ng, ong, rong, trong, ..","Strong and sure; ""a firm grasp""; ""gave a strong pull on the rope""","Middle English","Is strong a scrabble word? A 7 point word in scrabble. Check the word games tab below for probability, odds and more.","s | t | r | o | n | g","str | tro | ron | ong","stro | tron | rong","second letter tthird letter is rfourth letter is ofifth letter is nsixth letter is g" 60,"2021-11-13 00:24:05",Forest,6,4,2,2,"You can use forest as a noun or as a verb in a sentence.","A 2 syllables noun and 6 letters with the letters e, f, o, r, s, and t, 4 consonants, 2 vowels and 2 syllables with the middle letters re. Forest starts with and ends in a consonant with the starting letters f, fo, for, fore, fores, and the ending characters are t, st, est, rest, orest, ..","The trees and other plants in a large densely wooded area",,"Is forest a scrabble word? A 9 point word in scrabble. Check the word games tab below for probability, odds and more.","f | o | r | e | s | t","for | ore | res | est","fore | ores | rest","second letter othird letter is rfourth letter is efifth letter is ssixth letter is t"