You are browsing sample data. Buy download of full dataset or subscribe to API access with one of our member plans. | acronym.ts | acronym.initial | acronym.meaning | acronym.category_1_x_acronym_id |
1 | 2017-07-06 23:37:51 | 2D | two-dimensional | {
"1": {
"": 1,
"": 1,
"category_1.ts": "2017-07-06 23:36:47",
"category_1.title": "Standard technical abbreviations and acronyms"
"906": {
"": 906,
"": 2,
"category_1.ts": "2017-07-06 23:36:47",
"category_1.title": "Computer terms"
"1811": {
"": 1811,
"": 3,
"category_1.ts": "2017-07-06 23:36:47",
"category_1.title": "Institutions and units of institutions"
"2716": {
"": 2716,
"": 4,
"category_1.ts": "2017-07-06 23:36:47",
"category_1.title": "Programs, experiments, satellites, and instruments"
"3621": {
"": 3621,
"": 5,
"category_1.ts": "2017-07-06 23:36:47",
"category_1.title": "Climatic, meteorological, oceanographic, and other models"
} |
2 | 2017-07-06 23:37:51 | 3D | three-dimensional | {
"2": {
"": 2,
"": 1,
"category_1.ts": "2017-07-06 23:36:47",
"category_1.title": "Standard technical abbreviations and acronyms"
"907": {
"": 907,
"": 2,
"category_1.ts": "2017-07-06 23:36:47",
"category_1.title": "Computer terms"
"1812": {
"": 1812,
"": 3,
"category_1.ts": "2017-07-06 23:36:47",
"category_1.title": "Institutions and units of institutions"
"2717": {
"": 2717,
"": 4,
"category_1.ts": "2017-07-06 23:36:47",
"category_1.title": "Programs, experiments, satellites, and instruments"
"3622": {
"": 3622,
"": 5,
"category_1.ts": "2017-07-06 23:36:47",
"category_1.title": "Climatic, meteorological, oceanographic, and other models"
} |
3 | 2017-07-06 23:37:51 | {
"3": {
"": 3,
"": 1,
"category_1.ts": "2017-07-06 23:36:47",
"category_1.title": "Standard technical abbreviations and acronyms"
"908": {
"": 908,
"": 2,
"category_1.ts": "2017-07-06 23:36:47",
"category_1.title": "Computer terms"
"1813": {
"": 1813,
"": 3,
"category_1.ts": "2017-07-06 23:36:47",
"category_1.title": "Institutions and units of institutions"
"2718": {
"": 2718,
"": 4,
"category_1.ts": "2017-07-06 23:36:47",
"category_1.title": "Programs, experiments, satellites, and instruments"
"3623": {
"": 3623,
"": 5,
"category_1.ts": "2017-07-06 23:36:47",
"category_1.title": "Climatic, meteorological, oceanographic, and other models"
} |
4 | 2017-07-06 23:37:51 | ABL | atmospheric boundary layer | {
"4": {
"": 4,
"": 1,
"category_1.ts": "2017-07-06 23:36:47",
"category_1.title": "Standard technical abbreviations and acronyms"
"909": {
"": 909,
"": 2,
"category_1.ts": "2017-07-06 23:36:47",
"category_1.title": "Computer terms"
"1814": {
"": 1814,
"": 3,
"category_1.ts": "2017-07-06 23:36:47",
"category_1.title": "Institutions and units of institutions"
"2719": {
"": 2719,
"": 4,
"category_1.ts": "2017-07-06 23:36:47",
"category_1.title": "Programs, experiments, satellites, and instruments"
"3624": {
"": 3624,
"": 5,
"category_1.ts": "2017-07-06 23:36:47",
"category_1.title": "Climatic, meteorological, oceanographic, and other models"
} |
5 | 2017-07-06 23:37:51 | ac | alternating current | {
"5": {
"": 5,
"": 1,
"category_1.ts": "2017-07-06 23:36:47",
"category_1.title": "Standard technical abbreviations and acronyms"
"910": {
"": 910,
"": 2,
"category_1.ts": "2017-07-06 23:36:47",
"category_1.title": "Computer terms"
"1815": {
"": 1815,
"": 3,
"category_1.ts": "2017-07-06 23:36:47",
"category_1.title": "Institutions and units of institutions"
"2720": {
"": 2720,
"": 4,
"category_1.ts": "2017-07-06 23:36:47",
"category_1.title": "Programs, experiments, satellites, and instruments"
"3625": {
"": 3625,
"": 5,
"category_1.ts": "2017-07-06 23:36:47",
