You are browsing sample data. Buy download of full dataset or subscribe to API access with one of our member plans. | terminology.ts | | terminology.definition | terminology.publish_year | terminology.source | terminology.en_name | terminology.ext_cn | terminology.full_subject_name | terminology.category | | terminology.version | terminology.also_name_id | terminology.other_lang_id | terminology.short_name_id | terminology.terminology_x_subject_id |
1 | 2018-05-09 23:29:56 | 薄荷油 | 薄荷的叶和茎适当干燥后再用水蒸气蒸馏而得的精油。 | 2016 | 林学名词 | oil of peppermint | 薄荷油 | 林学_林产化学加工_树木分泌物与提取物 | A | 第二版 | { "1": { "": 1, "also_name.ts": "2018-05-09 23:29:56", "also_name.zh_also_name": "薄荷原油", "also_name.en_also_name": "" } } | { "1": { "": 1, "other_lang.ts": "2018-05-09 23:29:56", "other_lang.other_lang": "oil of peppermint" }, "2": { "": 2, "other_lang.ts": "2018-05-09 23:29:56", "other_lang.other_lang": "mint oil" } } | {} | { "1": { "": 1, "": 1, "subject.ts": "2018-05-09 23:29:56", "subject.subject_name": "林学", "subject.subject_name_2": "树木分泌物与提取物" } } | |
2 | 2018-05-09 23:29:56 | 薄荷油 | 薄荷的叶和茎适当干燥后再用水蒸气蒸馏而得的精油。 | 2011 | 材料科学技术名词 | oil of peppermint | 薄荷油 | 材料科学技术_天然材料 _木材 _林产化工材料 | A | 第一版 | { "2": { "": 2, "also_name.ts": "2018-05-09 23:29:56", "also_name.zh_also_name": "薄荷原油", "also_name.en_also_name": "" } } | { "3": { "": 3, "other_lang.ts": "2018-05-09 23:29:56", "other_lang.other_lang": "oil of peppermint" }, "4": { "": 4, "other_lang.ts": "2018-05-09 23:29:56", "other_lang.other_lang": "mint oil" } } | {} | { "2": { "": 2, "": 2, "subject.ts": "2018-05-09 23:29:56", "subject.subject_name": "材料科学技术", "subject.subject_name_2": "林产化工材料" } } | |
3 | 2018-05-09 23:29:56 | 薄荷油 | 2014 | 海峡两岸材料科学技术名词 | mint oil | 薄荷油 | 材料科学技术 | B | 薄荷油 | 第一版 | {} | { "5": { "": 5, "other_lang.ts": "2018-05-09 23:29:56", "other_lang.other_lang": "mint oil" }, "6": { "": 6, "other_lang.ts": "2018-05-09 23:29:56", "other_lang.other_lang": "peppermint oil" } } | {} | { "3": { "": 3, "": 3, "subject.ts": "2018-05-09 23:29:56", "subject.subject_name": "材料科学技术", "subject.subject_name_2": "材料科学技术" } } | |
4 | 2018-05-09 23:29:56 | 薄荷油 | 2017 | 海峡两岸化学工程名词 | peppermint oil | 薄荷油 | 化学工程(第二版) | B | 薄荷油 | 第二版 | {} | { "7": { "": 7, "other_lang.ts": "2018-05-09 23:29:56", "other_lang.other_lang": "peppermint oil" } } | {} | { "4": { "": 4, "": 4, "subject.ts": "2018-05-09 23:29:56", "subject.subject_name": "化学工程(第二版)", "subject.subject_name_2": "化学工程(第二版)" } } | |
5 | 2018-05-09 23:29:56 | 薄荷原油(=薄荷油) | 2014 | 海峡两岸材料科学技术名词 | 薄荷原油薄荷油 | 材料科学技术 | B | 第一版 | {} | {} | {} | { "5": { "": 5, "": 3, "subject.ts": "2018-05-09 23:29:56", "subject.subject_name": "材料科学技术", "subject.subject_name_2": "材料科学技术" } } | |||
6 | 2018-05-09 23:29:56 | 电荷转移 | 在外来辐射的激发下,同时具有电子给予体和电子接受体的分子实体,吸收辐射能,使电子从给予体向接受体转移的过程。 | 2016 | 化学名词 | charge-transfer | 电荷转移 | 化学_无机化学_无机固体化学 | A | 第二版 | { "3": { "": 3, "also_name.ts": "2018-05-09 23:29:56", "also_name.zh_also_name": "电荷迁移", "also_name.en_also_name": "" } } | { "8": { "": 8, "other_lang.ts": "2018-05-09 23:29:56", "other_lang.other_lang": "charge-transfer" } } | { "1": { "": 1, "short_name.ts": "2018-05-09 23:29:56", "short_name.short_name": "荷移" } } | { "6": { "": 6, "": 6, "subject.ts": "2018-05-09 23:29:56", "subject.subject_name": "化学", "subject.subject_name_2": "无机固体化学" } } | |
