You are browsing sample data. Buy download of full dataset or subscribe to API access with one of our member plans. | dictionary.ts | dictionary.title | dictionary.definitions | dictionary.type | dictionary.synonyms | dictionary.category_1_x_dictionary_id |
1 | 2018-03-11 20:58:43 | ΄-aminobutyrate aminotransferase | 1. An enzyme that catalyzes the reversible transfer of an amino group from ΄-aminobutyrate to 2-oxoglutarate, thus forming an l-glutarate acid and succinate semialdehyde (an important step in the catabolism of ΄-aminobutyrate). | Term | { "1": { "": 1, "": 1, "category_1.ts": "2018-03-08 20:40:01", "category_1.title": "#" } } | |
2 | 2018-03-11 20:58:45 | ΄-aminolevulinate dehydratase | Term | porphobilinogen synthase | { "2": { "": 2, "": 1, "category_1.ts": "2018-03-08 20:40:01", "category_1.title": "#" } } | |
3 | 2018-03-11 20:58:49 | ΄-aminolevulinate dehydratase porphyria | 1. an inherited disorder in which there is a deficiency of porphobilinogen synthase; ΄-aminolevulinate levels are elevated, which leads to neurologic disturbances. | Term | porphobilinogen synthase porphyria | { "3": { "": 3, "": 1, "category_1.ts": "2018-03-08 20:40:01", "category_1.title": "#" } } |
4 | 2018-03-11 20:58:54 | ΄-aminolevulinic acid | 1. An acid formed by ΄-aminolevulinate synthase from glycine and succinyl-coenzyme A; a precursor of porphobilinogen, hence an important intermediate in the biosynthesis of heme. Plasma levels are elevated in cases of lead poisoning. | Term | { "4": { "": 4, "": 1, "category_1.ts": "2018-03-08 20:40:01", "category_1.title": "#" } } | |
5 | 2018-03-11 20:58:56 | ΄-aminolevulinic acid synthase | 1. an enzyme that catalyzes the reaction of succinyl-CoA with glycine to form ΄-aminolevulinate, coenzyme A, and CO2. The committed step in porphyrin biosynthesis. | Term | { "5": { "": 5, "": 1, "category_1.ts": "2018-03-08 20:40:01", "category_1.title": "#" } } | |
6 | 2018-03-11 20:59:00 | ΄-hydroxylysine | Term | 5-hydroxylysine | { "6": { "": 6, "": 1, "category_1.ts": "2018-03-08 20:40:01", "category_1.title": "#" } } | |
7 | 2018-03-11 20:59:00 | -ad | 1. In anatomic nomenclature, a suffix synonymous with -ward; toward or in the direction of the part indicated by the main portion of the word. | Term | { "7": { "": 7, "": 1, "category_1.ts": "2018-03-08 20:40:01", "category_1.title": "#" } } | |
8 | 2018-03-11 20:59:03 | -agogue | 1. Leading, promoting, stimulating; a promoter or stimulant of. | Term | { "8": { "": 8, "": 1, "category_1.ts": "2018-03-08 20:40:01", "category_1.title": "#" } } | |
9 | 2018-03-11 20:59:03 | -agra | 1. Sudden onslaught of acute pain. | Term | { "9": { "": 9, "": 1, "category_1.ts": "2018-03-08 20:40:01", "category_1.title": "#" } } | |
10 | 2018-03-11 20:59:04 | -algia | 1. Pain, painful condition. | Term | { "10": { "": 10, "": 1, "category_1.ts": "2018-03-08 20:40:01", "category_1.title": "#" } } | |
11 | 2018-03-11 20:59:07 | -amic | 1. Chemical suffix denoting the replacement of one COOH group of a dicarboxylic acid by a carboxamide group (—CONH2); applied only to trivial names (succinamic acid). | Term | { "11": { "": 11, "": 1, "category_1.ts": "2018-03-08 20:40:01", "category_1.title": "#" } } | |
12 | 2018-03-11 20:59:07 | -ase | 1. A termination denoting an enzyme, suffixed to the name of the substance (substrate) on which the enzyme acts; phosphatase, lipase, proteinase. May also indicate the reaction catalyzed, decarboxylase, oxidase. Enzymes named before this naming convention was established generally have an -in ending; pepsin, ptyalin, trypsin. | Term | { "12": { "": 12, "": 1, "category_1.ts": "2018-03-08 20:40:01", "category_1.title": "#" } } | |
13 | 2018-03-11 20:59:10 | -ate | 1. Termination used as a replacement for “-ic acid” when the acid is neutralized (sodium acetate) or esterified (ethyl acetate), or when reference is being made to the conjugate base. | Term | { "13": { "": 13, "": 1, "category_1.ts": "2018-03-08 20:40:01", "category_1.title": "#" } } | |
14 | 2018-03-11 20:59:17 | -blast | 1. An immature precursor cell of the type indicated by the prefix. preceding it. | Term | { "14": { "": 14, "": 1, "category_1.ts": "2018-03-08 20:40:01", "category_1.title": "#" } } | |
15 | 2018-03-11 20:59:19 | -cele | 1. Swelling; hernia. | Term | { "15": { "": 15, "": 1, "category_1.ts": "2018-03-08 20:40:01", "category_1.title": "#" } } | |
16 | 2018-03-11 20:59:24 | -ceptor | 1. Combining form denoting taker, receiver. | Term | { "16": { "": 16, "": 1, "category_1.ts": "2018-03-08 20:40:01", "category_1.title": "#" } } | |
17 | 2018-03-11 20:59:26 | -chrome | 1. A suffix indicating relationship to color. | Term | { "17": { "": 17, "": 1, "category_1.ts": "2018-03-08 20:40:01", "category_1.title": "#" } } | |
18 | 2018-03-11 20:59:29 | -cide | 1. A word ending denoting an agent that kills (insecticide), or the act of killing (suicide). | Term | { "18": { "": 18, "": 1, "category_1.ts": "2018-03-08 20:40:01", "category_1.title": "#" } } | |
19 | 2018-03-11 20:59:34 | -cleisis | 1. Closure. | Term | { "19": { "": 19, "": 1, "category_1.ts": "2018-03-08 20:40:01", "category_1.title": "#" } } | |
20 | 2018-03-11 20:59:36 | -clysis | 1. Combining form referring to injection or enema. | Term | { "20": { "": 20, "": 1, "category_1.ts": "2018-03-08 20:40:01", "category_1.title": "#" } } | | | dictionary.ts | dictionary.title | dictionary.definitions | dictionary.type | dictionary.synonyms | dictionary.category_1_x_dictionary_id |