"category_1.title": "Climatic, meteorological, oceanographic, and other models"
} |
6 | 2017-07-06 23:37:51 | AD | anno Domini | {
"6": {
"": 6,
"": 1,
"category_1.ts": "2017-07-06 23:36:47",
"category_1.title": "Standard technical abbreviations and acronyms"
"911": {
"": 911,
"": 2,
"category_1.ts": "2017-07-06 23:36:47",
"category_1.title": "Computer terms"
"1816": {
"": 1816,
"": 3,
"category_1.ts": "2017-07-06 23:36:47",
"category_1.title": "Institutions and units of institutions"
"2721": {
"": 2721,
"": 4,
"category_1.ts": "2017-07-06 23:36:47",
"category_1.title": "Programs, experiments, satellites, and instruments"
"3626": {
"": 3626,
"": 5,
"category_1.ts": "2017-07-06 23:36:47",
"category_1.title": "Climatic, meteorological, oceanographic, and other models"
} |
7 | 2017-07-06 23:37:51 | ADCP | acoustic Doppler current profiler | {
"7": {
"": 7,
"": 1,
"category_1.ts": "2017-07-06 23:36:47",
"category_1.title": "Standard technical abbreviations and acronyms"
"912": {
"": 912,
"": 2,
"category_1.ts": "2017-07-06 23:36:47",
"category_1.title": "Computer terms"
"1817": {
"": 1817,
"": 3,
"category_1.ts": "2017-07-06 23:36:47",
"category_1.title": "Institutions and units of institutions"
"2722": {
"": 2722,
"": 4,
"category_1.ts": "2017-07-06 23:36:47",
"category_1.title": "Programs, experiments, satellites, and instruments"
"3627": {
"": 3627,
"": 5,
"category_1.ts": "2017-07-06 23:36:47",
"category_1.title": "Climatic, meteorological, oceanographic, and other models"
} |
8 | 2017-07-06 23:37:51 | AGCM | atmospheric general circulation model | {
"8": {
"": 8,
"": 1,
"category_1.ts": "2017-07-06 23:36:47",
"category_1.title": "Standard technical abbreviations and acronyms"
"913": {
"": 913,
"": 2,
"category_1.ts": "2017-07-06 23:36:47",
"category_1.title": "Computer terms"
"1818": {
"": 1818,
"": 3,
"category_1.ts": "2017-07-06 23:36:47",
"category_1.title": "Institutions and units of institutions"
"2723": {
"": 2723,
"": 4,
"category_1.ts": "2017-07-06 23:36:47",
"category_1.title": "Programs, experiments, satellites, and instruments"
"3628": {
"": 3628,
"": 5,
"category_1.ts": "2017-07-06 23:36:47",
"category_1.title": "Climatic, meteorological, oceanographic, and other models"
} |
9 | 2017-07-06 23:37:51 | AGL | above ground level | {
"9": {
"": 9,
"": 1,
"category_1.ts": "2017-07-06 23:36:47",
"category_1.title": "Standard technical abbreviations and acronyms"
"914": {
"": 914,
"": 2,
"category_1.ts": "2017-07-06 23:36:47",
"category_1.title": "Computer terms"
"1819": {
"": 1819,
"": 3,
"category_1.ts": "2017-07-06 23:36:47",
"category_1.title": "Institutions and units of institutions"
"2724": {
"": 2724,
"": 4,
"category_1.ts": "2017-07-06 23:36:47",
"category_1.title": "Programs, experiments, satellites, and instruments"
"3629": {
"": 3629,
"": 5,
"category_1.ts": "2017-07-06 23:36:47",
"category_1.title": "Climatic, meteorological, oceanographic, and other models"
} |
10 | 2017-07-06 23:37:51 | ANOVA | analysis of variance | {
"10": {
"": 10,
"": 1,
"category_1.ts": "2017-07-06 23:36:47",
"category_1.title": "Standard technical abbreviations and acronyms"
"915": {
"": 915,
"": 2,
"category_1.ts": "2017-07-06 23:36:47",
"category_1.title": "Computer terms"
"1820": {
"": 1820,
"": 3,
"category_1.ts": "2017-07-06 23:36:47",
"category_1.title": "Institutions and units of institutions"
"2725": {
"": 2725,
"": 4,
"category_1.ts": "2017-07-06 23:36:47",
"category_1.title": "Programs, experiments, satellites, and instruments"
"3630": {
"": 3630,
"": 5,
"category_1.ts": "2017-07-06 23:36:47",
"category_1.title": "Climatic, meteorological, oceanographic, and other models"