7 | 2018-05-09 23:29:56 | 螺纹脂 | 1994 | 石油名词 | thread compound | 螺纹脂 | 石油_石油钻采机械设备 | A | 第一版 | {} | { "9": { "": 9, "other_lang.ts": "2018-05-09 23:29:56", "other_lang.other_lang": "thread compound" } } | {} | { "7": { "": 7, "": 7, "subject.ts": "2018-05-09 23:29:56", "subject.subject_name": "石油", "subject.subject_name_2": "石油钻采机械设备" } } | ||
8 | 2018-05-09 23:29:56 | 润滑性 | 润滑剂减少摩擦和磨损的能力。 | 2000 | 机械工程名词 第一分册 | lubricity | 润滑性 | 机械工程_机械工程基础 _摩擦学 _润滑 | A | 第一版 | {} | { "10": { "": 10, "other_lang.ts": "2018-05-09 23:29:56", "other_lang.other_lang": "lubricity" } } | {} | { "8": { "": 8, "": 8, "subject.ts": "2018-05-09 23:29:56", "subject.subject_name": "机械工程", "subject.subject_name_2": "润滑" } } | |
9 | 2018-05-09 23:29:56 | 尖峰负荷 | 在给定的期间(如:一天)系统负荷较高时间段的负荷值。一天中可能有多于一个峰荷时间段。 | 2009 | 电力名词 | peak load | 尖峰负荷 | 电力_电力系统 | A | 第二版 | {} | { "11": { "": 11, "other_lang.ts": "2018-05-09 23:29:56", "other_lang.other_lang": "peak load" } } | { "2": { "": 2, "short_name.ts": "2018-05-09 23:29:56", "short_name.short_name": "峰荷" } } | { "9": { "": 9, "": 9, "subject.ts": "2018-05-09 23:29:56", "subject.subject_name": "电力", "subject.subject_name_2": "电力系统" } } | |
10 | 2018-05-09 23:29:56 | 基本负荷 | 一般指最低负荷以下部分的负荷。 | 2009 | 电力名词 | base load | 基本负荷 | 电力_电力系统 | A | 第二版 | {} | { "12": { "": 12, "other_lang.ts": "2018-05-09 23:29:56", "other_lang.other_lang": "base load" } } | { "3": { "": 3, "short_name.ts": "2018-05-09 23:29:56", "short_name.short_name": "基荷" } } | { "10": { "": 10, "": 9, "subject.ts": "2018-05-09 23:29:56", "subject.subject_name": "电力", "subject.subject_name_2": "电力系统" } } | |
11 | 2018-05-09 23:29:56 | 干酪根 | 1994 | 石油名词 | kerogen | 干酪根 | 石油_油气地质勘探 _油气成因 | A | 第一版 | {} | { "13": { "": 13, "other_lang.ts": "2018-05-09 23:29:56", "other_lang.other_lang": "kerogen" } } | {} | { "11": { "": 11, "": 11, "subject.ts": "2018-05-09 23:29:56", "subject.subject_name": "石油", "subject.subject_name_2": "油气成因" } } | ||
12 | 2018-05-09 23:29:56 | 沥青砂 | 1994 | 石油名词 | tar sand | 沥青砂 | 石油_油气地质勘探 _油气地质勘探测量 | A | 第一版 | {} | { "14": { "": 14, "other_lang.ts": "2018-05-09 23:29:56", "other_lang.other_lang": "tar sand" } } | {} | { "12": { "": 12, "": 12, "subject.ts": "2018-05-09 23:29:56", "subject.subject_name": "石油", "subject.subject_name_2": "油气地质勘探测量" } } | ||
13 | 2018-05-09 23:29:56 | 松醇油 | 1999 | 冶金学名词 | pine camphor oil | 松醇油 | 冶金学_选矿 _浮选及药剂 | A | 第一版 | {} | { "15": { "": 15, "other_lang.ts": "2018-05-09 23:29:56", "other_lang.other_lang": "pine camphor oil" } } | {} | { "13": { "": 13, "": 13, "subject.ts": "2018-05-09 23:29:56", "subject.subject_name": "冶金学", "subject.subject_name_2": "浮选及药剂" } } | ||
14 | 2018-05-09 23:29:56 | 负荷铸型 | 1993 | 地质学名词 | load cast | 负荷铸型 | 地质学_岩石学 | A | 第一版 | {} | { "16": { "": 16, "other_lang.ts": "2018-05-09 23:29:56", "other_lang.other_lang": "load cast" }, "17": { "": 17, "other_lang.ts": "2018-05-09 23:29:56", "other_lang.other_lang": "load structure" } } | {} | { "14": { "": 14, "": 14, "subject.ts": "2018-05-09 23:29:56", "subject.subject_name": "地质学", "subject.subject_name_2": "岩石学" } } | ||
15 | 2018-05-09 23:29:56 | 间接喷射式柴油机 | 将燃油喷入分开式燃烧室的副室的柴油机。 | 2013 | 机械工程名词 第五分册 | diesel indirect injection engine | 间接喷射式柴油机 | 机械工程_动力机械_内燃机_发动机 | A | 第一版 | { "4": { "": 4, "also_name.ts": "2018-05-09 23:29:56", "also_name.zh_also_name": "非直喷式柴油机", "also_name.en_also_name": "" } } | { "18": { "": 18, "other_lang.ts": "2018-05-09 23:29:56", "other_lang.other_lang": "diesel indirect injection engine" } } | { "4": { "": 4, "short_name.ts": "2018-05-09 23:29:56", "short_name.short_name": "间喷式柴油机" } } | { "15": { "": 15, "": 15, "subject.ts": "2018-05-09 23:29:56", "subject.subject_name": "机械工程", "subject.subject_name_2": "发动机" } } | |
16 | 2018-05-09 23:30:02 | 薄荷醇 | 属于类环己烷单萜衍生物。存在于薄荷油中。天然的薄荷醇呈左旋,具有抗菌消炎作用,可用于皮肤病的外用洗剂。 | 2008 | 生物化学与分子生物学名词 | menthol | 薄荷醇 | 生物化学与分子生物学_脂质 | A | 第二版 | {} | { "19": { "": 19, "other_lang.ts": "2018-05-09 23:30:02", "other_lang.other_lang": "menthol" } } | {} | { "16": { "": 16, "": 16, "subject.ts": "2018-05-09 23:30:02", "subject.subject_name": "生物化学与分子生物学", "subject.subject_name_2": "脂质" } } | |
17 | 2018-05-09 23:30:02 | 烃源岩 | 1994 | 石油名词 | source rock | 烃源岩 | 石油_油气地质勘探 _油气成因 | A | 第一版 | {} | { "20": { "": 20, "other_lang.ts": "2018-05-09 23:30:02", "other_lang.other_lang": "source rock" } } | {} | { "17": { "": 17, "": 17, "subject.ts": "2018-05-09 23:30:02", "subject.subject_name": "石油", "subject.subject_name_2": "石油_油气地质勘探 _油气成因" } } | ||
18 | 2018-05-09 23:30:02 | 油页岩 | 灰分高于50%的腐泥型固体可燃矿产。 | 2008 | 煤炭科学技术名词 | oil shale | 油页岩 | 煤炭科学技术_煤田地质与勘探 _成煤作用 | A | 第一版 | {} | { "21": { "": 21, "other_lang.ts": "2018-05-09 23:30:02", "other_lang.other_lang": "oil shale" }, "22": { "": 22, "other_lang.ts": "2018-05-09 23:30:02", "other_lang.other_lang": "kerogen shale" } } | {} | { "18": { "": 18, "": 18, "subject.ts": "2018-05-09 23:30:02", "subject.subject_name": "煤炭科学技术", "subject.subject_name_2": "成煤作用" } } | |
19 | 2018-05-09 23:30:02 | 油源层 | 1994 | 石油名词 | oil source bed | 油源层 | 石油_油气地质勘探 _油气成因 | A | 第一版 | {} | { "23": { "": 23, "other_lang.ts": "2018-05-09 23:30:02", "other_lang.other_lang": "oil source bed" } } | {} | { "19": { "": 19, "": 17, "subject.ts": "2018-05-09 23:30:02", "subject.subject_name": "石油", "subject.subject_name_2": "石油_油气地质勘探 _油气成因" } } | ||
20 | 2018-05-09 23:30:02 | 油页岩 | 灰分高于50%的腐泥型固体可燃矿产。 | 2009 | 电力名词 | oil shale | 油页岩 | 电力_燃料 | A | 第二版 | {} | { "24": { "": 24, "other_lang.ts": "2018-05-09 23:30:02", "other_lang.other_lang": "oil shale" } } | {} | { "20": { "": 20, "": 20, "subject.ts": "2018-05-09 23:30:02", "subject.subject_name": "电力", "subject.subject_name_2": "燃料" } } | | | terminology.ts | | terminology.definition | terminology.publish_year | terminology.source | terminology.en_name | terminology.ext_cn | terminology.full_subject_name | terminology.category | | terminology.version | terminology.also_name_id | terminology.other_lang_id | terminology.short_name_id | terminology.terminology_x_subject_id |