} |
11 | 2017-07-06 23:37:51 | APEX | autonomous profiling explorer | {
"11": {
"": 11,
"": 1,
"category_1.ts": "2017-07-06 23:36:47",
"category_1.title": "Standard technical abbreviations and acronyms"
"916": {
"": 916,
"": 2,
"category_1.ts": "2017-07-06 23:36:47",
"category_1.title": "Computer terms"
"1821": {
"": 1821,
"": 3,
"category_1.ts": "2017-07-06 23:36:47",
"category_1.title": "Institutions and units of institutions"
"2726": {
"": 2726,
"": 4,
"category_1.ts": "2017-07-06 23:36:47",
"category_1.title": "Programs, experiments, satellites, and instruments"
"3631": {
"": 3631,
"": 5,
"category_1.ts": "2017-07-06 23:36:47",
"category_1.title": "Climatic, meteorological, oceanographic, and other models"
} |
12 | 2017-07-06 23:37:51 | AXBT | airborne XBT | {
"12": {
"": 12,
"": 1,
"category_1.ts": "2017-07-06 23:36:47",
"category_1.title": "Standard technical abbreviations and acronyms"
"917": {
"": 917,
"": 2,
"category_1.ts": "2017-07-06 23:36:47",
"category_1.title": "Computer terms"
"1822": {
"": 1822,
"": 3,
"category_1.ts": "2017-07-06 23:36:47",
"category_1.title": "Institutions and units of institutions"
"2727": {
"": 2727,
"": 4,
"category_1.ts": "2017-07-06 23:36:47",
"category_1.title": "Programs, experiments, satellites, and instruments"
"3632": {
"": 3632,
"": 5,
"category_1.ts": "2017-07-06 23:36:47",
"category_1.title": "Climatic, meteorological, oceanographic, and other models"
} |
13 | 2017-07-06 23:37:51 | AXCTD | airborne expendable CTD | {
"13": {
"": 13,
"": 1,
"category_1.ts": "2017-07-06 23:36:47",
"category_1.title": "Standard technical abbreviations and acronyms"
"918": {
"": 918,
"": 2,
"category_1.ts": "2017-07-06 23:36:47",
"category_1.title": "Computer terms"
"1823": {
"": 1823,
"": 3,
"category_1.ts": "2017-07-06 23:36:47",
"category_1.title": "Institutions and units of institutions"
"2728": {
"": 2728,
"": 4,
"category_1.ts": "2017-07-06 23:36:47",
"category_1.title": "Programs, experiments, satellites, and instruments"
"3633": {
"": 3633,
"": 5,
"category_1.ts": "2017-07-06 23:36:47",
"category_1.title": "Climatic, meteorological, oceanographic, and other models"
} |
15 | 2017-07-06 23:37:51 | BP | before present | {
"15": {
"": 15,
"": 1,
"category_1.ts": "2017-07-06 23:36:47",
"category_1.title": "Standard technical abbreviations and acronyms"
"920": {
"": 920,
"": 2,
"category_1.ts": "2017-07-06 23:36:47",
"category_1.title": "Computer terms"
"1825": {
"": 1825,
"": 3,
"category_1.ts": "2017-07-06 23:36:47",
"category_1.title": "Institutions and units of institutions"
"2730": {
"": 2730,
"": 4,
"category_1.ts": "2017-07-06 23:36:47",
"category_1.title": "Programs, experiments, satellites, and instruments"
"3635": {
"": 3635,
"": 5,
"category_1.ts": "2017-07-06 23:36:47",
"category_1.title": "Climatic, meteorological, oceanographic, and other models"
} |
16 | 2017-07-06 23:37:51 | BT (XBT) | bathythermograph (expendable) | {
"16": {
"": 16,
"": 1,
"category_1.ts": "2017-07-06 23:36:47",
"category_1.title": "Standard technical abbreviations and acronyms"
"921": {
"": 921,
"": 2,
"category_1.ts": "2017-07-06 23:36:47",
"category_1.title": "Computer terms"
"1826": {
"": 1826,
"": 3,
"category_1.ts": "2017-07-06 23:36:47",
"category_1.title": "Institutions and units of institutions"
"2731": {
"": 2731,
"": 4,
"category_1.ts": "2017-07-06 23:36:47",
"category_1.title": "Programs, experiments, satellites, and instruments"
"3636": {
"": 3636,
"": 5,
"category_1.ts": "2017-07-06 23:36:47",
"category_1.title": "Climatic, meteorological, oceanographic, and other models"
} |
18 | 2017-07-06 23:37:51 | CAPE | convective available potential energy | {
"18": {
"": 18,
"": 1,
"category_1.ts": "2017-07-06 23:36:47",
"category_1.title": "Standard technical abbreviations and acronyms"
"923": {
"": 923,
"": 2,
"category_1.ts": "2017-07-06 23:36:47",
"category_1.title": "Computer terms"
"1828": {
"": 1828,
"": 3,
"category_1.ts": "2017-07-06 23:36:47",
"category_1.title": "Institutions and units of institutions"
"2733": {
"": 2733,
"": 4,
"category_1.ts": "2017-07-06 23:36:47",
"category_1.title": "Programs, experiments, satellites, and instruments"
"3638": {
"": 3638,
"": 5,
"category_1.ts": "2017-07-06 23:36:47",
"category_1.title": "Climatic, meteorological, oceanographic, and other models"
} |
19 | 2017-07-06 23:37:51 | CAPPI | constant-altitude plan position indicator | {
"19": {
"": 19,
"": 1,
"category_1.ts": "2017-07-06 23:36:47",
"category_1.title": "Standard technical abbreviations and acronyms"
"924": {
"": 924,
"": 2,
"category_1.ts": "2017-07-06 23:36:47",
"category_1.title": "Computer terms"
"1829": {
"": 1829,
"": 3,
"category_1.ts": "2017-07-06 23:36:47",
"category_1.title": "Institutions and units of institutions"
"2734": {
"": 2734,
"": 4,
"category_1.ts": "2017-07-06 23:36:47",
"category_1.title": "Programs, experiments, satellites, and instruments"
"3639": {
"": 3639,
"": 5,
"category_1.ts": "2017-07-06 23:36:47",
"category_1.title": "Climatic, meteorological, oceanographic, and other models"
} |
20 | 2017-07-06 23:37:51 | CAT | clear-air turbulence | {
"20": {
"": 20,
"": 1,
"category_1.ts": "2017-07-06 23:36:47",
"category_1.title": "Standard technical abbreviations and acronyms"
"925": {
"": 925,
"": 2,
"category_1.ts": "2017-07-06 23:36:47",
"category_1.title": "Computer terms"
"1830": {
"": 1830,
"": 3,
"category_1.ts": "2017-07-06 23:36:47",
"category_1.title": "Institutions and units of institutions"
"2735": {
"": 2735,
"": 4,
"category_1.ts": "2017-07-06 23:36:47",
"category_1.title": "Programs, experiments, satellites, and instruments"
"3640": {
"": 3640,
"": 5,
"category_1.ts": "2017-07-06 23:36:47",
"category_1.title": "Climatic, meteorological, oceanographic, and other models"
} |
21 | 2017-07-06 23:37:51 | CBL | convective boundary layer | {
"21": {
"": 21,
"": 1,
"category_1.ts": "2017-07-06 23:36:47",
"category_1.title": "Standard technical abbreviations and acronyms"
"926": {
"": 926,
"": 2,
"category_1.ts": "2017-07-06 23:36:47",
"category_1.title": "Computer terms"
"1831": {
"": 1831,
"": 3,
"category_1.ts": "2017-07-06 23:36:47",
"category_1.title": "Institutions and units of institutions"
"2736": {
"": 2736,
"": 4,
"category_1.ts": "2017-07-06 23:36:47",
"category_1.title": "Programs, experiments, satellites, and instruments"
"3641": {
"": 3641,
"": 5,
"category_1.ts": "2017-07-06 23:36:47",
"category_1.title": "Climatic, meteorological, oceanographic, and other models"
} |
22 | 2017-07-06 23:37:51 | CCN | cloud condensation nuclei | {
"22": {
"": 22,
"": 1,
"category_1.ts": "2017-07-06 23:36:47",
"category_1.title": "Standard technical abbreviations and acronyms"
"927": {
"": 927,
"": 2,
"category_1.ts": "2017-07-06 23:36:47",
"category_1.title": "Computer terms"
"1832": {
"": 1832,
"": 3,
"category_1.ts": "2017-07-06 23:36:47",
"category_1.title": "Institutions and units of institutions"
"2737": {
"": 2737,
"": 4,
"category_1.ts": "2017-07-06 23:36:47",
"category_1.title": "Programs, experiments, satellites, and instruments"
"3642": {
"": 3642,
"": 5,
"category_1.ts": "2017-07-06 23:36:47",
"category_1.title": "Climatic, meteorological, oceanographic, and other models"
} | | acronym.ts | acronym.initial | acronym.meaning | acronym.category_1_x_acronym_id |